dt I I"I I I I T I"I I I I I I I I I I.I I"I I*I I f*I I I I I I I"l I I I I I I I I I I I Official Ballot - Republican Partv Primarv Election partid; Relublicano) (Boleta Oticial) - (Elecii,n Pimatia d:et Frankfin County, lexas (Condado de Franklin, Texas) March 'f , 2016 (1 de marzo de 2016) fnstruction Notet (Nota de lnstrucci6nl Vote for the candidate ol your choice in each race by darkening in the oval (tD) provided to the left of lhe name ol that candidate, (Vote pu el candidat1 de su prcfercncia en cada carrerc llemndo completamente el espacio ovalado (1O) a la izquierda del nombrc delcandidato.) "l am a Bepublican and understand that I am ineligible to vote or participate in another political party's primary eloction or convention during this voting year.' ('Yo Bepublicano y conprendo que no soy elegifle para votat o parlicipar en la eleuion prinaria o la convenci1n de alg n otro 2oy patido politico dwante este aio electoral.") Plefefence tor Presidential Nominee {Prefercncia para un candidato nomhndo pan prcsidente) You may vote for one presidential candidate whose name appears on the ballot by darkeniho in the ovl candidate's name or you may vote as uncommitted by darkening in the oval ((D) provided-"beside "tjn cnorce. (Usted puede votat por un candidato pan prcsidente cuyo nombrc aparcce al lado del nombre del candidato o usted puede iotar cono lado de las palabrus no conprometido. Haga solamente una selqc ((O\ ndlllua(| lulllllllsslgllcl /1\ @PnadodeFerrogfft(\\\ *,,GgNU* O \$9tt Uc{abr.__.-_., A\ LJffi c> nicr<santorur$$V (> Band O C O O <f O O O O O Paul \ Chris Christie Donald J. Trump Jeb Bush Carly Fiorina Greytok Ron Hale Lance N. Christian O O Elizabeth Gray O O Weston Martinez Gary Gates Michael E. Keasler Jiii O O O lvlichael Massengale Debra Lehrmann Lindsey Graham Uncommitted ,- PaulGreen O Rick Green O O O O I Justice, Supreme Coun, Place (Juez, Cofte Suprcme, Lugat Nim, 9) O O Mary Lou Bruner Keven M. Ellis Hank Hering State Senator, District 1 (Senador Estatal, Distrto Nim, 1) Ray Hall Lou Gigliotti Richard Davis Member, State Boald of Education, Dishict 9 (Miembro de Ia Eiiatat ae nucaaan Justice, Supreme Court, Place 5 (Juez, Cofte Suprcma, Lugat Num. 5) John R. Kasich John Ratclilfe Scott Walker Pibtica, Distrito N(tm. 9) Ted Cruz Nim. 4) Steve Smith Place 6 (Juez, Cofte de Apelaciones Cri m i nales, Lugar N tn., 6) Wayne Christian Ben Carson Distrito Sid Harle Judge, Court ot Criminal Appeals, Justice, Supreme Court, Pla@ 3 (Juez, Cofte Suprena, Lugat Nin. 3) United States Representative, Districl 4 (Representante de los Estados Unidos, O o O O O O O O O O O Joe Pool David Simpson Bryan Hughes Mike Lee James K. Red Brown State Representative, District 1 (Reprcsentante Estatal, Di$fio Nin. Eva Guzman 1) Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 2 (Juez, Corte de Apelaciones Criminales, Lugar N n. 2) O .C O O Chris Oldner Gary VanDeaver George Lavender Mary Lou Keel Ray Wheless i.4.2.0 / Vote Both Sides (Voto ambos 01 2503- lados) 1 4 @ Eleclion Syslems & Sottwa€, lm. 1981 , 2002 f Chief Justice, 6th Court of Appeals Plooosition 4 District Texas and its citizens should strongly assert 1oth Amendment Rights guaranteed by the U.S, Constitution which states "The powers not delegated to the united states by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it t0 the States, are reserved to the States respeclively, or to the people." (Juez Presidente, Corle de Apelaciones, Distrih Nim. 6) ,- Josh L4orriss Diskict Judqe. 62nd Judicial District Uuez del Distr'th. Distlito Judicial Nun. 62) Instluction Note: (rvota de lnstuccidn:) Darken in the oval provided to the left of the statement indicating the way you wish to vote. (Llene completamente el espacio ovalado a Ia izquierda de la frase que indica la manera en que quiere votar.) (Propuesta 4) (Texas y sus ciudadanos deben derechos garantizados por Ia O Prooosition Will Biard District Judqe. 8th Judicial District (Juez del Disttiio. Distrito Judicial Num. 8) <l 1 Texas should replace the property tax system with an alternative other than an income tax and require voter approval to increase the ovdrall tax burden. Eddie Nonhcutt Dishict Attorney, 8th Judicial District Distito. Distritj Judhiat 'Procurador del Nim.8) a\ I ffisRN County ) (Fiscal del rddtO-comolv with federal immi0ration 6r be oenaliled bv loss of state'funds. (Ptopuesta 2) Shetitf (Sherife) ,- (Las ciudades y condados de Texas deben ser requeridos a cunpll con las leyes federules de migraci6n o ser penalizados con Ia p'rdida de fondos estatales.) Ricky Jones County Tax Assessor-Collector lAsesor-Colector de lmpuestos del Condado) <l Sue Ann Harper Proposition 3 Texas should prohibit governmental entities from collecting dues lor labor unions through deductions from public employee paycnecKS. Countv Commissioner. Precinct No. 3 (Co misio nado del Cond ado. Precinto Nun.3) (Propuesta 3) (Texas debe prohibir que las entidades ntales recauden cuotas beneficiosas pan las uniones laborales pol nedio de deducciones a los cheques de pago de enpleados ptiblicos.) g ube rn ame C C <l Charlie Emerson Pieter Post Waymon Carl (Trey) Newsome lll Constable (Agente de Policia) O Randy Green Countv Chairman (Presidenie del Condado) O Bert Edmondson Precinct Chair, Plecinct No. 301 (Presidente del Precinto, Precinto NUm. 301) O Charlene'Charlie"Wilson Vote Both Sides (Voto anbos lados) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I j-