2013 annual report


2013 annual report
2013 annual report
director & president’s message
s an advocate for Narragansett Bay for more than four decades, Save The Bay
fulfills its mission on the shore, on the water, and in the public square. Through
collaboration with teachers and administrators, our education programs reach
thousands of youth across our watersheds with the goal of inspiring future
stewards of our region’s most precious natural resource. Our public programs
connect people with the Bay in ways that no one else does — through experiential, hands-on boat tours and shore-based programs. Our advocacy efforts
take place at legislative hearings, through campaigns, and along the shore,
restoring and protecting the natural buffers that contribute to life in and
around Narragansett Bay.
This report highlights some of our year’s successes in protecting and restoring
Narragansett Bay. We couldn’t have done it without you, the
supporter. You made this possible, and we are grateful for your ongoing
support of our mission.
Save The Bay's Mission: To protect and improve Narragansett Bay.
an informed public will share our
vision for what Narragansett Bay
could and should be.
After 43 years of fighting for the
protection and restoration of
Narragansett Bay, we are keenly
aware of the challenge of the
“shifting baseline.” The term was
coined by Scientist Daniel Pauly,
in his paper, “Anecdotes and the
Shifting Baseline Syndrome of
Fisheries.” He observed that fisheries scientists sometimes fail to
identify the magnitude of decline
in the abundance of a particular
species by adopting as their reference point the state a particularly
fishery at the start of their careers.
In this way, large declines in
ecosystems or species over long
periods of time are masked.
In our pursuit of progress, we
encounter challenges and opportunities every year. For example,
last summer we launched an
aggressive public education
campaign to call attention to
localized pollution that triggered
widespread beach closures. Thanks
in part to our advocacy, the City
of Warwick made the historic
decision to authorize $56 million
in borrowing for investments in
sewers and wastewater treatment
plant upgrades.
In our role as advocate for, and
voice of, Narragansett Bay, we
are all too familiar with the
complacency that comes with
this “shifting baseline” syndrome.
Our dedication to advocacy and
education reflects our belief that
Years of work with Rhode Island’s
federal delegation bore fruit in
2013, when the U.S. Congress
funded a new geographic program
under the U.S. EPA to help clean
up non-point and nutrient pollution affecting the Narragansett
Bay estuary. We owe a special debt
of gratitude to Senator Jack Reed,
who championed this federal initiative.
On a final note, we faced two
setbacks during the year. The U.S.
Navy was forced to cancel the
start of our 37th Annual Swim at
the Naval War College due to the
federal budget sequester, and
Superstorm Sandy dealt a blow
by demolishing our Exploration
Center & Aquarium in Newport.
Happily, the Navy has welcomed
the Swim back to the War College
grounds this year, and the
Exploration Center is up and
running, setting attendance
records since it reopened last July.
We are proud of many achievements in 2013—some small, some
large—all important to the ecological health of, and public access
to, Narragansett Bay and its
Save The Bay’s Executive Director Jonathan Stone
and Board President F. Paul Mooney Jr.
surrounding waters. One constant
at Save The Bay is the extraordinary generosity of our volunteers,
swimmers, and donors. Your commitment of time and treasure,
combined with the dedication
and talents of our staff, ensure we
fulfill our mission as stewards of
Narragansett Bay.
Save The Bay opened the South Coast Center in Westerly in April 2013 and
has since welcomed over 2,000 visitors. We expanded educational programming
to include an interactive touch tank, and a story and craft area for children.
We also expanded our presence on the water with the addition of M/V
Elizabeth Morris. Our nature cruises offer unique views of wildlife in the
waterways of Little Narragansett Bay and the Pawcatuck River.
ave The Bay has been connecting students, teachers,
and families to Narragansett Bay for more than 30 years
through a hands-on experiential learning approach.
Our Exploration Center & Aquarium, devastated by
Superstorm Sandy, reopened last summer with new
filtration systems, new exhibits, and more marine life
than ever before. The facility has been setting monthly
attendance records ever since.
The Bay Institute for
Experiential Learning hosted
11 attendees in our inaugural
program and focused on
enhancing content knowledge in
marine studies, climate science,
and environmental sustainability.
Project Narragansett, made
possible through NOAA's Bays
Watershed Education and
Training grant, was a collaboration with Providence Public
Schools. In the last ten years,
Project Narragansett has grown
to serve over 200 Rhode Island
teachers and has made over
12,000 student contacts.
We christened our
second exploration
vessel, M/V Elizabeth
Morris, for shipboard
education and
experiential learning.
The new vessel
essentially doubles
our capacity for
instruction of both
students and teachers
in Narragansett Bay
and its surrounding
The Narragansett Bay Field Studies program was expanded to Woonsocket High School,
adding 45 students to our statewide educational programs.
Our annual Bay Agenda event was held on February 10, 2014 and featured
General Assembly leaders, executive agency heads, and municipal leaders.
The meeting included a lively discussion on the need for investment in
clean water infrastructure and managing stormwater to help prevent
flooding and pollution.
ave The Bay was founded on the community’s desire
to protect our most precious resource — Narragansett
Bay — and our work is paying off. To protect the
gains we have made, and to deal with newer threats
like erosion and habitat loss from climate change,
we will have to remain vigilant in our advocacy at all
levels of government.
Narragansett Baykeeper
Tom Kutcher responded to
resident calls on pollution, public
access, and environmentally
damaging activity on shores and
in the waters of Narragansett Bay.
Tom also evaluated development
proposals and enforcement issues,
holding environmental agencies
accountable. South County
Coastkeeper David Prescott
completed Year 5 of a water
quality monitoring effort in Little
Narragansett Bay, highlighting
the need for state and local
action to address pollution from
stormwater runoff from streets
and parking lots.
We sounded the alarm
on the record number
of beach closures in
Narragansett Bay.
Our aggressive public
education campaign
called attention to
local sources of pollution and prompted
public outrage over
government inaction.
119 beach closure days
were reported from
41 Rhode Island
beaches in 2013.
Save The Bay advocacy efforts helped to win passage of $56 million in revenue bonds to extend,
upgrade, and expand Warwick’s sewage treatment system.
uccessful restoration efforts included the Stillhouse Cove
coastal adaptation project in Cranston, the Winnapaug
marsh adaptation project in Westerly, and the RISD marsh
restoration project in Barrington. Save The Bay coordinated
a Bay-wide assessment of salt marshes, documenting an
alarming decline in salt marsh health.
Giving Beaches a Chance: Save The Bay staff and volunteers
conducted dune grass planting projects in Newport and
Westerly to help fortify fragile beaches that were
damaged by Superstorm Sandy in 2012.
Stormwater infiltration basins were added in Roger Williams Park to aid the
filtration of stormwater and reduce water pollution in the park’s ponds.
Save The Bay helped the Town of Middletown and the City of Newport in
their efforts to control stormwater pollution and combined sewer overflows.
We also assisted the City of Providence and six neighboring communities to
advance feasibility studies for regional stormwater management systems.
Save The Bay completed its
seventh year of active Bay
scallop restoration efforts
using a caged scallop spawning
sanctuary in Ninigret Pond.
Nearly 10,000 Bay scallops were
deployed into the sanctuary,
and 420 spat bags were
monitored in both Ninigret
and Point Judith Ponds. We also
conducted 90 dive surveys to
record the adult population of
Bay scallops and their predators
in Ninigret, Point Judith, and
Quonachontaug Ponds.
The Mill River dam in
Taunton and Kenyon
Mill dam removal
projects were completed in 2013. These
removal projects
restored the natural
flows of the rivers
and opened the way
for river herring,
shad, and American
eel to return to these
waters for the first
time in decades.
Nearly 10,000 Bay scallops were deployed into our sanctuary, and 420 spat bags were monitored
in both Ninigret and Point Judith Ponds.
donor support
n 2013, Save The Bay’s 1,726 volunteers contributed
15,953 hours towards restoring the health of Rhode
Island’s coastlines. Our volunteers assisted in 39 cleanups
where they removed over 24,000 pounds of trash,
including cleanups related to Superstorm Sandy.
“Volunteering for Save The Bay has been much more than
I expected. Mixing humor with dedication, it feels good
to know at the end of the day, I did my share.”
— Doris Paolino, Save The Bay volunteer
Save The Bay is deeply
grateful to the thousands
of individuals, businesses,
foundations and other
organizations who
generously support our
work to protect and restore
Narragansett Bay. In this
report, we are pleased to
recognize all those who
gave $100 or more during
calendar year 2013.
Please notify Frank Maher
at 401-272-3540, x126 and
accept our sincere apology
if you are omitted or incorrectly listed. Thank you.
Save The Bay Giving Societies
We appreciate the generosity
and leadership of the members
of our Giving Societies.
Without their strong support
and commitment, our
accomplishments would not
be possible.
Salt Pond Society
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Gib Conover Jr.
Mr. Ted R. Dintersmith
and Ms. Elizabeth S. Hazard
Ms. Jane M. Garnett
and Mr. David G. Booth
Almon and Suzanne Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Hassenfeld
Donna and Charles Hazard
Mr. Howard Kilguss
Mrs. Kathryn Kilguss
Ms. Devin McShane
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. C. Smith
Ninnigret Society
$75,000 and up
Brenton Reef Society
$5,000 - $9,999
Ms. Diana E. Oehrli
Ms. Lisette Prince
Mr. Richard L. Bready
Mr. Raymond H. Dearden Jr.
Ms. Clover M. Drinkwater
Anne G. Earle
Jonathan and Ruth Fain
Mark J. Formica
and Linda A. Brunini-Formica
Mr. Paul Mooney Jr.
and Ms. Nancy E. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Norton H. Reamer
Martha and Maurice Roberts
Prudence Society
$50,000 - $74,999
Mr. and Mrs. David Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salem
Sakonnet Society
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Creamer
Mr. John R. Kellam
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Siegal
Mrs. Fran Slutsky
and Mr. Dennis Slutsky
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Steiner
Sachuest Society
$2,500 - $4,999
Joan and Richard Abrams
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Ruud H. Bosman
Tim and Lorrie Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Darden
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Falk
Mr. Jonathan K. Gewirz
Ms. Gail A. Ginnetty
Mr. Joseph F. Herbert
HTJB, Inc. and Marie Force
Mrs. Suzanne M. Magaziner
and Mr. Ira C. Magaziner
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Mancini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Richardson Jr.
Ms. Nancy D. Safer
Mr. and Mrs. Blue Wheeler
Mrs. Cecily Ziegler
Beacon Society
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. Alden M. Anderson Jr.
and Mrs. Emily Anderson
Ms. Holly Bannister
and Mr. Doug Newhouse
Mr. William M. Bazzy
Mr. James Berwind
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Black
Ms. April Bodman
Mr. Nicholas S. Bowen
Mr. Richard Burnham
Peter and Lucia Gill Case
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B.
Chace Jr.
Mr. Nathan W. Chace
and Mrs. Mary E. Chace
Mr. Wayne Charness
and Mrs. Jeanie S. Charness
Mrs. Judith Clark
and Dr. David Clark
Mr. Stephen H. Clark
and Mrs. Kimberly N. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Collins
Ms. Wendy H. Crandall
and Mr. Chris A. D'Aguanno
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Craven
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Cummings
Mrs. Judith P. Danforth
and Mr. Murray S. Danforth
Mr. William DeAngelus III
Ms. Elizabeth M. Delude-Dix
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiBattista
Mr. Joseph Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Faulkner
Mr. John J. Fauth
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Fish
Mr. Richard Fogarty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gewirz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Gewirz
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F. Griffith
John Grzebien
Mr. and Mrs. James Haas
Mr. Bryce Hall
and Mrs. Gloria D. Hall
Mr. Peter Hallock
Dr. Steven P. Hamburg
and Ms. Sarah A. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Harvey Jr.
Ms. Catherine Hibbitt
Mr. Peter M. Hunt
Mrs. Anne B. Jencks
Mrs. Eleanor Jewett
Ms. Melissa King-Platt
Mr. Paul LaViolette
and Ms. Lucille Rossignol
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Leatherman
Brooke and Eugene Lee
Mr. Stephen J. MacQuarrie
and Ms. Kathryn P. Martin
Anthony McAuliffe
Drs. Charles and Lory McCoy
Mr. Donald McGovern
Pauline Metcalf
Ms. Marianne Monte
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Moody III
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Moran
Mrs. Ruth K. Mullen
Ms. Pamela B. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Murphy Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joop Nagtegaal
Gloria Nagy
and Richard Saul Wurman
Mr. and Ms. Doug Newhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Pease Jr.
Mr. David Pelkey
and Mrs. Judy Pelkey
Mrs. Claiborne D. Pell
Aidan and Kate Petrie
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Potter
Mrs. Deb Prell
Dr. and Mrs. Warren L. Prell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Rothenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce
Mr. Jesse Sgro
and Ms. Anne Sage Sgro
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Schwartz
Mr. Henry D. Sharpe Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Shuster Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan F. Stone
Mr. John S. Struck
and Mrs. Beatriz Struck
Ms. Mildred H. Struck
Mr. and Mrs. Shivan S. Subramaniam
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Szostak
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Torgan
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Tuff
Carol and Leif Uptegrove
Ms. Stephanie L. Van Patten
Natalie and James S. Venetos
Mr. Andrew Wallerstein
and Ms. Mary C. Sloane
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Washburn
Mr. Philip M. Weinstein, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Wharton
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wright
Mary and Tot Wright
Mr. John B. Zitzmann
and Dr. Christine Zitzmann
Hope Society
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery M. Allen
Miss Emily Arts
Zach Arts
Sarah Baines
Mr. Henry T. Barney
Mr. Jay Baruch
Ms. Laura J. Bottaro
Captain Nicholas Brown
Ms. Cindy J. Butler
Mr. Chris Cannon
Mr. Samuel Chase and Family
Mr. Donald M. Cloud
and Mrs. Nancy A. Cloud
Mr. and Mrs. D Allen Conaway
Mr. Patrick Corry
Mrs. Jemma Craig
and Mr. Patrick Driscoll
Charles Curran
Thomas and LeAnne Danielsen
Mr. Ritik R. Dholakia
and Mrs. Nikhilesh Dholakia
Ms. Karen DiMeglio
Joanne Dwyer
Mrs. Amelia L. Entin
Nicole and David FitzGerald
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Fogarty Jr.
Ms. Sara C. Foster
Mr. Thomas E. Gardner
and Mrs. Leslie A. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Neil R. Greenspan
Mr. Michael Gregson
Mr. Steven M. Grieve
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gumbley
Mr. Akhil Gupta
Mrs. Alexis Hafken
Mrs. Heidi Harris
Mr. Jeff Heimiller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Higginbotham
Dr. Christopher S. Hill
Mr. John Isaac
and Mrs. Jane Isaac
Mr. Terence J. Karaniuk
Dr. David R. Katzen
and Ms. Barbara R. Binder
Mr. Leslie M. Kenney
Mr. Nick Kershaw
and Mrs. Amie Kershaw
Mr. Douglas C. Knopf
Dr. Peter D. Kramer
and Ms. Rachel K. Schwartz
Ms. Mary Ann Hamilton Lamont
Mr. John LaRiviere
Mr. Rob Leeson
and Mrs. Peggy Leeson
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick H. Lichtenfels
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Livingston Jr.
Leslie Lorber
Ms. Mary F. Lovejoy
and Mr. John Whistler
Julie Maguire
Frank Maher
Mrs. Jean M. Marsella
Ms. June Masterson
Judith McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McDermott Jr.
Mr. Michael A. McGourty
Mrs. Charlotte S. Metcalf
Lucy Metcalf
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Metcalf
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Nathanson
Mrs. Jane S. Nelson
Elizabeth and John Newcomb
Paul and Donna Nicholson
Ms. Katie Oakes
Ms. Leslie J. O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Orth
Mr. Richard S. Palmer
Mr. William H. Perkins
Ms. Lisa Peros
Susan Petrovas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Ray
Mary Reynolds
Mrs. Sarah Beinecke Richardson
and Mr. Craig Richardson
Mr. Donald K. Richer
and Mrs. Karen J. Richer
Susan Rochford
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rogers
Mr. Steven M. Rotondo
Miss Laura Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmults
Ms. Heather Schulde
Mr. Peter B. Scoliard
and Ms. Sarah E. Sinclair
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Shawcross Jr.
William Shipp
Ms. Susan Sipprelle
Austin Smith
David Staples
Rebecca Stockdill
Mr. and Mrs. David Stott
Andrew Sucov, MD
and Heather A. Chapman, MD
Dr. Elizabeth M. Sutton
Mr. David Tapscott
and Ms. Gail F. Epstein
Ms. Abigail B. Test
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomas
Mr. Peter A. Travisono
and Ms. Nancy J. Pottish
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Tuff
Mark Ulrich
Mrs. Lisa A. Vakharia
Honorable Sheldon Whitehouse
and Dr. Sandra Whitehouse
Mr. Alan Whitten
Ms. Deborah Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Willard
Mrs. Dudley A. Williams
Ms. Diane B. Wilsey
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison M. Wright
Salt Marsh Society
$250 - $499
Mr. John J. Aiello
Mr. George E. Alexandre Jr.
Mr. Berndt W. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frohman C. Anderson
Mrs. Anne D. Archibald
Mrs. Victoria Arrigoni
Dr. Russ Auclair
Dr. Robert A. Ave' Lallemant
Nancy Badia
Howard Balloch
Dr. W. Lloyd Barnard Jr.
and Dr. Lucinda B. Barnard
Gussie Baxt
Dr. Judy K. Beckman
Mrs. Polly Biddle
Mrs. Rachel Bishop
Ms. Jean E. Black
Mr. Matthew S. Blank
Cynthia Blanthorne
Mr. Danny Bliss
Ms. Frances Bodell
Mrs. Marguerite Bopp
Dr. Jay Bosco
Erin Boyar
Mr. Thomas Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Boyer
Melissa and James Bride
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Browder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James Bunn
Jonathan Camara
Mr. Ron Caniglia
Richard Carrigan
Ms. Patrice A. Carroll
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton
Ms. Deanna Casey
Mr. Stephen Ceglarski
Ms. Betty M. Challgren
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cherwinski
Steven Clemens
Mrs. Eleanor S. Cochran
Mr. Stuart A. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Cook
Mr. Alan S. Corcoran
Stacy Couto and Brendan Dee
Ms. Lu Cribari
Mr. Michael J. Davis
and Ms. Liselle C. Gottlieb
Mr. David A. De Vecchis
Ms. Maria DeCarvalho
and Mr. A.T. Wall II
Dean DeNuccio
Mr. and Mrs. Normand P.
Thomas Devine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Dimeo
Mr. Stanley W. Dimock
Mr. Dom J. Dinardo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Drew Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. William
Ms. Kerri E. Duffell
Erika Dugas
Kaan Duru
Mr. Ronald H. DuVall
Mrs. Helen E. Ederer
Mr. Fred Ehrsam
Ms. Adele G. Eil
and Mr. Charles Eil
David and Tricia Evangelista
Mr. Tom Evans
Ms. Patricia Fairchild
and Mr. John Sessions
Jim Farrar
Chad Farrington
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack Feibelman
Jean Ferrari
Tom and Suzanne Ferrio
Mr. Arthur F. Fiorenzano
Bob Flanagan
Emily Flanagan
Mr. Bruce Fleming
Dr. Matt Forster
Ms. Danielle Fournier
Katie Fournier
Michael Fox
Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Frary
Mr. Greg A. Fronczek
Ana Fulton
Mrs. Lisa Gaddes
Andrea Gaiteri
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N.
Allison and Patrick Gauthier
Mr. James F. Gendron
Ashley and Rick Giles
Barbara and Brian Goad
Mr. Robert Godfrey Jr.
Mr. Lyle Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Goodwin
Mr. W. Cabell Grayson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Greco
Mr. Kenneth G. Greenwell
Mr. Marc Greichen
Ms. Sarah Grost
Mr. Wayne Grover
Mrs. Claire Hall
Ms. Kate Hamilton
Ms. Katrina Jane Hamilton
Mr. and Ms. Edward O. Handy III
Ms. Susan M. Hannon
Ms. Nancy V. A. Hansen
Ms. Ann-Marie Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Harrison
Helen Heineman
Mr. Peter J. Hendricks
Lee H. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hertel
Mr. Arnold Hiatt
David and Susan Hibbitt
Roger Hochschild
Mrs. Frances M. Holmes
Robert Huebner
Mr. Gregory A. Jones and
Ms. Patricia A. Richmond-Jones
Ms. Lori A. Keenan
Mr. Thomas J. Kelly
Mr. and Ms. J. Scott Kilpatrick
Ms. Cheryl A. King
and Mr. Bernard Zimmermann
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Kingsley
Mr. James Knowles
Mr. Christopher F. Koller
and Ms. Colette C. Cook
Ms. Veena Kumar
Andreas Ladas
Henry Lane
Mr. William Lane
Ms. Sally E. Lapides
Mrs. Robert E. Larson
Mr. Jonathan Lathrop
Mrs. Deborah L. Leenutaphong
Ms. Roslyn Leibensperger
and Mr. Ronald Pitt
Dr. Heather Leslie
Mr. Eduardo Lessa
Ms. Sharon I. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lister
Mr. Richard C. Loebs Jr.
Dr. E. Andrew Lohmeier
and Ms. Naoko Shibusawa
Margaret T. Luby
Mr. William R. Lund
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Mr. Coles Mallory
and Mrs. Marcia M. Mallory
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L.
Dr. and Mrs. A. Louis Mariorenzi
Ms. Carolyn Mark
Spencer and Caroline Martin
Mr. E. Javier Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mauran IV
Ms. Holly Mcallister
Miss Sharon McCarthy
Mr. Norman E. McCulloch Jr.
and Mrs. Dorothy R. McCulloch
David McIntosh
Mrs. Juliette McLennan
Ms. Elizabeth F. McNamara
Mr. Michael J. McVicker
Mr. Edward Mercado
Mr. Clifford Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C.
Mrs. Carlene Messinger
Mrs. Vera M. Metcalf
Justine Mets and Kerrie Fisette
Mr. Donald J. Meyer
Mr. Paul Michaud
Mr. Christian Miles
Mrs. Sally A. Miranda
Mr. James J. Mitchell
Mrs. Paige W. Morganti
Ms. Terry H. Morgenthaler
and Mr. Patrick J. Kerins
Mr. Ronald J. Morrissey
Mrs. Melissa Mullalys
Stephen Mulligan
Mr. Robert J. Murgo
Ms. Patricia M. Murphy
and Mr. Ronald G. Routhier
Carl R. and Pamela B. Neal
Deb Nelson
Ms. Naomi L. Neville
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Nicholson Jr.
Mr. Dennis W. Nixon
Renee Noto
Ms. Carla O'Brien
Karen O'Brien
Miss Magnolia O'Brien
Kathleen Odean
Mr. Gregory G. O'Mahony
Marie Ouellette
Honorable M. Paiva-Weed
Robert Pasin
Mr. Eric Patrick
Mr. George R. Pelletier
Mary Beth Persons
The Peters Family Theaters
Dr. Robert A. Petersen
and Dr. Veronica Petersen
Dr. Bruce A. Phillips
and Ms. Judith M. Kaye
Casey Phoenix
David and Isabel Pollack
Dave Prescott and
Bridget Kubis Prescott
Mr. Dennis Quelch
Mr. Mark B. Rafferty
Mrs. Johanna C. Rakauskas
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Randall
Ms. Kim Raymond
Ms. Kathleen M. Redgate
and Ms. Sheila A. Finnegan
Mr. Dave Reid
Brooke Richter
William Ritcey-Donohue
Mrs. Marilyn C. Roberts
Ms. Jennifer N. Robinson
Miss Diane M. Robitaille
Ms. Thelma Rocha
Ms. Jane Roman
Richard and AnnMarie Rosa
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Rose
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Ken Rosenquest
Polly Rowles
L. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ryan
Mrs. Lila M. Sapinsley
Mr. Louis A. Sardelli
Stephanie Sarvia
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie P. Scanlon
Diane Schmults
Eastlyn and Porter Schneider
Mr. B. Clarkson Schoettle
and Ms. Christiana J. Raether
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Seifert
Mr. William K. Shaughnessy
Mr. Patrick T. Sheerin
Mr. Irving C. Sheldon Jr.
and Mrs. Katherine M. Sheldon
Dr. Douglas Shemin
Mrs. Frances Shippee
Scott Sipprelle
Albert Snell
Mr. H. Curtis Spalding
and Dr. Patrice Milos-Spalding
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Spencer
Mr. David Stephenson
and Mrs. Holly Stephenson
Susan Stevens
Ms. Melissa L. Studzinski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Suglia
Mr. Ed Sullivan
Mr. Stephen Sullivan
and Mrs. Diane Sullivan
Ms Judith M. Swift
Mr. Andrew M. Synnott
Dr. Phyllis A. Syres
Harri Talvala
Joan and John Taylor
Mr. Rick M. Terek
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.
Dr. and Mrs. John F. Thompson
Honorable O. Rogeriee
Thompson and Honorable
William C. Clifton, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Asheton C. Toland
Mrs. Kim N. Trupiano
Mr. Paul Tsimikas
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Tuff
Ms. Martha A. Ullman
Deborah van Dam
Ms. Diana Van De Kamp
Dr. Lynne Vaudry
and Dr. Karyn W. Johnson
Mr. John Vitha
Ms. Sharon B. Wallace
Mr. Michael Walsh
Mr. Tim Walters
Mr. Austin Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wing
Eric Wishart
Mr. James Woodside
Kevin Zajkowski
Mr. Mike Zani
Bay Club
$100 - $249
Ms. Judith Abbate
David Abell
Mr. Guy Abelson
Dr. J. Gary N. Abuelo
and Dr. Dianne N. Abuelo
Anna Ackroyd
Diane Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Adams
Ade Ade
Dr. Alyn Adrain
Mr. Lorne A. Adrain
and Ann Hood
Ernest Agresti
Dr. and Mrs. Toby Ahrens
Zack Ahrens
Mr. William F. Aitkenhead
Honorable Edith H. Ajello
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Alberg
Ms. Polly Alfonso
The Algiere Family
Mrs. MaryAnne M. Allan
Mr. Alfred L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin G. Alperin
Michael Alter
Mr. Oliver Ames Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Ed and Bernadette Andrews
Mrs. and Mr. William
and Deborah Andrews
Anthony Angino
Ms. Eloise Angiola
Ms. Peri Ann Aptaker
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Theodore Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Attaway
Mr. Manuel Avila
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Baker
Norman and Ann Baker
Joseph Baptista
Mrs. Kathy Barker
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barlow
Dr. and Mrs. Rowland P. Barrett
Mr. Eric Barry
Patrick and Jennifer Barry
Nancy and George Barusso
Mr. Charles S. Beal
James Beale
Mr. Henry L. P. Beckwith
Barbara Beers
Mr. and Mrs. Allan B.
Mr. Daniel A. Bell
Mr. Don Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Bence
Mr. Ben Benevides
Nancy Bennett
Mr. Robert C. Benson Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil S.
Mr. John Bernardo
Lawrence and Carolyn
Dr. Edward Bernstein
Mr. Lou R. Bershad
and Ms. Maureen Ryall
Mr. and Mrs. George Beshers
Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Biddle
Kristen Bierwirth
Mr. David N. Binkley
Ms. Barbara J. Bird
Mr. Barry Bischoff
Mr. Francis L. Bissonnette
Mr. Guy Bissonnette
Mr. Norman Bitsoli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bixby
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P.
Tracy Black
Peter Blackstone
Miss Georgina Blackwell
Diana and Fraser Blakely
Timothy Blanchard
Dr. Thomas Bliss
Ms. Paula M. Bodah
William E. Boden, MD
and Judy S. Hurstak
Mr. Dickson G. Boenning
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Boger
Mr. David M. Boland
Mr. Gary Bolla
and Mrs. Dawn Bolla
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Bolusky
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Bontecou
Carolyn and Christopher Book
Lauren Booth
Mr. Sid Boren
and Mrs. Kathleen Boren
Mr. Spenser Bosch
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Ms. Lisa Bowe
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence P.
Mr. Stephen Bowley
Jan and Gerald Boyar
Ms. Elizabeth Brach
Dr. and Mrs. William Braden
Ms. Charlotte L. Brahm
Mrs. Bruce R. Brakenhoff
Ms. Natalie A. Branchini
Kelly Brenner
Annie Brett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Brierty
Dr. Warren G. Briggs
Dr. Steven C. Brin
and Dr. Rita S. Nenonen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Brito Jr.
Dr. Jeffrey M. Brody
and Mrs. Kate Brody
Mr. Jacob F. Brown II
Mr. James P. Brown III
Mr. Chris Brown
Mr. Craig T. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brown
Mr. Mark Brugeman
Palmira Brummett
Dick and Sheila Brush
Mr. Thomas Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mrs. William P. Buffum
Augustus Bullock Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bulman
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Bundy
James Bunn
Ms. Eleanor Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. David C.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burnham
Alison and Cameron Burns
Edward Burns
Susan Burns
Zach Burns
Mr. Richard H. Burroughs III
Ms. Rhonda R. Byrd
and Ms. Janet E. Bausch
Ms. Ann Caito
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A.
Mrs. Deborah W. Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Sherb W.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B.
Michelle Campbell
Ms. Phyllis I. Campbell
Mr. Ronald B. Campbell Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Capodilupo
Eric Carbone
Mr. Stephen Carll
Ms. Karen Carlson
Mrs. Karen J. Carnevale
Mr. Richard F. Carolan
Mr. Patrick H. Carr
William G. Carr
Ms. Margaret M. Carroll
Carol Carrubba
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Rulla Casl
Mr. and Mrs. John Castellucci
Mrs. Marion Castellucci
and Family
Jaida Catallozzi
Peter L. Caton
Ms. Margaret Cavaliere
Suky Cazier
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E.
Mrs. Harriet M. Chafee
The Chambers Family
Ms. Celeste Champion
Jennifer Chang
Ms. Catherine Channell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Chapin
Mr. John A. Chapin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J.
Ms. Carrie Chase
George Chase
Karen Ching
Dr. and Mrs. David R.
Dukhea Choi
Youn Sung Choi
Dr. and Mrs. Richard T.
Eugene Clark
Ms. Frances A. Clark
and Mr. Ralph Tompkins
Ian Clark
Ms. Mary Clark
Malcolm Clarke Jr.
Ms. Cynthia K. Clay
2013 Top Citizens Bank / Save The Bay
Swim Fundraisers: $1,000 and up
Henry Adams
Thomas Allan
Rachel Balaban
Kristen Bierwirth
Michele Davidson
Liz Dietz
Rebecca Doran
Jim Dorsey
Joseph Dowling
Daniel Force
Anne Galliher
Jana Hesser
Judy Jankowski
Thor Johnson
Franklin Johnson
Trice Kilroy
Kelly Kittel
Kevin Marcotte
Christina Martin
Frank Mauran
Elizabeth Minifie
Ruth Mullen
Brian Nathan
Agatha Perkins
Jay Prassl
Kimberly Rakauskas
Stephen Resnick
Michael Rosenberg
Anne Schmults
Clare Sipprelle
Robert Smith
Elizabeth Snellings
David Splaine
Sarah Staats
David Stephenson
Jonathan Stone
Ben Tuff
Joanne Wilkinson
Lilly Wolfgang
Christopher Zacharda
Top Team Fundraisers
Barrington Open Water
East Side Y Team
Newport Athletic Club
Donny Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Clement
Douglas Coates
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin
Dr. Evan B. Cohen
and Mrs. Anne E. Cohen
Mr. Jerry Cohen
and Mrs. Marilyn Cohen
Sophia Cohen and Rick Brooks
Mrs. Jean E. Cohoon
Elizabeth Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight F. Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Colvin
John Colwell
Mr. Charles Compton
Dr. Frances P. Conklin
Mr. Jonathan R. Conklin
Ms. Jane Connell
Mrs. Kathryn Conway
Mr. Barry P. Cook
and Mrs. Carla Cook
Mrs. and Mr. Pat Cooney
Allyn Copp
Mr. Michael R. Corcoran
Carole Corriveau
Mr. John W. Cosgrove
Mr. David Costa
Captain Henry Cote
Mr. Thomas Cotter
Ms. Claire Cournoyer
Henry Courtemanche
Dr. Donald Coustan
Trudy Coxe and Jim Gaffney
Mr. Thomas Craig
Mrs. Gabriella Crane
and Mr. Christopher Crane
Captain Billie Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Crawford
Mr. Ernest L. Crivellone
Dr. and Ms. Paul A. Croce
Dr. James P. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cruickshank
The Csanadi Family
Mark Cullen
Ms. Helen Cunningham
Mrs. Laura S. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dacey
Mr. Albert A. Dahlberg
Polly and Robert Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dana
Robert Danchik
Dr. Jerry Dauterive
Asia Davidson
Jeanne Davie
Mrs. Caleb Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Davis
Ms. Patricia E. Davis
Steve De Angelis
Ms. Elizabeth A. Debs
and Mr. Stephen C. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin A.
DeConti Jr.
Mr. Harry S. Deiss
Mr. Raymond Del Colle
Mrs. Kristen S. Delamater
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Delekta
Deb DelGiudice
Mr. Nick DelGreco
and Ms. Sarah Atchley
Joseph Demarco
Ms. Abigail M. Demopulos
Mr. Edward W. Dence Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Denison
Mr. Seth Derderian
Ms. Jane A. Desforges
Mr. Anthony DeSpirito
Marc DiFiore
Mr. David Dill
Allan Dillabough
John DiMarco
Ms. Jean DiPippo
Dennis DiPrete
Kimberly Dodd
Lorenr Dolan
Mrs. Erica Dolen
Ms. Nancy Donahoe
Mr. Daniel Donovan
Mr. Jerry Dorfman
Mr. Michael Dorn
Mr. Jim Dorsey
Erin Doughty
Mrs. Archibald Douglas
Mr. Paul Dow
Denise and Harry Dowling
Thomas Dowling
Mr. Calin Drimbarean
Mr. Tom Driscoll
Ms. Carmen L. Duarte
and Mr. Edward von Gerichten
Donna Dube
Mr. Joseph Duenas
and Mrs. Anne K. Duenas
Chris Duffy
Mrs. Catherine Dumont
Sarah Dunn
Ms. Darlene V. Dymsza
Ms. Valerie A. Dymsza
Debra Eason
Will Eckhardt
Mr. Roy A. Eckloff Jr.
and Mrs. Eileen Eckloff
Dr. Michael Elliott
Hank and Debbie Ellis
Miss Mary Elston
Reginald and Penelope Elwell
Mr. Tom Engle
and Mrs. Paula Engle
Mr. Josh H. Entner
Carol Epstein
Mr. Craig T. Estes
Ms. Lisa Evora
and Mr. Todd M. Sharon
Ms. Jennifer L. Faber
Eric Faigle
Mrs. Rosalie B. Fain
Ms. Lynn Fairweather
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Falcone
Mr. and Mrs. William Falk
Mrs. Allison A. Falkenberry
Ms. Ann M. Falsey
Karen Famiglietti
Mr. Mike Fanning
and Mrs. Cindi Fanning
Ms. and Mrs. James Farrell
Dr. Louis Fazen
Earl Feeney and Sandy Oxx
Mr. Daniel Ferguson
Ms. Wenley S. Ferguson
and Mr. John Wolf
Miss Adriana Ferns
Michael Ferrari
Mr. Joseph J. Ferreira Jr.
Ms. Ann G. Ferri
Dr. David Fiaschetti
John Finck
Dr. James G. Fingleton
and Dr. Jennifer S. Gass
Ms. Kiki Finn
Damon and Susan Finneran
Mr. Drew Finneran
Anne and Hugh Fiore
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fitting
Lora Ann Fitzgerald
Mrs. Carol Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. David Fitzpatrick
Ms. Lesley A. Fitzpatrick
Joseph Flanagan
Maggie Flatley
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell H.
Jean Flemma
Ms. Shirley Ann Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Flynn Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Foley
Ms. Rosa Foote
Robin Forbes
Ms. Rosemary F. ForbesWoodside
Mrs. Rose A. Force
Mr. David Ford
and Ms. Nancy Stratton
Stephen Forgiel
Mr. Michael Forster
Ms. Gwendolyn C. Fortes
Andrew Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Foster
The Foster Family
Helena Buonanno G. Foulkes
William Foulkes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Mary Frangiosa
Sarah Frank
Jillian and Evan Frechette
Ms. Cherisa Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Frizzle
Dr. John Froehlich
Edward Fucci
Dr. and Mrs. Louis A. Fuchs
Mr. Alvin Fuller
Dr. John Fulton
Richard A. Furia
Mr. Anthony Gabriele
Gaffney Family
Mr. Omar Galarraga
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W.
Mr. Warren Galkin
Gerald Gallagher
Mrs. Stefani G. Gallagher
Mr. Roger E. Galliher
Forrest Gander
Sidhu Gangadharan
Mr. Michael L. Gannon
and Mrs. Susan B. Gannon
Mrs. and Col. Lisa Whisler
Ms. Arlene Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Doug
and Linda Garde
Reverend F. Richard Garland
and Ms. Katherine Sprigg
Bill and Ann Geary
Lisa and Cove Geary
Lucas Gebb
Anne and Daniel Gentilcore
Ms. Bari George
Dr. and Ms. Vincent F.
Geremia Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Gersten
Dona Gibbs
Captain and Mrs. James F.
Giblin Jr.
Jim and Fraser Gilbane
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gillooly
Mr. and Mrs. Bob
and Pam L. Gilson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gilson
Mr. Matthew R. Gilson
and Mrs. Jennifer D. Gilson
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence T.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glancy
and Family
Barbara Gleason
Janine Gleason and Kurt
Ms. Lynne F. Glickman
and Mr. Mark Kanter
Dr. Stephen E. Glinick
and Dr. Elizabeth A. Welch
Ms. Deborah Glupczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. I.
Ms. Sally Godfrey
Bess, Tim, Ian and Quinn Godin
Ms. Barbara J. Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
and Amy Goldstein
Mr. John Gorman
Mary Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gorra
Mr. Wallace B. Gorski
Paul and Pamela Goulet
Alicia Grace
Mr. Richard F. Graefe
and Mrs. Susan W. Graefe
Eileen Graham
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Graham
Geoffrey Grainger
Mark Grant
Daniel Grattan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gravdahl
Mr. John Gray
Joseph Greeley
Mrs. Joyce R. Greene
Joan Greenfield
Mr. Lyle Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Marc A.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M.
Greenspan, Esq.
Mr. Jeff Gregston
Kelly Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gross
Kit Groves
Mr. Timothy J. Groves
and Mrs. Kathleen Hughes
Alice and John Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis N. Gunn
Susan E. Guralnik
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Haas Jr.
Ms. Teresa Hacunda
and Mr. Peter Hacunda
Ms. Ursula Haerter
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hahn
Charles Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Hanchar
Dr. Mary Hanley
Mr. and Mrs. Art
and Janet Hannel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanney
Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Hanney
Margaret Hanoian
Rebecca A. Hanos
Mr. David J. Hansen
John Hansen
Alan Harbitter
Ms. Carolyn A. Hardie
and Mr. Robert J. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hardie
Mrs. Kathryn F. Hardie
and Mr. Edward Hardie
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W.
Harding Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harlam
Ms. Joan Harrington
Stephen Harriott
Mr. Benjamin P. Harris III
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Hartwell
Mrs. Diana T. Harvey
Mr. Paul Haughton
Mr. Stephen Haughton
Mr. Samuel H. Havens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K.
Matt and Jennifer Haworth
Ms. Sandra Hayashi
Tom Hayden
Margaret R. Hayes-Cote
Pete, Tara, Henry and Hayden
Tom Heaney
Mr. Mark B. Heffner
Ms. Jennifer Heilig
Ms. Ursula Hempel
Mrs. Patricia Hennessy
Ms. Nancy Henry
Ms. Amy Herlihy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A.
Mr. David Heskett
Mr. John R. Hess III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Y. Hess
Mr. Nathaniel Hesse
Mr. P. Thomas Hirsch
and Ms. Cynthia S. Hirsch
Dr. O. William Hiton
Mr. Barry G. Hittner
and Dr. Kathleen C. Hittner
Mr. Elizabeth and James Hoey
Ms. Martha Hoey
Ms. Rachel Hoffman
Mrs. Martha Hogan
and Mr. Mike Hogan
Ms. Joyce A. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Hollenbeck
Mr. Ted Holmberg
and Ms. Susan Bokern
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Horne
Ms. Ruth Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Horowitz
Ms. Anne Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M.
Mr. John I. Howell Jr.
Jack Hubbard
Ms. Nancy E. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Hughes
Ms. Carla Hunter
Diane and Edward Iannuccilli
Lucy and Nial Imbusch
Mr. Stephen Imbusch
Ms. Janet Innis
Mr. Thomas Isenbergh
David Jachym
Lorraine Jachym
Dr. and Mrs. Colin Jackson
Ms. Sandra L. Jacobi
Ms. Helen A. Jankoski
Mr. Michael Jarbeau
Ms. Sharon Jenkins
Ms. Mary M. Jennings
Ann and Dave Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Johnson
John Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Keith N. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Sally Johnson
Robert Johnstone
Brian Jones
Mr. Curtis T. Jones
Mr. Raymond Jorgensen
Meghan and Diarmuid Joye
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Jusczyk
Ms. Coppelia Kahn
Daniel Kahn
Ms. Margaret E. Kane
Joshua Karns
Mr. David A. Karoff
and Mrs. Barbara Karoff
Frank Karpowicz
Sharon Kassakian
Steven Kassakian
The Kates Family
Dr. and Mrs. Edward S. Katz
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Kay
Ms. Karen Kazin
Mrs. Melissa J. Kearns
and Mr. Tim Kearns
Mr. John J. Kelley III
Ms. Maureen Kelman
Betty Kenan
Mr. Raymond Keough
Renee and Terry Kershner
Robin Kilroy
Ms. Trice Kilroy
Maile Kim
Thomas Kimbrel
Ed Kindelan
Mr. John F. Kindelan Jr.
Ms. April R. Kinder
Mr. Peter King
Dr. Carolyn Kinney
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Kirby Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kirk
Ms. Jane Kirkpatrick
Ms. Andra Kirsteins
Mrs. Helene Kisch
and Mr. Ethan Kisch
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Kite Jr.
Victoria Klemm
Mr. James Klinger and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kluk
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Knight
Mr. Stephen Koopman
Charles Kopper
Mrs. Jill Kotch
Mr. Adam Kovarsky
Ms. Angie Koziara
and Mr. Tom Wojick
Mr. and Mrs. S. Dirk Kramers
Mr. Justin Kreter
Nancy Krokowski
Linda J. and Harold Kushner
Mr. Richard Kyte
Mr. David Laibson
and Mrs. Nina Zipser
Mr. Jarvis W. Lambert
and Mrs. Abigail R. Lambert
Jean and Robert Lambert
Dr. and Mrs. Richard K.
Mr. Richard Lan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Land
Ms. Patrica E. Lang
Mrs. Judith E. Lappin
and Mr. Richard Lappin
Robby Larkin
Mrs. and Mr. Gladys Lavine
Mr. Daniel H. Lederer
Adam Ledwell
Mrs. Camilla W. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee
Diane Lefebvre
Kasey Lefebvre
Doug and Carol Leith
Mr. John A. Lema
Dan Lemay
Mrs. Katherine E. Leonard
Mr. David Leppik
Carl Levick
Ms. Sandra K. Levine
Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey L. Levy
Mr. David Lewis
and Mrs. Eleanor Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Lietar
Capt. and Mrs. Steven Lighty
Mr. Peter Lipman
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram
Lippincott III
Mrs. Judith Little
Col. and Ms. G.M. Bruce
Mrs. Barbara M. Lloyd Baker
and Mr. Richard Lloyd Baker
Cathi and Bob Loan
Ashley Lodovice
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Logan
Mr. Brian London
Ms. Mary Long
Ronald Long
Ms. Stephanie Upham Lord
Rob and Karen Lore
Mr. Michael P. Lucas
Mrs. Zulekha Ludwig
Robert V. D. Luft
Mrs. Patricia Lund
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Lundstrom
Ms. Maija Lutz
Jennifer Luzietti
Mr. James Lynch
Mr. Conor MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.
Joline Macfarlan
Mrs. Gloria Maciel
Dr. David B. MacLean
and Dr. Rosalind Vaz-MacLean
Ms. Heather MacLeod
and Mr. Bruce R. Ruttenberg
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce MacLeod
Mrs. Joan C. Macomber
Mr. Frederick J. Macri
Mr. Kenneth Magee
Mr. and Mrs. David Magill
Mr. Patrick Mahoney
Mr. Paul M. Mahoney
and Mrs. Virginia Mahoney
Emily Manice
Karen Manidis
Mr. Peter Marcionetti
and Ms. Cynthia Brown
Mike and Peggy Marcotte
Diane Mariani
Mr. Jack Markey
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Marnane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Marra
Mr. and Mrs. Pasco L. Marro Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Marrs
Mr. Brent Marsden
Ms. Herci Marsden
Mr. James D. Marsden
Ms. Jacqueline Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Marshall III
Mr. Matthew Martell
Dr. Edward W. Martin
Daniel and Ivy Marwil
Mr. Marcus Masciarelli
Mr. Michael D. Mathers
Frederick Mathews
Mrs. Theresa E. Mathiesen
Ms. Judith I. Matteson
Ms. Peggy Matteson
Esther Mauran
Loulie S. Mauran
and Cal Groton
Mr. Donald R. Maxson
Miss Cheryl McBay
and Mr. Jay Prassl
Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W.
Mr. Michael J. J. McCann
Ms. Joy E. McClintock
Mr. Steve McCormick
and Family
John McCurdy
Mrs. Bronwyn McDermott
Carolyn A. McGillivray
Christina and Jerry McIntyre
Ms. Elizabeth McIntyre
Mr. Matt McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P.
Ms. Johanna McKenzie
Robin McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.
McKiernan III
Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. McLean
Ms. Linda McMillen
Mr. Gregory McNab Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. McNally
Helen McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mary Meagher
Michael Mecley
Ms. Margaret Megowen
Mr. Carl J. Meiser III
Christine Mellen
Mr. Kyle Mello
Miss Brenda Melone
Mr. Jack Merchant
and Mrs. Gloria L. Merchant
Bunny and Peter Merrill
John Merrill
Reverend and Mrs. Peter R.
Martha Michalak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. Andrew Miller
Mrs. Brenda Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Miller
Douglas Miller
Ms. Ellen D. Miller
and Mr. George A. Haduch
Ms. Jacqueline Miller
Ms. Joanne L. Miller
Honorable Joshua Miller
Paul Miller
Mr. Thomas Miller
and Mrs. Deborah Miller
George Milner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Milot
Ms. Elizabeth H. Minifie
MaryBeth Mittaz
Mrs. Marilyn R. Moller
Mr. David Monaghan
Fred Monbouquette
Mr. Gene L. Moncrief
Ms. Robin Monihan
Eric Montas
Peter and Sylvia Monti
Betsy S. Moody
Matthew Moog
Ms. Sharon L. Mooney
Cliff and Mary Moore
Mark Moore
Patricia Moore
and Guy Geffroy
Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Moore
Lynn Moran
Mrs. Marylouise Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moran
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Morgan
Mark Morin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Ms. Adrienne Morris
Mrs. Susan W. Morrison
Carol and Richard Moser
Mr. Walter B. Moskwa
Mrs. Wanda J. Moskwa
Carolyn and James Moy
Margaret Moy
John and Karen Mullen
Julie and Kevin Mullen
Michael Mullen
Paul Mullen
Robert Mullen
Mr. William Mullins
and Mrs. Leslie Banker
Edgardo Mune
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Dr. Adrienne Munich
Ms. Leslie A. Munson
Miss Cecilia Murgo
Laura Murphy
Dr. Beverly A. Myers
Mr. Eric R. Nadeau
Mr. Joseph Nadeau
Ms. Carolyn Nally
Scott Nanfelt
Jack Nassau
Mr. Robert Nelson
Mr. Ronald K. Nelson
The Nevins Family
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. William S.
Nicholson Jr.
Pete and Lianne Nikitas
Mike and Betty Noling
Ms. Maryanne Noris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Nula
Francine O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. A.
Ms. Thomas H. O'Brien
Mr. Arthur V. O'Connell
and Mrs. Catherine O'Connell
Ms. Gwynne O'Connell
Ms. Suzanne O'Connell
Helen O'Connor
Kathleen O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James C. O'Day Jr.
Christine Odell
Mrs. Eleanor W. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. James L. O'Hara
Mr. J. Philip O'Hara
and Mrs. Patricia H. O'Hara
Ms. Kathleen M. O'Leary
Kelly Olejniczak
Mrs. and Mr. Darlene Olson
Ms. Elizabeth K. Olson
Mr. Charlie Oltman
Ms. Helen O'Malley
Ms. Sabrina O'Meara
Mr. Peter O'Neill
Steve O'Neil
Ms. Mary O'Neill-Barrett
Ms. Suzanne Oppenheimer
and Family
Elise O'Shaughnessy
Mr. Vincent O'Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Oswald
Mrs. Anne Northrop Ott
Lydia Owen
Mr. Donald E. Paiva
Ms. Marie Palladino
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Palmer
Ms. Elaine Papa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Papa
Mr. Mark R. Paparelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Parker Jr.
Mr. J Geddes Parsons
Mr. Peter Paton and
Mrs. Suzanne Hoover Paton
Elena Pavloff
Michael Pawlowski
Mr. Charles Payson
Ms. Jill B. Pearlman
Mr. and Mrs. David Pearson
Mrs. and Mr. Sigrid Pearson
Mr. Paul A. Pederoki
Mr. Larry Pelletier
and Mrs. Joyce Pelletier
Ms. Jennifer Pereira
Mrs. Deborah F. Perlman
Marvin and Phyllis Perry
Mr. Calvin Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Petrarca
Philp Pettigrew
Mary and Thomas Phelan
Mr. Eric T. Philippi
and Mrs. Jane T. Philippi
Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Picard
Dr. Marcelle L. Piccolello
and Mr. Timothy Gibadlo
Mrs. Helga Piccoli
and Mr. Victor R. Piccoli
Mike and Janet Pindak
Mrs. Lois Pink
Harris Pitnof
Mr. Thomas Pitts
Ms. Anne Marie Plasse
and Family
Maryanna Polukhin
Mr. Frank Poole
and Mrs. Margaret Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Felix A.
Porcaro III
Mr. Allen R. Potts Jr.
Carol Potts
Ms. Kim A. Powell
Ms. Linda Powers
and Mr. Jerry Powers
Mr. Michael A. Powers
Mrs. Darya Prassl
Mr. Jay Prassl
and Miss Cheryl McBay
Ms. Joan C. Prescott
Colonel Richard Price
Jan Regan Pritchett
Dr. Fortunato Procopio
Allen Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pryor
Ms. E. Louise Pryor
William Pudans
Max and Rocky Purtycats
Mrs. Nicole Purwin
Mr. Kenneth D. Quaranto
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Quirk Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Radel
Mr. John R. Rader and
Ms. Catherine W. Wilkinson
Ms. Eileen Rafferty
Ms. Gloria Rainone
Mr. Robert S. Rak
Paul Rampone
Mrs. Jane B. Rankin
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ratford
Miss Leila Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Luca J. Razza
Mr. John P. Reeder Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Reynolds
Robby Reynolds
Mr. James Rice
Mr. Zachary Rice
Mr. Christopher S. Richardson
Mr. and Ms. Dave Richardson
Ms. Ellen Richardson
Ms. Martha K. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Richmond Jr.
Barbara Ridgely
Mrs. Anne L. Rieger
Douglas Riggs
Dr. Linda A. Riley
and Mr. Bahram Nassersharif
Mr. Steven R. Ripa
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Ripley
Ms. Kathleen Risa
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Risley
Mr. Tarek Riyad
Deborah Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
Bob and Claire Rodger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rodrigues
Mr. and Mrs. Sabino W.
Mr. William J. Rooks
and Paula H. Rooks
Carrie Rose
Mrs. Lillian C. Rose
and Mr. Raymond F. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Susan Ross
Mrs. Mary Rossetti
Ms. Elizabeth Rossiter
Ms. Mary Ann Rotondo
Robert, John and Michael
Ms. Sharon I. S. Rounds
Mr. John Rountree
Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J.
Barbara and Allen P. Rubine
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rugg
Ms. Dianne Rugh
Sheryl Ruhland
Peter and Kathy Rumsey
Ms. Elizabeth Russell
Mr. Mark Russell
Patricia A Russell
Mr. Michael J. Russo
and Ms. Catherine Cressy
Robert Russo
Ms. Mary Pat Ryan
Beth Ann Ryder, MD
and David Cloutier, MD
Ms. Jane Sackheim
Paula Sager
Ms. Denise Saltojanes
Mr. William Saltonstall
Ms. Anne Sammis
Mr. and Mrs. James I.
Anuj Sampat
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C.
Ms. Mary Lou Sanborn
Ms. Sally Sanders
Mr. Alfred J. Santos Jr.
Mr. John Sanzen
Julia and Vincent Sardelli
Mrs. Elizabeth Sayles
and Mr. Harold Sayles
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sayles
Richard Scarlett
Karin Schall
Kevin and Deborah Schimberg
Rob and Chrys Schmults
Ms. Marguerite S. Schnepel
and Mr. Paul R. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C.
Ms. Kerrie L. Schoenbucher
Ms. Kimberly Scholle
Mr. Jeffrey C. Schreck
and Ms. Nancy K. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Schulz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultz
Suz Simakas Schumacher
Dr. Erika Klein and Mr. James
M. Schwartz
Susan Scornavacchi
Mr. and Mrs. K. John Scott
Ms. Patricia A. Scully
Mr. Paul Scura
and Mrs. Nancy Cerbus
Barbara Sears
Mr. Michael Secondo
Linda Sedgewick
Robert Sedgewick
Mrs. Anna P. Seelig
Emily Seelig
Jon Seibold
Mr. Harold A. Seidler
and Mrs. Susan S. Seidler
Ms. Kris Senecal
Jack Shadwick
John Shadwick
Thomas Shanley
Mr. William Shanley Jr.
Jocelyn T. Shaw
Ms. Maureen Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shea
Mr. Kevin Shea
Margaret Shea
Leo Sheridan
Mr. and Ms. Albert K.
Sherman Sr.
Mrs. Martha P. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B.
Ms. Noelle Shiland
Brad Shipp and Tony Maselli
Michael Shirey
Mrs. Elena Shleifer
John Shufelt
Ms. Kristin Siarkowicz
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Sicard
Mr. Daniel G. Siegel
Shelley Sigal
Mary Kay Sigaty
Dr. Rebecca A. Silliman
Marjorie Simmons
Traci Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Simpson
Mr. David J. Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Skenyon
Mr. Donn P. Slonim
Mr. and Mrs. John Slusarski
Brennan Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell W. Smith
Dr. Heidi Smith
and Dr. Peter S. Smith
Ms. Julie Shelton Smith
Mrs. Kathleen Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A.
Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C. Smith
Ms. Marcy A. Snapp
Elizabeth Snellings
Diane Snowden
Lydia Snyder
Kristen Soares
Claire and Joseph Soboda
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Soloff
Timothy and Linda Somes
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Soucy
Ms. Catherine Sousa
Mr. Michael Souto
Mr. Glen Souza
Christopher and Anne Spaight
Ms. Deborah Spaight
Ms. Frances R. Spark
Ms. Mary C. Speare
Mr. James Spears
and Ms. Alita Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Mr. David Spitzman
Eleanor Spremulli
Rosella Spremulli
Janice and Alfred St. Louis
and Family
Ms. Susan Staats
Mr. Albert Staebler
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Steele
Mary and Don Steele
Joshua Stein
Mr. Norman Stein
Mr. Paul Stein
and Ms. Ann K. Thacher
Ms. Jo-Anne Stephens
Sean Stephenson
Cindy Stine
Mr. Mark E. Stoeckel
Mr. Andrew H. Stone
Captain Benjamin B. Stone
Galen Stone
Ms. Margot D. Stone
Mr. Robert B. Stone
Ms. Sarah H. Stone
Ms. Ruth M. Strach
Ms. Eileen Straughn
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Streker
Laurie and Ed Strong
Mr. Ronald Subourne
Mr. Louis Sugarman
and Mr. Paul Maraghy
Mrs. Diane C. Sullivan
Mark Sullivan
Nancy and Tom Sullivan
Mr. Terry Sullivan
Mr. William Sullivan
Ms. Marjorie L. Sundlun
Ms. Priscilla Szneke
and Dr. Louis J. Mariorenzi
Mr. Manabu Takasawa
Carol Tanury
Mr. Geoffrey M. Tapper
and Ms. Gail M. Lopes
Mr. Peter Tarakajian
Ms. Erin Taylor
Anne Teixeira
Ms. Anna W. Templeton-Cotill
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C.
Mr. Richard B. Tetelbaum
Jeanne-Marie Teves
Mr. Francis T. Thacker
and Ms. Karen I. Hanson
Mr. Peter Therrien
Jim Thompson
Ms. Dorothy J. Thornley
Richard Thorpe
Mary Tietjen
Ms. Susan E. Tietze
Ms. Mariana Toland-Hankow
Ms. Elizabeth Toll
and Mr. Adam Pallant
Karin Tomis
Mr. Chris G. Tompsett
Ms. Elise A. Torello
Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph C.
Ms. Christine Townsend
Ms. Jacquelyn H. Tracy, CPA
Jessica Tracy
Mr. Mark A. Tracy
Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Trafton
Dr. Paul L. Trickett
and Ms. Gloria N. Howard
Ms. Susan Trombley
Dr. and Mrs. Matt D. Troutman
Alexander Tuff
Mr. Steven Turilli
Ms. Linda L. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Henk
and Vicki Uiterwyk
Ms. Kim C. Vaccaro
Mrs. Claire Valente
and Mr. Jim Valente
Mr. Brett van Beever
Ms. Susan Van Ness
Mr. and Mrs. Donnell Van
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Noppen
Mr. Stephen Varrichio
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vergnani
Ms. Lorraine Vermillion
Dr. Armand Versaci
and Family
Mr. George M. Vetter
and Mrs. Muriel P. Vetter
Ms. Gretchen E. Viall
Mr. William A. Viall II
Stephanie and Thomas Vieira
Pamela Vierling
Samara and Peter Viner-Brown
Mr. John A. Vitko
and Mrs. Jill A. Vitko
Mr. Roland T. Volker
Mr. and Mrs. David Von Hemert
Mr. Thomas A. Walden
Dr. Polly Walker
Mr. Eoin Walsh
Mr. Robert A. Walsh Jr.
Mr. Newell Warde and Family
Mrs. Susan Warren
Ms. Rachel Watanabe
Michelle Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Waters
Allison Watson
Jane and Austin Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Watson
Gaye Weatherly
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Webster
M. Teresa Paiva-Weed
Steven Weindel
Ms. Penny Weintraub
Johnny Weismueler
Mr. Robert Welch
Jeanine and Andrew Went
Ms. Kim Westcott
Ms. Patricia Westcott
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur K.
Mr. David N. Whelan
and Ms. Hazel A. Temple
Mrs. Susan K. Whipple
Dr. Duncan A. White
Mr. Gordon W. Whitten
Mr. Stew Wiley
Mr. Richard Wilker
and Mrs. Phyllis Wilker
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice G.
Wilkins Jr.
Ms. Joanne Wilkinson
Mr. John J. Wilkinson
Mr. Don C. Williams
Ms. Shawen Williams
and Mr. Andrew C. T. MacKeith
Nancy Willoughby
Ira Wilson
Ms. Jean P. Wilson
Ms. Juliana Wilson
Kate Wilson
Leslie Wilson
Cathy and Paul Winslow
Mr. Peter Winslow
Honorable Ellen Winsor
and David Coppe
Ms. Gloria Winston
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wodziak
Mr. Ira N. Wolfe
Lilly and Robert Wolfgang
Dr. Robert Wolfgang
Karen Wolfskehl
Abby Wood
Ms. Joanna Wood
William Wood
Chris, Sarah, Meghan
and Liza Wood
Ms. Emese Wood
Leighton Wood
Miss Jackie Woodside
Ms. Priscilla Wormwood
Ms. Abbie Wotkyns
Ms. Alyce Wright
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. W. Redwood
Patricia Wydler
Steven Yang
Ms. Margaret Yorganjian
Hollis Youngner
Mr. and Mrs. Don Yousif
Ms. Joann M. Zamparo
Jill Zanolli
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zarem
Mr. and Mrs. F. John Zarlengo
David Zeller
Mrs. Joanna Ziegler
Jenny Zwick
businesses &
Save The Bay thanks the
following businesses,
workplace giving campaigns and other organizations for their support and generosity.
$20,000 and up
Citizens Financial Group, Inc.
CVS Caremark Charity Classic,
Schneider Electric
$10,000 - $19,999
$5,000 - $9,999
Blackstone River Coalition, Inc.
DuPont Water Technologies
Edgewood Waterfront
GTECH Corporation
Newport Harbor Corporation
Tug Hollow Corporation
$2,500 - $4,999
Ashaway Line and Twine
Barking Crab
Baupost Group, LLC
Buckeye Brook Coalition
Green River Silver Co.
John Clarke Trust
Land and Coastal Services, LLC
The Stop & Shop Supermarket
$1,000 - $2,499
Abrams & Verri
Avalon Trust
Bioprocess Algae
BMW of Newport
Bridge Technical Solutions
CB Richard Ellis -N.E. Partners, LP
Crystal Financial
Edwards Wildman
Embrace Home Loans, Inc.
Fidelity Investments
Fish Family Foundation
F.L. Putnam
Gilbane, Inc.
Jane M. Timken Foundation
Lefkowitz, Garfinkel, Champi
and Derienzo, P.C.
Matunuck Oyster Bar
Measured Progress, Inc.
Meehan Foundation
National Grid
Quicksand Pond North
Restoration Project
Residential Properties
Sansiveri Kimball & McNamee,
Starbucks Partner Giving
Starkweather and Shepley
Charitable Fund
The John A. Hartford
Foundation, Inc.
The John B. and Nelly Llanos
Kilroy Foundation
University Medicine Foundation
U.S. Trust
Washington Trust
Waterson Terminals
Winstead Charitable
$500 - $999
Arthur H. Carr Fund
B & T Association, Inc.
Bank of America United Way
Berwind Fund, LLC
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
of Rhode Island
BNY Mellon Community
Butler & Associates
Caughman Harman Funeral
Centreville Savings Bank
Coles Family Foundation,
c/o A&A Williams, LLP
Constitution Surgery
Newport County Chamber
of Commerce
Ocean State Parrot Head Club
RI Marine Trades Association
Shaw's Supermarkets/Star
Tillotson Corporation
United Natural Foods, Inc.
Waterkeeper Alliance
$250 - $499
AAA Southern New England
Amgen PAC
Barrington Land Conservation
Berks County Community
Bristol Total Fitness
Chemtex, Inc.
Cornerstone Group
DiPrete Engineering Associates,
GE Foundation
General Electric Company
John Hancock Financial
Kaiser Tree Preservation
Kay Dee Designs, Inc.
KVH Candy Fund
Medical Associates of RI
Moses Brown School
Network for Good
Nortek, Inc.
People's Credit Union
Professional Security Services
Regency Plaza/Chestnut Hill
Rhode Island Yacht Club
Starkweather & Shepley
Insurance Brokerage
Sullivan & Graber
The Arden Corporation
The Dunes Club
Van Liew Trust Company
Waters Corporation
Windmill Associates
$100 - $249
Adirondack Day Habilitation
AMC Properties, Inc.
Arum and Associates, LLC
Astro-Med, Inc.
Barton Gilman, LLP
Beacon Mutual Insurance
Blaeser Insurance Agency
Brink & Associates
Bristol Chiropractic
Bristol Warren Regional School
Cilantro Mexican Grill
Cindy Wood Garden Club
Clarke Cooke House, LLC
Cordtsen Design Architecture
CVS Corporation
Dassault Systemes Simulia
Dave Loomis Painting
Dell/HP - YourCause, LLC
Different Drummer
Durkee Brown Viveiros
and Werenfels Architects
Durkin Cottage Realty
Everfi, Inc.
Expert Staffing HC, Inc.
Gardiner Whiteley Boardman
Insurance Agency
Gilbane, Inc.
Google Matching Gifts
H. V. Collins Company
Harbor Bath and Body
Hunt Yachts, Inc.
Hygeia House
Inventive Productions
Jamestown Boat Yard, Inc.
Jennings Car Care Center, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Plumbing
Katrina's Bakery
Loiselle Insurance Agency
McLaughlin & Moran, Inc.
Merchants Mutual Insurance
Mulzer's Car Care, Inc.
Nayatt School
Neighborhood Health Plan
of RI
New England Boatworks
Newport Restoration
Oaklawn Dressdown School
O'Brien's Pub
Other Tiger Associates, LLC
Persak and Wurmfeld
Pods Swimming
Point Judith Marina
Purvis Systems Incorporated
Quitos on The Waterfront
R.B. Howes & Co., Inc.
Red Devil Fish and Lobster
Rhode Island Brotherhood
of Correctional Officers
Rhode Island Credit Union
Rhode Island Hospital
Rolf C. Hagen Corp.
Rustpoint Advisory, LLC
Scales & Shells Restaurant
Shore Soap Company
Silke Communications Inc
South County Tourism Council,
Stone Cove Marina
Technical Industries, Inc.
The Chemical Company
The Children's Workshop
The Nevins Realty Trust
The Preservation Society
of Newport
Tiff Advisory Services, Inc.
Uncas Manufacturing
Vieira and Digianfilippo, LTD
Warwick Mall
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Viking Supply
Women's Club of South County
grants & gifts
We are grateful to the
following private and
community foundations
and government agencies for their outstanding support of Save The
US EPA - New England,
Region 1
van Beuren Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
$10,000 - $24,999
Amgen Foundation
Cox Charities of New England
Hazard Family Foundation
Irvin E. Houck Charitable Trust
June Rockwell Levy Foundation
The Hassenfeld Foundation
The Providence Journal
Charitable Foundation
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Boston Foundation
City of Newport
Jewish Communal Fund
Laird Norton Family Fund
Rodgers Family Foundation
Stearns Charitable Trust
$500 - $999
Chase Family Foundation
Citizens Bank Foundation
Narragansett Bay Commission
Ralph and Clara Shuster
The Lee F. and Phoebe A.
Driscoll Foundation
$150,000 and up
$5,000 - $9,999
$499 and under
Rhode Island Foundation
Benzak Foundation
Dominion Foundation
Hodge Memorial Fund
Textron Charitable Trust
Bradford Soap Works, Inc.
Brauchler-Collins Charitable
Johnson & Johnson Family
of Companies
McAdams Charitable
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Quebec-Labrador Foundation,
Roger Williams Park Zoo
United Technologies Matching
Gift and Volunteer Grant
$50,000 - $99,999
Forrest C. and Frances H.
Lattner Foundation
McBean Charitable Trust
Prince Charitable Trusts
Restore America's Estuaries NOAA
The Salem Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Island Foundation
National Fish and Wildlife
Prospect Hill Foundation
RI Coastal Resources
Management Council
State of Rhode Island
$2,500 - $4,999
Amica Companies Foundation
Frederick C. Tanner Memorial
Fund, Inc.
Haffenreffer Family Fund
Norcross Wildlife Foundation,
Silver Tie Fund
Southeast Regional Planning &
Economic Development District
$1,000 - $2,499
Carol and Howard Anderson
Family Fund
Bank of America
We are grateful to the
following companies
and foundations for
matching gifts to Save
The Bay made by their
employees, directors
and trustees. Your personal gift to Save The
Bay may also be
matched by your
employer. Please check
with your Human
Resources Department.
AES Corporation
American Express
Amerigives Inc.
Arch Chemicals
Bank of America
Bank of New York Mellon
BCD Travel
Bristol Myers Squibb
Casey Matching Gifts program
Charles Schwab Foundation
Chubb & Son
Citizen's Bank
CR Bard Foundation, Inc
Deutsche Bank
Fannie Mae SERVE
FM Global
GE Foundation
Goldman Sachs
John Hancock Matching Gifts
Johnson & Johnson
National Grid
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Quintiles Cares
Schneider Electric
Stanley Works
State Street Matching Gift
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Thomson Reuters
United Technologies
Wells Fargo
Academy Bus Lines
Belmont Fruit
Blackstone Bicycles
Bottles Fine Wine
Conlon Moving
Stan Dimock
Dupont Water Technologies
Fire Works Catering
Granny Squibbs Iced Tea
Green River Silver Co.
John Haley
Hayward Industries
Robert Marsh
Newport Biodiesel
Pranzi Catering
Thai Cuisine
The Kayak Center
Viking Tours of Newport
Whole Foods Market
gifts in honor
of or in
The Save The Bay
Endowment Fund was
established in 1989 by
Peter Lisle in memory
of Elizabeth S. Lisle.
As a lasting tribute to
the work of Save The
Bay, all In Memoriam
gifts and bequests,
upon the permission
of the estate executor,
are placed into the
endowment fund. A
small portion of the
interest earned annually is used to support
Save The Bay programs, and the rest
is used to reinvest in
the endowment. In
2013, gifts were
received in loving
memory of:
Baylor Fox-Kemper
Gail A. Ginnetty
Gijs Gunneman
John S. S. Long
Frank Maciel
Michael A. McGourty
Ashley Norton
Vincent Rose
Harold Salk
James M. Schwartz
Georgia Shuster
Lawrence J. Smith
David Stephenson
Joanna Susin
Andrew M. Synnott
Special thanks to those
listed below for their
significant contributions to Save The Bay.
Tom Deininger
Stan Dimock
John Haley
Hemenway’s Restaurant
RI Turnpike and Bridge
Our more than 1,750
volunteers — Thank you!
Executive Director
Jonathan Stone
Jane Austin
Kendra L. Beaver
Melinda Brown
Erica A. Busillo
Rachel B. Calabro
Joshua Cherwinski
Leanne Danielsen
Rupa Datta
Nicole Delos
Stan Dimock
Marci L. Cole Ekberg
Wenley S. Ferguson
Maureen Fogarty
Christopher S. Hamblett
Peter T. Hanney
Robbie F. Hudson
Jennifer Kelly
Adam Kovarsky
Thomas E. Kutcher
Gráinne Lanigan
Isaac Lavoie
July Lewis
Patti Macchioni
Katie Maginel
Frank Maher
Joe Mariani
Leslie A. Munson
Eric M. Pfirrmann
Bridget Kubis Prescott
David R. Prescott
Michael J. Russo
S. Paul Ryan
Liem K. Tran
Matt Vieira
the seagrass
investing in the Bay’s future
The Seagrass Society honors people who remember Save The Bay in their will
or establish an endowed fund. A bequest is a simple and meaningful way to
ensure the long-term health of the Bay. Call Frank Maher at 401-272-3540,
Save The Bay is grateful to the
following members who have
remembered Save The Bay in
their estate plans and are
devoted to the health of the
Bay for generations to come:
Save The Bay is affiliated with the Leave a Legacy ® program of Rhode Island
and is a member of the Planned Giving Council of Rhode Island.
Joan C. Abrams
Hugh D. Auchincloss
Christy Blanchard
Frances Bodell
Ellen Borden
Tim P. Burns
Arthur A. Carter
Elizabeth Carter*
Robert A. Chase*
Raymond Deardon*
Lawrence Delhagen*
Stan Dimock
Adrian B. Diorio
Maureen Fogarty
Laura Freid
Gail A. Ginnetty
John Kellam*
Linda L. Kelly
Sanne Kure-Jensen
Frank J. Maher
Rita Munzer*
Alan D. Nathan
Jane Ridgeway*
Sanford J. Sachs
Jean T. Timmons*
The 2013 Annual Golf Outing, generously sponsored by The Providence
Journal Charitable Fund, raised nearly $48,000 to support Save The Bay
programs. More than 80 golfers and special guests participated in 18 holes of
golf, lunch, and a cocktail dinner hour at Carnegie Abbey in Portsmouth, RI.
ith just a few weeks of planning time, we were faced with
having to alter the cross-Bay course of the 37th Annual
Citizens Bank Save The Bay Swim for the first time ever.
Even with the traditional course out of the picture, we
raised almost $300,000 through corporate sponsorship
and swimmer-driven fundraising.
The Swim by the Numbers:
• Distance ..........................1.7 nautical miles
• Registered swimmers .......575
• Actual swimmers .............351
• Kayakers..........................92
• Volunteers .......................200+
• Spectators........................1,500
• Corporate sponsors .........16
In its second year,
Taste of The Bay raised
nearly $10,000 to support
Save The Bay programs.
The event drew more than
200 paid attendees who
sampled local fare, music,
and art from 25 area
vendors and suppliers.
Our Artists For The Bay
Show & Sale included over
100 pieces of art from
60 local artists and raised
more than $10,000.
Save The Bay’s
popular Beach Slam
was held at Goddard
Memorial State Park
in Warwick, which
proved to be a great
location for fun
activities on both
the shore and in the
water. The third
annual Beach Slam
raised nearly $30,000
for Save The Bay’s
education programs.
Save The Bay's events contributed $475,000 to support our programming and services.
financial report
From a financial perspective,
2013 was a fiscal year filled with
excitement and challenges.
In late October 2012, Superstorm
Sandy hit the shores of Rhode
Island, causing significant damage
along the Rhode Island coast,
including our Exploration Center
& Aquarium at Easton’s Beach
in Newport. After months of
extensive re-building and an outpouring of volunteer assistance
and donations, our Exploration
Center reopened in July 2013.
The completion of a matching
challenge grant during last fiscal
year allowed the purchase and
outfitting of our new educational
vessel to proceed in fiscal 2013,
and in September 2013 she was
officially christened the Elizabeth
Total support and revenue
increased approximately 10%
or $315k, principally as a result of
increased contributions, gifts and
grants and other non-governmental revenue sources offset by a
decrease in government contract
Contributions, gifts and grants
increased 9% or $210k. Although
we experienced a significant
decline in revenue resulting from
the closure of our Exploration
Center for eight months during
the fiscal year, program revenue
increased 6% or $20k. Other
income increased $145k, mainly
as a result of increases in net
revenues earned from special
events and facility rentals and
from insurance proceeds received
for damages incurred at the
Exploration Center. The diversification of program revenue sources,
expanded fundraising efforts, and
a focus on the net outcome from
special events continue to be
important components in the
organization’s ongoing efforts to
reduce its vulnerability to unanticipated future revenue shortfalls.
As expected, we continue to experience a decline in government
contract revenue, which decreased
18% or $105k. Government contract revenue is earned principally
under two grants which comprised 86% of total government
contract revenue for FY2013 in
comparison to 73% in FY2012.
Total expenses increased $71k
or 2%. In concert with focusing
on the diversification of revenue
sources and the expansion of
fundraising activities, the organization is continuing its efforts
in managing the increase in
operating costs.
It is the generosity of the many
volunteers, members, donors,
businesses, foundations, and other
supporters and partners that
makes it possible for Save The Bay
to fulfill its mission, all while
meeting the challenges and taking
advantage of the opportunities
that the current economic conditions present. Also, the commitment and dedication of the staff
is unwavering each step along the
path that leads us into the future.
Endowment funds, as directed by the donor, are
an investment in the future of Narragansett Bay. Gifts
remain in perpetuity to fund our important work in
advocacy, habitat restoration, education, and stewardship.
The Julia Sands Chase Fund honors the memory of Mrs. Chase
and supports Save The Bay’s important mission.
Donor-Designated Endowments*
The Alison Walsh Fund supports a yearly community award
for outstanding environmental advocacy.
Board-Designated for Operating Support
In fiscal year 2007, Save The Bay’s Board of Directors designated
additional funds for General Operating Support to provide the
greatest flexibility in managing organizational resources in
response to changing circumstances. As an endowment donor,
you may decide to designate your gift as General Operating
Support. This flexibility will help maintain the significance of
your gift for future generations.
Stephen Geremia
The financial statements
of Save The Bay, Inc. are
audited by Batchelor, Frechette,
McCrory, Michael & Co.
A copy of the complete audited
financial statements, along
with the auditor’s report therein, is available upon request.
Donor-Designated for Operating Support
The Roosa Family Fund for Marine Education supports
marine environmental education for schoolchildren.
The Leeds Mitchell East Bay Marsh Restoration Fund
supports East Bay marsh restoration.
The following fund may be utilized to designate funds below
the threshold for individual endowments:
The John H. Chafee Memorial Fund honors the Senator’s
lifelong commitment to the environment and supports Explore
The Bay education programs.
Our investment and endowment
policies are available for review
upon request. To discuss your
endowment options, contact Frank
Maher at 401-272-3540, x126.
*Save The Bay endowment policy requires a minimum of $50,000 initial
funding for named endowments.
Cash and cash equivalents
Receivables (pledges and grants)
Prepaid expenses and other
Property and equipment, net
Investments at fair value
Total Assets
$ 9,367,588
Contributions, gifts and grants
Government contracts
Program revenue
Other income
Investment income
$ 2,438,884
Total Support and Revenue
$ 3,543,068
Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 220,081
Deferred revenue
Long-term debt
Protect and Restore
Community site access
General and administrative
Total Expenses
$ 3,562,889
Total Liabilities
$ 2,017,378
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
$ 6,064,546
Total Net Assets
$ 7,350,210
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Decrease in Restricted Net Assets $ (105,369)
Total Decrease in Net Assets
Save The Bay’s management practices ensure that
operating funds raised in
the current year, as well as
donor-designated contributions for special projects
and programs, are put to
appropriate use in support
of Save The Bay’s mission.
General and
site access
For a copy of Save The Bay’s
IRS Form 990, visit
Other income
gifts and grants
Board Members
e deeply appreciate the leadership
provided to Save The Bay by our Board
of Directors, Trustees and President’s
Leadership Council. They are essential
in carrying our mission forward.
Board of Directors
Save The Bay’s Board of
Directors lends strategic vision
and fiduciary governance for
the organization.
Board Committees
Joan Abrams
Angela Ankoma
Paul Beaudette
Karen Benson
Jennifer Cervenka
Zechariah Chafee
Stephen Clark
Christina Connett
Lu Cribari
Barbara Crouchley
Michael Daly
Jeffrey Danielian
Justin DeShaw
Joseph DiBattista
Mohamad Farzan
Suzanne Ferrio
Tom Ferrio
Richard Fogarty
Gail Ginnetty
Thomas P. Goddard
Miriam Gordon
Steve Gerenscer
Steven Hamburg
Jenn Harris
Kathryn Kilguss
Ralph Kinder
Chris Kincaid
Joshua Laplante
Christopher Lee
Jeff Levy
Albin Moser
Ruth Mullen
Jonathan Mullen
Robert Naparstek
Alan Nathan
Dick Pastore
Christopher Placco
Donald Pryor
Deb Ramm
Michael Rauh
Vincent Rose
George Schuster
Andrew Shapiro
Meredith Stone
Melissa Studzinski
Geoff Tuff
Stephanie Van Patten
Allison Walsh
Alyssa Wood
Chip Young
John Zitzmann
The Board of Trustees
is comprised of trusted
advisors with a longtime commitment to
the organization.
The President’s
Leadership Council
(PLC) assists Save The
Bay by providing
expertise, perspective,
contacts and resources
to further our mission.
Board of Trustees
Joan Abrams
Trudy Coxe
Kate Kilguss
Sarah Beinecke Richardson
Dr. Vincent Rose
H. Curtis Spalding
Ellicott Wright
Leadership Council
Joan Abrams
Hugh D. Auchincloss III
Ruud Bosman
John J. Bowen
Nick and Wendy Bowen
Helen D. Buchanan
Timothy Burns
Duncan and Barbara Chapman
Jemma Craig
Denise Dangremond
Elizabeth M. Delude-Dix
Joseph DiBattista
Bradford S. Dimeo
Patrick Driscoll
Anne G. Earle
Jonathan D. Fain
Michael Foley
Mark J. Formica
Leslie Gardner
Thomas P. I. Goddard
Bob and Robin Hall
Peter Hallock
Alan G. Hassenfeld
C. Michael Hazard
David and Susan Hibbitt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Jennifer Hosmer
Hope Hudner
Michael Keyworth
Kathryn Kilguss
Sanne Kure-Jenson
John Laramee
Brooke Lee
Raymond T. Mancini
Raymond F. Murphy Jr.
Joop and Ria Nagtegaal
Alan Nathan
Alice M. Nichols
Mrs. Claiborne deB. Pell
Elizabeth Prince de Ramel
Jeffrey Rasmussen
Michael Rauh
Sarah Beinecke Richardson
Marty Roberts
Nancy Safer
Robert Savoie
Laura Turner Seydel
George and Stephanie Shuster
Jeffrey Siegal
Eric R. C. Smith
Harry Staley
Hon. O. Rogeriee Thompson
Philip Torgan
William Vareika
Kenneth W. Washburn
Ellicott Wright
Design: www.DonnaDeForbesCreates.com
F. Paul Mooney Jr.
Thomas E. Rogers
Past President
Alden M. Anderson Jr.
Vice President
Gilbert Conover Jr.
Vice President
Cindy Butler
Vice President
Aidan Petrie
Vice President
Lynn Manning
Steve Geremia
Laura Bottaro, Esq.
Wayne Charness
John Kaplin
Howard Kilguss
Suzanne Magaziner
Eugene McDermott, Esq.
Cheryl Nathanson
Warren Prell
Fran Slutsky
Join Save The Bay
You can help save
Narragansett Bay!
• Support marine science
education programs for
more than 17,000 students
and teachers throughout
Rhode Island each year.
• Help to protect and restore
over 124,000 acres of
wetlands in Rhode Island.
• Help support our cleanup
efforts of over 30,000
pounds of trash collected
from our coastline.
Your membership:
• Works toward clean,
accessible waters
and beaches.
• Invests in educating
future generations.
• Makes a difference
in your community.
• Ensures the health of
Narragansett Bay —