The DeWitt Clinic - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
The DeWitt Clinic - St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
August 23, 2015 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time 23 de agosto de 2015 • Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario After the debate and his long discourse and patient—then urgent—insistence that they had heard him right, we pause. The crowd pauses. Everything hangs in the balance. Jesus waits. First, the adversaries drift away. This is no surprise. But then some of the followers turn away, too. And Jesus’ words are more poignant than ever. He turns to the Twelve and asks, “Do you also want to leave?” (John 6:67). Sabemos lo que es hacer un regalo y darnos cuenta de que no es aceptado con la gratitud que esperábamos. Hoy, podemos ver que Jesús ha entregado su vida. No entregaba algo externo a sí mismo, algo que hizo con sus manos o que compró con el fruto de su arduo trabajo. Se ofrecía a sí mismo como pan para el mundo. Después del debate y su largo discurso, y paciente, luego urgente, insistencia de que habían oído correctamente, hacemos silencio. La multitud hace silencio. Todo pende de un hilo. Jesús espera. Primero, los adversarios se alejan. Esto no es sorpresa. Pero luego algunos de los seguidores se apartan también. Y las palabras de Jesús son más conmovedoras que nunca. Se dirige a los Doce y les pregunta: “¿También ustedes quieren dejarme?” (Juan 6:67). GIFT RECEIVED EL REGALO RECIBIDO This question is also set before us. Peter speaks for the apostles: “You are the Holy One of God” (John 6:69). They have been with him for so long. They have experienced his deep humanity and touched the edge of what they discern to be divinity. But can they make that wild leap? Well, yes, they can and they do. They will surely fail in the coming years, but they make their intentions known here. The same eternal life is his gift freely and generously given. All we can do is receive this gift of life—or not. Jesus says, in effect, “Can you receive me as the bread of your life?” Can we shape our life around this Eucharist? Can it make a difference tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow? Can we return every Sunday and assemble with people we know— and perhaps know too well—and try again? Can our life in him make a difference in this world today? We can just say “Yes.” The rest is up to God. Esta pregunta también se nos hace a nosotros. Pedro habla por los Apóstoles: “Tú eres el Santo de Dios” (Juan 6:69). Han estado con él por mucho tiempo. Habían conocido su profunda humanidad y palpado el margen de lo que sintieron era la divinidad. ¿Pero pueden dar ese salto audaz? Bien, sí, pueden y lo hacen. Sin duda fallarán en los próximos años, pero declaran aquí sus intenciones. La misma vida eterna es su regalo hecho libre y generosamente. Lo único que podemos hacer es recibir o no este regalo de vida. Jesús dice, en efecto: “¿Puedes recibirme como el pan de tu vida?” ¿Podemos dar forma a nuestra vida alrededor de esta Eucaristía? ¿Puede hacer que las cosas sean diferentes mañana y en los días que vendrán? ¿Podemos regresar cada domingo y reunirnos con la gente que conocemos, y tal vez conocemos muy bien, e intentarlo de nuevo? ¿Puede nuestra vida en él hacer que el mundo de hoy sea diferente? Podemos simplemente decir “Sí”. El resto depende de Dios. We know what it’s like to give a gift and realize that it is not being accepted with the gratitude for which we had hoped. Today, we can see that Jesus has laid his life on the line. He wasn’t giving something external to himself, a gift he made with his own two hands or bought with his hard-earned labor. He was offering himself, himself as bread for the world. Today’s Readings: Jos 24:1–2a, 15–17, 18b; Ps 34:2–3, 16–21; Eph 5:21–32 [2a, 25–32]; Jn 6:60–69 Lecturas de hoy: Jos 24:1–2a, 15–17, 18b; Sal 34:2–3, 16–21; Ef 5:21–32 [2a, 25–32]; Jn 6:60–69 Copyright © 2015, J. S. Paluch Company, Inc., 3708 River Road, Suite 400, Franklin Park, IL 60131-2158, 1 800 621-5197. With Ecclesiastical Approbation. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 110 E. South Street Alvin, Texas 77511 ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John Taosan DEACONS: David Bowman, Dale Hayden and Eddie Stoughton SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday at 5:00 P.M. Sunday at 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon (Spanish) DAILY MASS: 8:30 A.M. Monday – Friday CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes before Weekend Masses or by appointment. Church Office: Monday - Friday 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. ~ 281-331-3751 ~ Fax ~ 281-331-5430 CCE: Mrs. Mary Voigt ~ 281-824-0877 Parish Website ~ Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 23 de agosto de 2015 Twenty–first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 23, 2015 En cuanto a mí toca, mi familia y yo serviremos al Señor. — Josue 24:15b COLLECTION Sunday Collection: $ 11,703.55 Baptism Classes / Clases de Bautismo The next English & Spanish Baptism classes will be on Thursdays, September 3 & 10, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. English Baptisms are Saturday, September 12, 2015, please attend 5:00 p.m. Mass. Spanish Baptisms are on Sunday, September 13, 2015, please attend the Noon Mass. Baptisms will be immediately after the Mass you attend. Please sign up at the Church Office and bring the child’s Birth Certificate. Los proximos Clases de Bautismo en Ingles y en español serán los Jueves, 3 y 10 de septiembre de 2015 a las 7:30 p.m. Bautismos serán en Ingles, el Sabado, 12 de septiembre de 2015, por favor asista la misa de las 5:00 p.m. y en Español, Domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015, por favor asista a la misa de las 12:00 p.m. Bautimos serán imediatamente despues de la misa que assita. Inscribase en la oficina y se necesita la acta de nacimiento de el/la niño/a St. John the Baptist Altar Society Have you wondered who works behind the scenes, taking care of all the details that keep the Church looking clean and beautiful? Who washes and irons altar linens? Who keeps the sanctuary clean and tidy? Who cares for the altar servers and priest's vestments? We are blessed with a group of lovely, faithful ladies who quietly and efficiently take care of our church. This service-centered ministry is the St. John the Baptist Altar Society. The Altar Society’s work is quiet and behind the scenes, overseeing the reverent care of the church. All ladies of the parish are invited and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings that take place the first Thursday of the month, September through May. Our next meeting will be September 3rd at 9:30 am. Call Joan Hill at 281-331-2127 for more information. “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!” Psalm 84:2 Fall 2015 Nullity Case Sponsor Training in English The next formational training program of 36 hours for Nullity Case sponsors will be held in the Cathedral Center at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1701 San Jacinto Street, Houston, Tx 77002. The scheduled classes will be held on the following six Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The dates are Sept. 12 and 26; Oct. 10 and 17; Nov. 14 and 21. Anyone interested in this ministry, please call the Tribunal for more information at 713-807-9286 or toll free at 1-877-674-5801. Registration forms are posted at website Please call the Church office and leave your name and number if you will be taking these classes. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. — Joshua 24:15b Saturday: 5:00 P.M. For the People Sunday: 8:00 A.M. †Willie James Corona 10:00 A.M. †Julia Arebalo 12:00 P.M. †Rodrigo Garcia Monday: 8:30 A.M. †John & †Chris Matula Tuesday: 8:30 A.M. †Dot Mitchell Wednesday: 8:30 A.M. The end of violence & acts of terror Thursday: 8:30 A.M. †Betty Nelson Friday: 8:30 A.M. †Modesto Alvarez Saturday: 5:00 P.M. Maria & †Marcelino Gonzalez THE JOURNEY OF FAITH BEGINS WITH YOUR QUESTIONS What is faith? How does faith grow? What do Catholics believe and why is it different from other faith traditions? How different is it really? Classes for the Christian Initiation of Adults are available to anyone who wants to learn more about the Catholic faith. The process begins with an “inquiry period”, when questions lead to exploration. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please call Deacon Dale Hayden at 281-585-4109 or 281-731-8299 or at [email protected]. 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Facts about Fasting Fasting Stops wars. Fasting Can suspend the laws of nature. Fasting reduces punishments from God. Fasting is an arm, a weapon of significant power to defeat and conquer Satan. By giving our fasting to Our Lady, it “forces” Satan not to be able to deuce us to evil and drives him away. Fasting, to be powerful, must be done with the heart. Bread and water is the best fast. Wedding Anniversary Jubilee 2015 For married couples celebrating a 25th or 50th anniversary milestone: The 25th Anniversary Jubilee will be held on November 29th; the 50th Anniversary Jubilee will be held on December 20th. Both celebrations will take place at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. To register or more information, visit or give us a call at 713-741-8711 Most Holy Trinity of Angleton are here this weekend selling their raffle tickets. Please give them your support. Altar Flowers In Memory of: †Santiago R. Molina †Dorllyn Appelt In Thanksgiving / Barb Russian 5 p.m. 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 12 p.m. Pray for Vocations Crucifix Schedule August 29 Irma & Michael Bass August 30 Bill & Georgia DeWitt August 30 Laura & Pat Miller & Family August 23 Fransisco Y Maria Garcia To participate, Contact Polly Aucoin, Tel: 281-388-1046 Pray for the Sick / Rezen por los Enfermos To add or remove someone on the prayer list, call St. John’s Prayer Line: Joyce Chiasson, 713-410-4247 / Office, 281-331-3751 Anna Aguilar, Roma Aleman, Margie Algeria, Mike Alridge, Abelardo Alvarado, Cathelina Araujo, Sabastian Arredondo, Lorena Arreola, Polly Aucoin, Mary Ayala, Art Barborak, Jr., Victor, Rosa, Margarito & Mack Becerra, Rita Blanco, Kelly Bolander, William Bolfing, Cameron Brantley, Marian & Jesse Briones, Joy Bryant, Norma Bustamante, Rudy Bustos, Rosendo Butrion, Mary & Joseph Canales, Chuck Cannon, Dolores Cardenas, Angelina Colburn, Juanita Castro, Ron Cook, Anabellah, Karen Collins, Hannah Cole, Ronnie Coleman, Wilmer Comeaux, Annie Coronado, Frank Cortese, Helen Crevier, Jason Cortez, Gary Cunningham, Beverly Dadria, Anthony Davis, Teresa Davison, Mercedes DeLaO, Ludwina Dennis, Victor De La Cruz, Daniela Delgado, Brad & Leanne Dennis, Catherine DeWitt, Lorenzo & Maria Diaz, Consuelo Espinosa, Richard Esslinger, Patti Estes, Aurora Estrada, Mike Farmer, Benny Flores, Melodye Franks, Erasmo Franco, Antonio Fonseca Jr., Ignacio, Katrina, Narciso, Giselda, Edna, Jessica, Jocselyne, Rosie, Sara, Diana, & Sammy Garcia, Carol, Lucy, Melissa & Ray Garza, Judy Gillespi, Felix, Terri, & Valerio Gonzales, Joann, Jesus Gomez, Larry Grimes, Kiley Grassmuck, Alice Groff, Mary Gutierrez, Isabel Gutierrez, Ray Guzman, Glenda & Jacob Hamblen, Dorothy Hansen, Stephen Hayes, Douglas & Ralph Hernandez, Betty, Gary & Cindi Hill, Lea Heinrich, Victor Huerta, Peggy Huff, Bethany Hunt, Donald Hutchinson, James Janik, Virginia Jones, Jeanette Juarez, Jean Kacz, Roxanne Kascak, Charles Kennedy, Sidney, Cheryl, & Mary Knape, Mark Kowalski, Dave Kovach, Wilfred Krause, Sarah Kurusz, Theresa Lansing, Eunice Lay, Nancy LeBlanc, Mary LeCompte, David & Lupita Llanes, Vira Leroy, Andrew & Troy Lewis, Mary Light, Jorge, Joshua, Joe, Louisa & Palmira Lopez, Rodrigo Lozano, Jo Belle Lucas, Betty Macik, Emmanuel Maira, Mary Makosky, R. J. Mata, Jordan Matejowsky, Matilde, Beatriz & Felicia Martinez, Eric Marquette, Debbie Mayville, Luis, Lupe & Marisa Medina, Efrain Mendoza, Mary Leah Miller, Debbie Milner, Justin Minton, Michael Mogford, Meagan, Shae Montemayor, Jesse Montgomery, Dolores, Malena & Linda Morales, Sarah T. Moreno, Joe & Lonnie Muniz, Joe Murillo, Joe & Mark Navarro, Blanca Nino, Emily Oliff, Eunice Oquin, Nikki Orsak, Josue M.Ortiz, Henry Palomarez, Jr., Kathy Parks, Belinda /Mitchell Patton, Albert & Cecilia Perez, Chelsea Pesek, Felicitas Ponce, Jose Prudente, Sierra Pryor, Stephanie Pucek, Mercedea Ramirez, Erick & Alfredo Reyes, Geraldo Rodriguez, John A. Rodriguez, III , Mickey Rohan, Angeles Romo, Rufino Rosilez, Raymond Ruiz, Heather Russo, Rafael & Frankie Salazar, Rosemary Sanchez, Al Santos, Betty Segel, Segura/Guzman Family, Tony Silva, Lauren Smart, Robert Smith, M/M Pedro Solis, Robert Spadt, Jim Staten, Chase Steele, William Stone, Rosalie Stringer, Ivan Stavinoah, Eddie Stoughton, Jack Sullivan, Laura Summerville, Andrew & Gwen Susce, Kevin Sustaita, Shirley Tacquard, Minerva Tellez, Linda Trout, Frank Truksa, Juan Valdez, Sr., Leah VanBeveren, Margaret & Vicky Vasquez, Clarence Veltman, Leopolo Villa, Enrique, Kim & John Villarreal, Lillian Vincent, Joyce Walden, Richard Ward, Ethan Willis, Cheryl Wright, Anthony Zajack, Patsy Zumwalt, Anne Zygiel CCE starts September 13, 15, & 16 High School Youth Event Schedule August 30, 2015—Sunday—Confirmation Parent Meeting for parents and students 4:00 p.m. in Large Hall September 12-13, 2015—Saturday & Sunday—Junior Class (Confirmation Class) “Unity” Retreat at Camp Mohawk. Be at the Camp at 9:45 a.m. Saturday and return for 10:00 Mass on Sunday. September 16, 2015—Wednesday—High School Social—Replaces class and starts at 6:30 p.m. Large Hall October 4, 2015—Tuesday—Confirmation Students’ Interviews at 4:00 p.m. in the CCE Building Saint and sponsor names are due. October 18—Sunday—Blessing of Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors—10:00 Mass November 14, 2015—Saturday—Oblate Rally, San Antonio. Details available from CCE Catechist December 5, 2015—Saturday—High School Youth Scavenger Hunt & Christmas Party Meet in CCE Building at 5:00 p.m. Return and party at 7:00 til ? Junior High Youth Event Schedule October 17, 2015—Saturday—The Quest Leadership Program a fun day of leadership skill-building. Costs $25, due by September 30, 2015. November 7, 2015—Saturday—Peacemakers event—A fun day of team-building and anti-bullying activities— Cost $25, due by October 21, 2015. December 13, 2015—Sunday—Junior High Christmas Party, 4:00-7:00 p.m. in Large Hall Eucharistic 0Adoration Chapel Adoration hours available are Tuesday, 10-11 A.M., Thursday, 12-1:00 PM & Friday, 1:00-2:00 PM. Horas de adoración disponibles en martes, 10-11 A.M.jueves, 12-1:00 PM y viernes, 1:00-2:00 PM Call Denise at 281-585-5436 or Remie at 281-331-2567 Rosario a la Virgen de Guadalupe Familia Garcia / 832-738-6351 Rosario: Viernes, 29 de Agosto, 2015 / 7:00 P.M. Coronilla de La Divina Misericordia 8/23/15: Familia Castillo / 832-621-6187 Coronilla: sabado, 29 de agosto, 2015 6:00PM “Ven A Formar Parte de la Familia AMSIF” El objetivo es animar y apoyar a la mujer que desea crecer mas humana y espiritualmente. A su vez siendo una mejor Madre, esposa, y mejore su auto-estima. Tendremos talleres de: cocina y nutricion, manvalidades y tejido, pinatas y cupones, Ingles y alfabetizacion. Martes y Jueves, iniciando el 8 de septiembre, 2015 de 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. en el edificio de CCE. Para mayor informacion: Carmen Trejo- 832-983-3116 o Maria Castillo-832-621-6187 BILL NELSON Financial Advisor Stocks • CD’s • Bonds Mutual Funds 1601 S. Gordon 281-388-0616 LOBBY: M-F 9 to 5 DRIVE THRU: M-F 7:30 to 6 SAT. 9 to Noon 1050 N. BYPASS 35 (281) 388-5000 Abogada de Inmigracion / Immigration Attorney 17300 El Camino Real, Houston 281-947-2291 House Calls Home Health We make house calls. EYE EXAMS 2800 S. Gordon St., Alvin GLASSES next 281-331-8681 toLocated McDonalds CONTACTS • Dr. Suzanne M. Correale, O.D. 281-331-1516 • DIVORCE/CUSTODY • REAL ESTATE MARJORIE PLANKA BROKER, GRI, ABR, CBR 2197 N. Bypass 35, Alvin, TX 77511 [email protected] DR. MENDOZA BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOME SERVICES Anderson Properties 713.818.7133 Cell 281-485-2231 Dentista Para Niños y Adultos Medicaid, CHIP, Aseguranzas, y Efectivo Frenos, Hablamos Español 2800 E. Broadway Suite I, Pearland, TX 77581 331-2062 304 Medic Lane, Suite B Alvin PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months A. Burr Insurance Agency 20130 Hwy. 6 • Manvel, TX 281-489-9113 The DeWitt Clinic $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Our in-home services include Skilled Nursing, PT, OT, Medical Social Worker, ➢ No Long-Term Contracts Home Health Aides, Providers/Caregivers • We accept Medicare, Insurance, Self Pay • ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 218 W. Coombs St.,Alvin,Texas MICHAEL A. CULLING, ATTORNEY • ESTATE PLANNING • WILLS & PROBATE COMPLIMENTS OF: PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE NICOLE BROUSSARD Primary Eye Care Center Alvin 281.388.0388 Sealy 979.885.2967 Brookshire 281.375.2479 219 N. Taylor 331-4491 SCOTT Andrea Burr-Mays 281-331-9093 475 South Gordon Ste. B LOCALLY OWNED AND MANAGED BY THE SCOTT FAMILY FUNERAL (PARISHIONERS) HOME (281) 585-1000 Earning Your Trust For Over 10 Years! WHITE’S LIQUOR LARGEST SELECTION IN ALVIN AREA DRIVE THRU WINDOW 2 MINUTES TOWARD GALVESTON ON HIGHWAY 6 281-331-3469 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA TECL18188 281.316.0239 Quality Systems Audits..Consulting..Training ISO9001 / AS9100 / AS9120 Aerospace Oil & Gas Engineering Manufacturing Free Initial Consultation 832.620.5792 • [email protected] / Family Owned & Operated Automatic - Standard 2646 Bypass 35 South 331-8209 SALVADOR COLON Attorney at Law BOARD CERTIFIED IMMIGRATION LAW CARA WILKINS, ATTORNEY Ex U.S. Fiscal De Inmigracion 281.756.3003 6302 Broadway Suite 210, Pearland, TX 77581 Se Habla Español 281-997-0000 1240 W. Hwy. 6 #2, Alvin, TX Catholic Cemeteries AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING TACLA000314C Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston DIAMONDS - WATCHES - GIFTS Since 1970 331-4852 Earning Your Trust Since 1970! 281.332.4321 515113 St John the Baptist Church ALVIN Joseph Hunter, Attorney at Law • Family 1600 E. Hwy. 6 • Probate Suite 350 • Criminal Alvin, TX 77511 281.331.2575 (Parishioner) Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization Mount Olivet Calvary Dickinson, TX Galveston, TX 281-337-1641 409-744-1661 “Faith brings us together” For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-833-5941
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