2008 Annual Report - The Fund for American Studies


2008 Annual Report - The Fund for American Studies
Pronunciation: \ˈbil-din\
Function: noun/verb
Date: before 12th century
a usually roofed and walled structure built for
permanent use
2 : v to bring into being or develop
This document illustrates how The Fund for American
Studies is Building Future Leaders – both in America and
abroad. As you flip through these pages, discover how
The Fund is making the difference by teaching America’s founding principles of free-market economics, limited government and personal responsibility. You will
also learn how the new Center for Teaching Freedom
symbolizes the much-needed expansion of The Fund for
American Studies’ critical mission of Teaching Freedom
to today’s young people.
More than 1,000
students from over
80 countries attended
A class comprised
of 16 alumni
working in the
The Institute on
Political Journalism
renamed its award
The TFAS alumni
network surpassed
10,000 with
TFAS launched
new initiatives in
Latin America with
TFAS welcomed
more than 250
guests to the
Breaking new
ground, TFAS
introduced its first
TFAS programs
public policy sector
for college students
members from
the inaugural
Newseum for a
Institute for law
and conferences in
completed the
the Robert Novak
more than 100
Institute for
dinner kicking
students, offering
the United States,
second annual
Collegiate Journalism
countries. Alumni
Leadership in
off its annual
clerkships and a
Greece, Czech
TFAS Leadership
hold positions of
the Americas.
course on
Republic, Hong Kong
Fellows program.
leadership in the
constitutional law.
fields of public
and Argentina.
policy, business,
affairs and with
the media.
From the Chairman & President
32 Board of Regents
Center for Teaching Freedom
Alumni Programs
Board of Trustees
U.S. Programs
Annual Conferences
Journalism Conferences & Awards
International Institutes
Endowed Scholarships
Randal C. Teague
To accomplish such a dream requires many
things. Top among them is infrastructure. So,
early this year The Fund opened the new Center for Teaching Freedom. This new building
is located just across the street from our headquarters in the historic Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
But it is so much more than just a building.
On the first floor is our new classroom. It is
the first time in The Fund’s 42-year history
that we’ve owned our own. Here, students from
throughout the United States and from all over
the world learn about free markets, the Constitution, and the consequences of government
intervention in the economy.
Upstairs is a hub of activity. Here our program
staff recruit the very best students, design our
curricula and work with our internship sponsors to ensure that our students emerge as the
leaders of tomorrow.
The new Center for Teaching Freedom also
gives us the capacity for growth. It begins with
our new Institute for Leadership in the Americas, launched in January of 2009, which takes
the ideas of freedom to South and Central
America, and our Legal Studies Institute, which
teaches the original meaning of the Constitution to first year law students.
Today we have six Institutes here in the U.S.
and six overseas, plus we hold conferences,
alumni events, and seminars. More such activi-
Building Future Leaders
The document you hold in your hands is
about dreams – about dreams coming true and
dreams of things to come.
The greatest dream of the leadership of The
Fund for American Studies is that we should
reach every student with the ideas of freedom.
Roger R. Ream
ties are on the horizon when both time and
money permit.
And perhaps most excitingly, new technologies in the Center will enable us to offer online
courses – direct from our new state-of-the-art
classroom – to students who cannot attend our
programs in person. This gives us the capacity
to reach additional thousands of students we
couldn’t reach in classrooms.
For our loyal supporters, the new Center for
Teaching Freedom provides numerous giving
and naming opportunities that will help us continue to grow and reach students. Our “Building
Future Leaders” campaign also seeks to secure
funds for scholarships and professorships so
that we can sustain academic excellence.
And of course, we continue to dream. We dream
of reaching more aspiring journalists with the
fundamentals of free-market economics and the
standards of objectivity so often lacking in the
news media.
We dream of teaching more students about the
ideas of Madison, Tocqueville, Hayek, Friedman,
and other great thinkers whose words are seldom studied in colleges and universities today.
And we dream of doubling and tripling the
number of our graduates who work on congressional staffs and in key positions in public
policy and international affairs.
The necessity of The Fund’s work is confirmed
by the news we see coming from Washington
every single day. It is about another type of
dream, a nightmare. That nightmare is of the
federal government taking control over our
nation’s financial institutions, spending and
borrowing record amounts of money, and even
offering to guarantee warranties issued by
Chrysler and GM.
In the words of Mark Levin, a Fund alumnus,
radio talk show host, and author of the bestselling book Liberty and Tyranny, the federal
government has become “the nation’s largest
creditor, debtor, lender, employer, consumer,
contractor, grantor, property owner, tenant,
insurer, health-care provider, and pension
Clearly, America faces a choice – as it always
has – between two philosophies of government.
One is of a government of virtually limitless
power. The other, a government which, in
Thomas Jefferson’s words, is “bound down by
the chains of the Constitution.”
Our generation has made the choice. Liberty has yielded and government has gained
In just a few years, the rising generation will
have the opportunity to make its choice on this
fundamental question.
Will they have the knowledge they need to
make an informed decision?
You and I must rise to the challenge. We must
meet our obligation to teach the next generation about the ideas that have held our civilization together, have maintained what peace we
have enjoyed, and have created a prosperity
unsurpassed in human history.
It’s been said that no cause is ever wholly lost,
because no cause is ever wholly won. Let us
join together today to restore our inheritance
of freedom and pass it along to tomorrow’s
generation of leaders.
Thank you for your support. We hope that once
you finish reviewing this document you will be
inspired to continue helping make our dreams
of Building Future Leaders a reality.
The greatest success of The Fund for American
Studies is its impact on young people. Many of them
hear ideas of freedom and limited government for the first
time.... Nothing is more important than investing in our ideas
better job of that than The Fund for American Studies.
In 2008, The Fund entered a
new chapter in its history when
it launched the Building Future
Leaders campaign. This multi-year
endeavor is The Fund’s first major
fundraising campaign in more than
30 years.
~Trustee Fred Barnes
FOX News and The Weekly Standard
The Building Future Leaders campaign couldn’t be undertaken at
a more critically important time. The Founding Fathers’ ideas of
limited government, the rule of law, and the protection of private
property are being threatened as never before. Capitalism is being
attacked, not only by the politicians in Washington but by businesspeople themselves. And college students are graduating without encountering the great thinkers and great ideas of western civilization.
The Building Future Leaders campaign will raise funds for the new
Center for Teaching Freedom and will enable The Fund to achieve
the following goals:
• Increase student enrollment and develop new programs
• Enhance scholarship support
• Secure outstanding faculty and endow professorships
• Expand alumni education and other talent development programs
• Broadcast distance learning classes and lectures to reach more
students at a lower cost.
The success of the campaign will depend on a broad base of support from foundations, corporations, alumni, and other individuals
committed to teaching the ideas of freedom to the next generation
of leaders.
and reaching young minds. And, no institution is doing a
Dr. Thomas Rustici teaches economics and public policy to Capital Semester students in the Center for Teaching Freedom.
The Fund for American Studies sponsors six
Institutes in Washington, D.C. that teach
college students about the principles and values
upon which the United States was founded.
Each Institute offers students a comprehensive
education that includes unique academic
courses for credit, internships and professional
development opportunities. The ultimate objective is to develop talented young people who
are committed to America’s founding principles
and will become the journalists, policymakers
and influential leaders of tomorrow.
Photos from left to right: IBGA students (l.-r.) Victor de Boysson of HEC Montreal, Michael Madigan of the University of Southern California and Joseph Migliuri of the U.S.
Air Force Academy soak up the atmosphere at the Congressional Scholarship Award Dinner in June. ~ IPJ student Tiffany Washington of the University of Central Florida follows up with Nikole Killion (J 97) of Hearst Argyle Television, who served on an IPJ panel. ~ Professor Gary Armstrong (E 84) teaches U.S. Foreign Policy Process to ICPES
students participating in the new international affairs track of the program.
The oldest of The Fund’s programs, the Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political
and Economic Systems has been building future leaders since 1970. This rigorous
program is intended for students pursuing careers in government, public policy or
international affairs.
In 2008, Dr. Thomas Rustici of George Mason University taught Comparative Economic
Systems, replacing Dr. George Viksnins, who retired after teaching the course for 34
years. New to the curriculum in 2008 was an international affairs course taught by Dr.
Gary Armstrong (E 84) of William Jewell College.
Outside of the classroom, ICPES students attended exclusive briefings at the White
House, on Capitol Hill, at the U.S. Department of State and at the Federal Reserve. They
also visited CIA headquarters and embassies throughout D.C. Small groups of students
were invited to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in addition to the Peace
Corps, the Federalist Society and several congressional offices.
Economist Bill Easterly delivered the annual Lev Dobriansky Lecture on Political
Economy, and Dr. Lee Edwards of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
received the 2008 Walter Judd Freedom Award.
The quality of public discourse in a free society depends on the accuracy of information provided by the news media. In 1985, the Institute on Political Journalism was
established to help create a new generation of journalists who understand free markets
and ethical journalism.
IPJ students hold internships with print, broadcast and online media organizations
and study economics and media ethics. Site visits and topical lectures supplement
their coursework. In 2008, students heard from speakers including Trustee Fred Barnes
of FOX News and several alumni journalists: Nikole Killion (J 97) of Hearst Argyle
Television, Karen Travers (J 99) of ABC News and Mark Johnson (J 86, E 87) of the
Charlotte Observer. Students also attended live broadcasts of NPR’s Talk of the Nation at
the Newseum, Meet the Press, FOX News and ESPN’s Pardon the Interruption.
A highlight of the summer for many students was hearing from ABC News’ David Muir
(J 93), who accepted the TFAS Alumni Achievement Award at the National Press Club.
I gained from this summer.
~ Jonathan Lozier (IBGA 08)
East Central University, Oklahoma
IBGA students William Moon (l.) of Mississippi State University and Jonathan
Lozier (r.) of East Central University listen to presidential aides during a site
briefing at the White House Old Executive Office building.
Since 1990, students participating in the Institute on Business and Government Affairs
have studied the interplay between businesses and government, examining regulatory
policy and other attempts by government to intervene in the economic system.
In the classroom, students study tax policy and the history of business and government
relations. Internship sites include the government affairs offices of major corporations,
trade associations and lobbying firms.
In 2008, IBGA students attended the annual Congressional Scholarship Award Dinner
with Senators Ken Salazar (Colo.), Saxby Chambliss (Ga.), Mark Pryor (Ark.) and Ben
Nelson (Neb.) as well as Rep. John Salazar (Colo.). The event serves as a fundraiser that
supports scholarships for Institute students.
At evening panel discussions, students met with representatives from many businesses
and trade associations, including Lockheed Martin, NASDAQ and the American
Petroleum Institute.
Since its inception in 1999, students participating in the Institute on Philanthropy and
Voluntary Service spend eight weeks learning about the nonprofit sector and how it is
often more effective in solving community problems than government spending and
regulation. The Institute works to reinforce a sense of individual responsibility and
cultivates an appreciation for the primacy of private philanthropy.
IPVS students hold internships at charitable organizations. They experience the
nonprofit world firsthand by managing a class grant-making project. In 2008, students
raised $2,225, which they awarded to two local charities selected through a competitive proposal process. IPVS students assisted the community by coordinating service
events, including a “Literacy Field Day” on Georgetown University’s campus and a
hunger banquet.
Participants in the Institute gained inspiration at forums with leaders in the nonprofit
sector, including John Bridgeland, CEO of Civic Enterprises, and Russell Klein of
International Relief and Development. Robert Egger, founder of DC Central Kitchen,
provided inspiring remarks after accepting the David R. Jones Leadership in
Philanthropy Award. Alumni working in the nonprofit sector participated in panel
discussions, including Gwen Fernandez (P 05) of the Supreme Court Office of Public
Education, Megan Hoot (P 02) of Independent Sector, and Crickett Nicovich (P 04) of
RESULTS Educational Fund.
To offer year-round educational opportunities for
college students, TFAS launched the Capital Semester
program in 2003. The program runs in both the fall and
spring for 15 weeks. CS students learn about the
American political tradition and free-market principles
while living on Capitol Hill.
Through internships at legislative and executive branch
offices, charities and think tanks, students gain firsthand knowledge of how public policy is made.
Exclusive briefings at key government institutions supplement their experience. In 2008, students met with
officials at the Pentagon, White House, U.S. Department
of State, Federal Reserve, Congress and the Embassy
of Columbia.
Each week, students attended a lecture given by a
professional in the public policy arena. Speakers in
2008 included Julie Mason, White House correspondent
for the Houston Chronicle; Jennifer Pollom of the Senate
Budget Committee; and David Kelly, founder and senior
fellow of the Atlas Society.
In an effort to reach more aspiring journalists with the
lessons of free-market economics and limited government, TFAS now welcomes a group of budding reporters to D.C. for its new journalism track of the Capital
Semester program.
Capital Semester on Political Journalism provides
college students with hands-on experience in the media
through internships and coursework. CSPJ students
gain a solid understanding of free-market economics,
the Constitution and public policy issues.
Through a weekly guest lecture series, students come
face to face with experienced journalists. Among those
who addressed students in 2008 were National Politics
Editor Charles Mahtesian of Politico; Pentagon Reporter
Tom Vanden Brook of USA Today; and Senior Writer
Katherine Skiba of U.S. News & World Report.
Several students achieved notable accomplishments:
one met and helped facilitate a private interview with
Dr. Condoleezza Rice and another was offered a position with Politics magazine.
Students also attended a Healthcare Roundtable led by
Michael Keegan of the National Association of Health
Underwriters. Rep. Mike Ferguson (N.J.) (E 90) spoke to
Capital Semester students at the closing ceremony in
the fall, where he was awarded the 2008 TFAS Alumni
Achievement Award.
We have had a major deficit in education in America
on first principles – why the free market works, why
capitalism is the best system for growing an economy,
why it’s indispensable to our individual liberty. We have a lot of
never forget. I will carry forever my
memories, the values and experience
It was a whole new chapter that I will
The LIVE, LEARN, INTERN motto says it all....
work to do. That’s why groups like The Fund for American Studies
are so important.
~ Laura Ingraham
Radio Host, Author and Commentator
Our courts obviously are run by lawyers.
Most of the people in Congress are lawyers.
Most of the people who advise the
president are lawyers. There are lawyers
everywhere. Well, they might as well
think like us. That’s why it’s important
to have a program like this.
~ Mark Levin (ICPES 76)
Lawyer, Bestselling Author and Radio Host
TFAS internships provide students with a firsthand look at the
workings of the U.S. economic and political systems, the world
of Washington journalism, corporate government relations and the
nonprofit sector. Students intern for approximately 30 hours per
week. They are matched with an internship from among the many
organizations with which TFAS has built relationships.
Mark Levin (E 76) signs a copy of his book for Minnesota Alumni
Chapter President Mike Arulfo (E 94, A 95) (r.) and his wife.
In 2008, TFAS expanded its Legal Studies Institute into a nine-week program that
aims to immerse law students in the founding principles of constitutional law and
provide them with clerkships in the nation’s capital.
American Petroleum Institute
Eastman Kodak
American Enterprise Institute
America’s Health
Insurance Plan
German Marshall Fund of the
United States
Battelle Memorial Institute
Delphos International
In addition to the coursework, LSI students gain firsthand exposure to the American
legal system through legal internships, networking events and career development
opportunities. Participants attended a briefing at the Supreme Court with Heath
Tarbert, clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas. Students also heard from Justice Antonin
Scalia at an event sponsored by the Federalist Society.
Embassy of Peru
Ford Motor Company
Sen. Richard Lugar (Ind.)
Federal Communications
General Electric
Peace Corps
International Paper
Global Insight
Koch Industries
U.S. Department of
Homeland Security
Rep. Dan Lungren (Calif.)
Save Darfur Coalition
National Federation of
Independent Business
U.S. Department of State:
Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Small Business Administration
Public Sector, LLC
Woodrow Wilson Institute
U.S. Department of Labor
Raytheon Company
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Siemens Corporation
U.S. Agency for International
U.S. Telecom Association
Crosby Volmer
Williams Companies
Gallery Watch
Prominent lawyers, judges and legal scholars addressed students on topics such as
intellectual property rights, the rule of law in Iraq and the Second Amendment.
Notable speakers included Randy Barnett of the Georgetown Law Center; Ilya Shapiro
of the Cato Institute; Judge Loren Smith of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims; and
Robert Levy, plaintiff’s counsel for Parker v. District of Columbia, the case that overturned the handgun ban in Washington, D.C. Representatives from the Institute for
Justice, the Federalist Society and The Heartland Institute also spoke to students.
Broadcasting Board of
Almanac of American Politics
Bureau of National Affairs
Congress Daily
Arlington Community
Roll Call
Washington Bureau of the BBC
(l.-r.) ICPES student Hannah Kuntz of Clemson University, IPVS students Madison
Loeb of Kansas State University and Emily
Van Zant of Oklahoma State University
and ICPES students Tanner Hartnett of
Fordham University and Sujata Ramaiah
of Syracuse University attend a briefing at
the U.S. Capitol.
Cox News Service
Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater
CRC Public Relations
Capital Area Food Bank
FOX News
Doorways for Women and
Legal Times
International Relief and
ICPES student Andrea Fellersen of Grove
City College helps organize the library at
Interstages, Inc., a nonprofit after-school
youth development program, during The
Fund’s “Service Saturday.” Each year,
dedicated students volunteer to help out
at local nonprofits during this annual day
of service.
The Hotline (National Journal)
Politics Magazine
Latin American Youth Center
Radio America
National Immigration
Law Center
Little Lights Urban Ministry
Washington Times
Stein Mitchell & Mezines
Washington Examiner
National Foundation for
Teaching Entrepreneurship
U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs
Philanthropy Roundtable
Vorys Sater Seymour & Pease
The Weekly Standard
Human Events
Administrative Office of the
U.S. Courts
Cato Institute
International Law Institute
McDermott Will & Emery
Students heard from dozens of
experts throughout the summer.
Some noteworthy speakers
included (top to bottom): Robert
Woodson, founder of the National
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise; Dr. Lee Edwards, chairman
of the Victims of Communism
Memorial Foundation; Sandy
Liddy Bourne, vice president of
policy and strategic development
at the Heartland Institute; and
Walter Williams, economist at
George Mason University.
Photos clockwise from the left: IPJ student Tony Russell (l.) of the University of Mississippi meets economic journalism award winner Becky Mowbray (r.) of The TimesPicayune during the awards luncheon. ~ IPJ Director Joe Starrs (l.) and ABC’s David Muir (J 93) (r.) present Robert Faturechi (c.), first-place winner of the collegiate award,
with a plaque. The award also comes with a $5,000 cash prize. ~ In 2008, TFAS renamed its collegiate journalism award in honor of Robert Novak, who served as the senior
judge of the award for four years. ~ Trustee Fred Barnes (l.) of FOX News talks with Jay Newton-Small (r.) of TIME magazine, who was the keynote speaker for “The Press,
The Presidency & Politicians” student journalism conference.
In addition to summer and semester
Institutes, The Fund for American Studies
hosts a series of regional journalism
conferences. These events teach young,
aspiring journalists about the core values of
honest reporting and provide rare networking opportunities. In 2008, 150 students
from 56 colleges attended “The Press,
the Presidency & Politicians.” Held in
Washington, D.C., the conference served
as a post-election reflection.
• Keynote Address: Jay Newton-Small, Political
Correspondent, TIME magazine
• Fred Barnes, Executive Editor, The Weekly Standard
and Political Contributor, FOX News
• Richard Benedetto, Former National Political
Correspondent, USA TODAY
• Shane D’Aprile, Web Editor, Politics Magazine
• Sean Higgins, Political Correspondent, Investors
Business Daily
• Jennifer Hoelzer, Communications Director,
Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.)
• Charles Mahtesian, National Politics Editor, Politico
• Julie Mason, White House Correspondent,
Washington Examiner
• Chad Pergram, Capitol Hill Reporter, FOX News
• Rich Thomas, Senior Business Reporter, Newsweek
• Melanie Woodrow, Military Reporter, WAVY News 10
• Sex, Lies & Monkey Business: Misbehaving Politicians
& the Press Who Cover Them
• The Presidency: Too Strong or Not Strong Enough?
• Media Bias in Presidential Elections: Say It Isn’t So!
• Only the Facts, Please: Rumors v. Sources
• The Press & the Economic Meltdown of 2008
• Covering Capitol Hill
Award for Excellence in
Economic Journalism
Robert Novak Collegiate
Journalism Award
Becky Mowbray
The Times-Picayune
“National Flood Insurance Program”
First Place: Robert Faturechi
Daily Bruin
University of California, Los Angeles
This hard-hitting series exposed insurance fraud in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina. Mowbray discovered that a
number of insurance companies exploited an emergency edict of the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to
legally defraud the government.
Faturechi’s months-long investigation
exposed the fact that donations were
influencing admissions to UCLA’s elite
orthodontics program.
Mollenhoff Award for Excellence in
Investigative Journalism
David Heath and Hal Bernton
The Seattle Times
“The Favor Factory”
This explosive series exposed a system in
which congressional members secured
funds for companies and received generous campaign contributions in return.
The series was a groundbreaking blend
of print and online investigative journalism that featured the first national online
searchable database linking congressional members to defense earmarks,
campaign contributions and company
spending by lobbyists.
Second Place: Brendan Brown
Daily Tar Heel
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Third Place: Joseph Luppino-Esposito
The Virginia Informer
College of William & Mary
We are
honored to name
our collegiate
award after Bob
Novak. He is first
and foremost a
reporter who digs
for information,
develops sources
and reports the
facts. He is an
example for as-
Each year, the Institute on Political Journalism presents
professional and collegiate awards, honoring reporters
whose work exemplifies accuracy, free-market economic
principles and professional investigative standards. In 2008,
IPJ renamed one of its awards the “Robert Novak Collegiate Journalism Award.” Novak served as the senior judge
for the student journalism awards for four years. His U.S.
syndicated column, one of the longest running in history,
ran for more than 45 years.
~ President
Roger Ream
piring journalists
to follow.
It’s a way of asking questions of others and of oneself, and a way of living those answers.
~ Diliana Stoyanova (IIPES 08), Bulgaria
IIPES is not just a great academic experience; it’s a way of life....
When the Berlin Wall fell, TFAS began making it a priority
to provide scholarships to university students from Central
and Eastern Europe to attend its programs in Washington.
The number of students seeking these scholarships became so great that TFAS established its first international
Institute in Prague in 1993. TFAS has since added four
others, with the goal of bringing the principles of freedom
to future leaders all over the world.
Established in 1993, the American Institute on Political
and Economic Systems is the longest-running international program and largest TFAS Institute. The curriculum engages students in a thorough examination of
fundamental political and economic concepts, using the
American model as its focus.
In the economics component of AIPES, students explore
the advantages and functions of the market economy. In
the politics component, they examine the historical roots
of the U.S. Constitution and study how the document
has succeeded or failed to secure ordered liberty under
the rule of law. The course draws lessons from this experience and applies them to other forms of government,
including parliamentary systems.
In 2008, students took part in a legislative simulation,
which allowed them to apply the concepts they learned
in class. They also heard from experts on diplomatic etiquette and the economic history of the Czech Republic.
José María Aznar, former prime minister of Spain, gave
the commencement address and received the 2008 Vašek
and Anna Maria Polák Award. Aznar is the first Western
European leader to receive the award, which has been
administered since 1995. In his address, Aznar discussed
the U.S.-European relationship and shared his thoughts
on America and Europe after President George W. Bush.
Outside of the classroom, students were invited to the
home of U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic
Richard W. Graber for a reception.
(l.-r) IIPES students Ralph El Hage of Lebanon and James Hammond of the U.S.
ask questions of Professor Stefano Pilotto of the University of Trieste in Italy
who served as a guest lecturer at IIPES.
José María Aznar, former prime minister of Spain, delivers the Vašek and Anna
Maria Polák Lecture during the AIPES commencement ceremony in Prague.
Each summer, the International Institute for Political
and Economic Studies, established in 1996, brings together students from varying faiths and backgrounds to
the island of Crete in Greece. Professors from leading
U.S. universities introduce students to new perspectives
in political economy, history, philosophy and conflict
management. Students explore and debate the ideas of
philosophers such as Plato, Tocqueville, Jefferson and
Adam Smith. Many IIPES alumni have gone on to work
within their communities to bring peace and freedom
to the Middle East and the Balkans.
In 2008, students attended a panel session with alumna
Irena Radovic (I 99) and other diplomats focusing on
the prospects for prosperity in South Eastern Europe
and the Middle East. Radovic is deputy minister for
bilateral relations in the Montenegro Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
Small groups comprised of students from all 22 countries represented at IIPES presented skits to help foster
an understanding of the different cultures in the region.
In the economics class, students engaged in hands-on
exercises that demonstrate fundamental economic
concepts, including spontaneous order, property rights
and trade and comparative advantage. In the conflict
management component, students learned about the
root causes of discord. They actively participated in
interactive simulations based on successful models of
conflict resolution.
Dr. John S. Baker, Jr. of the Louisiana State University law school joined returning
faculty member Dr. Andrew Morriss. In Baker’s course, students explored the basic
structure of separation of powers, federalism and republicanism as developed in The
Federalist Papers and the U.S. Constitution.
In his economics course, Morriss introduced the ideas of leading free-market economists such as Freidrich A. Hayek and Hernando de Soto. He also applied economic
games and experiments to his lectures, introducing his students to concepts such as
property rights, the price system and comparative advantage.
Of the many noteworthy speakers, James Thompson gave a memorable presentation
during the closing ceremony. Thompson chronicled his journey from being a young
man with little money to his founding of Crown Worldwide Group of Companies.
In addition, Yuen-ying Chan, director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at
Hong Kong University, covered globalization and media development in China, emphasizing the importance of an open and transparent press.
Both students and alumni attended a reception on the top floor of the HSBC building
in the Central District of Hong Kong, hosted by alumnus Michael Webb (E 89).
Latin America is experiencing an alarming resurgence of Marxist ideology. Tyrants
like Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez are attempting to set up Cuban-style dictatorships. The
United States is blasted as the great enemy while economic and political freedom is
dismissed. If not checked, this could eventually destabilize the entire hemisphere.
In response to this threat, TFAS established the Institute for Leadership in the
Americas in 2008. In conjunction with ESEADE, Superior School of Economics and
Business Management, TFAS held its inaugural seminar in the historic capital city of
Buenos Aires, Argentina. ILA gathered students from 13 Latin American countries to
study the foundations of a free society and the principles of prosperity that are inherent in free markets. The program encouraged the students to develop their leadership
skills and to apply these concepts to institutions in their home countries.
The 2008 ILA faculty included economists Dr. Martin Krause, Dr. Alejandra Salina
and Dr. Mario Villarreal. Outside of the classroom, students were featured guests on a
national television program on Argentine politics. This program served as a precursor
to a longer program held in Santiago, Chile in 2009.
} {
The fifth annual European
Journalism Institute brought
young journalists to Prague for
a one-week seminar. Journalism students and early-career
journalists from across Europe
learned how to accurately
report on news stories dealing
with business, the economy
and fiscal policies. The faculty
focused on the structure and
functions of market economics in the context of issues
such as competition, the role
of government, environmental
regulation, health and welfare,
globalization and international
Participants attended a session called “The Role of Public
Media” with Jiří Balvín, general
manager of the Czech music
television station TV Óčko.
They also attended panel discussions, including “Challenges
of Energy Policy” and “Czech
Economic Transition.”
Journalists from around the
world gathered in Athens,
Greece for the third EuroMediterranean Journalism
Institute. The nine-day conference aims to empower young
journalists with the knowledge
needed to report objectively on
international politics and economic and cultural issues.
In 2008, participants were
briefed by leaders of the Foreign Correspondents Association in Greece. They heard from
President Dimitris Sioufas of
the Hellenic Parliament and
visited the studios of the Hellenic Broadcast Corporation,
ERT. Discussion topics ranged
from the obstacles faced in free
and unfree societies to the role
of images in the media.
TFAS works in partnership
with the Greek Association for
Atlantic and European Cooperation to organize this event.
Photos from left to right: AIPE students Le Thi Quynh Anh (l.) of Vietnam, Yin Jiazhen (c.) of the People’s Republic of China and Nguyen Thang (r.) of Vietnam work on an economic experiment in Dr. Andrew Morriss’ class. ~
Joseph Yam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, speaks to AIPE students in Hong Kong. ~
AIPES students listen intently during class. ~ Professor Laura Kelly (c.) works with EJI participants in Prague.
~ Former U.S.
Ambassador to the
United Nations
John Bolton
There’s simply
no doubt that
international affairs
will loom larger
and larger as the
years go by…. Our
universities are
not giving enough
students that kind
of background. I
think The Fund
plays an extremely
important role, and
I think that role
In 2008, the Asia Institute for Political Economy broke its record for attendance with
66 young leaders from across Asia coming together in Hong Kong to learn about freemarket economics and constitutional government.
will only grow as
time goes by.
Dr. John Hasnas (IPVS)
Ethics & Values of Philanthropy
Hasnas is an associate professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown
University. He holds a Juris Doctorate and a
Ph.D. in legal philosophy from Duke University.
Dr. Francis J. Ambrosio (IIPES)
Political Philosophy
Ambrosio holds a Ph.D. from Fordham University in contemporary European philosophy and
teaches at Georgetown University.
Dr. Gary Armstrong (E 84) (ICPES)
U.S. Foreign Policy Process
Armstrong is a political science professor at
William Jewell College and has served as teaching assistant to former U.S. Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright. He earned his Ph.D. from
Georgetown University.
Dr. Steven F. Hayward (CS)
Theories of Constitutional Interpretation
Hayward is a F.K. Weyerhaeuser Fellow at the
American Enterprise Institute in Washington,
D.C. He holds a Ph.D. in American studies from
Claremont Graduate School.
Prof. J. David Hoppe (IBGA)
Dr. Andrew P. Morriss (AIPE, IIPES)
Economics, Political Economy
Morriss teaches law and business at the University of Illinois. He received a Juris Doctorate from The University of Texas at Austin and
a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Nonprofit Internship Seminar
Mullins is vice president of marketing and
sales at WealthEngine.com. She has a master’s
degree in business technology from
Marymount University.
Lobbying Internship Seminar
Hoppe is vice chairman of Quinn Gillespie &
Associates. He worked for nearly 30 years on
Capitol Hill and was also vice president for government affairs at The Heritage Foundation.
Dr. George L. Peabody (IBGA)
Dr. David Hunger (IBGA)
Dr. Roger Pilon (AIPES, LSI)
Prof. Richard Benedetto (IPJ, CSPJ)
Journalism Internship Seminar
Benedetto is a former White House and national
political correspondent for USA TODAY and a
political columnist for Gannett News Service.
Business, Government & Public Policy
Hunger is a senior economist at the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission and adjunct
professor at Georgetown University. He holds a
Ph.D. from the University of Oregon.
Prof. Mary Lynn Jones (IPJ)
Journalism Internship Seminar
Jones writes for the Newspaper Association of
America’s magazine Presstime. She received
her master’s degree in journalism from
Columbia University.
Dr. Michael J. Collins (IBGA, IIPES)
Power & Values in Organizations
Political Philosophy
Collins is the former dean of the School of
Continuing Studies at Georgetown University
and is a current faculty member in the English
department. Collins holds a Ph.D. from New
York University.
Prof. Karen M. Czarnecki (E 88) (ICPES)
Public Policy Internship Seminar
Czarnecki worked as a senior advisor to the U.S.
secretary of labor during the George W. Bush
Dr. Daniel DiSalvo (ICPES)
Transformation of American Politics
DiSalvo is a professor at the City College of New
York. He earned his Ph.D. in politics from the
University of Virginia.
Dr. William Doherty (IBGA)
Power & Values in Organizations
Doherty is a former business executive at IBM
and served as a faculty member and associate
dean at Georgetown University.
Prof. John Kelliher (IBGA, CS)
Business, Government & Public Policy
Public Affairs Internship Seminar
Kelliher is the managing director at Marwood
Group LLC. He received his bachelor’s degree
from Princeton University and a Juris Doctorate
from Boston University School of Law.
Prof. Laura Kelly (EJI)
Kelly is a journalist and a journalism educator. She has worked as a radio talk show host, a
newspaper reporter and a magazine editor.
Political Theory
Salinas is the director of the Department of
Economics and Social Sciences at ESEADE in
Buenos Aires. Salinas holds a Ph.D. from Catholic University of Argentina.
Dr. Edward Stringham (EJI)
Prof. Kimberly Mullins (IPVS)
Power & Values in Organizations
Peabody is president of Associates for Creative
Leadership. He holds a Ph.D. in organizational
behavior from the Union Institute University.
Dr. John S. Baker, Jr. (AIPE, LSI)
American Studies
Constitutional Law
Baker is the Dale E. Bennett Professor of Law
at Louisiana State University Law Center and
serves as a visiting professor of law at Georgetown University.
Dr. Alejandra Salinas (ILA)
Stringham is the Shelby Collum Davis Associate
Professor at Trinity College. He holds a Ph.D.
from George Mason University.
Dr. Antony T. Sullivan (IIPES)
Sullivan earned his Ph.D. from the University
of Michigan, where he is now an associate for
the Center for Middle Eastern and North
African Studies.
Prof. Jessica Townsend Teague (E 75)
Constitutional Law
Pilon is vice president for legal affairs at the
Cato Institute. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and a Juris Doctorate from
The George Washington University.
Personalized Creative Leadership Seminar
Teague runs an international consulting firm
and has served as a Fund faculty member since
1993. She facilitates a seminar based on the
Myers-Briggs type indicator for U.S. Programs
and the TFAS Leadership Fellows.
Dr. Terrence P. Reynolds (IPJ)
Ethical Perspectives on the Media
Reynolds is an associate professor and chairman
of the theology department at Georgetown University. He holds a Ph.D. from Brown University.
Dr. Thomas Rustici (IPJ, ICPES, CS)
Dr. George J. Viksnins (ICPES)
Viksnins is a professor emeritus at both TFAS
and Georgetown University. He taught for 34
years in the ICPES program.
Dr. Mario Villarreal (ILA)
Krause teaches economics at ESEADE in
Buenos Aires. He earned a Ph.D. in management
from the Universidad Católica de La Plata.
Economics & Public Policy
Comparative Economic Systems
Rustici teaches economics at George Mason University, where he earned a Ph.D. in public policy.
Mario Villarreal is a professor at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey in Mexico. Villarreal holds a Ph.D. in
economics and political science from Claremont
Graduate University.
Dr. Joshua Mitchell (IPVS)
Dr. Kurt W. Rotthoff (AIPES)
Dr. Bruce Yandle (AIPES)
Dr. Martin Krause (ILA)
Voluntary Associations & Democracy
Mitchell is on leave from Georgetown University
to serve as provost and acting chancellor of the
American University of Iraq.
Rotthoff is an assistant professor of finance at
Seton Hall University, Stillman School of Business. He holds a Ph.D. from Clemson University.
Yandle is dean emeritus of Clemson University’s
College of Business and Behavioral Science. He
served on the White House staffs of the Ford,
Carter and Reagan administrations.
Photos from left to right, page 20: Former Alumni Council Chairman John Lee (E 85) (l.) accepts the Kevin Burket Service Award, presented by John Sweda (E 97) (r.) during the Leadership Network conference in Scottsdale, Ariz. ~ The Alumni Council meets during the Leadership Network conference. ~ Photos clockwise from top left, page 21: Dr. John Hasnas,
TFAS faculty member, leads a session with the Freedom Scholars. ~ (l.-r.) Patricia Gentry (P 04), Jennifer Weber (B 04), Development Associate Cori Meyer (P 06), Shannon May
(P 06) and Jillian Barber (E 06) enjoy some fun in the sun at the Alumni Weekend Beach Barbeque. ~ Mentor Aaron Lewis (J 93, I 96) (l.) of Arianespace Inc. and his “mentees,” ICPES
students Joel Simpson (c.) of Middlebury College and Edgar Pabon (r.) of St. John’s University, become acquainted with each other at a student/mentor breakfast. ~ TFAS Leadership
Fellow Loren Streit (B 05) speaks to students at the annual Career Day event held at Georgetown University. ~ Alumni Affairs Coordinator Maura Bennardo (l.) and Vice President of
Programs Steve Slattery (r.) present Rep. Mike Ferguson (E 90) (c.) with the 2008 Alumni Achievement Award.
The best evidence of the value of TFAS is the accomplishments of its alumni. Thousands have gone on to hold
positions of leadership in business, journalism, academia,
philanthropy, public service and international affairs. Over
10,500 alumni are changing the world in numerous ways.
Each year more than 200 alumni and friends volunteer
to serve as mentors to students attending TFAS internship programs in Washington, D.C. In 2008, more than
80 alumni offered career advice and provided general
guidance as the students made their way through the
intense summer and semester programs.
Freedom Scholars
This program was developed in 2007 to leverage the impact of TFAS programs
through young alumni who are committed to the ideals of free markets and
limited government and who work in the public policy arena. The program is
a yearlong educational fellowship comprised of networking events, academic
discussions and professional development sessions all aimed at further developing these young leaders.
These 12 recent alumni receive scholarships to return to
Washington in April for The Fund’s Annual Conference.
They attend sessions on leadership values, personal
finance and business ethics.
Forty-three alumni are members of this national board. The Alumni Council
meets twice a year and offers advice and support for alumni activities, including the alumni awards program and chapter activities. The council is comprised of U.S. chapter presidents and at-large members. Council officers are
Chairman Dan McConchie (J 93, A 95), Vice Chairwoman of Membership Megan Hoot (P 02), Vice Chairman of Governance Ken Klatt (E 70), Vice Chairman
of Alumni Activities John Sweda (E 97) and Vice Chairwoman of Communications Desiree Westby (B 02).
Mentoring Program
Regional alumni chapters allow TFAS graduates to stay
involved after completing a program. With 15 chapters
across the U.S. and 13 international chapters, alumni
are part of a valuable professional network spanning
the globe.
TFAS Leadership Fellows
Alumni Council
Alumni Chapters
Alumni Awards
Each year, alumni are recognized through The Fund’s
awards program. Alumni from around the world submit
nominations for the awards, and alumni volunteers serve
on the selection committee.
2008 Alumni Awards Winners:
Kevin Burket Service Award: John Lee (E 85)
Achievement Award: Rep. Mike Ferguson (E 90)
Young Alumnus Award: Rep. Will Weatherford (B 02)
Chapter of the Year: Los Angeles Alumni Chapter
Alumni Ambassadors
Helping recruit the next class of future leaders is one
way that alumni give back to TFAS. In 2008, more than
100 Alumni Ambassadors volunteered to serve as references and to contact prospective students who were
considering enrollment in a TFAS program.
Alumni Internship Supervisors &
Guest Speakers
Each year, TFAS alumni share their personal and professional time and resources during the spring, summer
and fall programs, volunteering to serve as speakers on
panels in classes or at events such as Career Day. Many
also serve as internship supervisors for Fund students.
In 2008, nearly 25 alumni spoke to students and over 20
provided internships.
Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.), a strict
defender of the Constitution and
the Senate’s leading opponent of
earmarks, gave keynote remarks.
Conference speakers
from top to bottom:
Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.)
Clint Bolick (E 78) of
The Goldwater Institute
Justice Janice Rogers
Brown of the U.S.
Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia
Trustee Emeritus Neal
B. Freeman, chairman
of the Foundation
Management Institute
More than 250 guests gathered
for the 2008 Annual Conference
in Washington, D.C. The welcoming dinner was held at the recently
opened Newseum, overlooking the
U.S. Capitol.
Trustee Emeritus Neal B. Freeman
gave a stirring remembrance of
William F. Buckley, Jr., the late
publisher of the National Review and
co-founder of TFAS.
Another trustee emeritus, Gov. Mitch
Daniels (Ind.), received the David R.
Jones Lifetime Achievement Award.
Daniels was introduced by congressman and fellow Hoosier Rep. Mike
Pence (Ind.).
Trustee Fred Barnes, the executive
editor of The Weekly Standard, joined
Chairman Randy Teague in presenting the David R. Jones Lifetime
Service Award to Robert S. Understein, The Fund’s longtime former
treasurer and trustee.
Conference sessions on April 18
featured presentations by leading
voices for limited government and
free-market economics. Karl Rove,
former deputy chief of staff and
The Fund for American Studies brings together people who share the belief that teaching young leaders about free markets and limited government is the key to sustaining
a free society. Supporters and friends of The Fund gather twice a year – at a spring
conference in Washington, D.C. and at a fall leadership network event held at rotating
locations across the country.
senior advisor to President George
W. Bush, gave remarks about the
2008 election and the legacy of Bush.
Dr. Bruce Yandle, Clemson University economist, made a presentation
on “Bootleggers and Baptists,” the
theory describing the phenomenon
of unlikely allies coming together in
support of government regulation in
the name of the public good.
The fall Leadership Network took place amidst the
mountains of Scottsdale, Ariz. at the Westin Kierland.
most critical of ways and that is by touching the minds
and lives of young people.”
Michael Barone of U.S. News & World Report spoke about
the 2008 elections at the opening luncheon on November
14, followed by a session on the myths of climate change
led by Dr. Robert Balling, Jr. of Arizona State University.
On Saturday afternoon, Steve Tuttle (E 86), vice president of communications at TASER International, offered
a tour of TASER headquarters while other guests competed in a TFAS golf tournament at the resort.
Janice Rogers Brown, a justice on
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia Circuit, gave a
speech titled “American Exceptionalism” in which she drew contrasts
between the U.S. and other western
democracies. She lauded President
Ronald Reagan’s “shining city upon
a hill” metaphor as an apt description of the United States.
Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., co-author of Pure Goldwater,
offered remarks about the political legacy of his father
and the future direction of the United States at dinner
on Friday. Goldwater’s father was a key supporter of The
Fund when he served in the U.S. Senate.
The conference concluded on Saturday with a dinner
featuring remarks by John Steele Gordon on the origins
of the financial meltdown. Gordon is contributing editor
at American Heritage magazine and author of An Empire of
Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power.
FOX News’ Bill Sammon and Trustee Charlie Black,
senior advisor to John McCain during the 2008 election,
led a question and answer session about the elections.
Clint Bolick (E 78) of the Goldwater Institute spoke on
the direction of the judicial system in the United States.
During the closing dinner, Alumni Council member John
Sweda (E 97) presented the Kevin Burket Alumni Service Award to John Lee (E 85,) who served as chairman
of the council from 2003-2007. Trustee Mike Thompson
honored former Trustee Brad O’Leary with the David R.
Jones Lifetime Service Award. O’Leary is a best-selling
author and columnist, television producer and former
radio talk show host.
Radio talk show host and author
Mark Levin (E 76) gave a talk titled
“Defending the Constitution” after
receiving The Fund’s Outstanding
Alumnus Award. Levin praised the
organization’s work and its importance in educating future leaders.
“It’s an honor to represent The Fund for American Studies as a proud alumnus,” said Bolick. “It is one of the few
organizations that makes a profound difference in the
Photos from left to right: Trustee Jim Culbertson (l.) and his wife Germaine (r.) talk with Sen. Tom Coburn (Okla.) (c.) on the Newseum rooftop terrace during the annual conference. ~ (l.-r.) Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush, answers questions for Alumni Council member Will Tomlinson (J 97) after speaking to guests
at the annual spring conference. ~ David R. Jones Award recipients Gov. Mitch Daniels (l.) and Robert Understein (r.) are honored at the annual conference opening dinner at
the Newseum in Washington, D.C. ~ (l.-r.) Alumni Council members Brian Hail (E 85) and Lacee Artist (B 00, I 01) catch up with Vice President of Development Ed Turner and
Trustee John Farley at an outdoor reception during the Leadership Network conference.
In his opening remarks on April 17,
President Roger Ream (E 76) commented on how appropriate it was
for the event to be held at a museum
dedicated to the First Amendment.
The crowd applauded when Ream
recited the first five words of the
amendment, “Congress shall make
no law.”
Photos from left to right: Alumni supporter and TFAS Leadership Fellow Josh Weed
(E 00) (l.) talks with President Roger Ream (E 76) (r.) during the annual conference. ~
TASER International executive Steve Tuttle (E 86) gives a tour of the company’s headquarters in Scottsdale, Ariz. to Leadership Network participants.
Mrs. Suzanne P. Murphy
Dr. John Creasman
Albert M. & Lyda M.
Green Foundation
Mrs. Nancy L. Von Klemperer
Dell Computer Corporation
National Cable and
Telecommunications Association
Mr. John A. Gunn
Western Union
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Dettmer
Mr. Robert K. Zelle
Alticor Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Kent L. Holtgrewe
American Forest &
Paper Association
Mr. Robert G. Howard
American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants
Mrs. Nancy Ann Hunt
Howard Charitable Foundation
Pfizer, Inc.
John William Pope Foundation
Same Line Foundation, Inc.
Stuart Family Foundation
Vorys, Sater, Seymour &
Pease, LLP
$25,000 - $49,999
Air Force Academy
Foundation, Inc.
American Petroleum Institute
America’s Health
Insurance Plans
Mr. K. Tucker Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Bates
BNSF Railway
Bochnowski Family Foundation
Mr. John A. Braun
Capitol Resources
F.Y. Chang Foundation
Chase Foundation of Virginia
Humana, Inc.
International Paper
J.W. & Ida W.
Jameson Foundation
Anschutz Foundation
Mr. Glen A. Kindler
Apgar Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Lauinger
The Armstrong Foundation
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
The William H. Donner
Foundation, Inc.
Koch Industries Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mrazek
The Phillips Foundation
Sunmark Foundation
Northrop Grumman
Friends of Slovakia
Ms. Linda F. Noyes
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Garvey
Mr. James A. Patterson
Mr. Ronald C. Hart
Pete Morgan Foundation
Mrs. Agnes R. Hayden
Mr. George O. Pfaff
Hewlett-Packard (U.S.)
PG&E Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hofley
Mr. Russell B. Pulliam
Quinn Gillespie and Associates
Mr. William C. Bahlburg
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Humphries
BB&T Corporation
The Huston Foundation
Mrs. Adele H. Binder
Information Technology
Association of America
New Breed Corporate
Services, Inc.
Mr. Lovett C. Peters
Mr. William Kay Blount
Mr. John R. Brehmer
Mr. Charles L. Irby
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Johnson
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Ms. Kathryn H. Johnston
Jerome V. Bruni Foundation
Mr. Joseph S. Keelty
Qwest Communications
Ms. Beverly T. Carter
A.P. Kirby Jr. Foundation
Rising Phoenix Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John A. Cataldo
The Shepard Charitable
Lead Trust
The Fred A. Lennon
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Caveney
Cavalier Capital
Siemens Corp.
Mr. Norman C. Chambers
Einhorn Family Foundation
May & Stanley Smith
Charitable Trust
Chrysler Corporation
Fletcher Jones Foundation
Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr.
Ford Motor Company
Triad Foundation
The Neal & Jane
Freeman Foundation
United States Coast Guard
Academy Alumni Association
Mr. Philip M. Friedmann
United States Military
Academy Foundation
General Electric
National Review Institute
Mr. Arthur J. Fisher
Battelle Memorial Institute
Vašek and Anna Maria Polák
Charitable Foundation
Dodge Jones Foundation
Mr. Ross N. Farnsworth
The Lehrman Institute
Council of American
Pierre F. & Enid
Goodrich Foundation
National Petrochemical &
Refiners Association
Mr. & Mrs. Darald R. Libby
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Clark, III
D. H. R. Foundation
Allergan Foundation
El Pomar Foundation
Hon. & Mrs. Don V. Cogman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Cole
Comcast Corporation
Community Foundation Serving
Richmond & Central Virginia
Coors Brewing Co.
National Electrical
Manufacturers Association
Eli Lilly and Company
Thornton D. & Elizabeth S.
Hooper Foundation
Ambassador & Mrs.
James B. Culbertson
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. Paul J. Isaac, Esq.
Castle Rock Foundation
Ethics & Excellence in
Journalism Foundation
Edward & Wilhelmina
Ackerman Foundation
Philips Electronics North
America Corporation
Kathryn W. Davis Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Garland Cox
VISA U.S.A. Inc.
The Lynde & Harry
Bradley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Henningsen
Virginia Partners
Goldman Sachs and Co.
$10,000 - $24,999
Earhart Foundation
Mr. Richard B. Gilliam, Sr.
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Photos from left to right: Supporter Barbara Wainscott (c.) and Russ Johnson (r.) speak with Barry Goldwater, Jr. (l.) at the leadership conference in Scottsdale, Ariz. ~ During
the Leadership Network conference trustees and trustee emeriti gather for dinner: (l.-r.) Mike Thompson, John Farley, Yvonne Schuman, Charlie Black, Gov. Don Sundquist,
Don Cogman, Bob Heckman, Gov. Mitch Daniels, Chairman Randal Teague, George Lawrence and President Roger Ream (E 76).
Mr. Richard H. Rasmussen
Raytheon Corporation
Mr. Richard A. Lenon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Little, Jr.
The Litwin Foundation, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Media Research Center
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meissner
Monster Worldwide, Inc.
Mr. Francis P. Murphy
Supporter and Trustee
Mark Stansberry (E 76)
listens to speakers
during the Leadership
Network conference in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
Mr. James W. Rogers
Rosenstiel Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Sant
Mr. Joe H. Scales
Mr. John T. Seaman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Seldin
$2,500 - $4,999
Beam Global Spirits & Wine
Ms. Jane Varner Beard
Thomas F. Staley Foundation
Ms. Dorothy L. Doumakes
Mrs. Mary O. Stanley
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
The Stork Foundation
The Elizabeth Foundation
Strake Foundation
e-Luminate Group, Inc.
Mr. Robert Sydow
Mr. & Mrs. R. Marshall Evans Jr.
Samuel E. & Mary W.
Thatcher Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Arnold Garrison
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Gray, III
Mr. David A. Thompson
Hon. Larry Harlow
Thomas J. & Erma Jean
Tracy Family Foundation
U.S. Telecom Association
Lenora F. Harth Foundation
The Hull Family Foundation
P. G. Beil Foundation
Mr. Thomas R. Clevenger
Mrs. Anne B. Eldridge
The Belz Foundation
Stephen D. Clouse and
Ms. Norma Ellis
Mr. Michael J. Birck
Computing Research Association
The Dallas Foundation
Mr. William S. Edgerly
Mr. Sheridan C. Biggs
Business Software Alliance
Ms. Mary R. Clark
Mr. George W. Bermant
Hon. William E. Brock
W. Armstrong & Priscilla B.
Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Beck
Trustee Emeritus Don
Cogman and his wife
Susie attend dinner
featuring Barry M.
Mr. & Mrs. Dameron Black, III
Mr. William J. Boehm
Ms. Carol G. Bolcof
Hon. & Mrs. Dan H. Branch
Goldwater, Jr. at the
Mrs. Peggy Brandon
Leadership Network.
Ambassador Stephen F. Brauer
Mr. Jon Utley
Mr. Robert M. Weekley
Mr. Keith S. Wellin
Mr. & Mrs. Chen C. Wang
Israel Family Foundation
Ms. Beverlee Y. Weston
Ambassador & Mrs. Leon J. Weil
Mr. Craig W. Johnson
The William Penn Foundation
The Weiler Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George H.C. Lawrence
The Winchester Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Weiss
Mr. Thomas A. Lupton, Jr.
Mr. Charles R. Wentz
Mr. Mike Orradre
Mr. Kenneth Burket
$1,000 - $2,499
Ambassador William J.
Cabaniss, Jr.
Aequus Institute
Mr. Bernard Cammarata
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Altieri
Campbell Soup Company
Ms. Mary F. Arehart
Mr. Ron Carmichael
Mrs. Myra J. Asplundh
Mr. Jeff J. Carneal
The William S. & Ann
Atherton Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Preston C. Caruthers
Mr. William J. Babalis
Mrs. Marylou Clark
BAE Systems
Mr. James McConnell Clark
Ms. Yvonne Oshima
Williams & Jensen
The Roe Foundation
Williams Companies
Mr. Edward B. Rogers, Jr.
Mr. Justin P. Wilson, Sr.
Mr. William C. Scott
Wine and Spirits
Wholesalers of America
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Stansberry
Woodford Foundation
William A. & Genevieve H.
Strong Foundation
Technology CEO Council
Mr. Robert B. Tudor, III
Broyhill Family Foundation
Mr. John D. Buhl, Sr.
Mr. David J. Bunce
Mr. Tim Church
Mr. Harry H. Coon
Ms. Victoria I. Ford
Mrs. Frances M. Cost
Mr. Marc B. Franklin
Mr. Chapman B. Cox
Mr. G. Ross French
Mr. W. E. Crane
Mr. & Mrs. George R. French, Jr.
Mr. John J. Creedon
Mr. Earle W. Frey
Mr. J. William Crouch
Mrs. & Mrs. Eugene M. Gaietto
Mr. Richard Cunniff, Jr.
Mr. John W. Galbraith
Mr. Richard T. Cunniff, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gardner
The Curran Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Getlin
Mr. M. A. Custer
Mrs. Mary Gialdo-Lavoie
Hon. Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.
Mr. Bernard G. Gogel
Mr. Kenneth W. Davis, Jr.
Dr. Bobby L. Graham &
Dr. Nancy S. Martin
Mrs. Betty G. Davis
Mrs. Dorothy de Ganahl
Mrs. Carla M. Dehmlow
Mr. Alfred A. DelliBovi
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Descher
Dr. & Mrs. Wolfgang F.
Mr. Larry Dimmick
Mr. Luther L. Dintiman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Donner, Jr.
Mr. G. Morris Dorrance, Jr.
Mr. Donald S. Duncklee
Mrs. Cathy Beard
Mr. Jerry L. Hayden
Mr. Erwin W. Hornung
Ms. Frances F. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ianna
Mr. Raymond E. Jackson
Mr. Bruce H. Jacobs
Eric Javits Family Foundation
Mrs. Marilyn G. Gray
Grocery Manufacturers’
Mr. George R. Hearst, Jr.
Mr. Dan Grossman
Mrs. Dorothea E. Hebebrand
Mr. Donald G. Gumpertz
Mr. & Mrs. John Z. Hecker
Dr. Robert A. Gutman &
Dr. Laura T. Gutman
Dr. & Mrs. Norris C. Hekimian
Mr. Clifford Stanton Heinz
H&R Block
Mr. William G. Hendrickson
John C. Hagan, III, M.D.
Mr. Joseph I. Hess
Mr. & Dr. Brian N. Hail
Mr. George L. Hesse
Mr. & Mrs. F. D. Halladay
Hickory Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Al Hamilton
Mrs. Bernadine Tosetti Hines
Mr. Malcolm D. Jeffrey
Mr. Phil F. Jenkins
The J.M. Foundation
Mr. Stan W. Jones
Mr. Arthur A. Kalotkin
Ms. Linda G. Kendall
Dr. Su Carroll Kenderdine
Ms. Barbara W. Kenney
Mr. John J. Keusenkothen
Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Hoffmann
During the spring confernce at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., Trustee Charlie
Black (l.) and Regent Eric Tanenblatt (E 87) (r.) engage in a discussion.
The Lundy Fetterman
Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Fine
Mr. Donald Bruener
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Buestrin
George E. Coleman Jr.
G.L. Connolly Foundation
Mr. Dale A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. G. Greeley Wells
Mr. R. Scott Hayes
Mr. Wade Fetzer, III
Mr. Alfred C. Brown
Intercollegiate Studies
Institute, Inc.
Frank B. & Virginia V.
Fehsenfeld Foundation
Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Brayman
Mr. Willard A. Brown, Jr.
Colbert Foundation
Mr. John P. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence I. Brandes
Mr. Gerald E. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Harrison
Mr. William L. Collins
Boeing Company
Mrs. Marie C. Harlan
Mr. John W. Farley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Colandrea
Mr. Oliver W. Bivins
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Veitch
Whitehead Foundation
The Cobb Foundation
Mr. Charles H. Erhart, Jr.
The Hamlin Family
Foundation, Inc.
U.S. Programs
and Fees
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Rincon Foundation
Mr. Frederick B. Whittemore
Roberts Family Foundation
Wicker Family Foundation
Mr. James W. Root
Walter F. Wild, Ph.D.
Mr. Sheldon Rose
Mr. Edgar H. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Ross
Mr. David R. Wood
Mr. Paul E. Rumley
Ms. Karen B. Wright
Arthur N. Rupe Foundation
Mr. Wirt A. Yerger, Jr.
Zidek Family Foundation
Mrs. Madonna S. Merritt (E 79)
Hon. James W. Ziglar
Mr. Stephen D. Tuttle (E 86)
Mr. Dave L. Schmitt
Mr. David Zimerman
Mr. Kirby A. Wilbur (E 73)
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs
Louis & Nellie Sieg Fund
Amy Shelton McNutt
Charitable Trust
Mr. William Silverstein
The Kenneth Kolker Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kopec
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Korenvaes
Mr. Steven Kristel
Ms. Muriel A. Kuhn
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Kyle
Mr. C. Kevin Landry
Mr. Karl G. Larson
William L. Law Foundation
Mr. Michael J. Lazar
Mr. Ronald E. Lemonds
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Leonardo
Ms. Anne S. Leonhardt
Mr. Allan L. Levey
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Leyendekker
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Minor
Mr. Stanley H. Simon
The Joseph T. & Helen M.
Simpson Foundation
Capt. & Mrs. Allan P. Slaff
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Smith
Mr. Thomas C. Morrison
Ms. Sherri Spragins
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Morro
Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Stern
Mr. Joseph T. Morrow
Mr. Linus M. Stoll
Muller Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Stromberg
Mr. Douglas S. Murdoch
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Sullivan
National Ready Mixed
Concrete Association
Mr. Larry W. Sumney
Mr. George M. Neall, II
NiSource Inc.
Mr. Richard A. Nowak
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Nowicky
OB-C Group LLC
Mr. Ray P. Oden, Jr.
Mr. Wayne Olson &
Ms. Sandra Miller
Dr. Herbert Longenecker
Dian Graves Owen Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pemberton
The Marcus Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Robert F. Phelps
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Maresca
Mr. Christopher Pierce
Mrs. Margaret E. Mason
Mr. Joseph L. Simek
Mr. & Mrs. Barton S. Mitchell
Mr. Thomas F. Linnen, Sr.
Mrs. Doris M. MacLachlan
Mrs. Dorothy Pollak
Mr. Bruno J. Mauer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Poss
Mr. George L. Mayer
Mrs. Maxine Pusinelli
Mr. Robert Sunderland
Susquehanna Foundation
Mr. Franklin Swan
Swenson Family Foundation
Mr. J. Joseph Taylor
Ms. Joanne Taylor-Johnson
Tepper Family Foundation
Mrs. Anna May S. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Bates
Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Berlin
Mr. Charles R. Black, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Caslin, III
Mr. Jeremy S. Davis, M.B.A.
Dr. & Mrs. Wolfgang F.
Mr. Eric V. Fox
Mr. Robert E. Greene
Mr. Ronald C. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hertenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Mr. Glen A. Kindler
Hon. Eric L. Levinson
Mrs. Antonina Lienhard
Ms. Rosanne Lienhard
Mr. Ionel Marsavela
The Masson Family
Ms. Yvonne Oshima
Mr. & Mrs. Winston D. Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Y. Tomlinson
Mr. Thomas L. Phillips
Mrs. Polly J. Townsend
Mrs. Billie Pirnie
Hon. & Mrs. Edward J. Turner
Hon. T. Timothy Ryan
U.S. Enrichment Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Slattery
Mr. Charles J. Urstadt
Mrs. Manuela Strong
Mrs. Eloise R. Valinet
Mr. Randal C. Teague
Verizon Communications
Mr. Robert K. Zelle
Mr. James W. Ray
Ms. Dorothy McClennan
Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Ream
Mrs. William F. McGuire
Red Bird Hollow Foundation
Ms. Claudia C. McIlvain
Mrs. Rosemary W. Reeves
Mrs. Marilyn W. McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reuling
Mr. & Mrs. Alden D. McKelvey
The Charles & Catherine B.
Rice Foundation
Isabelle L. Richmond, M.D.
Mr. Grainger Weston
Legacy Society Members
Alan & Rella Bates
Members of the Legacy
Society have made
estate or other planned
gifts to ensure that The
Fund for American
Studies is able to
continue to prepare
Mr. David J. Cuzzi (B 95)
Ms. Karen M. Czarnecki (E 88)
$250 - $499
Mr. (E 94, A 95) & Mrs.
Michael R. Arulfo
Mr. John F. Callender (E 92)
Mrs. Jody M. Clarke (J 88)
Mr. John P. Dumoulin (E 90, B 91)
Mr. John T. Grubbs (J 03, I 05)
Mr. Marton Hajdu (CSF 04)
Ms. Nirja Kapoor (J 86)
Mr. Michael Kelley (CSF 03)
Mr. Chad D. LaTour (B 94)
Mr. Peter A. Feldman
(P 04, LSI 07)
Dr. Roy H. Ginsberg (E 73)
Mr. Darryl S. Gissel (E 76)
Mr. Paul D. Glader (J 99, A 00)
Ms. Suzanne W. Green (E 81)
Capt. (B 99) & Mrs.
Christopher W. Rohe
Ms. Natalie Rule (B 95)
Mr. Paul J. Sass (B 00)
Mr. Allan A. Shenoi (E 78)
Ms. Yvonne Y. T. Shi (E 01)
Ms. Marianne W. Goodwin (E 76)
Mrs. Kathleen A. Sinnott (E 82)
Mr. Anthony N.
Haddad (I 05, J 06)
Ms. Mackenzie J. Smith (J 02)
Mr. Kerry L. Stalder (E 91)
Ms. Renee L. Hamlen (E 96)
Mr. George Stelljes, III (E 83)
Mr. Lawrence Hamtil (E 02)
Mr. Toby W. Stock (B 98)
Ms. Megan L. Hoot (P 02)
Mr. Herbert W. Stupp (E 70)
Ms. Alissa R. Swango (J 00, I 02)
honorable leadership by
Mr. (B 93) & Mrs. Ryan J. Orner
Mrs. Andrea N. Huels (E 86)
Mr. Hidenori Iwasaki (E 97)
Mr. Brett D. Sween (B 01)
educating them in the
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Sadler (E 81)
Ms. Tanja Stumberger
(A 04, B 05, CSF 05)
Ms. Michelle A. Jeffress
(J 95, A 96)
Mr. John C. Sweda (E 97)
Mrs. Melissa L. Johnson (E 76)
Mr. Randal C. Teague, Jr.
(B 99, I 01)
Dr. (E 70) & Mrs.
Wayne J. Thorburn
Mr. Wayne C. Johnson (E 71)
Mr. Townsend Teague (B 04)
Mr. Lawrence B. Weitzner (E 78)
Mr. (E 74) & Mrs.
John J. Klarl, Esq.
Mr. Brandon D. Trease (B 00)
Ms. Desiree A. Westby (B 02)
Mr. Ryan J. Knapp (B 05)
theory, practice and
benefits of a free
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. (E 76) & Mrs.
Mark A. Stansberry
Mr. Robert B. Tudor, III (E 81)
$1,000 - $2,499
Hon. (E 77) & Mrs.
Dan H. Branch
Mr. Tim Church (B 97)
Mr. William L. Collins (E 74)
Mr. (E 86) & Dr. Brian N. Hail
$100 - $249
Ms. Lacee M. Artist (B 00, I 01)
Mr. Chris R. Avery (B 01)
Mr. Andrzej Bednorz (A 00)
Mr. Richard M. Bejtlich (E 93)
Mr. Precetha H. Lewis (E 06)
Ms. Rosanne
Lienhard (J 92, A 93)
Mr. (E 79) & Mrs. Richard M.
Macksoud, Jr.
Major (E 94) & Ms. (B 94)
Donald G. Maraska
Ms. Jessica
Townsend Teague (E 75)
Mr. William Towell (E 78)
Mr. Alexis A. Trigo (E 04)
Mr. Davis W. Turner (E 82)
Ms. Sandra Kay Vanden (E 86)
Mrs. Dawn (E 85) & Mr.
Craig Watson
Mr. Calvin Webb, III (B 04)
Capt. (E 00) & Mrs.
Joshua C. Weed
Mrs. Andrea
Browne-Phillips (E 04)
Mr. (E 83) & Mrs.
Andrew B. Buroker
Ms. Traci Leonardo (J 93)
Ms. Kristin A. Burton (E 87)
Mr. Roger R. Ream (E 76)
Mrs. Barbara C. Watts
$5,000 - $24,999
Mr. & Mrs. (E 72) Alex Ross
Mr. (E 76) & Mrs.
Michael J. Caslin, III
Mr. Stephen L. Way
Mr. John A. Braun (E 90)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weiss
Mr. Ronald C. Hart (E 81)
Ms. Sherri Spragins (E 85)
Ms. Rasma A. Kraulis (E 87)
Mr. Blake Swango (B 02, A 04)
Mr. Clint Bolick (E 78)
Ms. Amy K. Burr (E 92)
Mr. Rodger D. Wasserman
Joseph Farhat, Ph.D. (I 96)
Dr. John R. Riley (E 71)
Mr. David W. Robertson (E 75)
Mr. (E 92) & Mrs.
Craig L. Hymowitz
Ms. Linda A. Burrows (J 93)
Mr. Philip R. Warth
Mr. Gary J. Epping (E 84)
Mr. (E 79) & Mrs.
Gary Prosterman
Mr. Curtis H. Nelson (E 77)
Mr. Stan W. Jones (E 73)
Mr. & Mrs. Rawleigh Warner, Jr.
Mr. Ralph D. Edwards (E 83)
Dr. B. Nelson Ong (E 70)
Mr. Gregory H. Pejic (E 03)
Mr. (B 98) & Mrs. Jonathan Lee
Mr. (E 71) & Mrs. John Z. Hecker
Mr. Christopher W. Walker
Mr. Christopher W. Deedy (E 05)
Mr. David Meaden (E 79)
Mr. Anthony Noble (E 97, A 99)
young people for
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Maresca
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence A. Tobias
Mr. & Mrs. Don F. Raftis
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ahlgren
Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Arnold
Timmons and Company, Inc.
Mr. Ralph P. Mayer
Ms. Joyce McMahon
Sir C.J. Paderewski
Mr. Roger A. McCarty
Mr. John F. McLean, Jr.
Gerrish H. Milliken Foundation
Mr. (E 84) & Mrs.
Vern P. McKinley
Mr. Ron E. Robinson (E 72) &
Mrs. Michelle Easton (E 73)
Mr. Walter J. Schloss
Mr. Theodore G. Schmidt, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. I. Raymond Kirk III
Mrs. Mary M. Koessler
Mr. Gregory R. McIlvaine (B 01)
Mr. Raymond F. Du Bois, Jr. (E 71)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sigler
Mr. Lawrence H. Meeker
Mr. Patrick Crompton (E 02)
Mr. (E 91) & Mrs. Paul C. Cuomo
Mr. (J 93, A 95) & Mrs. (A 95)
Daniel S. McConchie
Mr. Denman K. McNear
Mr. Harry E. Knox, Jr.
Ms. Theresa K. Kostrzewa (E 84)
Mrs. Abigail F. McCarthy (B 96)
Mr. Dean Zarras
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Kinkle, III
Mr. George Kleinman
Mr. (E 70) & Mrs.
Kenneth A. Klatt
Ms. Marcia A. McAllister (E 72)
Mr. Peter D. Costa (E 80)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Young
Mr. Robert G. Siegel
Media General, Inc.
Mr. Eric V. Fox (E 86)
Mr. Kyle H. Hybl (E 91, A 93)
Mr. Tony Mecia (E 92, A 93)
Mr. Stuart D. Colburn (E 89)
Mr. Fred W. Scheigert
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W.
Seymour, Jr.
Mr. Donald H. Kirkland
Mr. Richard A. Baudino (E 77)
Ms. Stephanie Cohen (J 96, A 97)
Mr. Edward N. Schinner
Mr. Leo W. Seal, Jr.
(l.-r.) Supporters Lee Henningsen, Brigitte Dexheimer, Brenda Henningsen and
Regent Wolfgang Dexheimer attend sessions at the Leadership Network conference.
$500 - $999
Mrs. Leslie Clesner (E 93, A 95)
Alumni Council members and supporters Andrea Huels (E 86) (r.) and Megan
Hoot (P 02) (c.) talk with recent Fund graduate Jordan Williams (P 08) (l.), a student
at Arizona State University, during the Leadership Network conference.
A gift of $125,000 finances a full scholarship on a permanent basis and ensures that promising young leaders will
attend programs each year. A partial scholarship endowment can be established with a gift of $10,000 or more.
FUND was created in 2005, the year of
the Institute on Political Journalism’s
20th Anniversary, to honor Barnes for his
service to the Institute.
*THE ALAN & RELLA BATES SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established by Mr. and
Mrs. Bates in 2008. A strong preference
is to be given to students from Mr. Bates’
alma mater, the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, then the University of Delaware, and then other schools with strong
engineering programs.
– EUROPEAN RELATIONS was established in memory of former trustee and
Rep. Robin Beard (Tenn.).
*THE STEVE & EILEEN BERLIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established in 1995 to
provide scholarship support for a student
to attend The Fund’s program in Greece.
FUND was established in 2007 in memory
of 1985 ICPES alumnus and Regent
Kevin Burket.
honors the memory of Davis by providing
a partial scholarship for a student from
North Carolina to attend IPJ. Davis had a
distinguished career overlapping government, business and journalism.
FUND was created after Serb Prime
Minister Djindjic was killed by an assassin seven months after addressing TFAS
students in Prague. The scholarship
enables a Serbian student to attend a
program in Prague or Greece.
IN POLITICAL ECONOMY was established in 2008 to honor Lev Dobriansky,
academic director of the Engalitcheff
Institute on Comparative Political and
Economic Systems from 1970 to 1982.
Dobriansky played a key role in the early
years of TFAS.
established by the Board of Trustees after
receiving a bequest in 1990 from the
estate of John and Virginia Engalitcheff,
providing ongoing support.
FUND has been administered since 2003
to fully fund a student from Texas, with a
particular preference for students from
Southern Methodist University, to attend
the Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems.
Hunter Hunt is a 1988 ICPES alumnus.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established
following the death of Corinne Watt
Jones in 1990. The scholarship fund was
enlarged when then-President David R.
Jones died in 1998. This fund provides
multiple scholarships to Fund Institutes.
FUND was created in 2002 in memory of
Don Lavoie, a professor from George
Mason University who served on the
faculty of The Fund’s programs in Prague
and Greece. The scholarship enables a
student to attend the Institute in Prague.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND is a fully endowed
fund established in 2000 by Regent Fred
Long and his wife Georganna to benefit students attending the Engalitcheff
Institute on Comparative Political and
Economic Systems. Long was a colleague
of John Engalitcheff at Baltimore Air
Coil in Baltimore, Md.
FUND was established in 2003 by Linda
Noyes to honor her son Zeb Portanova.
It is named in honor of David Martin,
Portanova’s high school history teacher.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established
in 2004 by Edward Rowny, retired army
general and former ambassador, to honor
Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Polish leader and
renowned composer and pianist. A full
scholarship is provided to a student from
Poland to attend one of The Fund’s summer programs at Georgetown University.
Patterson, a journalist who covered the
produce industry. It is awarded to a student who has demonstrated an interest
in agriculture journalism.
*THE REACH YOUR PEAK SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established in 2005 by
Fund donors Anne and Bruce Shepard
to benefit students from the University of
Colorado at Colorado Springs.
FUND was established in 2004 to honor
President Roger Ream on the occasion of
his 50th birthday. Ream is a 1976 ICPES
alumnus. He has served as The Fund’s
president since 1998.
*THE KRISTA & PAUL RITACCO SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established in 2007 to
benefit students attending the Institute
on Business and Government Affairs and
the Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems.
FUND was created in 2005 by Stevens’
colleagues at BGR in Washington, D.C.
a bequest from the estate of Manuela
SCHOLARSHIP FUND was created by
Trustee Emeritus Don Sundquist and
his wife Martha. Sunquist served as U.S.
representative and governor of Tennessee. Preference is given to students
from Tennessee.
was established by Vice Chairman
Michael Thompson and his wife to provide scholarships to deserving students.
honors the memory of Eben Tisdale, who
served as general manager of government
affairs for Hewlett-Packard Company
from 1984 until his death in 1998. Each
year, approximately 10 students interested in public policy and the high-tech
industry are awarded full scholarships to
attend this eight-week fellowship.
FUND was created in 2008 by TFAS Vice
President of Programs Steve Slattery and
other graduates of Tulane University. This
fund will benefit students from Tulane
attending Institutes in Washington, D.C.
TFAS President Roger Ream, a graduate
of Vanderbilt University. This fund will
benefit students from Vanderbilt attending TFAS programs in D.C.
*THE GEORGE VIKSNINS SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established in 2002 to
honor Georgetown University professor
George Viksnins, who served as a member of the Engalitcheff Institute faculty
from 1974 to 2007.
FELLOWSHIP was created in 2007 by
Dell Computer Corporation to honor the
legacy of the late Thurmond Woodard.
This endowment provides a scholarship
for The Fund’s Eben Tisdale program.
*THE RANDAL C. TEAGUE SCHOLARSHIP FUND was established in 2004 to
honor Chairman Randal Teague for his
service to TFAS on the occasion of his
60th birthday. Teague has been a trustee
since 1979 and chairman since 1998.
* Denotes funds that were established with lead gifts, but are not fully endowed. The Fund continues to accept contributions toward them.
Randal C. Teague
Vice Chairman
Michael W. Thompson
Daniel H. Branch (E 77)
John W. Farley
Partner, Vorys, Sater,
Seymour and Pease, LLP
Washington, D.C.
State Representative (Texas)
Shareholder/Attorney at Law,
Winstead Sechrest & Minick P.C.
Dallas, Texas
President, Thomas Jefferson
Institute for Public Policy
Springfield, Va.
Corporate Vice President,
Eagle Publishing, Inc.
Washington, D.C.
Don V. Cogman
CC Investments
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Rep. Philip M. Crane
Fred Barnes
Executive Editor,
The Weekly Standard
Washington, D.C.
Juanita D. Duggan
Washington, D.C.
Former Member of Congress
Leesburg, Va.
Gov. Mitch Daniels
Governor, Indiana
Indianapolis, Ind.
Neal B. Freeman Charles R. Black, Jr.
Chairman, BKSH & Associates
Washington, D.C.
Kyle Hybl (E 91, A 93)
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Amb. Julia Chang Bloch
Kristin Jones Harrison
Robert Meissner
Gerald Sullivan
Washington, D.C.
Athens, Tenn.
Alexandria, Va.
Summit, N.J.
Amb. Richard Carlson
Ronald Hart (E 81)
Jay Parker
Eric Tanenblatt (E 87)
Irvington, Va.
Chapman Cox
Davidson, N.C.
Wolfgang Dexheimer
Bonn, Germany
Michal Donath
Prague, Czech Republic
Eric Fox (E 86)
Ft. Worth, Texas
Theodossis Georgiou
Athens, Greece
Robert Greene (E 72)
Havre de Grace, Md.
Atlanta, Ga.
Great Falls, Va.
Kimberly Jones
Art Pope
Cary, N.C.
Raleigh, N.C.
Ken Kay
Lyn Rales
Tuscon, Ariz.
Bethesda, Md.
Kevin Kellems (J 86)
Mary Caslin Ross (E 72)
Madison, Ind.
Santa Fe, N.M.
John Lee (E 85)
Kathy Rothschild
Rumson, N.J.
Fairfax, Va.
Fred Long
Scott Sadler (E 81)
Gibson Island, Md.
Sacramento, Calif.
Milton Masson
Amb. Frank Shakespeare
Scottsdale, Ariz.
La Jolla, Calif.
Atlanta, Ga.
Michael Tarone
James B Culbertson
Former U.S. Ambassador to
The Netherlands
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Louis DeJoy
CEO, New Breed
Greensboro, N.C.
William J. Hybl
Chairman and CEO,
El Pomar Foundation
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Burke, Va.
Adam Understein
(E 86, A 93)
George H. C. Lawrence
Lawrence Properties
Former President, TFAS
Vero Beach, Fla.
Frank Lauinger
Chairman, PennWell Corporation
Dallas, Texas
Mark A. Stansberry (E 76)
Chairman, The GTD Group
Edmond, Okla.
Washington, D.C.
Michael Thompson Jr.
(E 89, A 93)
Blackwell Corporation
Amelia Island, Fla.
M. Peter McPherson
President, National
Association of State
Universities & Land
Grant Colleges
Washington, D.C.
Thomas L. Phillips
Eagle Publishing, Inc.
Washington, D.C.
Gov. Don Sundquist
Dr. Paula J. Dobriansky Leon J. Weil
Senior International Affairs &
Trade Advisor, Baker & Hostetler, LLP
Washington, D.C.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Nepal
Vice President, Investments
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
New York, N.Y.
Frank J. Donatelli (E 70)
Catherine B. Windels
Former Governor, Tennessee
Former Member of Congress
Townsend, Tenn.
Las Vegas, Nev.
Justin Wilson
Nashville, Tenn.
Robert Zelle
Gulf Stream, Fla.
Senior Vice President,
McGuireWoods Consulting
Washington, D.C.
Senior Director for Worldwide
Policy Mobilization, Pfizer, Inc.
New York, N.Y.
Randal C. Teague
Roger R. Ream (E 76)
Robert J. Callahan, CPA
Vice President of
Finance & Administration
Steve Slattery
Vice President of Programs
Edward J. Turner
Vice President of Development
(as of December 31, 2008)
Shane Goldsmith Mazzella
Director, U.S. Programs
Maura Q. Bennardo
Alumni Affairs Coordinator
Lynn Calderwood
Erin M. Brett
Brenda Diaz
Staff Accountant
Tom Manion
Communications Director
Kerri E. DiNarda (J 06)
Communications Coordinator
Patrice Lee
Media Relations Manager
Direct Marketing Advisor
Haley Heieck
Assistant, Recruitment & Admissions
Emily E. Hill (P 05)
Manager, Institute on Philanthropy &
Voluntary Service
Michelle Jeffress (J 95, A 96)
Director, International Programs
Matthew Kwasiborski
Lily Pascucci
Director, Capital Semester
Mark E. Pfundstein
Director, Engalitcheff Institute on
Comparative Political &
Economic Systems
Director, Prague Institutes
Christine Klima
Assistant, International Programs
Director, Institute on Political Journalism
Jon Perdue
Jonathan Tilley
Donor Relations Manager
Jane Mack
Special Events Director
Cori Meyer (P 06)
Development Associate
Coordinator, Recruitment & Admissions
Kristy Khachigian
Corporate Relations Director
Dana Faught
Assistant, Special Programs
Executive Assistant
Shana Davidson
Mary J. Connell
Director, Recruitment & Admissions
Patricia Nichols
Jackie Montegut
Brigit Moore
Director, Latin America Programs
Kelsey Strampe
Manager, Asia Institute for
Political Economy
Joe Starrs
Coordinator, Institute on Business &
Government Affairs
Hicks Winters, Esq. (B 02)
Director, Legal Studies Institute
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Promises to Give, Net
Accrued Interest Receivable
Prepaid Expenses Property and Equipment, Net
Cash Surrender Value - Life Insurance Total Assets $363,226
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Notes Payable
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Board Designated
Total Unrestricted
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
1706 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009
1621 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009
Toll free (800) 741-6964
Tel. (202) 986-0384
Fax. (202) 986-0390
[email protected] ~ www.TFAS.org
Univerzita Karlova
Fakulta Sociálních Ved
Smetanovo nábrezí 6
110 01 Praha 1
160A Ioannou Drossopolou Str.
Athens 112 56
School of Economics and Finance
K.K. Leung Building, 9/F
Pokfulam Road
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong SAR