RESOURCES FOR BLACK CATHOLICS Name A precious Fountain A Retreat with Thea Bowman & Bede Abram A Retreat with Thea Bowman & Bede Abram Author Editorial McGann LITURGICAL PRESS Joseph A. Brown, S.J St. Anthony Messenger Press Joseph A. Brown, S.J St. Anthony Messenger Press Black and Catholic in Savannah, Gerorgia McDonogh Black and Catholic in Omaha: a case of double Jeopardy Jack D. angus Conversations with God Desegregating the Altar Evangelizing Blacks Hallelujah for the Day an African Prayer Book In the Light of the Word Let It Shine! Many Rains Ago Our Black Shepherds Parish Boundaries Person of Color and Religious at the Same Time THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE PRESS/KNOXV ILLE James Melvin Washington, Ph.D. Universe Inc. HARPER PERENIAL a division of Harper Collins Publishers Stephen J. Ochs Louisiana State University Press Glenn C. Smith - Editor Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Edited by Anthony J. Gittins, CSSp Foreword by Maurice Nutt, C.Ss.R. Liguori/Triumph Ernest Brandewie Orbis Books , Maryknoll, New York Mary E. McGann, R.S.C.J. Sr. Jamie T. Phelps, OP, Ph.D, Sr. Sharon M Howell, CSJ,M.A., Rev. Cyprian Davis, OSB, Ph.D. Fordham University Press, NY Sr. Caroline Hemesath, O.S.F. Josephite Pastoral Caneter John T. McGreevy The Unversity of Chicago Press Diane Batts Morrow Chapel Hill NCCB/USCC Say Amen Rev. Chestina Mitchell Archibald Edited by Cecilia A. Moore, Ph.D., C. Songs of Our Hearts, Meditations of Our Vanessa White, D.Min., and Paul M. Marshall, S.M Souls Cyprian Davis OSB and Jamie Phelps op Stamped with the Image of God The Emergence of a Black Catholic Community Taking Down Our Harps The Golden Age of Gospel To Stand on the Rock What We Have Seen & Heard Morris J. MacGregor Plume St. Anthony Messenger Press Orbis Books , Maryknoll, New York CUA Press Diana L. Hayes and Cyrpian Davis, O.S.B Orbis Books , Maryknoll, New York University of Illinois Press Text by Horace Clarence Boyer Joseph A. Brown, S. J Orbis Books , Maryknoll, New York By Office of African American Ministries, Archidiocese of Baltimore Cathedral Press. Baltimore MD A call the Evangelization in the African American Community A publicatin of the National Black Catholics Congres (NBCC) developed in conjuction with NBCC congress VIII Families Black and Catholic - Catholic and Sr. thea Bowman, FSPA, Ph.D., Black Commission on Marriage and Famuily Life Depatment of Education United States Catholic Conference Here I am, Send me Keep your Hand on the Plow The African American Presence in the Catholic Church Martin Luter King National Gathering for Black Catholic Women (July 27-29, 2001) Autorized for publication by the undrsigned Msgr. Robert N. Lynch General Secretary NCCB/USCC USCC Autorized for publication by the undrsigned Msgr. Dennis M. Schnurr General Secretary NCCB/USCC USCC Sande Smith JG Press Sponsored by: National Black Sisters' Conference English Our Mother of Africa Chapel Readings in African American Church Music and Worship Religion and the Rise of Jim Crow in New Orleans The Call to Evangelization National Consultation 2000 The African American Presence in the Catholic Church Keep Your Hand on the Plow The National Black Catholic Congress VIII The National Black Catholic Congress 8/30/97 Compiled and edited by James Abbington GIA Publications, Inc. James B. Bennett Princeton University Press The National Black Catholic Congress United States Catholic conference USCC Magazines U.S.Catholic (authentically Black, truly Catholic) AUGSBURG FORTRESS DVD Bakhita IGNATIUS PRESS RESOURCES IN ENGLISH A Many Colores Kingdom Elizabeth Conde- Frazier, S. Steve Kang, Gary A. Parrett BAKER ACADEMIC Becoming a Multicultural Church Laurene Beth Bowers WIPF and STOCK Publishers Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church Mark Deymaz A LEADERSHIP NETWORK PUBLICATION Catholic Answers to Fundamentalists' Questions Philip St. Romain LIGUORI Culturally Conscious Worship Kathy Black CHALICE PRESS Culture - Sensitive Ministry Kenneth McGuire, CSP, Eduardo Fernandez, SJ, Anne Hansen PAULIST PRESS Downtown Monks Albert Holtz, O.S.B. Ave Maria Press Gracism David A. Anderson INTERVARSITY PRESS In Living Color Emmanuel Y. Lartey JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS In Our Own Voices Benjamin Valentin ORBIS BOOKS MARYKNOLL Leading Across Cultures James E. Plueddemann INTERVARSITY PRESS Many Colors Soong-Chan Rah MOODY PUBLISHERS Many Voices One God Walater Brueggemann and George W Stroup, editors. WESTMINSTER JOHN KNOX PRESS Multicultural Ministry David A. Anderson ZONDERVAN Multicultural Ministry Handbook Edited by: David A. Anderson & Margarita R. Cabellon INTERVARSITY PRESS One New People Manuel Ortiz INTERVARSITY PRESS One Voice Many Rhythms Juan J. Sosa PASTORAL PRESS Sacred Acts, Holy Change Eric H. F. Law CHALICE PRESS The Bush was Blazing but not Consumed Eric H. F. Law CHALICE PRESS The Christ of the Korean Heart Arch Campbell Falco Publishers The Multicultural Church Edited by: William Cenkner PAULIST PRESS Voice of a Special Child John Patrick Gatton JHON PATRICK GATTON The Color of Church Rodney M. Woo B&H ACADEMIC Who Are my Sisters and Brothers? UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CONFERNCE Welcoming the Stranger Among Us UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CONFERNCE Music Carol Book (Pre-Grade) Thomas Mucis Company, Publishers Pamphlets English Catholics and Muslims Friends or Adversaries? USCCB PUBLISHING English Jesus and the Jews New Understandings USCCB PUBLISHING English Top Ten Questions Catholics Are Asked English When a Catholic Marries a Protestant VHS / Videos Church Without Borders S with EngComunidad Many Faces in God's House E E E E Sharing Faith (Across the Emisphere) Who are my brothers and my sisters By Dave Armstrong OUR SUNDAY VISITOR USCCB PUBLISHING BILINGUAL RESOURCES Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual Ritual of Hispanic Popular Catholicism Controversial Topics for Young Christians/Temas controversiales para los jovenes cristinaos Hispanic Ministry Three Major Documents Hispanic Ministry Three Major Documents New Hope Publications Jose Antonio Medina, S.T.D. LIBROS LIGUORI USCC USCC Bilingual Muchos Rostros en la Casa de Dios One Hundred Bible Storites / Cien historias biblicas Primero Dios (Hispanic Liturgical Resource) Mark R. Francis . Arturo J. PerezRodriguez Liturgy Training Publications Bilingual Reconciled Through Christ United States Catholic conference USCC Reconciled Through Christ The Hispanic Experience in the United States The Hispanic presence in the new Evangelization in the United States United States Catholic conference USCC Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CONFERNCE EDITORIAL CONCORDIA USCC United States Catholic Conference USCC The Hispanic presence in the new Evangelization in the United States United States Catholic Conference USCC Bilingual ¡Aclama Tierra Entera! (Bilingual Psalms) Eleazar Cortes, Diego y Damaris, Lorenzo Florian, Peter M. Kolar, Michelle Lobato, Lourdes C. Montgomery, Donna Peña, Mary Frances Reza, Pedro Rubalcava, Al Valverde. WORLD LIBRATY PUBLICATIONS a division of J.S. Puluch company, Inc. Bilingual Cantare Eternamente Vol. 1 (Bilingual Psalms) Eleazar Cortes, Jaime Cortez, Bob Hurd, Donna Peña, Mary Frances Reza OCP Pubications Cantare Eternamente Vol. 2 (Bilingual Psalms) Cantemos al Señor (Bilingual Psalms for Holy Week) One Faith Una Voz Eleazar Cortes, Jaime Cortez, Bob Hurd, Donna Peña, Mary Frances Reza OCP Pubications Bilingual Music / Musíca Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual Tony alonso & Michael Mahler GIA Publications, Inc Chicago IL OCP Pubications RECURSOS EN ESPAÑOL / RESOURCES IN SPANISH Conozca a Jesus (¿qué nos dicen de él Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan? Juan Alfaro LIBROS LIGUORI Conozca primero su fe católica Padre Pedro Nuñez LIBROS LIGUORI Diez cosas que el Papa Benedicto quiere que sepas John L. Allen, Jr. LIBROS LIGUORI El privilegio de ser padrino o madrina Ron Lewinski Entre Diosito y yo (Las mujeres le hablan de sus vidas) Lourdes Gonzalez-Rubio Liturgy Training Publications Guia Catolica para la biblia Oscar Lukefhr, C.M. LIBROS LIGUORI La Eucaristia (20 preguntas del pueblo) LIBROS LIGUORI Richard N. Fragomeni, PhD Mons. Ricardo Ramirez, CSB, P. Claudio Diaz Jr., Nelly Lorenzo, P. WLP la seccion de musica y litugia de J.S. James cletus Kiley, Mary Frances Reza, Paluch Company, Inc. Las Ultimas Siete Palabras de Cristo LIBROS LIGUORI Lo que debe saber sobre la historia de la Charlene Altemose, MSC iglesia LIBROS LIGUORI Lo que debemos saber sobre los Santos Charlene Altemose, MSC LIBROS LIGUORI Lo que usted debe saber sobre el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica Charlene Altemose, MSC LIBROS LIGUORI Los Documentos Liturgicos Manual de la Teología para los católicos de hoy Claudio M. 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Lobinger ALBA HOUSE En busca de una espiritualidad Ronald Rolheiser LUMEN Una Espiritualidad para lectores Una espiritualidad para ministrso extraordinaros de la Comunión Richard R. Gaillardetz LIBROS LIGUORI Richard R. Gaillardetz LIBROS LIGUORI Arriba el Corazón (mensajes de optimismo) Alvaro Jimenez Cadena, S.J. LIBROS LIGUORI Semillas de esperanza Alvaro Jimenez Cadena, S.J. LIBROS LIGUORI Tus tesoros ocultos Alvaro Jimenez Cadena, S.J. LIBROS LIGUORI Musica / Music Cantos del Pueblo de Dios WORLD LIBRATY PUBLICATIONS a division of J.S. Puluch company, Inc. Flor y Canto (Muestra/Sampler) OCP Pubications Flor y Canto Panfletos (Panplets) Tercera Edición Cómo interpretar la Biblia Cuando el embarazo termina en un aborto no deseado Francis Cleary, SJ, SSL, STD LIBROS LIGUORI Rose Carlson LIBROS LIGUORI ¡Dios mio estoy embaraada! Linda Allison-Lewis LIBROS LIGUORI El Evangelio de San Juan Rev. John R. Dowling LIBROS LIGUORI El Evangelio de San Lucas Rev. John R. Dowling LIBROS LIGUORI El Evangelio de San Marcos Rev. John R. Dowling LIBROS LIGUORI El Evangelio de San Mateo Rev. John R. Dowling LIBROS LIGUORI La vocación de la Vida Religiosa Thomas M. Santa, C.Ss.R. LIBROS LIGUORI La vocación del Diaconado Elsie Hainz McGrath LIBROS LIGUORI La vocación de Ser Soltero (a) Kit Lambertz LIBROS LIGUORI Los Hechos de los Apostoles Rev. John R. Dowling LIBROS LIGUORI Maria Modelo de Fe Gregory J. Semeniuk, C.M. LIBROS LIGUORI San Pablo su vida y sus enseñanzas William J. Parker, C.Ss.R. LIBROS LIGUORI Servir. Un modo de vida Padre Daniel J. Mahan, STL LIBROS LIGUORI P. Roberto J. Juárez LIBROS LIGUORI Invitados Cristo Boys, Mario Alberto, Getsemaní y Roberto Ramírez DIOCESIS DE TRENTON Invitado Jorge Morel DIOCESIS DE TRENTON basado en el libro de Luane Roche Liguori Simbolos de la Cuaresma Unidad en la Diversidad ¿Un sacerdote en mi familia? DVDS en español / DVDS in Spanish Concierto Atrévete A Confiar! 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