Manual Steps for SAP Note 1874464
Manual Steps for SAP Note 1874464
Manual Steps for SAP Note 1874464 Manual Pre Implementation Steps 1. Logon in ES language 2. Download the corresponding ZIP file from the attachments according to your release and decompress it: Release 600 604 .Zip File 3. Update the HR_ES_COINEM_PE_183_2012 PDF form: a. Go to transaction SFP. b. Choose the Formulario option. c. Enter “HR_ES_COINEM_PE_183_2012” and choose the Modificar button. d. Enter the “FB_XDP_UP” transaction and select the HR_ES_COINEM_PE_183_2012.XDP file decompressed from one of the ZIP files attached to this SAP note, as indicated in the step 2: e. Save and activate. 4. Update PES_FORM_COINEM_PE_183 structure a. Go to transaction SE11 and select Tipos de datos. b. Enter PES_FORM_COINEM_PE_183 and choose Modificar button. c. Include the BONIF_RDL_2013 field, according to the image below: Copyright/Trademark d. Save and activate the changes. 5. Maintain view V_T5F99FF a. Go to SM30 transaction. b. Fill Tabla/Vista with V_T5F99FF and click on Actualizar. c. Fill Agrupación de países with 04, Aplicación parcial with I238 and confirm. d. Click on Entradas nuevas and enter the following data: Campo BONFD Descripción I183: Bonificaciones, RDL 10/2013 Desde 01.01.1800 Hasta 31.12.9999 e. The view should have the following appearance, after including the entries described in item 5.d: f. Save your changes. 6. Maintain view V_T5F99FD a. Go to SM30 transaction. b. Fill Tabla/Vista with V_T5F99FD and click on Actualizar. Copyright/Trademark c. Fill Agrupación de países with 04, Aplicación parcial with I183, Identificación sección with TOP and confirm. d. Click on Entradas nuevas and enter the following data: Campo BONFD Inicio de validez 01.01.1800 Fin de validez 31.12.9999 Orden 27 e. Change the order of the fields according to the following data: Campo CUOSI CUONO I_BSS f. Orden 28 29 30 The view should have the following appearance, after including the entries described in item 6.d and updating the entries described in item 6.e: g. Save your changes. 7. Update COINEM_PE_183 view a. Go to transaction SE80, and choose the Browser de Repository pushbutton. b. Choose Comp/Intf. Web Dynpro, and search for PADES_COINEM. c. Choose PADES_COINEM->Views. d. Double click on COINEM_PE_183 and click on Context tab page. Copyright/Trademark on Modificar button and expand folders since CONTEXT until find the e. Click I_DATA_STRUC. f. Right click on I_DATA_STRUC and go to Create Using the Wizard, then Attributes from Components of Structure. Enter PES_FORM_COINEM_PE_183 as structure name when requested. g. In the following screen select the BONIF_RDL_2013 field. e. Change the type of the field BONIF_RDL_2013 to STRING as seen in the image below. Copyright/Trademark f. Click on Layout tab page and then a right click on FORM->XML Schema Generieren. Confirm the verification question which will be required to generate the XML schema automatically. g. Save and Activate your changes. Copyright/Trademark © 2013 by SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP and the SAP logo are registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects Software Ltd. Business Objects is an SAP company. Sybase and the SAP company. Sybase logo are registered trademarks of Sybase Inc. Sybase is an Copyright/Trademark