bereavement support schedule


bereavement support schedule
Community outreach program for people who are grieving the death of a loved one h Straight Talk About Grief and Loss ....................... Mondays, October 5 – December 21 x 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Fletcher Parkway Medical Center, 8881 Fletcher Parkway (Room 340), La Mesa, CA 91942 This series of 12 weekly presentations and discussions will focus on practical concerns of adults who have experienced personal loss. See other side for more details and a list of dates and topics. Drop‐in group — no pre‐registration or screening required h Parent Loss Group................................................................. Tuesdays, October 13 – December 1 x 6:00 – 7:30 P.M.
Fletcher Parkway Medical Center, 8881 Fletcher Parkway (Room 340), La Mesa, CA 91942 This eight‐week group will address the concerns of men and women who have gone through the life‐changing experience of losing a parent. To register call voice mail 619‐667‐1821 (see box below) by September 25, 2009 h Widows/Widowers’ Group .......................... Wednesdays, October 21 – December 9 x 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Fletcher Parkway Medical Center, 8881 Fletcher Parkway (Room 340), La Mesa, CA 91942 This eight‐week group will address concerns of men and women who have lost their spouse. Participants will share their emotional challenges, receive support from others in similar life situations, and learn coping skills. To register call voice mail 619‐667‐1821 (see box below) by October 9, 2009 TO REGISTER. To register for Parent Loss or Widows/Widowers’ Group, please call voice mail 619‐667‐1821. Leave your name, phone number, and name of the group. A staff member will call to confirm your request. Registration is not necessary for Straight Talk About Grief and Loss. For the events listed below, see registration information provided for each event. NOTES. Applicants will need to complete a screening interview prior to participation in Parent Loss and Widows/Widowers’ Group. Sharp HospiceCare reserves the right to decline participation to any applicant. Space is limited — register early. NO FEES. Sharp HospiceCare offers groups and special events at no cost (unless noted). Donations are graciously accepted. h Healing Through the Holidays ................................................................... Monday, November 9 x 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
Sharp HealthCare Headquarters, 8695 Spectrum Center Blvd. (Auditorium), San Diego, CA 92123 This special event will feature presentations on understanding grief, improving coping skills, exploring the spiritual meaning of the holidays in the face of grief, and reviving hope. Refreshments will be provided. To register call Marj Maynard at 619‐667‐1900 by October 30, 2009 Healing Through the Holidays (one-hour version)
Two one‐hour versions of Healing Through the Holidays will be offered for those who are not able to attend the full‐length special event described above. See other side for dates, times, locations, and registration information. _________________________________________________________________________________________
h Comunicación Directa sobre Duelo y Pérdida
Se reúne 11 miercoles: del 7 de octubre 2009 al 27 de enero 2010 x 5:30 – 7:30 P.M. Centro de convalencia del hospital de Birch Patrick, salón familiar, 751 Medical Center Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91911 Esta serie de presentaciones y conversaciones semanales están dirigidas a aquellos adultos que han perdido a un ser querido. Favor de ver el reverso para más información, lista de fechas y temas a desarrollar. Abierto y sin costo alguno — no se requiere inscripción o cuota para participar ¬¬¬ bringing comfort to each day
8881 Fletcher Parkway x La Mesa, CA 91942 x (619) 667-1900 x
Always Open
Comunicación Directa sobre
Duelo y Pérdida
No Registration or Fee
Grupo de apoyo ante la pérdida de un ser querido
Straight Talk About Grief and Loss
These weekly presentations and discussions are devoted to topics of interest for adults who have lost a loved one. Presented by trained bereavement professionals, the sessions focus on practical concerns of people who have experienced personal loss. Ample time is allotted for individual questions, discussion, and support in an atmosphere of privacy and respect. Meets Mondays, October 5 – December 21, 2009 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. y 8881 Fletcher Parkway (Fletcher Parkway Medical Center) Room 340, La Mesa, CA 91942 Oct. 5 .............................. Introduction to the Grief Process Oct. 12 ...................................... Common Myths About Grief Oct. 19 ................................. Reaction of Family and Friends Oct. 26 .............................. Strategies for Coping with Grief Nov. 2 ........................................ Experiencing Anger in Grief Nov. 9 .......................NO GROUP (plan to attend “Healing Through the Holidays” — see other side) Nov. 16 ............................................... Guilt vs. Regret in Grief Nov. 23 ................................................... Depression and Grief Nov. 30 ...........Who Am I Now? Identity Issues and Grief Dec. 7 ...................................... What Does Better Look Like? Dec. 14 ............ Coping Skills to Survive the Holidays and Promote Healing Dec. 21 .................. Remembering Your Loved One During the Holidays Healing Through the Holidays
(one-hour version)
Two one‐hour versions of Healing Through the Holidays will be offered as follows: y Thursday, November 12, 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M., at Grossmont HealthCare District (Board Conference Room), 9001 Wakarusa Street, La Mesa, CA 91942. To register call 1‐800‐82‐SHARP (1‐800‐827‐4277). y Tuesday, December 1, 10:00 to 11:00 A.M., at Sharp Memorial Outpatient Pavilion (Classroom B), 3075 Health Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92123. To register call 1‐800‐82‐SHARP (1‐800‐827‐4277). (See other side for information about the full‐length Healing Through the Holidays special event scheduled for Monday, November 9.). Abierto y sin costo alguno
No se requiere inscripción o cuota para participar
Esta serie de presentaciones y conversaciones semanales están dirigidas a aquellos adultos que han perdido a un ser querido. Estos seminarios estarán facilitados por profesionistas expertos en el área de consejería de duelo. En estas reuniones Ud. recibirá sugerencias prácticas que le ayudarán a hacerle frente a los estragos que deja una pérdida personal. Habrá tiempo suficiente para hacer todo tipo de preguntas y comentarios en un ambiente de apoyo, respecto y privacidad. Se reúne 11 miercoles: del 7 de octubre 2009 al 27 de enero 2010 y 5:30 – 7:30 P.M. y Centro de convalencia del hospital de Birch Patrick, salón familiar, 751 Medical Center Ct., Chula Vista, CA 91911 7 de octubre ................ Introducción al proceso de duelo 14 de octubre ................ Mitos sobre el proceso de duelo 28 de octubre .................... Las reacciones de familiares y amigos ante nuestro dolor 11 de noviembre ..............Estrategias para hacerle frente al dolor 18 de noviembre .............................................. Coraje y duelo 9 de diciembre ............ Como manejar fechas especiales y aniversarios 16 de diciembre ................................. Culpabilidad contra el arrepentimiento en el duelo 6 de enero .................................................. Depresion y duelo 13 de enero ............... El uso de ritual para aliviar el duelo 20 de enero .......¿Y ahora, quién soy? Duelo e identidad 27 de enero ......... ¿Qué significa, “Ya me siento mejor?” Commitment.
Our focus is to provide grief education, support and referral services; to increase community awareness and knowledge of the needs of those who are grieving; and to provide education to the community and professionals about death and dying, the grieving process and their unique requirements for support. Staff.
Bereavement services are provided by mental health professionals who specialize in the needs of the bereaved.