August 07, 2016


August 07, 2016
August 7, 2016
nineteenth Sunday
In ordinary time
St. Michael
401 S. Main Street
Newark, NY 14513
Parish Center ~ 331-6753
Pastor: Fr. Jeffrey Tunnicliff, ext. 105, [email protected]
Pastoral Associate: Pat Albrecht, ext. 104,
[email protected]
Rel. Ed./YM : June Sherman, ext. 103
[email protected]
Business Manager: Gary Pierce, ext. 102
[email protected]
Music Director: Tim Schramm, ext 110, 585-339-8546
Parish Secretary: Katie Childs, ext. 101
[email protected]
Hispanic Pastoral Mins.: Sr. Kay Schwenzer Ext. 106
277-0302, [email protected]
Liturgy Volunteer: Jack Dubler
Maintenance: Dominic Vitaro, Ext. 111
Pastoral Council Chair: Carmella Owen,585-737-4175
Finance Council Chair: Dick Boerman, 331-6645
Fax………………... 331-2925
Monday –Friday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm 1 pm to 4 pm
[email protected]
Daily Mass
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am (in the chapel)
Friday, Liturgy of the Word, with Communion
First Friday Mass, 8:00 am Saturday, 7:30 am
Consult bulletin for changes
Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:15 & 10:30 am
Saturday, 3:15-4:15 pm or by appointment
Call Pat @ Parish Center @ 331-6753 .
ADULT INITIATION: The RCIA process is conducted each year with group meetings. Adults desiring full
communion with the Catholic Church should contact
the Parish Center.
NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome
new members! Please call Pat Albrecht @ the Parish
Center to register.
a.m. & 2 p.m. Please contact the Parish Center 6
months in advance for preparation.
MINISTRY to the SICK: We want to be with individuals and families at the time of serious illness and offer
sacramental and pastoral presence. Please call us to
let us know of hospitalization or the need for a home
visit. The Sacrament of the Sick is also available at
any weekend Mass.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday Mornings
during the 10:30 am Mass. (Sept.– May )
Grades K—8:
Sunday 9:15—10:20 am @ St. Michael School
Grades 9—12 (youth group) Super Catholics Of
Our Church (SCOOCH) Two Sundays per month
Noon-1:30 pm @ SMS
Catholic Charities of Wayne County
Deacon Peter S. Dohr, Executive Director
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Sunday, August 7
Nineteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Wis 18:6-9 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19
Lk 12:32-48
8:15 am ~ Gabriel Fabrizio—family
10:30 am ~ Lynn Goodman—Chris Hasseler
Monday, August 8
St. Dominic, priest
Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c Mt 17:22-27
8:00 am Mass at Newark Manor
Tuesday August 9
Ez 2:8—3:4 Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
~ Deceased members of Nicosia & Iati family
8:00 am ~ Charles Kerrigan—wife
Wednesday, August 10
8:00 am
St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr
2 Cor 9:6-10 Jn 12:24-26
Thursday, August 11
St. Claire, virgin
Ez 12:1-12 Mt 18:21—19:1
8:00 am
Friday, August 12
Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 Mt 19:3-12
8:00 am
Saturday, August 13
Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32
Mt 19:13-15
Sunday, August 14
Twentieth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 Heb 12:1-4
Lk 12:49-53
6 pm –7 pm ~ Alzheimer’s caregiver support group at
Wayne County Nursing Home, 2nd floor Retreat Room
~ Helen Murphy—Helen Jelomono
~ Philip Caito—Theresa Wlodarczyk
Liturgy of the Word, with communion
~ In the Chapel
10:30 am Mass at Wayne County Nursing Home
~ For all living & deceased members
of St. Michael’s Parish
7:30 am ~ John Dillon—Joe Nicosia
4:30 pm ~ Thomas Velte—Gene & Patty Mason
11 am ~ Confirmation Retreat in Sodus
3:15 pm ~ Confessions
8:15 am ~ In Honor of Bob & Mary Grace Eberl—
65th Wedding Anniversary
10:30 am ~ Harko family—Jaworsky family
11:30 am ~ Year One Confirmation Parent Meeting in
the church hall
AUGUST 13, 4:30 PM
C. Acquista
R. Vecinal
K. Seargent
F. Lawson
W. Lawson, S. O’Toole, T. O’Toole*
M. Hegeman, C. Martinez, M. Palermo
AUGUST 14, 8:15 AM
R. & S. George
H. Hann
D. Jackson
M. Jackson, Sr. Kay, S. Tack*
G. Donnelly, C. Hann, R. Krolak
AUGUST 14, 10:30 AM
B. Talbot
A. Taylor
D. Barrett
C. Johnson
R. Pryzbyc, C. Taylor, K. Vitar o*
Margaret Costello, T. Hendrick, K. Joslyn
Dr. Mooney, Captain
bold = bread minister, * = cup washer
First Friday Mass Time Change
Lectors, Commentators, Altar Servers &
Extraordinary Ministers… Please pick up
your new schedule in the gathering space.
Thank you in advance for helping out
when we are shorthanded. Please try to get a replacement if
you are scheduled and can not make it.
Also...if you have changed your phone number in the past
year or more please give us your new number so our records
are correct. Just contact the parish center with your new
information. Thank you. Your time shared is appreciated .
In consideration of Fr. Jeff’s schedule we
need to make a change in the time of our
First Friday Mass. Beginning in August,
Mass will be at 12:10 p.m./noon on the
First Friday only. ALL other
Mass Times remain the same (Monday – Thursday 8:00
a.m., Saturday 7:30 a.m.). We hope you can
join us for our first Friday Masses. If you have
never come to a daily Mass then you should
know it averages 25 minutes in length so if you
work nearby you may consider coming on your
lunch hour.
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
¿Dónde Está su Tesoro?
Sign-up for Vacation Bible School
Hosted by: Park Presbyterian Church, Newark
August 15-19, 2016
9:00 AM – 12 noon
Children ages 3- 6th grade
Youth in grades 7 – 12 be a helper
Registration Forms are in
the gathering space.
Walk- ins are welcome!
Department of Aging is Holding Public Hearings
Come hear about all the services available to older adults and their caregivers at this year’s Aging Public Hearing. Share your thoughts on needed services and other unmet needs in the aging population. The hearing
is being held in 2 locations: St. John’s School, DeZeng St. Clyde on August
16 and the Village Park and Club Rooms, Main Street, Palmyra on August
17. Both Hearings will start at 4:30 and be followed an hour later by dinner. If you would like to stay for dinner, please RSVP by August 8th to the
lunch club managers at the two locations mentioned above (Clyde – 9237216 and Palmyra 597-4015). If you are 60+, there is no charge for dinner (although donations are accepted). Under 60 – Dinner is only $4.10.
Any questions or for special accommodations, contact Amy at Department of Aging and Youth 946-5624.
Foodlink’s Mobile Pantry, a fr ee food distr ibution, will be
from 5 to 7 pm August 10th at Marbletown Fire Department,
6415 Silver Hill Rd., Newark. Fresh produce, baked goods and
other items available to families with a self-declared need for
food assistance. No income guidelines, but a photo ID needed.
The Newark Rotary Club, in partnership with Catholic Charities of Wayne county, Together In Christ, Farm Bureau and the
Marbletown Fire Department, offers the Mobile Pantry on the
second Wednesdays of the month from April - November. For
more information or to volunteer, call 331-4867.
“Together in
“Building Hope
In support of the FREE Pig Roast (8/27/16)
August 13th, 3:00 p.m.
Auctioneer: Rich Mungo 315-690-2637
Park Presbyterian Church 110 Maple Ct. Newark,
A bazaar meeting will be held on Wednesday,
August 24th @ 7 pm in the church hall. All are
welcome! Please bring your great ideas! More
details, please call Monika Brunner, 573-5362.
El otro día mi hermana me dijo que ella había encontrado
algunas cosas interesantes en unas cajas que ella había guardado
después de vaciar la casa de mis padres hace seis años. Me dio
un cuaderno que yo había mantenido durante mis cuatro años de
la escuela secundaria. Al entrar grado nueve, recibí unas instrucciones recomiendo libros para leer en distintos campos de
estudio, y cómo aumentar mi vocabulario por medio de la lectura. El cuaderno fue organizado muy bien y mi escritura a mano
fue bien hecha—resúmenes de mis lecturas y reflexiones sobre
lo que aprendí para mi vida. Mi madre guardó ese cuaderno
junto con un diario de vida de 1938 y una variedad de otras cosas. ¿Cosas importantes? Sí, en esos años, y también para lo
que significaron en los años siguientes. Me gusta leer y me gusta aprender, y la lectura nos enseña mucho. Creo que toda la
lectura que hice me ayudó a ganar una beca para el colegio.
Creo que mi madre estaba orgullosa de su hija menor. El diario
de vida tuvo los nombres de tantas personas que fueron parte de
la vida de mi madre muchos años ante que yo la conocía. Pude
saber cómo mi madre llevaba su vida, qué hicieron después de
dar luz (10 días en el hospital y tanta gente ayudándole en los
quehaceres de la casa) y las horas del trabajo de mi padre como
un mecánico de autos.
El pasado tiene influencia sobre el futuro y el presente. Piénsenlo. En cada Misa escuchamos una lectura del pasado y aplicamos las lecturas a nuestras vidas. No solamente la información
y los cuentos fueron importante a los autores y sus comunidades, pero también a nosotros en 2016. El evangelio de hoy dice:
“donde está su tesoro, ahí estará su corazón.” Interesante algunas de las cosas que mi madre guardó, junto con sus fotos de la
familia y de sus vacaciones y sus libritos de oraciones que ella y
mi padre rezaban juntos cada día después del retiro de mi papá.
Ella rezaba esas oraciones sola ante del retiro, pero ella hizo
copias para él para que pudieron rezar juntos. Mi madre no tenía joyas de valor salvo sus anillos de compromiso y matrimonio. No estaba guardando
dinero; mis padres donaban dinero a organizaciones caritativas.
Pregúntense sobre lo
que tiene valor para ustedes. ¿Que son las cosas
que ustedes guardan?
¿Dónde está su tesoro?
¿En personas? ¿En relaciones? ¿En familia?
¿En fe en Dios? ¿En el amor a Dios y a otros? ¿En servicio?
¿En conocimiento? …Hermana Kay
nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
“Be sure of this: if the
master of the house had
known the hour when
the thief was coming, he
would not have let his
house be broken into.
You also must be prepared, for at an hour
you do not expect, the
Son of Man will come.”
~ Lk 12:39-40
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
Faith Formation Corner
Grades K-5
Growing together in our
love for God and one another.
Faith Formation classes for grades K-5 will begin
on September 18, 2016 beginning at 9:15 AM. Registrations forms are available in the gathering
August Family Activities
~Plan a cookout for your family (friends too!) in honor
of St. Lawrence, patron of grill cooks, on August 10th.
~Do something nice for mom, in honor of St. Augustine,
whose mother, St. Monica, followed him & prayed for
years for his conversion to Christianity. His feast day is
August 28.
~ Work on memorizing a prayer or Bible verse with your
24th Annual St. Michael’s Church
Golf Tournament
Sunday, September 11th, 2016
Winged Pheasant Golf Links, 18 holes of golf with cart
Four person scramble,
11:30 registration—12:30 Shotgun Start
Hot dog and beer or soda on the turn
6 pm Cash Bar Cocktail hour at the Newark Elks Club
(with complimentary 1st drink of beer or wine or soda)
7 pm Deluxe Italian Buffet Dinner at the Elks Club
Make your own Foursome
Entry fee: $75 per player, Seniors $50 (age 62+),
Juniors $30 (17 and under)
Proceeds benefit St. Michael’s Youth Ministry
Pick up your entry form in the gathering space,
at the parish center or use the one below.
KFC—Kid’s for Christ is our Jr. High Youth
ministry for grades 6-8. Gatherings will begin on
September 18, 2016 beginning at 9:15 AM. There
will be other activities that will be included on the
schedule for the Jr. High kids to participate in
that may take place at a different time.
SCOOCH—Super Catholics of Our Church is our
Sr. High Youth Ministry for grades 9-12.This coming
September, beginning on the 18th, we will meet for
our first gathering from Noon-1:30 PM .
If your child has not yet celebrated the sacrament of
Confirmation and will be in at least the 8th grade or
above beginning in September, there will be a parent
meeting on August 14, immediately following the
10:30 AM mass, in the church hall.
ATTENTION PARENTS: There will be a parent
meeting, for those parents and candidates who will be
starting year two of the Confirmation process, on
Sunday, August 21, immediately following the 10:30
AM mass, in the church hall.
I would like to sponsor a hole ($50 or $100)___________
I would like to order________extra dinner(s) ($12 each)
I would like to make a donation of $___________
Total amount enclosed $__________________
To enter the tournament you must have your completed
entry form & check at the parish center on the deadline
date. The pairings & preparation will be completed on
Monday September 5th. No player is considered to be in
the tournament until we receive their entry fee. No payments allowed on the day of tournament. To reserve your
place in the field, payment must accompany entry form.
Send entry form and check to:
St. Michael Church
Attn: Bob Hanrahan Jr. PG
401 South Main St.
Newark, NY 14513
Entry deadline: Sunday, September 4th, 2016
August 7, 2016
Nineteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
St. Michael Church
Newark, New York
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven
“… a time to be born…”
“...a time to love…”
Banns I ~ Paul Buttaccio and Tanya Valvano
“… a time to be healed…”
Please pray for the sick of our Parish.
Steven Sapp, Leigh Ann Henry, Nate Barnes, Claire Childs, Kim Zielinski, Kathy Dunn, Ed Grabowski, Michael Kowaleski,
Mary Santoro, Cathy Wilhelm, David Murphy, Darlene Fletcher, Cecelia Cassavino, Matthew Buttaccio, Linda Kaiser, Marie Wemesfelder,
ET Trunick, Donald Pieters, Jean Condit, Joan Weimann, Jim DeMott, Jerry Sielawa, Joe Gallant, Eugene Block, Al Wersinger,
Georgette Eagley, Mary Gilligan, Frank D’Amico, Elizabeth Jones, Mary Alice Nicoletta, Fran DeVelder, Pollyanna Bush, Stephen Heffren,
Mary Talbo, Peg Hanson , Tracy Ragsdale, Richard Siler, Gloria Viola, Betty Palermo, Ron Lootens , Ida Tolbert & Pearl Johnson
And please pray for our Parish friends.
Polly Barnes, Barbara Gallant, Idalya Estevez, Scott Weber, Michael DePauw, Debbie Jackson & Bonnie Crane
“… a time to die…”
“… and a time for peace.”
In our world and for all people, military and civilian, who are in the midst of war. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Sacrificial Giving
July 2016
$29,076.00) (5 weeks)
July 2015
Many thanks for
7/1/16– 7/31/16 $29,076.00
your support of
7/1/15-7/31/15 $24, 195.00
St. Michael’s
Annual Contributions: $0.00
To more accurately reflect the needs of the Parish, we are
going to show this year’s Sunday collections received
versus last year’s Sunday collections.
PAPER PRODUCTS (toilet paper, tissues, etc.)
Please leave items in the church gathering space.
Thank you!
Please patronize our SPONSOR OF THE WEEK:
K & D Disposal Inc.
Thank you for sponsoring an ad
in our bulletin.

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St. Michael Church 401 S. Main Street

St. Michael Church 401 S. Main Street “...a time to love…” “… a time to be healed…”

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