Camp Guide - Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas


Camp Guide - Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas
Tours for Girl Scouts
Give your girls a global perspective and take them on an
all-inclusive international tour designed just for Girl Scouts.
From pinning ceremonies at a WAGGGS World Centre to
fashion tours in Paris to meaningful service projects in Peru,
girls return home more confident, with a wealth of new skills
and a new perspective on the world.
Full-time Tour Director
Experiential learning
Round-trip flights on major carriers
Comfortable motorcoach
Overnight stays in hotels
Download a free ebrochure at or call 800-457-9023.
Regional-style meals
EF Travel Patch
Browse our council shop site,, to
learn more about camp
badges, packages and much
On the Beach • Corpus Christi, Texas
1 - 8 0 0 - L A DY - L E X E x t . 3 21
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Your Summer Camp Guide
What camps are offered?
Every girl should have a chance to experience camp and Girl
Scouts of Southwest Texas (GSSWT) offers a variety of flexible
options to get her there!
Summer of 2015 promises an abundance of choices and
experiences to match every girl’s wishes and interests. We’re
confident the young lady in your life will find something fun she
can’t wait to do this summer at our camps!
Camp is a place where a girl can make new friends, explore the
world around her and discover something she can’t wait to do
again. It’s a place where transformation happens. In an
environment created just for her, a girl learns real life skills and
develops self-esteem while gaining a sense of independence
and community. While playing outdoors, girls encounter more
opportunities for decision making that lets them work
together to problem solve and think creatively. Camp gives girls
the chance to let their curiosity run free and sparks their
Whether she attends camp daily or spends the whole week away
from home, Girl Scout camp helps a girl discover her potential,
dreams, aspirations and builds a skill set she can use for
success today and in her future. Campers will discover,
connect and even take action on issues and challenges important to them.
Who can go to camp?
Girls entering grades K-12 and all camp experience levels are
welcome. Use this guide to find the camp that’s right for your girl.
The best part is that ANY girl can attend Girl Scout day or resident camps! Non-Girl Scouts simply pay an annual $15 membership fee in addition to the camp fee to become a
registered Girl Scout. The Girl Membership form can be
found on page 29.
Camp Metro
At Camp Metro, girls explore skills and interests in a variety of
thematic areas such as community service, cultural arts, healthy
living, environmental awareness and much more. Girls get the
necessary guidance from adult volunteers and camp staff to
develop their skills and understand how those skills can be used
to make a difference in the world.
Open to all girls entering grades K-8
Cost: $95/girl if registered by June 1; $120/girl if registration
received June 2 or later
• Cost includes: T-shirt, patch, program, supplies,
breakfast, lunch and snack.
• NOTE: 20% discount for Edgewood ISD students.
Scholarships available—see page 23; completed
application with registration form due Thursday, May 1
for consideration (multiple scholarships can be
awarded based on need and availability of funds).
* Minimum 25/Maximum 175 girls per session
** Before care is available at 7 a.m. After care will end at 6 p.m. for
$25/girl per session
Camp will take place at the West Side Girl Scout Leadership
Center (WSGSLC) with transportation available from the Sally
Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center; NOTE: Girls living in
Edgewood ISD may be eligible for free transportation to and
from camp daily—contact the Director of the WSGSLC
(210-319-5775 ext. 408/[email protected]) for details.
Field trips - weekly field trips that will enhance/complement
sessions are scheduled. Details will be sent in confirmation
Each week concludes with a camper showcase for parents on
Friday from 3-3:45 p.m.
Camp Metro registration form is on page 25.
Camp La Jita
La Jita is a Native American phrase meaning “Precious
Possession,” aptly chosen as the name of Girl Scouts of
Southwest Texas camp that rests on 236 acres of Texas Hill
Country land along the beautiful Sabinal River near Utopia. The
John F. Camp family donated the land in 1946 for Camp La Jita
and thousands of happy campers have enjoyed it during the
camp’s 69-year history.
Camp La Jita is proud to be accredited by the American Camp
Association (ACA), with whom we have received 100 percent
satisfaction for the last five site visits, which take place every
three years. Developed exclusively for the camp profession,
this nationally recognized program focuses on program quality,
health and safety issues, and requires us to review every facet of
our operation. The display of the ACA logo is a privilege reserved
for camps which have met the criteria.
Camp open houses
Camp La Jita: 2-4 p.m., Sunday, April 26
Camp Metro: 5-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 22
5-7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 30
5-7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 14
5-7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 28
Three meals served daily in community dining hall.
Parents/guardians, friends, campers and troops are invited to
visit GSSWT’s camp properties. Meet the camp director, have
your questions answered and tour the location. Whether it has
been years since you’ve visited or this is the first time you’re
sending your girl to camp, don’t miss this great opportunity to
see the excitement Girl Scout camp has to offer. If attending
Camp La Jita’s open house, please remember exploring camp
means walking—wear comfortable shoes (please, no sandals or
flip-flops), casual clothes and a hat. Also remember to bring a
water bottle! Camp registrations will be accepted at all camp
open houses.
Activities range from riding horses, swimming, hiking, archery,
canoeing, arts and crafts, cookouts, nature activities, singing,
hikes, games, earning Girl Scout badges and more.
For security reasons, travel instructions are available only at the
Girl Scout office. Directions may be provided via phone, as well
as in camp confirmation packets.
See more on pages 12-18 with registration form on page 27.
Join the team!
Girls can attend one- and two-week sessions living in rustic
cabins. They’ll develop independence while under the
supervision of specially trained camp staff who help girls plan
activities to create a unique camp experience. A variety of
sessions are open to all girls entering grades K-12. Scholarships
are available—see page 23; completed application with
registration form is due Friday, April 10 for
Low-cost physicals for
resident campers
Wednesday, April 22 , 5-7:30 p.m.
Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center, 811 N. Coker Loop,
San Antonio, 78216 | Cost: $10/person
Camp La Jita and Camp Metro welcome enthusiastic, talented
and caring adults interested in making a
difference in the life of a girl! Staff members are
selected based on experience, ability to serve as positive role
models and a genuine desire to work with children. The ratio of
counselors to girls varies. Seasonal positions available include
kitchen staff, nurses, lifeguards and counselors. Interested?
Medical professionals donate their time and all proceeds benefit
the Camp Scholarship Fund. No registration needed. First-come,
first-served—there will be a wait, so please come prepared.
For positions available visit:
Camp La Jita:
Camp Metro:
Camper must be accompanied by a parent/guardian and bring
current immunization records. Note: Camp director will be
on site to answer questions.
Please direct all questions to our contact at Insperity, Kristi
Thornton, 832-601-4320/[email protected].
We guarantee you’ll make memories to last a lifetime!
Dates to Remember
Important Dates to Remember
Camp La Jita
March 8-11
April 10
April 22
April 26
June 8-12
June 14
CIT I and CIT II training at Spring Break
Resident camp scholarship forms due
Camp Physical Night
Open house
Staff training
First session begins
Camp Metro
April 22
April 30
May 1
May 14
May 28
June 8
*Full payment is due two weeks prior to each camp session.
Open house & registration
Open house & registration
Day camp scholarship forms due
Open house & registration
Open house & registration
First session begins
*Full payment is due two weeks prior to each camp session.
Sign up for fun girl activities, get questions
answered and enter for door prizes!
*Time: 5-7:30 p.m. - Come and go as you please
Girl Scouts is hiring for Summer Camp
Every Wednesday beginning March 18 through May 20 we will
conduct interviews for camp staff candidates. To view and/or
apply to positions that are offered for camp, please check out the
web pages below.
Camp La Jita:
Camp Metro:
Don’t miss the sale!
All camp items 15% off May 1-30
(at both the Sally Cheever Girl Scout
Leadership Center and West Side
Girl Scout Leadership Center)
Are you and your camper
ready for camp?
Ready for Camp?
Although age is one factor in camp readiness, a girl’s maturity level
and personality are more important. Talk with your child about camp
and ask if she wants to attend. Additionally, are you ready to send
your child to camp? Use the following statements or questions to
help make your decisions together.
• Has your camper ever been away from home for more than one night without a family member? Girls should not be afraid to •
be away from home or parents overnight and to try new things.
Are you prepared to be away from your child for several days? Parents also need to be prepared to let their daughter go!
She wants to go; let her choose the session.
Can she cope with new people, places and schedules? She should be willing to sleep, eat, play with all girls, not just with best friends and function as a member of a group.
Can she cope with unknowns like:
• Strange places, including bathrooms
• Darkness (no electricity)
• Woods and night noises
• Spiders, bugs and worms
• Doesn't always have to have her own way, can give in graciously
Can she care for her own basic hygiene needs, such as brushing her teeth and showering?
Are you confident in your daughter’s ability to take care of herself, make her own bed and keep track of her belongings?
Does she like, and is she comfortable in, the outdoors?
Do you believe Girl Scout camp provides girls with a fun and rewarding experience that builds skills, self-worth and
Can manage with little or no privacy.
• Has stamina, does not tire easily.
Strong enough to carry her own suitcase, bed roll, bucket of water, pot of food, arm load of wood, etc.
Has strength and coordination needed for planned activities, can help sweep and mop a floor, hike a mile, move tables and chairs, etc.
Able to function without air conditioning; none of the cabins and few places on camp have air conditioning.
If your camper is not ready for a five-day overnight stay, we invite her to try Mom & Me Camping (page 14) where she can try camping
with mom or another trusted female family adult member or troop camping so she can try the camping experience with others that
she knows well.
care packages
Camp care packages are a great way to let the girl in your life know she is remembered! If she is going to resident camp we offer three
care packages which include a stuffed animal, water bottle, cards, pillowcase and pen and so much more for her this summer.
Camp care packages can be purchased at SCGSLC and WSGSLC and start at $20. More information can be found on page 22.
August 2-7
July 26-31
Pick & Mix
Pick & Mix II
Play, Make, Create
Pony Tails
Princess in Training
Saddle Sidekicks
Saddle Up
Sailors & Skippers
Shutter Bugs
Super Nanny
Time Travel
Troop Camping
Water Otters
Wild West
July 19-24
July 12-17
July 5-10
Archery Fun
Back in the Saddle
Camp Olympia
Chef Girls
Counselor-in-Training I
Counselor-in-Training II
Cupcake Cuties
Flashlights & Fireflies
Hunger Games
Mocking Jay
Mom & Me Camping
Night Owls
Night Riders
June 28-July 3
June 21-26
June 14-19
Camp La Jita Session Name
*Cost for Camp Metro camp sessions is $95/girl if registered by June 1 and $120/girl if registered on June 2 or later.
Day Camp
Before/After Care Available
Transportation Provided
Horse Camp
August 3-7
July 27-31
July 20-24
July 13-17
July 6-10
June 22-26
June 15-19
June 8-12
May 30
Spring Break Camp 2015
Camp Metro PA Team
CMI: Camp Metro Investigator
Let’s Play
Camp Metro Animal Planet
All About Art
Ideas Wanted
The Show Must Go On
Water WOW!
March 9-13
Camp Metro Session Name
Two-week Camp
Camp La Jita Resident Camp
Camp Metro
Special Camp Session
Camp Metro
Camp Metro Open to all girls entering grades K-8
Camp Metro day camp will be held at the West Side Girl Scout
Leadership Center, which provides a safe, fun and exciting place
for girls to enjoy their summer. This nearly 40,000 sq. ft. facility
offers a gymnasium, outside play equipment, STEM lab and art
studio as well as a stage for girls to perform.
All Camp Metro sessions take place Monday-Friday. Before and
after care is to be offered for all camp sessions from 7 a.m until 6
p.m. More information can be found on page 4.
Camp Metro PA Team - May 30, 2015
Currently certified Program Aides (PAs) who have completed 7th grade or above are invited to
be a part of the Camp Metro team. As a PA, you’ll use your leadership skills to share interests
and experiences in a troop, group or day camp setting. Selected team members will be assigned to work 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday and MUST attend this leadership day. For
more information or to apply, contact the Yellow GO Team Manager ([email protected]/210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 ext. 258).
$30/girl one-time cost; includes training, T-shirt, transportation and meals for the week(s)
you serve as a PA.
CMI: Camp Metro Investigator - JUNE 8-12, 2015
Calling all special agents! A crime has occurred and we need your help. Get your magnifying glasses
and flashlights ready to investigate. Jump into the scene of the crime, dust for finger-prints and
hunt for clues to unfold this mystery. Make welcome our own local detectives and investigators and
hear their life experiences in the real world of crime solving.
Let’s Play - JUNE 15-19, 2015
Bring out the athlete in you—go the extra mile! Run like the wind and compete in our 3K fun run. Play
soccer, shoot baskets and hit home runs! Learn exciting new ways to play sports and have fun! And
remember: When you “FUEL” good you “FEEL” good.
Fashionista - JUNE 22-26, 2015
Hand bags and dresses and jewelry, oh my! Lets get together to produce our own New York
Fashion Week. Create your own trendy summer line exclusive only to fashionista week at Camp
Metro! Model down the lighted red carpet and promote the merchandise in your very own
storefront. Get ready for a glamorous week!
Camp Metro
Camp Metro Animal Planet - JULY 6-10, 2015
Animals play host in this global adventure as we travel the world and make new friends. Get
to know the countries they call home. Meet scaly reptiles, creepy crawly insects and majestic
mammals. From the depths of the rain forest jungle to the snow-capped mountains of the
Alps, discover your animal planet.
All About Art - JULY 13-17, 2015
Awaken the artist in you! Discover the styles and techniques of Michelangelo, Monet, Warhol and
Picasso. Recreate their most famous pieces with your own creative twist. From impressionist to
expressionist, sculptor to pop culture this week has it all. Dive into a world of painting, sculptures,
colors, shapes and endless possibilities.
Ideas Wanted - JULY 20-24, 2015
Rewind, stop, fast forward! Great ideas that came before. Buckle up, as we journey back to
explore inventions from before. Then create a futuristic city with flying cars, robots and more.
Unleash your imagination. The possibilities are endless!
The Show Must Go On - JULY 27-31, 2015
Own the stage! Whether it’s singing, dancing or set design, you’re sure to shine. Fulfill your artistic
dreams and bring Broadway style to life. Showcase your talents and amaze the crowd as we work
together for the performance of a lifetime.
Water WOW! - AUGUST 3-7, 2015
Water balloons! Waves! Whales! It’s going to be a wacky and wet week as we explore the big
blue sea. We live in a wonderful world where the oceans are home to millions of creatures.
We can all make a difference as we embark on projects to help our water friends. Enjoy
playing water games and learning many uses for water with us. Explore, discover and
have fun as we learn to appreciate our water world.
Girl Scout
NOT needed
Just pay an
$15 members nual
in addition to fee
camp fee!
Camp La Jita
Resident Camp @ La Jita
Camp is a special place where girls will jump into action and
connect with nature. Help plan your own adventurous program
and break away from your home routine to create fun with new
friends in a healthy outdoor environment. Research has shown
that nature is an important aspect of a child’s development in
every major way—intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually
and physically. That’s why La Jita is giving you the chance to
spend your summer outdoors! Gain self-confidence through
laughter, play and personal growth and enjoy a shared
independence under the guidance of trained camp staff.
All resident camp sessions take place Sunday-Friday. Caregivers can drop off girls on Sunday between 3-5 p.m. and pick them up on
Friday between 3-5 p.m. During your one- or two-week stay, you will reside in a rustic cabin in one of camp’s seven living units with other girls your age. Each unit is continually supervised by two or more counselors whose cabin isn’t too far from yours. Don’t worry; units
have showers and flush toilets a short distance from your cabin.
Your day is spent at a variety of activities. You will get a rest period after lunch during the warmer part of the day to write letters, read or
play board games. Afternoons are filled with more adventures, dinner, late night swimming, stargazing and singing by the campfire.
Kapers, a.k.a. camp chores, will also be a part of each day’s routine to help you develop a sense of responsibility and appreciation for
keeping camp neat and clean. Except for your cookout on Thursday night that you help plan, meals are served three times a day in the
Great Hall, our central dining facility. And in case you need one, afternoon snacks are also provided.
Resident Camp Registration Form is on page 27.
Cupcake Cuties - June 14-19
July 12-17
Entering grades 2-3 | $275 | Limit 16
This is your chance to whip up the perfect cupcake, cookie or cake! Explore your baking skills as
well as cooking up some fun outside: swimming, hiking and canoeing!
Saddle Up - June 14-19
June 21-26 July 5 -10 July 12-17
July 19-24 July 26-31 August 2-7
Entering grades 3-5 | $325 | Limit 24
Little or no experience with riding horses? This session is a great first step into the world of western
riding! You will also learn how to care for your horse. Includes swimming, cookouts, crafts, hiking
and daily trips to the barn to practice horsemanship skills.
Camp La Jita
Time Travel - June 14-19
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 16
Celebrate more than 100 years of Girl Scouts by learning and participating in time honored traditions such as star-gazing, sewing, hiking and sleeping in tents. In addition, try making butter, Dutch
oven cooking, "earning" old patches and so much more!
Back in the Saddle - June 14-19
July 12-17
July 19-24
July 26-31
June 21-26
August 2-7
July 5 -10
Entering grades 5-7 | $325 | Limit 24
Ready to learn even more about horses? Enjoy a program tailored just for you. Includes swimming,
cookouts, crafts, hiking and daily trips to the barn to practice horsemanship skills. Prerequisite:
Must be able to control a horse at a walk as well as lead a horse properly.
Hunger Games - June 14-19
July 5-10
July 26-31
August 2-7
Entering Grades 6-9 | $275 | Limit 20
Want to make the odds ever in your favor? Learn about archery, cooking outdoors and basic survival skills during this week away from your home district. Test your grit by sleeping in tents at a secret
location on camp. Don’t worry; sponsors will send gifts and letters to help you during your stay and
everyone goes home from the games a winner!
Super Nanny - June 14-19
June 21-26
Entering grades 6-9 | $275 | Limit 12
Super nanny has met her match in you! Spend a fun-filled, educational week combining regular
camp activities such as swimming and hiking with earning the Babysitting Certificate.
Do it all while caring for an “almost real” baby!
Night Riders - June 14-26
July 12-24
Entering grades 7-9 | $525 | Limit 24
Take a ride off into the sunset! Enjoy barrel racing, western pleasure riding, western trail riding and
lots of time to improve your skills! At the end of your session, display your talents in a performance
for your family! Prerequisite: Must be able to control a horse at a walk and trot, as well as
lead a horse properly.
Camp La Jita
Wild West - June 14-26
July 12-24
Entering grades 9-12 | $525 | Limit 12
Saddle up daily for at least two hours of instruction at the stables. Session includes arena work,
advanced trail rides and an overnight camp out with your horse. Learn about the health and care of
horses. Your family will have the opportunity to watch you put on a show at the end of your session!
Prerequisite: Must be able to control a horse at a walk and trot, as well as lead a horse
Archery Fun - June 21-26
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 24
It’s time to practice your skills and learn about archery
fundamentals, proper care of equipment and the nine steps to
proper shooting. Create your own archery course and score a bull’s
eye at Camp La Jita’s archery range!
Mocking Jay - June 21-26
August 2-7
Entering Grades 9-12 | $ 275 | Limit 20
You just survived the Hunger Games; what better way to celebrate than by returning to Camp La
Jita and working together to do it again? Hone your skills, live off the grid and even share with new
tributes everything they need in order to come home winners, too!
Summer Troop Camping - June 28-July 1
Entering grades K-12 | $200 per person | Limit 150
Share the fun of summer with your troop as you explore camp, shoot arrows, swim, canoe and
take a trail ride together. End your week with s’mores and singing songs around the campfire.
Great for beginning troops or those that just have too much going on during the school year!
Requisite: While TCL is not required, troops do need to have a troop leader to join in the
Mom & Me Camping - June 28-July 1
Entering grades K-5 | $200 per person | Limit 20
Explore camp with Mom at your side. Try swimming, archery, ride a horse and more.
Note: Mom or related female guardian over 18 may attend camp; more than one
daughter may attend with her mom or related female guardian.
Girl Scout
NOT need e
Just pay a
$15 memb
ership fee
in additio
n to t
camp fee he
Camp La Jita
Castaways - June 28-July 10
Entering Grades 8-12 | $500 | Minimum 4 | Limit 12
Learn the canoe basics necessary to take a canoe trip down river including paddling, turning,
flipping canoes, knot tying and equipment care. Girls will be traveling off camp and staying in tents
overnight during their trip down a local river.
Saddle Sidekicks - June 28-July 10
July 26-August 7 2-WK
Entering grades 6-9 | $525 | Limit 24
This two week session is designed for campers who can control a horse at a walk and a trot. Work in
the arena to develop and sharpen horsemanship skills and go on trail rides. Girls will ride daily and
enjoy a sleepover and cookout at the barn as well as put on a show for their parents at the end of
their session. Prerequisite: Must be able to control a horse at a walk and trot, as well as
lead a horse properly.
Counselor in Training I - June 28-July 10
Entering grades 9-12 | $275 | Limit 10
Discover your talents and learn to share them with children. Find out what a camp counselor
really does while learning to plan program, teach skills and spend time with younger girls. Discover
what goes on behind the scenes—visit other camps around the area during the second week to
learn about other CIT programs.
Recommended: Completion of Program Aide (PA) Core Training—submit date with
Pony Tails - July 5-10
July 26-31
Entering grades 2-3 | $325 | Limit 16
Love horses and want to learn more about them? Try this riding program created just for Girl Scout
Brownies. Learn basic horseback riding with beginning instruction as well as horse care. Give a
horse a makeover and make them yummy treats. Note: Pony Tails will only be at the barn one
or two hours a day with possibility of riding 2-3 times during the week.
Camp La Jita
Play, Make, Create - July 5-10
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 24
Weave, sew, sculpt, paint and construct works of art that capture the camping spirit. Craft a memorable week from several fun activities to choose from!
Princess in Training - June 21-26
Aug 2-7
Entering grades 2-3 | $325 | Limit 16
Come explore the skills of your favorite princesses, including canoeing like Pocahontas, shooting
arrows like Merida, swimming like Ariel, cooking like Tiana and riding a horse like Mulan! Princesses
attending this session will also be encouraged to learn responsibility by helping with kapers (camp
chores). Note: Princess in Training will only be at the barn one or two hours a day with
possibility of riding two to three times during the week.
Water Otters - July 12-17
July 26-31
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 24
Swimming, swimming, in the swimming pool! A fun filled week playing in the water while canoeing,
fishing and tubing the Sabinal! Enjoy “dry time” activities, too!
Pick and Mix - July 12-17
July 19-24
Entering Grades 7-12 | $300 | Limit 20
Make your camping experience your own! Schedule your day from many traditional camp activities
such as archery, canoeing, a trail ride and swimming, as well as mystery activities to be announced
on your arrival.
Pick and Mix II - July 12-24
Entering grades 7-12 | $500 | Limit 20
Create a unique two week camping experience by
scheduling your favorite activities and exploring
Utopia during the weekend.
Camp La Jita
Flashlights and Fireflies - July 19-24
Entering grades 2-3 | $275 | Limit 16
Swim, hike and sing during the day and gaze at the stars at night. Get ready to have tons of fun
trying new things like cooking outdoors, splashing in the river and playing with glow-in–the dark
Night Owls - July 19-24
August 2-7
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 24
Camp comes alive when the sun goes down! Try swimming beneath the stars, make a glowing craft,
and hike while listening to night sounds. Enjoy a mid-morning breakfast after sleeping in and
preparing for another evening of late night fun.
Camp Olympia - July 19-24
July 26-31
Entering grades 6-8 | $275 | Limit 20
Like reading about Percy Jackson’s adventures at Camp Half Blood? Wonder what it would be like
to compete in archery and capture the flag contests? Don’t forget to relax at the pool during the
heat of the day and create a shield to protect you from any monsters you may encounter in the
woods. Gaze at the stars and you might even get to feed treats to Pegasus during your stay!
Shutter Bugs - July 26-31
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 16
Bring your digital camera to camp and learn some photography basics! Photograph your camping
adventures at the pool, the archery range, on the nature trail or along the river. This session will help
you to always remember to leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures! Note: Due
to the nature of this session, all campers will need a photo release signed by parent or
Camp La Jita
Chef Girls - Aug 2-7
Entering grades 4-6 | $275 | Limit 12
Learn the basics in grilling, baking and Dutch oven cooking. Help prepare a special treat for all of
camp and take home a recipe book of your delicious creations.
Counselor in Training II - August 2-7
Entering grades 11-12 | $150 | Limit 10
Share your talents with younger campers as you work toward earning your CIT II award. You will
work in a specialized area of camp with a supervisor to fulfill your requirements, which can be the
barn, Dabblers, the kitchen or the pool. Prerequisite: Must have completed Counselor in
Training I-submit date with registration.
Special Session
Sailors & Skippers @ Boerne Lake - June 21-26
Entering grades 7-12 | $250 | Limit 24
This unique experience is hosted at Boerne Lake. Learn to sail and captain your own Sunfish
sailboat. Learn to rig, de-rig, repair your boat and give commands. Crafts, canoeing, kayaking,
swimming, sleeping in tents and campfire cooking included—all while working on the American Red
Cross (ARC) Basic Water Rescue and Small Craft Safety certification. Prerequisites: ARC
Intermediate Level Swim Card or equivalent (swim length of pool on front, side and
back; support self fully clothed in deep water for five minutes). Must
weigh 75 lbs. or more. Must be emotionally prepared to live and work
in a strenuous group situation with peers. Must have emotional and
physical stability to load and unload boats.
As with all program sponsored by Girl Scouts of Southwest
Texas, activities are governed with the best interest, health and
safety of every girl. All river and lake activities are dependent on
the recommendation of the Corps of Engineers as to the safety
of the water level (too low or too high) and the bacteria count.
Every attempt is made to offer the girls everything that is listed
in the camp guide; however, due to circumstances beyond our
control (weather, etc.), some activities may be changed. In this
case, girls are given several choices to complete their camp
How to register
All camp sessions will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
All camp registration forms may be mailed or dropped off at the
Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center (811 N. Coker Loop,
San Antonio, 78216) or the West Side Girl Scout Leadership
Center (5622 W. César E. Chávez Blvd., San Antonio, 78237). You
MUST use the correct form for each camp.
Camp Metro Registration Form is on page 25—has early bird rates!!!
Camp La Jita Resident Camp Registration Form is on page 27.
Not a Girl Scout yet? Not a problem! Simply pay an
annual $15 membership fee in addition to the camp fee
and enjoy a Girl Scout membership.
Scholarship Application is available on page 23—remember your
scholarship application must be turned in with your camp
registration form and a deposit (per session) to be eligible for
consideration. NOTE: Resident Camp at La Jita
applications are due by Friday, April 10 and Camp Metro
applications are due Friday, May 1.
Questions about registration or which form to use? Call
210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 ext. 391.
New this year - online program
Beginning in March we will now offer program registration online!
What this means is that now you can sign your girl up for any
program we offer, including sumer camp, at Girl Scouts of
Southwest Texas.
New member:
1. Set up an online account. Visit to get started today.
2. Register for the membership year and pay the $15 membership dues to become an active member.
3. As a Girl Scout member, you have access to sign up for camp sessions and future program and trainings!
Already a member:
1. Log in at
2. Verify you’re registered for the current membership year. If you need to renew your membership click the renew membership button on your user account page. Pay the $15 annual membership fee.
3. Select the activities button at the top of the page.
4. Use search criteria to easily search by location, camp type or camp name.
Transportation Camp Metro
All bus services offered by GSSWT are provided by a
professional and licensed bus service with trained drivers.
Camp Metro @ West Side Girl Scout Leadership Center:
Bus transportation provided daily from Sally Cheever Girl Scout
Leadership Center to West Side Girl Scout Leadership Center at
no additional cost.
*Transportation is NOT provided for Camp La Jita
resident camp sessions.
Confirmation packet
Each camper will receive a confirmation packet via email, which
includes medical/release forms, equipment list, directions to
camp and general information. Confirmation letters will be sent
no later than two weeks prior to each session. If you have not
received your confirmation packet, first check your spam or junk
folder. If you still can’t find your packet, contact the Volunteer
Service Center (210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 ext. 391). Several forms in the packet are required by law with original signatures before the camps can accept your camper at check-in.
Visiting camp
Please, no visiting campers during camp
sessions. Parents/guardians are encouraged to tour the camp
and talk with staff at the time of arrival, departure and during
each camps open house, details on page 5.
Health info
Each resident camper is required to have a health examination
by a licensed physician. Health examinations should be current
(within one year) through the camper’s last day at camp.
Examinations for some other purpose within this period are
acceptable. GSSWT offers a low-cost physical night (see page
5 for date and fee information). Resident Camp Health
History Forms are required—download from under Camp—Resident Camp Health
History Form. Completed form, with original signature, must be
hand-carried to camp—do not mail to the council office!
Health History Forms are required for girls attending Camp
Metro sessions—download from
under Troop Management.
For resident camp only, a girl may request a single buddy. One
set of buddies or one family with buddies per envelope will be
accepted. Buddies not arriving in the same envelope cannot be
guaranteed placement together.
No electronic devices are permitted at camp sessions (because
they are easily lost or damaged in the camp environment). Cell
phones, iPods, iPads and Kindles are not permitted at camp for
any session. If these electronics are brought to camp, they will
be collected immediately by staff for safekeeping and will not be
returned until the camper is picked up. The camp, staff and
Girl Scouts are not liable for the loss of or any damage
to an electronic device (including, but not limited to, cell
phones, Kindles, iPads, etc.) brought to camp in
noncompliance with the camp policy of no electronic
devices permitted.
Financial info
Non-Girl Scout Fee—Any girl can attend Girl Scout camps.
Non-Girl Scouts simply pay an annual $15 membership fee in
addition to the camp fee and enjoy a Girl Scout membership.
Non-Council Girl Scout Fee—If attending
resident camp, an additional $50 fee is
required for Girl Scouts residing outside the
GSSWT council jurisdiction. Fee must accompany registration.
Cookie Credits—Cookie credits may only be used for the
balance of camp fees. Cookie credits will be mailed by GSSWT in
early May. For out-of-council cookie credits, please contact your
council to request a check payable to GSSWT.
Scholarships—Scholarships for GSSWT camps are available to
currently registered GSSWT members only and are not available
for the camp deposit or before/after care fees. Submit the
completed Camp Scholarship Application with the appropriate
registration form and $25 camp deposit to the Sally Cheever Girl
Scout Leadership Center or West Side Girl Scout Leadership
Center. NOTE: Resident Camp at La Jita forms are due by
Friday, April 10 and Camp Metro forms are due Friday,
May 1. Requests received after April 10/May 1 will be
considered upon availability of funds. All balances must
be paid in full before close of business, 10 business days
before each camp session begins.
Trading Post at
Camp La Jita
Camp La Jita operates a trading post, which offers an
assortment of souvenirs, stuffed animals, T-shirts, caps and
more for sale. Trading posts are cash or check only. Campers will
visit the trading post at least once during their session. Money is
kept for girls in an envelope with their name and returned at the
end of their camp session.
A $25 nonrefundable deposit must accompany each registration form. An additional $25 deposit is required for each additional camp program. Deposit will be applied to the total fee.
Payments accepted by cash, check, money order, Visa,
MasterCard, Discover and American Express. If making
payments, all balances must be paid in full before close of
business, 10 business days before each camp session begins.
Refund policy
Deposit: The $25 deposit is nonrefundable unless the camper
cannot be placed into the camp session of her choice.
Balance: The balance of the fee will be refunded if a camper
does not pass the physical examination or an unexpected illness
occurs prior to the camp session’s start date. A refund may
also be made if a family moves out of the council’s jurisdiction.
Please submit a written statement with documentation to the
Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center, Attn: Volunteer
Service Center. There will be no refund should a camper leave
the session early due to an illness, homesickness, misbehavior
or parental request.
Contact the Volunteer Service Center (210-349-2404/1-800580-7247 ext.391/ [email protected]) with
any questions regarding fees, registration or balance inquiries.
Online Program Registration
Coming March 2015
Online Program
You can now register online for
any Girl Scout camp session!
New member-Join Girl Scouts
Create an account.
First step is to create an online
profile. Follow this link to get started:
Become a member.
Register for the current membership year and pay the $15 dues before you become an active member.
3. Sign up for any camp session online.
As a Girl Scout member you will have access to sign up for camp sessions and future girl program and adult learning opportunities.
Already a member
1. Log in.
Visit select the member login button.
2. Verify your registration.
If you need to renew your membership click the renew membership button on your user account page. You will be prompted to pay the $15 annual membership fee.
3. Click on Activities.
Select the activities button at the top of the page.
4. Search for your favorite camp
Easily search by location, camp type or camp name.
to become a member
Beginning this spring you’ll have the opportunity to sign up online for any
program/training we offer at Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas! This quick and easy
registration process means you’ll know if a program is still open just by logging into
your account profile.
Our Volunteer Service Team is here to help!
Call the Volunteer Service Center: 210-349-2404 ext. 391 (toll-free: 1-800-580-7247)
Email the Volunteer Service Center: [email protected]
Camp care packages
Camp Care Packages
Is your girl going to resident camp? Camp care packages will be available for purchase in
the Girl Scout Shops as well as online during camp registration. Get her things that are both
fun and functional for camp!
Basic Package-$20 Value
Stuffed animal
Autograph pillowcase & pen
Glow in the dark water bottle
Cat’s cradle game
Playing cards
Camp card
Super Package-$35 Value
BASIC package plus
Mini curvy catch game
Stadium blanket
Glow in the dark bundle pack
start at
$20 ea.
Deluxe Package-$50 Value
BASIC + SUPER package plus
Folding backpack
e supplies last)
*Camp Care Package items pictured may vary
slightly based upon availability.
ka g
Questions? Contact the Girl Scout Shop:
(210-349-2404/800-580-7247 ext. 201
or [email protected]). Order
forms are available in each of the Girl
Scout Shops.
B a si c P
Camp Care Package Order Form
for Camp La Jita Resident Camp
one form
per camper
per session
Camper’s First & Last Name: ________________________________________________ Camper’s Date of Birth: ______________
Session Name: ____________________________________________________________ Session Date: _______________________
Package Choice: [ ] Basic—$20
Payment Type: [ ] Credit Card
[ ] Super—$35
[ ] Deluxe—$50
[ ] Check
Card Holder’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Card Holder’s Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Card Holder’s Phone Number: ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________
Card Type (choose one): [ ]Visa [ ] MasterCard
[ ] Discover
[ ] American Express
Card Number:___________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: __________ CVV: ______
I understand that my credit card will be charged for the amount selected above (provide initials for approval): ______ Initial
Signature of Card Holder: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
FAX to the Girl Scout Shop at 210-349-2666
OR mail or deliver to the Girl Scout Shop at
Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center
811 N. Coker Loop | San Antonio, TX 78216
OR West Side Girl Scout Leadership Center
5622 W. César E. Chávez Blvd. | San Antonio, TX 78237
Questions? 210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 ext. 201
Office Use Only
Date & initials rcvd in VSC: _____________________
Date & initials rcvd in Shop: ____________________
Date & initials Shop sent email: _________________
Date & initials CLJ rcvd email: __________________
Camp Scholarship Application
Complete and submit with camp registration form and $25
deposit by April 10. Requests received after April 10 will be considered
upon availability of funds. Scholarships are available to currently
registered members of GSSWT and are awarded based on the need of the
girl and availability of funds. Resident camp scholarships are limited to
one per camper. This application is to be fully completed by parent or
guardian. Incomplete forms will be returned and may delay the process.
All information will be kept confidential. Please print. Note: Camp
scholarship application, registration form and $25 camp deposit
must be submitted together.
Complete and submit with camp registration form and $25 deposit
by May 1. Requests received after May 1 will be considered depending
upon availability of funds. Scholarships are available to currently registered
members of GSSWT and are awarded based on the need of the girl and
availability of funds. Multiple Camp Metro scholarships can be awarded
based on need and availability of funds. This application is to be fully
completed by parent or guardian. Incomplete forms will be returned and
may delay the process. All information will be kept confidential. Please print.
Note: Camp scholarship application, registration form and $25 camp
deposit must be submitted together.
Full Name of Girl: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Grade In Fall 2015:____School: _______________________________________________School District: ______________________________
Address: ________________________________________________ City: ______________________ County:_______________ ZIP:_________
Home Phone: (_______) ________________________________ Currently a Girl Scout? [ ] No [ ] Yes
Years in Girl Scouts: ___________
Troop Number: ____________ Grade Level: _____________________________________________________________ Age: ______________
How is parent involved with Girl Scouting? __________________________________________________________________________________
Check one: [ ] Camp Metro [ ] Resident Camp @ La Jita [ ] Special Session @ Boerne Lake
Name of Session:________________________________________________________________________ Date of Session:_________________
Total Session Fee: $_________ Amount you can pay (including cookie credits and deposit): $_________________
Has the girl attended camp before?
[ ] No [ ] Yes How many times? _______
Has the girl received a scholarship in the past?
[ ] No [ ] Yes How many times? _______
Did the girl sell Girl Scout cookies? [ ] No [ ] Yes Year: ______ No. of boxes: _______
If cookie credits were earned, how much will be applied toward camp fee? __________
Number of adults in household: ______ Number of children in household: __________
Is the girl’s father or guardian employed? [ ] No [ ] Yes Occupation: ________________________ Monthly Income: _________________
Is the girl’s mother or guardian employed? [ ] No [ ] Yes Occupation: ________________________ Monthly Income: _________________
Is a parent in active military duty?
[ ] No [ ] Yes
Please state family circumstances which might help in the consideration of this application:
Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Please PRINT parent name here: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Please note: Application is based on a score matrix. Unanswered or incomplete answers will affect your
score and will reduce your scholarship award.
Questions? 210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 ext. 391/[email protected]
Return this scholarship application, camp registration form and $25 deposit to
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas | Volunteer Service Center
811 N. Coker Loop | San Antonio, Texas 78216
Date Rcvd _______ Program Cost _______ Deposit Inc $ _______ Cookie Credits $ _______ Scholarship Amt $ _______
Family Bal Due $ _______ Date of Notification ______
Forma de Beca
Para Campamento residente—
y devuelva esta aplicación en conjunto con $25 de depósito a más
tardar Abril 10. Las aplicaciones recibidas después de Abril 10 serán
consideradas dependiendo de la disponibilidad de fondos. Las becas están
disponibles para los miembros actualmente registrados con GSSWT y son
otorgados en base a la disponibilidad de fondos y la necesidad de cada niña.
Las becas para el campamento de residentes están limitadas a una sola
por niña. Esta aplicación debe ser llenada por completo por el padre o guardián.
Las formas incompletas serán regresadas y pueden ocasionar retraso en el
proceso de otorgamiento de beca. Toda la información es confidencial. Nota:
la forma de beca, la forma de registro y los $25 de depósito deben ser
presentadas al mismo tiempo.
Complete y devuelva esta aplicación
en conjunto con $25 de depósito a más tardar Mayo 1. Las aplicaciones
recibidas después de Mayo 1 serán consideradas dependiendo de la disponibilidad
de fondos. Las becas están disponibles para los miembros actualmente
registrados con GSSWT y son otorgados en base a la disponibilidad de fondos
y la necesidad de cada niña. Múltiples becas para Campamento pueden ser
otorgadas en base a la necesidad de cada niña y la disponibilidad de fondos.
Esta aplicación debe ser llenada por completo por el padre o guardián. Las formas
incompletas serán regresadas y pueden ocasionar retraso en el proceso de
otorgamiento de beca. Toda la información es confidencial. Nota: la forma de
beca, la forma de registro y los $25 de depósito deben ser presentadas al
mismo tiempo.
Nombre completo de la niña: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Grado en otoño 2015:______ Escuela:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Dirección: _________________________________________Ciudad: __________________Condado: _____________ Código Postal:________
Teléfono de casa: (________)_________________ ¿Es esta niña una Girl Scout registrada? [ ] No [ ] Sí
Años en Girl Scouts: ____________
Número de Tropa: _______________ Nivel: ________________________________________________________ Edad: ___________________
¿Cómo participan los padres/guardián en el programa de Girl Scouts? _________________________________________________________
Por favor marque uno: [ ] Camp Metro [ ] Resident Camp @ La Jita [ ] Special Session @ Boerne Lake
Nombre del Programa:_____________________________________________________________ Fecha del Programa: ___________________
Cuota total del Programa: $_________ La cantidad que usted puede pagar (incluyendo créditos de galletas y depósitos): $__________
¿Ha asistido la niña al campamento antes?
[ ] No [ ] Sí ¿Cuántas veces? _________
¿Ha recibido beca antes?
[ ] No [ ] Sí ¿Cuántas veces? _________
¿Vendió la niña galletas de Girl Scouts?
[ ] No [ ] Sí Año: _____ Número de cajas: ______
Si ella recibio crédito de galletas, ¿cuánto se aplicará para la cuota del campamento?____________
Número de adultos en el hogar: __________ Número de niños en el hogar: __________
¿Está el padre o guardián de la niña empleado? [ ] No [ ] Sí Ocupación: __________________________________ Ingreso Mensual: __________
¿Está la madre o guardián de la niña empleado? [ ] No [ ] Sí Ocupación: _________________________________ Ingreso Mensual: __________
¿Es el padre/madre un miembro militar acitvo? [ ] No [ ] Sí
Por favor explique las circunstancias que puedan ayudar en la consideración de esta beca: ______________________________________
Firma del padre o guardián: ____________________________________________________________________ Fecha:____________________
Favor de escribir claramente el nombre del padre/guardián aquí:______________________________________________________________
Tenga en cuenta: La aplicación se basa en una matriz de puntuación. Respuestas no contestadas o
incompletas afectarán su puntuación y reducirán la beca.
¿Necesita ayuda con este formulario o tiene alguna pregunta?
210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 ext. 391/[email protected]
Devuelva la solicitud para la beca y tarjetas de inscripción a:
Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas | Volunteer Service Center
811 N. Coker Loop | San Antonio, Texas 78216
Date Rcvd _______ Program Cost _______ Deposit Inc $ _______ Cookie Credits $ _______ Scholarship Amt $ _______
Family Bal Due $ _______ Date of Notification ______
Camp Metro Registration Form
T-shirt size (choose one):
Camper’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Grade in Fall 2015: _______ School: _________________________________________ School District: _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________ City: _________________ County: _______________ State: _____ ZIP: ______
Mother/Guardian: __________________________________________________ Phone: W (_____)_____________ H (____)________________
Father/Guardian: ___________________________________________________ Phone: W (_____)_____________ H (____)________________
Parent/Guardian Email: _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Cell: (_______)________________________
Are you a: ___ Registered Girl Scout ___ Non-Girl Scout
Not currently a registered Girl Scout? Not a problem! Include $15 & registration form for your membership with
your camp deposit.
Group/Troop #: ______________ Service Unit: _______________________________________________________________________________
Special Session Reg on or before
Reg on or after
Before/After Edgewood ISD students—
Register June 1—$95/girl June 2—$120/girl Care—$25/girl 20% discount of camp fee
(less $19 by June 1;
less $24 June 2 or later)
Select session(s)
] Camp Metro PA Team, May 30
] CMI, June 8-12
] Let’s Play, June 15-19
] Fashionista, June 22-26
] Animal Planet, July 6-10
] All About Art, July 13-17
] Ideas Wanted, July 20-24
] The Show Must Go On, July 27-31
] Water WOW!, August 3-7
Add $15 if NOT a Girl Scout $_________
Total $_________
� TOTAL # OF SESSIONS______ Check one: � $25 nonrefundable DEPOSIT required per session � TOTAL AMOUNT $____________
Payment Method: (check one)
� Camper has applied for scholarship before May 1 deadline—minimum $25 nonrefundable deposit required
� Check #______ (payable to Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas) is attached
� Charge to credit card [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover [ ] American Express
Cardholder’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number: _________________________________________________ CVV: ______________ Exp. Date: __________________ ZIP: _______
Amount: $___________ Signature of Cardholder: ________________________________________________________________________
Camp Fee $__________ Before/After Care Fee $__________ Membership Dues $____________ Date_______________
Amount Pd
Order #
Confirmation Date _______________________________
Date _____________________________________________
Mail to: Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, Attn: Volunteer Service Center,
811 N. Coker Loop, San Antonio, Texas 78216
Forma de registro para Camp Metro
Nombre de la niña: ___________________________________________________________________ Fecha de Nacimiento: ______________
Grado en otoño 2015: _______ Escuela: _______________________________________ Distrito Escolar: ______________________________
Dirección: _______________________________________ Ciudad: ___________ Condado: __________ Estado: _____ Código Postal: _____
Madre/Guardián: __________________________________ Teléfono: de Trabajo (______)_______________ Casa (______)_______________
Padre/Guardián: __________________________________ Teléfono: de Trabajo (______)_______________ Casa (______)_______________
Los Padres/Guardián Email: _______________________________________ Los Padres/Guardián telefono celular: (_____)______________
Es su niña: ___ una Girl Scout registrada ___No es Girl Scout ¿No está registrada con Girl Scouts? ¡No hay problema! Mande $15 adicionales con su depósito para el campamento.
Tropa #: _______ Unidad de Servicio: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Special Session Registrado antes Registrado antes Cuidado Antes/ Estudiantes del Distrito Edgewood—
de Junio 1—
de Junio 2—
Despues— 20% descuento de la cuota del campamento
(menos $19 hasta Junio 1;
$25/niña menos
Seleccione sesion(s)
$24 Junio 2 o despues)
[ ] Camp Metro PA Team, May 30 $_________
[ ] CMI, June 8-12
[ ] Let’s Play, June 15-19
[ ] Fashionista, June 22-26
[ ] Animal Planet, July 6-10
[ ] All About Art, July 13-17
[ ] Ideas Wanted, July 20-24
[ ] The Show Must Go On, July 27-31
[ ] Water WOW!, August 3-7
Agregue $15 si No es una niña guía $_________
Total $_________
� TOTAL # DE SESIONES______ Marque uno: � $25 DEPÓSITO no reembolsable requerido por cada sesion � CANTIDAD TOTAL $__________
Método de pago: (marque uno)
� Acampante aplicó para beca antes de Mayo 1—depósito no reembolsable mínimo de $25 es requerido
� Cheque #______ (pafadero a Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas) adjuntado
� Cargo a tarjeta de crédito [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover [ ] American Express
Nombre del dueño de la tarjeta: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Número de tarjeta: ____________________________ CVV: ____________ Fecha de expiración: ___________ Código Postal: ________
Cuota: $___________ Firma del dueño de la tarjeta: ________________________________________________________________________
Camp Fee $__________ Before/After Care Fee $__________ Membership Dues $____________ Date_______________
Amount Pd
Order #
Confirmation Date _______________________________
Date _____________________________________________
Correo a: Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, Attn: Volunteer Service Center,
811 N. Coker Loop, San Antonio, Texas 78216
Resident Camp Registration Form
Copies of this form will not be accepted—you MUST submit form with an original signature.
Forms will not be accepted via email or FAX—MUST mail or hand deliver.
Camper’s Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Grade in Fall 2015: _______ School: _________________________________________ School District: _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________ City: _________________ County: _______________ State: _____ ZIP: ______
Mother/Guardian: __________________________________________________ Phone: W (_____)_____________ H (____)________________
Father/Guardian: ___________________________________________________ Phone: W (_____)_____________ H (____)________________
Parent/Guardian Email: _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Cell: (_______)________________________
Are you a: ___ Registered Girl Scout ___ Non-Girl Scout
Not currently a registered Girl Scout? Not a problem! Include $15 & registration form for your membership with
your camp deposit.
Group/Troop #: ______________ Service Unit: _______________________________________________________________________________
GSUSA and GSSWT have my permission to use, distribute, publish, exhibit, digitize, broadcast, display, modify and reproduce my child’s picture, likeness and
voice (including video footage) without limitation, on the Internet, in print campaigns, in-store and via television. _____Yes _____No ______Initials
(NOTE: You will be registered for all sessions listed below.)
Camp Session Title
Camp Date
Camp Fee
Add $15 if NOT a Girl Scout $_________
Add $50 if reside outside of GSSWT jurisdiction $_________
Total $_________
� TOTAL # OF SESSIONS______ Check one: � $25 nonrefundable DEPOSIT required per session � TOTAL AMOUNT $____________
Payment Method: (check one)
� Camper has applied for scholarship before April 10 deadline—minimum $25 nonrefundable deposit required
� Check #______ (payable to Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas) is attached
� Charge to credit card [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover [ ] American Express
Cardholder’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number: ________________________________________________ CVV: ______________ Exp. Date: __________________ ZIP: _______
Amount: $___________ Signature of Cardholder: ________________________________________________________________________
Camp Fee $__________ Membership Dues $____________ Date_______________
Amount Pd
Order #
Confirmation Date _______________________________
Date _____________________________________________
Mail to: Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, Attn: Volunteer Service Center,
811 N. Coker Loop, San Antonio, Texas 78216
Forma de registro para campamento de residencia
No serán aceptadas copias de esta forma—DEBERA entregar Original formada. Formas no serán
aceptadas vía FAX o correo electrónico. Debe ser enviada por correo o entregarse en persona.
Nombre de la niña: ___________________________________________________________________ Fecha de Nacimiento: ______________
Grado en otoño 2015: _______ Escuela: _______________________________________ Distrito Escolar: ______________________________
Dirección: _______________________________________ Ciudad: ___________ Condado: __________ Estado: _____ Código Postal: _____
Madre/Guardián: __________________________________ Teléfono: de Trabajo (______)_______________ Casa (______)_______________
Padre/Guardián: __________________________________ Teléfono: de Trabajo (______)_______________ Casa (______)_______________
Los Padres/Guardián Email: _______________________________________ Los Padres/Guardián telefono celular: (_____)______________
Es su niña: ___ una Girl Scout registrada ___No es Girl Scout
¿No está registrada con Girl Scouts? ¡No hay problema! Mande $15 adicionales con su depósito para el campamento.
Tropa #: _______ Unidad de Servicio: ______________________________________________________________________________________
GSUSA y GSSWT tienen mi permiso para utilizar, distribuir, publicar, exhibir, digitalizar, transmitir, mostrar, modificar y reproducir la imagen de mi hija, semejanza y voz
(incluido el material de archivo de vídeo) sin limitación, en Internet, en campañas de impresión, en la tienda y a través de la televisión. ____Yes ____No _____Iniciales
(NOTA: Ud. será registrado a todas las sesiones listadas a continuación.)
Agregue $15 si No es una niña guía $_________
Agregue $50 si reside fuera de la jurisdicción de GSSWT $_________
Total $_________
� TOTAL # DE SESIONES______ Marque uno: � $25 DEPÓSITO no reembolsable requerido por cada sesion � CANTIDAD TOTAL $__________
Método de pago: (marque uno)
� Acampante aplicó para beca antes de Abril 10—depósito no reembolsable mínimo de $25 es requerido
� Cheque #______ (pafadero a Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas) adjuntado
� Cargo a tarjeta de crédito [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard [ ] Discover [ ] American Express
Nombre del dueño de la tarjeta: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Número de tarjeta: _______________________________ CVV: ___________ Fecha de expiración: ___________ Código Postal: ________
Cuota: $___________ Firma del dueño de la tarjeta: ________________________________________________________________________
Camp Fee $__________ Membership Dues $____________ Date_______________
Amount Pd
Order #
Confirmation Date _______________________________
Date _____________________________________________
Correo residente campo formulario a: Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas,
Attn: Volunteer Service Center, 811 N. Coker Loop, San Antonio, Texas 78216
Membresía para niñas
Únete a nuestra red mundial de 3.2 millones de Girl Scouts
Membresía vence 9/30/20
Tipo de membresía:
� Nueva membresía
� Renovación de membresía
GSUSA ID (si lo sabe)
Segundo nombre
niña (marcando todos los puntos de interes)
� Campamentos: Conéctate con la
naturaleza. Elige un campamento de
día o día y noche.
Teléfono del hogar
Estado/Código postal
Me gustaría
optar por:
Celular de la niña*
Correo electrónico de la niña*
*Proporcionar sólo si la niña es mayor de 13 años de edad
� Mensajes de texto
� Correos electrónicos
Girl Scouts respeta y da la bienvenida a todas las personas independientemente de sus orígenes y capacidades. Al completar la siguiente
información (tal como define el Censo de los Estados Unidos), usted asegura apoyo y recursos para niñas en su comunidad. Tenga en
cuenta que Hispano/Latino se define como etnia, no raza, y por lo tanto es indicado por separado. La recolección de esta información es
para exclusivo uso estadístico.
Fecha de nacimiento: (día/mes/año)
# de años como Girl Scout:
Ella es:
� Nativa americana o nativa de Alaska
� Asiática
� Negra o afroamericana
� Hawaiana o de las islas del Pacífico
� Blanca
� Otro (especificar)
Ella es hispana o latina:
� Sí
� No
� Prefiero no responder
por el momento
� Prefiero no responder por el
� Eventos: Disfruta de eventos de medio
día o día completo donde compartir
tus intereses.
� Series: Explora tus intereses en unas
cuantas sesiones sin que esto
interfiera con tu horario de actividades.
� Viajes: Haz tus maletas. ¡Viaja por tu
ciudad o alrededor del mundo!
� Tropa: Diviértete regularmente con tus
hermanas Girl Scouts.
Grado escolar en Otoño de 2015:
Nombre de la escuela a la que pertenece actualmente:
Bajo la tutela de:
� Ambos padres
� Madre/Tutor legal únicamente
� Padre/Tutor legal únicamente
� Otro
Girl Scouts ayuda a las niñas a
desarrollar el valor, la confianza en
sí mismas y los principios para hacer
del mundo un lugar mejor.
Ingresos familiares:
� $0–$14,999
� $15,000–$34,999
� $35,000–$49,999
� $50,000–$74,999
� $75,000–$99,999
� $100,000 o más
� Prefiero no responder
por el momento
� Virtual: Comparte y aprende
virtualmente con Girl Scouts en
todas partes.
¡SÍ! También quiero hacer una donación
que beneficie directamente a todas las
niñas de mi área. Envío una donación
deducible de impuestos por el monto de:
(marque donde corresponda).
� $500
� $250
� $150
� $100
� $50
� $25
� Otro: $
� Dirección igual que la de la niña
Nombre del padre/madre/tutor legal (1)
Segundo nombre
Membresía anual: $
Total adjunto: $
Lugar de trabajo
Teléfono del hogar
Teléfono del trabajo
Correo electrónico
Me gustaría
optar por:
� Mensajes de texto
� Correos electrónicos
Nombre del padre/madre/tutor legal (2)
Segundo nombre
Correo electrónico
� MasterCard
� Otra
Teléfono del trabajo
� No autorizo esta oportunidad en
este momento.
� Discover
� Visa
Fecha de vencimiento
Teléfono del hogar
Al participar en actividades de Girl
Scouts, puedo ser fotografiada para
publicaciones escritas, videos o
medios electrónicos. Las imágenes
pueden ser usadas en materiales
promocionales, anuncios y otros
formatos de publicaciones de los
concilios de Girl Scouts o de Girl
Scouts of the USA. Las imágenes
serán de exclusiva propiedad ya
sea de los concilios de Girl Scouts
o de Girl Scouts of the USA.
� Cheque*
� Amex
Número de tarjeta
� Efectivo
Nombre en la tarjeta de crédito
� Dirección igual que la de la niña
Lugar de trabajo
Donación: $
Me gustaría
optar por:
� Mensajes de texto
� Correos electrónicos
La Ley de Girl Scouts
La Promesa de Girl Scouts
Yo me esforzaré por:
ser honrada y justa,
cordial y servicial,
considerada y compasiva,
valiente y fuerte, y
responsable de lo que digo y hago,
y por
respetarme a mí misma y a los demás
respetar la autoridad,
usar los recursos de manera prudente,
hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, y
ser hermana de cada una de las Girl Scouts.
Por mi honor, yo trataré:
de servir a Dios y a mi patria,
ayudar a las personas en todo momento,
y vivir conforme a la Ley de Girl Scouts.
Al hacer la promesa
de Girl Scouts, los
miembros individuales pueden sustituir
con una redacción
adecuada la palabra
Reconocemos que mi/ nuestra niña
“Dios” de acuerdo a
hará la Promesa de Girl Scouts y aceptará
sus propias creenla Ley de Girl Scouts. Autorizo que ella
cias espirituales.
se una a Girl Scouts.
Firma del padre/tutor legal
Firma del padre/tutor legal
*Haga el cheque pagadero a Girl Scouts
información acerca de Girl Scouts
Código de concilio:
Unidad de Servicio/Grupo:
� Campamentos
� Eventos
� Series
� Viajes
� Tropa
� Virtual
Entregue este formulario de inscripción a su concilio, junto con la cuota de GSUSA. Las cuotas no son reembolsables ni se pueden transferir a otras personas.
811 N. Coker Loop
San Antonio, TX 78216
@ GirlScoutsSWTX
Give the Gift
of an Experience
Each year, hundreds of girls who attend GSSWT camps require financial assistance
based on their family’s need. Will you help give another girl a summer to remember?
Please accept my donation to support Girl Scouts locally. I wish to contribute: (please check one)
Tear along dotted line
[ ] $250
[ ] $200
[ ] $150
[ ] $100
[ ] $75
[ ] $50
[ ] $25
[ ] Other $___________
[ ] My check is attached
Credit Card:
[ ] Visa
[ ] MasterCard
[ ] Discover
[ ] American Express
Cardholder Name: ________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number: __________________________________________________ CVV: _____________ Exp. Date: ________________ ZIP: ________
I understand that my voluntary, tax-deductible gift will help support girls locally and will remain in GSSWT.
(Please contact your employer to inquire about a matching gifts program. Your contribution could be doubled or tripled.)