17 - Church of the Little Flower
17 - Church of the Little Flower
ASSIGNED CLERGY: PASTOR MASS SCHEDULE: Rev. Michael W. Davis PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Abel E. Barajas Rev. Phillip H. Tran PRIEST IN RESIDENCE Rev. Fidelis Uko PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon Roberto Fleitas Deacon Miguel Parladé MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm English English Español/Spanish SATURDAY 8:00 am 5:00 pm English English 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm English English English Español/Spanish English Español/Spanish (VIGIL) SUNDAY PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 9:00 am to 1:30 pm CONFESSIONS S ! SATURDAYS TUESDAYS 8:30 am to 10:00 am 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm tells us in our Gospel this weekend, “I am the Good Shepherd.” J esus And, indeed, he is! Such an emblematic image of our Lord is tender, soothing, consoling, protecting, healing, and one that instructs and trains too. It is a perfect summation of Divine Mercy expended on behalf of the flock. He seeks the lost; binds their wounds; forgives their sins, and carries them to safe harbor. These life-giving characteristics are part of Jesus’ spiritual identity for our personal wellbeing, as well as for the community of believers which is the Church. Such an identity likewise challenges the Church and its members, who act in Jesus’ name, to embrace such qualities in their way of ministering and relating to others. Good Shepherd weekend challenges us all to follow the lead of the Master. Pope Francis recently published an Apostolic Exhortation entitled Amoris Laetitia, i.e., the Joy of Love. In this document, the pope’s words beautifully capture the sentiments of the Good Shepherd, who is always concerned for the life of the sheep. In this text, the pope defines what love is, what the role of each person in the family should be, and how the family should be in the world and in the Church. The document is like a powerful spiritual “prescription medicine,” needed now more than ever, for each of us to keep going, to stay together, and to keep loving. The pope, with grandfatherly affection, is telling the entire family of the Church how to live with more and truer love in our families and in our world. So much of what the Church does, in the name of Christ, is meant to be an extension of him. Why wouldn’t the Good Shepherd want marriages to grow to maturity in commitment and love? Why wouldn’t the Good Shepherd want families to be healthy and be nurturing schools of life and love? Why wouldn’t the merciful Good Shepherd want all, in the varying circumstances of their lives, to be welcomed, assisted, and find their way to the life of grace? Perfect lives, marriages, and families don’t just drop from heaven as ready-made packages. Rather, they have to be nurtured, cultivated, and developed over the course of time. The Good Shepherd leads us in the ways of love. With humility, we who follow Jesus should not only be concerned about our own spiritual wellbeing, but serve as vehicles to represent his loving concern for those around us. Each of our holy vocations in life are meant to propel us be a living signs of love that would reach out and assist those who are burdened, those who are struggling, those who are imperfect; and those who circumstances might benefit from the love of the Risen Christ. The Church and her members are meant to accompany people, to walk with them, to elucidate their journey, to provide welcome, assistance, and safe harbor. How else can lives come to the knowledge of the truth and be made whole? The Church accompanies people in their walk through life, like a musician who is called an accompanist. Something beautiful is sure to emerge, as the notes are played according to God’s inspiration and grace. Good Shepherd Sunday is an invitation to re-discover the never changing truth of God’s love, and to enflesh an ecclesial and family tone which communicates that love in a way that is ever fresh, ever new, and ever inviting. A new spiritual springtime awaits! May we allow the Lord to be our Good Shepherd, and follow his lead of love. nos dice en nuestro Evangelio de este fin de semana, "Yo soy el Buen Pastor." J esús ¡Y, de hecho, Él es! Una imagen tan emblemática de Nuestro Señor es tierna, suave, consoladora, protectora, que alivia, y una que instruye y entrena también. Es la suma perfecta de la Divina Misericordia usada en nombre del rebaño. Él busca a los perdidos; sana sus heridas; perdona sus pecados, y los lleva a un sitio seguro. Estas características de vida son parte de la identidad espiritual de Jesús para nuestro bienestar personal, así como para la comunidad de creyentes que es la Iglesia. Tal identidad del mismo modo reta a la Iglesia y a sus miembros, que actúan en nombre de Jesús, para abrazar estas cualidades en la forma que evangelizan y se relacionan con los demás. El fin de semana del Buen Pastor nos reta a todos a seguir el ejemplo del Maestro. El Papa Francisco publicó recientemente una exhortación apostólica titulada Amoris Laetitia, es decir, la alegría del amor. En este documento, las palabras del Papa capturan bellamente los sentimientos del Buen Pastor, que siempre se preocupa por la vida de las ovejas. En este texto, el Papa define qué es el amor, cuál debe ser el papel de cada persona en la familia, y cómo la familia debe estar en el mundo y en la Iglesia. El documento es como una potente y espiritual "medicina con receta," que se necesita ahora más que nunca, para que cada uno de nosotros siga adelante, a permanecer juntos, y seguir amando. El Papa, con el cariño de un abuelo, le está diciendo a toda la familia de la Iglesia cómo vivir con más verdadero amor en nuestras familias y en nuestro mundo. Gran parte de lo que hace la Iglesia, en el nombre de Cristo, está destinado a ser una extensión de él. ¿Por qué el Buen Pastor no quisiera que los matrimonios crezcan hasta la ancianidad en el compromiso y el amor? ¿Por qué el Buen Pastor no quisiera que las familias sean sanas y escuelas de la vida y el amor? ¿Por qué el misericordioso Buen Pastor no quisiera todo, en las diversas circunstancias de la vida, ser recibido, ser atendido, y que encontraran el camino a una vida de gracia? Vidas perfectas, los matrimonios y las familias no caen solos del cielo como paquetes ya hechos. Más bien, tienen que ser nutridos, cultivados y desarrollados en el transcurso del tiempo. El Buen Pastor nos conduce en los caminos del amor. Con humildad, nosotros que seguimos a Jesús no sólo debemos de estar preocupados por nuestro propio bienestar espiritual, pero sirviendo como vehículos representando su amorosa preocupación por los que nos rodean. Cada una de nuestras vocaciones santas en la vida tienen el propósito de impulsarnos a ser un signo viviente de amor que alcanza y ayuda a aquellos que están agobiados, los que luchan, los que son imperfectos; y los que por circunstancias podrían beneficiarse del amor de Cristo Resucitado. La Iglesia y sus miembros tienen el propósito de acompañar a las personas, a caminar con ellas, a aclarar su viaje, a proporcionarle bienvenida, asistencia y un sitio seguro. ¿De qué otra forma las vidas pueden llegar al conocimiento de la verdad y ser sanas? La Iglesia acompaña a las personas en su camino por la vida, como un músico que se le llama un acompañante. Es de seguro que algo hermoso esta por ocurrir, cuando las notas se tocan de acuerdo a la inspiración y la gracia de Dios. El domingo del Buen Pastor es una invitación a volver a descubrir la verdad que nunca cambia del amor de Dios, y para desarrollar un tono eclesial y familiar que comunica el amor de una manera que es siempre fresco, siempre nuevo, siempre acogedor. ¡Una primavera espiritual nueva nos espera! Que nosotros permitamos que el Señor sea nuestro Buen Pastor, y sigamos su ejemplo de amor. 2711 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-9950 www.cotlf.org Mrs. Irma Aguilar Business Manager & Accountant Mrs. Maria Elena Chialastri Office Manager Administrative Assistant to the Pastor Mr. Luis Cuza Associate Director of Liturgical Music Mr. Juan Del Sol Wedding Coordinator Dr. Dawn Fontana Director of Liturgical Music Ms. Cecilia Miyar Administrative Assistant to the DRE Parish Coordinator of Ministries Mr. Jorge Perez Director of Advancement & Stewardship Mr. Jorge Santibáñez Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry Mr. Milton Somarriba Church Custodian Ms. Vivian Xiqués Curator of Records Virtus Training Coordinator S .T C Ext. 314 Ext. 306 Ext. 311 Ext. 305 Ext. 310 Ext. 318 Ext. 307 Congratulations to our Newly Baptized: Jonathan Daniel Haber, Alexandra Mina Ugarte, Leonardo Augustine Urbandt, Helena Maria Barbera, Laura Elena Garcia, Alessandra Auroro Ortega, Sebastian Ricardo Scaff Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those Joined in Holy Matrimony: Eliodoro R. Perez & Hilda Perez Jonathan Onviriuka & Brittany Gudaitis Frank Parrella & Olga Santini Mas Congratulations on Receiving First Communion: Irwin Gonzalez Rest in Peace. We Pray for Those Who Have Entered Eternity: Sylvia Murai Ext. 309 Ext. 302 S 2701 Indian Mound Trail Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone: (305) 446-1738 www.stscg.org Administered by The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles Sr. Caridad, OCD., Principal S P Saturdays: 8:30 am to 10:00 am Tuesdays: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm S B Private on Saturdays 11:00 am, 11:30 am., 12:00 pm or Group on Sundays at 2:00 pm Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office two months in advance. S M Arrangements must be made with the Parish Office at least six months in advance. S 8:00 am 5:00 pm ,A 23 Fr. Honold Fr. Davis S ,A 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 24 Fr. Circe Fr. Tran Fr. Davis Fr. Barajas Fr. Uko Fr. Barajas POPE FRANCIS - @PONTIFEX “The family is where we first learn to listen and share, to be patient and show respect, to help one another.” “I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.” — Acts 13:47b “Yo te he puesto como luz de los paganos, para que lleves la salvación hasta los últimos rincones de la tierra”. — Hechos 13:47b I E n Christian art, the earliest depictions of Jesus Christ were not of his crucifixion or of his resurrection. The first known renderings of Jesus show him as the Good Shepherd, the image put before us in today’s readings. In the Gospel passage Jesus reveals that he is the shepherd and his followers are his “flock.” In the first and second readings, we are told more about the flock. The passage from Acts assures us that both Jews and Gentiles are called to follow Jesus. It is faith, not birthright, that makes us part of the company of believers. In the passage from the book of Revelation we learn that the flock that follows this Lamb of God will also be washed in his blood. They will endure a time of trial before they enjoy eternal life. Be assured of the promise, we are told, but know there is a price to be paid. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. n el arte cristiano, las primeras imágenes de Jesucristo no fueron de su crucifixión ni de su resurrección. Fueron de Jesús como el Buen Pastor, tal como nos lo presentan las lecturas de hoy. En el pasaje evangélico Jesús se nos revela como el pastor y sus seguidores son su “rebaño”. La primera y la segunda lecturas nos cuentan un poco más sobre el rebaño. El pasaje de los Hechos nos asegura que tanto los judíos como los gentiles están llamados a seguir a Jesús. Es la fe, no el derecho de cuna, lo que nos permite pertenecer a la comunidad de creyentes. En el pasaje del libro del Apocalipsis, aprendemos que el rebaño que le sigue a este Cordero de Dios será también purificado en su sangre. Tendrán que sobrellevar un tiempo de prueba antes de gozar de la vida eterna. Estén seguros de la promesa, nos avisa, pero sepan que hay un precio que pagar. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lunes: SIGNS OF OUR STEWARDSHIP How can you become a real and active participant in the direct ministry and sacramental life of others, even when you’re gone? A bequest to COTLF is an investment in the lives of future parishioners, our children and grandchildren. For more information, contact the rectory or call the Office of Planned Giving at (305) 762-1110. Hch 11:1-18; Sal 42 (41):2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:11-18 Martes: Hch 11:19-26; Sal 87 (86):1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Miércoles: Hch 12:24 — 13:5a; Sal 67 (66):2-3, 5-6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 Jueves: Hch 13:13-25; Sal 89 (88):2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Viernes: Hch 13:26-33; Sal 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Sábado: Hch 13:44-52; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Domingo: Hch 14:21-27; Sal 145 (144):8-13; Ap 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 As you may know, we are in the process of producing a 90th anniversary photo directory (like a yearbook of parish life), which is to include family portraits of all our parishioners who make up this prominent community of faith. Many of you have already come to have your pictures taken. When the commemorative directory is produced, you will receive a free color copy of that directory. We encourage all parishioners to tap into this important initiative, and have your portrait or that of your family included in this historical book. For more information, about the April 29-30-May 1 photo shoot, please contact Jorge Perez in our Advancement Office, 305-446-9950. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Esta es la ultima oportunidad para que forme parte de nuestro directorio fotográfico para el aniversario parroquial los necesitamos para poder completar nuestro álbum. Hemos elegido asociarnos con Lifetouch para producir fotografías profesionales que unan a nuestros feligreses y cuenten nuestra historia. Lifetouch tomara las fotografías aquí en nuestra parroquia. Durante su cita será fotografiado profesionalmente, podrá ver su retratos inmediatamente y tendrá la oportunidad de comprar fotografías adicionales, si así lo desea…. sin ninguna obligación. Cada familia recibirá por su participación un retrato de 8x10 y un directorio gratis. Para más información o asistencia en separar su cita favor de comunicarse con Jorge Perez en la oficina parroquial o haga clic en este enlace en nuestra página web. Join us in honoring America at our annual Patriotic Prayer Service on Thursday, June 30th, at 7:30pm in church. As part of the annual Fortnight of Prayer for Freedom, replete with hymns that will engender love of nation, sung by our parish choir, the 45-minute para-liturgical service will include readings as well as candle-light intercessory prayer. The event will be followed by a social in Comber Hall. All are welcome. Cyber-Bullying: Protecting Young People from Technology Dangers Part I El Acoso Cibernético: Para Proteger a los Jóvenes de los Peligros de la Tecnología - Parte I Excerpts from Virtus bulletin by Robert Hugh Farley, M.S. / Fragmento del boletín de Virtus, por Robert Hugh Farley, M. S. With the pervasiveness of ever changing electronic technology, the home is no longer the refuge from all bullies as it once was. Today, a bully using an electronic device can anonymously bully and invade the safe and secure territory that the home historically provided to avoid teasing and harassment. Cyber-bullying is defined as when the Internet, cell phones, or other electronic devices are used to send or post text messages or visual images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Schools can be very effective in working with parents to stop cyber-bullying situations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Debido a la presencia de la tecnología electrónica que cambia constantemente, el hogar ya no es el refugio para evitar a todos los acosadores, como lo era antes. En nuestros días, un acosador con un dispositivo electrónico puede intimidar en el anonimato, e invadir el territorio seguro que el hogar siempre ofrecía para evitar las burlas y el acoso. Acoso cibernético se define como el uso de la internet, los teléfonos celulares u otros dispositivos electrónicos para enviar o publicar mensajes de texto o imágenes visuales destinadas a herir o avergonzar a otra persona. Las escuelas, en colaboración con los padres, pueden ser muy eficaces para detener situaciones de acoso cibernético. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Archdiocese of Miami runs one of the most robust awareness and prevention programs in the country. For more information contact the Safe Environment Office at 305-762-1250. Abril es el Mes para la Prevención del Abuso Infantil. La Arquidiócesis de Miami cuenta con uno de los programas de concienciación y prevención más sólidos en el país. Para más información, comuníquese con la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro al 305-762-1250. Continuing our bi-annual custom, on May 2nd at 7:30pm, we will have an outdoor candlelight international rosary ceremony in honor of the Blessed Mother at the Marian Grotto of the Immaculate Conception on the rectory house lawn. The prayer service, done during the Marian month of May, will be followed by a reception on the carport patio. All members of the parish, families with children, and ministry groups are welcome. We will pray for our parish as we continue to celebrate the 90th anniversary. THE GREAT REREDOS AT COTLF We will be having a parish yard sale on Saturday, June 11th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the parking lot across from the parish office. All are welcome to peruse the items. As the saying goes, “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Anyone who would like to rent a space to market and sell their own items can do so by calling Jorge Perez at our Advancement Office, 305-446-9950. Limited spaces will be available for $10. Have you gotten your copy of the new publication entitled, “The Great Reredos at COTLF”? Written and edited by Father Davis and Jorge Santibanez, and with digital photography provided by Maxine Alvarez, the booklet explains the reredos which makes up the backdrop of our magnificent sanctuary. Booklets are available at the doors of church. Get your free copy while supplies last. Father Davis, our Pastor and former Director of Liturgy at two seminaries, will be offering an adult education opportunity in June, a four-session instructional module, which will explore the historical beginnings of the Catholic liturgical and sacramental tradition. This primer on liturgical history is based on the course that he taught seminarians as they prepared for the priesthood. Available for the first 16 people who sign up, the power-point mini-course will take place on four consecutive Wednesday evenings beginning on June 8th, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm, at the second floor conference room in the Parish Office. To reserve your seat, free of charge, call Maria Elena Chialastri to get your name on the list. There’s only 16 seats in the conference/media room! 305-446-9950, ext. 306. Father Davis will be leading our second “spiritual field trip” to visit two archdiocesan locations of the Jubilee Year “Holy Doors” on Thursday, September 1st. The details have just been confirmed. We will leave Little Flower at 8:30am, arriving St Anthony’s Church in Fort Lauderdale at 10:15am. We will be greeted by the Pastor, enter through the Holy Door, take a brief tour, and be on our way to our next stop. Then we will go to Our Lady of Mercy Church in Deerfield Beach. We will arrive at 11:45am, be greeted by the Pastor, enter through the Holy Door. Celebrate Mass, and have a catered lunch by a chef from the parish. We will return to Little Flower by 2:45pm. We can only accommodate the first 50 people who sign-up. Tickets will be $49.95 for the day trip excursion. Call Jorge Perez at our Advancement Office, to get your name on the list. 305-446-9950, ext. 318. Preliminary plans are now underway to organize our next international pilgrimage trip. Designed by the nationally renowned Catholic Travel Centre from California, we will embark upon a ten-day spiritual journey to Israel. It will be a “Lenten Retreat with Father Davis in the Holy Land,” a particularly awesome way to journey through Lent and prepare for Easter 2017. Planning, of course, takes time. A formal program will not be announced until later this summer. Only 50 seats will be available. Bethlehem, Nazareth, Carmel, Caesaria, Cana, Jerusalem, Jericho, and the Dead Sea will be among the highlights. Mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher too! Contact Fr Davis to get your name on the mailing list. 305-446-9950, ext. 301. Advance planning is essential to doing anything well. As we look forward to a possible re-configured plan for our long-time custom of Thanksgiving meals for the homebound and elderly, we will have a planning meeting on Monday, April 25th at 7:30pm at the Parish Office 2nd Floor Conference Room. If there is interest, a new leadership committee will be formed. A revised format will be developed. And a possible new plan will emerge. Might you be interested in helping? Join us at the planning meeting. Our Sunday night Youth Group is in full swing! Approximately 5o parish teens gather after the Sunday night 5:30pm Parish Mass in Comber Hall for fun activities, community building, meeting new and old friends, social experiences and friendly encouragement in our walk of faith, all done in a fun way. Those that have participated come back week after week. Consider joining us on Sunday nights. Bring a friend! NEXT GATHERING: May 22, 2016 On Sunday, May 1st, in advance of Mother’s Day, the 10 World Youth Day Pilgrims from COTLF will be selling beautiful hanging glass gardens following all Masses. These glass gardens, arranged and prepared by our youth pilgrims themselves, together with our DRE and adult chaperones, will be on sale for only $20 each and they make a perfect Mother’s Day gift! 100% of proceeds will directly benefit the once-in-a-lifetime WYD Pilgrimage in July, sure to positively energize the lives of our young pilgrims and the faith of the entire parish community as they share their experiences upon their return! Sunday, April 17 - 4th Sunday of Easter 7:30 am (†) Rosa Rodriguez 9:00 am (†) Margarita Garcia 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Fernando Rodriguez 5:30 pm (†) Carlos Theye 7:00 pm (†) Vince Kovacs 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Monday, April 18 Health of Arthur Perry (†) Olga Esther Celemin Misa Comunitaria 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Tuesday, April 19 Lizandreana Arguello’s Health Arias-Mosquera Family Special Intentions Misa Comunitaria 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Wednesday, April 20 Alessandra Armengol Gloria Fenton’s Special Intentions Misa Comunitaria Thursday, April 21 - St. Anselm 6:15 am Isamar Moran’s Health 8:00 am Alba Lopez’s Health 5:30 pm Misa Comunitaria 6:15 am 8:00 am 5:30 pm Friday, April 22 (†) Esteban Jimenez Gina M. Santibáñez’s Birthday Misa Comunitaria 8:00 am 5:00 pm Sunday, April 25 - 5th Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Living & Deceased Members of the Lagoa-Infante Family 9:00 am Peter J. Greer’s Birthday 10:30 am Missa Pro Populo -Members of the Parish Family 12:30 pm (†) Juan Carlos Quintana 5:30 pm (†) Solomon Guerrero 7:00 pm (†) Gustavo Ruan-Cogollo Cynthia Absher Jeremy Aguilera Pedro Julio Alzola Sofia Isabella Anderson Vasco Gonzalez Arbulo Teresa de Jesus Diaz Brito Blanca Carrillo María Centeno Enrique Chavarri Francisco Corripio Andres de Cardenas Carolina Nodarse Diaz Grace Euribe Norberto Ferradaz Alexander Tristan Flores Ellian Gama Sunday, April 17 Boy Scouts Fundraiser 12:00 pm Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH 2:00 pm Baptisms - C 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Monday, April 18 English Bible Study - RPC Year of Mercy - CH Tuesday, April 19 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Confessions - C 7:oo pm Legion of Mary - LH 8:00 pm Charismatic Prayer Group - RPC Wednesday, April 20 STS Bazaar - CH 4:00 pm Rel.Ed. Classes 7:00 pm Rel.Ed. Classes 7:30 pm Legion de Maria - LH 7:30 pm Transition Ministry - RPC 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Saturday, April 23 - St George Juan del Sol’s Special Intentions Special Intention 6:45 pm 7:30 pm Martha Garcia Mabel Garcia Caridad Garcia Linda Genova Lucas Giovane Christian Godsey Zoey Gomez Luis Gutierrez Luis Heredia Ashley Hierrezuelo Elsa Ibarra Sebastian Javier Maria Luisa Lizcano Carolina Llerena Roberto Naranjo Daniel Joseph Nisonger Jorge L. Ortega Ricardo Peredo Janelle Sofia Perez Arthur Perry Frankly Pino Hector E. Ponce Ernest Posey, Jr Jose F. Ramirez Dr. Mercedes Ricon Severo & Dulce Rivases Eddy Sanchez Luis Santana Carlos Javier Sequeira Maria Guevara Gabriel Sierra Lucerno Sierra Annjulia Silva Lydia Sola Shawn Stockhausen Angel Daniel Suarez Lydia Usategui Miriam V. Matthew Young Friday, April 22 Wedding - C Jonathan Hernandez & Bianca F. Gabbara Grupo de Oracion Carismatico - RPC Saturday, April 23 Confessions - C Rel. Ed. Classes Baptisms - C Wedding - C Patrick Almas & Meaghan Gaynor 4:00 pm Talleres: Matrimonios - RPC 6:45 pm Wedding - C Luis Miguel Moratalla & Vanessa Delcarmen Rojas 9:oo am 10:00 am 11:00 am 3:00 pm Sunday, April 24 Men’s Emmaus Fundraiser 12:00 pm Legion de Maria: Angelus y Rosario - LH 2:00 pm Baptisms - C Thursday, April 21 ESL Classes - RPC Prayer & Life Workshop - RPC Cursillos de Cristiandad - RPC Legend: C- Church; CAF- STS Cafeteria; KoC- Knights of Columbus Hall; LH- Legion of Mary House; REC- Rectory; RPC- Reilly Parish Center; CH- Comber Hall; STS- St. Theresa School WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap MARBLE & GRANITE, INC. 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