gravitos - Vancouver Film School
gravitos - Vancouver Film School
Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Game Design Document for: GRAVITOS WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND. All work Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School Written by: Bernard Hwang, Jack Nilssen, Darryl Spratt Version 3.0 Monday, October 11, 2010 Page | 1 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS Design History ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Game Overview............................................................................................................................................. 7 High Concept ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Philosophy ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Common Questions ................................................................................................................................... 8 Feature Highlights ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Control Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 12 PC Control Scheme................................................................................................................................... 12 XBox Control Scheme ............................................................................................................................... 13 Control Details ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Feature Details ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Collect Satellites and Asteroids ............................................................................................................... 16 Launching Satellites ................................................................................................................................. 23 Control Orbit Speed ................................................................................................................................. 25 Upgrade Gravitron Technology ............................................................................................................... 26 Three "Core" Satellites............................................................................................................................. 30 Map View ................................................................................................................................................ 34 Gameplay Details ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Combat System ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Camera ........................................................................................................................................................ 37 Game Characters......................................................................................................................................... 38 Enemies and Obstacles ............................................................................................................................... 40 Enemies ................................................................................................................................................... 40 Gameplay Walkthrough .............................................................................................................................. 45 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Beat Chart................................................................................................................................................ 46 The Game World ......................................................................................................................................... 47 The World Layout .................................................................................................................................... 49 Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 2 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Musical Scores and Sound Effects............................................................................................................... 65 Sound Design ........................................................................................................................................... 65 SFX ........................................................................................................................................................... 65 Voice-Over ............................................................................................................................................... 65 Music ....................................................................................................................................................... 65 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................ 66 “Game Interface – Menus” Appendix ...................................................................................................... 66 "HUD/On Screen Displays” Appendix ...................................................................................................... 70 “Game Interface – Wireframes” Appendix .............................................................................................. 71 “Story” Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 77 Features to Complete After Graduation .................................................................................................. 78 “Competitive Analysis” Appendix ............................................................................................................ 89 “Resource/Research” Appendix ............................................................................................................... 92 Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 3 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved DESIGN HISTORY The following is the history of updates and adjustments made to the design document. Each version includes a name, date and a list of changes that were made. VERSION 1.0 Initial pass at design. VERSION 1.1 Took input from the team and updated new stats (mass, measurements, accuracy etc.) agreed upon. 1. Game Overview Complete (premise/setting still needs fleshing out) 2. Main Features Detailed a. "Attacking with Orbit" added under Collect Satellites b. Three core feature added 3. Control Detail finished VERSION 1.2 1. Three Main Features Complete a. Space Mine added in Collect Satellites b. Gravity of Other Objects Added c. Player Controlled Detail Level Added 2. Environmental Hazards added and moved to The Game World features 3. Camera Added 4. Character Scale Diagram Added VERSION 1.3 1. Two Main Features Complete a. Complete Satellites Types added in Collect Satellites b. Enemies and Obstacles completed VERSION 1.4 Major art style changes from cartoony to abstract updated throughout the document. 1. Core satellite feature changed a. Shield Feature updated 2. Character Scale Diagram updated 3. Started on the combat system Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 4 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved VERSION 1.5 1. Music and SFX added 2. All main features added a. Control orbit speed feature added 3. Combat System further detailed 4. Game Interface started 5. Changed Name 6. Added charging system to shooting mechanic VERSION 1.6 1. HUD and Interface added VERSION 1.7 1. Core and Gravitron Upgrade feature are combined to work together VERSION 1.8 1. Game World Added 2. Game Walkthrough Added a. Beat Chart Added VERSION 2.0 Design Document finalized for production phase. VERSION 2.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "Space Mine" and "Laser Probe" moved from Satellite Types to Enemies Removed "Shield Generator" and "Tesla Defense Unit" from Satellite Types BlackHole Emulator Changes Rocket Defense Unit Changes Collect Satellites and Asteroids>Speed Indicator Updated VERSION 2.2 1. Updated Level Designs > "Level 1" and "Level 2" 2. BlackHole Emulator Stats updated VERSION 2.3 1. Updated controls. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 5 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved 2. Updated Gravitron collection, movement, and launch variables. 3. Updated Gravitron Aiming with Laser 4. Updated Space Mine's Stats VERSION 3.0 Design Document updated to reflect Beta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. "Features to Complete After Graduation" added in the appendices Controls updated Charging a shot removed in "Launching Satellites". "Player Controlled Detail Level" updated and changed to "Map View" Tip boxes added to UI detail Level Tutorial Updated Level 1 Updated Level 2 and 3 moved to "Features to Complete After Graduation" Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 6 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved GAME OVERVIEW HIGH CONCEPT “What goes around, comes around” Gravitos is a top down 3D space shooter game where the player gathers satellites and asteroids in space to defend from and kill enemies while achieving mission-based objectives, such as defending planets from invaders. The player controls the Gravitron, an outer-space bathysphere that snags smaller objects in its gravity field. These satellites start orbiting and the more satellites the player has the better sheltered the Gravitron is from enemies. PHILOSOPHY "WHAT IS THAT?" Our goal is to make the player say, "What is that?" when they first see our game. We want to take something very familiar and overdone like outer space and toss out the cliché realistic gameplay and look. Making the player launch asteroids is a good start, but then we want the entire game world to be a combination of abstract and space. The player and enemies are stylized shapes that progress to planets and suns that have a bit more realism then to the realistic space background. The planets have large mountains or even buildings that sprout out into space. The game utilizes many post-processing effects in Unity 3D to gain its unique look. FEEL THE POWER We want the player to feel very powerful in the game. The whole idea of having an asteroid belt orbiting you that serves as a weapon and shield is very empowering. The more asteroids the player has the more visual feedback that they are getting stronger and stronger. Showing that progress from starting out as a defenseless ship in space and then becoming an ultimate weapon is very important. TIP OF THE ICEBERG We'll make Gravitos seem like a simple shooter on the surface, but then have many underlying strategies that give the game depth. This makes the game easy to learn, but hard to master. This is done by giving the player a lot of different options and methods to perform actions in the game. The simple action of launching a satellite has a lot of considerations that the player has to take. Considerations like their chances of hitting an enemy, if the asteroid would be more useful as a defense, are there any other asteroids nearby, or would it be easier to whack the enemy with the asteroid in the player's orbit. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 7 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved COMMON QUESTIONS WHAT IS THE GAME? Gravitos is a top down 3D space shooter game with elements of strategy, growth and exploration. The player controls a Gravitron, which is a space bathysphere that attracts asteroids and satellites to it. Once the player gets an asteroid into his orbit path, the asteroid will then orbit the player until the asteroid is destroyed, or shot out as a projectile. The player dynamically uses the orbiting satellites to shoot at enemies or use as a shield. The orbit speed can be charged up to be really fast for a higher chance of blocking attacks. On the contrary, it is much harder to aim and shoot with the asteroids spinning fast. The player's goal is to defend planets from enemies, destroy enemy bases, and to level their Gravitron to the max. WHAT DO I CONTROL/ WHO AM I? The player controls a Gravitron, which is an outer space bathysphere. The Gravitron takes asteroids and other satellites into its orbit, then can shoot them out as a weapon. The player sees the Gravitron from a top-down perspective. The player can only travel on a 2D plane. WHAT IS THE PREMISE/STORY? The player is an intergalactic space ranger that prevents stray asteroids from colliding into its civilization’s planet. The ranger drives an ancient Gravitron model made out of wood and runs on coal. The ranger always dreamed of having a shiny new Gravitron, but all the funding goes to the military. One day, the ranger encounters invading aliens and has no choice but to try to stop them, since the military is on strike. WHERE DOES THE GAME TAKE PLACE? The game takes place in a solar system with a sun and a few main planets. The player can encounter asteroid fields and enemy bases. Nebulas and stars are seen in the background. WHAT ARE THE GOALS/OBJECTIVES OF THE GAME? Long Term - Complete mission-based objectives such as collecting specific satellites and destroying specific targets, upgrade/level the Gravitron's technology to increase max satellites. Mid Term - Find planets and asteroid fields, strengthen the planet's orbit (by increasing satellites) and keep energy levels high. Short Term - Collect satellites, shoot satellites at enemies, avoid bomb satellites and find energy. WHAT IS THE MAIN FOCUS? The main focus is collecting satellites to have a powerful defensive shield and use them as weapons. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 8 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved WHAT’S DIFFERENT? Shooting Asteroids! The main difference in Gravitos compared to other shooters is that the player uses asteroids as his weapon and defense. The asteroids are the player's bullets, but they are much larger and more powerful than a regular bullet. The player also has to constantly have a steady supply of asteroids to use, so you have to be a conservative shooter. You call this space? The overall space setting in Gravitos is an abstract "indie" fresh style. This style also matches the crazy gameplay of shooting asteroids at your foes. WHAT IS A SATELLITE? A satellite is anything that orbits the player's Gravitron. This includes asteroids, mines and "satellite”-like machines. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 9 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS The following is a list of the game's features listed in order of priority. The section below gives more details for each feature. Words in bold and italic will link to the described category. Words or numbers with [brackets] around them means that the variable represented by the word or number, have to be changeable. COLLECT SATELLITES AND ASTEROIDS The player will get more powerful by collecting satellites and asteroids. The Gravitron attracts them once they reach a certain range. When a satellite meets the player’s orbit path, it starts to orbit the Gravitron. Satellites keep orbiting until they are destroyed, taken away by other gravities, or shot away from the player. The satellites and asteroids that orbit the Gravitron have a variety of uses. • • Asteroids are the most common satellites, and are used for both defense and offense. Technological satellites can provide immediate defense in the form of laser cannons, improve the player's gravitational abilities, and grant speed bonuses. It's not all good in outer space though, as some asteroids and tech satellites harm the player by causing damage over time or slowing effects. LAUNCHING SATELLITES The player uses satellites as projectile weapons. The player aims by rotating the mouse around the Gravitron (it can be shot in any direction). The trajectory of the shot depends on player skill and accuracy. If the player clicks dead on, the shot is perfectly straight. If the player is a little too late or early, the direction angles to the sides. The velocity of the shot depends on the level of upgrades the player has. CONTROL ORBIT SPEED The player is able to control the orbit speed of the satellites. Controlling the speed is used as a defense mechanism where incoming enemies and objects have a higher chance to hit an orbital instead of the Gravitron. While the orbit speed is fast, it is harder for the player to shoot out the asteroid they want. The player uses the scroll wheel to raise and lower the orbit speed. UPGRADE GRAVITRON TECHNOLOGY The player is able to upgrade the max amount of satellites that they hold. The player achieves this by receiving special items that drops from the enemies, from finding the items floating around the map or by completing an objective in the game. When the Gravitron upgrades, they also receive a core satellite (see next feature). Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 10 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved THREE "CORE" SATELLITES The player has an inner and outer orbit. The inner orbit holds three core satellites that give the player bonus abilities. The three bonus abilities are faster Gravitron movement speed, higher velocity launch and shields. The player chooses what ability that they want to focus on and can dynamically change their status for the situation. The player starts out with one of these cores and then gains the other two from upgrading the Gravitron technology. MAP VIEW The player can zoom out to see more of the worlds surrounding him or zoom to a close default view. When the player zooms out, the game pauses and some features of the level will disappear from the player's view, such as enemy units and bases. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 11 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CONTROL OVERVIEW PC CONTROL SCHEME 1 chooses shoot, 2 chooses speed, 3 chooses shields TAB goes to map view W, A, S and D for movement Space Bar activates core ability Right click speeds up Gravitron orbit ring. Scroll wheel up and down cycles through the core Satellites Scroll wheel click activates the selected core satellite when held. Hold left click to arm targeting reticule, release to fire object under reticule. Move mouse left and right to aim reticule. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 12 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved XBOX CONTROL SCHEME CONTROL DETAILS PC Controls Xbox Controls Description W, A, S, D Left Stick Moves the player Mouse Tracking Right Stick Moves aimer for shooting satellite around the Gravitron Right Click Left Trigger Raises the orbit speed Left Click Right Trigger Hold to arm the aiming reticule, release to shoot object under reticule. Mouse Wheel N/A Cycles through the 3 core ability settings Mouse Wheel Click turns the ability on and off. 1, 2, 3 A, B,X Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Toggles one of the 3 core abilities. (1 button set for one ability). Having one active disallows other abilities from being used. Page | 13 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved TAB Up on D-Pad Alters zoom level. Pressing while zoomed in zooms out and while zoomed out zooms in. SPACE N/A Activates the core ability (same as pressing in scroll wheel) Forward MOVEMENT The player can move in all directions. Right Left Control: W, A, S, D Down Behavior Description Movement Speed The Gravitron moves at [18] units per second (diagonally) [9] units per second horizontally and vertically Acceleration The player has an acceleration movement. It takes [1] second to reach max speed Continuous Velocity The player keeps moving at a continuous velocity even after letting go of the thrust. To come to a complete stop, the player has to face the opposite direction and move that way. Rotation The entire Gravitron model rotates as the player is choosing the direction to go to Smoke Trail The Gravitron leaves a smoke trail behind to show the direction the player is heading. The smoke disappears after [5] seconds. SFX When the player is trusting, the Gravitron makes a junky jet engine sound. <More controls in Gameplay Details> Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 14 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved HUD CONTROLS PC Controls Xbox Controls Description Tracking Mouse Left Stick Moves around HUD selection Left Click A Button Confirm selection Esc B Button Cancel or Back, Open main menu Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 15 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved FEATURE DETAILS The following are the fine details of all the features in the game, listed in order of priority. For measurements, the Gravitron has a radius of [1] units. COLLECT SATELLITES AND ASTEROIDS The main action the player performs is collecting asteroids and satellites. This is done by: 1. Making sure the object is not moving faster than the possible orbit speed 2. Getting objects close enough to the Gravitron's orbit path so that they will be collected into the Gravitron's orbit. The satellites keep orbiting until they are destroyed, the player shoots them or when they're pulled away by a larger gravitational force. SATELLITE ACTIONS SATELLITE ATTRACTION Asteroids and satellites are at first, attracted to the player from the gravitational pull of the Gravitron. Attraction stars off slow when the asteroid is far away from the Gravitron and speeds up as it gets closer. The Gravitron’s force and the force of objects that are in range are calculated (Mass*Velocity). If the Gravitron’s force is more than the object’s force, then the Gravitron will capture that object in its orbit. The Graviton’s orbit can only hold the max amount of satellites; if the orbit is already full, objects will not get captured in the orbit even if the Gravitron’s orbit’s force is higher than the object’s. Variable Description Mass The Gravitron has a mass of [1] Attraction Acceleration Base acceleration of [2 units per second] for objects attracted to the Gravitron The closer the object is to the Gravitron, the faster the object accelerates • This is calculated by acceleration divided by distance Attraction Radius The radius for when objects start to get attracted is [5 units] larger than the radius Slowdown When the object is out of attraction range, it starts to slow down at a rate of [2 u/s] Attraction Increase When the Spin ability is being used, the Gravitron's attraction radius multiplies by [1.25u] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 16 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SATELLITE ORBIT When the satellites reach the Gravitron's orbit path, they start to orbit the Gravitron. The player has to be careful to align satellites in the orbit path, if they collide, they will be damaged or even explode. The game plays an electronic charge SFX when the player catches a satellite. Variable Description Orbit Radius The Gravitron has an orbit radius of [6 units] Orbit Velocity Base orbit velocity is [1 unit per second] (the player can alter this variable in Control Orbit Speed) Max Satellites The player can hold a max amount of [8] satellites at level 1 • • • Upgrading the Gravitron Technology will increase this number When the player has too many satellites, the incoming satellite just floats by the player and it can still collide with the orbiting satellites. This also affects the player's gravitational pull. When satellites are maxed, the player has no gravitational pull. See Upgrade Gravitron Technology to see more information Satellite Collision Satellites can collide and damage each other in the orbit, therefore the player has to carefully position each satellite Satellite collision in the orbit acts the same as satellite collision out of orbit. See each satellite description for this information. ATTACKING WITH ORBIT The player can get close to enemies and allow the orbiting satellites to whack them then damage or kill them. Whacking instead of shooting gives the advantage of not missing your shot. However, it gives a disadvantage of the player having to get close to his enemies. The whacking damage takes the Damaged Caused from the satellite and adds the velocity to the damage just like any other collision situation. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 17 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SPEED INDICATOR • • • • The player can tell if the satellite is able to be captured by the color of the glow trail behind it. When there is no glow, the player can capture the satellite by simply moving next to it. When the glow behind a satellite is bright yellow, the player can capture it but only when if the orbit speed it increased. When the glow behind a satellite is red, the player can't capture it and the satellite will pass through the orbit. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 18 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SATELLITE TYPES Different satellites have different speed, damage and special abilities. Most satellites don’t have a gravitational pull like the player or planets. ASTEROIDS Asteroids are the most common type of satellite the player can get. Objects can collide with asteroids in which both colliding objects take damage. Then pieces fall off the asteroid, causing the asteroid to shrink in size. The pieces that fall off are particle effects that disappear after [5] seconds. Variable Description Mass Even though asteroids have a Mass, they don’t attract any objects like the Gravitron The asteroid mass varies from [1 to 3] reflecting the health and size Damage The asteroid causes damage based on velocity TBD Health The asteroid has a health of [0 to 20] • The health is randomized to get small, medium and large asteroids After getting damaged its size decreases based on its total health Size The size has 3 levels of size depending on the health of the asteroid • • • Health above 14 means the asteroid is at level 3 size (maximum size) Health above 5, below 14 means the asteroid is at level 2 size (moderate size) Health below 5 means the asteroid is at level 1 size (minimum size) Directional Movement Asteroids in a belt have a pre-scripted movement based on the level design Movement Speed Asteroids move at [2 units/second] (unless being attracted) Single asteroids have a random direction picked and they’ll follow that direction until the end of the level Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 19 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Danger Priority [0] ROCKET DEFENSE SATELLITE Rocket Defense Satellites play both offensive and defensives roles. When the player is in range of the RDS, it will fire homing rockets at the player. If the player manages to capture a RDS in his orbit, the RDS will then fire rockets at the player's enemies. The RDS is producible by the Space Station. The RDS reads the incoming object's danger priority and fires at the most dangerous object first. When the Rocket Defense Satellite is shot out from the Gravitron's orbit, the Rocket Defense Satellite turns into a deadly warhead that can do massive damage and pierce kinetic shields. The RDS plays a charging animation and sound before firing off its payload. Variable Description Mass The RDS mass is [5] Health The RDS has a health of [12] Size The RDS has a radius of [4 units] Attack Speed The RDS fires [2 rockets] every [3 seconds] Sight Range (Enemy) The RDS sight range when an enemy is [15 units] radius sphere. Sight Range (Friendly) The RDS sight range when friendly is a [12x12] box in front of the RDS. Alt Mode Speed Accel. The Alt RDS accelerates at a rate of [2 units/ per second] Alt Mode Speed Max The Alt RDS has a max speed of [18 units/second] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 20 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Alt Mode Damage The Alt Mode deals impact damage of [50] The Alt Mode depletes any Kinetic Shields on impact Danger Priority [0] ROCKET Rockets have two states, one where the rocket's thrusters are on and one where they are off. The thrusters turn off after a period of time after the initial fire; when the thrusters are off the rocket will move at a slower velocity. Rockets have their own mass and can be captured in an orbit. Rockets have two separate animations, one when the thruster is on and one when it is off. Variable Description Mass The Rocket mass is [5] Health The Rocket has a health of [10] Size The Rocket has a radius of [2 units] Damage The Rocket deals impact damage of [12] Movement Speed The Rocket's movement speed Danger Priority [3] • • Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Speed with thrusters on is [15 units/second] Speed with thrusters off is [10 units/second] Page | 21 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved BLACKHOLE EMULATOR Black hole emulators create the same effects of a mini black hole. Once a BHE is in a planets orbit, it will attract all nearby objects. The BHE does not destroy objects, only attracts them. When the black hole emulator is shot out by the Gravitron, the black holes effects will invert, blasting things away from the black hole emulator. The BHE initiates self-destruction after being shot by the Gravitron. Black hole Emulators are constantly emitting particles. Variable Description Mass The BHE’s mass is [5] Health The BHE’s has a health of [40] Size The BHE’s has a radius of [4] Movement Speed The BHE’s movement speed is [30] Activation Range The BHE’s activation range is [40] Pull Radius The BHE’s Push pull radius is [5] Pull Force The BHE pulls at a force of [6]F Push Force The BHE pushes at a force of [12]F Push Cone 30 degree angle cone directed away from the Gravitron Detonation Time The BHE will detonate after [1.8]seconds after shot Danger Priority [0] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 22 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LAUNCHING SATELLITES The player can launch any satellite orbiting the Gravitron. The player aims the projectile using a crosshair that is locked in the Gravitron's orbit path. The direction of the aimer always points out from the center of the Gravitron. The player can shoot only where the satellite is, so if there is an enemy behind the player, they need a satellite orbiting behind the player. LAUNCHING CONTROLS Control (PC): The player holds the Right Mouse Button to pull up the crosshair, then aims by moving the mouse in circles around the Gravitron. Then to shoot, the player clicks the Left Mouse Button. Control (Xbox): The player holds the Left Trigger to pull up the crosshair, then aims with the right analogue stick. Then the player shoots with the right trigger button. PROJECTILE STATISTICS Variable Description Accuracy The angle of the hit is determined by where the player hits the orbital. Using 3 different hit boxes around the satellite. • • • Hit in center (blue) goes straight (0°) Hit on the left (green) tilts right [30°] Hit on the right (green) tilts left [-30°] Larger satellites have larger hit boxes. So larger satellites are easier to hit. Velocity The default velocity is [40] • The default velocity changes as the player gets more cores The launched object keeps going at the set velocity until it hits something. Damage The damage of the satellite depends on what type is launched and the velocity it was launched at, adding the base damage from the sat with the launched velocity. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 23 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved AIMING ART AND SFX The Graviton has a long bright laser that points in the direction the Gravitron will fire it's energy beam. This Laser is similar to a gun's laser sights. LAUNCHING ART AND SFX Phase 1: The launch has a quick energy beam that lasts for [1] second. The beam is made from particle effects and transparent planes. Phase 2: The beam also causes a warping effect in the surrounding area, similar to the movie Predator. The SFX of the launch is a laser sound, with gritty smashing impact sound. As the player is charging, the Gravitron makes a laser sound rising in pitch. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 24 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CONTROL ORBIT SPEED The player is able to speed up the orbit speed in the game. The fast speed is the player's defense and allows the player to collect satellites in their orbit. While the slower speed allows the player to get an accurate shot at their enemies and not rely on luck. The player will have 3 levels of speed at the start of the game. As the player upgrades the Gravitron to the next levels, he will gain up to 5 speed levels (level 4 and 5 being faster than level 3). ORBIT CONTROLS Control (PC): The player raises the orbit speed by holding the right mouse button. The player lowers the orbit speed by letting go of the mouse button. Control (Xbox): The player raises the orbit speed by pressing the right bumper and slows the speed by pressing the left bumper. ORBIT STATISTICS Variable Description Default Velocity The default orbit speed is [40] Top Velocity 1 The first orbit speed is [60] Top Velocity 2 The third orbit speed is [80] Top Velocity 3 The fourth orbit is [100] Velocity Level Trans. Time It takes [3] seconds to accelerate or decelerate to a top velocity speed from the Default velocity ORBIT SPEED & COLLECTING SATELLITES The player can collect satellites easier while the orbit speed is high. The reason for this is satellites at a higher speed than the orbit speed can overpower the orbit. When the orbit speed is higher than the incoming satellite's speed, the Gravitron can capture it. CAPTURING CALCULATION If the (mass of Graviton * orbit speed) > (mass of incoming object * velocity), the capture will succeed. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 25 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved UPGRADE GRAVITRON TECHNOLOGY The player has three phases to his Gravitron, each increasing the total amount of satellites the player can have orbiting and giving them a Core Satellite to orbit around the Gravitron. UPGRADING & TECHNOLOGY POINTS The player can upgrade the Gravitron when he gains enough technology points to go to the next level. Once the player receives enough, the Gravitron automatically upgrades. The player gets technology points from • • • dropped tech by enemies after the player damages or defeats them floating around the map completing small objectives in the level Variable Description Technology Grade Technology 1 gives [1] technology point to the player. • • [50%] chance that tech found on map is tech 1 [75%] chance that tech dropped from damaging enemies is tech 1 Technology 2 gives [2] technology points to the player. • • [35%] chance that tech found on map is tech 2 [20%] chance that tech dropped from damaging enemies is tech 2 Technology 3 gives [5] technology points to the player. • • • Technology Quantity [15%] chance that tech found on map is tech 3 [5%] chance that tech dropped from damaging enemies is tech 3 [100%] chance that tech dropped from killing enemies is tech 3 Completing quests gives the player [50] technology points. This has no grade, and is automatically added to the player. Defeating enemies gives various technology quantities in the tech 3 grade depending on the enemy. See Enemies and Obstacles for that information. The player has to pick up this tech. Technology Requirements To upgrade to the 2nd Phase, the player has to gain [100] tech points To upgrade to the 3rd Phase, the player has to gain [150] tech points The tech points reset to 0 after the player upgrades Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 26 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Technology Movement Technology floats at a speed of [5 units per second] When enemies drop technology, it scatters in a random direction moving at this speed TECHNOLOGY GAUGE The player's current technology point amount is displayed on the Gravitron as a gauge. When the player gets more technology, the gauge raises. <See “HUD/On Screen Displays” for the tech gauge> TECHNOLOGY ART AND SFX Technology floating around looks like metal space junk. When the player contacts the technology, it goes into the player's Gravitron while flashing white and disappearing. The 3 grades of technology use the same model, but a different color scheme. • • • Technology 1 has a dull green color Technology 2 has a brighter, teal appearance Technology 3 has a bright lime green color Situation SFX Tech dropped from enemies (by damaging or defeating) Light metal ping sound. Similar to when Sonic the Hedgehog drops coins from getting hit. Tech Captured Sucking in whoosh sound, followed by a ding Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 27 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved UPGRADING ART AND SFX When the player upgrades, the Gravitron bursts out a ring of green energy. After, the new model replaces the Gravitron. The new core also flashes in white, to show the new addition to the Gravitron. A short 3 second tune or ring is played as the Gravitron upgrades. FIRST PHASE Variable Description # of Core Satellites The player has [1] core satellite Orbit Velocity Max Level The max levels the player can change the velocity speed to is [1] Max Satellites The max satellites that the Gravitron can hold is [8] Orbit Radius The orbit radius is [25] units SECOND PHASE Variable Description # of Core Satellites The player has [2] core satellites Orbit Velocity Max Level The max levels the player can change the velocity speed to is [2] Max Satellites The max satellites that the Gravitron can hold is [12] Orbit Radius The orbit radius is [30] units Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 28 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved THIRD PHASE Variable Description # of Core Satellites The player has [3] core satellites Orbit Velocity Max Level The max levels the player can change the velocity speed to is [3] Max Satellites The max satellites that the Gravitron can hold is [16] Orbit Radius The orbit radius is [35] units TUTORIAL EXCEPTION The player will start out in “Phase 0” in the tutorial. Phase 0 is basically Phase One without a core satellite. During the tutorial, the player will level up to Phase 1 to gradually learn about the different abilities. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 29 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved THREE "CORE" SATELLITES When the player’s Gravitron upgrades, he receives a core satellite along with the Gravitron upgrade. The player gets a total of three core satellites that orbit around the Gravitron (shown in diagram). These satellites give the player 3 different bonus abilities: 1. Higher Shoot Velocity 2. Faster Gravitron Movement Speed 3. Shields The player chooses what ability to set the Graviton to use and then gets the bonus stats. The abilities require energy to use, once the player runs out of energy, the cores turn off. When cores are hit, the player takes damage. Every level, the player starts with one core (with an exception to the Tutorial level). CONTROLS Control (PC): The player switches what ability to use by 1,2,3 or the scroll wheel. The player presses space or the middle mouse button to turn it on, pressing again will turn it off. Control (Xbox): The player chooses what ability to use by pressing X for velocity, A for faster movement and B for healing. Pressing any of the buttons turns the cores on. Pressing the same button again, turns them off. ENERGY The player has a limited amount of energy that always refills unless a core is turned on. When the player is out of energy, the Gravitron makes an electronic "shut down" SFX. Variable Description Total Energy The Gravitron stores [100] energy. Starting Energy The player starts out with [100] energy. Gaining Energy The player gains energy automatically at a rate of [2 per second] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 30 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved USING ABILITIES The player turns the cores on by holding the mouse. The player first needs a core to use the abilities. Gaining more cores make that ability stronger while using the same amount of energy. SHOOT VELOCITY Whenever the player launches a satellite, it pushes the satellite with a force. Energy drains only when the player launches a satellite while the cores are active. When the cores are active, the player does not have to charge the cores, they instantly shoot at the higher velocity. Variable Description Velocity Increase 1 Object gets a velocity of [50] while active Velocity Increase 2 Object gets a velocity of [60] while active While not active, the regular shoot velocity is [45] Velocity Increase 3 Object gets a velocity of [70] While not active, the regular shoot velocity is [50] Energy Drained Energy is drained at a rate of [5 energy/second] Visuals: The color of the cores change to red when they are in velocity mode and also have an asteroid symbol. In a later development phase, the cores have small, straight, energy beams shooting out of them. SFX: Each shot makes a deeper, fuller sound compared to the regular shot. Same sound used as when the player shoots a charged shot. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 31 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved MOVEMENT SPEED The whole Gravitron moves faster, so the player can charge or flee form enemies. Energy constantly drains while moving. Variable Description Speed Increase 1 The player gets a bonus speed of [4] Speed Increase 2 The player gets a bonus speed of [8] Speed Increase 3 The player gets a bonus speed of [12] Energy Drained The ability drains at [5 energy/second] Visuals: The color of the cores change to yellow when they are in speed mode and also have an arrow symbol. In a later development phase, the cores have spinning wind effects around them. SFX: While the player moves, the Gravitron sounds more like a jet engine. SHIELDS The player can shield the Gravitron, blocking all damage, energy drains while the shields are on. Each of the 3 cores have a shield centered on them, each covering 1/3 of the Gravitron. As the player gets more cores, the shields will cover more of the Gravitron. The shields spin around the Gravitron with the cores spinning around. In the diagram to the right, the shield is the light-blue arc shape, centered on the core at the top. The shield is locked around that core as it orbits the Gravitron. When the player gets another core, it too will have a shield and both will cover 2/3 of the Gravitron. Variable Description Shields 1 The player gets a shield that covers 1/3 of the Gravitron Shields 2 he player gets a shield that covers 1/3 of the Gravitron Shields 3 he player gets a shield that covers 1/3 of the Gravitron Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 32 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Energy Drained The amount of energy drained while shielding is [5 energy/second] Visuals: The color of the cores change to blue when they are in shield mode and also have a shield symbol. In a later development phase, the cores have electric beams sprouting to the player. SFX: The Gravitron makes a light humming sound. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 33 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved MAP VIEW The player has 2 zoom levels in the game. 1. Default/Regular zoom is a good balance for the player to see the Gravitron and surrounding enemies. 2. Far zoom lets the player see the surrounding planets and asteroids. (Solar System) The game pauses when the player is in map view. CONTROLS Control (PC): The player presses TAB to go to map view. Control (Xbox): The player presses up on the D-Pad to zoom in a level and down on the D-Pad to zoom out a level. TRANSITIONS The transitions from the different zoom levels are simply moving the camera closer and farther away from the player. It takes [1] second for the camera to transition to the next zoom level The SFX from zooming in and out is an ambient wind sucking in and out sound. In the farthest zoom level, all SFX goes quieter (including the music) to show that the player is far away. ZOOM LEVELS REGULAR/DEFAULT Regular zoom gives the player enough detail in the Gravitron and is far enough for the player to see enemies and other objects in the world. The image on the right shows how far the Gravitron will be. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 34 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved FAR Far zoom gives the player a good look at the entire environments or objective locations. This zoom is used as a map for the player. It is also too far for the player to see his satellites and Gravitron in detail. The picture at the bottom shows how far the camera zooms out. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 35 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved GAMEPLAY DETAILS Here you will find the breakdown of all the actions the player can make in the game. COMBAT SYSTEM DAMAGE CALCULATION (Mass * Velocity) / 40 This approximates a 3 hit kill on a Gravitron with health of 100, being hit by an object of mass 4 traveling at 20 m/s. GETTING DAMAGED When the player gets damaged, a noise filter on the screen becomes more opaque for a few seconds, then the screen returns back to normal, at the same time the camera shakes. The SFX when the player gets hit is a white noise effect. Variable Description Effect Time The damage effect (for sound and filters) lasts for [1] second HEALTH SYSTEM & DEATH The player has health that automatically regenerates with time. When the player dies, he spawns at a checkpoint. Variable Description Regeneration Rate The player's health regenerates at a rate of [1 per 2 seconds] Max Health The Gravitron's max health is [100] Starting Health The Gravitron starts out with [100] health Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 36 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAMERA The camera in the game is a top-down camera in a 3D environment that follows the Gravitron in the center of the screen. When the player is damaged the camera shakes for a second. <See Player Controlled Detail Level for more camera features> Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 37 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved GAME CHARACTERS MAIN CHARACTER Gravitron pilot charged with defending their sector of space. NPC CHARACTERS NPC characters are planet inhabitants pleading for help. They give the player an objective in the form of a Message Box telling what the player has to do. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 38 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CHARACTER SCALE Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 39 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved ENEMIES AND OBSTACLES ENEMIES SPACE STATION Space Stations are the player main enemy. Stations do not move, instead they produce satellites or invaders to do their fighting for them. Space stations have their own orbit where they place their satellites in. Space stations have a tech limit to how many operational satellites they can have at one time. Space stations have kinetic shields that will absorb the first impacts. Space Stations fire off its offensive satellites, with a set velocity at the player. Space stations have two tiers. The top tier has more health, more kinetic shields, and a larger tech limit. Space Stations emit a humming sound when the player is in range. Space Stations have a rotating middle. TIER 1 Variable Description Mass Space Station Tier 1 has a mass of [4] Health Space Station Tier 1 has a health of [40] Kinetic Shields Space Station Tier 1 has shield of [20] Size Space Station Tier 1 has dimensions of [30]x[45] Production Rate Space Station Tier 1 produce 1 every [3.5] seconds Tech Limit Space Station Tier 1 can produce a max of[14]units Orbit Velocity Space Station Tier 1 has a velocity of [50]units/second Fire Propulsion Space Station Tier 1 fires objects from its orbit at a force of [20]f Sight Range Space Station Tier 1 can see the player in a [45] Radius Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 40 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Tech (Exp) Value The base number of tech 3 dropped per space station is [16] Danger Priority [4] TIER 2 Variable Description Mass Space Station Tier 2 has a mass of [5] Health Space Station Tier 2 has a health of [60] Kinetic Shields Space Station Tier2 has shield of [50] Size Space Station Tier 2 has dimensions of [45]x[60] Production Rate Space Station Tier 1 produce 1 every [3.5] seconds Tech Limit Space Station Tier 2 can produce a max of[18]units Orbit Velocity Space Station Tier 2 has a velocity of [60]units/second Fire Propulsion Space Station Tier 2 fires objects from its orbit at a force of [25]f Sight Range Space Station Tier 2 can see the player in a [60]unit Radius Tech (Exp) Value The base number of tech 3 dropped per space station is [25] Danger Priority [4] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 41 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved INVADERS Invaders are harmful space ships that will try and impact the graviton for damage. They travel in swarms and have a zombie mentality. They are only produced from the Space Stations. They are small and have low health. They count as half a unit in terms of a Space Station’s tech limit. They will be idle if they do not have the Gravitron in their sight range. If the Invader does spot the Gravitron it will pursue it at its first movement speed as long as the Gravitron stays in the invader's sight range. The invader's will jump in speed if they have the gravitron in their sight long enough. If the Invader gets close enough to the Gravitron it will activate it's overdrive. Invaders have a flying animation when they are flying to a point. Variable Description Health Invaders have a health of [6] Sight Range Invaders can see the player in a [25]unit Radius Invaded Range Invader will activate secondary boosters at a [5]unit radius Movement Speed Jump Invader increases[3] units/second Max Movement Speed Invaders have a movement speed of[18] Overdrive Movement Speed With overdrive, Invaders have a movement speed of [33] Acceleration [3.2] per second Mass Invaders have a mass of [1] Size Invaders have a [0.15]radius Danger Priority [1] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 42 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SPACE MINE Space mines are dangerous satellites that can be found floating around a solar system, just like asteroids. Mines explode on contact, which includes the player shooting it and bumping into it. When mines are touched at a low velocity, they have a detonation time. When they are hit at a high velocity, they explode. When the mine is detonated, a red light on it blinks on and off. It also makes a siren SFX, similar to when your health is low in Littlebigplanet. Variable Description Health The mine has a health of [10] Damage The mine is calculated by [((1/Distance from Space Mine)*10)] Explosion Radius The explosion damage has a radius of [9 units] Explosion Threshold The mine will automatically explode if it's hit at a velocity greater than [20 units/second] Detonation Time When the mine is touched, it'll detonate after [4] seconds Activation Range When the player is in range, the mine will move towards the player just like Asteroids Mass Even though mines have a Mass, they don’t attract any objects like the Gravitron The mine mass is [4] Size The mine has a radius of [3 units] Danger Priority [2] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 43 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LASER PROBE Laser probes satellites are enemy satellites that the player does not want in his orbit. They are often produced by Space Stations or left to patrol in deep space. When laser probes gets into the player's orbit, they will fire upon the player in timed intervals. Laser probes will fire on planets if the probes manage to get in the planet's orbit. Probes play charging animations and sounds before firing their laser. Their color tweens to a bright red before they are about to fire. Lasers are short lasting beams that are fired from the cannon of the probe to the target. Variable Description Health The probe has a health of [25] Damage The probe causes [20] damage on fire Attack Speed The probe fires every [2 seconds] Sight Range Probes can only see the Gravitron if it is in a [10] radius Attack Range Probe can only fire when in an orbit Movement Speed Probes move at [10 units/second] Mass The probe mass is [5] Size The probe has a radius of [4 units] Danger Priority [3] Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 44 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH OVERVIEW Game Start TUTORIAL LEVEL LEVEL 1 Player Uses Movement Controls Player Grabs First Asteroids Player Grabs First Asteroids Player Uses Asteroid Launch Player Uses Ability Cores Player Destroys Moving Target Player Combats Multiple Enemies Tutorial End Player Player encounters first enemies Player uses asteroids defensively Player learns about different satellite types Player defeats first big enemy Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Player levels up; Gets second core Page | 45 Gravitos Player completes mission objectives under time limit Game End 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved BEAT CHART 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 Excitement 2 Difficulty 1.5 1 0.5 0 Game Intro Tutorial Start Tutorial Mid Tutorial End Page | 46 Gravitos Lvl 1 Start Lvl 1 Mid Lvl 1 End 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved HOURS OF GAMEPLAY The introductory phase and first level will take a novice player no longer than 5 minute to complete. Subsequent playthroughs can reduce this time once the player gains proficiency with the game mechanics. Additional levels will be between 3 to 6 minutes each. VICTORY CONDITIONS To complete a level, the player must satisfy stated objectives. THE GAME WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS There are many environmental hazards that can damage or kill the player. The unstoppable hazards are: • • • • The Sun, burning anything that gets too close to it Black holes sucking in anything in its path (see appendices) Comets traveling at high velocity, it's something the Gravitron can't slow down (see appendices)Features to Complete After Graduation Boundaries THE SUN The sun is a central piece in the level with all planets and asteroids orbiting it. If the player gets too close to the sun, he will take a lot of damage. The sun has a strong fire SFX. It is extremely bright when the player gets close. Variable Description Size The sun has a radius of [500] units Damage Distance A distance closer than [60] units will start to damage the player Damage The sun damages the player at [50 per second] Page | 47 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved BOUNDARIES Boundaries stop the player from venturing too far away from the level’s objectives. Passing these boundaries cause the player’s screen to get noisey and cause damage to the player’s health. Passing Boundaries cause a warning alarm SFX. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 48 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved THE WORLD LAYOUT TUTORIAL LEVEL: SAVE THE WORLD Dimensions: [300] Units Radius Intended Playtime: 2 Minutes Player Start: [85units, -120units] Checkpoint: Planet B's objective offset by (-20units, -20units) Scenario: The Objective Planet has had a major planetary explosion; your objective is to salvage the planet. Planet A produces asteroids that the player can use to complete his objective. Mission Objectives: 1. Grab 8 Asteroids 2. Use Gravitron Spin to Grab 2 Asteroids 3. Launch 2 Asteroids at Objective Planet 4. Use ability core 5. Destroy Target 6. Defeat Enemies Mission Failure: None Page | 49 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF PLANETS PLANET A Planet A launches asteroids out in all directions in timed intervals. These asteroids can be caught and used to salvage the Objective planet. Variable Description Start Location [50 units,-120 units] Diameter [20]units Orbit Radius [130] units Orbit Speed [1.25] degrees/second Orbital Period [288] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [4] Asteroids every [4] seconds Asteroid Velocity [6] units/second OBJECTIVE PLANET The Objective Planet requires [3] asteroids to thrown at it to be reconstructed. Variable Description Start Location [105 units, -140 units] Orbit Radius [175] units Orbit Speed [1.25] degrees/second Orbital Period [288] seconds Page | 50 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SUMMARY • • • • • • • • Size: Small Length: Short Difficulty: 1 (very easy) Objectives: Salvage a planet, Learn basic skills Enemies: None Skills Used: Capturing and Shooting of Asteroids Satellites: Asteroids Rewards: None WALKTHROUGH The game starts in the tutorial level. The player spawns in the middle of an asteroid ring. The player receives the first objective to collect 8 asteroids into his gravity ring. Then the player must use the Gravitron's Spin ability to grab 2 asteroids. The player will then use the Gravitron's Launch Ability to launch 2 asteroids at the Objective Planet. An enemy will spawn that the player will have to destroy. After the player destroys this enemy a wave of enemy will spawn that the player must destroy without taking any damage. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 51 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LEVEL 1: FIRE SHOWER Dimensions: [450] units x [350] units Intended Playtime: [5] minutes Scenario: A dangerous meteor shower is incoming and will destroy Objective A and Objective B. Objective A is able to produce BlackHole Emulators, but cannot produce them unless Enemy X is destroyed. Objective B cannot hold BlackHole Emulators in its orbit because of solar flares and instead will require Enemy Y’s Rocket Defense Satellites. If both planets are properly defended, the player will be successful. Mission Objectives: 1. Destroying Enemy X 2. Destroy Enemy Y 3. Deliver Rocket Defense Satellites to Objective B Mission Rewards: 1. [100]xp 2. [100]xp 3. [100]xp Mission Failure: Either Objective Planet is defenseless at the end of the 5 minute mark. Page | 52 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF PLANETS OBJECTIVE A Objective Planet A needs Enemy X destroyed before it can have BlackHole Emulators in its orbit and be safe from the incoming meteor shower. The player can take these BlackHole Emulators from Objective Planet A. Variable Description Orbit Radius [145] units Orbit Speed 11.4units/second Orbital Period [80] seconds OBJECTIVE B Any BlackHole Emulators in Objective B’s orbit will be destroyed. Objective B needs Rocket Defense Satellites to survive the meteor Shower. Variable Description Orbit Radius [75] units Orbit Speed 9.8units/second Orbital Period [45] seconds PLANET C Variable Description Orbit Radius [115] units Orbit Speed 12units/second Orbital Period [60] seconds Page | 53 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF ENEMIES ENEMY X Variable Description Tier 1 Produces Invaders Production Rate [4] Invaders every [3] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second ENEMY Z Variable Description Tier 1 Produces Rocket Defense Units Production Rate [1] Asteroids every [4] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second SUMMARY • • • • • • Size: Medium Length: Medium-Long Difficulty: 3 (medium) Objectives: Defend the Objective A and Objective B, Destroy Enemy X Enemies: 2 Space Station Tier 1, Invaders, Space Mines Skills Used: Navigating/Using Space Mines, Defeating Space Probes, Using BlackHole Emulators Defeating Rocket Defense Satellites Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 54 10/11/2010 Gravitos Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved • Satellites: Asteroids, Laser Probe, Rocket Defense Satellites WALKTHROUGH The player is tasked with providing defense satellites for Objectives A and B. The player is first given the objective to help Objective A. The player should grab asteroids when going to assault Enemy X. When Enemy X sends his invaders at the player, they can use their asteroids to defeat the invaders. This allows objective A to then safely use the space mines north of Enemy X to destroy Enemy X. The player then returns to Objective A who is now producing BlackHole Emulators. The player can take these BlackHole Emulators which will aid the player in taking on Enemy Y. The Player can either make his way through the minefield or take on the laser probes to get to Enemy Y. Player’s can make quick work of Enemy Y is they use the laser probes against Enemy Y and use the BlackHole Emulators to defend from rocket fire. Once enemy Y is defeated, the player must deliver the rocket defense satellites to Objective B before time runs out. Once both objectives are properly defended, the level ends and the player wins. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 55 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LEVEL 2: SPACE INVASION Dimensions: 550 units x 450 units Intended Playtime: 3 Minutes Scenario: The Enemy Space Station is initiating a two stage invasion on the Objective Planet. At stage 1, the Enemy Station produces invaders that travel to Planets A and B to receive Troops. The Invaders will then travel to the Objective planet. Planet C has agreed to help the Objective Planet by destroying the Enemy Station, but it will take Planet C a near full revolution to produce Rocket Defense Satellites and get in range of the enemy station. When Planet C reaches a point in its orbit where it can fire at the Enemy freely, the Objective will be saved. Mission Objectives: 1. Keep Objective Intact for 1 minute and 30 seconds 2. Survive until Planet C is in range and destroys the Enemy Mission Objectives: 1. [125]xp Mission Failure: If [16] invaders land on Objective Planet. Page | 56 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF PLANETS PLANET A Invaders will land on this planet, at which point they will be safe from the player’s attacks. After staying on the planet for [5] seconds, the invaders will launch themselves at the objective planet. Variable Description Orbit Radius [40] units Orbit Speed 10 units/second Orbital Period [25] seconds PLANET B Invaders will land on this planet, at which point they will be safe from the player’s attacks. After staying on the planet for [5] seconds, the invaders will launch themselves at the objective planet. Variable Description Orbit Radius [70] units Orbit Speed 10.1 units/second Orbital Period [40] seconds OBJECTIVE The Objective Planet has as low speed Asteroid belt that the player can take asteroids from to use. Asteroids spawn in the belt constantly. The Objective planet is lost if [16] Invaders successfully land on the surface. Variable Description Orbit Radius [140] units Orbit Speed 11 units/second Page | 57 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Orbital Period [80] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds PLANET C Once Planet C has rocket defense satellites in orbit and is in range of the Enemy, Planet C will use the rocket defense satellites to fire upon the enemy. Variable Description Orbit Radius [200] units Orbit Speed 7.8 units/second Orbital Period [160] seconds Produces Rocket Defense Satellites Production Rate [1] Rocket Defense Satellites every [35] seconds CAST OF ENEMIES ENEMY Variable Description Tier 2 Produces Invaders Production Rate [10] Invaders every [10] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 58 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SUMMARY • • • • • • • Size: Large Length: Medium Difficulty: 4 (medium-hard) Objectives: Defend the Objective, Destroy the Enemy Space Station Enemies: Space Station Tier 2, Invaders Skills Used: Using Defense Satellites, Defeating Invaders Satellites: Asteroids, Blackhole Emulators, WALKTHROUGH The player is tasked with protecting the Objective from enemy Invaders for near [3] minutes. The player can accomplish this in one of two ways. The player can stay near the objective to ensure that no invaders land on the objective or the player can destroy the invaders when they are on their trajected paths to either planet A or B. Other than asteroids, the player can use the Tesla Defense Satellite or the Blackhole Emulator to accomplish the mission objective. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 59 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LEVEL 3: UNFAIR FIGHT Dimensions: 625 units x 500 units Intended Playtime: [9] minutes Scenario: Objective Planet A is being assaulted from all sides by enemy space stations. It is the player’s goal to ensure Objective A’s safety and destroy all enemy Space Stations. The Space stations will only send attacks towards the Objective if the Objective planet is in the respective quadrant. Mission Objectives: 1. Protect Objective A as it orbits 2. Destroy Enemy X 3. Destroy Enemy Y 4. Destroy Enemy Z Mission Rewards: 1. none 2. [50]xp 3. [75]xp 4. [125]xp Mission Failure: Objective A ([250]HP) is destroyed. Page | 60 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF PLANETS OBJECTIVE A Variable Description Orbit Radius [130] units Orbit Speed 1.5 units/second Orbital Period [540] seconds PLANET B Variable Description Orbit Radius [85] units Orbit Speed 13.3 units/second Orbital Period [40] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds PLANET C Variable Description Orbit Radius [40] units Orbit Speed 12.5units/second Orbital Period [20] seconds PLANET D Page | 61 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Variable Description Orbit Radius [170] units Orbit Speed 3.8 units/second Orbital Period [280] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds PLANET E Variable Description Orbit Radius [210] units Orbit Speed 1.6 units/second Orbital Period [420] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds CAST OF ENEMIES ENEMY X Variable Description Tier 1 Produces Invaders Production Rate [5] Invaders every [3] seconds Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 62 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second ENEMY Y Variable Description Tier 1 Produces Laser Probes Production Rate [1] Invaders every [4] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second ENEMY Z Variable Description Tier 2 Produces Rocket Defense Unit Production Rate [1] RDU every [4] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second SUMMARY • • • • • • • Size: Large Length: Long Difficulty: 5 (hard) Objectives: Defend the Objective Enemies: 2 Space Station Tier 1, 1 Space Station Tier 2, Invaders Skills Used: Using Defense Satellites, Defeating Invaders Satellites: Asteroids, Laser Probes, Rocket Defense units Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 63 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved WALKTHROUGH The player is tasked with protecting Objective A and destroying all enemy Space Stations. Objective A only triggers enemy forces if it is occupying the same Quadrant as the space station. The player will have to keep track of when Objective planet is in immediate danger and time his assaults on the space stations accordingly. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 64 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved MUSICAL SCORES AND SOUND EFFECTS The overall sound of the game should complement the abstract visual style. The music and SFX will be electronic in style, while giving a sci-fi feel. SOUND DESIGN These links will provide help on using unity's audio engine. • • SFX The SFX uses synthesizer sounds more than actual audio samples. This will add to the abstract, electronic feel that the game has. The SFX will match the music in the game. An example is for booster movement, it'll use an electronic hum sound instead of an engine sound. VOICE-OVER The voices in the game are alien sounds recorded from people with effects like reversing to make the voice different. The player won't know what the voices are saying; it'll sound like another language. MUSIC The music has a laid back electronic sound, a blend of house or trance music. The song gives an otherworldly feel. Some SFX also ties into the music beat. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 65 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved APPENDICES “GAME INTERFACE – MENUS” APPENDIX SCREEN FLOW DIAGRAM QUIT GAME MENU PRESS ENTER TITLE SCREEN START GAME OPTIONS -sound settings -video settings -control settings CREDITS PRE-LOADER PUBLISHER LOGO (START) LOADING SCREEN NO PLAYER DEATH (CONTINUE?) GAME YES LOADING SCREEN PAUSES RESUME MAIN MENU PAUSE QUIT GAME GAME EXITS (END) OVERVIEW The menu is very accessible and clean to the player. It takes two clicks (pressing start/enter and selecting "start game") to get the player into the game. The main menu lets the player go to a credits and options screen, start a new game or quit the game. When the player pauses during the game, the pause menu is brought up, allowing the player to go back to the menu, resume the game or quit. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 66 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved UI DETAIL The game starts out by showing the Publisher Logo (VFS) then goes to a pre-loader. When the game is done loading, the title screen appears and waits for the player to press enter or start. Then the player is taken to the main menu. IN GAME UI 1 4 TIP TITLE EMPTY TIP DETAILS 2 3 TIP BUTTON TIP BUTTON The tip box will pop up as an in-game menu or a tip for the player. The box is moveable. 1. The title displays the topic 2. The details gets into the topic. 3. The tip buttons will usually be a closed button. At other times it could be a yes/no question, menu choice etc. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 67 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved GAME OVER SCREEN This screen will come up once the player dies 1. YES will bring the player back to the game, starting at a checkpoint. 2. NO will bring the player back to the MAIN MENU 3. The background is the game but faded to black with a noise filter on it Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 68 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved MISSION OBJECTIVE SCREEN This screen will pop up whenever the player triggers an event such as, at the start of the level, encountering an enemy base or ally planet or completing an objective. 1 2 5 OBJECTIVE TITLE EMPTY 3 4 OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE EMPTY 1. The background is the character’s camera view of the world. 2. OBJECTIVE TITLE is the basic tile or theme of the objective 3. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION is a summery and tips on what the player has to do. This box is vertically stretchable if more text is required. 4. PRESS ENTER will close the objective screen. 5. The picture is an image of the person giving the objective. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 69 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved "HUD/ON SCREEN DISPLAYS” APPENDIX The in game HUD is simple and clean. All HUD elements are around the Gravitron, so that the player doesn’t have to look away from the point of interest. The HUD is transparent and becomes more transparent when the information is not needed. The left red half of the circle is the player's health. When the player takes damage the bar lowers from the top and becomes more opaque for 5 seconds. The blue right half of the circle is the player's energy. When the player uses the "core" abilities, the energy bar drains from the top and also becomes more opaque as energy is draining. The small inner yellow circle is the player's technology. The bar starts out as a dark yellow and fills with yellow clockwise, as the player gets more technology. When the player upgrades the bar resets. When the player is at the max level, the bar disappears. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 70 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved “GAME INTERFACE – WIREFRAMES” APPENDIX MAIN MENU 1 5 START GAME 3 6 4 OPTIONS 8 QUIT GAME EMPTY 2 GRAVITOS LOGO 7 CREDITS 1. Background is a picture of space, similar to in-game. The Background slowly rotates. All of the menu buttons slowly orbit around the Gravitron. 2. The GRAVITOS LOGO wraps around the Gravitron. 3. The red dot represents the crosshair to select the menu items. The crosshair is stuck to a circular plane, moving the mouse will control the crosshair. 4. The Gravitron is similar to the one in-game, except it has more details. 5. START GAME will start the game. A loading screen will pop up showing the control scheme 6. OPTIONS will bring up a screen showing sound, video and control settings. 7. CREDITS will fade to the credits screen. If the player moves or presses any button the credits will exit back to menu. 8. QUIT GAME exits the game. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 71 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved TITLE SCREEN & PRE-LOADER The pre-loader appears at the very start of the game, as the game is loading the menu. The pre-loader turns into the title screen after everything is loaded. 3 1 GRAVITOS LOGO 2 PRESS ANY KEY 1. The screen will first start out with just the logo, the Gravitron and a black background. 2. PRESS ANY KEY changes from LOADING to PRESS ANY KEY once the game is loaded. When the player presses any key the screen transitions into the MENU SCREEN 3. The background will start out as black then will fade to the menu’s space background once the game is loaded. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 72 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved OPTIONS MENU 1 OPTIONS 2 MAIN MENU 3 RETURN TO DEFAULTS VIDEO SETTINGS 4 QUALITY EMPTY SOUND SETTINGS 5 MUSIC VOLUME 6 SFX VOLUME 7 CONTROLLER SETTINGS PC X-BOX 1. 2. 3. 4. The background is a cloudy space nebula. MAIN MENU will bring the player back to the main menu. RETURN TO DEFAULTS will change all the settings back to the default settings. The QUALITY Alters the texture and particle effects quality. To alter them the player moves down to highlight the slider, then moves left or right. 5. The SOUND SETTINGS has music volume and sound effects volume to alter. When music volume is altered, the background music will change. When a SFX volume is altered, a scrolling sound will change in volume. 6. CONTROLLER SETTINGS will switch the code to use PC or X-BOX controls. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 73 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved PAUSE MENU 1 3 QUIT GAME 2 RESUME 5 PAUSE EMPTY 4 MAIN MENU 1. The background will be the screenshot of the paused game faded, 50% darker and with a noise filter on. When the game is paused the pause menu fades in. When each button is selected they will glow to tell the player. 2. RESUME will fade back to the game. This is the default button that is highlighted. 3. QUIT GAME will exit the game entirely. A message will pop up confirming that they want to exit. 4. MAIN MENU brings them back to the main menu. The screen will fade to the man menu environment. A message will pop up confirming that they want to exit. 5. The PAUSE text appears right on the center of the Gravitron. The other buttons rotates slowly around pause. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 74 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CREDITS MENU 1 CREDITS 3 2 Press any button to exit Special Thanks to: NAMES NAMES NAMES Created by: NAMES NAMES NAMES EMPTY 1. The background is a dark space scene. 2. The Created by and Special Thanks to text is static, since everyone’s name will fit on the page. 3. When the player presses any key, the credits will exit to the main menu. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 75 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LOADING SCREEN The loading screen is used whenever the level is being loaded. 1 EMPTY 3 LOADING….. 2 TIP ABOUT THE GAME 1. The LOADING bar shows the loading progress. It also has the text loading on it. Once it is finished loading, the text changes to Finished, press any key to continue. The text blinks to get the player’s attention. 2. TIP ABOUT THE GAME gives a brief description of one of the game’s mechanics or controls 3. The background is a screenshot of the level the player is going to join. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 76 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved “STORY” APPENDIX The style of this game doesn’t need much of a story. The way story’s handled is that the player gets mission objectives throughout a level. The objectives are simple, such as saving a planet from ambushing enemies. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 77 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved FEATURES TO COMPLETE AFTER GRADUATION GRAVITY OF OTHER OBJECTS The entire level orbits around the sun. When the player stops trusting, the Gravitron starts to orbit around the sun. If the Gravitron is at a higher tech level, the player has more movement freedom. At lower tech levels, the Gravitron feels more constraint to the suns orbit field. The first diagram shows the player using his thrusters and thrusting in the arrowed direction. The small circle shows where the Gravitron ended up. The second diagram shows the player letting go of the thrusts and letting force move it along in space. It follows the orbit path more directly. Variable Description Phase 1 Constraint The player has a [15%] constraint while moving Phase 2 Constraint The player has a [10%] constraint while moving Phase 3 Constraint The player has a [0%] constraint while moving The player has a [80%] constraint while idling The player has a [50%] constraint while idling The player has a [20%] constraint while idling Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 78 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS BLACK HOLES Black Holes start to suck the player inside of them. If the player gets sucked in, he instantly dies. Other objects, besides the player are also sucked into the black hole. The black hole has a deep hum SFX. Variable Description Size The black hole is [36] units in diameter Pull Radius The black hole pulls the player in similar to the Gravitron pulling in asteroids The pull distance is [20] units from the outside edge of the black hole Damage The player takes [1000] damage (instant death) when sucked in a black hole COMETS Comets have a long orbit around the sun. The player has to keep track of the comet's path and avoid it to be safe. Comets make an incoming missile SFX. Variable Description Size The comet is [10] units in diameter (same as Gravitron size) Velocity The comets move at a speed of [10 units/second] Damage The player takes [80] damage when hit by a comet Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 79 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LEVEL 2: SPACE INVASION Dimensions: 550 units x 450 units Intended Playtime: 3 Minutes Scenario: The Enemy Space Station is initiating a two stage invasion on the Objective Planet. At stage 1, the Enemy Station produces invaders that travel to Planets A and B to receive Troops. The Invaders will then travel to the Objective planet. Planet C has agreed to help the Objective Planet by destroying the Enemy Station, but it will take Planet C a near full revolution to produce Rocket Defense Satellites and get in range of the enemy station. When Planet C reaches a point in its orbit where it can fire at the Enemy freely, the Objective will be saved. Mission Objectives: 3. Keep Objective Intact for 1 minute and 30 seconds 4. Survive until Planet C is in range and destroys the Enemy Mission Objectives: 2. [125]xp Mission Failure: If [16] invaders land on Objective Planet. Page | 80 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF PLANETS PLANET A Invaders will land on this planet, at which point they will be safe from the player’s attacks. After staying on the planet for [5] seconds, the invaders will launch themselves at the objective planet. Variable Description Orbit Radius [40] units Orbit Speed 10 units/second Orbital Period [25] seconds PLANET B Invaders will land on this planet, at which point they will be safe from the player’s attacks. After staying on the planet for [5] seconds, the invaders will launch themselves at the objective planet. Variable Description Orbit Radius [70] units Orbit Speed 10.1 units/second Orbital Period [40] seconds OBJECTIVE The Objective Planet has as low speed Asteroid belt that the player can take asteroids from to use. Asteroids spawn in the belt constantly. The Objective planet is lost if [16] Invaders successfully land on the surface. Variable Description Orbit Radius [140] units Orbit Speed 11 units/second Page | 81 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Orbital Period [80] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds PLANET C Once Planet C has rocket defense satellites in orbit and is in range of the Enemy, Planet C will use the rocket defense satellites to fire upon the enemy. Variable Description Orbit Radius [200] units Orbit Speed 7.8 units/second Orbital Period [160] seconds Produces Rocket Defense Satellites Production Rate [1] Rocket Defense Satellites every [35] seconds CAST OF ENEMIES ENEMY Variable Description Tier 2 Produces Invaders Production Rate [10] Invaders every [10] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 82 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved SUMMARY • • • • • • • Size: Large Length: Medium Difficulty: 4 (medium-hard) Objectives: Defend the Objective, Destroy the Enemy Space Station Enemies: Space Station Tier 2, Invaders Skills Used: Using Defense Satellites, Defeating Invaders Satellites: Asteroids, Blackhole Emulators, WALKTHROUGH The player is tasked with protecting the Objective from enemy Invaders for near [3] minutes. The player can accomplish this in one of two ways. The player can stay near the objective to ensure that no invaders land on the objective or the player can destroy the invaders when they are on their trajected paths to either planet A or B. Other than asteroids, the player can use the Tesla Defense Satellite or the Blackhole Emulator to accomplish the mission objective. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 83 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved LEVEL 3: UNFAIR FIGHT Dimensions: 625 units x 500 units Intended Playtime: [9] minutes Scenario: Objective Planet A is being assaulted from all sides by enemy space stations. It is the player’s goal to ensure Objective A’s safety and destroy all enemy Space Stations. The Space stations will only send attacks towards the Objective if the Objective planet is in the respective quadrant. Mission Objectives: 5. Protect Objective A as it orbits 6. Destroy Enemy X 7. Destroy Enemy Y 8. Destroy Enemy Z Mission Rewards: 5. none 6. [50]xp 7. [75]xp 8. [125]xp Mission Failure: Objective A ([250]HP) is destroyed. Page | 84 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved CAST OF PLANETS OBJECTIVE A Variable Description Orbit Radius [130] units Orbit Speed 1.5 units/second Orbital Period [540] seconds PLANET B Variable Description Orbit Radius [85] units Orbit Speed 13.3 units/second Orbital Period [40] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds PLANET C Variable Description Orbit Radius [40] units Orbit Speed 12.5units/second Orbital Period [20] seconds PLANET D Page | 85 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Variable Description Orbit Radius [170] units Orbit Speed 3.8 units/second Orbital Period [280] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds PLANET E Variable Description Orbit Radius [210] units Orbit Speed 1.6 units/second Orbital Period [420] seconds Produces Asteroids Production Rate [1] Asteroid every [4] seconds CAST OF ENEMIES ENEMY X Variable Description Tier 1 Produces Invaders Production Rate [5] Invaders every [3] seconds Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 86 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second ENEMY Y Variable Description Tier 1 Produces Laser Probes Production Rate [1] Invaders every [4] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second ENEMY Z Variable Description Tier 2 Produces Rocket Defense Unit Production Rate [1] RDU every [4] seconds Asteroid Velocity 0 units/second SUMMARY • • • • • • • Size: Large Length: Long Difficulty: 5 (hard) Objectives: Defend the Objective Enemies: 2 Space Station Tier 1, 1 Space Station Tier 2, Invaders Skills Used: Using Defense Satellites, Defeating Invaders Satellites: Asteroids, Laser Probes, Rocket Defense units Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 87 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved WALKTHROUGH The player is tasked with protecting Objective A and destroying all enemy Space Stations. Objective A only triggers enemy forces if it is occupying the same Quadrant as the space station. The player will have to keep track of when Objective planet is in immediate danger and time his assaults on the space stations accordingly. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 88 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved “COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS” APPENDIX KONSTANTIN KOSHUTIN'S HAMMERFIGHT ( Orbital Mechanics and Physics WEAPONS THAT ORBIT THE PLAYER: Hammerfight: Gravitos: Summary: Progress from wooden mallets to Collect a variety of satellites for a wide variety of slicing and defense, offense, and chopping blades. advancement. Weapon damage type is arbitrary. Maximum of two weapons orbiting. Up to 20 orbiting satellites. Gravitos offers a wide array of player choice and makes weapons part of overall progression. PHYSICS-BASED PLAY: Hammerfight: Gravitos: Summary: Gives the player direct physical control over the orbiting weapons by requiring circular mouse motion for attack, with timing and speed factoring into damage done. Allows players to choose the speed and efficacy of orbiting satellites through simple button presses, and requires timing for successful damage to targets. Gravitos provides a simple control scheme for players, lowering the barrier to entry. Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 89 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved HEMISPHERE GAMES'S OSMOS ( Movement Physics and Risk/Reward Gameplay PROPULSION-BASED PHYSICAL MOVEMENT: Osmos: Gravitos: Summary: Player avatar moves by velocity, with acceleration and range player-controlled. Longer bursts of acceleration decreases player survivability. Player avatar moves in zero gravity, with player-controlled acceleration. Range dependent on player-collected fuel in certain game modes. Gravitos's movement system designed to give the player freedom to explore the level environments. Osmos: Gravitos: Summary: Player must strategically decide which direction to move, as the level environment is hostile and constantly evolving, and each movement reduces survivability. The player must decide which satellites to keep and how to manage them for maximum efficiency. Players may (generally) discard and obtain new satellites at will. Gravitos allows the player to decide which risks to take, and how to tackle those challenges as they see fit. RISK AND REWARD: Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 90 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved OMNI-LABS'S EUFLORIA ( Objective-based Gameplay and Strategic Movement EXPLORATION AND QUESTS: Eufloria: Gravitos: Summary: Has an overarching campaign divided into 5 chapters of 5 levels each, with each map revealing as the player explores it. Mission-based gameplay with unique objectives in each level based on the core orbital mechanic. Gravitos offers several styles of play and a wide array of ways to achieve objectives. Eufloria: Gravitos: Summary: Eufloria uses an explore/conquer/reinforce system to push the player forward to victory. Key planets must be occupied and defended before advancing. Some modes of Gravitos play require the collection and protection of specific objects to ensure mission success. Gravitos uses mobile strategic play and relies less on fixed objectives to provide a more organic play experience. STRATEGY-BASED PLAY: Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 91 Gravitos 10/11/2010 Copyright ©2010 Vancouver Film School – All rights reserved “RESOURCE/RESEARCH” APPENDIX The following can be used for additional information and inspiration. Games • • • • • • • • Hammerfight Osmos Eufloria FlOw Spore Littlebigplanet Gravity Crash Darwina Websites • • • • • • •§ion=&q=moment+in+space# Books • • • Universe: Stars and Galaxies Cosmos, by Carl Sagan Asimov on Physics, by Issac Asimov Movies • • • • • • Star Wars Star Trek 2001: A Space Odyssey Titan A.E Sunshine Serenity Bernard H, Jack N, Darryl S Page | 92 Gravitos 10/11/2010