ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC Sunday, October 9th 12:00pm + Wendell Rodr iguez Thursday, October 13th 6:30pm + Michael Cr onin Sunday, October 16th 8:00am Eva Rour ke 5th Anniver sar y 10:00am + Alber to Mor ais & Alipio Martins OCTOBER 9TH, 2016 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?” (Luke 17:18) Most of us live “easy” lives. We have food, shelter and clothing. We go on vacation every year and own a car or two. Most of us take this all for granted. Did you ever notice that people with the least amount of possessions are usually the most grateful? Shouldn’t this be the other way around? Take time every day and thank God for all He has given you. VIGIL CANDLE For Jackeline Rivera $10 donation - 2 weeks COLUMBUS DAY October 10th OFFICED & FOOD PANTRY CLOSED The Week Ahead Saturday, October 8th Brazilian Retreat all day-ARC 9:30am NO CCD 10am-Blessing of the Animals-ARC 5:30-7pm RICA 6-8pm– Ghanaian Choir Sunday, October 9th 8:30-9:45am NO CCD 10:30 AM NO CCD NO Pre & Confirmation Class Monday, October 10th Food Pantry & Office Closed Tuesday, October 11th 10am Al Anon—HALL 5-7pm Food Pantry 6:15 Futsal– ARC Wednesday, October 12th 5-7pm Food Pantry 6-8pm Ghanaian prayer group—Church 7pm-Adult Basketball—ARC Thursday, October 13th 6:30pm Juan XXIII—HALL 7pm Salsa Class – ARC Friday, October 14th 6-8pm Asamblea de Oración Diocesana 6:30 Ensayo del coro Hispano (ARC) Saturday, October 15th 9:30am First Communion preparation 5:30-7pm RICA 6-8pm– Ghanaian Choir 1- 951 NO Faith Formation Classes for Jr.High, Pre-Confirmation and Confirmation this weekend due to the holiday!! We will resume classes next Sunday, October 16th starting with the 5:30 mass. Anyone still not registered please do so before the October 16th class!! We had our First Monday Youth Mania Night and fun was had by all!! Please come to our next event!! Monday Youth Mania Monster Mash will be on October 24th from 6:30-8:30 in the ARC !!!! Open to all youth grades 7-12!!!!! We are asking for bags of individually wrapped Halloween candy to be donated by October 24th for a community service project that the youth will be working on. Ghanaian Community at St. Joan of Arc Ghanaian Mass: Sundays at 2pm Ghanaian Prayer Group: Wednesdays at 6-8pm (Church) Ghanaian Music Ministry: Saturdays at 3pm (BWR) Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm Ghanaian Youth Group: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR) Men’s & Women’s Groups: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR/Hall) Baptismal Instruction: by appointment with Anthony Boateng TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP What is Online Giving? To create your online account, visit our website and click on our Giving button. DONOR GUIDE for Text Giving Text the amount you would like to give to your church’s designated number: 508-372-8008 Project Sandal May thanks to all those who have already participated in this worthy cause for saint Anne School in les Cayes, Haiti. By the end of next week we will bring the project to a close for this year. Participating forms can be found at the entrance of the church. Visitation House is the only pr ivate, Catholic, nonprofit organization in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that houses pregnant women in crisis. Visitation house gives women and children hope for the future by reaching out to them with the love of Christ. It costs $22,000 per month to keep the doors of Visitation House open. St Joan of Arc is holding a Baby Bottle Campaign to assist in this great work. Baby Bottles will be distributed at Masses this weekend. Bottles filled with your donation will be collected at the offertory of all Masses on November 5th & 6th. PARISH LOAN FOR THE ARC We owe $53,905.29 2- 951 SACRIFICIAL OFFERING Collection October 1-2 Stewardship: Capital Campaign Total $3,806 $1,103 $4,909 Mass Intentions CCD Sandal Project Funeral Mass Visitation Campaign $40 $243 $95 $625 $130 NEXT WEEK Oct. 16 WE WILL HAVE A SECOND COLLECTION FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH. Thanksgiving Baskets A limited number of requests will be taken for Thanksgiving baskets on Monday, October 24 and Tuesday October 25. Please call 508-852-3232 between 6-7pm on those days. No other requests will be accepted. LET US CELEBRATE OUR 66TH ANNIVERSARY OCTOBER 15TH, 1950 OCTOBER 15TH, 2016 4:30PM SPECIAL MASS (BILINGUAL) 5:30PM GALA DINNER, MUSIC AND MORE…. Please sign up at the back of the Church to donate food or drinks for our celebration. ST. JOAN OF ARC WIN TWO BOOKINGS FOR THE 12 DAY PILGRIMAGE TO THE LAND OF THE BIBLE. (SEP.25TH TO OCT.6TH, 2017) RAFFLE TICKETS $50 EACH DRAWING: MAY 27, 2017. CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Saint Joan of Arc Church. Credit and debit cards can be used at our web page online giving. Help us to sell raffle tickets for a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land for two people. Our goal is to sell 500 tickets. The cost of each ticket is $50 dollars. The person who sells the most tickets will receive a reward. The tickets must be paid in order to be eligible for the reward. If we sell at least 250 tickets, the highest seller will win $250; if we meet the goal of 500 tickets, the prize will be $500. Tickets won’t be available until we have enough people committed to selling them. Also, we must guarantee that at least 250 tickets will be sold. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Nelson. The profit from this raffle will help us continue with our pastoral work. If you can’t help us by selling tickets, please at least help us by buying one or more tickets. Celebrate Priesthood – Tickets still available ONLINE Visit at any time to order tickets for Taste of the Diocese gala with 24 food and refreshment tables on Thursday, Oct. 13 at the Atrium of St. Vincent Hospital (tickets will be held at the event reception desk after Oct 7), or make a donation to assist with priests’ retirement care, or post reflections about how a priest made a difference in your life at celebratepriesthood. 3- 951 WORCESTER Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass Bishop Robert J. McManus will celebrate the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on: Sunday, Oct. 23 at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester. This liturgy of thanksgiving to God for many years of faithful witness to the sacredness of Christian marriage honors couples who are marking significant anniversaries (25th, 50th, etc.) this year. A light reception will follow downstairs in the Cenacle. Family and friends are welcome! Couples wishing to attend should pre-register no later than October 17 so that a commemor ative cer tificate may be issued. To register, complete the registration form at, or contact the Office of Marriage and Family at 508-929-4311 to request a copy by mail. Note to Bulletin Editors: Copies of the registration form and the Anniversary Mass flyer are available on our website at Public Square Rosary Recitation in Worcester America Needs Fatima will sponsor a Public Square Rosary Saturday, October 15 from NOON -1 p.m at Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St., Worcester. Joining in the hour of prayer will be Protest Planned Parenthood and 40 Days for Life. October 15 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of Planned Parenthood by Margaret Sanger. The fall 40 Days for Life campaign runs from September 28 - November 6 and conducts a peaceful public prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood from 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. each day during the campaign. All three organizations will be conducting national prayer vigils at sites across the country, praying for our nation and an end to abortion. Conscience and the Catholic Voter Series The Catholic Free Press and the Respect Life Office are sponsoring a pre-election forum titled “Conscience and the Catholic Voter” on Thursdays in October. Visit the Respect Life department under for more dates, speakers and locations and to view the previous week’s speaker online, courtesy of the Office of Communications TV Ministry. VIGESIMO OCTAVO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Misa En Español: Domingos a las 12:00pm Martes a las 6:30pm Confesiones: Sábados a las 3:15 Jueves 5-7pm: Adoracion y Hora Santa Juan XXIII Jueves a las 6:30pm Viernes: Asamblea de Oración Diocesana-6:00pm OREMOS POR LA SALUD: ANA CRESPO CARMEN COLON JACKELINE RIVERA CARMEN RIVERA AGAPITA RIVERA 28° domingo del tiempo ordinario "Nadie más que este extranjero ha regresado para dar gracias a Dios?" (Lucas 17:18) La mayoría de nosotros vivimos vidas "fáciles". Tenemos comida, refugio y ropa. Nos vamos de vacaciones todos los años y somos dueños de uno o dos autos. La mayoría de nosotros damos todo esto por hecho. ¿Has notado que las personas con la menor cantidad de posesiones son generalmente las más agradecidas? ¿No debería ser al revés? Tómate tiempo cada día y agradece a Dios por todo lo que te ha dado. Para crear tu cuenta online, visita nuestra página web y pulsa el botón the “Giving” Octubre 15 Santa Juana de Arco 66 Aniversario 4:30 Misa Bilingue. Cena de Gala después de la Misa. Comunicate a la oficina si deseas hacer una donación. Campaña de Botellas Visitation House es la unica or ganización catolica sin fines de lucro, en el estado de Massachusetts para mujeres embarazadas en crisis. Esta organización ayuda a las mujeres y niños a darles esperanza para un futuro mejor. Para mantener la casa abierta el costo es de $22,000 dolares por mes. Santa Juana de Arca se une a esta campaña. Estaremos distribuyendo en las Misas este fin de semana botellas que usted llenara con su donacion y la colectaremos durente el ofertorio en la Misa del Domingo 5 y 6 de noviembre. Día de la Raza 10 de Octubre El banco de comida y la Oficina estara cerrada. Gracias a todos los que ya han participado en esta noble causa para la Escuela Sain Anne Les Cayes, Haití. A finales de la semana que viene vamos a llevar el proyecto a su fin por este año. Las formas a llenar se pueden encontrar en la entrada principal de la iglesia 4- 951 Canasta de comida para el Dia de Acción de Gracias Habra un número limitado de solicitudes se estaran aceptando llamadas el lunes 24 de octubre y el Martes 25 de octubre entre 6-7 pm. Num a llamar: 508-852-3232 Retiro de Jovenes Octubre 22 del 2016 8-6pm Costo $8 Edad: 13 años en Adelante Lugar: ARC Auspiciado por grupo de jovenes J.E.S.U.S Catedral de San Pablo
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ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
Bishop Robert J. McManus will celebrate the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on: Sunday, Oct. 23 at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester. This liturgy of thanksgiving to God for many yea...
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Bishop Robert J. McManus will celebrate the Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on: Sunday, Oct. 23 at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, Worcester. This liturgy of thanksgiving to God for many yea...
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