Sixth Sunday of Easter Sexto Domingo de Pascua
Sixth Sunday of Easter Sexto Domingo de Pascua
Sixth Sunday of WELCOME TO Easter ST. EDWARD’S Sexto Domingo de CATHOLIC CHURCH Pascua “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” John 14:23-29 Celebration of the Eucharist Celebración de la Eucaristía Sunday/Domingo Mass Times Saturday Vigil 4:30pm English 6:00pm Español Sunday 8:00am English 10:30am English 12:30pm Español Weekday Masses Misas entre Semana Monday Communion Service 6:00pm English Tuesday 6:00pm English Wednesday 6:00pm Español Thursday 6:00pm English Friday 6:00pm English “El que me ama, cumplirá mi palabra y mi Padre lo amara y haremos en el nuestra morada.” Juan 14:23-29 Eucharistic Adoration Adoración Eucarística Tuesday - Friday 5:00pm English Reconciliation/Confesiones Tuesday - Friday 5:00pm - 5:30pm Saturday 3:15pm - 4:15pm 800 East Tyler Athens, Texas 75751 Office (903) 675-2509 Fax (903) 675-8805 Fr. Nolan T. Lowry, STL Pastor [email protected] (903) 570-3139 Emergency Deacon David Finch Deacon Bear Gleason Seminarian Michael Ledesma After business hours, call for critical situations requiring anointing of the sick. Después de horas de oficina, llame para situaciones críticas que requieran unción de los enfermos. may 1, 2016 2 OUR PASTOR’S PAGE Jesus Comes to Dwell in Us Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last Sunday, I preached about how gossip spoils God’s love within us. Jesus in today’s gospel (John 14) puts it another way: “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” What does it mean to keep the word of Jesus? Even more, what does it mean to have the Father and the Son dwell within us? “To keep the word of Jesus” means that His words should be our words. Our voices should communicate God’s love, our hope in His care, our faith in the resurrection. We should avoid negativity, bad words, and pessimistic attitudes. This happens by God “making His dwelling within us” — by assuming the form of bread and wine so that we can consume Him. When we receive Jesus, He empowers us to be Himself to others. Two thousand years ago, Jesus did not desire to leave us; He desired to work through us in this world in all ages. This was why He left us the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. A word about dressing for Sunday Mass: Because of an on-going trend of men and women dressing lightly during the summer months, some forget that modern fashion trends do not apply to the Church. We should wear our Sunday best every Sunday: whether that is blue jeans and a collared shirt or a suit and tie for men; or whether it is a skirt and blouse or a pant suit for women — it should be our very best. Wearing shorts to Mass should be seldom, and exposed shoulders or chests are never allowed. We are not going to the beach; we are meeting the Lord of Lords and King of Kings — so the way we present ourselves to Him (and to others) reflects that belief (or lack thereof). We want our exterior disposition to reflect our interior belief and reverence that Jesus is truly present in the Mass. Yours in Christ, Fr. Lowry 3 PÁGINA DE NUESTRO PASTOR Jesus Viene a Morar en Nosotros Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, El Domingo pasado, prediqué sobre cómo la murmuración destruye el amor de Dios dentro de nosotros. Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy (Juan 14) lo pone de otra manera: “El que me ama, guardará mis palabras, y mi Padre lo amará, y vendremos a él y moraremos en él.” ¿Qué significa guardar las palabras de Jesús? Aún más, ¿significa que el Padre y el Hijo morarán en él? “Guardar las palabras de Jesús” significa que sus palabras deben ser nuestras palabras. Nuestras voces deben comunicar el amor de Dios, nuestra esperanza en su protección, nuestra fe en la resurrección. Debemos evitar la negatividad, las malas palabras, y las actitudes pesimistas. Esto sucede porque Dios “pone su morada dentro de nosotros” – asumiendo la forma de pan y vino para que nosotros podamos consumirlo. Cuando recibimos a Jesús, recibimos el poder de ser Él para otros. Hace doscientos años, Jesús no quiso dejarnos. Él deseaba obrar a través de nosotros en este mundo por todos los siglos. Es por esto que El nos dejo el Santisimo Sacramento de la Misa. Unas palabra acerca de como vestirse para la Misa Dominical: debido a una tendencia de algunos hombres y mujeres de vestirse con ropa ligera durante los meses de verano, algunos olvidan que la moda no se aplica en la Iglesia. Debemos llevar nuestro Domingo cada Domingo: para los hombres pantalon de mesclilla y una camisa con cuello o un traje y corbata ; para las mujeres falda y una blusa o un pantalón de vestir - debemos vestirnos lo major que podamos. Usar pantalones cortos para la Misa debe ser raramente, y hombros expuestos o desgotes nunca son permitidos. No vamos a la playa; nos reunimos con el Señor de Señores y Rey de Reyes - así la manera en que nos presentamos a él (y a otros) refleja ese convencimiento (o la falta de ella). Queremos que nuestro exterior refleje nuestro interior convicción y reverencia que Jesús está realmente presente en la Eucaristía. Suyo en Cristo, Pr. Lowry 4 Daily Readings/Lecturas del Día Please keep in your hearts and MONDAY • Acts 16:11-15; PS 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b; Jn 15:26—16:4a TUESDAY •Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles 1 Cor 15:1-8; PS 19:2-3, 4-5; Jn 14:6-14 WEDNESDAY • Acts 17:15, 22—18:1; PS 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; Jn 16:12-15 THURSDAY • Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord FRIDAY • Acts 18:9-18; PS 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Jn 16:20-23 SATURDAY • Acts 18:23-28; PS 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; Jn 16:23b-28 MINISTRY SCHEDULE for the weekend of MINISTRY SCHEDULE for the weekend of Saturday Saturday May 7 4:30 pm Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Server: EMHCs: JoyceWilliams Nahum Rincon Reader: Barry St Clair Usher: Mary Cothern Mary Waddell 6:00 pm Monaguillos: Luis Miguel & Evelin Mota MESC: Celia Reyes & Raquel Cleto Lector: Celia Reyes Acomodador: Lino & Maria Garcia April 30 4:30 pm Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Serve: EMHCs: Nancy Pitts Mary Forester Reader: Kathy Deupree Usher: 6:00 pm Monaguillos: Gerardo R. & Santiago G. MESC: Raquel Cleto & Celia Reyes Lector: Cindy Garcia Acomodador: Socorro & Ruben Aguilar Sunday May 1 8:00 am Acolyte: Altar Servers: John-James-Samuel Vogt EMHC: Jaime Chairez Joyce Williams Reader: Denise Garner Usher: 10:30 am Altar Servers: Nathan & Tucker Hall EMHC: Danny & Yvonne Sparks Reader: Maria Hebert Usher: Jerry & Ginny Gandy 12:30 pm Monaguillos: Luis Miguel & Jolet G. Lector: Veronica Garcia MESC: Alfonso & Aurora Miranda Acomodador: Guille & Jose Rosas MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS Saturday 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Ismael & Olga Torres Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.† Maria Inez Campa & Julian Rodriguez Monday 6:00 p.m. Tuesday 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 p.m.† Maryann Parchman Thursday 6:00 p.m. Friday 6:00 p.m. Sunday May 8 8:00 am Acolyte: Ron Williams Altar Servers: Andrew & Brendan Carney EMHC: Jaime Chairez Al Chandanais Reader: Donald Carney Usher: Wally & Walt Mahmoud 10:30 am Altar Servers: Nathan & Tucker Hall EMHC: Yvonne Sparks & CJ Brinlee Reader: Fran Bardwell Usher: Maria & Mel Hebert 12:30 pm Monaguillos: Diego & Jolet Garcia MESC: Veronica Garcia & Aurora M. Lector: Florentino Gerrero Acomodador: Ruben & Socorro Aguilar Second Collection/Segunda Colecta prayers the following people for the challenges they are facing with ill health or other special needs. Por favor tenga en sus corazones y oraciones a las siguientes personas por los retos que enfrentan con problemas de salud u otras necesidades especiales: Becky Bass Bell Family Efrain Beltran Estella Carranza Frizzell Family Alex Garner Debbie Gordon Hess Family James & Shirley Guilhas Drucella Hess Barbara A. Houlett Gwynne Houlett Clifton Tom Hudson Gay LaStrapes Christopher Mathews Liz Mathews Tim Mathews Janet McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Fancher Melton Charlie & Ann Meyers Elizabeth Moulton Cipraino Munoz Richbourg Family Dana Marie Scott Elaine Schaller Stephanie Siegrist Evelyn Tindle Shirley & CR Juan De Los Santos Juanita Hudgins Flora Lynd Margarita Pinedo Maria Del Socorro Raudales Candy Walz Carmen & Don Lozano Adan & Edna Lozano May 1, Building Fund May 8, Catholic Communication Names will remain for 30 days unless otherwise requested. Los nombres permanecerán durante 30 días a menos que se solicite lo contrario. 5 PARISH NEWS/NOTICIAS DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA Everyone Invited! Finch’s Farewell Reception To thank Deacon Dave Finch and wife Penny For their years of service to St. Edward’s and Mother’s Day Breakfast To honor all the Mothers of St. Edward’s Sunday May 8 Blessing at 9:15 a.m. Parish Hall Breakfast served continuously from 9:15 a.m. until 12 Noon. Feel free to stop in for breakfast and fellowship anytime during these hours. SAVE THE DATE! Ethics Training classes BASIC and RE-CERTIFICATION May 21, 2006 9 a.m. -BASIC Training Noon-Re-certification Training Anyone 18 years and older interacting with our children must have ETHIC CERTIFICATION Both classes will be in English Breakfast hosted by Knights of Columbus Council #10524. Please sign up, if you plan to attend. Todos estan invitados! Recepcion de despedida de los Finch Para agradecer al Deacono Dave Finch y su esposa Penny por los años de servicio en St. Eduardo Y Desayuno del Día de las madre En honor a todas las madres de St. Eduardo Domingo 8 de mayo Bendición a las 9:15 a.m. Salón Parroquial El desayuno se servira desde las 9:15 a.m. hasta las 12 del mediodía. Siéntase libre de acompañarnos para el desayuno y la convivencia en cualquier momento durante esas horas. Desayuno ofrecido por el Consejo de Caballeros de Colón #10524. Por favor registrese si planea asistir Saturday, May 14 9:00am-11:30am Entrenamiento para los Managuillos Sabado 14 de Mayo 9:00am-11:30am Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ----- EMHC Training ---For those interested in becoming EMHCs (formerly called “Eucharistic Ministers”) a training session is scheduled for Thursday, May 5th following 6pm Mass. Please pre-register by calling the church office at 903.675.2509 or Yvonne Sparks at 281.851.2717. St. Edward Parishioners need you. Readers of the Word ---- Reader Training ---- Proximo Cursillo de Mujeres sera en Mayo 12 al 15, es para todas las mujeres mayores de 18 años casadas por la iglesia o solteras. La reunion de Cursillistas es el primer y cuarto lunes de cada mes a las 7:00pm “De Colores” Lector/Reader training to proclaim the Word of God is scheduled for Thursday, May 26th following 6pm Mass. Confirmation age or above are welcome. Please preregister by calling the church office at 903.675.2509 or Kathi Murphy-Boley at 972.467.5092. Share your gift with St. Edward Parishioners. DIOCESAN NEWS/NOTICIAS DE NUESTRA DIOCESIS Diocese of Tyler Young Adults Ministry DDH May Clergy Mass You are invited to join the Daughters of Divine Hope in prayer and support of our Clergy and in celebration of a monthly Mass offered for the priests who Invites all young adults of the diocese to join us for Encounter. This is a night to encounter God in the Blessed Sacrament dur- have ordination anniversaries and birthdays, for the ing adoration and praise, and confession, followed by the celedeacons who have ordination anniversaries and for bration of the Eucharist Mass. Join us May 6th from 7-9pm at the deceased clergy. The celebration of the Mass for the chapel of Sts. Peter & Paul. Text “DOTYAMS” to 84576 May will be on Monday, May 9 at 11:30 a.m. at the Like & Share our Facebook page: Diocese of Tyler Young Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. This celeAdults Twitter & Instagram: @dotyams bration is followed by lunch in the Cathedral Center. 6 FAITH FORMATION NEWS/NOTICIAS DE FORMACION DE FE WHERE DO I BEGIN TO THANK ALL THE AMAZING VOLUNTEERS WHO MADE OUR GARAGE SALE SUCH A SUCCESS AFTER EXPENSES, WE ARE ABLE TO DEPOSIT $5,000.00 FOR OUR FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM. THESE FUNDS WILL HELP US GET A FEW REPAIRS MADE TO THE CCD BUIDING OVER THE SUMMER MONTHS. MY SINCERE THANKS TO EACH ONE OF YOU WHO GAVE YOUR TIME AND TALENTS TO MAKE THIS SUCH A WONDERFUL FUND -RAISER AND A TIME FOR SOME GREAT FELLOWSHIP ALONG THE WAY. GOD BLESS YOU ALL, ZOILA HUNT FAITH FORMATION SOUP KITCHEN PROJECT FIRST, LET ME THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR GENEROSITY THIS YEAR IN YOUR DONATIONS FOR THE FOOD PANTRY AND YOUR WONDERFUL RESPONSE TO THE BABY SHOWER FOR GABRIEL PROJECT. IT IS HEARTWARMING TO KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED. NOW, FOR THE LAST TIME THIS YEAR, I ASK FOR YOUR HELP FOR OUR LOCAL SOUP KITCHEN. THEY ARE ASKING FOR CANNED GOODS AND STAPLES FOR THEIR SOUPS. I HAVE DIVIDED THE ITEMS BY GRADE: EN PRIMER LUGAR, DEJEME DARLE LAS GRACIAS POR SU GENEROSIDAD EN ESTE AÑO EN SUS DONACIONES PARA LA DESPENSA DE ALIMENTOS Y SU MARAVILLOSA RESPUESTA AL BABY SHAWER DEL PROJECTO GABRIEL. ES RECONFORTANTE SABER CUANTO SE INTERESAN POR LOS NESECITADOS. AHORA, POR ULTIMA VEZ EN ESTE AÑO , PIDO AYUDA PARA NUESTRA COCINA LOCAL. ESTAN PIDIENDONOS POR COSAS ENLATADAS Y COSAS PRINCIPALES PARA SU SOPAS. YO LAS DIVIDI EN COSAS POR GRADO: KINDERGARDEN-SALT AND PEPPER FIRST– TACO SEASONING PACKAGE AND 16 OZ PKG DRY HIDDEN VALLEY SECOND- CANNED PINTO BEANS THIRD-CANNED HOMINY OR CORN FOURTH-4 LB BAG FLOUR FIFTH-CANNED TOMATOES SIXTH-ROTEL AND GREEN CHILIES YOU MAY START BRINGING THESE ITEMS AS SOON AS YOU CAN. WHEN EVERYTHING IS COLLECTED, IT WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE SOUP KITCHEN IN YOU NAMED. PUEDEN COMENZAR A TRAER ESTAS COSAS LO MAS PRONTO POSIBLE. CUANTO YA AHIGAMOS COLECTADO TODO, SERA LLEVADO A LA SOUP KITCHEN EN SU NOMBRE. THANK YOU AGAIN, ZOILA HUNT FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR Te gustaría ser la próxima Reina de San Eduardo Por favor de llamar a Zoila Hunt al 903-675-2509 o Aurora Miranda 903-288-7015 h t u o Y NOW EVERY OTHER TUESDAY IN THE HALL! Mass –6PM celebrations begin at 6:45! TO SETUP A REMINDER: text @youth2121 to 81010 We have partnered up with the Malakoff Youth Group. Contact us at [email protected]. Our Stewardship of God’s Gifts SPONSOR OF THE MONTH Last Week Attendance/Reunidos___________________ General Offertory/Ofrenda 7 JALISCO’S 564 $5789 RESTAURANT & TAQUERIA Second Collection-Mission Home_______________$1337 AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD Building Fund_______________________________$739_ 505 W CORSICANA ATHENS Next week, our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through television, radio, social media, podcast, and print media. Half of all proceeds remain in our (arch) diocese and support local needs, so please be generous in this collection. 903-677-6169 La proxima semana nuestra parroquia realizara la Colecta para la Campaña Catolica de la Comunicacion. Esta colecta comunica el Evangelio a traves de actividades en la televicion, la radio, los medios sociales, los podcast y la prensa escrita. La mitad de lo recaudado permanese en nuestra (arqui) diocesis y financia las necesidades locales asi que, por favor, contribuyan generosamente a esta colecta. Thank you! ¡Gracias! Commissions, Councils & Ministries Comisiones, Consejo & Ministerios Altar Servers Dcn. David Finch 903-675-2509 Acomodadores Antonio Miranda 903-292-1441 Bereavement Penny Finch 903-675-3749 Bautismo Dir. of Religious Ed. Zoila Hunt 903-677-1922 Carmen Vásquez Gabriel García 903-681-2018 903-489-3531 Ethics & Integrity Nancy Pitts 903-681-3040 Cursillistas Carlos Ceballos 903-275-8428 Finance Council Nancy Pitts 903-681-3040 Knights of Columbus Bob Garrett 903-675-3515 Landscape Committee Yvonne Sparks 281-851-2717 Lectors Kathi Murphy-Boley 972-467-5092 Music Pat Hudson 903-338-2664 RCIA Dcn. David Finch 903-675-3749 Ushers Mel Hebert 903-677-6618 Youth Group Fr. Nolan Lowry 903-675-2509 Gabriel Project Virginia Gandy Tracy Phelps 903-451-3401 903-286-4364 SOCIETY OF ST. V. DE PAUL linda Kindel Duelo de Familias Esperanza Campa Olga Torres 903-681-5578 903-675-0526 Grupo de Oración Alberto & Angélica Salazar 903-477-1608 Guadalupanos Guille Rosas 903-675-6750 Lectores Florentino Guerrero 903-767-5544 Monaguillos Laura García 903-670-3258 Música Rogelio Escobedo Benny Martínez 903-288-2187 903-681-3190 Quinceañeras Olga Torres 903-675-0526 RICA Aurora Miranda903-288-7015 972-454-9524 ST. EDWARD’S PASTORAL COUNCIL 2016—2018 Carmen Delgado Florentino Guerrero Laurie Hannan Richard Lynd Carletta Morris Harvey Osio Celia Reyes Jim Streifel If you would like to share an event or any information please submit information online to> News/Events or send news to [email protected] or [email protected]. Si usted tiene un evento que quiera compartir o cualquier información envíelo al sitio> News/Events o mande un correo electrónico a secretarystedward@gmail o a [email protected]. SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Help and referrals for needy Ayuda y recomendación para necesitados. Weekdays: (903) 681-8043 Week-ends: (972)454-9524 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS HORAS DE LA OFICINA DE LA IGLESIA Monday/Lunes thru Friday/Viernes 10:00a.m: 6:00 p.m. Lunch/Lunche 12:00am: 1:00pm Saturday/Sábado & Sunday/Domingo CLOSED/CERRADO Webb’s HOLIDAY CLEANERS 409 S Palestine, Athens 903-675-7022 903-489-0969 Athens Malakoff Omar Salazar (903)675-5200 State License TACLB29884R (903) 670-3351 Committed to Helping Seniors Remain in Their Homes Serving East Texas communities since 2001 Experienced non-medical care- givers with excellent references. An affordable alternative to Help with daily living tasks. Long –term care insurance. Veterans program. Licensed, insured, and bonded. 903.677.3007 Cedar Creek Glass & Mirror Residential & Commercial Replacement Glass & Solar Screens Framed & Frameless Showers Jay Kohlmeier El Arroyo 416 S Palestine Ste C Athens 903.292.5279 Dine In Carry Out Mon-Fri 11am-9pm 416 S Palestine Suite F -Athens (903) 681-5632 [email protected] Danny & Greg Modern Mex-Kitchen Tailor Shop 500 S Palestine Athens 903-675-5238 903-286-0627 Cell Kathy Martin (903)880-7388 1302 S 3rd #103 Mabank TX [email protected] Sookies Italian Cuisine We Specialize in Catering Re/Max Luxe 903-203-0467 903-675-6739 Roma DANNY’S nursing homes. Carpentry, Remodeling, Painting Decks, Metal Roofs Servicing All Makes & Models Residential & Commercial SMOKEHOUSE BAR-B-QUE 850 E Corsicana Athens Cleto Concrete & Construction Comfortville Air Conditioning & Heating 903.498.8739 BRINSONFORD.COM 2970 E Hwy 31 Athens 877.367.3530 1951 E Hwy 31 Corsicana JALISCO’S RESTAURANT & TAQUERIA AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD 877.367.3802 505 W CORSICANA ATHENS Work or Play… Find it at Hernandez Concrete Construction 903-677-6169 Driveways Sidewalks Fences Slabs Patios BRINSON SE HABLA ESPANOL Residential & Commercial Over 20 Years Experience Gus & Bernardo Free Estimates (903) 477-0658 (903) 286-8546 Carroll-Lehr Funeral Home 1 9 1 0 E T y l e r At h e n s 903 -675-2211 Robert J. Nettune, M.D. Ophthalmologist Parishioner Gregory F Mondini, Medicare Accepted Se Habla Espanol M.D., P.A. Obstetrics / Gynecology / Fertility 903.675.5300 607 E Clinton Athens (903) 675-7700 1123 S Palestine St Athens TX 75751 Se Habla Español Mark R. Walker Attorney and Counselor Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into Hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. Parishioner 214-395-3542 [email protected] San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la batalla. Sé nuestro amparo contra las perversidad y asechanzas del demonio. Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes, y tu príncipe de la milicia celestial arroja al infierno con el divino poder a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos que andan dispersos por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amén. Henderson County GUTTER Steve Wasinger 903-368-1081 • 903-292-1188 Charity Unity Patriotism Fraternity Knights of Columbus St Edward Council 10524 Ask a Knight Silver Line Roofing All Types of Roofing Richard Gallo 903.747.7450 [email protected] Please Patronize Our Advertisers To thank them for their support of our parish bulletin Por favor Frequente a Nuestros Anunciantes Para darles las gracias por su apoyo a nuestro boletín parroquial St. Edward’s Catholic Gifts in the parish hall. Sundays 9:30am-12:30pm Althea Schmidt 903.489.2512 Office 903.675.2509 weekdays Advertise Here! Call Kathi 972-467-5092 ¡Publique Aquí!