attention bulletin editors!


attention bulletin editors!
Additions February 2016
Bulletin Announcements
Diocese of Palm Beach
Additions and Changes to February 2016 Bulletin Announcements
As of Jan. 26, there has been a change to the location of the Women’s Conference to be held in
March. It will not be at the Cathedral but rather at St. Matthew Church in Lake Worth. Please make
any changes necessary if you running this during the month of February!!
Content List
Pages 1 & 2 – Revised Copy Women’s
meeting date in February for Catholic
Conference Reflecting the location change
Grandparents Association (CGA)
Page 2 – Another session starting of the Divorce
Page 4 – New standard wording for CGA
Ministry; and World Marriage Day
monthly meetings.
Page3 - - Announcement of new diocesan
Page 5 – Word of Life Begins
Lecture Series on the Year of Mercy; and New
**Please note: There are new PDFs for this announcement in the PDF announcement file ( a poster
and a registration form.**
New Copy – Version #1
New Location Announced for the Women’s Conference in March
All women of faith and of all ages throughout the Diocese of Palm Beach are invited to attend the 7th
Annual Catholic Women of Faith, Women of Action Conference on Saturday March 19, 2016. The
conference has now been moved to St. Matthew Church in Lake Worth.
Hosted by the Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, this inspiring day of worship will
provide you with many opportunities to grow in your prayer life, faith and service. Our conference guest
speaker will be ValLimar Jansen. She gives God the Glory while blending story, testimony, and song for
a powerful experience of renewal. ValLimar Jansen will present two sessions: Women Taking a Walk
with Jesus and Woman on the Road to Emmaus.
As always the day also includes Mass with celebrant Bishop Barbarito; spirit-filled music by Thomas Bold
and the Young Spiritz from St. Bernadette Church in Port St. Lucie; Rosary, Adoration; and shopping at
the many vendor tables and at the parish religious store. Cost: $30 received before 2/29/16; $35.00
thereafter; Walk-ins welcome! Students: $15. Cost includes meals (Registration/check-in/Continental
Breakfast 8 – 9 a.m.).
Registration forms available at & There
are also sponsorship and program ad opportunities available. Have Questions? Contact Patti Amann at
561-662-4780 & [email protected] or Vivian Rogers at 561-799-1975 & [email protected]
New Copy – Version #2
Registration is Underway for the Women’s Conference in 2016
All women of faith and of all ages throughout the Diocese of Palm Beach are invited to attend the 7th
Annual Catholic Women of Faith, Women of Action Conference on Saturday March 19, 2016 at St.
Matthew Church in Lake Worth. This is hosted by the Palm Beach Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.
This inspiring day of worship will provide you with many opportunities to grow in your prayer life, faith and
service. Our conference guest speaker will be ValLimar Jansen. She gives God the Glory while blending
story, testimony, and song for a powerful experience of renewal. ValLimar Jansen will present two
sessions: Women Taking a Walk with Jesus and Woman on the Road to Emmaus.
As always the day also includes Mass with celebrant Bishop Barbarito; spirit-filled music by Thomas Bold
and the Young Spiritz from St. Bernadette Church in Port St. Lucie; Rosary, Adoration; and shopping at
the many vendor tables and parish religious store. Cost: $30 received before 2/29/16; $35.00 thereafter;
Walk-ins welcome! Students: $15. Cost includes meals (Registration/check-in/Continental Breakfast 8 –
9 a.m.).
Registration forms available at & There
are also sponsorship and program ad opportunities available. Have Questions? Contact Patti Amann at
561-662-4780 & [email protected] or Vivian Rogers at 561-799-1975 & [email protected]
**Please note: There is PDF for this announcement in the PDF announcement file ***
A New Session of Divorce Ministry Begins in February
There's no such thing as "Catholic divorce" but the bad news is Catholics do civilly divorce. We're
here to help, and to encourage healing through the Sacraments where you'll personally encounter
Christ—with all His love and tender mercies. And that's the REALLY good news.
St. Lucie Catholic Church in Port St. Lucie will be hosting a new session of the Divorce Survival Guide
Ministry starting in February. Our program features the powerful and inspiring real-life stories of civilly
divorced Catholic men and women who found help in the Church. This DVD-based program with leader
support offers the truth about love, marriage, divorce, & recovery from a faithfully Catholic perspective.
For more information and to register, call Loretta Barnes at 772-878-1215.
**Please note: There is PDF for this announcement in the PDF announcement file ***
Celebrate World Marriage Day in February
World Marriage Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of February to honor husbands and
wives as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness,
sacrifice and joy in daily married life. This year World Marriage Day is February 14. The diocese invites
married couples to celebrate the gift of each other in these following simple ways: Learn more at
Attend Mass together.
Sit together and look at your courtship and
wedding pictures.
Tell your children how you met and fell in love.
Tell your spouse what you most appreciate in
him/her after you say “I Love You”.
Give each other a back and foot massage.
Make his or her favorite meal or dessert and
eat by candlelight.
Write your spouse a love letter telling how
much your marriage means to you.
Give your spouse and yourself the gift of a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend.
**Please note: There is PDF for this announcement in the PDF announcement file ***
Bulletin Option #1
New Friday Night Lecture Series on Mercy and the Family
During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the diocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life is starting a new
Friday Night Lecture Series. These one-hour talks will take place at various locations all around the
diocese on select dates followed by an opportunity to “meet & greet” the speaker. There is no charge, but
a free will offering will be taken. Everyone is invited.
Our first lecture of the series will be held at 7 p.m. on March 18 featuring Father John Zuhlsdorf who will
discuss “Mercy and the Family.” This will take place at St. John of the Cross in Vero Beach. Future
events, speakers and locations are posted on the diocesan Events Calendar at or call 561-775-9557.
Bulletin Option #2
Join us for the Night Lecture Series on Mercy and the Family
During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, the diocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life is starting a new
Friday Night Lecture Series. The first in our series will be held at 7 p.m. on March 18 featuring Father
John Zuhlsdorf who will discuss “Mercy and the Family.” This will take place at St. John of the Cross in
Vero Beach.
Each lecture will be a one-hour talk that will take place at various locations all around the diocese on
select dates and will provide an opportunity to “meet & greet” the speaker. There is no charge, but a free
will offering will be taken. Everyone is invited. For more information, please call 561-775-9557 or visit
Future Friday Nights*:
May 20, 2016 - Mary Jo Anderson -“Reflections on the Synod of the Family “ - at St. Bernadette
September 16, 2016 - Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio - “The Holy Year of Mercy” - at Cathedral of St. Ignatius
October 21, 2016 - Katie Warner - “5 Strategies for Becoming a Stronger Spiritual Leader for Your
Family” – at Ascension Church
*schedule subject to change
**Please note: There is PDF for this announcement in the PDF announcement file ***
Meeting Change Starting in February for the Catholic Grandparents Association
Due to conflicts with other meetings in the parish and the difficulty for our Grandparents to choose
between the meetings the Catholic Grandparents Association (CGA) has changed its Meeting Day to:
Meeting will be on Saturday, February 6 at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Our topic will be: “Challenges our
Grandchildren Face Today”. Please join us.
On the First Saturday of the month at Ascension Parish after the 9:00 a.m. Mass the parish has a
Healing Service. So Grandparents can come to the 9:00 a.m. Mass and the Healing Service then come
into the Parish Hall for our Catholic Grandparent Meeting. For more information contact Kit Johansen at
561-289-2640 or e-mail [email protected]
**Please note: There is PDF for this announcement in the PDF announcement file ***
Monthly Local Chapter Meeting of the Catholic Grandparents Association
The local chapter of the Catholic Grandparents Association (CGA) invites all grandparents to attend its
monthly meetings, whether your grandchildren live nearby or far away. The local CGA chapter meets the
first Saturday of every month at from 10 a.m. -11:30 a.m. at Ascension Church. The meetings are
open to all to attend. On the First Saturday of the month following the 9 a.m. Mass Ascension has a
Healing Service. This allows Grandparents to come to the 9:00 a.m. Mass and the Healing Service then
come into the Parish Hall for our Catholic Grandparent Meeting. For more information contact Kit
Johansen at 561-289-2640 or e-mail [email protected]
Related fliers are posted in this month’s PDF file for Bulletin Announcements.
Questions about the above announcements?
Contact the Director of Communications, Dianne Laubert,
at 561-775-9529 or [email protected]
The February Word of Life in English and Spanish begins on page 5.
Word of Life: February 2016
See the third page for new features!
Intercessions for Life
February 7th
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
For all people:
May we repent for the times we did
not cherish God’s gift of life,
and may we be inspired to seek his forgiveness without fear;
We pray to the Lord:
February 14th
First Sunday of Lent
For all Christians:
May God grant us courage to embrace
the precious gift of life,
even in the most difficult of circumstances;
We pray to the Lord:
February 21st
Second Sunday of Lent
For people with disabilities;
May they be treated with the loving care
and respect due to each person;
We pray to the Lord:
February 28th
Third Sunday of Lent
For young people:
May they discover the freedom and peace that
comes from following Jesus’s call to purity;
We pray to the Lord:
View, download, and order the 2015-16 Respect Life Program materials at
Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.
Bulletin Briefs
The QR codes to the right of each quote can be saved as separate JPG files and inserted (or copied
and pasted) into bulletins, newsletters, etc. When scanned with a smartphone, the QR codes will direct
smartphone users to the webpage where the referenced resource is located.
February 7th (Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time)
“In the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, also called confession, we meet
the Lord, who wants to grant forgiveness and the grace to live a renewed life in him.”
— “God’s Gift of Forgiveness: A Pastoral Exhortation on the
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation”, USCCB
February 14th (First Sunday of Lent)
“Jesus is with us every step of the way, giving us the grace we need. God
invites us to embrace the lives we have been given, for as long as they are
given. Every life is worth living.”
— 2015-16 Respect Life Program Flyer
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
February 21st (Second Sunday of Lent)
“Our son Charlie was born with Down syndrome in 2007. …Labels could not
describe how [his] smile lit up a room, or how the sweetness of his soul had
captured our hearts so completely.”
— “A Perfect Gift” (
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
February 28th (Third Sunday of Lent)
“Chastity also includes much more than just waiting until marriage to have
sex. …It means loving the way we're created to love—respecting our
sexuality and living it out as we're meant to.”
— “10 Surprising Tips For Love The Culture Won’t
Tell You” (
USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
View, download, and order the 2015-16 Respect Life Program materials at
Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.
Bulletin Art
Recommended dates are provided, but you are welcome to use these images at any time. However,
please do not alter the images in any way, other than the size. Thank you!
Suggested Use: Sunday, February 21, along with the intercession for life and the third bulletin brief.
Download at
Suggested Use: Sunday, February 28, along with the intercession for life and the fourth bulletin brief.
Download at
View, download, and order the 2015-16 Respect Life Program materials at
Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.
Palabra de Vida Febrero de 2016
Lea sobre nuevos elementos en la página 3
Intercesiones por la Vida
7 de febrero
5º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Por todos los fieles:
para que nos arrepintamos por todas las veces
que no valoramos el don divino de la vida
y que siempre seamos inspirados a buscar el perdón sin miedo.
roguemos al Señor:
14 de febrero
1º Domingo de Cuaresma
Por todos los cristianos:
para que Dios nos conceda la valentía de afirmar
el incomparable don de la vida,
aún en las circunstancias más difíciles;
roguemos al Señor:
21 de febrero
2º Domingo de Cuaresma
Por las personas con discapacidades;
para que sean tratadas con el cariño
y respeto que se debe a cada una;
roguemos al Señor:
28 de febrero
3º Domingo de Cuaresma
Por todos los jóvenes:
para que descubran la libertad y la paz que
vienen de seguir el llamado de Jesús a la pureza;
roguemos al Señor:
Mira, baja y pide los materiales del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16 de
Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Se reservan todos los derechos.
Citas para el boletín
Los códigos QR a la derecha de cada cita pueden guardarse como archivos JPG separados e
insertarse o copiarse y pegarse, en boletines, circulares, etc. Cuando se escanean con un teléfono
inteligente, los códigos QR llevarán a los usuarios al sitio digital donde se ubica el recurso referido.
7 de febrero
(Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario)
“En el Sacramento de la Penitencia y la Reconciliación, también conocido como
confesión, nos encontramos con el Señor que nos quiere ofrecer su perdón y su
gracia para vivir una vida renovada en Él.”
— “El regalo de Dios del perdón: Exhortación pastoral sobre
el Sacramento de la Penitencia y Reconciliación”, USCCB
14 de febrero
(Primer Domingo de Cuaresma)
“Jesús está con nosotros en cada paso del camino, dándonos la gracia que
necesitamos. Dios nos invita a abrazar la vida que se nos ha dado, por el
tiempo que se nos da. Cada vida merece vivir".
— Volante del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16
Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida, USCCB
21 de febrero
(Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma)
“Nuestro hijo Charlie nació con síndrome de Down en el año 2007. Las
etiquetas clínicas no pueden describir... cómo la dulzura de su alma había
conquistado nuestros corazones tan completamente.”
— “Un regalo perfecto”
Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida, USCCB
28 de febrero (Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma)
“La castidad también supone mucho más que solo esperar hasta el
matrimonio para tener relaciones sexuales. … Supone amar de la forma para
la que hemos sido creados, respetando nuestra sexualidad y viviéndola según
el propósito de Dios."
— “10 Sorprendentes consejos para amar que la
cultura no te dará” (
Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida, USCCB
Mira, baja y pide los materiales del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16 de
Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Se reservan todos los derechos.
Arte para boletines
Damos recomendaciones para las fechas en que se pueden usar, pero son apropiadas para cualquier
momento. Le pedimos que no altere las imágenes en lo más mínimo, excepto en el tamaño. ¡Gracias!
Uso sugerido: Domingo 21 de febrero, junto con la intercesión por la vida y la tercera cita del boletín.
Bajar de
Uso sugerido: Domingo 28 de febrero, junto con la intercesión por la vida y la cuarta cita del boletín.
Bajar de TXY7vE
Mira, baja y pide los materiales del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16 de
Copyright © 2016, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. Se reservan todos los derechos.