Page Two • St Charles Borromeo Mass Intentions Requests for Mass


Page Two • St Charles Borromeo Mass Intentions Requests for Mass
Page Two
St Charles Borromeo •
St Charles Borromeo
St. Vincent De Paul Society
Mother Theresa once said " We have been created with a purpose: to love and to be loved. Those who are sick or poor need
our hands to serve them and our hearts to offer them love." Please be as generous as you can with your donations of nonperishable food items, toiletries, cash offerings, and prayers for those who are less fortunate. By doing this we will be in
contact with Jesus through his image of sorrow in the poor. Thank you! Our hotline number is 733-2010.
School News
The school will celebrate Mass with the parish on Sunday, September 18 at 10:30 am Mass
The week of September 19 is Spirit Week on campus with themed dress days all week. On Thursday, we are honored to host
a very special guest speaker, Mr. Thomas Awiapo, the international representative of Operation Rice Bowl. He will share his
life's journey and talk about the impact that Operation Rice Bowl has had on his life and his community.
There is no school on Friday, Sept. 23 as the teachers will attend the diocesan Ministry Days.
Throughout the week of September 26 we will hold Parent-Teacher Conferences with minimum day
dismissals at 12 noon each day.
2016 Fall Harvest Festival — Our Fall Harvest Festival will be on Sunday, October 16th. There
will be food, carnival games, music, beer garden, baked goods, a scarecrow contest, and a raffle
with Disneyland tickets and other prizes. New this year, a petting zoo with friendly farm
animals. Also, we will have our 2nd annual Chili Cook-off! Anyone can enter the Chili Cook-off -there is no entry fee, and 1st place will win $100! Visit the school office for an entry form, or
email [email protected] if you are interested in participating.
SBC Catholic Youth Group/ GRUPO JUVENIL DE SCB
Community Service Opportunities. Loaves & Fishes- Sunday, October 23 7am – 1:30 pm. Youth must be 14 years or older
to attend. Interested in joining ourYouth Group Service?
Feast Day of St Charles Borromeo- Friday, November 4th Teens are needed to support gym set up,
church greeters, and food servers. You can volunteer anytime between 5:30 pm-9:00 pm. Interested in
volunteering and getting service hours?
A big heartfelt thank you to all our Parishioners who donated funds to help send our teens to
OnFire. Our parish was well represented and we took 29 teens and 4 adults! Our largest group ever. May
God bless your generosity abundantly. Join me in praying for our Young Church here and everywhere.
For more information on youth events please call the parish office or email Ana at [email protected].
Oportunidades de servicio comunitario, Loaves & Fishes- domingo, octubre 23 de 07 a.m.-1:30 pm. Los
jóvenes deben tener 14 años o más para poder asistir. ¿Interesado en formar parte de nuestro servicio?
Fiesta Día de San Carlos Borromeo- viernes, 4 de noviembre. Se necesitan Adolescentes para apoyar en preparar el
gimnasio, recibir a los que van entrando a la iglesia, y servidores de comida. Jóvenes pueden ser voluntarios en cualquier
momento entre las 5:30 de la tarde a las 9 de la noche. ¿Interesado en ser voluntario y obtener horas de servicio?
Les agradezco de corazón a todos nuestros feligreses que donaron fondos para ayudar a enviar a nuestros adolescentes a
OnFire. ¡Nuestra parroquia estuvo bien representada y llevamos 29 adolescentes y 4 adultos! Es nuestro grupo más grande
que hemos llevado. Que Dios les bendiga abundantemente por su generosidad. Unámonos en la oración por la Iglesia joven
aquí y en todas partes.
Para obtener más información sobre los eventos juveniles por favor llame a la oficina o por correo electrónico a Ana:
[email protected]
Please join us in our annual celebration of San Lorenzo Ruiz.
Novena start on September 20(Tuesday) until Sept.28(Wednesday).
Potluck and fellowship after the procession on the Feast Day Sept. 28.
Flyers are available in the vestibule for each day/time and place for
the rosary, masses.and venue.
Grateful to
Our Giving Community,
We ask the Lord to compensate its generosity.
Previous Sunday Collection $8585.00
The median of the past years’ operating expenses is $619,893
which sets the goal for each Sunday to $11,921.00.
Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad Dadivosa
por su generosidad.
Colecta del fin de semana pasado $8585.00
Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,893 Objetivo de
colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,921.00.
Mass Intentions
September 17 - Sept. 23, 2016
8:00 am - -Luis Cornejo, †Frisco del Rosario
4:00-4:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones
5:00pm- †Priscilla Loyola, †Luz Loyola Bautista, †Nathan Ortiz,
†Greg Pimentel
6:30pm- †Mariana Velez, †Santiago Valadez, †Esperanza Mora
7:30am- †George Biete, †Taylor Barlow, †Herminio, Natividad,
Danilo & Leticia de la Cruz
9:00am- -Daniela Guadalupe Angeles, †Ildelisa Cuellar,
†Graciela Silva
10:30am- †Steven Durant, †Connie Lobo, †Mario Ikalina,
†Sostines & Alberta Asuncion
12:00nn- -Ma. Victoria & Van Neal Random Jr.,
1:30pm- -Luis Cornejo, †
5:00 pm-†
6:30 pm - -Juan Zamudio, - Jorge Lopez,
-Cesar Linares
8:00am- -Luis Cornejo,
8:00am - - Emilia Mariano,
6:00-6:45 pm - Confesiones / Confessions
7:00pm- -Luis Cornejo
8:00am- -Emy, -LuisCornejo, -MiriamJoy
6:00 - 6:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones
7:00pm -
8:00am - Ramon T. de Ocampo, - Luis Cornejo,
-Franco Castillo
8:00am- -Luis Cornejo, -Reyes Family
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Requests for Mass Intentions /
Pedido de Intenciones para las Misas
Requests for mass intentions need to be received in the parish
office with stipend at least two weeks in advance if you want
your request included in the weekly bulletin.
Los pedidos de intenciones de Misa deben de hacerse dos
semanas de anticipación, y su estipendio para que aparezcan
en el boletín.
Ministry Days 2016 / Jornada Pastoral 2016
Save the date for Ministry Days 2016! September 23 & 24,
2016 at St. Francis High School. For more information visit
¡Reserve la fecha para la Jornada Pastoral 2016! 23 y 24 de
Septiembre en la escuela secundaria St. Francis. Para mas
información visite
40 Days for Life – Rosary, Vigil Mass & Campaign
Kick-Off Date: Saturday, September 24th, Location: St.
Philomene Catholic Church. Bishop Myron Cotta will
celebrate our Diocese’s Opening Mass at 5:30 pm. The Rosary
will be prayed at 5:00 pm. A spaghetti dinner kickoff will
follow immediately afterward in the St. Philomene school gym.
Everyone is invited to attend and priests are invited to
concelebrate with Bishop Cotta.
40 Days for Life Campaign:
The Fall 40 Days for Life prayer vigil begins on September 28
around the world, including several in our Diocese. Christians
will pray and offer assistance on the sidewalk, Monday Friday, from September 28th to November 6th. This lifesaving, peaceful, prayerful ministry is endorsed by Bishop Soto
who encourages all Catholics to participate. By God's grace
over 11,700 women worldwide have changed their minds,
choosing LIFE for their children rather than abortion because
of people praying at the sidewalk. The Sacramento vigil will be
held at 1442 Ethan Way, along the public sidewalk of the
abortion business parking lot on Hallmark Drive, across from
the state fairgrounds. For more information visit about other sites or location.
The Father-Son Program
Programa de Padre e Hijo
Program explores God’s special gift of human sexuality and
fertility as well as the goodness and wonder of his plan for
growing up and becoming a man. It is designed for fathers*
and their 12–15 year old sons. *If the father is not available,
the son can be accompanied by another supportive adult. To
register online, go to To register
by mail or with other questions, please contact Steve Patton at
Phone: (916) 733-0133 | Email: [email protected]
El programas de Padre e Hijo exploran el regalo especial de
Dios sobre la sexualidad y fertilidad humana al igual que la
belleza y la maravilla del plan de Dios para crecer y
convertirse en un hombre. El programa es para papas* y sus
hijos varones de 12 a 15 años de edad. *Si el papa del niño no
está disponible, el niño podrá ser acompañado por otra
persona adulta que le apoye.
Para inscribirse en línea visite
Para inscribirse o para mayores informes, favor de contactar
al coordinador local, Vicente Rosas al: (916) 919-6948 |
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]