Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church & School 11291 Southwest 142nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33186 “ A Stewardship Parish of Perpetual Adoration” Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord Parish Office Phone: (305) 386-4121 Fax: (305) 386-6881 www.ololourdes.org Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Closed for Lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm “Dónde está el Rey de los judíos que ha nacido? Porque vimos su estrella en el oriente y hemos venido a adorarle.” Mateo 2:2 January 6th, 2013 “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” Matthew 2:2 Saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Pastor Msgr. Kenneth K. Schwanger Parochial Vicars Sacramental Life of the Parish Rev. Patrick Charles Rev. Fernando Orejuela BAPTISM: Families must make arrangements for Baptism at least 2 months prior to date of Baptism. For more information, call the Office of Christian Formation, at Ext. 352. In-Residence Rev. Andrew Pietraszko MARRIAGE: Couples must make arrangements at least 6 months prior to date of marriage, and meet all sacramental requirements. For information or to make appointment please contact the Wedding Office, at Ext. 717. Deacons Members of Our Lady of Lourdes are requested to be registered in the Parish. Dcn. Michael Plummer Dcn. José Naranjo Dcn. Isidoro Villa Schedule of Masses, Reconciliations, Devotions and general information Parochial School Weekday Masses Phone: (305) 386-8446 English Masses - Monday - Saturday .................................................................................. 8am Chapel Spanish Masses - Monday - Friday...................................................................................... 7pm Chapel Fax: (305) 386-6694 Weekend Masses Mr. Thomas Halfaker Saturday Vigil ...................................................................................5pm (English), 6:30pm (Spanish) Principal Sunday - English Masses ............................................................... 7:15am, 10:15am, 11:45am, 5pm - Spanish Masses ............................................................................ 8:30am, 1:30pm, 6:30pm Christian Formation Holy Days of Obligation:................................................................................... Vigil: 7pm (Bilingual) Phone: (305) 386-4894 ...............................................8am (English), 12:15pm (Bilingual), 6:30pm (English), 8pm (Spanish) Fax: (305) 386-6670 Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes, 11th day of every month (Bilingual) .......................... 8pm Grotto Office Hours: Divine Mercy Chaplet (English), Sundays .......................................................................... 3pm Chapel French Mass, 1st Saturdays of the month ....................................................................... 9:30am Chapel Monday through Friday Mass honoring the Blessed Mother; 1st Saturdays of the month (Bilingual) ..................... 8am Chapel 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Novena & Benediction honoring Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mondays (English) .... 7:30pm Chapel Dcn. Michael Plummer Reconciliation / Confesiones, every Saturdays ..................................................... 3pm to 4pm Chapel Director of Christian Formation Holy Boutique Store Hour: ...........................................................Mon-Thurs 5pm-8pm; Fri 2pm-8pm ............................................................ Sat 11am-2pm & 5:30pm-8pm; Sun 8am-3pm & 5:30pm-8pm The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord January 6th, 2013 Message from Our Pastor My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes, With the New Year just arrived I imagine that Archbishop Wenski’s letter to you has also just arrived – or is not far behind! ABCD (Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive) is here. ABCD is the way in which we share in the work that the Lord Jesus has given Archbishop Wenski to do as the successor of the Apostles among us. The success of last year’s campaign demonstrates both that we are able to provide what is needed and that we understand how important we are to the success of his ministry. Mass Intentions SATURDAY, January 5th, 2013 Feast of St. John Neumann 8:00 am Parish Family 9:30 am Thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary Frederic & Maud Arty † Marve Qui Defait Les Nceuds Thanksgiving for Paule Bazile 5:00 pm For Wedding Anniversary of Nicole & Gerard Prepetite Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Lourdes Yuri Gomez † 6:30 pm Andrew Heitzman † Joseph Heitzman † Omar Vazquez † I am asking that we continue to be supportive and even surpass last year’s gift. Let all of us who pledged last year make at least the same gift this year – and even a little larger gift if possible. If you are SUNDAY, January 6th, 2013 not yet part of the ABCD family, please join us this year. Archbishop Wenski had asked for $1 a day from everyone and that is a good place to Epiphany of the Lord 7:15 am Nelly Gatgens start if you have never pledged before. Alain M.R. Royere † Archbishop Wenski is asking about $360,000 from us this year. If every one of us pledges at least $1 a day, $365 for the year, we would easily surpass that goal. For those of us moved to make a sacrificial gift – please do. If you would like to talk to the Archbishop about it first, I can help arrange a meeting. For us all, be assured that God’s generosity will outdo ours. Finally, I ask again that everyone help, that everyone pledges We are, after all, one body – the Body of Christ. God bless, Msgr. Schwanger Visit our website: www.ololourdes.org Thanksgiving to Virgin Mary 8:30 am Jorge Arellano Acción de gracias a Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Sergio Soria Galvarro Sempertegi † 10:15 am Henry Yap † Steve T. Prebonick † Edgar Zamudio 11:45 amMisa Pro Populo 1:30 pm Estrella Jimenez Tomas † Enrique Garcia † Margarita Orozco † 5:00 pm Manuel Garcia Sr. † Thanksgivig to St. Jude Thanksgiving for Edelwisa Musngi 6:30 pm Nina Ardila Accion de Gracias por la familia de Frank y Olga Mallafre Maria Martin Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Mass Intentions MONDAY, January 7th, 2013 Feast of St. Raymond of Penyafort 8:00 am Jennifer Mirambeu Birthday Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Lourdes 7:00 pm Felicita Maria Suarez † Jorge Chaguan † Ariela Serna † TUESDAY, January 8th, 2013 8:00 am Marie Del La Corte Bernadette Pierre-Louis Thanksgiving to St. Andrew 7:00 pm Ismael y Lidia Delgado † Martha Maria y Tulio Martinez † Ellana Abrey WEDNESDAY, January 9th, 2013 8:00 am Bernadette Pierre-Louis Thanksgiving to God Dora Mellon Birthday 7:00 pm Conny Tablada Alceo Tablada † Julio Carrasco † THURSDAY, January 10th, 2013 8:00 am Bernadette Pierre-Louis Thanksgiving to Jesus & Mary 7:00 pm Shirley Ann Florez † Carmen De Ruiz † Guillermo Ramirez Baltodano † Solemnidad de Epifanía del Señor 6 de Enero 2013 Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco Querida Familia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes, En este año nuevo, me imagino que la carta del Arzobispo Wenski es ha llegado, o les esta por llegar. El ABCD (Campaña de Desarrollo del Arzobispo) está aquí! ABCD es como compartimos en la obra que el Señor Jesús le a dado al Arzobispo Wenski a hacer como sucesor de los apóstoles entre nosotros. El éxito de la campaña del año pasado demuestra que somos capaces de ofrecer lo que se necesita y que entendemos lo importante que somos para el éxito de su ministerio. Les pido que sigamos apoyándolo e incluso superar nuestro regalo del año pasado. Que todos los que se contribuyeron el año pasado, que por lo menos sigan dando el mismo regalo este año e incluso, si fuera posible, un poco más. Si todavía no eres parte de la familia ABCD, por favor únase a nosotros este año. El Arzobispo Wenski el año pasado había pedido que si nunca ha podido contribuir, que un dólar al día, $365 dólares al año , es un bueno lugar donde empezar. Arzobispo Wenski los pide este año $360,000. Si cada uno de nosotros, al mínimo, diéramos un dólar al día, $365 al año, seria fácil poder superar esa meta. Para aquellos de nosotros que sentimos hacer un regalo de sacrificio - por favor hágalo. Si usted le gustaría hablar con el Arzobispo primero, yo puedo ayudarle organizar una cita con el. Para todos nosotros, les aseguro que la generosidad de Dios será mas de la nuestra. Por último, les pido una vez mas que ayudemos, que todos nos propongamos a dar. Somos después de todo, un cuerpo - el cuerpo de Cristo. Dios los bendiga, FRIDAY, January 11th, 2013 8:00 am Bernadette Pierre-Louis 7:00 pm Isidro Castillo † Oreste Dominguez Jr. † Hermando Betler † Mons. Schwanger SATURDAY, January 12th, 2013 8:00 am Rosendo Camacho † William Hernandez † 5:00 pm For Soul Lost in Haiti Lucas Clark † Thanksgiving for Bernard Fosa 6:30 pm Enrique Garcia † Roger A. Tellería † Angel Ziade † Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord SUNDAY 12/02 MONDAY 12/03 2:00 p 5:00 p 7:00 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 7:00 a CCW Christmas Bazaar (PH, MR, kitchen) 3:00 p Divine Mercy Chaplet (Cha) 6:30 p Firestarters Middle School Group (ER) 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p 8:15 p Young Once (PH) Zumba Classes (PH) Novena & Benediction (Cha) Comunidades de Bases (Rm 112, 114) Escuela de Evangelización (Rm 119) Legión de María (español) (Rm 123) Nueva Vida (Rm 122) Separados y Divorciados (español) (Rm 120) Totus Tuus (Rm 113) Youth Leadership Program (Rm 121) January 6th, 2013 TUESDAY 12/04 WEDNESDAY 12/05 5:00 p Zumba Classes (PH) 8:00 p Neuróticos Anónimos (PH) 8:15 p Charismatic Prayer Grp (Rm 115) 8:15 p Emmaus Women (English) (Rm 114) 8:15 p Cursillos (Rm 116) 8:15 p Emmaus De Hombre (Español) (Rm 118) 8:15 p School of Evangelization (English) (Rm 119) 8:15 p Legion of Mary (English) (Rm 120) 8:15 p Respect Life (Rm 113) 10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace (PH) 6:00 p Choir Practice (Chu) 8:00 p Cenaculo Contemplativa de la Dvina Misericordia (Chu) 8:15 p Camino Neocatecumenal 1ra Comunidad (ER) 8:15 p Camino Neocatecumenal 2da Comunidad (Rm 111) 8:15 p Divine Will (Rm 122) 8:15 p Emaús de mujeres (español) (Rm 120) 8:15 p Escoge (Rm 115) 8:15 p Matrimonios en Victoria (Rm 113) 8:15 p Marriages in Victory (Rm 118) 8:15 p Movimiento Schoenstatt (Rm 116) 8:15 p Rush of Hope Young Adults (Rm 114) 8:15 p Salve Regina (Rm 121) 8:15 p Separated & Divorced (English) (Rm 123) 8:15 p St VDP (Rm 119) 8:15 p Legión de Maria (Rm 107) Do you have a New Year’s resolution to get fit? Join us in 2013 in the Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall Mondays and Tuesday from 5:30pm - 6:30pm Tiene una resolución de año nuevo para ponerse en forma? Únete a nosotros en 2013en el Salón Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Lunes y Martes de 5:30pm - 6:30pm Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shooting Contest All boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14 are eligible to compete in the Free Throw Contest. Age Eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of January 1, 2012. All entry forms/ score sheets must include a parent’s signature. Proof of age must accompany all registration forms and should be verified at all levels. All entrants will compete against youngsters of the same age and gender in five age divisions: 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 at the council level; each competitor gets 15 free throws, and the one who makes the most shots wins! When: 1/28/2012 Time: 10:0 am to 12:00 pm Where: Our Lady of Lourdes School Basketball Court 11291 SW 142nd Ave. Miami, Fl 33186 After our award ceremony for Our Lady of Lourdes council 10201, we will be conducting District 78 Free Throw qualifying round for regional. For more information please contact Ed Henry 305-486-8659 [email protected], or [email protected] or you may contact Nestor Torra 305-510-1576 [email protected]. Visit our website: www.ololourdes .org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Solemnidad de Epifanía del Señor 6 de Enero 2013 THURSDAY 12/06 FRIDAY 12/07 SATURDAY 12/08 7:00 p Spirit Day Meeting (PH) 7:30 p Mary Queen of Peace Benediction (Cha) 8:00 p RCIA English (Rm 115,119) 8:00 p RCIA Spanish (Rm 116,118) 8:15 p Al-Anon (Rm 112) 8:15 p Boys Scouts (Rm 105) 8:15 p Comunidades de Base (Rm 121,123) 8:15 p Divina Voluntad (Rm 122) 8:15 p Emmaus Women English Team (TL) 8:15 p Knights of Columbus (Exp) 8:15 p Escuela de Evangelizacion (Rm 114) 8:15 p Grupo de Oracion (Espanol) (Rm 120) 8:15 p Neuroticos Anonimos (Rm 111) 8:15 p Talleres de Oracion y Vida (Rm 113) 10:00 a Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group (PH) 6:00 p Friends of Jesus & Mary (Rm 105,111) 6:00 p Nuestra Senora de los Pueblos (Rm 121) 7:00 p Girl Scouts Troop 203 (Rm 107,108,109,110) 7:30 p Cub Scouts (Rm 113,115,116) 7:30 p Couples for Christ (Rm 118) 8:00 p Escuela de Formacion Ignacio Larrañaga (Rm 120) 7:00 a Talleres de Oracion y Vida (PH) 9:00 a Baptism Classes English and Spanish (StB & Exp) 3:00 p Confessions (Cha) 5:00 p Neocates Liturgy (ER) Key: Chu Cha Exp MR PH Rm StB - Church Chapel Expansion Rm Meeting Rm Parish Hall School Classroom St. Bernadette Hall TL - Teachers Lounge Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Carnival Garage Sale St. Bernadette Hall February 7, 8, 9, and 10, 2013 We are collecting gently used or new articles to sell at the Parish Carnival. If you would like to donate ornaments, toys, books, fine jewelry, paintings, frames, religious articles, vases, etc., please bring your donation to the following address, Monday to Friday, between 3:00 pm and 5:15 pm. 13450 SW 134 Ave., unit b-5, Miami, Fl 33186 From the Parish go South on 137th Avenue, turn left on SW 136 St., Turn left on SW 134 Avenue. Look for building 13450, door # 5 Please do not bring used clothes, shoes or old TVs. Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Carnaval, Venta de Garaje Lugar: Salón Santa Bernardita 7, 8, 9, y 10 de Febrero, 2012 Estamos Colectando artículos en buen estado o casi nuevos para vender en el Carnaval de la Parroquia: adornos, juguetes, libros joyas, bijouteria, pinturas, artículos religiosos, cristales, jarrones, etc. Excepto ropa, zapatos, o televisiones antiguos. Por Favor entregar en la siguiente dirección de lunes a viernes de 3:00 pm a 5:15 pm. 13450 SW 134 Ave., Puerta #5, Miami, FL 33186 (Ir hacia el sur por la SW 137 avenida, voltear a la izquierda en la SW 136 St. Voltear a la izquierda en la 134 Ave.) (Después de las oficinas Pavilion, buscar el almacén #5 en el edificio 13450) Would you like to Advertise your business in our Bulletin? Start today by calling Mr. Carlos Marulanda of the Diocesan Publications at 954-815-1693. Quisiera Anuncia su Negocio en nuestra Boletín? Comience hoy mismo llamando al Sr. Carlos Marulanda de la “Diocesan Publication” al 954-815-1693. Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord January 6th, 2013 Join the Century Club and enter to win $1,000 Each person must sell $100 worth of Carnival Raffle Tickets in order to become a Century Club Member and be eligible to enter the special drawing of $1,000. For more information, please contact Ms. Debra Bartkowski at [email protected] or call the Parish Office. Únase al "Century Club" y sea elegible para ganar $1,000 Para ser miembro del “Century Club y participar en el sorteo especial de $1000 la personal debe vender $100 en boletos de la rifa del Carnaval. Para mas información, comuníquese con la Sra. Debra Bartkowski a [email protected] o llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. Holy Boutique Gift Shop Hours Horario de nuestra Holy Boutique Here are the hours that the gift shop is open. Monday - Thursday: 5:00 pm—8 00 pm Friday: 2:00 pm—8:00 pm Saturday: 11:00 am—2:00pm & 5:30 pm—8:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am—2:30 pm & 5:30 pm—8:00 pm Come and visit us! Este es el horario de atención de la Tiendita. Lunes - Jueves: 5:00pm a 8:00pm Viernes: 2:00 pm a 8:00 pm Sábado : 11:00 am a 2:00pm y 5:30 pm a 8:00 pm Domingo: 8:00 am a 2:30 pm y 5:30 pm a 8:00 pm Ven y visítanos! Ministerio de Evangelización Escoge El Miércoles, 19 de Septiembre. En el salón 115 a las 8:15 pm Charla “La Respuesta del Hombre a Dios: Creo y Creemos” Con Cesar Coronado Para más información sobre esta charla u otros eventos, por favor llame al 305-219-1363. Los esperamos! The Bible and the Mass Bible Studies will start Monday, January 14h, 2013 in English and Tuesday, January 15th, 2013 in Spanish. In the Bishop Isern Hall. Explore our catholic roots and relationship with the bible with our weekly series of scripture studies. Register at the Parish Store or Religious Education office. Registration cost $20.00 for Further information please contact us by email: [email protected]. La Biblia y La Misa Las clases para estudiar la Biblia empezaron lunes, 14 de Enero en ingles o Martes, 15 de Enero del 2013 en el Bishop Isern Hall. Explore nuestras raíces católicas y relaciones con la biblia semanalmente mientras estudiamos la Escrituras. Pueden registrarse en la tienda parroquial o las oficinas de la Educación Religiosa. Lar registración cuesta $20.00. Para ponerse en contacto por favor use la dirección electrónica [email protected] Visit our website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Solemnidad de Epifanía del Señor 6 de Enero 2013 Snippets from the Catechism: The Gospel of Matthew Mt 2: 1 – 12 The scripture readings for the celebration of the Epiphany are the same every year. The gospel story of the Three Kings (the gospel calls them astrologers) is given to us only by Matthew so we revisit this reading every year. This gospel story is a critical part of the progressive revelation of the divine nature (that is the Father’s only Son, in the womb of the Virgin, anointed by the Holy Spirit) of this newborn child. Paragraph 486 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) makes this point. The revelation of the nature of the child is made known “progressively, to the shepherds, to the Magi, to John the Baptist, to the disciples.” (And, ultimately, to us.) The reality of the Incarnation is of such magnitude that we need time to process it and allow it to enter into our consciousness and into our lives. But there is another question. Why was Herod (who represents the worldly viewpoint) so desperate to deny and eliminate this child that he resorted to trickery and murder to keep the child from growing up? This is an ageless question that has applied through time and is clearly manifested in our society today. Why is the presence of God so threatening in our modern world? What are the factors in our society and in our individual lives that keep us from embracing Emmanuel, which means God is with us? REMINDER: Christian Formation classes resume tomorrow, January 7, 2013. Jaguar News Monday, January 7th, 2013 Classes Resume Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Club Picture Day Friday, December 14th, 2012 9:00 am - 10:00 am Mass 10:30 am - 11:30am NJHS Induction Ceremony 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 2A Bake Sale Visit our website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord January 6th, 2013 Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School Academic Excellence ~ Christ-Centered ~ Family Spirit …for Everyone! A College Preparatory Catholic High School of the Archdiocese of Miami Honors, AP, and Dual-Enrollment Tracks Pax Christi Track for students with Special Needs One-to-One iPad and Technology Curriculum Sports, Clubs, and Extracurricular Activities for all Students…and developing! McKay and Step Up Scholarships Accepted Transportation Program Available We are pleased to announce that we are currently taking applications For the 2013-2014 School Year 10300 SW 167th Avenue, Miami, FL 33196 The High School Entrance Exams will take place on Saturday, January 26, 2013 at the school Please call Cristina Pouza, Admissions Director: at (305) 388-6700 ext. 1225 [email protected] | Facebook.com/acchsauthorized Epiphany of light Miami Easter Theater, in collaboration with FAITH (Feed And Inspire The Homeless), and St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, proudly present "Epiphany of Light". This outdoor theatrical production commemorates the Feast of the Epiphany, by portraying the visitation of the Shepherds and Magi with the Holy Family. Come and witness the profound joy and humility experienced by the Shepherds and Magi who sought the new born King, and whose love reverberated in their hearts as a beacon of light for others to follow. This play shall debut at 7377 SW 64 Street, Miami Fl. 33143 on Friday, Jan. 11, 2013 at 7 p.m., and Saturday, Jan. 12, 2013 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets: $15 The net proceeds from this production shall benefit the homeless in Miami. For more information, please call 305-665-5600 or visit www.miamieastertheater.org Visite nuestro website: www.ololourdes.org Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Solemnidad de Epifanía del Señor 6 de Enero 2013 Reading for the Week of January 6th - 12th,2013 Sunday, January 6th: 1st: Isaiah 60: 1-6 Ps: 72 : 1-2,7-8,10-11,12-13 2nd: Ephesians 3: 2-3a,5-6 Gospel: Matthew 2: 1-12 Monday, January 7th: 1st: 1 John 3:22--4:6 Ps: 2:7bc-8,10-12a Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17,2325 Tuesday, January 8th: 1st: 1John 4:7-10 Ps: 72:1-2,3-4,7-8 Gospel: Mark 6:34-44 Thursday, January 10th: 1st: 1 John 4:19--5:4 Ps: 72:1-2,14&15bc,17 Gospel: Luke 4:14-22 Friday January 11th: 1st: 1 John 5:5-13 Ps: 147:12-13,14-15,19-20 Gospel: Luke 5:12-16 Saturday January 12th: 1st: 1 John 5:14-21 Ps: 149:1-2,3-4,5-6a, and 9b Gospel: John 3:22-30 Wednesday, January 9th: 1st: 1 John 4:11-18 Ps:72:1-2,10,12-13 Gospel: Mark 6:45-52 Sunday, January 13th: 1st: Is 42:1-4,6-7 Ps: 29:1-2,3-4,3,9-10 2nd: Acts 10:34-38 Gospel: Luke 3:15-16,21-22 Adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament On the cross Jesus said, “I thirst.” From the Blessed Sacrament Jesus continues to say to each one of us, “I thirst.” He thirsts for our personal love, our intimacy and our union with Him in the Blessed Sacrament. As Mother Theresa of Calcutta said, “His longing for us to be with Him in the Blesses Sacrament is infinitely greater than our longing to be with Him.” Adorando a Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento En la cruz Jesús dijo, "Tengo sed." Desde el Santísimo Sacramento Jesús continua diciéndonos a cada uno, "Tengo sed." El tiene sed de nuestro amor personal, nuestra intimidad y nuestra unión con El en el Santísimo Sacramento. Como dijo la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, "Su anhelo de tenernos con El en el Santísimo Sacramento es mucho mayor que nuestro anhelo Let us also pray for all the residents of W. Kendall Baptist Hospital, Southeast Community Mental Center, Heartland Rehabilitation & Nursing Home and the assisting living facilities surrounding our Parish Community and also for,. Catalina Albonetti Nora Alfaro Kimberly Alfonso Hala Antush Byron Arango Freddy Arango Zully Arango Melody Baptise Rosi Barredo Aryana Bell Herma Blackwood Robert Bodden Horacio Campillo Eric Calero Christian Castro Juan Casol Gabriel Cardenas Angel Campos Coleen Chong Fred DeFlauro Hilda De Paula Frank del Llano Ojisa Delgado Roberto Delgado Antonio Diaz Emely Eismont Jeffrey (Jeff) Evans Gloria Fernandez Hilda R. Fernandez Ingrid Fernandez Jorge Fernandez Sr. Jose J. Fernandez Juan Fiuza Rosa Gamundi Manuel Garcia Catherine Gonzalez Domingo Gonzalez Genoveva Gonzales Jennifer Gonzalez Ronald Raul Guillen Visit our website: www.ololourdes.org Ana Guitian Solange D. Gutrierrez Noemi Helver Emily Hernandez Camilo Jarquin Virginia Kelson Cynthia Khouri Aurora Leng Lourdes Linares Solange Mago Martha Magran Georgina McCoy Steven Medina Marcela Melgar The Melgar Family Andres Mendez Gilberto Mesa Juanito J. Millado Weddie Musngi Belkis Olivera-Cuadra Juan Ordonez Pepe Plata Haivert Peguero Benjamin Pierre Cristina Pravia Pravia Babies Luis Velez Rivera Antoinette Rocco Amaury L. Rodriguez Isabella Rodriguez Consuelo Romero Carlos E. Salvador Rosemarie Samuel Audrey Samuels Anne Santos Kim Shaw Russell Shaw Beverly Siegle Bruce Siegle Jeff Stewart Concepcion Tariche Vince Thompson Jenie Torres Adolfo Torroja Felix Valdés Barbra Valdes Rafael Valle Juana Wong David A. Zegeer John David Zegeer Claudia Zuluaga Ti-Zo Clara Saavera Cristina Sabina Anne Santos Facebook: OLOL Catholic Church Miami FL Games Rides Food Entertainment Thurs 6-10pm Fri 6-11pm Sat 2-11pm Sun 12-10pm Buy your Ride Tickets today! Mega Band Unlimited Ride Bracelet - $50 (Good for all 4 days; not available once carnival opens) Single Sheet of 16 Ride Tickets - $10 (Discounted price if purchased before carnival opens) Ticket Order Form Name: Address: Telephone: Email: Unit Price Mega Band Unlimited Ride Bracelet _ _ _ Quantity Total $50 Single Sheet of 16 Tickets $10 Payment made to: Our Lady of Lourdes Circle Form of Payment: Cash Check No._______ Visa* MasterCard* *Name on Credit Card:___________________________________________ *Credit Card No:_______________________________ *CVS:___________ *Billing Address:_______________________________________________ *City/Zip Code:______________ *Signature:_________________________ $__________________ *I authorize this amount to be charged to my credit card. ______________ (Initials) Juegos Mecánicos Comidas Entretenimientos Jue 6-10pm Vie 6-11pm Sáb 2-11pm Dom 12-10pm sus boletos hoy antes de que estén a la venta! “Mega-Band” - Pulsera de uso ilimitado - $50 (Válido por los 4 días; no estará disponible una vez comience el carnaval) Hoja de 16 Tickets - $10 (Precio de descuento si es comprado antes de comenzar el carnaval) Formulario de Compra Nombre: Dirección: Teléfono: Email: Precio por Unidad “Mega-Band” $50 Hoja de 16 de Tickets $10 Pulsera de uso ilimitado Pago debe ser a, “Our Lady of Lourdes” Forma de Pago: Cash Cheque: _______ Visa* _ _ _ Cantidad MasterCard* *Nombre en la Tarjeta de Crédito:___________________________________ *Numero:_________________________________ Código de Seguridad:______ *Dirección de Cuenta:___________________________________________ *Cuidad/Código Postal:______________ *Firma:_______________________ Total $__________________ *Autorizo se cargue ésta cantidad a la cuenta de mi tarjeta de crédito. ______________ (Iniciales)