South Beaver Dam - Beaver Dam Unified School District
South Beaver Dam - Beaver Dam Unified School District
South Beaver Dam October 2012 H e l l o S o u t h B e a ve r D a m F a m i l i e s … . . T h e ye a r i s o f f a n d r u n n i n g ! W e h a d a g r e a t f i r s t m o n t h o f s ch o o l a t S B D . T h e s t a f f a n d s t u d e n t s a r e f o cu s e d o n l e a r n i n g a n d h a ve s e t t l e d i n t o t h e n e w s c h o o l ye a r . T h e m o n t h o f S e p t e m b e r wa s a b u s y o n e ! S t u d e n t s s p e n t t i m e g e t t i n g r e a c q u a i n t e d wi t h t h e i r t e a ch e r s a n d wi t h e a c h o t h e r . A I M S we b ( s e e b e lo w) a n d M A P a s s e s sm e n t s we r e c o m p l e t e d , a n d t e a c h e r s w i l l u s e t h i s d a t a t o g u i d e i n s t r u c t i o n i n r e a d i n g a n d m a t h . A s a l wa ys , we l o o k f o r wa r d t o wo r k i n g w i t h t h e f a m i l i e s a n d s t u d e n t s o f S o u t h B e a ve r D a m ! M a r y K l a wi t t e r , P r i n c i p a l The Six Pillars of Character (Definitions for Young People) TRUSTWORTHINESS Be honest. Don’t deceive, cheat or steal. Be reliable—do what you say you’ll do. Have the courage to do the right thing. Build a good reputation. Be loyal—stand by your family, friends and country. FAIRNESS Play by the rules. Take turns and share. Be open-minded; listen to others. Don’t take advantage of others. Don’t blame others carelessly. RESPECT Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule. Be tolerant of differences. Use good manners, not bad language. Be considerate of the feelings of others. Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone. Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements. CARING Be kind. Be compassionate and show you Care. Express gratitude. Forgive others. Help people in need. RESPONSIBILITY Do what you are supposed to do. Persevere: keep on trying! Always do your best. Use self-control: be self– disciplined. Think before you act— consider the consequences. Be accountable for your choices. CITIZENSHIP Do your share to make your school and community better. Cooperate. Stay informed; vote. Be a good neighbor. Obey laws and rules. Protect the environment. The Goal of Character Education The goal of character education is to build in the young attitudes, habits, instincts and predispositions toward doing what is right because it is right, not because it is advantageous. Teach and show: 1. The ability to discern right from wrong and propriety from impropriety. 2. The commitment to do what is right and proper. In most of the ethical problems we face, we know what we should do. We know what is right. The issue is: Are we willing to do what is right when it costs more than we want to pay? SBD S CHOOL B OOK F AIR The Book Fair is ONLINE! Every Reader is a Star Send wish lists and eCards to family and friends Find books for everyone, from preschool to adults All purchases benefit the school And—orders ship to school for FREE! (October 10th-24th) Book Fair will be the same days as the parent/teacher conferences, from 4:15-7:45 and on the 18th and the 19th over the lunch hours. PTO School store is two Tuesdays a month. The next school store will be open on October 9th over lunch hour. We collect Campbell’s labels, Box Tops, milk caps, toner cartridges and Our Family labels to raise money for the school. More info will be coming on each of these, but start saving now! The next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, October 2nd at 5:30 in the Art Room. All parents of SBD children are invited. We will be discussing future activities and fundraisers. If you can’t make it and want to be a part of the group, please give your email address or phone number to Miss White and someone will contact you. PTO also sponsors Popcorn Friday once a month. It’s normally the last Friday of the month. Green Valley comes in and gets all the supplies (bought by PTO) and they cook the popcorn. Then they deliver it to all the classrooms at the end of the day. HALLOWEEN DANCE WHEN: Friday, October 19th TIME: 6:30-8:00 WHERE: SBD Gymnasium There will be a DJ Kids are to wear costumes Treats & beverages will be available Student Services Information Today’s youth are faced with many challenges, temptations, and decision-making situations. As the Student Services Team (school social worker, school psychologist, school counselor and school nurse) at South Beaver Dam School, we will continue to provide students with information, support, encouragement, and instruction as it has in the past year. We assist students in developing personal, social, educational and vocational skills in order to be successful in today’s world. The Student Services Team assists students in a variety of ways. Student service workers may lead a classroom discussion from time to time as it relates to classroom needs and character education themes. New this year, the school counselor will be teaching Life Skill lessons in each classroom. Life Skill lessons will teach skills related to empathy, problem-solving, getting along with others, skills for learning, and career awareness. Many students also participate in small group work. These small groups will focus on a variety of topics ranging from getting along with others, personal growth, study skills, and any others. In addition, students have the opportunity to speak individually to student services team members if requested by parents, teachers, or themselves. If ongoing individual services are requested, written parent permission is required. Student services staff are here to help you and your children. As parents, you are welcome to contact any of the team members if you are in need of information or support. If you have any questions or do not want your child to participate in small group work, please feel free to contact any of the student services workers by calling the school at 885-7383. Donna Pivonka School Psychologist Marilyn Brink School Counselor Sarah Connaughty School Social Worker Kristin Chitko Health Services Supervisor P ARENT/ TEACHER C ONFERENCES *Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 4:15 to 7:45 p.m. *Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 4:15 to 7:45 p.m. There is no better way to support your child’s education than by attending parent/teacher conferences this month. Fall conferences provide important two way communication. You will leave with a better undemanding of your child’s current school performance. Your child’s teacher will gain a deeper understanding of your child as a person from your keen parental insights. Appointment slips will be sent home on Monday, September 24th. Please return them by October 5th so I can schedule your appointment and send home a confirmation October 12th. Conference requests: 1. Be on time. Conference schedules are tight with very little room for late arrivals 2. Remember that conferences are brief. Conference lasts approximately 15 minutes. If you feel you need additional time, please ask for a follow up session. 3. One conference per child. Multiple household families are asked to attend the same conference. PILLAR OF THE MONTH RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility is this month’s Character Counts pillar. Create opportunities at home for your children to strengthen their responsibility pillar. Each month we focus on a character pillar. BAND/ORCHESTRA CORNER M U S I C C O R N ER DATES TO NOTE!! DATE TO NOTE!! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH @ HS TUESDAY, MAY 14TH @ HS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6 SOUTH BEAVER DAM HOLIDAY CONCERT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 6:30 P.M. MONDAY, FEBRAURY 4TH (PARADE OF BANDS) THURSDAY, FEBRARY 14TH (STRING FLING) Important Information Be sure to notify the office if you will be picking your child up from school. Parents are asked to come into the building to pick up their children. If your child is sick, please call in by 8:30 a.m. to Miss White at 920-885-7383 ext 4600. Your child will be marked unexcused otherwise. Thank you! If your child goes to the Dr., please bring a Dr.’s excuse when your child comes back to school. Please do not drop your children off before 8:30 a.m. There is no supervision! NO SCHOOL/LATE START Late Start - October 9th - Please make sure you do not drop your child off before 10:30. The buses will run 2 hours late. There will be no breakfast served that day. No School - October 26th B US SAFETY I S E VERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY Stay seated Keep hands to self Use indoor voices No food or drink If you haven’t already done so, you may want to write your child’s name on their backpack! This really helps us return them to their rightful owner when they are left behind on the bus. V ISION S CREENING Vision Screening was done at SBD school on September 21st. Students in grades 1, 3, and 5 were screened. Kindergarten students will be screened for both vision and hearing in January. Students in other grades may be screened throughout the school year for hearing and vision concerns at the request of teachers or parents. Hearing and vision screening is done by the Health Services Supervisor/School Nurse. This vision screening DOES NOT replace a professional eye examination. It is designed to detect those children who may have a vision problem. Because young children do not always know how well they should see, it is important their vision be checked. If there is any concern about your child’s vision results a note and referral form will be mailed to you. A referral does not mean that your child needs glasses or treatment; however, it does mean your child should have a complete eye examination. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this vision screening, please contact our school nurse, Kristin Chitko, RN, at 885-7313 ext. 1137. Security Reminder South Beaver Dam School utilizes a security system that includes a surveillance camera and an intercom. The front door will always be locked. Parents, and other visitors, who wish to enter the building during the school day need to push the buzzer to the left of the doors. Office staff will then ask you to check-in at the office immediately upon entering the building. All visitors, including parents, need to sign in at the office. The procedures help us secure your child’s safety. Thank you for cooperating. HALLOWEEN CANDY Please keep Halloween candy at home. It is counter-productive for students to bring candy to school. They become upset to their stomachs, behavior is affected, and it can be distracting. Thank you! Stephen Vessey ♦ District Superintendent ♦ (920) 885-7300 ♦ [email protected] September 2012 Dear Parents/Guardians: Throughout the school year inclement weather conditions may arise. The decision to delay or close school is made prior to 6:00 a.m., based on district policy and procedure and the best available weather information. Please listen to radio stations WBEV 1430AM / WXRO 95.3FM or WMDC 98FM or watch Cable TV Channel 98 (Charter customers) or 993 (digital customers); Madison TV Channels WISC 3, WMTV 15, or WKOW 27; or Milwaukee TV Channels TMJ 4, WITI 6, WISN 12, or WDJT 58 for the latest weatherrelated announcements. Weather-related announcements will also be posted on the front page of the district's website and on and Most television stations also post school closings on their individual websites. If you feel the weather conditions pose an undue risk for your child, you are encouraged to use your own judgment in making a decision whether or not to send your child to school. First and Foremost: You Make the Call You are always the best judge of your own situation and what is best for your child. If school is held, and you find it is safer for your child to stay home or report late, we will strongly support your decision. The district makes a decision prior to 6:00 a.m. about what is best for all students and staff and that decision may not fit your individual situation. Closing Due to Snow and Ice The district reviews the weather conditions with Weather Central in Madison and with the bus transportations company. Safety is always our top priority. Whether or not the conditions will be improving throughout the day is also considered. Closing Due to Extreme Cold When the wind chill reaches dangerous levels, school may be delayed or canceled depending on the duration of the conditions. It is important to have your child dressed appropriately for all weather conditions. Early Dismissal Early dismissal is not an option we like to use unless conditions are expected to get worse throughout the day. This is primarily due to the fact that many parents work and the children are safer at school. Please try to have a plan in place to handle late starts and early dismissals. It is helpful if your child is aware of the plan. Your Understanding and Cooperation is Appreciated For every person who is happy with a weather-related decision, there is someone who is unhappy. We appreciate your understanding of the difficulties and the timing of our decision. Your support in helping your child get to and from school safely on winter days is sincerely appreciated. Sincerely, Stephen Vessey District Superintendent Stephen Vessey District Superintendent (920) 885-7300 [email protected] Hasta al día información meteorológica en español, llame: 920-885-7520 #6. Estimados Padres: A través del año escolar las condiciones atmosféricas pueden incrementar. La decisión de retrasar o cancelar la escuela se tomara antes de las 6:00 de la mañana y será basada en la póliza del distrito en la mejor información disponible del tiempo. Por favor escuche la estación de radio WBEV 1430AM / WXRO 95.3FM o WMDC 98FM o vea el canal de televisión 98(clientes de Charter) o 993 (clientes digitales); canales de Madison WISC 3, WMTV 15, o WKOW 27; o los canales de Milwaukee TMJ 4, WITI 6, WISN 12, o WDJT 58 para las recientes informaciones relacionadas con el tiempo. Anuncios relacionados con el clima también se publicarán en la página principal de sitio web del distrito y en y La mayoría de las estaciones de televisión también posterior cierre de escuelas en sus sitios de web individuales. Si usted cree que las condiciones atmosféricas plantean un riesgo indebido para su niño, use su propio juicio y tome la decisión de enviar o no enviar su hijo a la escuela. Aquí le mandamos algunas recordatoria sobre el cambio del tiempo. Sobre todo: Usted decide primero Ustedes son los mejores jueces para decidir lo mejor para su niño. Si hay escuela pero usted siente que es mas seguro de que su hijo permanezca en el hogar o esperar un poco mas tarde, nosotros los apoyaremos en su decisión. El distrito tomara una decisión antes de las 6:00 de la mañana pensando en lo mejor para todos los estudiantes y los empleados, esa decisión puede que no encaje con su situación individual. Cerrado por causa de la nieve o hielo El distrito repasa las condiciones atmosféricas con la central del tiempo de Madison. Nos ponemos en contacto con la compañía de autobuses, así como los individuales que viven en diferentes partes del distrito y tienen que conducer temprano en la mañana. La seguridad es siempre nuestra prioridad principal. Si las condiciones del tiempo van a mejorar durante el día esto será tomado en consideración. Debido a un frío extremado Cuando la frialdad del viento alcanza los 35 grados debajo del nivel cero para todo el día, generalmente no habrá escuela durante todo el día. Si se espera que las condiciones mejoren durante el día, la escuela posiblemente no cerrara. Es muy importante que usted se asegure que su niño esta abrigado para las condiciones del tiempo. Cancelar la escuela temprano El cancelar la escuela temprano no es una opción que tenemos el gusto de utilizar a menos que se espere que las condiciones empeoren a lo largo del día. Esto es sobre todo debido al hecho de que muchos padres trabajan y los niños están más seguros en la escuela. Por favor tenga un lugar donde su niño pueda ir en caso de que la escuela empezara mas tarde o se cancela temprana. Es beneficioso para su niño que sepa de este plan. Su Comprensión y Cooperación es Apreciada Por cada persona que esta contenta con la decisión tomada relacionada con el tiempo, hay otra persona que no lo esta. Nosotros apreciamos su compresión en la dificultad en tomar una decisión en un tiempo sincronizado. Su apoyo en ayudar a su niño a ir a la escuela y volver a casa si ningún incidente es sinceramente apreciado. Hasta al día información meteorológica en español, llame: 920-885-7520 #6. Sincerely, Stephen Vessey District Superintendent IMPORTANT ALLERGY INFORMTION PLEASE SAVE THIS LIST Snack List for Eating Around a Peanut or Nut Allergic Child At South Beaver Dam Elementary School we are trying to be more peanut/nut aware. This means avoiding having foods in school containing nuts and peanuts as these can cause life-threatening allergic reactions for some students. Here are some suggestions of what would be a healthy snack for your child to bring that would not pose a problem. This is NOT a list of "safe snacks" for peanut allergic children, rather a safe list for non-peanut allergic children to eat around a peanut allergic child. Please note, products and their ingredients can change at any given time. Always read the ingredients before you purchase a product. 100 Calorie packs: Cheese Nips 100 calorie packs: Lorna Doones 100 calorie packs: Mister Salty chocolate covered pretzels 100 calorie packs: Oreos Caned/Individually packed fruit (peaches, pineapple, applesauce, etc) Cheerios (plain, fruity, multigrain or apple cinnamon) Cheese sticks Cheez-It Crackers (cheddar, white cheddar, or jack) Cheez-It Party Mix Cinnamon toast Crunch Cocoa Puffs Crispix cereal Farley or Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks Fresh Fruit Fritos Fruit Loops Go-gurt Handi-Snacks (Ritz Cheese and Crackers, Premium Breadsticks and cheese, Oreo cookie and crème) Honey Maid Graham Sticks (Cinnamon, honey, chocolate) Jello Jello Pudding Jello gelatin/fruit cups Keebler Club Crackers Keebler Graham Crackers Kelloggs Gripz (Sunshine Cheezit and Chips Deluxe) Kelloggs Nutrigrain Bar (fruit flavors) Kelloggs Nutrigrain yogurt Bar (strawberry or vanilla) Kelloggs Rice Krispie Treats (regular and strawberry) Quaker Life or Cinnamon Life Cereal Rold Gold Pretzels Saltine crackers Special K cereal Special K snack bar (chocolate, strawberry, vanilla) Kraft American cheese slices Nabisco Newtons (fig or strawberry) Nabisco Teddy Grahams (Chocolate, Vanilla, Honey) NabiscoToasted chips (Ritz original, Ritz Cheddar, Wheat Thins) Nabisco Wheat Thins Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cereal (cinnamon or honey) Oceanspray Craisins Oysterette Crackers Peperidge Farm goldfish, pretzel fish Pop-Secret/Orville Redenbacher popcorn Sunmaid Raisins Tostitos Triscuits Vegetables Yogurt (NOTE: Most Lance brand cheese crackers are made with peanuts and therefore, not safe.) PLEASE DO NOT SEND NUT PRODUCTS TO SCHOOL FOR LUNCH OR SNACKSTHERE ARE STUDENTS WITH LIFE-THREATENING ALLERGIES AT SCHOOL. CHILD DEVELOPMENT DAYS Child Development Days is a free preschool screener for children age 3 in the Beaver Dam Unified School District. The purpose of the screening is to: Provide information and materials to support your child’s health, learning, growth and development. Identify children who are experiencing delays and may need further assessment. Inform parents of community-based resources and services that are available. Your child will be screened in a child-friendly setting by trained early childhood educators who will be conducting a play-based screening. After the screening is completed you will have an opportunity to speak with an early childhood specialist about your child’s development. Refreshments will be provided and all participating children will receive a gift bag of age appropriate fun materials. Screenings will be held on October 11 & 12, 2012 at Prairie View Elementary School, 510 N. Crystal Lake Road. To schedule an appointment please call Rose at 885-7300 ext. 1129 Beaver Dam Unified School District In case of poor weather conditions please call the weather line to make sure schools will be open. The number is 920-885-7520 ext. 2400 Distrito Escolar de Beaver Dam En caso de mal tiempo les sugerimos que por favor llamen a la línea del tiempo en español para asegurarse de si habra escuela o no. El número es 920-885-7520 ext. 2401 TRACK MEETS HELPERS NEEDED DATE TO NOTE!! Mrs. Reihbandt needs some volunteering in the Library. If you could help, please call her at 885-7383 ext. 4625. TUESDAY, MAY 21 @ HS 4TH GRADE Thank you!! THURSDAY, MAY 23 @ HS 5TH GRADE The Beaver Dam Police Department will be conducting a Prescription Drug Collection At the POLICE DEPARTMENT located at 123 Park Ave. Enter off of Park Avenue and an officer will meet you. This is a FREE service. No questions asked. Help us prevent the theft, sale and abuse of prescription drugs in Beaver Dam! Human Growth and Development Library Resources The State of Wisconsin encourages all school districts to provide students in grades kindergarten to 12 with human growth and development (HG&D) instruction. The purpose is “to promote accurate and comprehensive knowledge in this area and responsible decision making and to support and enhance the efforts on parents to provide moral guidance to their children.” (Wisconsin Stature 118.019) In the Beaver Dam Unified School District, Human Growth and Development curriculum is emphasized at the 4 th and 5th grade levels. Each year parents of students in grade 4 receive a copy of the district’s Human Growth and Development Mission Statement and Guidelines. Prior to the beginning of the unit, parents of students in grade 4 and 5 receive notice of the HG&D curriculum used in their child’s grades. Parents are invited to preview all instructional materials before classroom presentations. The Beaver Dam Unified School District has additional and supplemental resources for both students and parents in each of the school libraries. The book What’s the Big Secret? Talking about Sex with Girls and Boys by Laurie Krasny Brown, illustrated by Marc Brown is available to all students. The following books are available to fourth and fifth grade students and may be checked out by younger students with parental permission. These include: Changes in You and Me, a Book About Puberty, Mostly for Boys by Paulette Bourgeois and Martin Wolfish, MD; Changes in You and Me, a Book About Puberty, Mostly for Girls by Paulette Bourgeois and Martin Wolfish, MD; and Love and Sex and Growing Up by Eric W. Johnson. Other highly reviewed resources include: The What’s Happening to My Body? Book for Boys by Lynda Madaras with Dane Saaverda; The What’s Happening To My Body? Book for Girls by Lynda Madaras with Area Madaras; and It’s Not the Stork! A Book About Girls, Boys, Babies, Bodies, Families, and Friends by Robie H. Harris. These are available for student checkout with parental permission. Parents are encouraged to utilize any of the district’s resources. Parents may check out materials for their own information or to be utilized and shared with their children at home. If parents have questions regarding the Human Growth and Development curriculum please contact your child’s teacher, school nurse and/or Louise Wilson, elementary health coordinator. Dear Parents, The School District and community of Beaver Dam will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 22-26, 2012. Red Ribbon Week serves as a vehicle for communities and individuals to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of our children through a dedication to drug prevention, education, and a personal commitment to live drug-free lives. Members of the Beaver Dam community will be invited to participate in a public art show. Everyone is invited to enter original artwork depicting how they plan to live their life “naturally high”. Prizes will be available at all age levels. Watch for further information sent home with your child and in media sources the week of Sept. 24th. This is a great opportunity to discuss the importance of living a life of excellence with your child! Mark your calendars Elementary Activities: October 1-17 – Students work on entries for the Red Ribbon Art Contest (contest information will be sent home the week of Sept. 24th). Wednesday, 10/17 – Take-home Red Ribbon Week Art Contest entries due. All entries will be on display at the Beaver Dam Community Library 10/22-10/26. Prizes distributed the evening of Oct. 22. Monday, 10/22 – “Sock it to drugs” – wear mismatched or crazy socks. Tuesday, 10/23 – “Being Drug Free is No Sweat” - Wear sweats to school Wednesday, 10/24 – “Better things to do than drugs” – wear your favorite sport/ activity. Thursday, 10/25 – “I believe in ME to be drug free” – wear red. Sign Drug Free Pledge. Friday, 10/26 – No School October 2012 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 PTO Meeting 5:30-6:30 7 8 9 Shelby Grunst LATE START Ashton Priewe School Store 14 15 16 17 18 19 Remington 20 Posthuma Book Fair 11:45-12:40 P/T Conferences 4:15-7:45 Halloween Dance 6:30-8:00 Book Fair Book Fair 11:45-12:40 4:15-7:45 21 22 Wear mismatched or crazy socks! 28 29 23 24 25 26 P/T Conferences / Book Fair 4:15-7:45 Kaylin Wedel Wear your RED!! NO SCHOOL 1 2 School Store Wear your favorite sport/ activity shirt! 30 31 Wear Sweats! 27 3 Jack Stiemsma Eric Bradley Shayla Grebel Oops! We missed a birthday last month. Happy late birthday to Sophia Tovar who celebrated her birthday on Sept. 6th. Happy Birthday Kids! Can you find your name on the calendar?
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