June 23 2013 301KB Jun 20 2013 02:46:32 PM
June 23 2013 301KB Jun 20 2013 02:46:32 PM
3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (905) 624-4422 Ontario Villa Construction Inc. RENOVATIONS 905-669-6141 Angel Stipo Fresh Veg & Fruits Groceries & Meat Hot Food Available Telephone: 416-676-5111 [email protected] 169 Gary Dr. 416 248-8200 Royal LePage At Your Service Realty, Brokerage Metro Home Hardware Bldg. Ctre. 1841 Wilson Ave. 416.740.9131 Lloyd Taylor ACADEMY Sales Representative 416-241-8889 Honoured Provider Dignity Memorials Sales & Service to all Makes & Models 710 Wilson Ave. 416.635.9161 Weston Humber Dental www.dignitymemorial.com 1976 Waterproofing, Foundation Repairs, Full Hair Services / Aesthetics Interior & Exterior Methods Licensed Insured 1627 Wilson Ave. (416) 235-1923 (behind Burger King) 416-749-2273BASETECH.ca Carlo's ofrills Remember... lower food prices™ 1591 Wilson Ave. (at Jane) W AR D FUNERAL HOMES www.italflorist.com 416-745-7045 416.850.5982 JANE DISCOUNT PHARMACY Full Line of Vitamins & Natural Products 1750 Jane St. (N. of Lawrence) (416) 241-1141 Evening Delivery DEMARCO FUNERAL HOME LTD. FUNERAL HOME St. Philip Neri 20 Beverly Hills Dr. St. Gerard Majella 35 Heavitree Rd. where your memories matter Bus (416) 247-7821 Evg (416) 241-8150 WESTON CHAPEL 2035 Weston Rd 416-241-4618 "Teaching Music for all Ages" 51 Beverly Hills Dr. WOODBRIDGE CHAPEL 4671 Highway #7 905-851-9100 www.oaom-music.com wardfuneralhome.com 416-247-2910 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 9:15am, 12noon, 8:00pm Monday –Saturday 8am Specializing in Porchetta For All Occasions CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45pm 416-743-5601 Dr. Peter Ngo DeMarco PASTORAL TEAM Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor Ext. 238 Francisco Naar, Administrator Fr. Flavian Gondos, OFM Cap. Italiano Ext. 234 Lou Estok, Secretary Fr. Washington Zapata, OFM Cap., Español Ext. 240 Jessica Jorgge, Data Entry Deacon Luigi Bertolone, Italiano, English Ext. 227 Libby Dragasic, Saturday Sec. Deacon Damien McGowan, English Ext. 257 Sacramental Prep (RCIA, Deacon Agustin Meneses, Español, English Ext. 293 1st Communion and Confirmation) 245 Eddystone Ave. Family and Cosmetic Dentistry and Braces New Patients Welcome Call Today For A Pleasant Dental Experience 1533 Jane St. (at Trethewey) OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9am - 8pm, Saturday: 9am - 3pm, Sundays & Holidays: CLOSED THE WET BASEMENT THE ULTIMATE CUT SPECIALISTS UNISEX Let our advertisers know Q U A L I T Y S E R V I C E S I N C E 1 9 6 4 you saw their ad here. INSURANCE APPROVED FREE SERVICE VEHICLES DOWNDRAFT BAKED REFINISHES 2207 Jane Street 416.241.1627 Since Capuchin Franciscan 416-249-4499 ® MARK BONACCI BIRDS, FISH, SMALL ANIMALS GROOMING, SELF DOG WASH 15% Discount with Ad 2625 Weston Rd. Cross Roads Centre 2100 Jane Street Toronto, On M3M 1A1 Telephone 416-241 3101 Fax 416-241 2588 Website: www.stphilipneri.ca E-mail: [email protected] www.delmorofuneralhome.com 61 Beverly Hills Dr. (1 STOP LIGHT NORTH OF WILSON) Established 1975 St. Philip Neri Church General Manager FUNERAL HOME (NORTH YORK) LINO TAM & JOE GIAMBATTISTA Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano Dentistry PC General & Cosmetic Dentistry 368 Wilson Ave. 416.631.0223 UDI PER PROBLEMI D'UDITO Chiamate Domenico Cosentino Woodbridge (905) 264-9975 8333 Weston Rd., Ste. 105 Toronto (416) 924-5033 540 College St., Ste. 202 Funeral Directors Proprietors 3725 Keele St. 416-636-7027 Driveways Interlock Free Estimates BAPTISM: Luigi Please call the parish office for an initial appointment with a Deacon. Parents bring your certificates: of Baptism, Confirmation & Sacramental Marriage. Godparents need: Confirmation & Sacramental Marriage certificates. All will take Baptism classes. (416) 743-0111 AVAILABLE Looking for a cost effective way to advertise your business? Llamar João Dias (905) 850-9500 Every Friday 8:30a-6:30p in Our Lady of Angels Chapel, First Friday in main church. Come spend an hour adoring Jesus. THIS SPACE IS COCHES NUEVOS Y USADOS!!! Ven y encuentra la diferencia DeMarco Funeral Visitation Centre 8003 Weston Rd. Woodbridge EUCHARISTIC ADORATION : e-Guard Pav Asphalt Co. CALL TODAY [email protected] www.homestosellorbuy.com 1611 Wilson Ave. AUTO COLLISON LTD. Frank Pinelli DELMORO BRIONI SUPERMARKET General Contractor TF: 1-800-467-8830 D: 647-339-3176 FONTANA GARDENS.com Banquet Hall & Catering MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact a priest one year in advance. Marriage course will be taken. 905-624-4422 COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Please call the parish office & we can visit the sick at home or in hospital. Battiston Associates & REGISTRATION: Every family should be registered with the parish & use envelopes each Sunday. Parishioners, please inform the parish office of any changes of telephone or address. Barristers and Solicitors Real Estate • Wills & Estates Corporate • Civil Litigation www.battistonlaw.com 1013 Wilson Ave. Ste. 202 Complete Auto Repair Shop "We welcome all Church events & Celebrations." Tune-ups•Fuel Injection Repairs•AC Electrical Systems•Brakes•Mufflers•Tires 10% off with coupon All Mechanical Repairs Valid on Sunday only All Makes and Models Dine In & Take out only Operator/Owner: Sam Ho 9 Connie St. 416-235-0941 1077 Wilson Ave. 416-636-0562 Vince Amato-Owner/Operator [email protected] Customer Driven 3400 Dufferin St. Toronto Enrente centro comercial Yorkdale CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Archdiocese of Toronto Holy Cross, Thornhill (905) 889-7467 Queen of Heaven, Woodbridge (905) 851-5822 HORARIO DE MISAS Sábado Vigila: 6:30pm Domingo:1:30pm Miércoles 7:00pm CONFESIONES: 1/2 hora antes de las misas Dominicales ADORACION EUCARISTIC: Cada Viernes 8:30a-6:30p en la capilla de Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles, Primer Viernes en la iglesia. Venga adorar a Jesús por una hora. BAUTISMO: Llame la oficina de la parroquia para hacer cita con el Diacono. Padres traigan sus certificados de: Bautizo, Confirmación y Matrimonio Sacramental. Padrinos traigan sus Certificados de: Confirmación y Matrimonio Sacramental. Todos tomarán clases de Bautizo. MATRIMONIO: Parejas planeando casarse deben contactar al sacerdote con un año de anticipación. Tomaran el curso matrimonial. COMUNION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llame a la oficina de la parroquia y lo podemos visitar en la casa o en el hospital. REGISTRO: Regístrese y utiliza los sobres para la colecta dominical. Por favor de informar la oficina de cambio de dirección o numero de teléfono. 416-393-5396 416-393-5285 ORARIO DELLE MESSE Domenica: 8:00am & 10:30am Lunedì - Venerdì 7:15am Sabato 8:30am CONFESSIONI: Venerdì 4:00pm - 5:00pm ADORAZIONE EUCARISTICA: Tutti i Venerdí dalle 8:30a-6:30p nella cappella della Madonna Degli Angeli; e 1° Venerdí nella chiesa. Venite a stare un’ora con Gesù. BATTESIMO: Si prega di contattare la segreteria della parrocchia per fissare il primo appuntamento con il Diacono. Si prega inoltre di fornire i seguenti certificati: Genitori: battesimo, cresima e matrimonio religioso; Padrini: cresima e matrimonio religioso. Tutti gli interessati sono tenuti a seguire le lezioni di catechesi. MATRIMONIO: Le coppie che desiderano celebrare il loro matrimonio in chiesa sono pregate di metersi in contatto con il sacerdote un anno prima. COMUNIONE: Vi chiediamo di contattare la parrocchia e richiedere la visita del sacerdote a casa o all’ospedale. REGISTRARSI: E’ importante che le famiglie residenti in parrocchia si iscrivino in ufficio, richiedendo le buste per l’offertorio domenicale, Vi chiediamo la cortesia di informare l’ufficio su qualsiasi cambiamento di indirizzo, numero telefonico. VOCATIONS: The Secular Franciscan Order belongs to the Third Order of Franciscans. Secular Franciscans are men & women over 18 who seek to 416-630-7151 pattern their lives after Jesus in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Are you being called? Please call Minister: Teodora La Madrid 416-240-9249. Parla Italiano & Espaniol Met. Lic. - P17408 RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Anthony Mausoleum, Cremation, Monument Lots and Shrine Sections P L U M B I N G L T D . Paniccia 28 Seabrook Avenue Bus 416-245-9076 www.catholic-cemeteries.com Our Father Francis was a joyful presence of hope & salvation to all-especially those most in need! In this same spirit of St. Francis, would you, young men of courage, commitment and challenge, like to spread the Good News while being rooted in a 143 - 3 416-789-4101 PARISH SCHOOLS 416-393-5254 St. Conrad 610 Roding Dr. 416-393-5346 St. Raphael 3 Gade Dr. Ext. 224 Ext. 221 Ext. 243 Ext. 221 Ext. 235 Ext. 235 Capuchin-Franciscan community? LIVE THE DREAM… MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Vocations Director: Br. Louis x248 and visit our website: http://www.capuchinscanada.com/newcapuchins/ 143 - 3 Liturgical Publications June 23, 2013 143 - 3 Questo e’ l’ultimo bollettino dell anno. L’estate e’ tempo di rilassarsi e godere. Dio ci regalai sole e tempo. I ragazzi sono in vacanza. In quanto importante sia l’estate non dobbiamo dimenticare di ringraziare Dio e continuare a essere fedeli. Dio e la Chiesa non prendono vacanze. Preghiamo che trascorete un’estate meravigliosa rimanendo sani e salvi. Ci vedremo alla domenica e se siete fuori citta’ andate a visitare la chiesa locale. Che Dio vi benedica ! **************************************************************************** This is the last bulletin of the year. Summer is the time to relax and enjoy the wonderful gift God gives us of sunshine and time. The children are on holidays. As we move into the summer mode, let us remember to give thanks to God and continue to practice our faith. God does not take holidays and neither does the church. We pray that you will have a wonderful safe summer. See you on Sundays or if you are out of town visit your local church. God bless you! **************************************************************************** Este es el ultimo boletín del año. Ahora hay tiempo para descansar y disfrutar el don maravilloso de Dios, del sol y del tiempo. Los niños están en vacación. Como estamos de tiempo en el verano, no olvidemos dar gracias a Dios y continuemos a practicando nuestra fe. Dios no toma vacaciones tampoco la iglesia. Oremos para que tengan un dichoso y buen verano. Nos veremos cada domingo o si están fueran de la ciudad visiten una iglesia local. ¡Que Dios los bendigan! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CANADA DAY BBQ-June 29 CAFÉ DE LA AMISTAD-Junio 30 a las 12:00pm PARISH PICNIC, PICNIC PARROQUIAL, PICNIC PARROCHIALE-July 14, 2013 TOTUS TUUS-July 22-26, 2013 TOTUS TUUS Programa de Verano Julio 22-26 Sus hijos crecen en la relación personal con nuestro señor Jesucristo al mismo tiempo que se divierten. Este programa es en Ingles. Este año se ofrece cuidado de niños. Por favor de traer formas a la oficina parroquial. Buscamos algunas familias quien puede preparar una cena sencilla para los 4 misioneros durante esta semana de Julio 22. Por favor llame a la oficina TOTUS TUUS Summer Program July 22-26 Your child will develop a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus while having FUN! Child care is available this year. Forms available at the parish office. We ask for families to host a simple dinner for our 4 missionaries while they are here the week of July 22. Please call the office. JERICHO ROSARY—ROSARIO JERICO - ROSARIO GERICO Junio, June, Giugno 25+7 days , Julio, July, Luglio 25+7 days, Agosto August 25+7 days Miriam Reggiardo 416-256-3014 or parish office Knights of Columbus #14662 host CANADA DAY BBQ Why? Why? Why? Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'? Saturday, June 29 starting at 11:00am at the Friars’ parking lot on JANE ST. Fabulous food! Samosas! Pupusas! BBQ chicken! Music! Friendship! Fun! & more!! Sheppard Ave. W. Jane St. In Memoriam - We wish to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Elsa Romero who for several years was serving as a volunteer in our Thrift Shop. Peace and strength to her daughter Elsa, family and friends. Peace to her soul and may God welcome her into His Glory. In Memoria - Vorremmo portare alla vostra attenzione che è venuta a mancare la Sig.ra Elsa Romero, la quale per diversi anni ha prestato servizio volontario nel Thrift Shop. Auguriamo a sua figlia Elsa, ai suoi famigliari e amici pace e conforto. Che la sua anima riposi in pace e possa il Signore accoglierla nella sua gloria. Annual Parish Picnic - Sunday, July 14 Il nostro Picnic Annuale avrà a Downsview Dells Park, Area 1. Questo evento è organizzato per raggruppare tutti i gruppi linguistici della nostra parrocchia in un’atmosfera sociale. Ci saranno tornei di bocce e di carte e altri giochi. L’entrata al parco è libera, solo portate il vostro cibo e bevanda. L’entrata al parco si trova sul lato sud di Sheppard Ave. un poco a ovest di Keele St. El Picnic Parroquial es anual y en Dells Park, Área 1 el día 14 de Julio. Este Picnic es para toda la Parroquia y todos los grupos. La entrada es gratis. Por favor traer comida y bebidas. El parque está situado junto a Sheppard, al oeste de Keele. Venga para que comamos y juguemos! Annual Parish Picnic is at Dells Park, Area 1. There is no entrance fee, bring food, drinks & games to play. The park is located off Sheppard St., between Jane & Keele. Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps 116: 15 † Let us pray for the souls of Renzo Pressacco, Byron Linares, Angelo Persico, Maria Esposito, Sra. Elsa Romero La comunita’ parrocchiale vi invitano di partecipare nel Pellegrinaggio il 30 Giugno giornata Italiana a Midland Shrine. FRANCISCAN SAINTS OF THE WEEK Per informatione, chiamate Maria e Gerardo 416-244-3301 June 26 Bl. Andrew Giacinto N Nota Luctuosa - Deseamos informarle del sensible fallecimiento de la Señora Elsa Romero quien por varios años estuvo sirviendo como voluntaria en nuestro Thrift shop. Resignación y fortaleza a su hija Elsa, familiares y amigos. Paz a su Alma y que Dios la tenga en su gloria. 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Longhin OFM Cap: Born in 1863 in Italy he joined the Capuchins. He was a talented preacher who eventually became the Bishop f Treviso. He died in 1936. Bl. Jacques Haddad of Ghazir OFM Cap: Born in Lebanon in 1875, he joined the Capuchins. He was such a good preacher that he became known as the "Apostle of Lebanon." He would also preach in Syria, Palestine, Iraq and Turkey. He founded a religious Order of nuns as well as a hospital. He died in 1954. Last Week’s Collection 2013 $8,152.00 2012 $7,871.03 Mass Intentions / Intenciones de la Misa Intenzione della Messe Mon., June 24-Birth of St. John the Baptist 7:15 am † F. Luchetta & C. Pusateri 8:00 am In honor of St. John the Baptist Tuesday, June 25 7:15 am † Domenico Defina 8:00 am † Pavao Depikolozvane Wed., June 26-Bls. Andrew & Jacques OFM Cap. 7:15 am † Salvatore & Giuseppe Filicetti 8:00 am † Souls in Purgatory Thursday, June 27-St. Cyril of Alexandria 7:15 am † Henry Cardinali 8:00 am † Florencio Agasan Friday, June 28-St. Irenaeus 7:15 am In onore di Sacro Cuore 8:00 am † Peter & Iolanda Memmo Saturday, June 29-Sts. Peter & Paul 8:00 am † M.R. & I. Reverendo 8:30 am † Riziero Agostini 5:00 pm † Pippo Emilio & Stella 6:30 pm Misa en Español Sunday, June 30 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 8:00 pm † Lucia & Nicola Bianchi † Annunziato & Maddalena F. † D. Gaetana. & S. Annunziata † Liberata &Giuseppe Perruccio Misa en Español For all parishioners June 23, 2013 143 - 3 Questo e’ l’ultimo bollettino dell anno. L’estate e’ tempo di rilassarsi e godere. Dio ci regalai sole e tempo. I ragazzi sono in vacanza. In quanto importante sia l’estate non dobbiamo dimenticare di ringraziare Dio e continuare a essere fedeli. Dio e la Chiesa non prendono vacanze. Preghiamo che trascorete un’estate meravigliosa rimanendo sani e salvi. Ci vedremo alla domenica e se siete fuori citta’ andate a visitare la chiesa locale. Che Dio vi benedica ! **************************************************************************** This is the last bulletin of the year. Summer is the time to relax and enjoy the wonderful gift God gives us of sunshine and time. The children are on holidays. As we move into the summer mode, let us remember to give thanks to God and continue to practice our faith. God does not take holidays and neither does the church. We pray that you will have a wonderful safe summer. See you on Sundays or if you are out of town visit your local church. God bless you! **************************************************************************** Este es el ultimo boletín del año. Ahora hay tiempo para descansar y disfrutar el don maravilloso de Dios, del sol y del tiempo. Los niños están en vacación. Como estamos de tiempo en el verano, no olvidemos dar gracias a Dios y continuemos a practicando nuestra fe. Dios no toma vacaciones tampoco la iglesia. Oremos para que tengan un dichoso y buen verano. Nos veremos cada domingo o si están fueran de la ciudad visiten una iglesia local. ¡Que Dios los bendigan! In Memoriam - We wish to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Elsa Romero who for several years was serving as a volunteer in our Thrift Shop. Peace and strength to her daughter Elsa, family and friends. Peace to her soul and may God welcome her into His Glory. In Memoria - Vorremmo portare alla vostra attenzione che è venuta a mancare la Sig.ra Elsa Romero, la quale per diversi anni ha prestato servizio volontario nel Thrift Shop. Auguriamo a sua figlia Elsa, ai suoi famigliari e amici pace e conforto. Che la sua anima riposi in pace e possa il Signore accoglierla nella sua gloria. JERICHO ROSARY—ROSARIO JERICO - ROSARIO GERICO Junio, June, Giugno 25+7 days , Julio, July, Luglio 25+7 days, Agosto August 25+7 days Miriam Reggiardo 416-256-3014 or parish office Knights of Columbus #14662 host CANADA DAY BBQ Saturday, June 29 starting at 11:00am at the Friars’ parking lot on JANE ST. Fabulous food! Samosas! Pupusas! BBQ chicken! Music! Friendship! Fun! & more!! Why? Why? Why? Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'? TOTUS TUUS-July 22-26, 2013 TOTUS TUUS Programa de Verano Julio 22-26 Sus hijos crecen en la relación personal con nuestro señor Jesucristo al mismo tiempo que se divierten. Este programa es en Ingles. Este año se ofrece cuidado de niños. Por favor de traer formas a la oficina parroquial. Buscamos algunas familias quien puede preparar una cena sencilla para los 4 misioneros durante esta semana de Julio 22. Por favor llame a la oficina TOTUS TUUS Summer Program July 22-26 Your child will develop a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus while having FUN! Child care is available this year. Forms available at the parish office. We ask for families to host a simple dinner for our 4 missionaries while they are here the week of July 22. Please call the office. N Sheppard Ave. W. Annual Parish Picnic - Sunday, July 14 Il nostro Picnic Annuale avrà a Downsview Dells Park, Area 1. Questo evento è organizzato per raggruppare tutti i gruppi linguistici della nostra parrocchia in un’atmosfera sociale. Ci saranno tornei di bocce e di carte e altri giochi. L’entrata al parco è libera, solo portate il vostro cibo e bevanda. L’entrata al parco si trova sul lato sud di Sheppard Ave. un poco a ovest di Keele St. El Picnic Parroquial es anual y en Dells Park, Área 1 el día 14 de Julio. Este Picnic es para toda la Parroquia y todos los grupos. La entrada es gratis. Por favor traer comida y bebidas. El parque está situado junto a Sheppard, al oeste de Keele. Venga para que comamos y juguemos! Annual Parish Picnic is at Dells Park, Area 1. There is no entrance fee, bring food, drinks & games to play. The park is located off Sheppard St., between Jane & Keele. Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Ps 116: 15 † Let us pray for the souls of Renzo Pressacco, Byron Linares, Angelo Persico, Maria Esposito, Sra. Elsa Romero La comunita’ parrocchiale vi invitano di partecipare nel Pellegrinaggio il 30 Giugno giornata Italiana a Midland Shrine. FRANCISCAN SAINTS OF THE WEEK Per informatione, chiamate Maria e Gerardo 416-244-3301 June 26 Bl. Andrew Giacinto Jane St. Nota Luctuosa - Deseamos informarle del sensible fallecimiento de la Señora Elsa Romero quien por varios años estuvo sirviendo como voluntaria en nuestro Thrift shop. Resignación y fortaleza a su hija Elsa, familiares y amigos. Paz a su Alma y que Dios la tenga en su gloria. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CANADA DAY BBQ-June 29 CAFÉ DE LA AMISTAD-Junio 30 a las 12:00pm PARISH PICNIC, PICNIC PARROQUIAL, PICNIC PARROCHIALE-July 14, 2013 Longhin OFM Cap: Born in 1863 in Italy he joined the Capuchins. He was a talented preacher who eventually became the Bishop f Treviso. He died in 1936. Bl. Jacques Haddad of Ghazir OFM Cap: Born in Lebanon in 1875, he joined the Capuchins. He was such a good preacher that he became known as the "Apostle of Lebanon." He would also preach in Syria, Palestine, Iraq and Turkey. He founded a religious Order of nuns as well as a hospital. He died in 1954. Last Week’s Collection 2013 $8,152.00 2012 $7,871.03 Mass Intentions / Intenciones de la Misa Intenzione della Messe Mon., June 24-Birth of St. John the Baptist 7:15 am † F. Luchetta & C. Pusateri 8:00 am In honor of St. John the Baptist Tuesday, June 25 7:15 am † Domenico Defina 8:00 am † Pavao Depikolozvane Wed., June 26-Bls. Andrew & Jacques OFM Cap. 7:15 am † Salvatore & Giuseppe Filicetti 8:00 am † Souls in Purgatory Thursday, June 27-St. Cyril of Alexandria 7:15 am † Henry Cardinali 8:00 am † Florencio Agasan Friday, June 28-St. Irenaeus 7:15 am In onore di Sacro Cuore 8:00 am † Peter & Iolanda Memmo Saturday, June 29-Sts. Peter & Paul 8:00 am † M.R. & I. Reverendo 8:30 am † Riziero Agostini 5:00 pm † Pippo Emilio & Stella 6:30 pm Misa en Español Sunday, June 30 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 8:00 pm † Lucia & Nicola Bianchi † Annunziato & Maddalena F. † D. Gaetana. & S. Annunziata † Liberata &Giuseppe Perruccio Misa en Español For all parishioners 3171 LENWORTH DR. #12 MISSISSAUGA, ON L4X 2G6 (905) 624-4422 Ontario Villa Construction Inc. RENOVATIONS 905-669-6141 Angel Stipo Fresh Veg & Fruits Groceries & Meat Hot Food Available Telephone: 416-676-5111 [email protected] 169 Gary Dr. 416 248-8200 Royal LePage At Your Service Realty, Brokerage Metro Home Hardware Bldg. Ctre. 1841 Wilson Ave. 416.740.9131 Lloyd Taylor ACADEMY Sales Representative 416-241-8889 Honoured Provider Dignity Memorials Sales & Service to all Makes & Models 710 Wilson Ave. 416.635.9161 Weston Humber Dental www.dignitymemorial.com 1976 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry and Braces Waterproofing, Foundation Repairs, Full Hair Services / Aesthetics Interior & Exterior Methods Licensed Insured 1627 Wilson Ave. (416) 235-1923 (behind Burger King) 416-749-2273BASETECH.ca Carlo's www.italflorist.com 416-745-7045 416.850.5982 JANE DISCOUNT PHARMACY Full Line of Vitamins & Natural Products 1750 Jane St. (N. of Lawrence) (416) 241-1141 Evening Delivery DEMARCO FUNERAL HOME LTD. DeMarco FUNERAL HOME PASTORAL TEAM Fr. Paul Duplessie, OFM Cap., Pastor Ext. 238 Francisco Naar, Administrator Fr. Flavian Gondos, OFM Cap. Italiano Ext. 234 Lou Estok, Secretary Fr. Washington Zapata, OFM Cap., Español Ext. 240 Jessica Jorgge, Data Entry Deacon Luigi Bertolone, Italiano, English Ext. 227 Libby Dragasic, Saturday Sec. Deacon Damien McGowan, English Ext. 257 Sacramental Prep (RCIA, Deacon Agustin Meneses, Español, English Ext. 293 1st Communion and Confirmation) ofrills Remember... lower food prices™ 1591 Wilson Ave. (at Jane) W AR D FUNERAL HOMES St. Philip Neri 20 Beverly Hills Dr. St. Gerard Majella 35 Heavitree Rd. where your memories matter Bus (416) 247-7821 Evg (416) 241-8150 WESTON CHAPEL 2035 Weston Rd 416-241-4618 "Teaching Music for all Ages" 51 Beverly Hills Dr. WOODBRIDGE CHAPEL 4671 Highway #7 905-851-9100 www.oaom-music.com wardfuneralhome.com 416-247-2910 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 9:15am, 12noon, 8:00pm Monday –Saturday 8am Specializing in Porchetta For All Occasions CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45pm 245 Eddystone Ave. 416-743-5601 Dr. Peter Ngo New Patients Welcome Call Today For A Pleasant Dental Experience 1533 Jane St. (at Trethewey) OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 9am - 8pm, Saturday: 9am - 3pm, Sundays & Holidays: CLOSED THE WET BASEMENT THE ULTIMATE CUT SPECIALISTS UNISEX Let our advertisers know Q U A L I T Y S E R V I C E S I N C E 1 9 6 4 you saw their ad here. INSURANCE APPROVED FREE SERVICE VEHICLES DOWNDRAFT BAKED REFINISHES 2207 Jane Street 416.241.1627 Since Capuchin Franciscan 416-249-4499 ® MARK BONACCI BIRDS, FISH, SMALL ANIMALS GROOMING, SELF DOG WASH 15% Discount with Ad 2625 Weston Rd. Cross Roads Centre 2100 Jane Street Toronto, On M3M 1A1 Telephone 416-241 3101 Fax 416-241 2588 Website: www.stphilipneri.ca E-mail: [email protected] www.delmorofuneralhome.com 61 Beverly Hills Dr. (1 STOP LIGHT NORTH OF WILSON) Established 1975 St. Philip Neri Church General Manager FUNERAL HOME (NORTH YORK) LINO TAM & JOE GIAMBATTISTA Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano Dentistry PC General & Cosmetic Dentistry 368 Wilson Ave. 416.631.0223 UDI PER PROBLEMI D'UDITO Chiamate Domenico Cosentino Woodbridge (905) 264-9975 8333 Weston Rd., Ste. 105 Toronto (416) 924-5033 540 College St., Ste. 202 Funeral Directors Proprietors 3725 Keele St. 416-636-7027 Driveways Interlock Free Estimates BAPTISM: Luigi Please call the parish office for an initial appointment with a Deacon. Parents bring your certificates: of Baptism, Confirmation & Sacramental Marriage. Godparents need: Confirmation & Sacramental Marriage certificates. All will take Baptism classes. (416) 743-0111 AVAILABLE Looking for a cost effective way to advertise your business? Llamar João Dias (905) 850-9500 Every Friday 8:30a-6:30p in Our Lady of Angels Chapel, First Friday in main church. Come spend an hour adoring Jesus. THIS SPACE IS COCHES NUEVOS Y USADOS!!! Ven y encuentra la diferencia DeMarco Funeral Visitation Centre 8003 Weston Rd. Woodbridge EUCHARISTIC ADORATION : e-Guard Pav Asphalt Co. CALL TODAY [email protected] www.homestosellorbuy.com 1611 Wilson Ave. AUTO COLLISON LTD. Frank Pinelli DELMORO BRIONI SUPERMARKET General Contractor TF: 1-800-467-8830 D: 647-339-3176 FONTANA GARDENS.com Banquet Hall & Catering MARRIAGE: Engaged couples must contact a priest one year in advance. Marriage course will be taken. 905-624-4422 COMMUNION FOR THE SICK: Please call the parish office & we can visit the sick at home or in hospital. Battiston Associates & REGISTRATION: Every family should be registered with the parish & use envelopes each Sunday. Parishioners, please inform the parish office of any changes of telephone or address. Barristers and Solicitors Real Estate • Wills & Estates Corporate • Civil Litigation www.battistonlaw.com 1013 Wilson Ave. Ste. 202 Complete Auto Repair Shop "We welcome all Church events & Celebrations." Tune-ups•Fuel Injection Repairs•AC Electrical Systems•Brakes•Mufflers•Tires 10% off with coupon All Mechanical Repairs Valid on Sunday only All Makes and Models Dine In & Take out only Operator/Owner: Sam Ho 9 Connie St. 416-235-0941 1077 Wilson Ave. 416-636-0562 Vince Amato-Owner/Operator [email protected] Customer Driven 3400 Dufferin St. Toronto Enrente centro comercial Yorkdale CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Archdiocese of Toronto Holy Cross, Thornhill (905) 889-7467 Queen of Heaven, Woodbridge (905) 851-5822 HORARIO DE MISAS Sábado Vigila: 6:30pm Domingo:1:30pm Miércoles 7:00pm CONFESIONES: 1/2 hora antes de las misas Dominicales ADORACION EUCARISTIC: Cada Viernes 8:30a-6:30p en la capilla de Ntra. Sra. de los Ángeles, Primer Viernes en la iglesia. Venga adorar a Jesús por una hora. BAUTISMO: Llame la oficina de la parroquia para hacer cita con el Diacono. Padres traigan sus certificados de: Bautizo, Confirmación y Matrimonio Sacramental. Padrinos traigan sus Certificados de: Confirmación y Matrimonio Sacramental. Todos tomarán clases de Bautizo. MATRIMONIO: Parejas planeando casarse deben contactar al sacerdote con un año de anticipación. Tomaran el curso matrimonial. COMUNION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Llame a la oficina de la parroquia y lo podemos visitar en la casa o en el hospital. REGISTRO: Regístrese y utiliza los sobres para la colecta dominical. Por favor de informar la oficina de cambio de dirección o numero de teléfono. 416-393-5396 416-393-5285 ORARIO DELLE MESSE Domenica: 8:00am & 10:30am Lunedì - Venerdì 7:15am Sabato 8:30am CONFESSIONI: Venerdì 4:00pm - 5:00pm ADORAZIONE EUCARISTICA: Tutti i Venerdí dalle 8:30a-6:30p nella cappella della Madonna Degli Angeli; e 1° Venerdí nella chiesa. Venite a stare un’ora con Gesù. BATTESIMO: Si prega di contattare la segreteria della parrocchia per fissare il primo appuntamento con il Diacono. Si prega inoltre di fornire i seguenti certificati: Genitori: battesimo, cresima e matrimonio religioso; Padrini: cresima e matrimonio religioso. Tutti gli interessati sono tenuti a seguire le lezioni di catechesi. MATRIMONIO: Le coppie che desiderano celebrare il loro matrimonio in chiesa sono pregate di metersi in contatto con il sacerdote un anno prima. COMUNIONE: Vi chiediamo di contattare la parrocchia e richiedere la visita del sacerdote a casa o all’ospedale. REGISTRARSI: E’ importante che le famiglie residenti in parrocchia si iscrivino in ufficio, richiedendo le buste per l’offertorio domenicale, Vi chiediamo la cortesia di informare l’ufficio su qualsiasi cambiamento di indirizzo, numero telefonico. VOCATIONS: The Secular Franciscan Order belongs to the Third Order of Franciscans. Secular Franciscans are men & women over 18 who seek to 416-630-7151 pattern their lives after Jesus in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi. Are you being called? Please call Minister: Teodora La Madrid 416-240-9249. Parla Italiano & Espaniol Met. Lic. - P17408 Our Father Francis was a joyful presence of hope & salvation to all-especially those most in need! In this same spirit of St. Francis, would you, young men of courage, commitment and challenge, like to spread the Good News while being rooted in a RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Anthony Mausoleum, Cremation, Monument Lots and Shrine Sections P L U M B I N G L T D . Paniccia 28 Seabrook Avenue Bus 416-245-9076 www.catholic-cemeteries.com 143 - 3 416-789-4101 PARISH SCHOOLS 416-393-5254 St. Conrad 610 Roding Dr. 416-393-5346 St. Raphael 3 Gade Dr. Ext. 224 Ext. 221 Ext. 243 Ext. 221 Ext. 235 Ext. 235 Capuchin-Franciscan community? LIVE THE DREAM… MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Vocations Director: Br. Louis x248 and visit our website: http://www.capuchinscanada.com/newcapuchins/ 143 - 3 Liturgical Publications
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