El Rincón Latino - Members Credit Union


El Rincón Latino - Members Credit Union
October 1, 2015
In This Issue:
Third Annual Wig Walk in Catawba County
Thomasville Branch
Moving on 10/27
Newton, NC – The third annual Wig Walk for
the Catawba County Wig Bank took place on
Saturday, September 12th at the Southside Park in
Newton, NC. Despite a little rain in the morning,
the event succeeded in collecting $4,000. One
hundred percent of the Wig Walk’s proceeds will
be given to the Catawba County Wig Bank, a
cancer patient support center that provides new and
gently used wigs and other head coverings, breast
prostheses, and mastectomy bras to cancer patients
for free. The Wig Bank also promotes support
groups and special programs for cancer
patients and survivors.
• Thomasville Branch to Move
• Wig Walk in Catawba County
• GM Discount Offer has
• Ashley’s Mortgage Minutes
• Love My CU Rewards
• Holiday Skip-a-Pay 2015
• El Rincón Latino/Latino
Members Credit Union’s
Thomasville Branch will move
to the Southgate Shopping
Center in Thomasville beside
H&R Block. The new office is
updated with a more spacious
lobby and is conveniently
located near grocery and retail
outlets with more parking
New Address:
1033 Randolph Street
STE 21
Thomasville, NC 27360
Money for the Wig Bank was collected in
August and September from Members CU
members, community walk registrations,
and corporate sponsorships. This year’s
corporate sponsors included Catawba
Valley Medical Center, Newton Family
Physicians, Sugar Peas, Hickory Daily Record,
and Paramount Automotive.
Members CU will continue to raise money for
the Catawba County Wig Bank by selling 2015
Wig Walk T-shirts at its Hickory Branch, located
on 2142 Springs Rd. and at its Newton Branch
located on 2475 Northwest Blvd.
New Hours of Operation:
8 AM to 5 PM, Monday - Friday
(Takes effect after the move)
Same Phone Number:
Look on page two for
more details about
the move.
Caption: Above - walk
participants show off their
costume wigs, cancer
survivors lined up first
for the wig walk, and face
painting and a bounce
house provided plenty
of fun! Left - Maiden
cheerleaders and walk
participants ready to walk
Thomasville Branch Moves 10/27
Members CU’s Thomasville branch is moving to a
better location in the Southgate Shopping Center, on 1033
Randolph Street in Thomasville beside H & R Block, on
Tuesday October 27. The office in Thomasville will be
closed on Tuesday, October 27 and re-open at Noon (12
PM) on Wednesday, October 28. When we re-open at our
new location we will have new regular business hours.
Thomasville will normally open at 8 AM and close at 5
PM, Monday through Friday.
Timeline for Moving Thomasville:
Monday October 26th - MCU’s last day at the Lines Street
Location. Hours: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Tuesday October 27th - MCU’s Thomasville Location will
be closed.
Wednesday October 28th - MCU will open at the
Southgate Shopping Center Location. Hours: 12 PM to 5
Thursday, October 29th - MCU’s Thomasville location
will begin new normal business hours at the Southgate
Shopping Center. Hours: 8 AM to 5 PM.
While the Thomasville location is closed you can visit the
nearest MCU location in High Point at the Westchester
Commons Shopping Center located on 1677 Westchester
Drive. You may also call our Member Services Office at
336-748-4800, option 5.
Hello Credit Union Members!
If you are buying a home in Cabarrus, Cumberland,
Guilford, Johnston or Mecklenburg counties, you may be
eligible for $15,000 in down payment assistance in the
form of a five-year, deferred loan at zero interest! Even
better, stay in your home for five years and you won’t
need to repay the down
payment loan – it’s
forgiven at 20% per
year for each full year
you live in the home.
There are income
limits per county,
so call me to get all
of the details! I’m
always available to
answer any mortgage
questions you may
Call me or visit online: www.LoansByAshley.com
Ashley McKenzie-Sharpe
Senior Loan Officer NMLS#100776
GM Discount Comes to an End
Office: 336-748-4599
As of September 30th, Love My Credit Union Rewards
will no longer offer a discount to credit union members
for purchasing a vehicle from General Motors (GM).
Email: [email protected]
The GM Credit Union Member Discount program
ran successfully for almost seven years. Nearly one
million vehicles were sold and over 400,000 credit union
member loans were written, nationwide, through the Love
My Credit Union Rewards Program.
Anyone who has requested an authorization
number from Love My Credit Union Rewards before
September 30th will be able to use the number to obtain a
discount for six months from the date of issue.
While the GM discount will not be offered, you
can still take advantage of all the other great discounts
with Love My Credit Union Rewards. Sprint, Turbo Tax,
and Love to Shop will still be available at http://www.
Cell: 336-575-9448
Love your savings.
Everyone is looking for ways to save money, and that’s just what Love My Credit Union Rewards is all about.
Members CU is excited to offer you exclusive discounts and benefits on products and services you use every day.
Credit union members have already saved over $1.4 billion with Love My Credit Union Rewards discounts. So along
with lower loan rates and fewer fees, here’s another way you can save even more.
Receive a 10% discount (business members a 15% discount) on select regularly priced Sprint monthly data service
Plus, waived activation fee on new lines and upgrade fees ($36 savings each)
Get safety and security of roadside assistance and more for less than $1 per week* with CU Road Pal
Save up to $15 on TurboTax Federal tax products
Save on services for your home from ADT, DIRECTV, Allied, and more
Earn cash back when you shop at over 1,500 online retailers with Love to Shop
The more offers you take advantage of, the more you save. Start saving today at LoveMyCreditUnion.org.
*Based on individual roadside assistance plan
Holiday Skip-a-Pay 2015
November and December can be two of the most financially stressful months of the year. Holiday travel, purchasing
gifts, mailing cards, and planning parties for Thanksgiving and Christmas can easily break your budget at the end
of the year. To reduce your financial stress, Members CU is offering the Holiday Skip-a-Pay program. This program
allows members to extend either their November or December due date on most MCU, non-mortgage related loans,
without any fees or penalties by one month.
Members who wish to take advantage of this program should call their local MCU loan officer or corporate loan officer
at 800-951-8000, ext. 256. Please view our contact list for branch phone numbers or MCU@Home users may send
a secure message through MCU@Home. You may also email [email protected] the following information:
Name; Address; Type of Loan; and Loan Month to be skipped (November or December) to take advantage of our
Holiday Skip-A-Pay program.
Please do not email Holiday Skip-a-Pay requests with personal information (account numbers or Social Security
Numbers) to any MCU employee.
El Rincón Latino
El Director de Servicios Latinos de MCU, invitó a algunos miembros a
que en pocas palabras contestaran dos preguntas, cuyas respuestas estan
siendo transmitidas por la emisora La Lay FM 101.1. Nos complace mucho
compartir la opinion de reconocimiento a nuestra labor, pues no ahorramos
esfuerzos para cada vez servir mejor a nuestra comunidad.
Así contestó nuestro primer miembro:
La primera pregunta fué “como le había ido con MCU” a lo que contestó:
“Hola amigos, soy Carolina Ferguson, Venezolana y trabajo con La
Tortillería en Winston Salem. Necesitaba hacerme a un buen carro,
y entonces pasé por MCU. Allí me dieron los intereses mas bajos del
mercado en ese momento. Me hicieron sentir importante y me ayudaron a
conseguir un muuuy buen negocio”.
Luego le preguntamos “si quería añadir algo”, y dijo: “Pues estoy
sorprendida, me parece increible que el interes para comprar carro esté
tan bajito... desde 1.75% APR y con plazos hasta de 84 meses...con esos
costos, me dan ganas de cambiar el carro...Amigos, bien vale la pena que
Así contestó nuestro segundo miembro.
A la pregunta de “como le había ido con MCU” contestó: Hola amigos, no
me podría haber ido mejor...el servicio personalizado, la facilidad y alegría
con que me atienden y me facilitan las cosas me hacen un hincha favorito
de ustedes.
Soy Jaime Bejarano, Colombiano y trabajo con La Industria para los
invidentes en Winston Salem. En mis condiciones, manejar mis finanzas
con Members ha sido una bendición.
No solo por su atención sino por el abanico de ayudas financieras que me
han dado. Quien iba a pensarlo.
A la pregunta de “si quería añadir algo”, contestó: “Le parece poquito la
posibilidad de que para los que tenemos limitaciones existe una institución
a nuestro alcanse y para la cual somos importantes? Y terminó igualmente
invitando a la gente a pasar por MEMBERS CREDIT UNION.
Las palabras hablan por si solas. Lo invitamos a que usted apreciado
miembro, comparta su testimonio con compañeros y amigos. Mil gracias.
Members CU’s
Current Rates
Loan Rates
(Rates shown as Annual Percentage Rate)
Fixed Rate Loans
New Car or Truck............... as low as1.75%*
Used Car or Truck............... as low as1.75%*
* Rate is subject to qualifications.
First Mortgage....................(Call for a quote)
Land............................................ Prime+1%
Variable Rate Loans
Boats and RVs....................................7.75%
Visa Credit Card, Personal Loan or
Unsecured Credit Line......................... 10.50%
Equity Access.................................... 5.50%
Savings/Certificate Secured.................... 2.25%
Savings Rates
(Rates shown as Annual Percentage Yield)
Share, Trust, & Custodian Accts........... 0.15%
Checking Accounts............................ 0.05%
Super 60 Savings.............................. 0.30%
Money Market Accounts..................... 0.20%
Christmas Club.................................. 0.05%
IRAs.................................From 0.30-0.80%
5-Month Certificate........................... 0.15%
6-Month Certificate........................... 0.20%
12-Month Certificate......................... .0.30%
18-Month Certificate.......................... 0.40%
24-Month Certificate.......................... 0.50%
36-Month Certificate.......................... 0.70%
60-Month Certificate.......................... 0.80%
NOTE: Rates shown throughout this publication
were in effect at press time, but are subject to
change without notice. Current rates can be
obtained via the contact information below.
Members Credit Union
2098 Frontis Plaza Blvd.
P. O. Box 5297
Winston-Salem, NC 27113
(336) 748-4800
(800) 951-8000 (toll-free)
Federally Insured by the NCUA