830-672-2945 Fax Phone: 830-672-1058


830-672-2945 Fax Phone: 830-672-1058
Hope Guevara
St. James Catholic Church
Bulletin 515358
Office Phone: 830-672-2945
Fax Phone: 830-672-1058
Catholic Community of Gonzales
and Waelder
417 N. College St. Gonzales, Texas 78629
Parish Office.......................... (830) 672-2945
Fax .......................................... (830) 672-1058
Religious Education ............. (830) 672-6291
Sacred Heart Hall ................. (380) 672-6230
Website: ……………………………ccgaw.org
Saint James
At College and St. Lawrence
Sacred Heart
At St. John and St. Lawrence
Saint Patrick
In Waelder on Hwy 90
Parish Staff:
Father Paul Raaz………………………………...Pastor
Father Jason Martini……………….Parochial Vicar
Mrs. Hope Guevara………………………….Secretary
Ms. Patty Rodriguez…..Coordinator of Relig. Ed
Rev. Mr. Terry Brennan……………………….Deacon
Rev. Mr. Alfonso Moreno…………………….Deacon
Rev. Mr. John Klapuch………………………..Deacon
Mr. Tommy Irle………….Custodian/Maintenance
Our Mission
The St. James and Sacred Heart Catholic communities
– blessed with the love of the Father, through faith in
Jesus Christ and with guidance from the Holy Spirit –
will work together to form one unified Catholic and
apostolic Church committed to hospitality, stewardship
and fellowship among diverse parishioners through
religious education and a dedication to believing, living
and sharing the Word of God.
Page Two
Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder
Monday, 10/19
No Mass
Tuesday, 10/20
6:30 A.M. Bubba Pirkle by Debbie Jozwiak
Rudy Hobizal by Jay Tinsley Family
Birthday Blessings for Willis by Jay Tinsley Fam.
9:30 A.M. For Vocations
6:00 P.M. For World Peace
Wednesday, 10/21
10:00 A.M. For Priests/Religious
5:30 P.M. Ruby Kapavik by Agnes Gast/Family (SJ)
Thursday, 10/22
12:00 P.M. For All Souls to Answer the Call to
Holiness by M/M Marcos Flores
Friday, 10/23
6:30 A.M
Ruby Kapavik by M/M Larry Mercer (SH)
Saturday, 10/24
5:30 P.M. Baptism Blessings For Marcos G.
Flores by Family
Harrell Frederick by Amy/Reid Loehman
Ruth Valenta by Family
Edwin/Frances Malatek by Family
Rudy Hobizal by Bobby/Josie Tomas
Charlie/Annie Siegel by Family
Sunday, 10/25
8:00 A.M. Bernardo Jimenez, Javier, Lilia &
Christi Castillo by Castillo family
Sabino Gutierrez by Family
Isabel/Anastacio Monjaraz by Family
9:30 A.M
Colby Brown by Family
Leon Ornelas by M/M Leroy Ornelas
Edward/France Peterek (Wedd. Ann.)
by Family
11:30 A.M. Guadalupe Macias by Family
5:15 P.M. For The People of The Parish
God’s work of salvation is the
focus of this weekend’s readings. From
the prophetic event of Isaiah to Jesus’
understanding of the human condition in
Hebrews, concluding with Jesus paying
our ransom in Mark, God is in control.
There may be failings and misunderstandings along the way. We may move away from God,
but at our conversion, God leads us back. Like James and
John, we may let greed and power blur our vision of what
Jesus wants us to know about the Kingdom; but tirelessly
we are taught and re-taught what life in the Kingdom will
be. Jesus has paid our ransom to ensure that we will share
in the Kingdom.
It is not unusual to think of Jesus’ ransom as a punishment that he endured. However, it is more accurate,
and more like Jesus, for us to recognize ransom as God’s
gift to us.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Ministers for Next Sunday
Thank You for Serving
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
Sun Oct 18, 11 am………………………………………...K-5th
Sun Oct 18, 6:15 pm, SHH…….Teen/Young Adult Bible Study
Tue Oct 20, 6:30 pm, SJCR…………………..ACTS Core Mtg.
Tue Oct 20, 6:30 pm, SPC……………….Pastoral Council Mtg.
Wed Oct 21, 6:30 pm…………………………………….6-12th
Fri Oct 23, SHC.…………………………Eucharistic Adoration
Sun Oct 25, 11 am………………………………………...K-5th
Sun Oct 25, 6:15 pm, SHH…….Teen/Young Adult Bible Study
Sun Oct 25, 6:15 pm, SHH………………………Baptism Class
Our community blesses Jose Guerrero and Maria Rosario
Granados, who celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony this Saturday, October 24, 3 pm at Sacred Heart. Congratulations, Jose
and Maria!
2nd Collection This Weekend: MISSION SUNDAY.
2nd Collection Next Week at St. Pat: JEREMIAH FUND.
Haunting Question: Why is it that people say they “slept like
a baby” when babies wake up every two hours?
October 18, 2015
11:30 AM
5:15 PM
Priscilla Finch
Min. of Comm.: Deacon
Tim/Michelle Decker
Ushers: Keith Elstner/Billy Mikesh
Mary Ann Brzozowski/Butch Jackson
Lector: Max Moreno/Angela Moreno/
Osvaldo Castelan
Min. of Comm.: Deacon Alfonso
Lucio Colchado/Sandra Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez/Olivia Moreno
Greg Tieken
Min. of Comm.: Deacon
Leticia Cenotti/Martha Jo Guerra
Jeff Simper/Michael Simper
Nolan Blundell/Tim Knesek
Lector: Anita Mar
Min. of Comm.: Deacon Alfonso
Sam/Janie Melchor
Lector: Pam Such
Min. of Comm.: Deacon
Jose Rodriguez/Devon Lopez
Nuestra comunidad bendice a José Guerrero y María Rosrio
Granados, que celebran el Sacramento de Matrimonio este sábado, octubre 24, 3 pm en Sagrado Corazón. ¡Felicidades, José y
2ª Colecta en Este Fin de Semana: DOMINGO DE LAS MISIONES.
2a Colecta el Próximo Fin de Semana en St. Pat: FUNDO
Para considerar: ¿Porqué dicen la gente que “dormí como bebito” cuando los bebitos se despiertan cada dos horas?
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Work Detail: We invite all to help with the final cleanup of
our thirteen-acre site, to take place Saturday, Oct. 31, 8 am; to
do a final trim and to remove the remnants of the old building
and other debris. We are in need of loading equipment, flatbeds
and trailers to haul it off, and of course your willing hands.
Thanks for your help!
Gonzales Youth Center Barbecue is this Sunday, Oct. 18, 11
am - 2 pm in the Jr. High Cafeteria. $10/plate; dine in or drive
through. It’s a worthy cause; we invite your support!
All Souls Novena: Today, our boxes and slips are placed for
you to submit the names of those you would like remembered
in the Novena of Mass for All Saints/All Souls Days, beginning
November 2. We invite all to participate in this time-honored
practice of offering this prayer for your deceased loved ones.
Cemetery Masses:… will take place at Waelder Community
Cemetery Sunday, Nov. 1, 11:30 am, and at Gonzales Catholic
Cemetery on Monday, Nov. 2, at 6 pm. A meal at St. Patrick
Hall will follow the 11:30 Sunday mass in the cemetery. Battery-operated luminaries will be provided for your use at the
Gonzales Cemetery Mass; we ask your donation of $10.00, to
help with cemetery expenses.
Remembering those who have died during the past year: At
a special mass at 2:00 pm on Sunday, Nov. 1 at St. James, we
will remember our parishioners and their immediate family
members who have died since last All Souls' Day. Anyone
wishing to remember an immediate family member at this special liturgy should call our office, 672-2945, to add them to the
list. At the mass, their name will be called and you and your
family will be invited to come forward and light a candle in
their memory. A brief reception will be held at St. James Hall
after the mass; all are invited!
Festival for Kids/Families: Friday, Oct. 30, 5-8 pm at St.
James Hall. For all the kids of our parish. Food, entertainment,
games, movie! Free admission. Dress - if you want - com
dressed at your favorite saint or super-hero. All are welcome!
Sponsored by our Nueva Vida (New Life) Ministry.
Family Night at St. Patrick’s: Thursday, Oct. 29, 6 pm.
Theme: All Saints/Souls. All are welcome! Food, fun, prayer.
Antorcha Guadalupana: Our Catholic Community has a
great tradition of receiving the Torch of Guadalupe, handcarried from Mexico City to New York as a symbol of Mary,
Evangelizer of the Americas, and a call to unity among all her
people. The Torch will arrive in Gonzales the evening of
Wednesday, Nov. 4, and will be celebrated with a special mass
and meal at Sacred Heart. Mark the date!
Archdiocesan Assembly: Online registration is underway for
this event, taking place Saturday, Nov. 7 at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio. Workshop topics include Liturgy, Consecrated Life, Spiritual Wellness, the Call to Holiness, Unity,
www.assembly.archsa.org or call 210-734-1653. There is a $20
registration fee; our Catholic Community will reimburse any
parishioners who sign up and attend.
Eucharistic Adoration this Friday: Sacred Heart - 6:30 am 10 pm.
Page Three
Se necesitan trabajadores: Invitamos a todos para finalizar la
limpiada de nuestro nuevo sitio, que tomará lugar el sábado, oct.
31, 8 am, para quitar la basura que existe. Se necesitan también
las máquinas - trailers, trukas, etc. para llevar la basura; y también sus manos. ¡Gracias por su ahyuda!
Venta de Platos de BBQ este domingo, oct. 18, 11 am - 2 pm
para el beneficio del Gonzales Youth Center. Jr. High Cafeteria.
$10/plato. ¡Invitamos su apoyo en este esfuerzo!
Novenario para los Fieles Difuntos: Hoy se colocan las cajas
y hojitas para que sometieran los nombres de los fallecidos que
quieren recordar en el novenario de misas empezando noviembre 2. Invitamos la participación de todos en esta tradición de
ofrecer esta oración para todos fieles difuntos.
Misas en los Cementerios:… tomarán lugar en el Cementerio
Comunitario de Waelder el domingo, nov. 1, 11:30 am, y en el
Cementerio Católico de Gonzales el lunes, nov. 2, a las 6 pm.
Habrá una comida en el salón de San Patricio después de la misa
de 11:30. Habrá luminarios con baterías, para su uso; pedimos
un donativo de $10 cada uno, para ayudar con los gastos.
Recordando a los que fallecieron en el año pasado: En una
misa especial a las 2 pm el domingo, nov. 1 en St. James, reordaremos nuestros paroquianos que fallecieron en el año pasado.
Los que quieren recordar un miembro de su familia - esposo/a,
hermano, padre/madre, hijo/a, debe de llamar a nuestra oficina,
672-2945. En la misa, se llamará su nombre, y usted y su familia estarán invitados a prender una vela en su memoria. Habrá
una recepción breve en el salón después de la misa; todos son
Fiesta Para Niños/Familias: el Viernes, oct. 30, 5-8 pm en el
Salón de St. James. Para todos los niños de nuestra parroquia.
Comida, diversión, juegoe, cine! No hay cobra. Si quieres, vengas vestido como tu santo favorito, o héroe. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Patrocinado por el Ministerio Nueva Vida.
Noche Familiar en San Patricio: Jueves, oct. 29, 6 pm. Tema:
Todos los Santos. ¡Todos son bienvenidos! Comida, diversión,
Antorcha Guadalupana: Nuestra Comunidad Católica ha desarrollado una gran tradición de recibir la Antorcha cada año,
llevado a mano desde la Basilica de Guadalupe en México a
Nueva York, como símbolo de María, Evangelizadora de las
Américas, y una llamada a la unidad entre todo su pueblo. La
Antorcha llegará en Gonzales la tarde de miércoles, nov. 4, y
celebrada con una misa especial y comida en Sagrado Corazón.
¡Marquen la fecha!
Asamblea Arquidiocesana: Se les recuerda que se están llenando los lugares para asistir a la Asamblea 2015. Aprovecha
este evento de formación espiritual para crecer como un Discípulo Misionero de Jesucristo. Esta reunión simboliza la unidad
de la Iglesia en San Antonio, al tiempo que reunirá a miles de
católicos de los diversos ministerios, vocaciones, y disciplinas
para experimentar un encuentro más profundo con nuestro Señor
como Líderes al servicio del Pueblo de Dios. Vaya a
www.assembly.archsa.org o marque 210-734-1653.
Adoración Eucarística este viernes: Sagrado Corazón - 6:30
am - 10 pm.
St. James Church
Flowers at the Tabernacle: Carrie Tinsley
Flowers at the Altar:
in memory of George Ara by family
Flowers at the Altar:
in thanksgiving for Mason by Darren/
Pam Parker
Sacred Heart Church
Flowers at the Altar: Birthday of Christina Gutierrez
Flowers at the Pulpit: in memory of Candido/Carmen Molina
by family
Sacrificial Giving: Thank You!
St. James
Sacred Heart $2,278.15
St. Patrick
$ 748.05
Sacred Heart Guadalupanas will meet every first Saturday of the
month and participate in the 8:00 A.M. Mass every first Sunday of the
St. Patrick’s Guadalupanas will meet every first Sunday of the month.
Knights of Columbus participate in the 9:30 A.M. Mass every fourth
Sunday of the month and meet at 7 P.M. every second Wednesday of the
month at the K.C. Hall. Officer/Business meeting held on the last Tuesday of the month at 6 P.M.
The Altar Society will meet every second Tuesday of the month in the
conference room at 9 A.M.
ACTS Core Committee will meet every third Tuesday of the month in
the CCD Center at 6:30 P.M.
Catholic Daughters of America will meet every fourth Tuesday of the
month in the St. James Hall at 6 P.M.
Sacred Heart Choir practice every Wednesday at 7 pm at Sacred Heart
Parish Hall .
The Holy Rosary will be recited before the 9:30 A.M. mass by the
following: 1st Sunday-Youth, 2nd Sunday-St. James Altar Society, 3rd
Sunday-Catholic Daughters of America, 4th Sunday-Knights of
Columbus, and 5th Sunday-Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus.
El Santo Rosario se reza cada Domingo antes de la misa de 8:00 A.M.
Divine Mercy Monday-Friday @ 3 pm at Sacred Heart Church.
The Holy Rosary will be recited every Monday @ 6:30 P.M. at Sacred
Heart Church.
Bible Study every Monday @ 7:30 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Hall.
Estudio Bíblico Lunes a las 7:30 P.M. en el Salón de Sacred Heart.
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday after 5:30
P.M. Mass at St. James Church.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday after the 6:30
A.M. Mass.
Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21
Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21;
Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 12:49-53
Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94;
Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9
Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6;
Mk 10:46-52
Office Hours
8:30—12:00 PM
1:00 PM—5:30 PM
Office E-mail: [email protected]
Fr. Paul’s E-mail: [email protected]
CCD Office E-mail: [email protected]
Sacrament of Baptism
Interview with Parents
Bring State Birth Certificate—required
Second Tuesday of Each Month
anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at office
or second Tuesday of Each Month
anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 PM at St. Patrick
or by special appointment with Deacon.
Class for Parents and Godparents
4th Sunday of Each Month
6:15 PM at Sacred Heart
Baptism celebrated at the end of any Sunday Mass
Preparation may be done before child is born.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please Call Office
At least Six Months Prior to wedding
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:30-5:15 PM (St. James)
Tuesday 5:15-5:45 PM (St. Patrick)
Immediately before or after Masses (on request)
or by special appointment
Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Call office or join our RCIA group
Mass Schedule
5:30 PM—St. James
8:00 AM—Sacred Heart (Spanish)
9:30 AM—St. James
11:30 AM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English)
5:15 PM—Sacred Heart
no services
6:30 AM—St. James
9:30 AM—Texan Nursing/Rehab. (every other week)
6:00 PM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English)
10:00 AM—The Heights Nursing/Rehab. (every other week)
5:30 PM—St. James
12:00 PM—Sacred Heart
6:30 AM—St. James (on First Fridays —
Sacred Heart)