christ the king parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
christ the king parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 CHRIST THE KING PARISH Worshiping at : Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Corner of Chelsea & Second Ave. Holy Trinity Church, 408 Prospect St. Long Branch, NJ 07740 Parish Business Office: 380 Division St., Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone 732-222-3216 Fax 732-222-4313 Web site: Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8:30am - 3:30pm, Wed 8:30am - 7:00pm, Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm Parish Clergy Rev. Javier A. Diaz, Pastor Mr. Robert J. Vignolini, Deacon Mr. Joseph Richichi, Deacon Mass Schedule at Our Lady Star of the Sea Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm English 7:30 pm Brazilian/Portuguese Sunday: 9:00 am Portuguese/Brazilian 10:30 am English 12:00 pm Spanish 6:00 pm Spanish 7:30 pm English December 4th Feast of St. Barbara Patron Saint of Soldiers Mass Schedule at Holy Trinity Church Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 am English Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fri: 12:10 pm English Tues: 7:30 pm Portuguese/Brazilian Wed: 7:30 pm Spanish Fri: 7:30 pm Spanish 1st Fri of the month Tues: 12:45 pm Exposition & Adoration Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary Fri: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Exposition & Adoration December 8th The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass Schedule for Holy Days of Obligation See mass schedule inside the bulletin. Italian Mass 9:30 am the second Sunday of every month at Holy Trinity Church. Sacrament of Baptism Call business office to register for Baptism and to attend the training classes. Confessions Saturday 3:00-3:45 pm at Our Lady Second Sunday of Advent Star of the Sea Church and by appointment. Sacrament of Matrimony According to the Dioce- December 4, 2016 san regulations, arrangements should be made one year prior to the marriage by personal appointment with a priest. Please contact Parish Office for an appointment. 539 Christ the King Page 1 Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 Worship Schedule at Holy Trinity Church Sunday, December 4, 2016 (Second Sunday of Advent) (Feast of St. Barbara) 8:00 AM Celebrant: Fr. Eraly James Callano r/o Daughter & Son Manuel Carreira Cunha r/o Wife & Children Theresa Sorrentino r/o Theresa Burke Jeanette C. Castello r/o Theresa Burke 9:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Gadenz Joseph Tuzzio r/o Wife & Family Chrissie Altamura r/o Charlotte & Nicola Altamura Maria & Joseph Perri r/o Daughter Margie Rosa Stranieri r/o Mother Francesca Richard Yelton r/o Mother Lee 11:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Gadenz Rose Migliaccio r/o Celia Giglio Robert W. Brown r/o Notaro Family John Mattia r/o Mary & Antonio Olivadoti Howard Townsend r/o Joe & Carol Mellaci Monday, December 5, 2016 12:10 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Healing Intention for Daniel Keenan r/o Denise John Mattia r/o Mickey & Hope Sorrentino Tuesday, December 6, 2016 12:10 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier For Christ the King Parishioners 12:45 PM Exposition & Adoration 7:30 PM (Brazilian/Portuguese) Celebrant: Fr. Alves For World Peace Wednesday, December 7, 2016 12:10 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Marge & Jim Pascucci r/o Family Anthony & Nettie Dudick r/o Daughters 7:30 PM (Spanish) Celebrant: Fr. Javier In Honor of the Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 8, 2016 (Immaculate Conception) 12:10 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Giuseppe Olivadoti r/o Sister & Family Louise & Vito Stamato r/o Daughter Madeline Rosemary Puglia Ritvo r/o Family John Mattia r/o Marie DeVito Friday, December 9, 2016 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM Exposition & Adoration at the Business Office Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary 12:10 PM Celebrant: Fr. Daniel John Murphy r/o Family Sunday, December 11, 2016 (Third Sunday of Advent) 8:00 AM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Manuel Carreira Cunha r/o Wife & children Ralph Anderson r/o Daughter Karen Peter & Catherine & Peter Jr Farmer r/o Family Diane Brenish r/o Herta Casey Robert Sr & Robert Jr Casey r/o Wife & Mother 9:30 AM (Italian) Celebrant: Fr. Javier Chrissie Altamura r/oCharlotte & Nicola Altamura Vera & Pete Discepola r/o Discepola Family Rosa Stranieri r/o Mother Francesca Rose Migliaccio r/o Mary DeLIsa Vincent Simonelli r/o DiLorenzo Family 11:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Paul & Angelina Simonelli & Vince Cafolla r/o Family Robert W.Brown r/o RoseAnn & James Simonelli John Mattia r/o Donna Cetrulo Mary Johnson r/o John & Svetlana Pallone Holy Trinity Church This Week’s Donations for: Bread & Wine Dec 4th Joseph Tuzzio r/o Wife & Family Bread & Wine Dec 5th-9th Rosa Stranieri r/o Mother Francesca Sanctuary Candle Dec 3th –9th For Christ the King Parishioners Sacred Heart of Jesus Dec 3th –9th Rosemary Puglia Ritvo r/o Family Blessed Mother & St. Joseph Dec 3th –9th In Honor of the Immaculate Conception PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS ORANDO POR NUESTAROS MILITARES REZE POR NOSSOS MILITARES Josh Coates, US Army Kevin J. Cruz, RCT, US Marines Michael Diaz, General, US Marines Michael Didanato, Sgt, US Army Christopher Dietz, Lt Cmdr, US Navy Thomas Dirienzo, Major, US Army Eric Dwyer, Cpt, USMC Dino Houlis, SGT, US Marines Ali MacStudy, SR, US Navy Angela Olivadoti, PFC US Army National Guard Mark D. Simeroth, 1st Sgt, US Army Michael Valenti, US Air Force 539 Christ the King Page 2 Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 Worship Schedule at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Saturday, December 3, 2016 4:00 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Gloria Sorrentino r/o Mary & Anthony Cretello William T. Sheedy r/o Joe, Dorinne, Victoria & Margaux Cattelona John, Lois & John M. Nick r/o Bobby Susan Gizzi r/o Frank & Carol Calabria Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sico r/o James & MaryAnn Sagurton Edward Flynn r/o Candy Scisco Marie Calise r/o Nunzio Calise 7:30 PM (Brazilian/Portuguese)Celebrant: Fr. Javier For World Peace Sunday, December 4, 2016 (Second Sunday of Advent) Feast of St. Barbara 9:00 AM (Portuguese/Brazilian)Celebrant: Fr. Javier Adelino Guarda r/o Esposa e Filhos MariaRosa Ribeiro deVicente r/o Porfirio Vicente 10:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Grace Pavich r/o Bruce & Diane Johantgen 12:00 PM (Spanish) Celebrant: Fr. Javier America Bermudez r/o Family Isabel Acuna r/o Family 6:00 PM (Spanish) Celebrant: Fr. Javier For the sick and homebound of our parish 7:30 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier For the unborn children Thursday, December 8, 2016 (Immaculate Conception) 7:00 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier In Honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, December 10, 2016 4:00 PM Celebrant: Fr. Javier Regina & Czeslaw Bialy r/o Ewa Biala & Family Susan Gizzi r/o Rosa & Rocco Migliazza Mr. & Mrs. William Sagurton r/o James & MaryAnn Sagurton Pasquale Montemurno r/o Candy Scisco Toni Wilczewski r/o Lucille & Mark Dellert Vincenzo Simonelli r/o Tardiola Family 7:30 PM (Brazilian/Portuguese)Celebrant: Fr. Andrino For World Peace Sunday, December 11, 2016 (Third Sunday of Advent) 9:00 AM (Portuguese/Brazilian)Celebrant: Fr. Andrino MariaRosaRebeiro deVicente r/o Porfirio Vicente 10:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Gadenz Gloria Lane r/o Carolyn Sponenberg Ann Greenhall r/o Bill & Kathy Smith Sunday, December 11, 2016 (continued) 12:00 PM (Spanish) Celebrant: Fr. Lopez America Bermudez r/o Family 6:00 PM (Spanish) Celebrant: Fr. Javier For World Peace 7:30 PM Celebrant: TBA For Christ the King Parishioners Our Lady Star of the Sea Church This Week’s Donation for: Bread & Wine Dec 3rd & 4th Healing Intention for Minnie Siciliano r/o Family Sanctuary Candle Dec 3th –9th For Christ the King Parishioners If you have any family members who would benefit from the prayers of our faith community, please call the Business Office. Names will remain on the prayer list for one month (4 weeks). If extended prayers are needed, please notify the business office. Marina Abad, Mario Della Barca, Beatriz Beltran, Theresa Burke, Franklin Callano, Larry Campbell, Richard Canneto, Kayla Casale, Danilo Dalena, Renato Dalena, Ann DeMarco, Christopher DeVito, Ernestine Ferraro, Nick Fornarotto, Mary Haraz, Kelly Hayes, Sheila Kulak, Rosina MacStudy, John Miceli, Patti Malick, Grace Mennella, Anthony Migliaccio, Maria Mignone, Judy Monaham, Melanie Newcomb, Diana Pena, Michael A. Russoniello, Robert Scally, Mary Stout, Richard Takesh, Tina & Donna Lee Tardiolo, Kevin Tracey, Dorothy Waterman, Jesenia Welch Vaz, Dot Zambrano. REMEMBER OUR DECEASED Please remember to pray for the soul of: Por favor recuerda siempre en tus oraciones las almas que han fallecido: Peter Vincelli wjp enter ed into the Kingdom of Heaven on Monday, November 7th, 2016, Howard Townsend who enter ed into the Kingdom of Heven on Monday, November 14th, 2016 and George Ortiz who enter ed into the Kingdom of Heaven on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016. 539 Christ the King Page 3 Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 Parish Office Staff Frank C. Muzzi, KHS, Business Manager [email protected] Lisa Simeone, Sr. Admin. Asst., x 12 [email protected] Any Buritica, Secretary, x 13 (Spanish & Portguese) [email protected] Mary Olivadoti, Secretary, x10 (Italian) [email protected] Eli Antigiorgi, Custodian Office Hours Mon,Tues,Thurs, Fri. 8:30am –3:30pm Wed. Hrs 8:30am-7:00pm, Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm Phone: 732-222-3216; Fax: 732-222-4313 Web site: Parish Registration New parishioners are welcome. If you know of any family or person who has just moved into the area please have them contact the Business Office. Pastoral Ministry to the Sick Please contact the Business Office to request pastoral visits to those who are sick either at home or in the hospital. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are available to bring Holy Communion on a regular basis. St. Vincent DePaul Society Donna Cetrulo, President x 16 SVdP provides outreach & assistance to those in need in Long Branch. Parish Support The collection for Nov 20th, 2016. Holy Trinity Tues 7:30 pm Mass 56 $ 412.00 Wed 7:30 pm Mass 30 201.00 Sun 8:00 am Mass 95 1,568.00 Sun 9:30 am Mass 82 829.00 Sun 11:30 am Mass 84 1,011.00 Our Lady Star of the Sea Sat 4:00 pm Mass 155 1,597.00 Sat 7:30 pm Mass 146 1,257.00 Sun 9:00 am Mass 205 1,000.00 Sun 10:30 am Mass 101 1,120.00 Sun 12:00 pm Mass 520 2,220.00 Sun 6:00 pm Mass 96 410.00 Sun 7:30 pm Mass 60 484.00 Other Income—Both Churches Candles 171.00 St. Vincent de Paul 95.00 Thanksgiving 397.00 Total: 1630 $12,772.00 Thank you for your continued support & generosity! Gracias por su continuo apoyo y generosidad! Obrigado por seu apoio e sua generosidae! Religious Education Coordinators: Amelia Flego and James Ducey Noreen Pastor, R.E. Secretary/Cemetery Admin, x 21 e-mail: [email protected] The Religious Education Program provides religious formation and sacramental preparation for children and adults. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) John McAulay 732-263-9409. Those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church & the Word of God. Worship/Music Ministry Elena Abbruzzese * Richard Start * Justin & Alina Peter Isherwood * Al Weaver & Gerice Guba Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cemetery The Catholic Cemetery that serves our Parish is Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. For information please call Noreen or Lisa at 732-222-3216. Parish Trustees Dominick J. Saffioti & Michele Critelli Parish Pastoral Council Lisa Carrick, Luis Diaz, John McAuley, Joe Mellaci, Maribel Ramirez, Luciana Silva, Carla Tomas, Rosanne Wike Parish Finance Council Dominick J. Saffioti James M. Ronan,Jr., Esq. KHS, Michele Critelli Josephine Button, Cecilia Mazza, Preciosa Vieira Joseph Sirianni, Fred Fiore WEDDING BANNS In my life I can see that you were made for me I’ll be there to catch you if you fail All the days I have prayed And the love that I have saved With this ring, I’m giving you my all III - Kristina Cretella & Evan Sarti MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Wed, Dec 7th Spanish Mass 7:30 pm & Thurs, Dec 8th, English Mass 12:10 pm at Holy Trinity Church. Thurs, Dec 8th, English Mass 7:00 pm at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church. Ramp available for disabled Acceso disponible para discapacitados. 539 Christ the King Page 4 Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE We Are On Time to Change Our Hearts Advent is a path of conversion to prepare a place for Jesus in our hearts, in our families, in our Church, and in the whole world. It is a great mission where we have a very important part in a dynamic way. Let us awake from our sleep and walk together up the hill to the mountain of the Lord. Christ the King is offering you the opportunity to cleanse your soul with a penitential service this Friday, December 9th. The mercy of God is waiting for you; come and receive the forgiveness of God. Take time to think about your spiritual life, recognize your sins, ask the Lord for forgiveness and come and celebrate God's pardon with the Church through this sacrament of reconciliation, making your heart ready to celebrate Christ’s coming during Christmas. May the Lord bring you to His presence and embrace you in His mercy and may the Blessed Mother keep you in God's grace. Estamos a tiempo de cambiar el corazón Adviento es un camino de conversión para preparar el corazón para recibir a Jesús y celebrar la Encarnación de Dios en la humanidad y permitirle vivir y reinar en el cada vida, en cada familia, en nuestra parroquia y en el mundo entero. Esta es una gran misión en la cual todos tenemos una dinámica participación. Despertemos y subamos al monte santo de Dios. La parroquia te ofrece la oportunidad de limpiar tu corazón: tendremos una celebración penitencial este viernes 9 de Diciembre, ven a reconciliarte con Dios, recibe su abrazo misericordioso a través de la confesión y la absolución de tus pecados. Es el mismo Jesús quien te espera, prepara tu corazón para que esta navidad el nazca en ti para vivir y reinar. Que el Señor en su misericordia te traiga a su presencia para abrazarte en su perdón y la Madre santísima interceda para que te mantengas en la Gracia de Dios. Please remember Christ the King Parish in your will. For further information please contact the business office. Friday, December 9th at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 7:00 to 9:00 pm English, Spanish & Portuguese 2016 Christmas Schedule Friday, December 9th, Penance Service at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. English, Spanish & Portuguese Saturday, December 24th, Christmas Eve at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 4:00 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Spanish & Portuguese Midnight English Mass starting at 9:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church 4:00 p.m. English Sunday, December 25th, Christmas at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 9:00 a.m. Portuguese 10:30 a.m. English 12:00 p.m. Spanish at Holy Trinity Church 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. English Saturday, December 31st, New Year’s Eve at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 4:00 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Portuguese Sunday, January 1st, New Year’s Day at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 9:00 a.m. Portuguese 10:30 a.m. English 12:00 p.m. Spanish at Holy Trinity Church 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. English Sunday, January 8th, Bacio Bambino at Holy Trinity Church 9:30 a.m. Italian 539 Christ the King Page 5 Second Sunday of Advent BAPTISM December 4, 2016 - BAUTIZO Please pray for the children who were baptized at Christ the King Parish: Oremos por los niños que recibieron el sacramento de bautizado en la Parroquia Cristo Rey: \ Saturday, Nov 19th Kennedy Aaron Flores Escobar Alfredo Gonzalez Rodriguez Mariano Gonzalez Rodriguez Ulices Hernandez Garcia Samadhi Nicole Lazo Torres Iker Sanchez Garcia Miguel Tobar Carranza Saturday, Nov 26th Joao Pedro Cunha Tavares Benjamin Leandro Queiroz CHRIST THE KING PARISH Social Concerns Ministry 2016 Christmas Giving Trees Again, this year the Christmas Giving Tree will be doing something different from the past years. We will be asking our parishioners to take a tag from the tree and purchase a gift card. These cards will be distributed to families from our parish where there is a need for food and other necessities. In addition, we will be donating gift cards to Emmanuel Center, Foundation for children in Monmouth County diagnosed with cancer and their families, as well as 180 Turning Lives Around. We know that our parishioners have always been very generous, and believe, that again, you will make this year’s Giving Tree a big success. A tree of love and support for our fellow parishioners as well as others in need. Thank you for your assistance in helping to make Christmas a time of giving and sharing the gifts God has given us with others. Please return all cards & gifts by December 14th and please do not take a tag if you cannot provide the gift. We will also have a cash donation box available. The Holy Mass is celebrated in Italian will be celebrated on Sunday, Dec 11th, at 9:30 am at Holy Trinity Church THE CENACLE PRAYER GROUP is a devotion to Mary, that meets for one hour, every other Mon at 6:00 pm in the Business Office Chapel. Next meeting is Mon, Dec 4th. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The next general meeting of St Vincent De Paul Society will be on Wed, Dec 7th, in the Meeting Room from 7-9 pm. These meetings are open to ALL who participate in or who are interested in the Works of the Society. Please come join us. HOLY NAME SOCIETY will have their corporate mass on Sunday, Dec 11th, 9:00 am at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church and their meeting Monday, Dec 12th, 7:30pm in the Meeting Room. to Mary Camastra for donating the prayer cards and flowers for the FEAST OF ST. BARBARA In Honor of St. Barbara NOVENAS A NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE Invitamos a la comunidad a participar de las Novenas a Nuestra Madre que dará comienzo el día 3 de Diciembre en la Iglesia Star of the Sea. Diciembre 3, 5, 6 a las 6:30 pm Diciembre 4 a las 5:00 pm Diciembre 7 a las 6:30 pm Iglesia Holy Trinity Diciembre 8 a las 8:00 pm Diciembre 9 y 10 y 11 a las 5:30 pm Diciembre 11 Misa Solemne y Mañanitas 6:00 pm Diciembre 12 7:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Javier A. Diaz 539 Christ the King Page 6 Second Sunday of Advent December 4, 2016 Charismatic Healing Mass Tuesday, December 13th, 8:00 pm Holy Cross Church, Ward Ave & Rumson Rd, Rumson, NJ Celebrant: Fr. Pio Mandato, FMHJ Save the Date!!! For an event that will change your life: to the following people who decorated Holy Trinity’s Church grounds: Chris Dalton Andrea Esposito Rita Esposito Teresa Esposito Rick Harrison Alex Clark Mickie Gagliano Amador Dalena DONATION NEEDED For prayer cards & flowers for the Feast of St. Lucy. Donations may be made in memory of or in Honor of a loved one. Cost $65. PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR PARISH BULLETIN ADVERTISERS their advertising pays for our parish bulletin With internationally renowned speaker and author, CHRIS STEFANICK And special musical guest, JON NIVEN Reboot! Live! is the fun, inspiring and practical experience of applying the beauty and genius of the heart of the Gospel to every aspect of your life. From prayer and spirituality, to work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more! There is no part of your life that will be left untouched! WEDNESDAY, February 1st, 7:00 – 9:30PM St. James Gym, 30 Peters Place, Red Bank Keep watching the bulletin for all the details! To register, go online to – or –Contact Annie DiDomenico, at 732-539-2038. DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN INSIGHT INTO LIVING LIFE MORE FULLY! THE LIFE GOD HAS CREATED FOR YOU! On Facebook: Reboot! Live! Red Bank Milstein, Weber & Collazo, P.A. AƩorneys at Law • Worker’s Compensation • Immigration • Social Security • Criminal Law • Personal Injury • Wills • Bankruptcy • Traffic Violaton • Accidentes de Trabajo • Inmigración • Seguro Social • Casos Criminales • Lesiones Personales • Testamentos • Bancarrota Jesés A. Collazo - Abogado OPEN 7 DAYS 88 Brighton Ave, West End 732-222-8728 Parishioner Ralph’s Tailor Shop Ladies, Gentlemen’s Tailoring Expert in Leather - Suede and Fur Tuesday to Saturday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 90 Brighton Ave., Long Branch 222-7555 539 Christ the King Parish, Long Branch, NJ (Sh) I Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 15% OFF 1.888.799.3056 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • 732~222~2312 191 Franklin Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 R.J. “Bud” Damiano, Mgr. N.J. Lic. No. 3869 FINE FARE Phone 732-345-8400 Fax 732-345-8440 SUPERMARKET “The Supermarket with Superprices” 320 3rd Ave., Long Branch 222-8900 NEW YORK STYLE DELI RESTAURNAT Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner “PARTY PLATERS” 870--9133 Holiday, House & Office, Showers, Engagement Parties Sandwich Platters / Meat Platers Sloppy Joes / Hot Entrees 155 Brighton Ave., West End, Long Branch Bibles, Latin-English Missals, Music, Prayer Books, Rosaries, DVD’s, Ciboria, Chalices, Albs, Stoles, Art, Jewelry, Statuary, Sacramental & Memorial Gifts 50 Hurleys Lane, Lincroft, NJ 07738 Flowers by Van Brunt LAW OFFICES Stop In ALBERT J. RESCINIO After Mass! 1500 Allaire Ave., Ste. 101• Ocean, N.J. 07712 ALBERT J. RESCINIO Ursula Plaza Member of the N.J. Bar 444 Ocean Blvd. 732-531-2005 Fax: 732-531-8009 Long Branch 732-222-1206 E-Mail: [email protected] 444 Ocean Blvd. N. Long Branch, NJ 732-222-3838 Established 1923 Flowers for All Occasions 604 Second Ave., Long Branch 732-870-2220 Kerrigan Electric FREE ESTIMATES 30 Yrs. Exp. • Lic. #10837 732-615-0005 All Phases of Electric FIORE FUNERAL HOME A CATHOLIC FAMILY SERVING CHRIST THE KING PARISH Fred Fiore Jr., Manager, NJ. Lic. No. 3759 - Parishioner 882 Broadway, W. Long Branch 236 Monmouth Rd., Ocean Twp. 732-229-8855 732-531-3885 539 Christ the King Parish, Long Branch, NJ (Sh) back John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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the prayers of our faith community, please call the Business Office. Names will remain on the prayer list for one month (4 weeks). If extended prayers are needed, please notify the business office.
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