Program-Detailed day by day


Program-Detailed day by day
Program-Detailed day by day
Wetlands Biodiversity and Services: tools for the socio-ecological development
Huesca, Spain. 14-18 september 2014
Sunday 14 September 2014
17:00-19:00 Registration
19:00-21:00 Inauguration
(posters will be able to be put at this time)
Monday 15 September 2014
8.30 Maltby E. Wetlands in the 21st century: From research to practical actions to maintain
and restore wetland ecosystem services.
Session: Ponds 1
Chair: Laura Serrano
10:00 Zelnik, Igor; Alenka Gaberščik; Mihael J. Toman. Macrophyte and macroinvertebrate
assemblages in Karstic ponds and their relations to environmental factors.
10:20 Franch-Gras, Lluis; Eduardo M. García-Roger; Manuel Serra; Eva Tarazona; María José
Carmona. Variation in the propensity for sexual reproduction among facultatively
sexual rotifer populations inhabiting ponds with different degree of environmental
10:40 Stewart, Rebecca & Zulsdorff, Valentina. Linking ponds to pollination in an agricultural
11:00 Belo, Anabela; Ana Lumbreras Corujo; Carla Pinto-Cruz. Soil seed bank evaluation: a
tool for temporary pond recovery
11:20 Camacho, Antonio; Nayeli Murueta; Elena Blasco; Stefano Colelli; Anna C.
Santamans; Antonio Picazo. Functional ecology of Laguna de Talayuelas, a model
Mediterranean temporary pond
11:40 Oertli, Beat; Demierre Eliane; Ilg Christiane. Promoting biodiversity in urban ponds:
identification of the major determinants of species richness and implications for pond
12:00 Auditorium
Panel Discussion: Linking the wise use of wetlands with the challenges for
sustainable development
Moderator: Robert Mc Innes, Ramsar representative
Panelists: Edward Maltby (University of Liverpool); Brigitte Poulin
(Station Biologique Tour du Valat); Anne Tolvanen (Finnish Forest
Research Institute and University of Oulu).
13:30 Lunch
Session: Ponds 2
Chair: Beat Oertli
15:00 Armengol, Xavier; María Rodrigo; Luis Valls; Andreu Castillo-Escrivà; Silvia
Carlos Rochera; José A. Gil-Delgado;
Rafael U. Gosálvez; Ángel Velasco;
Máximo Florín; Antonio Camacho; Francesc Mesquita-Joanes. Hatching patterns
of microinvertebrates in temporary ponds from Campo de Calatrava (Castilla-La
Mancha, Spain)
15:20 Ruocco, Matteo; Luigi Sala; Roberto Simonini; Daniela Prevedelli; Ivano Ansaloni.
Macroinvertebrates colonization and evolution in the WWF protected area “La
Francesa" (Pianura Padana, Italy): a new man-made pond
15:40 Vaikre, Maarja; Liina Remm; Riinu Rannap. Macroinvertebrate diversity and
community structure in woodland pools and ditches and their response to artificial
16:00 Ilg, Christiane; Demierre, Eliane; Diz Salgado, Carmen; Oertli, Beat. Assessing the role
of amphibians as surrogates for pond biodiversity
16:20 Péntek, Attila L.; Csaba F. Vad; Katalin Zsuga; Zsófia Horváth. Does pond size matter?
Breeding site use of amphibian communities in a mixed landscape of Central Europe
16:40 Waterkeyn, Aline; Patrick Grillas; Brendonck Luc. The role of tadpole shrimp as
community structuring agents in temporary ponds
17:00 Break
Session: Ponds 3
Chair: Susana Romo
17:30 Magalhães, Sónia; José Teixeira; Pedro Segurado. Study of patterns of movement in
Emys orbicularis and connectivity between ponds inside the PAVT
17:50 Kloskowski, Janusz; Marek Nieoczym. How to enhance animal diversity of ponds used
for carp culture
18:10 Palhas, Jael; Armando Alves; Eunice Sousa; José Teixeira. Pond with life-an
environmental education campaign for pond conservation and pedagogical exploration
in Portugal
Room 1
Symposium: The role of wetlands and buffer zones as green infrastructure elements
of agricultural landscapes in watershed management-1
Chairs: Ülo Mander and Julien Tournebize
10:00 Mander, Ülo; Julien Tournebize; Bernard Vincent. Green infrastructure, a key of future
watershed management
10:20 Arheimer, Berit; Charlotta B. Pers. Lessons learned? Simulated nutrient reduction by
wetlands constructed 1996-2006 in Sweden
10:40 Pokorný, Jan; Petra Hesslerová; Hanna Huryna; Vladimír Jirka. Role of wetlands in
water cycling and local climate formation in agricultural landscapes
11:00 Kronvang, Brian; Flemming Gertz; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Gitte Rubæk; Goswin
Heckrath; Henning Jensen; Sara Egemose; Carl Christian Hoffmann; Tommy Dalgaard;
Søren B. Olsen; Henrik B. Møller; Irene Wiborg; Marc Stutter. Experiences gained
from 2 years with mandatory 10 m buffer strips along all Danish watercourses: do we
know enough to evaluate their ecosystem services?
11:20 Boz, Bruno; Paolo Bazzoffi; Silvia Carnevale; Bruna Gumiero. Efficiency of buffer zones
recently inserted as CAP initiative in Italy
11:40 Darwiche-Criado, N.; F.A. Comín; A. Masip; M. García; S. Gutiérrez; R. Sorando. In
shore and offshore restored wetlands as buffers zones for the improvement of water
quality of the water exceeding irrigation in an agricultural territory
13:30 Lunch
Symposium: Self-purification capacity in riparian wetlands: the European Project
Interreg Sudoe Attenagua-1
Chairs: José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and Sabine Sauvage
15:00 Sánchez-Pérez, J.M.; Sauvage, S; Teissier, S.; Bernard-Jannin, L.; Sun, X.; Yao, J.M ;
Gerino M.; Amiche, C.; Chamsi, O.; Pinelli, E.; Jean, S.; Charcosset, J.Y.; Barret, M.;
Attard, E.; Lauga B.; Duran, R.; Antiguedad, I.; Zabaleta, A.; Martinez-Santos, M.;
Ruiz, E.; Comin, F.; Carranza, F.; Español, C.; Navarro, E.; Bodoque, J.M.; Ladera, J.;
Yela, J.L.; Alonso, J.; Brito,D.; Neves, R. Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands
15:20 Antigüedad, Iñaki; Ane Zabaleta; Miren Martinez-Santos; Estilita Ruiz; Jesus Uriarte;
Tomas Morales ; Francisco Comin; Fabian Carranza; Cecilia Español; José Maria
Bodoque; Julian Ladera; Léonard Bernard-Jannin; Xiaoling Sun; Samuel Teissier;
Sabine Sauvage ; José-Miguel Sanchez-Perez. The alluvial system as a framework for
physical-biogeochemical interactions
15:40 Comin, F.A.; Sauvage, S.; Antiguedad, I.; Bodoque J.M.; Neves R. ; Brito, D.; SánchezPérez J.M.; Zabaleta, A.; Ruiz, E.; Gerino M.; Yao, J.M.; Carranza, F.; Español, C.;
Navarro, E.; Ladera, J.; Yela, J.L.; Teissier, S. A conceptual model to characterize
biophysical and biogeochemical indicators in river water-groundwater interfaces for
natural depollution of water pollution
16:00 Español, C.; Yao J.M; Gerino, M.; Comin, F.A.; Sánchez-Pérez J.M.; José Luis Yela; Ane
Zabaleta; Julian Ladera; Fabián Carranza. Invertebrate communities of alluvial
groundwaters in relation with water flow dynamics
16:20 Yao, J.M; Ramburn H; Sánchez-Pérez J.M.; Sauvage S.; Teissier S.; Attard E.; Lauga B.;
Durant R.; Gerino M. The role of invertebrate biodiversity in ecosystem purification
service of alluvial wetlands
16:40 Sun, Xiaoling; Léonard Bernard-Jannin; Cyril Garneau; Nancy B Sammons; Jeff G
Arnold; Raghavan Srinivasan; Sabine Sauvage; José-Miguel Sanchez-Perez.
Quantifying the role of the denitrification process in the alluvial aquifer using SWAT
model: the case of the Garonne River flooplain (France)
17:00 Break
Symposium: Self-purification capacity in riparian wetlands: the European Project
Interreg Sudoe Attenagua-2
Chairs: José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and Sabine Sauvage
17:30 Bernard-Jannin, Léonard; David Brito; Ramiro Neves; Sabine Sauvage; José-Miguel
Sánchez-Pérez. A modelling tool to simulate water exchanges in floodplain area,
application to the Garonne River (SW France)
17:50 Bernard-Jannin, Léonard; Sun, X.; Sauvage, S.; Teissier, S.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. Water
exchanges, carbon supply and nitrogen dynamic in the shallow groundwater of a
riparian wetland zone application to the Garonne River (SW France)
18:10 Chamsi, Ousama; Navarro Enrique; Sanchez-Pérez José-Miguel ; Sauvage Sabine;
Comin Francisco ; Antiguedad Iñaki ; Bodoque José-Maria ; Pinelli Eric. Microalgae as
a bio-indicator of the effects of pollutants in groundwaters in riverine wetlands areas
Room 2
Session: Biological features 1
Chair: David Bart
10:00 Dolinar, Nataša; Alenka Gaberščik. Primary productivity, decomposition and fungal
colonisation in Phragmites australis
10:20 Reuter, Hendrik; Jörg Gelbrecht; Dominik Zak. Differences in the anaerobic
decomposition of Phragmites australis plant tissue in rewetted and near pristine fens as
determined by FTIR-Spectroscopy
10:40 Čížková, Hana; Jiří Dušek; Jan Květ . Progress in the assessment of primary production
by wetland herbaceous plants: a review
11:00 Ágoston-Szabó, Edit; Károly Schöll; Anita Kiss; Mária Dinka. Leaf litter decomposition
in a side arm of River Danube at Gemenc floodplain (Danube-Dráva National Park,
11:20 Van Onsem, Stijn; Ludwig Triest. Macrophyte reproductive fitness and strategy as a
response to high Lemna cover
11:40 Kuczyńska-Kippen, Natalia; Tomasz Joniak; Barbara Nagengast. Do biometric features
of a macrophyte habitat reflect zooplankton diversity in various trophic types of small
water bodies
13:30 Lunch
Session: Biological features 2
Chair: Ladislav Hammelik
15:00 Špoljar, Maria; Tvrtko Dražina; Jelena Fressl; Jasna Lajtner; Tea Tomljanović; Daniel
Matulić; Dora Matijašec; Ivana Zrinščak; Biserka Primc. Influence of submerged
macrophytes on metazooplankton community-an in situ mesocosm experiment in the
eutrophic lake
15:20 García-Roger, Eduardo M.; Carlos Martínez; Manuel Serra; María José Carmona. Bet
hedging for variability in diapause duration in a monogonont rotifer: first-produced
resting eggs have increased probability of longer diapause
15:40 Wiśniewska, Malgorzata; Natalia Kuczyńka-Kippen; Eugeniusz Pronin. Environmental
factors controlling the autumnal similarity of rotifers (Rotifera) in small water bodies
16:00 Čiampor, Fedor Jr; Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová; Darina Šípošová; Katarína
Goffová. Genetic structure of the insect populations in the Tatra Mts. alpine ponds and
16:20 Horváth, Zsófia; Csaba F. Vad; Pál Boda; Arnold Móra; Adrienn Tóth; Robert Ptacnik.
Hitchhikers, paragliders and active flyers–the role of dispersal mode in small and large
scale spatial patterns of aquatic invertebrates
16:40 Roulet, Albertine; Christiane Ilg; Beat Oertli. Dispersal and colonization of new ponds
by freshwater macroinvertebrates: the case of water beetles in alpine landscapes
17:00 Break
Session: Biological features 3
Chair: Mia Vehkaoja
17:30 Gallardo, Belinda; Miguel Clavero; Marta Sánchez; Montserrat Vilà. Tell me what you
eat and I’ll tell you what you impact: invasive species’ diet trigger trophic cascades in
aquatic ecosystems
17:50 Prenda, José; Adrián Ramos-Merchante; Isabel Redondo; Silvia Rubio. Aquatic
vertebrates and macrofauna habitat relationships in coastal wetlands from Andalucía
(S Spain)
18:10 Vehkaoja; Mia; Stella Thompson. Beaver-created wetlands
Room 3
Session: Management-1
Chair: Yosuke Masuda
10:00 Berger, Daniela. Long-term monitoring of wetlands north of the Garzweiler opencast
brown coal mine in western Germany
10:20 Germ, Mateja; Urša Remic; Vekoslava Stibilj. Veronica anagallis-aquatica as a
bioindicator for selenium in watercourses
10:40 Mudarra-Martínez, Matías; Bartolomé Andreo-Navarro; Luis Linares Girela; Francisco
Carrasco Cantos. Monitoring network and preliminary results to investigate Andalusian
wetlands associated with evaporitic karst aquifers
11:00 Leemhuis, Constanze; Alvarez, Miguel; Amler Esther; Behn Kai; Beuel Sonja; Keissler
Kornelia; Kotze Donovan; Kreye Christine; Kyallo Daniel; Wagner Katrin; Ziegler
Susanne. A rapid tile approach for wetland degradation assessment in East Africa
11:20 Martí-Cardona, Belén; Josep Dolz Ripollés; Carlos López-Martínez. Bio-physical data
retrieval in the Doñana wetland from SAR satellite imagery
11:40 Solé-Senan, X.O; Juárez-Escario; A; Pedrol, J; Del Arco, C; Conesa, J.A. A functional
plant diversity approach of the halophytic communities of Monegros Desert
13:30 Lunch
Session: Management-2
Chair: Emma Goodyer
15:00 Jeffries, Michael. Flood, drought and the plough: inter-annual variation to the number
and extent of ponds in an English lowland landscape over three years of weather
15:20 Greaves, H.; C. Sayer; C.; H. Bennion; H.; J. Axmacher; J.; I. Patmore. Impacts of
management on the biodiversity and chemistry of farmland ponds
15:40 Vad, Csaba F.; Attila L. Péntek; Adrienn Tóth; Nastasia J. Cozma; Katalin Zsuga; Bence
Tóth; Robert Ptacnik; Nóra A. Böde8; Arnold Móra3; Zsófia Horváth7. Wartime scars or
biodiversity hot-spots? The role of saline bomb crater ponds in aquatic conservation
16:00 Lefebvre, Gaëtan; Christophe Germain; Brigitte Poulin. Development of a web
interactive tool to promote sustainable water management and use of Mediterranean
marshes under climate variability
16:20 da Silva, Carolina Joana; Keid Nolan Silva Sousa; Solange Ikeda; Célia Regina Araújo
Soares Lopes; Josué Ribeiro da Silva Nunes; Maria Antonia Carniello; Paulo Roberto
Mariotti; Wilkinson Lopes; Alessandra Morini; Bruno Wagner Zago; Cristiane Lima
Façanha; Ruth Albernaz; Elaine Loureiro; Iris Gomes; Robson Flores de Oliveira;
Weslei Jonatar; Joari Costa de Arruda; Nilo Leal Sander; Djair Sergio de Freitas Junior;
Valcir Rogério Pinto; Aldeniza Cardoso de Lima; Robert H.G. Jongman. Biodiversity
change and conservation in the wetlands of the Pantanal Upper Paraguay-Amazonia
Ecotone, Mato Grosso (Brazil).
16:40 Květ, Jan; Jan Pokorný. Fishponds in the Czech Republic–Management Issues
17:00 Break
Session: Management-3
Chair: Brigitte Poulin
17:30 Manton, Michael; Per Angelstam; Per Milberg. Governance and management for
ecological sustainability? - avian predation on waders
17:50 Ciocanea, Cristiana Maria; Carmen Sorescu; Tania Chincea; Steluta Manolache.
Danube’s Iron Gates wetlands: threats and conservation measures
18:10 Masuda, Yosuke. Development of a theory for biodiversity offset policy based on the
US experience of wetland mitigation policy
18:30 Poster Hall
Poster Session
Tuesday 16 September 2014
Departure from Huesca Congress Palace
Restoration of freshwater wetlands & saline ponds
River Ebro floodplain & wetland restoration
Ox-bow and gravel pit lakes in the Gállego and Ebro Rivers (Zaragoza)
& Wetland restoration to remove nitrates exceeding agricultural
Back in Huesca
CONFERENCE DINNER (Huesca Congress Palace)
Departure from Huesca Congress Palace
Salillas, I. Welcome: An Introduction to Monegros
Trokanova, Lucie. LIFE for Wetlands-examples and best practices
del Río, Amanda; Eduardo de Miguel; Angeles Pontes; Carlos Pérez; Ernesto
Aguirre-Ruiz; Carlos Zumalacarregui; Blanca Hurtado. LIFE project “La Mancha
Wetlands”: restoration of salt flats around 27 endorheic wetland areas in La
Martín, Miguel; William Colom; Mario Giménez; Antonio Guillem; Fernando
Juan; Mª del Carmen Regidor. Integrated management of three constructed
wetlands in compliance with the water framework, birds and habitats
Directives: the LIFE+12 ALBUFERA project
Giralda Carrera, Gloria. Wetlands restoration and creation for European mink:
Ten years of work in Navarre (Spain)
Simčič, Matej. Conservation and management of freshwater wetlands in
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Miguel; Francisco Moral Martos; Mario Parra
Cachada.Hydrological monitoring of “Los Tollos” playa-lake (Andalusia, Spain)
in the context of its restoration (Life+ “Los Tollos”)
Morató, Jordi; Lorena Aguilar; Ángel Gallegos; Carlos Arias; Patricia Caro;
Santiago Sahuquillo; Carlos Pérez. Reagritech LIFE11 ENV/ES/579. Constructed
wetlands for diffuse pollution control of agricultural runoff
Teixeira, José; Vicente Sancho; Bruno Martins; Fábia Azevedo; Ana Cruz;
Ignacio Lacomba. Is it possible to eradicate invasive freshwater turtles from de
European wetlands? Results and prospects from LIFE Trachemys project
Pinto-Cruz, Carla; Ana Lumbreras Corujo; Anabela Belo; Rita Alcazar LIFE
Charcos: Temporary Ponds Conservation in the Southwest Coast of Portugal.
Masip, Adriá; Francisco A. Comín; Victor Guirado; Javier Rodriguez; Alfonso
Calvo; Francisca Gallego; Ricardo Sorando; Gema Cacho; Ana Loriente; Nadia
Darwiche; Mercedes García; Silvia Gutiérrez; Alberto Barcos. EU Life
CREAMAgua: Restoring wetlands for water quality and biodiversity
improvements in irrigated agricultural territories
Bankovics, András. Restoration of Pannonic sodic wetlands in Hungary
Field trip: visit to restored freshwater wetlands to remove nitrates from water
exceeding agricultural irrigation and to improve biodiversity
Back in Huesca
CONFERENCE DINNER (Huesca Congress Palace)
Wednesday 17 September 2014
Plenary Lecture
Van Halsema, G. Integrating Wetlands Management and Conservation into the socioecological development
9:30 Break
Session: Geo-Eco-Hydrology
Chair: Carmen Castañeda
10:00 Luna, Estela; Carmen Castañeda; Rafael Rodríguez. Soils diversity along a
toposequence within intermittently flooded habitats in Gallocanta Lake, Spain
10:20 Kalettka, Thomas; Marielle Neyen; Uwe-Karsten Schkade; Andreas Kleeberg.
Sediment accumulation in glacially created kettle holes on arable land, Uckermark, NE
10:40 López-Vicente, Manuel; Cristina Pérez-Bielsa; Teresa López-Montero; Luis Javier
Lambán; Ana Navas. Runoff production and water content in soils of the Estaña Lakes
Catchment (Huesca, NE Spain)
11:00 Grima, J.; Bruno José Ballesteros; José Manuel Murillo; Juan José Durán.
Groundwater and its relationship to wetlands at Jucar Pilot River Basin
11:20 Rodríguez-Ochoa, Rafael; José Ramón Olarieta. Soils in endorheic depressions in
northern Monegros, Spain
11:40 Rosset, Véronique; Albert Ruhí; Thibault Datry. How ponds differ-or not-from streams
in their biotic responses to drying?
12:00 Panel Discussion: Integrating wetlands into the social-economic landscape:
from theory to practice
Moderator: Jos Verhoeven, Utrecht Univesity, SWS-Europe President
Panelists: Tania Runge (COPA-COGECA, Brussels); Noelia Vallejo
Pedregal (European Commission D.G. Environment Unit ENV B.3Nature); Jan Kvet (Institute of Landscape Ecology, Trebon, Czech
13:30 Lunch
Symposium: Biodiversity, ecology and management of Mediterranean ponds-1
Chairs: Susana Romo and Laura Serrano
15:00 Gascón, Stéphanie; Dani Boix; Ana Inés Borthagaray; Jordi Sala; Matias Arim; Núria
Àvila; Susana Romo; Rocío López-Flores; Xavier D. Quintana. The use of lipids as an
energy storage strategy for taxa inhabiting climatic-contrasted habitats:
Mediterranean vs. high mountain temporary ponds
15:20 Caria, María Carmela; Simonetta Bagella; Alessandro Niedda; Salvatore Virdis . Longterm monitoring of Mediterranean temporary pond dynamics through remote sensing:
a case study in western Mediterranean
Bagella, Simonetta; Caria Maria Carmela; Rossella Filigheddu; Pier Luigi Nimis. An
interactive guide to the vascular plants of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Sardinia
16:00 Briffa, Kelly; Sheryl Sammut; Sandro Lanfranco. Morphometric heterogeneity of
temporary pools in Malta and its effect on species and life-form richness: implications
for management and restoration
16:20 Sammut, Sheryl; Sandro Lanfranco. 'Proximity' and its effect on community assembly
in temporary freshwater pools in Malta
16:40 Quintana, Xavier D.; Matías Arim; Anna Badosa; José María Blanco; Dani Boix;
Sandra Brucet; Jordi Compte; Juan J. Egozcue; Elvira de Eyto; Ursula Gaedke;
Stéphanie Gascón; Luis Gil de Solá; Kenneth Irvine; Erik Jeppesen; Torben L.
Lauridsen; Rocío López-Flores; Thomas Mehner; Susana Romo; Martin Søndergaard.
Trophic interaction effects on size distributions in aquatic communities
17:00 Break
Symposium: Biodiversity, ecology and management of Mediterranean ponds-2
Chairs: Susana Romo and Laura Serrano
17:30 Van den Broeck, Maarten; Laila Rhazi; Patrick Grillas; Mohammed El Madihi;
Mouhssine Rhazi; Luc Brendonck; Aline Waterkeyn. Faunal and floral community
patterns in Moroccan temporary ponds along climatic and anthropogenic disturbance
17:45 Díaz-Paniagua, Carmen; David Aragonés; Javier Bustamante. Threats of desiccation
of permanent and temporary ponds in Doñana National Park (SW Spain)
18:00 Olmo, Carla; Deborah Fandos; Xavier Armengol; Raquel Ortells. Ecological
requirements of Tanymastix stagnalis (L., 1758) (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in a
comparative framework: the case of Malladas de El Saler (Valencia, Spain)
18:15 Ortells, Raquel; Manuel Serra; Maria José Carmona. Should I stay or should I go?
Hatching decisions under high population densities
19:00 European Pond conservation Network Meeting
Room 1
Symposium: Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands: the European Project
Interreg Sudeo Attenagua-3
Chairs: José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and Sabine Sauvage
10:00 Carranza F.; Sánchez-Pérez J.M.; Sauvage S.; Comin, F.; Antiguedad, I.; Zabaleta A.;
Teissier S.; Navarro E.; Español C. Relationship between bacterial community diversity,
carbon supply and denitrification processes in riparian areas
Brito, D. ; Bernard-Jannin, L ; Sauvage, S. ; Zabaleta, A.; Comin, F.; Bodoque J.M.;
Neves R.; Sánchez-Pérez J.M. Modeling the hydro-biogeochemistry functioning in
alluvial wetlands
10:40 Bodoque, J.M.; Ladera, J.; Alonso-Azcárate, J.; Yela, J.L.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. Selfpurification capacity in a highly man-modified wetland
11:00 Sauvage, S. Discussion on Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands
11:20 Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. Synthesis and perspectives on Self-purification capacity in Riparian
wetlands: the European Project Interreg Sudoe Attenagua
13:30 Lunch
Symposium: The role of wetlands and buffer zones as green infrastructure elements
of agricultural landscapes in watershed management-2
Chairs: Ülo Mander and Julien Tournebize
15:00 Masip A.; Gonzalez E.; Castellano C.; Jaime R.; Comín F.A. Improving riparian
woodland restoration with case-by-case performance modeling in R language based on
groundwater distance.
15:20 Tournebize J.; Chaumont C. ; Vincent B ; Mander Ü.; Soosaar K.; Hansen R.; Muhel
M. Removal efficiency of pesticides and nitrates in an artificial wetland treating
drainage water from an agricultural watershed
15:40 Schachtschneider, K.; Jessica Chamier; Chavon Walters; Vernon Somerset. Metal
sequestration by indigenous vegetation in riparian zones; an ecosystem service to
improve water quality
16:00 Pappalardo, Salvatore; Maurizio Borin. Water purification from nitrogen as an
ecosystem service from a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural
drainage water
16:20 Pinardi, Monica; Elisa Soana; Mariano Bresciani; Paolo Villa; Marco Bartoli. Nitrogen
removal in a fluvial wetland: macrophyte-bacteria interactions and relevance at the
basin scale
16:40 Kasak, K.; Järvi Järveoja; Martin Maddison; Mikk Espenberg; Ülo Mander.
Greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peatlands in French Guiana
17:00 Break
Symposium: Wetlands processes and metabolism: from functioning to functions-1
Chairs: Pier Luigi Viaroli
17:30 Chen, Yi; Yue Wen; Qi Zhou; Jan Vymazal. Sulfur transformations in subsurface-flow
constructed wetlands treating secondary effluent.
17:50 Edwards, Keith R.; Hana Čížková; Eva Kaštovská; Jiří Barta; Tomáš Picek. Impact of
fertilization on plant and soil processes in wet grasslands
18:10 Gilbert, Peter; Michael Jeffries; Dave Cooke; Michael Deary; Geoff Abbott; Scott
Taylor. Capturing the aquatic breath: Examining ecological variations, diurnal
fluctuations and extrapolations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes from small aquatic systems in
Druridge Bay, England.
Room 2
Session: Biological related to physical features-1
Chair: Belinda Gallardo
Serrano, L.; C. Díaz-Paniagua; C. Gómez-Rodríguez; M. Florencio; M. A. Marchand; J.
G. M. Roelofs; E. C. H. E. T. Lucassen. Amphibian egg mortality associated to the
groundwater decline of the Doñana aquifer (SW Spain)
Hamerlík, Ladislav; Milan Novikmec; Marek Svitok; Richard Hrivnák; Michal Hlávek;
Judita Kochjarová; Zuzana Matúšová; Jozef Oboňa; Helena Oťaheľová; Peter PaľoveBalang; Barbora Reduciendo-Klementová; Radovan Stupák; Marta Veselská; Andrea
Zapriháčová. Does importance of chironomids as indicators of pond diversity change
along environmental gradients?
Reduciendo Klementová, Barbora; Marek Svitok; Milan Novikmec; Zuzana Matúšová.
Diversity and distribution of aquatic Heteroptera in Slovakia: the importance of small
standing waters
Pätzig, Marlene; Thomas Kalettka. Functional diversity of macrophytes in kettle hole
Campo-Bescós, Miguel A.; Rafael Muñoz-Carpena; David A. Kaplan; Jane Southworth.
Physical drivers of vegetation change in the Okavango Delta
Bensaci Ettayib; Nouidjem Yacine; Saheb Menouar; Bouzegag Abdelaziz; Houhamdi
Moussa. Waterbirds diversity and importance of Saharan wetlands of Algeria for their
13:30 Lunch
Session: Biological related to physical features-2
Chair: Stijn Van Onsem
15:00 Triadó-Margarit, Xavier; Emilio O. Casamayor. An overview on the biodiversity of
planktonic protists across environmental gradients
15:20 Matúšová, Zuzana; Marek Svitok; Richard Hrivnák; Ladislav Hamerlík; Michal Hlávek;
Judita Kochjarová; Milan Novikmec; Jozef Oboňa; Helena Oťaheľová; Peter PaľoveBalang; Barbora Reduciendo Klementová; Radovan Stupák; Andrea Zapriháčová.
Weak correlation in diversity and community composition among
taxonomic groups: a failure of surrogate idea in Central European ponds
15:40 Benito, Xavier; Rosa Trobajo; Carles Ibàñez. Modelling habitat distribution of
Mediterranean coastal wetlands: the Ebro Deltas as case study
16:00 Goodyer, Emma; Johan Schutten; Debbie Spray; Kenny McDougall. Development of
hydroecological guidelines for Scottish wetlands
16:20 Dinka, Mária; Károly Schöll; Anita Kiss; Árpád Berczik; Edit Ágoston-Szabó. Spatial
and temporal changes in physical and chemical properties of an oxbow lake of the
Danube River (Nyéki-Holt-Duna, Danube-Dráva National Park, Hungary)
16:40 Estupiñán Torres, Sandra Mónica; Sara Lilia Ávila De Navia. Water quality and
bacterial diversity in the wetland Córdoba, Colombia
17:00 Break
Session: Biological related to physical features-3
Chair: Michael Manton
17:30 Lopes Lázaro, Wilkinson; Carolina J. da Silva; Áurea R.A. Ignácio; Sergi Díez; Jean
R.D.Guimarães. Distribution of net mercury methylation potentials in a tropical
wetland: lateral connectivity of water bodies as a factor of variance in the waterscape
17:50 Zhao, Wenzhi; Hu Liu; Shoubo Li; Bing Liu. Ecohydrology of wetlands ecosystems in a
desert oasis in arid Northwestern China
18:10 Joniak, T.; Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen. Can the biological and physical-chemical
features of water be the indicator of type of land use and origin of small water bodies?
Room 3
Session: Socio-Ecological Issues
Chair: Michael Jeffries
10:00 Felipe-Lucia, María R.; Francisco A. Comín. Ecosystem services-biodiversity
relationships depend on land use type in floodplain agroecosystems
10:20 Seják, Josef; Jan Pokorný. Deriving systemic national values for biodiversity and
ecosystem services
10:40 Guerrero Moreno, Naret; Dianne Scott; Johannes Kollmann; Jan Sliva. Understanding
of socio-economic and traditional values of Manguzi Wetlands (KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa) as a pre-condition for their conservation, restoration and wise use
11:00 Poddar, Parthendu. Agronomic utilization and nutritional enrichment of wetlands
through cultivation of Aeschynomene aspera (L.)
11:20 Jiménez Castilla, T.; Netty Huertas. Wetlands and their contribution to Sustainable
Human Development: Opportunities for improvement the life´s quality in rural
population. Three Cases study in National Natural Parks in Colombia
11:40 Fernández-Rodríguez, M.J.; A. Jiménez-Rodríguez; M. Medialdea; N.Mazuelos; L.
Serrano. Aquaculture in Veta la Palma (Doñana Natural Area, SW Spain): a successful
coupling of ecological and socio-economic values.
13:30 Lunch
Session: Climate change
Chair: Jorge A. Herrera
15:00 Sánchez, Berta; Ana Iglesias. Implications of climate change for rice farming in the
Doñana wetland (SW Spain)
15:20 Taylor, Scott; David Cooke; Michael Jeffries; Michael Deary; Geoff Abbott; Peter
Gilbert. Ponds, productivity and probes: An experimental approach to carbon capture
15:40 Bolpagni, Rossano; Marco Bartoli; Pierluigi Viaroli. CO2 and CH4 fluxes in permanent
and temporary aquatic environments in the lowland of the Po River, Italy
16:00 Dušek, Jiří; Stanislav Stellner. Methane emission from a sedge-grass marsh under
different environmental conditions.
16:20 Ward, Raymond; Niall Burnside; Christopher Joyce; Kalev Sepp; Phillip Teasdale.
Modelling the impacts of sea level rise on coastal wetlands: a case study in microtopographical Baltic wetlands in Estonia
16:40 Calvo-Cubero, Juan; Carles Ibáñez; Albert Rovira; Peter J. Sharpe; Enrique Reyes.
Marsh elevation and carbon accumulation in a Mediterranean restored marsh (Ebro
Delta, Spain)
17:00 Break
Workshop: Wetlands as new stages of modern ecotourism
Chairs: Kirsi Laurén and Minna Tanskanen
17:30 Tanskanen, Minna. Ecotourism on the Finnish peatlands-theoretical prospects
17:50 Laurén, Kirsi. Mires and wilderness in national parks
18:10 Tolvanen, Anne: Social sustainability of the use of peatlands-implications on traditional
and modern livelihoods in northern Finland
18:30 Poster Hall
Poster Session
Thursday 18 September 2014
8:30 Society of Wetland Scientists-Europe Meeting
9:30 Break
Auditorium: Symposium: Wetland processes and metabolism: from functioning to
Chairs: Jan Vymazal & Carl Christian Hoffmann
10:00 Stephansen, Diana Agnete; Asbjørn Haaning Nielsen; Thorkild Hvitved-Jacobsen;
Carlos Alberto Arias; Hans Brix; Jes Vollertsen. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
sediments and invertebrates of stormwater detention ponds
10:20 Longhi, Daniele; Marco Bartoli; Daniele Nizzoli; Pierluigi Viaroli. Oxic-anoxic
transitions constrain benthic metabolism in freshwater wetland in the Po river
10:40 Vymazal, Jan; Tereza Březinová. Seasonal dynamics of heavy metals in Phragmites
australis growing in a constructed wetland
11:00 Oliver, Núria; Miguel Martín; Sara Gargallo; Carmen Hernández-Crespo. Influence of
operational parameters on nutrients removal in surface-flow constructed wetlands
treating eutrophicated water. Experience in L’Albufera de Valencia Lake
11:20 Litaor, M. Iggy. The impact of ornithogenic inputs on P hydro-geochemistry in altered
wetland environs in East Mediterranean Ecosystem
11:40 Hoffmann, Carl Christian; Charlotte Kjaergaard. Testing of horizontal and vertical cw’s
with mixed matrices of woodchips and mussel shells for removal of nutrients in
agricultural drainage water
13:30 Lunch
Symposium: Wetland processes and metabolism: from functioning to function-3
Chairs: Pier Luigi Viaroli
Negrin, Vanesa L.; Sandra E. Botté; Paula D. Pratolongo; Gabriela González Trilla.
Biogeochemical cycles in salt marshes from the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina): an
15:20 Bomfim, Eudes; Marie-Paule Bonnet; Anne-Elisabeth Lagues; Daniel Araújo; Jérémie
Garnier; Leonardo Gomes; Ludgero Vieira; Ricardo Paiva; Stéphanie Nasuti; Geraldo
Boaventura. Biogeochemistry and Lago Grande Curuaí's aquatic sustainability in the
Amazon Basin, Brazil
15:40 Catelotti, Katharine; Bino, G; Kingsford, R.T.; Bacon, P. Inundation requirements for
persistence and recovery of river red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), a keystone
species in a Ramsar listed Wetland in semi-arid Australia
16:30 Closure Session
Plenary lecture by Vallejo-Pedregal (EU D.G.Enviroment-Unit ENV B.3-Nature)
Guest Editors of Special Issues of Journals offered for publication (Mander &
Tournebize, Viaroli & Bartoli, Boix)
Conference Summary (Comín-Wetlands2014 Chairperson)
Prespectives (Verhoeven-Presidente SWS-Europe)
18:00 Farewell
Room 1
Symposium: Peatlands: Ecology, sustainable use and contributions to socio-ecological
Chairs: Tania G. Bravo and Eduardo González
10:00 Bravo, Tania A.; Maria Strack; Line Rochefort. Forest plantation on cutover peatland in
Alberta: Evaluating methods and carbon stocks
10:20 González, Eduardo; Line Rochefort; Stephanie Boudreau; Monique Poulin. Using
Linear Discriminant Analysis to predict restoration success in peatlands
10:40 López-Días, Veneranda; Ángeles G. Borrego; Carlos G. Blanco; Achim Bechtel;
Wilhelm Püttmann. Significance of the widespread occurrence of triterpenoid acetates
in North Spain bogs from Asturias
11:00 Urbanczyk, Justyna; Veneranda López-Días; Angeles G. Borrego. Chemical biomarker
assemblage in the 15000 cal. yr BP Comeya peat profile of Picos de Europa National
Park, North Spain
11:20 Bart, D.; Tara Davenport. Impacts of agricultural legacies on calcareous fen
communities: how the past informs the future
11:40 Tolvanen, Anne. Towards sustainable use of boreal peatlands
13:30 Lunch
Symposium: Peatlands: Ecology, sustainable use and contributions to socio-ecological
Chairs: Tania G. Bravo and Eduardo González
15:00 León, Carolina A; Gisela Oliván; María Puelles; José María Gabriel y Galán. Mitigation
bank and payments for ecosystem services, a tool for conservation of Patagonian
15:20 Giannini, Vittoria; Nicola Silvestri; Tiziana Sabbatini; Chiara Pistocchi; Enrico Bonari.
Growth and nutrients uptake of perennial crops and spontaneous vegetation in a
Mediterranean drained peatland: preliminary results.
15:40 Zak, Dominic; Rudy van Diggelen; Jörg Gelbrecht; Alvaro Cabezas; Rob McInnes.
Managing phosphorus fluxes from rewetted peatlands
Room 2
Session: Land use related biological features
Chair: Hana Čižková
Bart, David. Can incorporating agricultural practices into wetland restoration result in
win-win situations?
Novikmec, Milan; Marek Svitok; Dušan Kočický; Ladislav Hamerlík; Richard Hrivnák;
Judita Kochjarová; Helena Oťaheľová; Peter Paľove-Balang. Chemistry of water and
soil in Central European ponds: relationship with land use and morphology
Remm, Liina; Asko Lõhmus; Riinu Rannap. Temporal and small water bodies in modern
forests: a landscape-scale assessment in Estonia
Casamayor, Emilio O; Xavier Triadó-Margarit; Carmen Castañeda; Juan Herrero. The
microbial value of shallow saline lakes
Minelgaite, Greta; Asbjørn Haaning Nielsen; Morten Lauge Pedersen; Diana Agnete
Stephansen; Jes Vollertsen. Phytoplankton and benthic diatom diversity in urban
stormwater ponds compared to natural shallow lakes
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Workshop: New quantitative tools for the assessment of anthropogenic
eutrophication in shallow water bodies under increasing human
Chairs: Laura Serrano and Susana Romo
Room 3
Session: Restoration-1
Chair: Mc Innes
Koren, Aleksander; Matej Simčič. Modern challenges in wetlands management in the
case of ponds and oxbow lakes restoration in Slovenia
Menichino, Nina; Laurence Jones; Christopher Evans; Peter Jones; Janine Guest;
Andrew Pullin; Nathalie Fenner. Botanical response to restoration in degraded rich
Teutli-Hernández, C.; Comin, F.A.; Menendez, M.; Herrera-Silveira, J.A. Mangrove’s
restoration: ecological and economic perspectives
Yamashita, H.; McInnes, R.J. Social perception of the risks and benefits of tidal
wetland restoration: A case study from the UK
Peralta, Javier; Patxi Heras; Marta Infante; Asun Berastegi. Results of a mire
monitoring (2008-2013) in Navarre (NE Spain) after fencing to control livestock and
ditch damming to re-install hydrological balance
Miguel-Chinchilla, Leticia; Dani Boix; Stéphanie Gascón; Eduardo González; Francisco
A. Comín. Mining impacts on manmade ponds located in reclaimed opencast coal
13:30 Lunch
Session: Restoration-2
Chair: María Felipe
15:00 Herrera-Silveira, Jorge; Teutli-Hernández Claudia; Caamal-Sosa Juan; Zaldívar
Jiménez Arturo; Pech Daniel; Andueza Tersa; Pérez-Ceballos Rosela; Adame Vivanco
Ma. Fernanda; Hernández Héctor; Torres Ricardo. Carbon stocks and flows in
mangroves of the Yucatan Peninsula, research and monitoring
15:20 Motamedi, Shervin; Roslan Hashim; Song Ki-IL. Mangrove plantation and breakwater
systems for shoreline protection: Long-term assessment of the mangrove rehabilitation
project at Sungai Haji Dorani, Malaysia
15:40 Rodríguez, Mauricio; Tania Jiménez Castilla; Netty Huertas. Economic and ecological
evaluation of Cartagena´s urban mangroves forest and proposals for sustainable
human development
12:00 Poster Session