Non Starchy Vegetables Vegetales Sin Almidón Free Foods
Non Starchy Vegetables Vegetales Sin Almidón Free Foods
Non Starchy Vegetables Vegetales Sin Almidón Free Foods Can be enjoyed unlimitedly Comidas Sin Limites Se puede disfrutar libremente Non -starchy Vegetables include all vegetables except for corn, green peas, chickpeas, potatoes, yams, beans, plantain, butternut squash and acorn squash. Los vegetales sin almidón incluyen todos los vegetales, con la excepción de: el maíz/ los elotes, los chícharos, los garbanzos, las papas, los camotes, los frijoles, los plátanos, y las calabazas duras tipo “Butternut” o “Acorn.” Artichoke Asparagus green beans bean sprouts beets broccoli brussel sprouts carrots (Limit to 3 cups daily) cabbage cauliflower celery cucumber eggplant Alcachofa Espárragos Judías verdes Brotes de soya Betabel Brócoli Bruselas Zanahorias (No más de 3 al día) Col Coliflor Apio Pepino Berenjena onions leeks mushrooms okra pea pods peppers radishes green leafy vegetables sauerkraut summer squash tomato turnips water chestnuts zucchini Cebolla Puerro Champiñones Okra/Quingombó Vaina de guisante Pimiento Rábano Verduras de hoja verde Chucrut/”col agria” Calabacita Tomate Nabo Castaña de agua Calabacín/calabacita verde Other free foods include: Otras comidas sin límites incluyen: Salsa Sugar free jello Broth Mustard Herbs Salsa Gelatina sin azúcar Caldo Mostaza Hierbas Spices Lemon juice Lime juice Horseradish Especias Jugo de limón Rábano picante Written By Yasmin Firouzman, RD. Translations by Margaret Whitley, MPH 1 Source: NC Division of Public Health Hunger Scale Am I hungry? Am I full? If you are feeling… 0 1 2 3 4 Then you are HUNGRY. EAT. If you are feeling… 5 6 Then you are FULL. STOP eating. If you are feeling… 7 8 9 10 Then you are TOO full. Avoid eating so much. From: “Eat Your Vegetables” and Yasmin Firouzman, RD. Starving to the point of feeling sick. Ravenous and feeling dizzy and weak. Really hungry, irritable, and distracted. Hungry with a grumbling stomach. Getting hungry and thinking of food. Comfortable and not hungry. Satisfied. Full and slightly uncomfortable. Overfull and feeling a little bloated. Stuffed and very uncomfortable. Sick and miserable and extremely uncomfortable. 2