Biblioteca Lugo nº 39
Biblioteca Lugo nº 39
BOLETÍN 39 BIBLIOTECA COAG LUGO. As condicións de utilización da biblioteca son as seguintes: Consulta libre na propia biblioteca. Préstamo por un prazo de 20 días prorrogables a outros 20, sempre e cando o libro non fose solicitado por outro usuario. O número máximo de obras en préstamo (libros, revistas, CD’s ou vídeos indistintamente) é de 6. Ó recibi-lo préstamo o colexiado faise responsable da correcta manipulación e devolución dos exemplares, podendo solicitárselle a reposición dos exemplares prestados; de non producirse a devolución poderán cargárselle os custos derivados da reposición da obra non devolta. AV Monografías Número 150 (VII-VIII 2011) MADE IN CHINA Luis Fernández-Galiano: El panda y el dragón The Panda and the Dragon Un país en tres miradas /A Country in Three Glances Li Xiangning Claves de la arquitectura china actual Key Concepts of Chinese Architecture Today Wang Lu La presencia de arquitectos extranjeros The Presence of Foreign Architects Tang Keyang El espacio público, tradición y transformación Tradition and Transformation in Public Space Doce obras en una ruta / Twelve Works in an Itinerary Casa Qingshui, Pekín Qingshui House, Beijing Dong Yugan Residencia de artistas Songzhuang, Pekín Songzhuang Artist’s Residence, Beijing Tiantian Xu / DnA Casa Cóncava, Benxi (Liaoning) Concave House, Benxi (Liaoning) Lei Tao Architect Studio Museo de Ordos, Ordos (Mongolia Interior) Ordos Museum, Ordos (Inner Mongolia) MAD Architects Museo de la Ruta de la Seda, Xian (Shaanxi) Silk Road Museum, Xian (Shaanxi) Liu Kecheng Centro de visitantes del río Niyang, Daze (Tibet) Niyang River Visitor Center, Daze (Tibet) StandardArchitecture & Zhao Yang Studio Museo de artesanía del papel, Xinzhuang (Yunnan) Museum of Handcraft Paper, Xinzhuang (Yunnan) Hua Li / Tao Tulou urbano, Guangzhou (Guangdong) Urban-Tulou Dwellings, Guangzhou (Guangdong) Urbanus Campus de Xiangshan, Hangzhou (Zhejiang) Xiangshan Campus, Hangzhou (Zhejiang) Amateur Architecture Studio Centro comunitario, Yangzhou (Jiangsu) Community Center, Yangzhou (Jiangsu) Zhang Lei / AZL Architects Jardín de infancia en Jiading, Shanghái Kindergarten in Jiading, Shanghai Atelier Deshaus Hotel The Waterhouse at South Bund, Shanghái The Waterhouse at South Bund Hotel, Shanghai Neri & Hu AV Monografías Número 146 (XI-XII 2010) NIETO & SOBEJANO Luis Fernández-Galiano. Cultura de concurso / Competition Culture Doce años críticos / Twelve Critical Years Richar Ingersoll En el mundo como en casa, un itinerario At Home in the World, a Comprehensive Journey Jürgen Tietz Desde Berlín, en conversación con el contexto From Berlín, in Conversation with Context Fuensanta Nieto y Enrique Sobejano La ventana y el espejo, marcos de reflexión The Window and the Mirror, Frames of Thought Doce obras interpretadas / Twelve Interpreted Works Un vacío oculto A cancealed Void Castillo de La Luz La Luz Castle 1999-2004, Las Palmas Campo arqueológico Archeological Grounds Museo Madinat al-Zahra Madinat al-Zahra Museum 1999-2009, Córdoba El tiempo histórico Historical Time Museo Nacional Colegio de San Gregorio San Gregorio School National Museum 2000-2009, Valladolid Proceso aditivo Addition Process Museo Canario Canary Islands Museum 2003-2012, Las Palmas Cuadros de una exposición Paintings of an Exhibition Museo Moritzburg Moritzburg Museum 2004-2008, Halle La cubierta como generador The Roof as Generator Ampliación de la sede de Kastner & Öhler Kastner & Ölher Headquarters Extension 2005-2012, Graz En el límite urbano On the Urban Boundary Museo San Telmo San Telmo Museum 2005-2011, San Sebastián Serie combinatoria Combinatorial Series Palacio de Congresos de Aragón Congress Center of Aragón 2005-2008, Zaragoza Memoria e invención Memory and Invention Centro de Creación Contemporánea Contemporary Art Center 2005-2011, Córdoba Superficies profundas Deep Surfaces Museo Joanneum Joanneum Museum 2006-2012, Graz El paisaje pedagógico Pedagogical Landscape Museo Interactivo de la Historia Interactive Museum of History 2007-2012, Lugo Densidad e Hibridación Density and Hybridation Mercado, Polideportivo y Biblioteca Barceló Barceló Market, Sports Center and Library 2007-2012, Madrid GA DOCUMENT 119 Zaha Hadid CMA CGM Tower Marseille, France Zaha Hadid Roca London Gallery London, U.K. OMA Maggie's Gartnavel Glasgow, U.K. OMA Expansion of MNBAQ/ Musee National des BeauxArts du Quebec Quebec City, Canada OMA Stadskantoor Rotterdam Rotterdam, The Netherlands Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue/EMBT Youth Music School and Auditorium (extension) Hamburg, Germany Morphosis Vialia Vigo Vigo, Spain Jean Nouvel Frasers Broadway Residences and Serviced Apartments Sydney, NSW, Australia Norman Foster Hermitage Towers Paris, France Renzo Piano Valletta City Gate Valletta, Malta Renzo Piano Kimbell Art Museum Expansion Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. Coop Himmelblau Martin Luther Church Hainburg Hainburg, Austria Ryue Nishizawa Hiroshi Senju Museum Karuizawa Nagano, Japan GA DOCUMENT 118 Steven Holl Cite de l'Ocean et du Surf Biarritz, France Steven Holl Hangzhou Normal University Cangqian Performing Arts Center, Art Museum and Arts Quadrangle Hangzhou, China Peter Zumthor Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 London, U.K. Selgascano Merida Factory Youth Movement Merida, Spain Zaha Hadid Riverside Museum, Glasgow Glasgow, U.K. Zaha Hadid London Aquatic Centre London, U.K. Zaha Hadid Sheikh Zayed Bridge Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Zaha Hadid Hongqiao SOHO Shanghai, China Fernando Romero Soumaya Museum Mexico City, Mexico Aires Mateus Houses for Elderly People in Alcacer do Sal Alcacer do Sal, Portugal Alberto Kalach Kurimanzutto Art Gallery Mexico City, Mexico Tadao Ando Stone Sculpture Museum Bad Munster am SteinEbernburg, Germany Tadao Ando Carlos Place “silence” (Connaught Hotel) London, U.K. Jurgen Mayer H. Metropol Parasol Seville, Spain Irisarri + Pinera Edifice for C.O.A.G. in Vigo and Plaza del Pueblo Gallego Vigo, Spain GA HOUSES 124 SPBR Arquitetos House in Ubatuba Kengo Kuma Lake House David Hertz 747 Wing House Residential Masterpieces: Oscar Niemeyer, Roberto Burle Marx Edmundo Cavanelas House, Brazil Keisuke Maeda Pit House Hisaaki Yaita + Naoko Yaita Patio Ruy Ohtake Lucia Koch Residence Address Residential Flat Akihisa Hirata Coil Alphaville Dig in the Sky Kimihiko Okada Toda House Furniture Designers Campana Brothers GA HOUSES 123 Hirotaka Kidosaki Guest House with Lake View Aires Mateus House in Leiria Satoshi Okada Villa A Peter Stutchbury Paddock House Elements on Residence Kei'ichi Irie: Spiral Ken Yokogawa Hironaka House (Polyhedron/Tokyo) Residential Masterpieces: Vilanova Artigas Baeta's House Sao Paulo, Brazil Nitsche Arquitetos SFX House Isay Weinfeld Sumare House Andrade Morettin House B Residential Building, Fidalga Str. DOMUS 947 May 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS: COVER Francis Alÿs, Don’t cross the bridge before you get to the river (2005) EDITORIAL Joseph Grima OP-ED: THE DAYS OF ANGER Text by Lieven De Cauter MIXTAPES: MILANO Giuseppe Ielasi, Paolo Inverni. Curated by Daniel Perlin JOURNAL Edited by Elena Sommariva PHOTOESSAY Alejandro Cartagena Gonzáles, Suburbia Mexicana Project W AFFLE URBANISM Project by Jürgen Mayer H. Text by Ethel Baraona Pohl. Photo Pedro Kok. Edited by Rita Capezzuto QUADRATIC POETICS Project by Pezo von Ellrichshausen. Text by Patricio Mardones Hiche. Photo Cristobal Palma. Edited by Laura Bossi BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH Project by Arata Isozaki. Text by Peter Zellner. Photo Iwan Baan. Edited by Laura Bossi NETWORK: LIVING OFFICE Matteo Belfiore NETWORK: A WARDROBE IN THE LANDSCAPE Laura Bossi A MUSEUM’S SECOND LIFE Project by CZA, Proger, Recchi Engineering. Text by Luca Molinari. Photo Cino Zucchi. Edited by Rita Capezzuto MARCELLO GANDINI 400 HP Interview by Clemens Weisshaar, Joseph Grima. Photo Andrea Basile. Edited by Rita Capezzuto SONATA FOR L’AQUILA FIRST MOVEMENT Project by Shigeru Ban. Graphic reportage by Vincent Filosa. Edited by Francesca Picchi MILANO 2011 REALITY CHECK: BACK TO DESIGN Photos Ramak Fazel, Nico K. Tucci. Edited by Francesca Picchi STATES OF DESIGN 02: BRAND DESIGN Text by Paola Antonelli. Edited Francesca Picchi by PROJECT HERACLES. A EURAFRICAN BRIDGE A correspondence between Lieven De Cauter, Dieter Lesage. Edited by Rita Capezzuto ANNE TYNG. THE LIFE GEOMETRIC Interview by Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss. Photo Ramak Fazel. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni NETWORK: LEVINSKI LIBRARY Zvi Elhyani NETWORK: SHIGERU BAN Francesca Picchi ÆURASIA. OYSTER MUSCLE By Massimiliano Gioni, Tenzing Barshee, Tobias Madison. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni MURDER IN JUNKSPACE Text by Gabi Scardi. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni UNPACKING MY LIBRARY: ANDREA BRANZI Text by Gianluigi Ricuperati. Edited by Rita Capezzuto RASSEGNA: KITCHENS Edited by Laura Bossi PANORAMA Edited by Guido Musante HOROSCOPE: TAURUS Texts by Dan Graham, Jessica Russell. Edited by Elena Sommariva DOMUS 948 June 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS: COVER Hydraulic claw that destroyed 75 counterfeits of furniture. Photo courtesy of Cassina EDITORIAL Joseph Grima OP-ED: OPEN SOURCE ARCHITECTURE (OSArc) MIXTAPES: LONDON Beatrice Galilee, Scanner + Allard Van Hoorn. Curated by Daniel Perlin JOURNAL Edited by Elena Sommariva OPEN SOURCE DESIGN 04: THE ARCHITECTURE OF FACEBOOK Text by Alexis Madrigal. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni OPEN SOURCE DESIGN 05: TOWARDS AN OPENSOURCE ECOLOGY Manaugh. Edited by OPEN SOURCE DESIGN 06: THE ESPERANTO OF OBJECTS ARTWORLD BEEHIVE Project by FREE/Fernando Romero. Text by Pedro Reyes. Photos Iwan Baan. Edited by Laura Bossi CHILDREN ARE ATTENTIVE Projects by MiAS Architects, Tank Architectes. Texts by Ethel Baraona Pohl, Axel Sowa. Photos Julien Lanoo. Edited by Laura Bossi CRITICAL PLAYGROUND Project by José Selgas, Lucía Cano. Text by Pedro Gadanho. Photos Iwan Baan. Edited by Laura Bossi NETWORK: ARCHITECTURE IN UNIFORM Roberto Zancan NETWORK: A NEW HOTEL FOR ATHENS Maria Cristina Didero OPEN SOURCE DESIGN 01: THE ARCHITECTS OF INFORMATION Project by John Young, Deborah Natsios. Text by Joseph Grima. Photos Yoo Jean Han. Edited by Rita Capezzuto DESIGN OPEN SOURCE DESIGN 03: ROBOCOP: THE MONUMENT Texts by Nate Berg / Camilo José Vergara. Edited by Elena Sommariva Text by Geoff Francesca Picchi PHOTOESSAY Luca Casonato, Colliders OPEN SOURCE INFRASTRUCTURE Text by Alexis Madrigal. Edited by Rita Capezzuto 02: CRITICAL Project by Intrastructures. Text by Thomas Lommée KIOSK 2.0 Text by Bruce Sterling. Edited by Francesca Picchi SONATA FOR L’AQUILA. SECOND MOVEMENT Project by Shigeru Ban. Graphic reportage by Vincent Filosa. Edited by Francesca Picchi STATES OF DESIGN 03: THINKERING Text by Paola Antonelli. Francesca Picchi Edited by A LETTER FROM VENICE Text by Massimiliano Gioni. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni UNPACKING MY LIBRARY: LUC SANTE Text by Gianluigi Ricuperati. Photos Yoo Jean Han. Edited by Rita Capezzuto RASSEGNA: LIGHTING Edited by Rita Capezzuto PANORAMA Edited by Guido Musante HOROSCOPE: GEMINI Texts by Dan Graham, Jessica Russell. Edited by Elena Sommariva DOMUS 951 October 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS: COVER Le Corbusier's famous Chapel of NotreDame du Haut in Ronchamp, where built into the side of Bourlémont Hill are new structures by Renzo Piano. OP-ED: ‘VOLUPTUOUS PALACES OF RIOT CITY’ Owen Hatherley MIXTAPES: LAS VEGAS Noah Sheldon. Edited by Daniel Perlin JOURNAL Edited by Elena Sommariva PHOTOESSAY Sahara Fade, Ramak Fazel MEDITERRANEAN VORTEX Project by Preston Scott Cohen. Texts by Beatrice Galilee, Mario Carpo, Antoine Picon. Photos by Pedro Kok. Edited by Laura Bossi SOCIAL SPIRAL Project by Urban-Think Tank. Text by Andres Lepik. Photos by Iwan Baan. Edited by Laura Bossi A ROCK IN A HARD PLACE Project by Cino Zucchi, Park Associati. Text by Luka Skansi. Photos by Alberto Sinigaglia. Edited by Laura Bossi ARTIFICIAL HOLDS Text by Stefano Testa. Photos by Andrea Basile. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni URBAN LABORATORY Project by Atelier Bow-Wow. Text by Joseph Grima. Photos by Alan Tansey. Edited by Rita Capezzuto HIDE AND SEEK IN SUBURBIA Project by Dick van Gameren. Text by Christian Ernsten. Photos by Pedro Kok. Edited by Laura Bossi NETWORK: LANDSCAPE FUTURES Alan Rapp NETWORK: CROSSING THE RIVER Francesco Garutti THE METABOLIST EPIC Text by Manuel Orazi Edited by Rita Capezzuto W ELCOME TO THE COUNTRY CLUB Project by Organización Barrial Tupac Amaru. Text by Justin McGuirk. Photos by Tomás García Puente. Edited by Francesca Picchi REVOLVING DOORS: CORPORATE MEDIA Text by Sam Capezzuto THE ARCHITECTURE Jacob. Edited OF by Rita THE SIZE OF MEMORY Text by Jonathan Olivares. Edited by Francesca Picchi NETWORK: RIRKRIT TIRAVANIJA Maurizio Bortolotti NETWORK: CAMPER W ORKSHOP Roberto Zancan STATES OF DESIGN 05: IN YOUR FACE Text by Paola Antonelli. Edited Francesca Picchi by A LETTER FROM LONDON Text by Massimiliano Gioni. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni UNPACKING MY LIBRARY: HANS ULRICH OBRIST Interview by Gianluigi Ricuperati. Photos by Sebastiano Pellion di Persano. Edited by Rita Capezzuto RASSEGNA: FINISHES Edited by Elena Sommariva PANORAMA Edited by Guido Musante HOROSCOPE: LIBRA Texts by Dan Graham, Jessica Russell. Edited by Elena Sommariva DOMUS 952 November 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS: COVER Saturday 15 October, 00:15 hours, Grandes Jorasses: the newly installed Gervasutti hut, designed by Luca Gentilcore and Stefano Testa, gleams in the moonlight. Photo by Francesco Mattuzzi THE BIENNALE AS DESIGN LAB Text by Rosanna Ambrosetti. Edited by Elena Sommariva EDITORIAL Joseph Grima NETWORK: BOUROULLEC TEXTILE FIELD Silvia Monaco OP-ED: STEVE JOBS (1955–2011) Kazys Varnelis LETTER FROM ISTANBUL Text by Massimiliano Gioni. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni MIXTAPE: TEL AVIV Erez Ella, Ofer Meiri. Curated by Daniel Perlin JOURNAL Edited by Elena Sommariva PHOTOESSAY Ariel Huber OMA RELOADED Testi di Florian Idenburg, Sam Jacob. Foto di Iwan Baan, Lyndon Douglas, Philippe Ruault. A cura di Laura Bossi FRONTIER PARKLAND Text by Lucia Tozzi. Photography by Iwan Baan. Edited by Laura Bossi LEARNING FROM THE VOID Testo di Michele Calzavara. Foto di Francesco Mattuzzi. A cura di Rita Capezzuto DESTINATION ZERO-GRAVITY Interview with Susmita Mohanty. Edited by Rita Capezzuto REINDEER AHEAD! Photography by Ketil Jacobsen, Snøhetta. Edited by Laura Bossi RAINBOW W ARRIOR III. GREENPEACE'S MEDIA ASSAULT VESSEL Text by Clemens Weisshaar. Photography by Armin Linke. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni NETWORK: MARTINO GAMPER Francesca Picchi COOL CLAY Text by Kalyani Majumdar. Photography by N. Bhati. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni FIVE CASE HISTORIES Text by Cecilia Fabiani. Photography by Ramak Fazel. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni NETWORK: FRANÇOIS DALLEGRET Roberto Zancan NETWORK: PIPILOTTI RIST Loredana Mascheroni STATES OF DESIGN 07: BIO-DESIGN Text by Paola Antonelli. Francesca Picchi Edited by MAHENDRA RAJ. ENGINEERING A NATION Interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist. Edited by Francesca Picchi UNPACKING MY LIBRARY: YONA FRIEDMAN Interview by Gianluigi Ricuperati. Photography by Benoit Pailley. Edited by Rita Capezzuto RASSEGNA: OFFICE Edited by Laura Bossi PANORAMA Edited by Guido Musante HOROSCOPE: SCORPIO Texts by Dan Graham, Jessica Russell. Edited by Elena Sommariva DOMUS 953 December 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS: COVER Thursday 11 November 2011, Madrid: Andrés Jaque Arquitectos stages a performance of IKEA Disobedients at the La Tabacalera social centre. Photo Jorge López Conde EDITORIAL Joseph Grima OP-ED: W IKILEAKS AND THE ARCHITECTURE OF DATA-LOSS PARANOIA Roberto Costa MIXTAPES: BEIJING Matthew Niederhauser, Zhang Shouwang. Curated by Daniel Perlin JOURNAL Edited by Elena Sommariva PHOTOESSAY Andrea Bosio TOKYO'S VERTICAL THRESHOLDS Text by Roberto Zancan. Photo by Iwan Baan. Edited by Laura Bossi SUPERURBAN A conversation between Minoru Takeyama, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Yasutaka Yoshimura, Roberto Zancan. Photo by Matteo Belfiore. Ricerca di Salvator-John A. Liotta. Edited by Rita Capezzuto A PERFECT HEXAGON Text by Pedro Baía. Photo by FG+SG Photo bygrafia de Arquitectura. Edited by Laura Bossi CREATIVE KABUL Text by Francesca Recchia. Photo by Lorenzo Tugnoli. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni A FINELY WOVEN W EB Text by Francesca Recchia. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni THIS IS NOT A REVOLUTION Text by Beth Stryker. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni A LETTER FROM DOHA Interview by Massimo Gioni. Edited by Loredana Mascheroni NETWORK: DESIGNTIDE TOKYO 2011 Matteo Belfiore NETWORK: TYPO LONDON: PLACES Domus HARMONIOUS HEATING Text by Marco Zito. Photo by Ramak Fazel. Edited by Francesca Picchi LED: LIGHTING THE ELECTRONIC ERA Text by Jonathan Olivares. Photo by Jon Costello, Jonathan Olivares. Edited by Francesca Picchi ANATOMY OF AN LED HEADLIGHT Text by Matteo Fioravanti. Photo by Andrea Basile. Edited by Francesca Picchi STATES OF DESIGN 08: APRÈS MOI, LE DÉLUGE Text by Paola Antonelli. Edited by Francesca Picchi MY HOUSE IS MY CASTLE Photo by Alberto Sinigaglia. Edited by Francesca Picchi UNPACKING MY LIBRARY: BJARKE INGELS Interview by Gianluigi Ricuperati. Photo by Yoo Jean Han. Edited by Rita Capezzuto A WALK UNDERGROUND Photo by Alberto Sinigaglia. Edited by Laura Bossi RASSEGNA: ECOLOGICAL DESIGN Edited by Rita Capezzuto NETWORK: SPACEPORT AMERICA Foster + Partners NETWORK: TREE PAVILION Salvator-John A. Liotta PANORAMA Edited by Guido Musante HOROSCOPE: SAGITTARIUS Texts by Dan Graham, Jessica Russell. Edited by Elena Sommariva LOTUS 144 2010 ABOVE RUINS Collapsed buildings, ruins, archeology and the effects of time on architecture are the subject of various reflections. We have restoration, rehabilitation and the cult of ruins, but there is also the discovery that time can produce some of those third landscapes due to an unexpected victory of nature. Giovanni Chiaramonte Natur-Park Südgelände, BerlinSchöneberg Richard Pare URSS, 1922-1932. L‘Avanguardia perduta/The Lost Vanguard Michele Nastasi L‘Aquila, 2010. Framework Town Nina Bassoli 2010, L‘Aquila un anno dopo il terremoto 2010, L’Aquila One Year After the Earthquake RuattiStudio Architetti Progetto C.A.S.E. Corvino + Multari Progetto C.A.S.E. Antonio Citterio and Partners Chiesa di San Bernardino e mensa Celestiniana Beyond Architecture Group Eco Villaggio Autocostruito Giulia Carnevale/Andrea Tomaselli Scuola materna di Onna Shigeru Ban Architects L‘Aquila Concert Hall Lamberto Rossi Associati Casa dello Studente San Carlo Borromeo Mario Cucinella Architects Nuovo Teatro Stabile de L’Aquila RPBW Auditorium del Castello Pietro Valle Uno sguardo retrospettivo/An Overview Giovanni Chiaramonte Neues Museum, Berlin, 1859-1943/452009. David Chipperfield‘s Restoration Fulvio Irace Il restauro del Neues Museum di David Chipperfield The Neues Museum Restoration by David Chipperfield David Chipperfield Architects Neues Museum, Museum Island, Berlin, 1997-2009 Paolo Rosselli Ca‘ Granda. Università Statale Milano. Liliana Grassi‘s Restoration 1946-1985 Francesco Repishti Liliana Grassi e la Ca‘ Granda Liliana Grassi and the Ca‘ Granda Gabriele Neri L'Antico e il Moderno: texture alla Ca‘ Granda Antique and Modern: Texture at the Ca‘ Granda Liliana Grassi Università Statale di Milano. Restauro e progetto/Restoration and Project LOTUS 145 2011 ACTIVISM IN ARCHITECTURE Doing great things with small interventions developed in a real context, in a concrete relationship with the given situation and to solve a common problem has become for architecture, paradoxically, an innovation that is attracting unexpected attention. Lotus presents the most interesting cases of this “innovation” to be found in many different countries. Camille Zakharia A Coastal Promenade Pierluigi Nicolin Architecture Meets People Alejandro Aravena St. Edward’s Residence Hall, Austin, Texas, 2008 Alejandro Aravena L’architettura è per i cittadini/Architecture is for the Citizens Giancarlo Mazzanti L’architettura nella trasformazione sociale di Medellín Architecture’s Role in the Social Transformation of Medellín plan:b arquitectos + Mazzanti Arquitectos Coliseos Para los Juegos Sudamericanos, Medellín, 2008-10 Mazzanti Arquitectos Parque Biblioteca León de Greiff, Medellín, 2005-07 Rural Studio Lions Park, Greensboro, Hale County, Alabama, 2005-10 Michael Maltzan Architecture Inner-City Arts, Los Angeles, 19932008 Michael Maltzan Architecture New Carver Apartments, Los Angeles, 2008-09 CS Studio Architects Multi-Purpose Centre, Laingsburg, Western Cape, South Africa, 2002-05 Jo Noero Architecture and Activism Noero Wolff Architects Daycare Centre, Delft South I, Delft, Cape Town, 2002 Noero Wolff Architects Pelip Housing, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth, South Africa,1999 Mazzanti Arquitectos Colegio Gerardo Molina, Bogotà, 200408 University of Nottingham's Institute Architecture Jouberton Nursery Project 2009, Jouberton, South Africa, 2008-09 plan:b arquitectos + Mazzanti Arquitectos Colegio Flor del Campo, Cartagena, 2007-09 Technische Universität Graz Kindergarten, Weilersfarm, Johannesburg, 2005-06 Udeb Arquitectos Colegio La Independencia, Medellín, 2007 RWTH Aachen University Ithuba Skills College Hall, Montic, South Africa, 2007-08 Estudio America Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Santiago, 2007-09 Design-Build Studio, Technische Universität Wien Emmanuel Day Care Kindergarten, Johannesburg, 2005-06 José António Bandeirinha Il processo SAAL, trentacinque anni dopo. Modelli, valutazioni e upgrades. The SAAL Process, Thirty-Five Years On. Models, Assessments and Upgrades of Design-Build Studio, Technische Universität Wien Community Centre, Nias Island, Sumatra, Indonesia, 2006-07 Peter Rich Architects Interpretation Centre, Mapungubwe National Park, South Africa, 2005-08 Studio Mumbai Utsav House, Satirje, Maharashtra, India, 2008 Studio Mumbai Tara House, Tara Baoli, Kashid, Maharashtra, India, 2006 Li Xiaodong Bridge School, Xiashi Village, Pinghe County, Fujian Province, China, 200809 Li Xiaodong Yuhu Elementary School and Community Center, Lijiang, China, 2003 Zhu Jingxiang, Xia Heng Xiasi New Bud School, Xiasi Village, Sichuan Province, China, 2008-09 Edward Ng Un ricordo/A Recollection Edward Ng Maosi Primary School, Maosi Village, Gansu Province, China, 2007 Edward Ng Village Rebuild Project, Ma’anqiao Village, Sichuan Province, China, 2008-10 Amateur Architecture Studio Exhibition Hall, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2008-09 Amateur Architecture Studio Decay of a Dome, Biennale di Venezia, 2010