BISHOP - Diocese of Yakima
BISHOP - Diocese of Yakima
RITE OF ELECTION 2014 Procession of Banners, Catechumens, Candidates and Sponsors PROCESSION: Lenten Litany O God, hear our prayer; wake your power and come to us. O Dios, escucha nuestra oración; despierta tu poder y ven a nosotros. GREETING BISHOP: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ALL: And with your spirit. BISHOP: Opening Remarks BISHOP: Oremos Padre, Todo Poderoso y Eterno A través de la disciplina de esta cuaresma, ayúdanos a comprender el significado de la muerte y resurrección de tu Hijo, y enséñanos a reflejarlo en nuestras vidas. Te lo pedimos por Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Tu Hijo, que contigo vive y reina en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. LITURGY OF THE WORD Cycle A 1st Reading Psalm Gospel: Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 Read in Spanish Sung by Choir Matthew 4:1-11 English BISHOP: Homily 1 of 12 CELEBRATION OF ELECTION PRESENTATION OF THE CATECHUMENS ROGER: Bishop Tyson, Easter is drawing near, and so these catechumens, whom I now present to you, are completing their period of preparation. They have found strength in God’s grace and support in our community’s prayers and example. Now they ask that after the celebration of the scrutinies, they be allowed to participate in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. FR CÉSAR: As I call the name of your parish, those who are to be chosen in Christ, that is, ONLY those to be baptized at Easter Vigil come forward, together with your godparents. All candidates for full communion please remain seated. Cuando pronuncie el nombre de su parroquia, aquellos que van a ser elegidos en Cristo, es decir, SÓLO aquellos que van a ser bautizados en la Vigilia Pascual, junto con sus padrinos, por favor pasen al frente. Todos los demás candidatos permanezcan sentados. Chairman calls each parish by name. Each RCIA Director presents the parish Book of the Elect to Bishop. Director reads the names of the catechumens. Then return to your pews. CHOIR: Blessed be God! O blessed be God! Who calls you by name, holy and chosen one. This response is sung between the call to each parish. ROGER: After all parishes have been called Have all parishes present been called? 2 of 12 AFFIRMATION BY THE GODPARENTS FR. CÉSAR: Godparents of those to be baptized please stand with your Catechumen where you are. Padrinos de los catecúmenos, favor de ponerse de pie en su lugar con su Catecúmeno. BISHOP: +La Santa Madre Iglesia desea ahora saber si estos catecúmenos están lo suficientemente preparados para ingresar al grado de los elegidos en las próximas solemnidades de la Pascua. Y por eso me dirijo primero a ustedes, sus padrinos. - Have they faithfully listened to God’s word proclaimed by the Church? Godparents: They have. Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. - ¿Han respondido a esa palabra y han comenzado a caminar en la presencia de Dios? Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. Godparents: They have. - Have they shared the company of their Christian brothers and sisters and joined with them in prayer? Godparents: They have. Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. 3 of 12 INVITATION AND ENROLLMENT OF NAMES BISHOP: And now, my dear catechumens, I address you. Your own godparents and teachers have spoken in your favor. The Church in the name of Christ accepts their judgment and calls you to the Easter sacraments. Since you have already heard the call of Christ, you must now express your response to that call clearly and in the presence of the whole Church. Therefore, - Do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist? Catechumens: We do. - Por lo tanto, ¿quieren ustedes iniciarse plenamente en la vida de la Iglesia por medio de los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Confirmación y la Eucaristía? Catecúmenos: Sí, queremos. ACT OF ELECTION Question and response to be said in each language. BISHOP: I now declare you to be members of the elect, to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil. Elect: Thanks be to God. BISHOP: Ahora los declaro miembros de los elegidos, para ser iniciados en los sagrados misterios durante la próxima Vigilia Pascual. Elegidos: Demos gracias a Dios. 4 of 12 APPLAUSE BISHOP: Addressing Elect God is always faithful to those he calls: now it is your duty, as it is ours, both to be faithful to him in return and to strive courageously to reach the fullness of truth, which your election opens up before you. BISHOP: Addressing godparents Padrinos, ustedes han hablado a favor de estos catecúmenos: acéptenlos ahora como elegidos en el Señor y continúen apoyándolos por medio de su cuidado amoroso y ejemplo constante, hasta que reciban los sacramentos de la vida divina. FR. CÉSAR: Elect and godparents please be seated. Elegidos y padrinos favor de sentarse. 5 of 12 CELEBRATION OF THE CALL TO CONTINUING CONVERSION OF CANDIDATES WHO ARE PREPARING FOR CONFIRMATION AND EUCHARIST, AND FOR RECEPTION INTO THE FULL COMMUNION OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES ROGER: Bishop Tyson, I now present to you the candidates who seek to complete their Christian initiation, and the candidates who are preparing to be received into full communion of the Catholic Church. They too have found strength in God’s grace and support in our community’s prayers and example. Now they ask that after this Lenten season, they be admitted confirmation and the Eucharist, and to full Eucharistic sharing. BISHOP: As you notice, those preparing to be baptized, with their name written in the Book of Elect, were presented to me as the Bishop of Yakima. You who are candidates, those to be received into the full communion of the Church at Easter Vigil are already baptized - we honor your baptism while you are already sitting as part of the assembly. Como acaban de ver, aquellos que se están preparando para ser bautizados, con su nombre escrito en el Libro de los Elegidos, fueron presentados ante mi como su Obispo de Yakima. Ustedes que son candidatos, es decir aquellos que van a ser recibidos en Plena Comunión con la Iglesia durante la Vigilia Pascual y que ya están bautizados – nosotros honramos su bautismo y por eso están con nosotros como parte de la comunidad de bautizados en la asamblea. 6 of 12 Directors will have candidates stand in the aisle FR. CÉSAR: As Bishop comes to you, please candidates only stand when your director calls your name. Cuando el Señor Obispo se acerque a ustedes candidatos solamente, pónganse de pie cuando el director diga su nombre. Hand held mic needed. Se necesita micrófono de mano. CHOIR: Sing at the end of the list for each parish. Christ will be your strength, learn to know and follow him. Cristo te fortalezca, conócelo y síguelo. FR. CÉSAR: after all parishes have been called Have all parishes present been recognized? ¿Se ha nombrado a todas las parroquias? Coordinators please invite your group to be seated once you have called their names…at least the first few groups so they will get the picture not to remain standing throughout. After all are called and presented, Bishop returns to the sanctuary and addresses the sponsors and candidates. FR. CÉSAR: Candidates for Full Communion, and baptized candidates preparing to receive confirmation and Eucharist, please stand with your sponsors. Candidatos para plena comunión y candidatos ya bautizados que se están preparando para recibir la confirmación y la Eucaristía, favor de ponerse de pie junto con sus padrinos. AFFIRMATION BY THE SPONSORS FR. CÉSAR: The Christian life and the demands that flow from the sacraments cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, before granting these candidates their request to share fully in the 7 of 12 Church’s sacraments, it is important that the Church hear the testimony of their sponsors about their readiness. La vida Cristiana y las exigencias que se derivan de los Sacramentos no se pueden tomar a la ligera, por lo tanto, antes de concederles a estos candidatos su petición de compartir plenamente en los Sacramentos de la Iglesia. Es importante que la Iglesia oiga el testimonio de sus padrinos sobre su disposición de vivir según el Evangelio. BISHOP: Sponsors, have they faithfully listened to the apostles’ instruction proclaimed by the Church? Sponsors: They have. Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. BISHOP: Padrinos, ¿han llegado a un aprecio más profundo de su Bautismo, en el cual fueron unidos a Cristo y Su Iglesia? Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. Sponsors: They have. BISHOP: Have they reflected sufficiently on the tradition of the Church, which is their heritage, and joined their brothers and sisters in prayer? Sponsors: They have. Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. BISHOP: ¿Han avanzado en la vida de amor y servicio a los demás? Padrinos: Sí, lo han hecho. Sponsors: They have. 8 of 12 ACT OF RECOGNITION BISHOP: Mis queridos candidatos, la Iglesia reconoce de quedar sellados con el don del Espiritu Santo y el deseo de ustedes de participar en la mesa eucarística de Cristo. Únanse a nosotros esta Cuaresma en un espíritu de arrepentimiento. Escuchen el llamado a la conversión y sean fieles a su alianza bautismal. Candidatos: Demos gracias a Dios. BISHOP: The Church recognizes your desire to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and to have a place at Christ’s Eucharistic table. Join with us this Lent in a spirit of repentance. Hear the Lord’s call to conversion and be faithful to your baptismal covenant. Candidates: Thanks be to God. BISHOP: Sponsors, continue to support these candidates with your guidance and concern. May they see in you a love for the Church and a sincere desire for doing good. Lead them this Lent to the joys of the Easter mysteries. 9 of 12 FR. CÉSAR: Please stand for the intercessions. Por favor póngase de pie para las peticiones. INTERCESSIONS FOR THE ELECT AND THE CANDIDATES BISHOP: My brothers and sisters, in beginning this period of Lent, we look forward to celebrating at Easter the life-giving mysteries of our Lord’s suffering, death, and resurrection. These elect and candidates, whom we bring with us to the Easter sacraments, will look to us for an example of Christian renewal. Let us pray to the Lord for them and for ourselves, that we may be renewed by one another’s efforts and together come to share the joys of Easter. DEACON: That together we may fruitfully employ this Lenten season to renew ourselves through self-denial and works of holiness, we pray to the Lord: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. R:/ Óyenos, mi Dios, óyenos, mi Dios, Listen to your people, óyenos, mi Dios, - Por nuestros catecúmenos, para que recordando el día de su elección, permanezcan siempre agradecidos por esta bendición, oremos: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. - That our candidates preparing for confirmation and eucharist, and reception into the full communion of the 10 of 12 Catholic Church may grow daily in fidelity to their baptismal covenant, we pray to the Lord: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. - Por sus maestros, para que siempre muestren la belleza de la palabra de Dios a aquellos que la buscan, oremos: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. - That their godparents and sponsors may be living examples of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. - Por sus familias, para que no poniéndoles ningún impedimento, los ayuden a seguir la inspiración del Espíritu Santo, oremos: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. - That our community, during this Lenten period, may grow in charity and be constant in prayer, we pray to the Lord: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. - Por todos los que todavía dudan, para que fiándose de Cristo lleguen con decisión a unirse a nuestra comunidad como hermanos y hermanas, oremos: Choir: Sung response after each intercession. PRAYER OVER THE ELECT AND CANDIDATES BISHOP: Father of love and power, it is your will to establish everything in Christ and to draw us into his all-embracing love. Guide these chosen ones: strengthen them in their vocation, build them into the kingdom of your Son, 11 of 12 and seal them with the Spirit of your promise. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R./ Amen. BLESSING: The Lord be with you…. Que la bendición de Dios Todopoderos + Padre + Hijo + y Espíritu Santo descienda sobre ustedes y permanezca para siempre. All: Amén. RECESSIONAL: Led By The Spirit Recession of Elect and Candidates 12 of 12