July 6 2014 - St Philip the Apostle Parish
July 6 2014 - St Philip the Apostle Parish
July 6 2014 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St Philip the Apostle 120 Westover Street Sunday: Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 107 Hirsch Street 110 Church Street Lake City, SC 29560 (843) 394-8343 St Ann Catholic Church St Patrick Mission Kingstree, SC 29556 Johnsonville, SC 29555 (843) 536-0440 Diocese of Charleston We Invite You to Celebrate St. Ann 8:30 am St. Philip 10:30 am (English) St. Philip 12:00 pm (Spanish) St. Ann 7.45 am St. Philip 6.00 pm St. Ann 6:30 pm St. Ann 8:00 am St. Patrick 4:30 pm (Vigil) Te invitamos a celebrar Del domingo: Lunes Miércoles Jueves Viernes Sábado Santa Ana San Felipe San Felipe Santa Ana San Felipe Santa Ana Santa Ana San Patricio 8:30 am 10:30 am (ingles) 12:00 pm (Española) 7.45 am 6.00pm 6:30 pm 8:00 am 4:30 pm (Vigil) Fr. Mathew Bulala (M.A) -Administrator <[email protected]> 120 Hirsch Street, Kingstree, SC 29556 Phone 834-536-0440 Sacrament of Reconciliation: 30 minutes prior to Sunday Mass or by appointment. The Rosary is prayed each Sunday morning prior to Mass. Sacrament of Matrimony: Engaged couples must notify the Parish Office at least six months before the desired wedding date. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office to receive a pastoral visit when you or a family member is seriously ill or admitted to the hospital. Sacrament of Baptism: Parents or expectant parents should contact the Parish Office at least one month before the Baptism to complete a preparation class. New Parishioners: Please see father after Mass and complete a new parishioner form. El sacramento de Conciliación: 30 minutos antes de Misa del domingo o por la cita. El Rosario es orado cada el domingo por la mañana antes de Masa. Administrator Deacon Secretary/Bkpr St. Ann Felician Sisters Springbank Retreat El sacramento de Bautismo: Los padres o los padres expectante deben contactar la Oficina de Parroquia por lo menos un mes antes que el Bautismo para completar una clase de preparación. Nuevos Parroquianos: Vea por favor a padre después de Masa y completó una nueva forma de parroquiano. Diocesan Offices Safe Environment (Mary Jo Fann) 389-7776 Child Protection Services 843-853-2130 ext 209 Victim Assistance Minister 1 D 800 D 921 D 8122 536-0440 387-6904 372-1307 Sr. Susanne Dziedzic Sr. Johnna Ciezobka Sr. Jackie Benbenek 354-9415 354-9415 355-5810 Sr. Trina McCormick 382-9774 Religious Education Jacquelyn Halile 355-9530 Liturgy Altar Servers Deacon Jackson 387-6904 Parish Council Pres Ginger Headley 355-8337 Parish Council Sec Judy Cherinko 355-9038 Parish Council Members Kathy Wilborn Dr. Trefney Deloris Scott Deacon Jackson Sr. Trina Sr. Johnna Finance Committee Anointing del Enfermo: Llame por favor la Oficina de Parroquia a recibir una visita pastoral cuando usted o un miembro de la familia esté gravemente enfermos o confesara el hospital. Father Mathew Bulala Harold Jackson Francene Taylor Paul Headley Bob Cherinko Jeff Panther 355-8337 355-9038 356-1148 Sr. Jackie Benbenek Connie Ysasi Reveley Thomy Alma Daniela Ochoa 355-5810 389-4273 394-3246 687-0900 Liturgy/Altar Servers Altar Music Hospitality Maintenance Evangelization Religious Education Parish Council Pres Parish Council Members: Teodova Ribera Deacon Jackson Sr. Ana Gema Reveley Thomy 387-6904 956-0538 394-3246 Frank Ysasi Terrie Bryant Sr. Angelina / Andrea Foyle Billie Thomy 389-4273 389-3090 Finance Committee Moe Ferland Stephen Lewicki St. Philip/St. Patrick Outreach Center Outreach Parish Secretary Communications Alan Pate 394-2669 Sr. Ana Gema Reveley Thomy Frank Ysasi Jim Thomy Nareyda James From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Parishioners A Catholic pilgrimage can be a life changing experience for American Catholics of all ages, regardless of their spiritual focus or preference. Pilgrims joining can be a wonderful balance between the spiritual, historical and cultural aspects of each destination. Catholic faith, education and instruction always helped in customizing a pilgrimage, mainly for a reason of faith. So, I send out this invitations in an effort to increase the number of people in the congregation who may be interested in receiving information on the Pilgrimage to Italy that is schedule for 2015. We hope this will provide a fresh perspective for the community and revitalize interest in worship. A Pilgrimage to Italy- 2015 Catholic Travel Centre Worldwide Tours and Pilgrimages; Presents 11-Days: May 25 to June 4, 2015 Pilgrim to Italy. Fr. Mathew Bulala, M.A, will be the Spiritual Director of the pilgrimage. The Group Coordinator will be Ms. Cathy Roche, Administrative Assistant, Office of Catechesis and Christian Initiation for the Diocese of Charleston. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Florence - Michelangelo’s David, Assisi - Ss. Francis & Clare, Siena - home of St. Catherine of Siena, Rome - St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Paul Outside the Walls Catacombs of St. Calixtus, Papal Audience with Pope Francis, Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel, and Plus much, much, more! Color brochure and pricing available after July 31, 2014 To be placed on the priority mailing list to receive your full color brochure and pricing after July 31, 2014, please complete and return the registration form to: Mrs. Cathy Roche • Tel: (843) 402-5418 • Email: [email protected]. You may also get the registration form on the following parish website, www.stannkingstree.org / www.stphiliplakecity.org Three Parish News Readings and Mass Intentions July 6-July 20 , 2014 Sunday July 6,14 Mass Intentions Readings Monday July 7, 14 Mass Intention Readings Tuesday July 8,14 Readings Wednesday July 9, 14 Mass Intention Readings Thursday July 10 ,14 Mass Intentions Readings Friday July 11 ,14 Mass Intentions Readings Saturday July 12, 14 Mass Intentions Readings Fourteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time St. Ann: + Eusebia Angel St. Patrick:10:30:+ Ceafia Mae Singletary Zec 9:9-10;Rom 8:9,11-13;Mt 11:25-30_ Weekday St. Ann: Intention of the Donor Hos 2:16,17b-18,21-22; Mt9:18-26____ Weekday Hos 8:4-7, 11-13 Mt 9:32-38___________ Weekday St Philip: +Ceafia Mae Singletary Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Mt 10:1-7________ Weekday St. Ann: +Marian & James Robinson Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9;Mt 10:7-15___________ Saint Benedict, Abbot St. Ann: Intention of the Donor Hos 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23_________ Weekday St. Patrick: + Marian & James Robinson Sunday Read_______________ Mass Schedule Update July 28 2014 Monday St. Ann No Mass Sunday July 13,14 Mass Intentions Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann: + Marian & James Robinson St. Patrick:10:30;+ All Perishioners Readings Monday July 14,14 Mass Intention Readings Tuesday July 15,14 Readings Wednesday July 16,14 Mass Intention Readings Thursday July 17,14 Mass Intentions Readings Friday July 18,14 Mass Intentions Readings Saturday July 19,14 Mass Intentions Readings Sunday July 20,14: Mass Intentions St. Patrick:12:30; Guadalupe Y Leonor(Living) Is55:10-11;Rom8:18-23;Mt13:1-23 or 13:1-9 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin St. Ann: Marian & James Robinson Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34-11:1_____________ St Bonaventure, Bishop & Doc of the Church Is 7:1-9;Mt 11:20-24 ___________ Weekday St Philip: +Ceafia Mae Singletary Is 10:5-7,13b-16;Mt11:25-27_________ Weekday St. Ann: Special Intention Is26:7-9,12,16-19;Mt 11:28-30_________ Weekday St. Ann: Intention of the Donor Is 38:1-6,21-22,7-8;Mt 12:1-8________ Weekday St. Patrick: + Velma Papitto Sunday Readings_______________ Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Ann: +All Perishioners St. Philip: 12:30: Gloria Gonzalez (Living) Readings Wis 12:13,16-19:Rom 8:26-27;Mt13:24-43 Announcements– St. Philip Announcements– St. Ann The St. Philip and St Patrick’s Collection Sunday Collection June 1 2014: Collected $715..00 June 15 2014: Collected $637.00 June 8 2014: Collected $500.00 June 22 2014: Collected $587.00 Finance Council Meeting A Finance Council Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday July 15/2014 at 11am. All council members are invited. Happy Birthday & Anniversaries 7/23 Sr. Jacueline Benbenek St Ann Birthday 7/12 NaNeata Reed St Ann Birthday 7/1 Cruz Segura St. Philip Birthday 7/2 Martiniano Mendez St. Philip Birthday 7/4 Patricia Ferland St. Philip Birthday 7/5 Sergio Montes St. Philip Birthday 7/6 Mayra Montes St. Philip Birthday 7/15 Mary Alice St. Philip Birthday 7/15 Jesus Lopez St. Philip Birthday 7/18 Fidel Lopez St. Philip Birthday 7/19 Jerry Morales St. Philip Birthday 7/21 Shimica Gaskins St. Philip Birthday 7/23 Miguel Espinoza St. Philip Birthday 7/25 Mary Jo Fann St. Philip Birthday 7/25 Anita Rodriguez St. Philip Birthday 7/26 Ana Segura St. Philip Birthday 7/18 Rafael & Glenda Plenos St. Philip Anniversaries 7/19 Grady & Mary Jo Fann St. Philip Anniversaries 7/30 Patrick & Connie Collie St. Philip Anniversaries Website Healthy churches grow. Growth is a characteristic that God supernaturally breathed into all living things. And the body of Christ—St Ann’s , St Philip Church and St. Patrick Mission Church—are living things. We are proud to announce for convenience, that in the very near future St. Ann, St Philip and St. Patrick will have their very own website available. On the new websites that were created with much help from Mr. Keith Jacobs ,from the Diocese of Charleston’s web developer. The new websites will allow our congregations and others to access things like the Monthly bulletin and calendar, current and pass events ,Capital Campaign information and St Ann construction and renovation projects. With your help and input the website has the opportunities to expand and become something we all can be proud of. www.stannkingstree.org / www.stphiliplakecity.com Felician Sisters “When I was hungry, you gave me to eat and when you did it to others you did it to ME!” Matthew 25 The Felician Center has been providing summertime grocery bags for children who attend the After School Program. Parents/guardians have found it difficult in the summertime to feed the children who usually eat breakfast and lunch in school. Thank you to the parishioners who have responded with donated food for these children. As of June 22nd the parishioners have donated approximately 85 lbs. of food. This collection will continue throughout the summer as part of stewardship. It is greatly appreciated. Date 6/1/2014 6/8/2014 6/15/2014 6/22/2014 St. Philip's (English) $243.00 $347.80 $404.00 $266.00 St. Philip's (Spanish) $205.55 $181.94 $143.50 $303.00 St. Patrick's $180.00 $180.00 $255.00 $145.00 Capital Campaign We are very grateful for all parishioners who have pledged to the One Faith, One Family Capital Campaign. Currently we have pledged $64,395.00, with cash total amount of $32,767.00; from 73 families of our Parish. We ask all to continue pledging; and those who have not yet pledged to do so. Your prayers and pledges are so important during this campaign. Thank you very for your generous donation and God bless you, and your loved ones! Capital Campaign Update 2nd Collections, can sales, garage sales since February $751.00 Other Church donations $3,250.00 Congratulations Congratulations to our 16 First Communion Recipients in our Hispanic Community!!! May God bless you as you continue on your path of faith Religious Education for Our Children Dear Parents or Guardians! Thank you very much for all that you do! Being a parent requires tons of self-sacrifices to teach your children in the faith you believe. As Catholics we have an obligation to hand on the Catholic faith to our children and they will grow up Catholic. In times past, parents often believed that it was the job of the parish to "teach their child about religion." But today we know that if a child has any chance at all of growing up with faith, then it is because of the parents. Helping your child grow up Catholic is part of the great work of being a Catholic parent. The Church is available to collaborate with parents in forming our children Catholic. We are an organization of Religious Education for all school age children. All children that need to begin their instructions into the faith need to attend. The program is being schedule for September 2014. We need to start registration as soon as possible. Registration forms are available for both English and Spanish programs. Parents/guardians are responsible to have their children attend on Sundays. We are very grateful to our present religious teachers/Catechists: Mary Jo Fan, Terrie Bryant, Alma Ochoa, Lorena Cruz, and Sister Ana Gema. We are also inviting anyone who will be available to teach children. Please contact father Bulala for more information. Educacion Religiosa para nuestros Niños Estimados Padres y Guardianes! Gracias por todo lo que hacen! El ser padres requiere de muchos sacrificios personales para ensenar a sus niños en la fe en la que ustedes creen. Como Catolicos tenemos la obligacion de pasar la Fe Catolica a nuestros niños y ellos creceran como Catolicos. Anteriormente los padres de familia creian que era la obligacion de la Parroquia el ensenar a sus hijos sobre religion. Pero hoy sabemos que si el nino tiene alguna oportunidad de crecer en la fe es por sus padres. El ayudar a su hijo a crecer como Catolico es parte del gran trabajo de ser un padre Catolico. La Iglesia esta disponible para colaborar con los padres en la formacion de los niños como Catolicos. Somos una organizacion de educacion religiosa para niños de todas las edades escolares. Todos los niños que necesiten comenzar la educacion en la Fe necesitan asistir. El programa esta previsto para Septiembre 2014. Necesitamos empezar la registracion tan pronto como sea posible. El formato para registracion de ambos progamas en Ingles y en Espanol esta disponible. Los padres/guardianes son responsables de que los niños asistan los Domingos. Estamos muy agradecidos a nuestras maestras/ catequistas:Mary Jo Fan, Terrie Bryant, Alma Ochoa, Lorena Cruz y a la Hermana Ana Gema. Al mismo tiempo invitamos a quien este disponible para ensenar a los niños. Favor de contactar al Padre Bulala para mas informacion. July 2014, Second Collection 13 July 2014 / Infirm Priests Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone Bulletin Coverage Area