Program-Detailed day by day
Program-Detailed day by day
Program-Detailed day by day WETLANDS 2014 Wetlands Biodiversity and Services: tools for the socio-ecological development Huesca, Spain. 14-18 september 2014 Sunday 14 September 2014 17:00-19:00 Registration 19:00-21:00 Inauguration (posters will be able to be put at this time) Monday 15 September 2014 Auditorium 8.30 Maltby E. Wetlands in the 21st century: From research to practical actions to maintain and restore wetland ecosystem services. 9:30 Break Auditorium Session: Ponds 1 Chair: Laura Serrano 10:00 Zelnik, Igor; Alenka Gaberščik; Mihael J. Toman. Macrophyte and macroinvertebrate assemblages in Karstic ponds and their relations to environmental factors. 10:20 Franch-Gras, Lluis; Eduardo M. García-Roger; Manuel Serra; Eva Tarazona; María José Carmona. Variation in the propensity for sexual reproduction among facultatively sexual rotifer populations inhabiting ponds with different degree of environmental unpredictability 10:40 Stewart, Rebecca & Zulsdorff, Valentina. Linking ponds to pollination in an agricultural ecosystem 11:00 Belo, Anabela; Ana Lumbreras Corujo; Carla Pinto-Cruz. Soil seed bank evaluation: a tool for temporary pond recovery 11:20 Camacho, Antonio; Nayeli Murueta; Elena Blasco; Stefano Colelli; Anna C. Santamans; Antonio Picazo. Functional ecology of Laguna de Talayuelas, a model Mediterranean temporary pond 11:40 Oertli, Beat; Demierre Eliane; Ilg Christiane. Promoting biodiversity in urban ponds: identification of the major determinants of species richness and implications for pond management 12:00 Auditorium Panel Discussion: Linking the wise use of wetlands with the challenges for sustainable development Moderator: Robert Mc Innes, Ramsar representative Panelists: Edward Maltby (University of Liverpool); Brigitte Poulin (Station Biologique Tour du Valat); Anne Tolvanen (Finnish Forest Research Institute and University of Oulu). 13:30 Lunch Auditorium Session: Ponds 2 Chair: Beat Oertli 15:00 Armengol, Xavier; María Rodrigo; Luis Valls; Andreu Castillo-Escrivà; Silvia Diez; Carlos Rochera; José A. Gil-Delgado; Rafael U. Gosálvez; Ángel Velasco; Máximo Florín; Antonio Camacho; Francesc Mesquita-Joanes. Hatching patterns of microinvertebrates in temporary ponds from Campo de Calatrava (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) 15:20 Ruocco, Matteo; Luigi Sala; Roberto Simonini; Daniela Prevedelli; Ivano Ansaloni. Macroinvertebrates colonization and evolution in the WWF protected area “La Francesa" (Pianura Padana, Italy): a new man-made pond 15:40 Vaikre, Maarja; Liina Remm; Riinu Rannap. Macroinvertebrate diversity and community structure in woodland pools and ditches and their response to artificial drainage 16:00 Ilg, Christiane; Demierre, Eliane; Diz Salgado, Carmen; Oertli, Beat. Assessing the role of amphibians as surrogates for pond biodiversity 16:20 Péntek, Attila L.; Csaba F. Vad; Katalin Zsuga; Zsófia Horváth. Does pond size matter? Breeding site use of amphibian communities in a mixed landscape of Central Europe 16:40 Waterkeyn, Aline; Patrick Grillas; Brendonck Luc. The role of tadpole shrimp as community structuring agents in temporary ponds 17:00 Break Auditorium Session: Ponds 3 Chair: Susana Romo 17:30 Magalhães, Sónia; José Teixeira; Pedro Segurado. Study of patterns of movement in Emys orbicularis and connectivity between ponds inside the PAVT 17:50 Kloskowski, Janusz; Marek Nieoczym. How to enhance animal diversity of ponds used for carp culture 18:10 Palhas, Jael; Armando Alves; Eunice Sousa; José Teixeira. Pond with life-an environmental education campaign for pond conservation and pedagogical exploration in Portugal Room 1 Symposium: The role of wetlands and buffer zones as green infrastructure elements of agricultural landscapes in watershed management-1 Chairs: Ülo Mander and Julien Tournebize 10:00 Mander, Ülo; Julien Tournebize; Bernard Vincent. Green infrastructure, a key of future watershed management 10:20 Arheimer, Berit; Charlotta B. Pers. Lessons learned? Simulated nutrient reduction by wetlands constructed 1996-2006 in Sweden 10:40 Pokorný, Jan; Petra Hesslerová; Hanna Huryna; Vladimír Jirka. Role of wetlands in water cycling and local climate formation in agricultural landscapes 11:00 Kronvang, Brian; Flemming Gertz; Annette Baattrup-Pedersen; Gitte Rubæk; Goswin Heckrath; Henning Jensen; Sara Egemose; Carl Christian Hoffmann; Tommy Dalgaard; Søren B. Olsen; Henrik B. Møller; Irene Wiborg; Marc Stutter. Experiences gained from 2 years with mandatory 10 m buffer strips along all Danish watercourses: do we know enough to evaluate their ecosystem services? 11:20 Boz, Bruno; Paolo Bazzoffi; Silvia Carnevale; Bruna Gumiero. Efficiency of buffer zones recently inserted as CAP initiative in Italy 11:40 Darwiche-Criado, N.; F.A. Comín; A. Masip; M. García; S. Gutiérrez; R. Sorando. In shore and offshore restored wetlands as buffers zones for the improvement of water quality of the water exceeding irrigation in an agricultural territory 13:30 Lunch Symposium: Self-purification capacity in riparian wetlands: the European Project Interreg Sudoe Attenagua-1 Chairs: José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and Sabine Sauvage 15:00 Sánchez-Pérez, J.M.; Sauvage, S; Teissier, S.; Bernard-Jannin, L.; Sun, X.; Yao, J.M ; Gerino M.; Amiche, C.; Chamsi, O.; Pinelli, E.; Jean, S.; Charcosset, J.Y.; Barret, M.; Attard, E.; Lauga B.; Duran, R.; Antiguedad, I.; Zabaleta, A.; Martinez-Santos, M.; Ruiz, E.; Comin, F.; Carranza, F.; Español, C.; Navarro, E.; Bodoque, J.M.; Ladera, J.; Yela, J.L.; Alonso, J.; Brito,D.; Neves, R. Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands 15:20 Antigüedad, Iñaki; Ane Zabaleta; Miren Martinez-Santos; Estilita Ruiz; Jesus Uriarte; Tomas Morales ; Francisco Comin; Fabian Carranza; Cecilia Español; José Maria Bodoque; Julian Ladera; Léonard Bernard-Jannin; Xiaoling Sun; Samuel Teissier; Sabine Sauvage ; José-Miguel Sanchez-Perez. The alluvial system as a framework for physical-biogeochemical interactions 15:40 Comin, F.A.; Sauvage, S.; Antiguedad, I.; Bodoque J.M.; Neves R. ; Brito, D.; SánchezPérez J.M.; Zabaleta, A.; Ruiz, E.; Gerino M.; Yao, J.M.; Carranza, F.; Español, C.; Navarro, E.; Ladera, J.; Yela, J.L.; Teissier, S. A conceptual model to characterize biophysical and biogeochemical indicators in river water-groundwater interfaces for natural depollution of water pollution 16:00 Español, C.; Yao J.M; Gerino, M.; Comin, F.A.; Sánchez-Pérez J.M.; José Luis Yela; Ane Zabaleta; Julian Ladera; Fabián Carranza. Invertebrate communities of alluvial groundwaters in relation with water flow dynamics 16:20 Yao, J.M; Ramburn H; Sánchez-Pérez J.M.; Sauvage S.; Teissier S.; Attard E.; Lauga B.; Durant R.; Gerino M. The role of invertebrate biodiversity in ecosystem purification service of alluvial wetlands 16:40 Sun, Xiaoling; Léonard Bernard-Jannin; Cyril Garneau; Nancy B Sammons; Jeff G Arnold; Raghavan Srinivasan; Sabine Sauvage; José-Miguel Sanchez-Perez. Quantifying the role of the denitrification process in the alluvial aquifer using SWAT model: the case of the Garonne River flooplain (France) 17:00 Break Symposium: Self-purification capacity in riparian wetlands: the European Project Interreg Sudoe Attenagua-2 Chairs: José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and Sabine Sauvage 17:30 Bernard-Jannin, Léonard; David Brito; Ramiro Neves; Sabine Sauvage; José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez. A modelling tool to simulate water exchanges in floodplain area, application to the Garonne River (SW France) 17:50 Bernard-Jannin, Léonard; Sun, X.; Sauvage, S.; Teissier, S.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. Water exchanges, carbon supply and nitrogen dynamic in the shallow groundwater of a riparian wetland zone application to the Garonne River (SW France) 18:10 Chamsi, Ousama; Navarro Enrique; Sanchez-Pérez José-Miguel ; Sauvage Sabine; Comin Francisco ; Antiguedad Iñaki ; Bodoque José-Maria ; Pinelli Eric. Microalgae as a bio-indicator of the effects of pollutants in groundwaters in riverine wetlands areas Room 2 Session: Biological features 1 Chair: David Bart 10:00 Dolinar, Nataša; Alenka Gaberščik. Primary productivity, decomposition and fungal colonisation in Phragmites australis 10:20 Reuter, Hendrik; Jörg Gelbrecht; Dominik Zak. Differences in the anaerobic decomposition of Phragmites australis plant tissue in rewetted and near pristine fens as determined by FTIR-Spectroscopy 10:40 Čížková, Hana; Jiří Dušek; Jan Květ . Progress in the assessment of primary production by wetland herbaceous plants: a review 11:00 Ágoston-Szabó, Edit; Károly Schöll; Anita Kiss; Mária Dinka. Leaf litter decomposition in a side arm of River Danube at Gemenc floodplain (Danube-Dráva National Park, Hungary) 11:20 Van Onsem, Stijn; Ludwig Triest. Macrophyte reproductive fitness and strategy as a response to high Lemna cover 11:40 Kuczyńska-Kippen, Natalia; Tomasz Joniak; Barbara Nagengast. Do biometric features of a macrophyte habitat reflect zooplankton diversity in various trophic types of small water bodies 13:30 Lunch Session: Biological features 2 Chair: Ladislav Hammelik 15:00 Špoljar, Maria; Tvrtko Dražina; Jelena Fressl; Jasna Lajtner; Tea Tomljanović; Daniel Matulić; Dora Matijašec; Ivana Zrinščak; Biserka Primc. Influence of submerged macrophytes on metazooplankton community-an in situ mesocosm experiment in the eutrophic lake 15:20 García-Roger, Eduardo M.; Carlos Martínez; Manuel Serra; María José Carmona. Bet hedging for variability in diapause duration in a monogonont rotifer: first-produced resting eggs have increased probability of longer diapause 15:40 Wiśniewska, Malgorzata; Natalia Kuczyńka-Kippen; Eugeniusz Pronin. Environmental factors controlling the autumnal similarity of rotifers (Rotifera) in small water bodies 16:00 Čiampor, Fedor Jr; Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová; Darina Šípošová; Katarína Goffová. Genetic structure of the insect populations in the Tatra Mts. alpine ponds and lakes 16:20 Horváth, Zsófia; Csaba F. Vad; Pál Boda; Arnold Móra; Adrienn Tóth; Robert Ptacnik. Hitchhikers, paragliders and active flyers–the role of dispersal mode in small and large scale spatial patterns of aquatic invertebrates 16:40 Roulet, Albertine; Christiane Ilg; Beat Oertli. Dispersal and colonization of new ponds by freshwater macroinvertebrates: the case of water beetles in alpine landscapes 17:00 Break Session: Biological features 3 Chair: Mia Vehkaoja 17:30 Gallardo, Belinda; Miguel Clavero; Marta Sánchez; Montserrat Vilà. Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what you impact: invasive species’ diet trigger trophic cascades in aquatic ecosystems 17:50 Prenda, José; Adrián Ramos-Merchante; Isabel Redondo; Silvia Rubio. Aquatic vertebrates and macrofauna habitat relationships in coastal wetlands from Andalucía (S Spain) 18:10 Vehkaoja; Mia; Stella Thompson. Beaver-created wetlands Room 3 Session: Management-1 Chair: Yosuke Masuda 10:00 Berger, Daniela. Long-term monitoring of wetlands north of the Garzweiler opencast brown coal mine in western Germany 10:20 Germ, Mateja; Urša Remic; Vekoslava Stibilj. Veronica anagallis-aquatica as a bioindicator for selenium in watercourses 10:40 Mudarra-Martínez, Matías; Bartolomé Andreo-Navarro; Luis Linares Girela; Francisco Carrasco Cantos. Monitoring network and preliminary results to investigate Andalusian wetlands associated with evaporitic karst aquifers 11:00 Leemhuis, Constanze; Alvarez, Miguel; Amler Esther; Behn Kai; Beuel Sonja; Keissler Kornelia; Kotze Donovan; Kreye Christine; Kyallo Daniel; Wagner Katrin; Ziegler Susanne. A rapid tile approach for wetland degradation assessment in East Africa 11:20 Martí-Cardona, Belén; Josep Dolz Ripollés; Carlos López-Martínez. Bio-physical data retrieval in the Doñana wetland from SAR satellite imagery 11:40 Solé-Senan, X.O; Juárez-Escario; A; Pedrol, J; Del Arco, C; Conesa, J.A. A functional plant diversity approach of the halophytic communities of Monegros Desert 13:30 Lunch Session: Management-2 Chair: Emma Goodyer 15:00 Jeffries, Michael. Flood, drought and the plough: inter-annual variation to the number and extent of ponds in an English lowland landscape over three years of weather extremes. 15:20 Greaves, H.; C. Sayer; C.; H. Bennion; H.; J. Axmacher; J.; I. Patmore. Impacts of management on the biodiversity and chemistry of farmland ponds 15:40 Vad, Csaba F.; Attila L. Péntek; Adrienn Tóth; Nastasia J. Cozma; Katalin Zsuga; Bence Tóth; Robert Ptacnik; Nóra A. Böde8; Arnold Móra3; Zsófia Horváth7. Wartime scars or biodiversity hot-spots? The role of saline bomb crater ponds in aquatic conservation 16:00 Lefebvre, Gaëtan; Christophe Germain; Brigitte Poulin. Development of a web interactive tool to promote sustainable water management and use of Mediterranean marshes under climate variability 16:20 da Silva, Carolina Joana; Keid Nolan Silva Sousa; Solange Ikeda; Célia Regina Araújo Soares Lopes; Josué Ribeiro da Silva Nunes; Maria Antonia Carniello; Paulo Roberto Mariotti; Wilkinson Lopes; Alessandra Morini; Bruno Wagner Zago; Cristiane Lima Façanha; Ruth Albernaz; Elaine Loureiro; Iris Gomes; Robson Flores de Oliveira; Weslei Jonatar; Joari Costa de Arruda; Nilo Leal Sander; Djair Sergio de Freitas Junior; Valcir Rogério Pinto; Aldeniza Cardoso de Lima; Robert H.G. Jongman. Biodiversity change and conservation in the wetlands of the Pantanal Upper Paraguay-Amazonia Ecotone, Mato Grosso (Brazil). 16:40 Květ, Jan; Jan Pokorný. Fishponds in the Czech Republic–Management Issues 17:00 Break Session: Management-3 Chair: Brigitte Poulin 17:30 Manton, Michael; Per Angelstam; Per Milberg. Governance and management for ecological sustainability? - avian predation on waders 17:50 Ciocanea, Cristiana Maria; Carmen Sorescu; Tania Chincea; Steluta Manolache. Danube’s Iron Gates wetlands: threats and conservation measures 18:10 Masuda, Yosuke. Development of a theory for biodiversity offset policy based on the US experience of wetland mitigation policy Hall 18:30 Poster Hall Poster Session Tuesday 16 September 2014 MID CONFERENCE FIELD TRIPS 8:00 Departure from Huesca Congress Palace A Restoration of freshwater wetlands & saline ponds B River Ebro floodplain & wetland restoration C Ox-bow and gravel pit lakes in the Gállego and Ebro Rivers (Zaragoza) & Wetland restoration to remove nitrates exceeding agricultural irrigation 19:00 Back in Huesca 20:30 CONFERENCE DINNER (Huesca Congress Palace) SATELLITE SESSION IN SARIÑENA-EU LIFE PROJECTS 8:00 Departure from Huesca Congress Palace 9:00 Salillas, I. Welcome: An Introduction to Monegros Trokanova, Lucie. LIFE for Wetlands-examples and best practices del Río, Amanda; Eduardo de Miguel; Angeles Pontes; Carlos Pérez; Ernesto Aguirre-Ruiz; Carlos Zumalacarregui; Blanca Hurtado. LIFE project “La Mancha Wetlands”: restoration of salt flats around 27 endorheic wetland areas in La Mancha Martín, Miguel; William Colom; Mario Giménez; Antonio Guillem; Fernando Juan; Mª del Carmen Regidor. Integrated management of three constructed wetlands in compliance with the water framework, birds and habitats Directives: the LIFE+12 ALBUFERA project Giralda Carrera, Gloria. Wetlands restoration and creation for European mink: Ten years of work in Navarre (Spain) Simčič, Matej. Conservation and management of freshwater wetlands in Slovenia-WETMAN 11:00 Break Rodríguez Rodríguez, Miguel; Francisco Moral Martos; Mario Parra Cachada.Hydrological monitoring of “Los Tollos” playa-lake (Andalusia, Spain) in the context of its restoration (Life+ “Los Tollos”) Morató, Jordi; Lorena Aguilar; Ángel Gallegos; Carlos Arias; Patricia Caro; Santiago Sahuquillo; Carlos Pérez. Reagritech LIFE11 ENV/ES/579. Constructed wetlands for diffuse pollution control of agricultural runoff Teixeira, José; Vicente Sancho; Bruno Martins; Fábia Azevedo; Ana Cruz; Ignacio Lacomba. Is it possible to eradicate invasive freshwater turtles from de European wetlands? Results and prospects from LIFE Trachemys project Pinto-Cruz, Carla; Ana Lumbreras Corujo; Anabela Belo; Rita Alcazar LIFE Charcos: Temporary Ponds Conservation in the Southwest Coast of Portugal. Masip, Adriá; Francisco A. Comín; Victor Guirado; Javier Rodriguez; Alfonso Calvo; Francisca Gallego; Ricardo Sorando; Gema Cacho; Ana Loriente; Nadia Darwiche; Mercedes García; Silvia Gutiérrez; Alberto Barcos. EU Life CREAMAgua: Restoring wetlands for water quality and biodiversity improvements in irrigated agricultural territories Bankovics, András. Restoration of Pannonic sodic wetlands in Hungary 14:00 Lunch 16:00 Field trip: visit to restored freshwater wetlands to remove nitrates from water exceeding agricultural irrigation and to improve biodiversity 19:00 Back in Huesca 20:30 CONFERENCE DINNER (Huesca Congress Palace) Wednesday 17 September 2014 Auditorium 8:30 Plenary Lecture Van Halsema, G. Integrating Wetlands Management and Conservation into the socioecological development 9:30 Break Auditorium Session: Geo-Eco-Hydrology Chair: Carmen Castañeda 10:00 Luna, Estela; Carmen Castañeda; Rafael Rodríguez. Soils diversity along a toposequence within intermittently flooded habitats in Gallocanta Lake, Spain 10:20 Kalettka, Thomas; Marielle Neyen; Uwe-Karsten Schkade; Andreas Kleeberg. Sediment accumulation in glacially created kettle holes on arable land, Uckermark, NE Germany 10:40 López-Vicente, Manuel; Cristina Pérez-Bielsa; Teresa López-Montero; Luis Javier Lambán; Ana Navas. Runoff production and water content in soils of the Estaña Lakes Catchment (Huesca, NE Spain) 11:00 Grima, J.; Bruno José Ballesteros; José Manuel Murillo; Juan José Durán. Groundwater and its relationship to wetlands at Jucar Pilot River Basin 11:20 Rodríguez-Ochoa, Rafael; José Ramón Olarieta. Soils in endorheic depressions in northern Monegros, Spain 11:40 Rosset, Véronique; Albert Ruhí; Thibault Datry. How ponds differ-or not-from streams in their biotic responses to drying? 12:00 Panel Discussion: Integrating wetlands into the social-economic landscape: from theory to practice Moderator: Jos Verhoeven, Utrecht Univesity, SWS-Europe President Panelists: Tania Runge (COPA-COGECA, Brussels); Noelia Vallejo Pedregal (European Commission D.G. Environment Unit ENV B.3Nature); Jan Kvet (Institute of Landscape Ecology, Trebon, Czech Republic). 13:30 Lunch Auditorium Symposium: Biodiversity, ecology and management of Mediterranean ponds-1 Chairs: Susana Romo and Laura Serrano 15:00 Gascón, Stéphanie; Dani Boix; Ana Inés Borthagaray; Jordi Sala; Matias Arim; Núria Àvila; Susana Romo; Rocío López-Flores; Xavier D. Quintana. The use of lipids as an energy storage strategy for taxa inhabiting climatic-contrasted habitats: Mediterranean vs. high mountain temporary ponds 15:20 Caria, María Carmela; Simonetta Bagella; Alessandro Niedda; Salvatore Virdis . Longterm monitoring of Mediterranean temporary pond dynamics through remote sensing: a case study in western Mediterranean 15:40 Bagella, Simonetta; Caria Maria Carmela; Rossella Filigheddu; Pier Luigi Nimis. An interactive guide to the vascular plants of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Sardinia (Italy) 16:00 Briffa, Kelly; Sheryl Sammut; Sandro Lanfranco. Morphometric heterogeneity of temporary pools in Malta and its effect on species and life-form richness: implications for management and restoration 16:20 Sammut, Sheryl; Sandro Lanfranco. 'Proximity' and its effect on community assembly in temporary freshwater pools in Malta 16:40 Quintana, Xavier D.; Matías Arim; Anna Badosa; José María Blanco; Dani Boix; Sandra Brucet; Jordi Compte; Juan J. Egozcue; Elvira de Eyto; Ursula Gaedke; Stéphanie Gascón; Luis Gil de Solá; Kenneth Irvine; Erik Jeppesen; Torben L. Lauridsen; Rocío López-Flores; Thomas Mehner; Susana Romo; Martin Søndergaard. Trophic interaction effects on size distributions in aquatic communities 17:00 Break Auditorium Symposium: Biodiversity, ecology and management of Mediterranean ponds-2 Chairs: Susana Romo and Laura Serrano 17:30 Van den Broeck, Maarten; Laila Rhazi; Patrick Grillas; Mohammed El Madihi; Mouhssine Rhazi; Luc Brendonck; Aline Waterkeyn. Faunal and floral community patterns in Moroccan temporary ponds along climatic and anthropogenic disturbance gradients 17:45 Díaz-Paniagua, Carmen; David Aragonés; Javier Bustamante. Threats of desiccation of permanent and temporary ponds in Doñana National Park (SW Spain) 18:00 Olmo, Carla; Deborah Fandos; Xavier Armengol; Raquel Ortells. Ecological requirements of Tanymastix stagnalis (L., 1758) (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) in a comparative framework: the case of Malladas de El Saler (Valencia, Spain) 18:15 Ortells, Raquel; Manuel Serra; Maria José Carmona. Should I stay or should I go? Hatching decisions under high population densities 19:00 European Pond conservation Network Meeting Room 1 Symposium: Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands: the European Project Interreg Sudeo Attenagua-3 Chairs: José Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and Sabine Sauvage 10:00 Carranza F.; Sánchez-Pérez J.M.; Sauvage S.; Comin, F.; Antiguedad, I.; Zabaleta A.; Teissier S.; Navarro E.; Español C. Relationship between bacterial community diversity, carbon supply and denitrification processes in riparian areas 10:20 Brito, D. ; Bernard-Jannin, L ; Sauvage, S. ; Zabaleta, A.; Comin, F.; Bodoque J.M.; Neves R.; Sánchez-Pérez J.M. Modeling the hydro-biogeochemistry functioning in alluvial wetlands 10:40 Bodoque, J.M.; Ladera, J.; Alonso-Azcárate, J.; Yela, J.L.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. Selfpurification capacity in a highly man-modified wetland 11:00 Sauvage, S. Discussion on Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands 11:20 Sánchez-Pérez, J.M. Synthesis and perspectives on Self-purification capacity in Riparian wetlands: the European Project Interreg Sudoe Attenagua 13:30 Lunch Symposium: The role of wetlands and buffer zones as green infrastructure elements of agricultural landscapes in watershed management-2 Chairs: Ülo Mander and Julien Tournebize 15:00 Masip A.; Gonzalez E.; Castellano C.; Jaime R.; Comín F.A. Improving riparian woodland restoration with case-by-case performance modeling in R language based on groundwater distance. 15:20 Tournebize J.; Chaumont C. ; Vincent B ; Mander Ü.; Soosaar K.; Hansen R.; Muhel M. Removal efficiency of pesticides and nitrates in an artificial wetland treating drainage water from an agricultural watershed 15:40 Schachtschneider, K.; Jessica Chamier; Chavon Walters; Vernon Somerset. Metal sequestration by indigenous vegetation in riparian zones; an ecosystem service to improve water quality 16:00 Pappalardo, Salvatore; Maurizio Borin. Water purification from nitrogen as an ecosystem service from a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural drainage water 16:20 Pinardi, Monica; Elisa Soana; Mariano Bresciani; Paolo Villa; Marco Bartoli. Nitrogen removal in a fluvial wetland: macrophyte-bacteria interactions and relevance at the basin scale 16:40 Kasak, K.; Järvi Järveoja; Martin Maddison; Mikk Espenberg; Ülo Mander. Greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peatlands in French Guiana 17:00 Break Symposium: Wetlands processes and metabolism: from functioning to functions-1 Chairs: Pier Luigi Viaroli 17:30 Chen, Yi; Yue Wen; Qi Zhou; Jan Vymazal. Sulfur transformations in subsurface-flow constructed wetlands treating secondary effluent. 17:50 Edwards, Keith R.; Hana Čížková; Eva Kaštovská; Jiří Barta; Tomáš Picek. Impact of fertilization on plant and soil processes in wet grasslands 18:10 Gilbert, Peter; Michael Jeffries; Dave Cooke; Michael Deary; Geoff Abbott; Scott Taylor. Capturing the aquatic breath: Examining ecological variations, diurnal fluctuations and extrapolations of CO2 and CH4 fluxes from small aquatic systems in Druridge Bay, England. Room 2 Session: Biological related to physical features-1 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 Chair: Belinda Gallardo Serrano, L.; C. Díaz-Paniagua; C. Gómez-Rodríguez; M. Florencio; M. A. Marchand; J. G. M. Roelofs; E. C. H. E. T. Lucassen. Amphibian egg mortality associated to the groundwater decline of the Doñana aquifer (SW Spain) Hamerlík, Ladislav; Milan Novikmec; Marek Svitok; Richard Hrivnák; Michal Hlávek; Judita Kochjarová; Zuzana Matúšová; Jozef Oboňa; Helena Oťaheľová; Peter PaľoveBalang; Barbora Reduciendo-Klementová; Radovan Stupák; Marta Veselská; Andrea Zapriháčová. Does importance of chironomids as indicators of pond diversity change along environmental gradients? Reduciendo Klementová, Barbora; Marek Svitok; Milan Novikmec; Zuzana Matúšová. Diversity and distribution of aquatic Heteroptera in Slovakia: the importance of small standing waters Pätzig, Marlene; Thomas Kalettka. Functional diversity of macrophytes in kettle hole types Campo-Bescós, Miguel A.; Rafael Muñoz-Carpena; David A. Kaplan; Jane Southworth. Physical drivers of vegetation change in the Okavango Delta Bensaci Ettayib; Nouidjem Yacine; Saheb Menouar; Bouzegag Abdelaziz; Houhamdi Moussa. Waterbirds diversity and importance of Saharan wetlands of Algeria for their conservation 13:30 Lunch Session: Biological related to physical features-2 Chair: Stijn Van Onsem 15:00 Triadó-Margarit, Xavier; Emilio O. Casamayor. An overview on the biodiversity of planktonic protists across environmental gradients 15:20 Matúšová, Zuzana; Marek Svitok; Richard Hrivnák; Ladislav Hamerlík; Michal Hlávek; Judita Kochjarová; Milan Novikmec; Jozef Oboňa; Helena Oťaheľová; Peter PaľoveBalang; Barbora Reduciendo Klementová; Radovan Stupák; Andrea Zapriháčová. Weak correlation in diversity and community composition among multiple taxonomic groups: a failure of surrogate idea in Central European ponds 15:40 Benito, Xavier; Rosa Trobajo; Carles Ibàñez. Modelling habitat distribution of Mediterranean coastal wetlands: the Ebro Deltas as case study 16:00 Goodyer, Emma; Johan Schutten; Debbie Spray; Kenny McDougall. Development of hydroecological guidelines for Scottish wetlands 16:20 Dinka, Mária; Károly Schöll; Anita Kiss; Árpád Berczik; Edit Ágoston-Szabó. Spatial and temporal changes in physical and chemical properties of an oxbow lake of the Danube River (Nyéki-Holt-Duna, Danube-Dráva National Park, Hungary) 16:40 Estupiñán Torres, Sandra Mónica; Sara Lilia Ávila De Navia. Water quality and bacterial diversity in the wetland Córdoba, Colombia 17:00 Break Session: Biological related to physical features-3 Chair: Michael Manton 17:30 Lopes Lázaro, Wilkinson; Carolina J. da Silva; Áurea R.A. Ignácio; Sergi Díez; Jean R.D.Guimarães. Distribution of net mercury methylation potentials in a tropical wetland: lateral connectivity of water bodies as a factor of variance in the waterscape contexto 17:50 Zhao, Wenzhi; Hu Liu; Shoubo Li; Bing Liu. Ecohydrology of wetlands ecosystems in a desert oasis in arid Northwestern China 18:10 Joniak, T.; Natalia Kuczyńska-Kippen. Can the biological and physical-chemical features of water be the indicator of type of land use and origin of small water bodies? Room 3 Session: Socio-Ecological Issues Chair: Michael Jeffries 10:00 Felipe-Lucia, María R.; Francisco A. Comín. Ecosystem services-biodiversity relationships depend on land use type in floodplain agroecosystems 10:20 Seják, Josef; Jan Pokorný. Deriving systemic national values for biodiversity and ecosystem services 10:40 Guerrero Moreno, Naret; Dianne Scott; Johannes Kollmann; Jan Sliva. Understanding of socio-economic and traditional values of Manguzi Wetlands (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) as a pre-condition for their conservation, restoration and wise use 11:00 Poddar, Parthendu. Agronomic utilization and nutritional enrichment of wetlands through cultivation of Aeschynomene aspera (L.) 11:20 Jiménez Castilla, T.; Netty Huertas. Wetlands and their contribution to Sustainable Human Development: Opportunities for improvement the life´s quality in rural population. Three Cases study in National Natural Parks in Colombia 11:40 Fernández-Rodríguez, M.J.; A. Jiménez-Rodríguez; M. Medialdea; N.Mazuelos; L. Serrano. Aquaculture in Veta la Palma (Doñana Natural Area, SW Spain): a successful coupling of ecological and socio-economic values. 13:30 Lunch Session: Climate change Chair: Jorge A. Herrera 15:00 Sánchez, Berta; Ana Iglesias. Implications of climate change for rice farming in the Doñana wetland (SW Spain) 15:20 Taylor, Scott; David Cooke; Michael Jeffries; Michael Deary; Geoff Abbott; Peter Gilbert. Ponds, productivity and probes: An experimental approach to carbon capture 15:40 Bolpagni, Rossano; Marco Bartoli; Pierluigi Viaroli. CO2 and CH4 fluxes in permanent and temporary aquatic environments in the lowland of the Po River, Italy 16:00 Dušek, Jiří; Stanislav Stellner. Methane emission from a sedge-grass marsh under different environmental conditions. 16:20 Ward, Raymond; Niall Burnside; Christopher Joyce; Kalev Sepp; Phillip Teasdale. Modelling the impacts of sea level rise on coastal wetlands: a case study in microtopographical Baltic wetlands in Estonia 16:40 Calvo-Cubero, Juan; Carles Ibáñez; Albert Rovira; Peter J. Sharpe; Enrique Reyes. Marsh elevation and carbon accumulation in a Mediterranean restored marsh (Ebro Delta, Spain) 17:00 Break Workshop: Wetlands as new stages of modern ecotourism Chairs: Kirsi Laurén and Minna Tanskanen 17:30 Tanskanen, Minna. Ecotourism on the Finnish peatlands-theoretical prospects 17:50 Laurén, Kirsi. Mires and wilderness in national parks 18:10 Tolvanen, Anne: Social sustainability of the use of peatlands-implications on traditional and modern livelihoods in northern Finland Hall 18:30 Poster Hall Poster Session Thursday 18 September 2014 Auditorium 8:30 Society of Wetland Scientists-Europe Meeting 9:30 Break Auditorium: Symposium: Wetland processes and metabolism: from functioning to functions-2 Chairs: Jan Vymazal & Carl Christian Hoffmann 10:00 Stephansen, Diana Agnete; Asbjørn Haaning Nielsen; Thorkild Hvitved-Jacobsen; Carlos Alberto Arias; Hans Brix; Jes Vollertsen. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments and invertebrates of stormwater detention ponds 10:20 Longhi, Daniele; Marco Bartoli; Daniele Nizzoli; Pierluigi Viaroli. Oxic-anoxic transitions constrain benthic metabolism in freshwater wetland in the Po river floodplain 10:40 Vymazal, Jan; Tereza Březinová. Seasonal dynamics of heavy metals in Phragmites australis growing in a constructed wetland 11:00 Oliver, Núria; Miguel Martín; Sara Gargallo; Carmen Hernández-Crespo. Influence of operational parameters on nutrients removal in surface-flow constructed wetlands treating eutrophicated water. Experience in L’Albufera de Valencia Lake 11:20 Litaor, M. Iggy. The impact of ornithogenic inputs on P hydro-geochemistry in altered wetland environs in East Mediterranean Ecosystem 11:40 Hoffmann, Carl Christian; Charlotte Kjaergaard. Testing of horizontal and vertical cw’s with mixed matrices of woodchips and mussel shells for removal of nutrients in agricultural drainage water 13:30 Lunch Auditorium Symposium: Wetland processes and metabolism: from functioning to function-3 Chairs: Pier Luigi Viaroli 15:00 Negrin, Vanesa L.; Sandra E. Botté; Paula D. Pratolongo; Gabriela González Trilla. Biogeochemical cycles in salt marshes from the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina): an overview 15:20 Bomfim, Eudes; Marie-Paule Bonnet; Anne-Elisabeth Lagues; Daniel Araújo; Jérémie Garnier; Leonardo Gomes; Ludgero Vieira; Ricardo Paiva; Stéphanie Nasuti; Geraldo Boaventura. Biogeochemistry and Lago Grande Curuaí's aquatic sustainability in the Amazon Basin, Brazil 15:40 Catelotti, Katharine; Bino, G; Kingsford, R.T.; Bacon, P. Inundation requirements for persistence and recovery of river red gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), a keystone species in a Ramsar listed Wetland in semi-arid Australia 16:30 Closure Session Plenary lecture by Vallejo-Pedregal (EU D.G.Enviroment-Unit ENV B.3-Nature) Guest Editors of Special Issues of Journals offered for publication (Mander & Tournebize, Viaroli & Bartoli, Boix) Conference Summary (Comín-Wetlands2014 Chairperson) Prespectives (Verhoeven-Presidente SWS-Europe) 18:00 Farewell Room 1 Symposium: Peatlands: Ecology, sustainable use and contributions to socio-ecological development-1 Chairs: Tania G. Bravo and Eduardo González 10:00 Bravo, Tania A.; Maria Strack; Line Rochefort. Forest plantation on cutover peatland in Alberta: Evaluating methods and carbon stocks 10:20 González, Eduardo; Line Rochefort; Stephanie Boudreau; Monique Poulin. Using Linear Discriminant Analysis to predict restoration success in peatlands 10:40 López-Días, Veneranda; Ángeles G. Borrego; Carlos G. Blanco; Achim Bechtel; Wilhelm Püttmann. Significance of the widespread occurrence of triterpenoid acetates in North Spain bogs from Asturias 11:00 Urbanczyk, Justyna; Veneranda López-Días; Angeles G. Borrego. Chemical biomarker assemblage in the 15000 cal. yr BP Comeya peat profile of Picos de Europa National Park, North Spain 11:20 Bart, D.; Tara Davenport. Impacts of agricultural legacies on calcareous fen communities: how the past informs the future 11:40 Tolvanen, Anne. Towards sustainable use of boreal peatlands 13:30 Lunch Symposium: Peatlands: Ecology, sustainable use and contributions to socio-ecological development-2 Chairs: Tania G. Bravo and Eduardo González 15:00 León, Carolina A; Gisela Oliván; María Puelles; José María Gabriel y Galán. Mitigation bank and payments for ecosystem services, a tool for conservation of Patagonian peatlands 15:20 Giannini, Vittoria; Nicola Silvestri; Tiziana Sabbatini; Chiara Pistocchi; Enrico Bonari. Growth and nutrients uptake of perennial crops and spontaneous vegetation in a Mediterranean drained peatland: preliminary results. 15:40 Zak, Dominic; Rudy van Diggelen; Jörg Gelbrecht; Alvaro Cabezas; Rob McInnes. Managing phosphorus fluxes from rewetted peatlands Room 2 Session: Land use related biological features 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 Chair: Hana Čižková Bart, David. Can incorporating agricultural practices into wetland restoration result in win-win situations? Novikmec, Milan; Marek Svitok; Dušan Kočický; Ladislav Hamerlík; Richard Hrivnák; Judita Kochjarová; Helena Oťaheľová; Peter Paľove-Balang. Chemistry of water and soil in Central European ponds: relationship with land use and morphology Remm, Liina; Asko Lõhmus; Riinu Rannap. Temporal and small water bodies in modern forests: a landscape-scale assessment in Estonia Casamayor, Emilio O; Xavier Triadó-Margarit; Carmen Castañeda; Juan Herrero. The microbial value of shallow saline lakes Minelgaite, Greta; Asbjørn Haaning Nielsen; Morten Lauge Pedersen; Diana Agnete Stephansen; Jes Vollertsen. Phytoplankton and benthic diatom diversity in urban stormwater ponds compared to natural shallow lakes 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Workshop: New quantitative tools for the assessment of anthropogenic eutrophication in shallow water bodies under increasing human Chairs: Laura Serrano and Susana Romo Room 3 Session: Restoration-1 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 Chair: Mc Innes Koren, Aleksander; Matej Simčič. Modern challenges in wetlands management in the case of ponds and oxbow lakes restoration in Slovenia Menichino, Nina; Laurence Jones; Christopher Evans; Peter Jones; Janine Guest; Andrew Pullin; Nathalie Fenner. Botanical response to restoration in degraded rich fens Teutli-Hernández, C.; Comin, F.A.; Menendez, M.; Herrera-Silveira, J.A. Mangrove’s restoration: ecological and economic perspectives Yamashita, H.; McInnes, R.J. Social perception of the risks and benefits of tidal wetland restoration: A case study from the UK Peralta, Javier; Patxi Heras; Marta Infante; Asun Berastegi. Results of a mire monitoring (2008-2013) in Navarre (NE Spain) after fencing to control livestock and ditch damming to re-install hydrological balance Miguel-Chinchilla, Leticia; Dani Boix; Stéphanie Gascón; Eduardo González; Francisco A. Comín. Mining impacts on manmade ponds located in reclaimed opencast coal mines 13:30 Lunch Session: Restoration-2 Chair: María Felipe 15:00 Herrera-Silveira, Jorge; Teutli-Hernández Claudia; Caamal-Sosa Juan; Zaldívar Jiménez Arturo; Pech Daniel; Andueza Tersa; Pérez-Ceballos Rosela; Adame Vivanco Ma. Fernanda; Hernández Héctor; Torres Ricardo. Carbon stocks and flows in mangroves of the Yucatan Peninsula, research and monitoring 15:20 Motamedi, Shervin; Roslan Hashim; Song Ki-IL. Mangrove plantation and breakwater systems for shoreline protection: Long-term assessment of the mangrove rehabilitation project at Sungai Haji Dorani, Malaysia 15:40 Rodríguez, Mauricio; Tania Jiménez Castilla; Netty Huertas. Economic and ecological evaluation of Cartagena´s urban mangroves forest and proposals for sustainable human development Hall 12:00 Poster Session