Memoria anual / Annual report
Memoria anual / Annual report
Puerto de la Bahía de Cádiz Port of Cadiz Bay 2013 Memoria anual / Annual report Memoria anual / Annual report 2013 Plaza de España, 17. 11006 Cádiz - España Telf.: 956 240 400 Fax: 956 240 476 Síguenos en / Follow us in: @puertodecadiz puertodecadiz puertobahiadecadiz Chapter 0 Introduction Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 GreetINGS FrOM the preSIDeNt The Cadiz Bay Port Authority maintained profits in 2013 with a net turnover of 21.20 million euros and results for the year of 1.413 million euros. Resources generated amounted to 8 million euros. Containing both personnel and operating costs explains how profits were maintained, despite a 4 per cent drop in port traffic. In 2013 the Port of Cadiz Bay had total throughput of 3,728.800 tons, the best performer being solid bulk cargo. At 1.8 million tons, the group had the highest volume of movement, up 4.6 per cent from 2012. General goods were next, at 1.6 million tons at yearend, down 11 per cent from 2012. Liquid bulk, with 95,000 tons handled, was down 13 per cent. The volume of supplies rose in 2013, reaching 123,526 tons, as did fish, with 21,400 tons handled and a value at auction of 46 million euros. Growth compared to 2012 was 3.20 and 11 per cent respectively. In terms of transport, Ro-Ro traffic in 2013 was down 21.5 per cent, due mainly to the disappearance of the regular line between Cadiz and Morocco and less activity on the Cadiz-Canary Islands line, down 9.77 per cent (689,648 tons). Container traffic stayed fairly stable at 667,00 tons (-3 %) and 64,139 TEUs (-1.88 %). These profits enabled the Cadiz Bay Port Authority to make an investment of 21.20 million euros mainly in construction work on the new container terminal, which had reached almost fifty per cent completion at year end. A smaller part of investments was for the cruise passenger terminal and improved access to it and the transit area for cruise passengers. In Cabezuela-Puerto Real, we invested 224,000 euros in the restitution of dredging the maneuver area of the South pier and an additional 190,000 euros in placing windscreens to limit the dispersion of particles during loading and unloading solid bulk. As has been the case in recent years, management of the public port domain generated good news in 2013 with private investments reaching 9.5 million with 6 new concessions and 116 new authorizations. The business of companies established in the public port domain contributes not only to the job creation and economic and social development that characterize any productive activity but also influences port traffic, given that those companies are usually linked to goods movement or general port activity. 3 4 CHAPTER 0. Introduction We would like to point out that port surface area is available for occupancy at all four basins and we would like to invite investors to install themselves in these areas. In addition to the availability of port surface area, we have promoted the services and infrastructures we offer at various international meetings in a range of sectors. These commercial fairs included Fitur, Seatrade in Miami and Hamburg, SIL (International Logistics and Material Handling Exhibition) in Barcelona, Transport Logistic, TOC Terminal Operators, Conxemar, Fruit Attraction, World Travel Market, and International Cruise Summit. In regard to the Port’s relations with the cities where we are located, we collaborated with the Cadiz City Council in subscribing an agreement to divert wheeled traffic via a bypass through the public port domain along the Avenida de Astilleros; with Puerto Real on the nautical sport project at the city basin and the grant of tetrapod blocks for urban areas; and with El Puerto de Santa María on the development of the AA1 and AA2 action areas and on the study of nautical sport planning. Major achievements in 2013 include renewal of the 400+ European Excellence Recognition for our management system and an extension of the Border Inspection Station hours, which the port community had been demanding for years. The future brings major challenges, such as learning what the European Union’s final decision will be as to assigning (already pre-assigned) ERDF funds to construction work on the New Container Terminal; the La Cabezuela-Puerto Real railroad connection; development of Las Aletas and the integration of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority as part of its managing entity. All of this should form part of the new strategic plan for the Port of Cadiz Bay, which we trust will serve us to successfully address the new challenges inherent in our current situation and carry out port policies that facilitate achieving our strategic objectives. José Luis Blanco Romero Chairman of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 MaNaGeMeNt repOrt pOrt traFFIC Port traffic throughout the system nationwide performed in accordance with the country’s sluggish economy, down about 3.5% as a consequence of the profound crisis battering part of Europe’s economy, especially Spain. This drop has affected all components of traffic, most significantly solid bulk and containers in transit. Port traffic in 2013 was heavily influenced by sluggish economic activity in the Port of Cadiz Bay’s hinterland, which was particularly slow in the construction industry, historically one of the pillars of port traffic. In 2013, total throughput was 3,729 thousand tons, down 3.9% from 2012, modest figures given the potential of port infrastructures available. This volume of goods places the Port Authority of Cadiz Bay in 20th position within the national port system, consisting of 28 Port Authorities. The percentage of loaded and unloaded cargo on the piers in Cadiz is about 0.8% of the national total. Although the port is relatively small in size, we believe it offers an important logistical service to the companies in our hinterland, enabling them to be competitive. Four statistical graphs attached to this Report summarize 2013 traffic. A detailed breakdown is on the CD accompanying the Annual Report. An overview based on the performance of various types of port traffic in 2013 is as follows: • Total cargo traffic at the Port of Cadiz Bay was 3,728,800 tons, down 3.9% (2012: 3,881,100 tons). • Ship traffic is down in number (1,110 vessels, 119 fewer than in 2012) although gross tonnage is up (2013: 26.54 million GT). The average size of ships calling at the Cadiz Bay piers was up 16.6% in 2013 to 23,908 GT. The increase in average ship size is due to the growing number of mega cruise ships, which are over 300 metres long and more than 100,000 GT. • As far as different types of cargo, there was an 11%¨drop in general cargo, the most significant component of port traffic, 45.2% of the total. 1,608,100 tons were handled, down about 202,000 tons compared to 2012. • Ro-Ro traffic, with a movement of 725,000 tons, was down 21.5% compared to 2012. Traffic was down with both the Canary Islands and Morocco lines for different reasons. Traffic with the Canary Islands dropped 9.8% (-74,700 tons) and with Morocco was down 78% (-123,800 tons). Traffic dropped with the Canary Islands due to competition from other alternative lines from other ports in Andalucía and with 5 6 CHAPTER 0. Introduction Morocco because in the spring of 2013, the shipping line that handled this traffic (IMTC) halted stopovers due to financial problems in operating the line. Approximately 95% of wheeled traffic was with the Canary Islands and 5% with Morocco. • Total container traffic decreased by 4%. The Concasa Terminal showed activity similar to 2012. The decrease was noted in the number of Ro-Ro containers on the Canary Islands line, where a total of 92,300 TEUs (59,000 full and 33,300 empty) were handled, down 4%. 64,100 TEUS (2012: 65,400 TEUS), with 667,000 tons, of containers were handled in the Terminal with container cranes (3.2% less than in 2012). 28,200 TEUs of containers were handled via rolling methods. 69.5% of container traffic is handled by container cranes and 30.5% by rolling methods. A significant upsurge in container traffic is expected at the Port Authority once the New Terminal is in operation. Construction began at the end of 2011 and its physical features will be in keeping with the hopeful future we all eagerly await. • Solid bulk totalled 1,857.900 tons, up 4.6% compared to 2012, and comprised 52.2% of all cargo handled at the port. Traffic in grains and their flours, feed and soybeans rose sharply, the most significant at port piers. They are unloaded at the La Cabezuela-Puerto Real pier (by mobile or conventional crane) or at the Duty-Free Zone (by crane or Harinera Vilafranquina pneumatic unloaders) and are stored in various warehouses and specialized silos built in the port area. Traffic in these goods totalled 983,600 tons in 2013 (up 37,400 tons, or 4%). In 2013 bulk sugar continued to play a significant role. As of late 2009, it is imported to the Guadalete Plant located in Jerez de la Frontera. 321,800 tons of bulk raw sugar were handled. Once refined, most of it went on to consumers in Spain and the rest was re-exported in containers. Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 Clinker traffic was 253,000 tons. The profound crisis in Spain’s construction sector has meant cement plants have had to export clinker as a way to keep up some production levels. Operations at the new QUIMGRA, S.A. storage and mixing plant have brought about significant traffic in fertilizers and potash, reaching a total of 187,500 tons. Part was handled in bulk and part in big bag, with some transhipment. The amount of remaining solid bulk handled was not significant. 2013 is over and we are still awaiting construction of the rail branch between the Aletas Station and Cabezuela, which will provide a connection between the port facilities at Cabezuela and the general rail network. Once this connection is in operation, it will provide a great stimulus to bulk traffic, expanding the port hinterland. • Liquid bulk is the least significant component of port traffic, 2.7% of total cargo handled. 95,000 tons passed through, down 13% compared to 2012. Of note was traffic in bituminous products. Construction on an expansion of storage tanks for these bituminous products is now complete, which will enable an enhancement of this traffic. • Regarding the geographic distribution of traffic at the piers of the Port Authority, 53.9% is handled at La Cabezuela, 38.9% at the Cadiz Commercial Basin, and 7.2% at the Duty-Free Zone. • Regarding cruise ships, we have had 296 cruise ship stopovers (21 more than in 2012), transporting 375,000 passengers, 40,800 more than in 2012. These results place the Port of Cadiz in seventh position nationally and second place regionally in terms of cruise passengers. On a small scale, we have operated as a partial base port for the second consecutive year. Cruise ships have continued to get bigger, with an average size of 50,200 GT. • Fresh fish has grown compared to 2012 (+11.5%) and we are in fourth place in Spain. In 2013, 17,500 tons of fresh fish were sold at auction at the two fish markets at the Bay and the Wholesale Market, with sales totalling 46 million euros. FINaNCIaL Data In terms of financial data, operating revenues were 22.37 million euros, turnover was 21.20 million euros, and other operating revenues were 1.17 million euros. The breakdown of turnover was 20.14 million euros from port fees and 1.06 from other operating revenues. A further breakdown of the financial revenues generated by each type of traffic shows that their share of contributions to Port Authority turnover is approximately as follows: Type of Traffic Solid bulk Tourist cruise ships Ro-Ro traffic Lo-Lo containers Conventional general goods Fish Sporting boats Liquid bulk Other Varios Percentage (%) 36,8% 21,1% 13,6% 7,1% 6,4% 3,8% 2,7% 0,6% 0,5% 7,4% 7 8 CHAPTER 0. Introduction The net total of 2013 turnover shows a decrease of 0.9% compared to 2012, less than the performance of port traffic expressed in tons (-3.9%). This is because a significant percentage of revenue comes from occupancy of public domain, which is more stable and relatively independent of types of traffic. Cruise traffic is consolidating its leading role in terms of resources generated. Operating expenses was 22.86 millions, up 3.3% compared to 2012, mainly due to depreciation of property, plant and equipment. The most significant entries are Personnel Expenses, at 7.17 million, Other Operating Expenses, at 7.05 million, and the provision for Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment, at 8.63 million euros. The Income Statement shows positive operating results of 1,355 thousand euros and a financial year result of a 1,413 thousand euro surplus. As a result, profitability for the Port of Cadiz Bay in 2013 was 0.54%, calculated as per the formula set forth in Article 157 of the Law of State Ports and the Merchant Marine. Resources generated from operations amounted to 8,046 thousand euros, down 939 thousand euros from 2012. INVeStMeNtS In 2013, the Port of Cadiz Bay acquired 21.28 million euros in property, plant and equipment, with 18.07 million used on the New Container Terminal and the rest for minor works. It is a noteworthy effort to take on this macro-investment with limited resource generation. This is possible thanks to the planned subsidy of ERDF Funds of 60 million euros and a loan from the European Investment Bank. With regard to the processing of the ERDF aid, on 18 September 2013 the European Commission took Decision C(2013)5824, by which public financing for construction work on the Cadiz New Container Terminal constitutes state aid, but said aid is compatible with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as per its Article 107.3.c. Therefore, we are awaiting solely the Decision granting the subsidy charged to the 2007-2013 ERDF ‘Andalusia’ Operational Programme. In addition to the works undertaken by the Port Authority, we would also like to highlight the investments made in the port area by private companies, totalling 9.58 million euros. The largest investments this year were made at the storage plant for fertilizers and derivatives, bitumen storage tanks, and grain storage warehouses, all at La Cabezuela, as well as ancillary works at several nautical sport facilities. pUBLIC DOMaIN The port service area has a land surface area of 424.6 hectares, of which 310 may be leased (that is, 73%) and 183 hectares which are occupied by leaseholders, 43% of total surface area and 59% of the area that can be leased. The port water surface is classified as follows: 1,616 hectares as Zone I or inner waters and 11,744 hectares as Zone II or outer waters. At year end 2013, 99 administrative concessions and 290 authorizations were granted by the Cadiz Bay Port Authority. 229 companies operate at the Port under administrative concessions and authorizations. In 2013, 6 new administrative concessions were granted and 11 extinguished. Highlights from management of the public port domain are as follows: • Grant of a concession to the City Government of Puerto Real for the construction of facilities for nautical sport and related uses. • Grant of a concession to the Cadiz Cruise Terminal, S.L. company to use several surfaces within the Alfonso XIII Quay Maritime Station for cruise terminal services. Numerous administrative authorizations were also granted, primarily in the fishing sector, to make better use of the public domain and facilitate the work of port area users. Administrative concessions and authorizations granted by the Port Authority in 2013 generated resources amounting to 8.12 million euros, 38.3% of net turnover. Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 hUMaN reSOUrCeS Headcount at the Port Authority of Cadiz Bay at 31 December 2013 was 169, all with permanent work contracts. Temporary workers for cyclical activities were hired for a total of 24 monthly contracts, not including short-term interim or relief contracts. Headcount for permanent staff, not including the Chairman or Managing Director, as per prevailing legislation, was as follows: Not governed by the collective agreement Governed by the collective agreement 17 152 Staff not under the collective workers’ agreement is distributed as follows:: Chairman Director Department Heads Division Chiefs Changes in staff during the year were as follows: 1 1 7 10 9 10 CHAPTER 0. Introduction Full retirement Partial retirement 3 3 Other aCtIVItIeS aND COLLaBOratIONS Several noteworthy collaboration agreements were subscribed by the Port Authority in 2013 with various companies and institutions, including: • On 20 June, a collaboration agreement was subscribed and authorized with the City Governments of the port service area and the Agencia IDEA (IDEA Agency) as part of the Incentive Program for “Fostering business localization in innovation spaces and other locations of strategic interest” (LOCALIZA IN). • On 28 October, the Antequera Agreement was subscribed on European railway corridors as an engine for development and employment in Andalucía. The Port Authority continued to foster its environmental care and conservation policies in 2013 with a commitment to quality services and safety in its facilities. Along with all port users, we aim to achieve the significant objective of creating a safe, sustainable world for future generations. In keeping with this goal, the following is of note: • • Obtaining the EFQM model European Seal of Excellence 400+, awarded by the Excellence in Management Club. This distinction is given in recognition of the Port Authority’s work to improve the institution’s performance and fulfil its objectives. • • Obtaining the Environmental Management System Certificate in the Cabezuela port area, as per the UNE-EN ISO 14001 Standard. Windbreak screens have been placed to reduce atmospheric emissions due to wind erosion of solid bulk in storage. • • Carrying out a Sustainability Report in 2013, along with environmental sustainability rates, related to the Port Authority’s performance. • • Before concluding this report, I wish to emphasize the great hopes we have for the Port’s New Container Terminal, currently in at advanced stage of construction. For the Port Authority, it is a great challenge due to its cost (over 110 million euros altogether) and we are also very much looking forward to having the proper port infrastructure to handle new container traffic needs and free up the space to comfortably serve the cruise passengers who visit us. WeLCOMe tO the ChaIrMaN aND FareWeLL tO the DIreCtOr By decrees of the Junta de Andalucía’s Council on Presidency and Equality dated 5 March 2013, Mr. Rafael Barra Sanz’s appointment as Chairman of the Cadiz Bay Port Authority ended and Mr. José Luis Blanco Romero’s was announced. Rafael Barra was Chairman of the Port Authority for the past fifteen years and was the catalyst for its changes during that time. He deserves recognition for his exceptional role in driving forward port activity and the new infrastructures developed during those years. Many thanks for his contributions to the Port of Cadiz Bay. I would like to welcome José Luis Blanco and wish him the greatest success in this new period. In closing, I would like to say goodbye to all the users and clients of the Port of Cadiz Bay. After fifteen years of having the privilege to head this Port Authority, I am leaving at my own volition due to my retirement. I would like to thank the entire Port Community for its collaboration and I hope that the new era that will commence once the New Container Terminal becomes operational serves to enhance the area’s economy. I also wish to thank everyone at the Port Authority for their daily contributions and work, which we hope will help us to reach our goals for the future. The new team will take the Port of Cadiz Bay forward to new achievements in employment growth and improvements in the region’s productive economy. Albino Pardo Rodríguez Director Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 2012 ZONA FRANCA CADIZ 2013 EL PTO. CABEZUELA STA.Mª TOTAL EL PTO. ZONA CABEZUELA STA.Mª FRANCA CADIZ VARIATION TOTAL SHIPS Number G.T. 862 46 266 55 1.229 761 57 244 48 1.110 -9,68% 21.860.776 279.962 3.023.833 50.421 25.214.992 22.877.376 245.041 3.361.916 53.543 26.537.876 5,25% GOODS Liquid Bulks Dry Bulks 109.455 109.455 202.568 1.574.365 1.776.933 94.990 208.913 1.648.951 94.990 -1 3,22% 1.857.864 4,55% General Cargo 1.608.564 23.126 176.804 2.090 1.810.584 1.385.827 44.967 175.719 1.591 1.608.104 -11,18% Total 1.608.564 225.694 1.860.624 2.090 3.696.972 1.385.827 253.880 1.919.660 1.591 3.560.958 -3,68% TRANSHIPMENT Liquid Bulks 0 Dry Bulks General Cargo Total 0 0 38.448 38.448 9.669 9.669 -74,85% 6.755 6.755 13.248 13.248 96,12% 22.917 -49,30% -19,32% 0 45.203 0 45.203 0 3.183 19.465 11.463 3.169 4.514 2.226 92.408 89.581 5.466 7.817 6.395 10.875 119.690 107.439 13.229 19.233 9.558 0 22.917 0 4.241 15.704 2.448 3.303 1.491 96.823 4,78% 4.604 10.999 40,71% 10.336 123.526 3,20% 11.804 21.362 11,07% SUPPLY fuel 16.282 water 82.499 ice Total FRESH FISH 2.351 101.132 3.169 4.514 6.004 LOCAL TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC 2.448 3.303 0 1.715.700 228.863 1.910.341 26.194 3.881.098 0 1.502.824 256.328 1.945.880 23.731 3.728.763 -3,93% CRUISES Number G.T. Cruise passengers 262 13 275 279 17 296 7,64% 13.359.083 26.494 13.385.577 14.830.298 33.573 14.863.871 11,04% 332.355 1.913 334.268 372.832 2.302 375.134 12,23% 11 12 CHAPTER 0. Introduction 2012 GOODS LOADED 2013 UNLOADED TOTAL LOADED UNLOADED TOTAL VARIATION (%) LIQUID BULKS Olive oil 0 Bituminous products 33.678 Biofuel 19.776 40.401 74.079 0 56.609 38.379 19.776 94.988 28,23 % 0 -100,00 % Rest of goods 15.600 15.600 2 2 -99,99 % Total 69.054 40.401 109.455 56.611 38.379 94.990 -13,22 % 10.436 146.242 156.678 72.764 133.349 206.113 DRY BULKS BY SPECIAL INSTALLATION Cement and clinker 0 Cereals and their flours Rest of goods 0 0 Total 10.436 31,55 % 0 146.242 156.678 72.764 133.349 206.113 9.936 19.697 27.114 27.114 275.214 298.634 31,55 % 19.697 98,24 % 10.062 60.275 70.337 159,41 % 2.800 319.047 321.847 7,77 % 16.024 16.024 -18,35 % DRY BULKS WITHOUT SPECIAL INSTALLATION Silica sand 9.936 Fertilizers and photas Sugar 23.420 Coals and coques 0 Cement and clinker Cereals and their flours 224.212 85.599 309.811 234.018 18.955 252.973 73.289 494.939 568.228 53.368 452.341 505.709 -11,00 % 2.902 2.902 0 -100,00 % 56.248 1135,68 % 31.029 -37,43 % Siderurgical scraps Beans and flour of soya 4.552 Building materials 49.593 Animal feed and fodders 10.993 Other minerals 61.395 205.694 Other food products 30.576 4.552 13.713 49.593 31.029 216.687 8.291 61.395 38.291 30.576 Salt 0 Rest lof goods Total 40.827 452.838 1.167.417 42.535 207.219 20.485 103.601 40.827 1.620.255 215.510 -0,54 % 38.291 -37,63 % 20.485 -33,00 % 103.601 - 0 -100,00 % 1,94 % 514.870 1.136.881 1.651.751 GENERAL CARGO Fertilizers and photas Olive oil Vegetable oils 2.409 92.508 94.917 18.174 76.094 94.268 -0,68 % 27.211 1.129 28.340 25.446 12.578 38.024 34,17 % 2.223 197 2.420 2.946 106 3.052 26,12 % Olives 27.211 1.129 28.340 101.875 812 102.687 262,34 % Cotton 2.213 78 2.291 932 2 934 -59,23 % 19 3.919 3.938 2 3.015 3.017 -23,39 % 2.275 513 513 -77,45 % 4.214 23.595 176 129 305 -98,71 % Aluminium Silica sand 2.275 Motor vehicle and their spare parts 19.381 Sugar 26.202 61 26.263 29.899 415 30.314 15,42 % 619 230 849 407 271 678 -20,14 % Coals and coques 156 156 12 -63,46 % Cement and clinker 276 276 75.167 3.915 79.082 Scraps 56 4.934 Magnesium chloride 32 870 41.432 Bio fuel Cereals and their flours Tinned food Personal effects Fruits and vegetables Gasoil and fueloil Cut wood Wood and cork Machinery, tools and spares Building materials 45 57 467 467 69,20 % 43.550 1.343 44.893 -43,23 % 4.990 30 15.138 15.168 203,97 % 902 14 775 789 -12,53 % 1.017 42.449 38.159 1.400 39.559 -6,81 % 2.746 2.113 4.859 352 29 381 -92,16 % 63.703 234.682 298.385 75.265 176.957 252.222 -15,47 % 6.540 9.341 344 1 6.540 3 341 490 9.341 42,83 % 491 42,73 % -50,45 % 210 1.229 1.439 133 580 713 58.239 16.518 74.757 54.746 10.616 65.362 -12,57 % 6.304 5.465 11.769 7.800 2.206 10.006 -14,98 % Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 Other minerals Other food products Paper and paste Frozen fish Animal feed and fodders Bituminous products 2.080 3.591 5.671 861 1.749 2.610 147.111 21.657 168.768 137.596 13.412 151.008 -53,98 % -10,52 % 3.398 3.387 6.785 878 895 1.773 -73,87 % 706 6.651 7.357 1.699 3.471 5.170 -29,73 % 8.761 1.925 10.686 40.117 6.862 46.979 339,63 % 100 100 512 14 526 426,00 % 5 5 0 -100,00 % Oil products Chemical products 77.573 25.815 103.388 96.287 21.233 117.520 13,67 % Siderurgical products 35.012 20.654 55.666 30.718 11.594 42.312 -23,99 % 134 103 24 127 -5,22 % 2.625 3.738 5.317 1.165 6.482 73,41 % -34,31 % Salt 134 Tobacco Trucks tare 1.113 10.265 11.550 21.815 7.040 7.290 14.330 Container tare 104.579 97.968 202.547 103.555 88.298 191.853 -5,28 % Platforms and trailers tare 100.747 106.588 207.335 77.856 76.945 154.801 -25,34 % Wines and spirits Rest of goods 41.997 79 42.076 37.430 2.784 40.214 -4,43 % 193.602 41.735 235.337 84.832 34.326 119.158 -49,37 % Total 1.091.378 719.206 1.810.584 1.034.574 573.530 1.608.104 -11,18 % Total 1.623.706 2.073.266 3.696.972 1.678.819 1.882.139 3.560.958 -3,68 % 2012 CONTAINERS TRAFFIC Full Empty 2013 Total Full Empty VARIATION (%) Total RO-RO CONTAINERS 20' 2.245 1.997 4.242 1.344 1.133 2.477 Up 20' 7.673 5.632 13.305 7.543 5.315 12.858 -41,61% -3,36% Total Nº containers 9.918 7.629 17.547 8.887 6.448 15.335 -12,61% TEU's 17.591 13.261 30.852 16.430 11.763 28.193 -8,62% Tons 208.405 30.011 238.416 171.146 25.753 196.899 -17,41% 20' 16.548 9.574 26.122 13.226 7.180 20.406 -21,88% Up 20' 13.171 6.500 19.671 14.687 7.217 21.904 11,35% Total Nº containers 29.719 16.074 45.793 27.913 14.397 42.310 -7,61% TEU's 42.791 22.571 65.362 42.526 21.613 64.139 -1,87% Tons 645.498 43.862 689.360 625.171 42.164 667.335 -3,19% LO-LO CONTAINERS TOTAL Nº containers 39.637 23.703 63.340 36.800 20.845 57.645 -8,99% TEU's 60.382 35.832 96.214 58.956 33.376 92.332 -4,03% Tons 853.903 73.873 927.776 796.317 67.917 864.234 -6,85% 2012 ROLL-ON / ROLL-OF TRAFFIC DOMESTIC FOR EING 2013 TOTAL DOMESTIC FOREING VARIATION (%) TOTAL LOADED GOODS By containers 153.690 25.726 179.416 139.712 6.470 146.182 By other means 259.952 79.400 339.352 256.661 16.309 272.970 -18,52% -19,56% TOTAL 413.642 105.126 518.768 396.373 22.779 419.152 -19,20% UNLOADED GOODS By containers 53.272 5.728 59.000 49.196 1.521 50.717 -14,04% By other means 297.439 48.077 345.516 244.079 10.827 254.906 -26,22% TOTAL 350.711 53.805 404.516 293.275 12.348 305.623 -24,45% LOAD AND UNLOAD By containers 206.962 31.454 238.416 188.908 7.991 196.899 -17,41% By other means 557.391 127.477 684.868 500.740 27.136 527.876 -22,92% TOTAL 764.353 158.931 923.284 689.648 35.127 724.775 -21,50% 13 14 CHAPTER 0. Introduction BOarD OF DIreCtOrS OF CaDIZ BaY pOrt aUthOrItY Appoinments by resolution date 22-02-2011 preSIDeNte DeL CONSeJO. José Luis Blanco Romero. Presidente de la Autoridad Portuaria Nombrado Presidente por D.34/13 de 5 de marzo de Junta de Andalucía. BOJA 12-3-13 Rafael Barra Sanz Hasta 12-3-13; Cese Decreto 33/13 de 5 marzo. Vicepresidente del Consejo Pedro Luis de Frutos García Capitán Marítimo. Albino Pardo Rodríguez Director Autoridad Portuaria eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De La aDMINIStraCIÓN DeL eStaDO. (a propuesta de Puertos del Estado ) José Aurelio Ruiz Piñas. Abogado del Estado en Cádiz. Manuel Pedro Ferreiro Sanchez. Contralmirante. Almirante Comandante de la Fuerza de Acción Marítima ( AMARDIZ). José Antonio Segovia Arroyo. Subdirector de Asesoría Jurídica y Contratación, Puertos del Estado. eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De La aDMINIStraCIÓN aUtONÓMICa. Miguel Angel Paneque Sosa. Director Gerente de la Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía. Vocal Suplente: Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio Ramos. Director de Áreas Logísticas y Transportes APPA . DeSIGNaDOS pOr eL CONSeJerO De OBraS pÚBLICaS Y VIVIeNDa De La JUNta De aNDaLUCÍa: Fernando López Gil. Delegado de Gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía en Cádiz Manuel Cárdenas Moreno. Delegado Territorial de Fomento y Vivienda, Turismo y Comercio de la Junta de Andalucía. eN repreSeNtaCIÓN DeL aYUNtaMIeNtO De CÁDIZ. Juan José Ortiz Quevedo. Teniente Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz. eN repreSeNtaCIÓN DeL aYUNtaMIeNtO De pUertO reaL. María Isabel Peinado Pérez. Alcalde Presidente del Ayuntamiento de Puerto Real. Vocal Suplente: Juan Carlos Martínez López Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De La CÁMara OFICIaL De COMerCIO, INDUStrIa Y NaVeGaCIÓN De CÁDIZ Ángel Juan Pascual. Presidente de la Cámara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegación de Cádiz eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De LOS SeCtOreS eCONÓMICOS reLeVaNteS eN eL ÁMBItO pOrtUarIO. Emilio Medina Reborio. Presidente Apemar. Vocal Suplente: Carmen Romero Matute. eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De OrGaNIZaCIONeS eMpreSarIaLeS, a prOpUeSta CONFeDeraCIÓN eMpreSarIOS Javier Sánchez Rojas. Presidente de la Confederación de Empresarios de la provincia de Cádiz (CEC) Vocal Suplente: Juan Bernal Gutiérrez. eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De La CONFeDeraCIÓN SINDICaL De UNIÓN GeNeraL De traBaJaDOreS De aNDaLUCÍa Miguel Rosso Navarrete. Vocal Suplente: Matias Agrafojo Martínez. eN repreSeNtaCIÓN De La CONFeDeraCIÓN SINDICaL De COMISIONeS OBreraS De aNDaLUCÍa Manuel Ruiz Benítez Vocal Suplente: Eduardo Formanti Llorens. SeCretarIO DeL CONSeJO: Luis Pablo Duque Rueda. 15 16 CHAPTER 0. Introduction NaVIGatION COUNCIL The Navigation and Port of Cadiz Council is made up of a total amount of 36 representative members from diverse institutions, organizations, companies or individuals interested in the correct functioning and development of the Port of Cádiz Bay. It is run structured on the basis of: A Permanent Commission and two Work Groups: - Navigation group and maritime harbour services. - Harbour group: - Infrastructure and communication subgroup - Special plan and use of harbour space subgroup - Commercial activity subgroup - Tourist promotion subgroup IN the NaVIGatION COUNCIL are repreSeNteD: - Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Cádiz - U.G.T. (Provincial Federation of Transport) - Port Authority of Cadiz Bay - Navy Social Institute Provincial Management - Harbour master’s office - Cadiz Free Port Area Consortium - Cadiz Royal Nautical Club - Association of Spanish Ship-owners - ATEIA (freight agents association) - Andalusian Ports Public company - Pilot Corporation - The Andalusian Delegation - University of Cadiz (Navigation) - Vilafranquina Flour Factory,S.A. - Transbull Cádiz,S.L. - Cadiz Condeminas Maritime Agency.S.A. - State Workers Coordinator of the Sea - Chamber of Trade, Industry and Navigation - Sertosa - Valenciana tugboats - Association of Cadiz tourist agencies - Navy Military Commander’s Headquarters - College of Road, Channel and Port Engineers Agriculture and Fishing - Official Spanish Merchant Marine College - Cadiz Managerial Federation - Andalusia - Atlantic Ocean Coasts Demarcation - Puerto Real Town hall - Cadiz Town Hall E- l Puerto de Santa María Town Hall - Cadiz County Council - Navantia Ltd. - Wholesalers and fish stockers association Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 MaJOr aGreeMeNtS BY the BOarD OF DIreCtOrS OF the CaDIZ BaY pOrt aUthOrItY IN 2013 20/06/2013 6.2.- Authorisation for the creation of a collaboration agreement between the agency “idea”,town councils and the port authority for the development of a programme of grants for business. 6.2.-Authorise the President of the Port Authority to sign a collaboration agreement with the Town Councils of the Port Service Area and with the Agency “IDEA” to facilitate the Development Actions of the Agency “IDEA” in the Port of Cadiz Bay and the businesses of the area, specifically within the PROGRAMME OF INCENTIVES AND FINANCING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS LOCATION IN SPACES OF INNOVATION AND OTHER PLACES OF STRATEGIC INTEREST (LOCALIZAIN),with the prior authorisation of Ports of Spain and the Ministry of Tax and Public Administration. 9.1.-Granting of concession to the town council of puerto real for the”occupation of 5.983,33 M² of land in the public domain of the port located in the municipality of puertoreal, for the construction of facilities to be used for nautical sports and complementary nautical sports activities”. 9.1.1.-Grant the administrative concession to the Town Council of PuertoReal,NIFP1102800H, for the “occupation of a plot of 5.983,33m²on the quay in the city of Puerto Real for the building of facilities to be used for nautical sports and complementary nautical sports activities”, which will be covered by the following general and particular statements approved by the Board of Directors on 21st February 2013and accepted by the Town Council of Puerto Real on 29th April2013. 9.5.-Approval of conditions and granting of administrative concession tofitoplanctonmarino,s.L.For the occupation of 4.689,50M² of land to be used for facilities for marine cultivation in the basin of el puerto de santa maría. 9.5.1.-Approve the conditions of and grant the company FITOPLANCTON MARINO,S.L.CIF B11543667,the administrative concession for the occupation of 4.689,504m² to be used for “the construction of facilities for the development of the activity of marine cultivation, second phase, in the basin of El Puerto de Santa María”, service area of the Port of Bay of Cadiz, in accordance with the following general and particular statements accepted by the petitioner on 11th June2013. 17/10/2013 7.1.-Granting of the concession to cádiz cruise terminal of various areas located within the maritime station of the alfonsoxiii quay in cádiz to be used for delivery of services appropriateto a cruise terminal. 7.1.2.-Grant the administrative concession to the company CÁDIZ CRUISE TERMINAL, S.L.B86619400, for the “Operation of various areas located within the Maritime Station of Alfonso XIII Quay in the Port of Cadiz to be used for the delivery of services appropriate to the cruise terminal”, which will be regulated by the following general and particular statements approved by the President of the Port Authority on 22/05/2013, accepted by the petitioner in the proposal of 2/07/2013, and endorsed on 16/10/2013. 17 18 CHAPTER 0. Introduction eNVIrONMeNtaL StrateGY 1. pUrpOSe The State Ports and Merchant Marine Act, revised as per Royal Decree 2/2011, dated September 5, assigns Port Authorities, among other functions, the task of monitoring compliance of prevailing regulations related to the admission, handling and storage of dangerous goods, and the prevention and monitoring of emergencies and firefighting, as per the stipulations of regulations pertaining to civil protection, in addition to collaborating in preventing and fighting pollution. Title IV on “Environment and Safety” of said Act sets forth regulations related to environment and safety, including the following: • Prevention and fight against accidental marine pollution. • Reception of ship-generated waste. • Dredging works. • Emergency and Safety Plans. Also noteworthy is Law 31/1995, dated November 27, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, applicable to areas including General Interest Ports, which forms the basis for the regulation framework set up to guarantee the health and safety of workers. Compliance with these obligations is a challenge for the entity, in spite of ongoing efforts to integrate into our productive operations standards to assure we meet environmental and safety requirements, in keeping with the objectives of the organization. The management system, developed and implemented by the Safety and Environmental Division, serves to ensure compliance with prevailing legislation, the principles of sustainable development and fostering health and safety at work. These tasks are framed in five major groups: SaFetY aND eNVIrONMeNtaL DIVISION Port Operations Safety Management Contingency Plans and Pollution Prevention Emergency Plans. Industrial Safety Reception of shipgenerated waste Port Sustainability Several of the tasks carried out by the Safety and Environmental Division are described below, under the direction of the Head of the Planning and Exploitation Department. This annual report is divided into three parts: actions related to Occupational Risk-Prevention (Preventive Activities and Outsourced Prevention Services), Coordination of Business Activities, and environmental actions. Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 2. SaFetY aND eNVIrONMeNtaL DIVISION The Safety and Environmental Division is made up of a team of two persons, both university graduates and higher technicians in Occupational Risk-Prevention, who are directly responsible for advising the Port Authority on matters such as: Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety, Environmental Legislation, Prevention and the fight against air, sea and land pollution, creating and carrying out Emergency Plans and Contingency Plans related to Pollution, as well as preparing, leading and evaluating practice drills for emergencies and the fight against accidental marine pollution. This Division is part of the Planning and Operations Department and creates and applies Monitoring Plans (for SDG, GAS, PCS, Preventive Planning, etc.) and Advisory and Improvement Reports. In order to comply with Law 31/1995 on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, as well as with Royal Decree 171/2004 on Coordination of Business Activities, in the Public Port Domain, these preventive services have been outsourced to the FREMAP Prevention Company, with the availability of a Higher Technician in the Three Technical Specialties, whose work is included within the Safety and Environmental Division.. Planning and Exploitation Department D. Juan Agustín Romero Gago Safety and Environmental Division FREMAP Prevention Company de Prevención de FREMAP D. Rafael Jesús Catalán Alonso P.R.L. & C.A.E. Head of Occupational-Risk Prevention, Safety and the Environment D. Eugenio Domingo Parra 3. OCCUpatIONaL rISK-preVeNtION. In relation to the duties to be performed by the Outsourced Prevention Services, Article 20 of the regulations for said services, approved by Royal Decree 39/97, dated January 17 (Spanish Official State Gazette, January 31, 1997), requires they publish an annual report with a summary of the major Occupational-Risk Prevention activities carried out during the year. To ensure compliance of Law 31/1995, the Port Authority has developed and implemented, through its Occupational Risk Prevention Program, a series of processes, procedure, plans and programs to assure workers’ health and safety pursuant to prevailing rules. This plan has been carried out in various stages through establishing functions and responsibilities, personnel training in preventive material, and risk assessment and prevention measures planning. 19 20 CHAPTER 0. Introduction The Port Authority’s preventive actions are scheduled in order to monitor the management system in each of the more significant preventive aspects of prevailing regulations. In January 2013, the “Annual Prevention Service Schedule” was created. In accordance with the Prevention Plan and to assure the prevention policy’s effectiveness, a review of Risk Assessment was carried out through the following: • Secretarial Department • Economic-Financial Department • Economic-Financial Division • Head of Purchasing and Storage • Head of the Public Domain and Development • Head of the Economic-Financial Section • Billing Specialist • Assistant Director • Main Offices • Paint Machine In order to fulfill the advisory and consultation roles throughout the year 2013, the following actions have been carried out: • Advice and management of “Self declaration of preventive activities”. Incentive bonus for the reduction of accidents. • Delivery of In-service Training in Roles and Responsibilities, covering preventive material. • Risks and preventive measures when using equipment. • Mobile personnel lifting platforms. • Bridge crane. • Risks and preventive measures in electrical work. • Risks and preventive measures in the port precinct This training was targeted at personnel in the Maintenance and Navigation Aid Division, was 5 hours long and 8 members of staff participated. Complementing the above mentioned, FREMAP Prevention Company placed at the Port Authority’s disposal the 2013 Annual Catalogue of Training Courses. All this effort invested in meeting the objectives of Prevention of Work Related Risk, as well as in meeting the legislation covering this area has been translated into the following results obtained during 2013: Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 eVOLUtION OF the rate OF INCIDeNtS ( perIOD OF aNaLYSIS JaNUarY- DeCeMBer 2013) Year/Month 2011 2012 2013 Nº Workers AT Nº Accidents Accumulated Yearly Average No. of Workers Nº of Accidents Extrapolated to December Incident Rate 12 198 2 197,38 2,00 1,01% 1 195 1 195,00 12,00 6,15% 2 196 2 195,50 12,00 6,14% 3 195 3 195,33 12,00 6,14% 4 195 4 195,25 12,00 6,15% 5 191 4 194,40 9,60 4,94% 6 193 5 194,17 10,00 5,15% 7 192 5 193,85 8,57 4,42% 4,66% 8 188 6 193,12 9,00 9 190 7 192,78 9,33 4,84% 10 190 8 192,50 9,60 4,99% 4,54% 11 190 8 192,27 8,73 12 189 8 192,00 8,00 4,17% 1 184 1 184,00 12,00 6,52% 2 183 2 183,50 12,00 6,54% 3 184 2 183,67 8,00 4,36% 4 183 4 183,50 12,00 6,54% 5 182 5 183,20 12,00 6,55% 6 182 5 183,00 10,00 5,46% 7 186 6 183,43 10,29 5,61% 5,71% 8 186 7 183,75 10,50 9 180 8 183,33 10,67 5,82 10 183 8 183,30 9,60 5,24 11 185 10 183,45 10,91 5,95 12 185 10 183,58 10,00 5,45 Accidents resulting in sick leave, including those during commute. Not including relapse.. Nº worklers Number of workers at the date indicated No. Accidents Accumulated Number of accidents resulting in sick leave between January and the date indicated Yearly Average No. of Workers Average number of workers between January and the date indicated No. of Accidents Extrapolated to Number of accidents multiplied by 12 and divided by the number of months from the date of agreement with FREMAP December Incident Rate This is the percentage of personnel involved in work-related accidents. It is calculated as a quotient of the accidents extrapolated to December and the average number of workers during the period included. 21 22 CHAPTER 0. Introduction 7,00 6,00 5,00 4,00 3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00 January February March April May June July August September October November December Accidents with leave including commuting. Excluding relapse Incidence rate of accidents at work day low, published in the "Yearbook of Statistics of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security 2012 "for the Incidence Rate of activity according to CNAE division 2009. Division activity: 52: ATTACHED STORAGE AND TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES 4. eNVIrONMeNtaL MaNaGeMeNt aND pOLLUtION preVeNtION During 2013 the implementing of the Plan for Fighting Accidental Marine Pollution (PICMMA) was required in the Port of Cadiz Bay, with the objective of mooring the fishing vessel “FRESCOMAR 3” at the quay of the former fishing wharf in El Puerto de Santa María. The evaluation of the Port Authority’s response to this contingency is presented below. In addition, to meet the specifications of our Contingency Plan, a simulation exercise was carried out in the month of October against pollution from the cruise vessel Ventura: . Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 The response of the plan to fight accidental marine pollution was judged as adequate, with the following suggestions for improvement proposed and communicated to the response team: • The checking of auxiliary equipment must be emphasized. During the exercise it was observed that a mooring cable which was in poor condition was used as a barrier, which together with a lack of coordination with the vessel’s captain, led to its breaking. This slowed the placing of that part of the barrier and facilitated the hypothetical escape of the pollution. • The lack of coordination can also be blamed on the absence of any means of communication (radio) resulting in communication relying on shouting to the captain, which on some occasions will be impossible, especially when attempting to surround the vessel. • Given the difficulty of carrying out the operation at sea it is recommended that the captain should be assisted by a sailor. • It was observed that personnel had certain difficulties connecting the motor pump – SKIMMER, requiring the intervention of the Head Berthing Master, who originally was not part of the team. aIr QUaLItY In the area of “Air Quality” during 2013, and as a result of the Self-Monitoring Plan for Unchannelled Atmospheric Emissions in the Cabezuela Quay - Puerto Real approved by the Department of the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía , the Port Authority contracted with the Cooperating Company LABAQUA,S.A. the carrying out of two annual samples to analyze the concentration of sedimentable particles and those in suspension derived from the handling of aggregates. To carry this out four sensitive sampling points were identified within the public domain of the port and 4 sampling stations were installed, each of them made up of a device to capture particles in suspension (a 24 hour sample) and a device to capture sedimentable particles (a 15 day sample). The campaigns took place in the months of April – May and November - December 2013, giving rise to the following results: Comparison with maximum value Result Sampling Date April – May 2013 November - December 2013 Position of Device Mg/ µg/m³ Method uncertainty 19,3% 7,2% 300 Mg/ 150 µg/m³ Point 4: Treatment station (white) 150,1 62,9 0,50 0,42 Point 3: Cabezuela West (next to the Bridge works) 603,3 63,6 2,01 0,42 Point 2: Cabezuela South 614,1 34,6 2,05 0,23 Point 1: Cabezuela Control 434,1 38,2 1,45 0,25 Point 4: Treatment station (white) Point 3: Cabezuela West (next to the Bridge works) Point 2: Cabezuela South 298,7 53,3 0,99 0,36 88,8 80,3 0,30 0,54 464,6 38,4 1,55 0,26 Point 1: Cabezuela Control 93,3 17,9 0,31 0,12 23 24 CHAPTER 0. Introduction LOCatION pOINtS OF the SaMpLING StatIONS.. These results show the need to carry out a deep and detailed analysis of the port operations based on the following variables: • Nature and size of the aggregate handled. • Characteristics of the loading/unloading carried out. • Berth of the vessel and dominant wind direction. • Exposed sampling stations. Sampling Station Cabezuela Control(new point in 2013) Point nº1 Sampling Station Cabezuela WestPoint nº3 Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 After a detailed analysis of the measuring activities carried out, and after cross-checking with the dominant wind regimes in the Cabezuela basin – Puerto Real on the days that there was activity, there is no evidence that the accumulation of sedimentable particles is only attributable to the working of the port, with the following causes of deposit of sedimentable particles standing out: • the development of large infrastructure building works. • the existence of plots of land that are not asphalted which release particles through the action of the wind and vehicular traffic. • natural sources, principally sea salts. However the Port Authority is adopting additional measures to limit the spreading of sedimentable particles and particles in suspension, such as: • Periodic irrigation of roads on the days of operation involving loads that are susceptible to wind erosion. • Interruption of operations of loading/unloading of loads susceptible to wind erosion when the average wind speed exceeds 34 Km/h. • Maximize the control of measures established in the plans for the improvement of air quality (control sheets for loading/unloading and transfer). • Erection of wind barriers on the Western Cabezuela quay (investing 220,000 €), as well as a feasibility study for the creation of a wheel washer. In addition, in collaboration with the Department of the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía the Port Authority has made a bid for the Tender CA – 0038 – 2013 “Characterization of unchannelled atmospheric emissions in the Cabezuela – Puerto Real facility”, aimed at carrying out an inventory of focus points of emission of particles, identifying whether they originate in the port or not and evaluating the impact of the port’s activities on atmospheric emissions. The tender is based on a campaign covering 7 sampling points, supported by the analysis of the samples, both qualitative and quantitative, carried out by an independent laboratory. 25 26 CHAPTER 0. Introduction Another important action managed by the Safety and Environmental Division was the monitoring of the port service of reception of waste generated by vessels, under Annexes I and V of the MARPOL agreement, including them in the PCS application, and verifying that the invoicing proposed by the reception facility corresponds with the effective volume handled. In this regard a total of 952 services were analyzed. VOLUMe (M³) DeLIVereD IN the pOrt OF CaDIZ BaY IN 2013: Year 2013 Year 2012 Year 2011 12.000 10.000 8.000 6.000 Year 2013 4.000 Year 2012 2.000 0 Year 2011 Marpol V Marpol I Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 Year m2 2011 2012 2013 Marpol V 8.490 7.335 10.281 Marpol I 6.540 6.035 6.726 The management of waste generated by vessels which operate in the Bay of Cadiz Port, corresponding to Annexes I and V of the MARPOL agreement has generated a volume of business for the four authorized service providers of 432,159.95 € with the average cost of management of m³ waste being 28.17 € in 2013, as opposed to 340,538.95 €, and 28.47 € average cost in 2012. VOLUMe OF BUSINeSS Annex I Annex V Annex V is 61.41% of the total volume of business in 2013 With respect to our dumping authorizations, our annual declarations for the year 2012were prepared and submitted to the Department of Environmental Inspection of the Junta de Andalucía, which this year could be submitted electronically for the first time. However the main challenge which we faced in the area of the environment in the year 2013 was the certification of the Environmental Management System (SGA) developed and introduced in the year 2000 for the area of the Cabezuela – Puerto Real Quays, once the process of revision of the SGA to comply with the new requirements of ISO 14001 was finalized during the year 2012. The certification process was satisfactorily finalized in the month of June 2013, and the certificate was issued on 9th July 2013. 27 28 CHAPTER 0. Introduction 5. SeCUrItY aND DaNGerOUS GOODS (MMpp) The State Ports and Merchant Marine Act establishes that Port Authorities are responsible for, among other functions, those of safety and protection from fire in the public domain of the port. For the control and suppression of emergency situations the Port Authority developed and initiated the Interior Emergency Plan, which also meets our responsibilities under the legislation covering receiving, handling and storing dangerous goods in Ports. The recent update of the Interior Emergency Plan, renamed the Self-Protection Plan (PAU), meets both the current Royal Decree 393/2007, of 23rd March, approving the basic regulations for self-protection and the criteria of the Ports of Spain. This was sent to the Ports of Spain in its definitive version in May 2013. The Self-Protection Plan was evaluated during 2013 as a result of the emergencies produced by the fire in the selfpropelled crane Liebherr 400 of the company Agencia Marítima Portillo, S.L. in the Cabezuela – Puerto Real facility, and the fire in the refrigerated building leased to Pleamar Frost, S.A. With respect to the traffic in dangerous goods managed by Port of Cadiz Bay, according to data obtained from the IMOWEB platform, during the current fiscal year this reached a volume of 214.354 metric tonnes, compared to 246.057 tonnes in 2012 and 177.741 tonnes in 2011, with the most representative categories distributed as follows: Year tonnes dangerous goods Annual variation 2013 2012 2011 214.354,00 246.057,00 177.741,00 -12,88% 38,44% --- Class 9 Class 8 Class 6 Class 5 2011 2012 Class 4 2013 Class 3 Class 2 Class 1 0 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000 The variations are focused in the Cabezuela Basin, principally caused by asphalt at high temperature and nitrates:: Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 2011 (t) 2012 (t) 2013 (t) Variation between year 12-13 Quicklime (class 8) 50.600 36.500 29.800 -18,36% Sulfur (class 4) 56.100 48.400 31.200 -35,54% Nitrates (class 5) 44.622 94.652 101.042 6,75% Asphalt (class 9) 12.363 40.556 40.300 -0,63% In 2013 a total of 684 authorizations for the reception of dangerous goods were managed compared to the 1,900 requests for reception of dangerous goods made in 2011 (a drop of 64%). For the processing of the documentation generated by the Requests for Reception the Safety and Environmental Division makes use of the software application “IMOWEB” whose objectives are: • Guarantee the fulfillment of Royal Decree 145/1989 Reception, Handling and Storage of Dangerous Goods in the Ports Act. • Improve the quality of information shared with all agents involved. • Speed up processing by allowing electronic submission of data. • Be in possession of better and more accessible knowledge for action in case of emergency. • Process the information in the European arena as required by the system Safe Sea Net (SSN) This makes it a powerful and efficient tool for the achievement of objectives. However given the singularity of maritime traffic and the danger of this type of substance, this action requires continuous attention 365 days of the year and 24 hours a day. 6. OperatIONaL SeCUrItY. The functions of Coordination are completed via daily monitoring of the requests for authorization of services and supplies managed from the Division, through a software program designed by the Safety and Environmental Division and implemented by SERVIPORT; Management of Authorizations and Services (GAS), which has been integrated into the Port Community System Platform (PCS). At 31/12/2013 we have handled a total of 3,536 requests compared with 3,113 in the year 2012, distributed as follows: Services Fuel Services to vessels Servicios to concessions Mechanical means Diving services Supplies Marpol Surveyors 29 30 CHAPTER 0. Introduction Number of services Type of service Number of services Fuel 1052 Supplies 390 Services to vessels 477 Marpol 952 Services to concessions 202 Surveyors 157 Mechanical means 279 Diving services 27 Type of service 7. SUStaINaBILItY The State Ports and Merchant Marine Acts, combined through Royal Decree 2/2011, of 5th September, established the obligation of the Port Authority to produce an Environmental Sustainability Report to accompany the entity’s Business Plan. The Safety and Environmental Division, under the direction of the Head of the Department of Planning and Exploitation, prepared the Environmental Section of the sustainability report in 2012, in compliance with the methodology and environmental indicators approved by Ports of Spain. . Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 In the area of consumption in the year 2013 the use of water, electricity and fuel in official vehicles was as follows: 3 Evolución eVOLUtION IN Water CONSUMptION (M³) de Consumos de Agua (m ) 60.000 50.000 40.000 2011 30.000 2012 2013 20.000 10.000 0 Cádiz Zona Franca Cabezuela PSM m³ total Variation 2011 104.586 n/c 2012 101.366 n/c 2013 51.272* n/c Year *The reduction in consumption in El Puerto de Santa María is due to changes in the water meters. Evolución de Consumos de Electricidad (Kw/h) eVOLUtION IN eLeCtrICItY CONSUMptION (KWh) 1.600.000 1.400.000 1.200.000 1.000.000 2011 800.000 2012 2013 600.000 400.000 200.000 0 Cádiz Zona Franca Cabezuela PSM Señales Mart. 31 32 CHAPTER 0. Introduction Kw/h total Variation 2011 2.947.466 --- 2012 2.773.569 - 5,90 % 2013 3.034.583 9,41% Year eVOLUtION IN FUeL CONSUMptION IN OFFICIaL VehICLeS (KG) Evolución de Consumos de Combustible de Vehículos Oficiales (Kg) 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Kg Fuel Variation 2011 408,73 -- 2012 281,47 -45,21% 2013 223,72 -20,52 % Year Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 GraphICS 4.200.000 1.400.000 4.100.000 1.200.000 4.000.000 1.000.000 3.900.000 800.000 3.800.000 600.000 3.700.000 400.000 3.600.000 200.000 3.500.000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 TOAL T CARGO 2009 2010 2011 2012 RO-RO TRAFIC 1.400.000 1.200.000 1.000.000 800.000 600.000 400.000 200.000 0 2009 2010 2011 TEUS NUMBER LIQUIID BULKS 2012 2013 DRY BULKS GENERAL CARGO 2013 33 34 CHAPTER 0. Introduction 350 25.000 300 20.000 250 15.000 200 150 10.000 100 5.000 50 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2013 2010 2011 2012 CRUISE SHIPS CALLS FISH General Cargo in Containers Dry Bulks General Cargo Liquid Bulks PORT TRAFFIC BY MEAN COMPONENTS 2013 2012 53% 55,4% 47% Load Unload % PORT TRAFFIC BY OPERATION TYPE 44,6% 2013 Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 22% 25% 75% 78% Domestic Foreing PORT TRAFFIC BY TYPE OF NAVIGATIONS 35 36 CHAPTER 0. Introduction prOMOtION OF the pOrt atteNDaNCe tO FaIrS traNSpOrt aND LOGIStIC DIVISION Salón Internacional de la Logística (S.I.L.) Barcelona, 18-20 de junio Iberian Cargo Fair Granada, 08-10 Mayo Fruit Attraction Madrid 16-18 Octubre Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 CrUISe DIVISION Seatrade Miami, 11-14 de marzo Seatrade Europe Hamburgo, 24-26 de septiembre FIShING DIVISION Conxemar Vigo, 1-3 octubre 37 38 CHAPTER 0. Introduction IMpOrtaNt aDDreSS CaDIZ BaY pOrt aUthOrIthY FIRM ADDRESS CP CITY PHONE FAX E-MAIL CADIZ Autoridad Portuaria ( Oficinas ) Plaza España,17 11006 Cádiz 956240400 956240476 [email protected] Jefe Operaciones Portuarias Muelle Alfonso XIII 11006 Cádiz 956240418 956240476 [email protected] Jefe de Seguridad Muelle Alfonso XIII 11006 Cádiz 956240419 956240476 [email protected] Oficial de Protección Muelle Pesquero 11006 Cádiz 956240490 956240476 securityoffi[email protected] Talleres Muelle Pesquero 11006 Cádiz 956240470 956240476 Contramaestre de Vigilancia Muelle Pesquero 11006 Cádiz 956240467 956240476 Puerta Muelle Comercial Plaza de Sevilla 11006 Cádiz 956240468 956240476 [email protected] EL PUERTO DE SANTA MARÍA Autoridad Portuaria ( Oficinas ) Muelle Exterior,s/n 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 956562737 956562848 Policía Portuaria Muelle de la Lonja 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 956560225 956562848 Talleres Muelle Exterior,s/n 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 956560193 956562848 11510 Puerto Real 956478756 MUELLES de LA CABEZUELA ( PUERTO REAL ) Control de acceso ZONA FRANCA Policía Portuaria Recinto Interior Zona Franca 11011 Cádiz 956250013 Consorcio Zona Franca Recinto Interior Zona Franca 11011 Cádiz 956290606 956253500 [email protected] [email protected] ORGANISMOS OFICIALES Capitanía Marítima de Cádiz Edificio Estación Marítima Capitanía Marítima Pto.Sta.María Muelle Exterior,s/n 11006 Cádiz 956222760 956228288 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 956561693 956561693 956272167 Aduana de Cádiz Plaza de Sevilla,s/n 11006 Cádiz 956253432 Aduana de Cádiz Puesto de Inspección Fronterizo (PIF) 11006 Cádiz 956223587 Sanidad Exterior Ciudad de Vigo,s/n 11006 Cádiz 956989224 956989214 [email protected] Policía del Puerto Edificio Estación Marítima 11006 Cádiz 956212154 956228954 Policía del Puerto Avda.Diputación,11 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 956541499 956856961 Sociedad de Estiba y Desestiba A.P.I.E ( Estigades) Acacias,2 11006 Cádiz 956257861 956258660 Cí Especialistas Guardia Civil Muelle Marqués de Comillas Cí Especialistas Guardia Civil [email protected] [email protected] 11006 Cádiz 956253370 956253370 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 956561965 956293408 11006 Cádiz 956225977 956227514 [email protected] SERVICIOS TÉCNICO-NÁUTICOS Prácticos Edificio Estación Marítima Amarradores Muelle Marqués de Comillas, s/n 11006 Cádiz 956250154 956258810 amarradorescadiz@telefonica. net Sertosa Churruca,9 11006 Cádiz 956253552 956288553 [email protected] Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 prOFeSSIONaL aSSOCIatIONS FIRM ADDRESS CP CITY PHONE FAX E-MAIL GADES-PORT. Asociación para la promoción del Puerto Plaza de España,17 11006 Cádiz 956240414 956240476 [email protected] APEMAR Asociación de Empresas Marítimas Santa Cruz de Tenerife,5 11007 Cádiz 956270020 956281415 [email protected] ATEIA Asociación de transitarios Edifio Melkar-1ª Planta. Zona Franca 11009 Cádiz 956290919 956290950 [email protected] 11006 Cádiz 956229911 956250709 [email protected] 11006 Cádiz 607535266 APROSUR Asociación de armadores y producEdificio Lonja, Local 701 tores del Sur 11006 Cádiz 956205523 956205236 ASOCIACION de PRODUCTORES de MERLUMuelle de Levante.Caseta 307 ZA NEGRA AL FRESCO DEL PUERTO de CADIZ 11006 Cádiz 956272693 956262605 ASOCIACION de TRANSPORTE DEL PESCADO Muelle Lonja del Puerto Pesquero DEL PUERTO de CADIZ 11006 Cádiz 956200567 956201429 11500 El Puerto de Santa María 607613569 956560231 11006 Cádiz 956258080 956258080 956876809 956541352 COLEGIO OFICIAL de AGENTES de ADUANAS Plaza de la Hispanidad ,1 ASOTRAMC Asociación de Transportistas ASOVEN PUERTO Muelle Reina Sofía. Estación Marítima. Ofic..3 Lonja de Pescado oficina 113 ORGANIZACIÓN de PRODUCTORES PESQUELonja Pesquera, local 706 ROS ARTESANALES DEL GOLFO de CADIZ ASOCIACION de PRODUCTORES de PESCA de BARBATE Lonja de Pescado ASOCIACION de NUEVOS ARMADORES de EL PUERTO de SANTA MARIA AVDA.DEL EJERCITO,10,1 [email protected] [email protected] 11160 Barbate 11500 El Puerto de Santa María informació[email protected] 39 40 CHAPTER 0. Introduction ShIp aGeNtS FIRM ADDRESS CP CITY PHONE FAX E-MAIL A. Pérez Y Cía.S.L. Dpto de Proveedoresc/ Fortuny, 9 28010 Madrid 956276112 956276766 [email protected] Acciona Trasmediterranea,S.A Avda.Ramon de Carranza,26 11006 Cadiz 956292811 956292814 [email protected] Agencia Marítima Condeminas, S.A. Avda. Ramón de Carranza, 26 11006 Cádiz 956205530 956284907 [email protected] Agencia Maritima Portillo Cádiz, S..L. Pol.Rio S.Pedro C/Bolivia 8-10 11519 Pto.Real 956479000 956805135 [email protected] Albides Transitarios, S.A. Plaza de La Hispanidad, 1 11006 Cádiz 956229911 956250709 [email protected] Baleares Consignatarios, S.L. Est. Marítima. Muelle Alfonso XIII 11006 Cádiz 956210025 956210017 [email protected] Bernardino Abad, S.L. México, 1 11006 Cádiz 956228007 956260301 [email protected] Cadiship,S.L. Avda. Del Puerto, 1-3ºh 11006 Cádiz 956265325 956280265 [email protected] 38003 Sta.Cruz Tenerife 922206911 922221119 [email protected] 11011 Cádiz 956073307 956250403 [email protected] Cia. Gaditana de Contenedores,S.L. Aurelio Sellé,S/N 11005 Cadiz 956221364 956225201 [email protected] Consignaciones Luis Araujo Moya García Carrera, 43 11009 Cádiz 956223148 956223148 [email protected] Consulmar Avda. Del Puerto, 2 11006 Cádiz 956274600 956274959 [email protected] Ership Cadiz, S.A. Pol.Inds.Rio San Pedro 11519 Pto.Real 956805012 956805014 [email protected] G & J Macpherson, S.L. Fermin Salvochea, 4 11004 Cádiz 956808023 956212656 [email protected] Gonzalez Gaggero Cadiz,S.A. Avda. Del Puerto Nº 2 .- 5º Dcha. 11006 Cadiz 956285258 956286856 [email protected] Hapag Lloyd Spain,S.L. Santa Elena, 2 - 4º B. 11004 Cádiz 956293402 956292761 [email protected] Iberica Maritima Zona Sur, S.A. Paseo de La Conferencia,36-3 11207 Algeciras 956580186 956601960 [email protected] Integral Transports Services (Its) Edificio Heracles,Of P8 11011 Cádiz 956205667 956256053 [email protected] Intercruises Alameda Apodaca Nº 15 DP, 2ºA 11011 Cádiz 956229140 956229140 [email protected] Lamaignere Shipping,S.L. Avda. Del Puerto, 1- 3º C 11006 Cádiz 956286611 956257732 [email protected] Lasquetti, S.L. Gabriel Matute, 8 - 11 F 11008 Cádiz 956072222 956922941 [email protected] Marítima Bahía de Cádiz, S.L. Avda. Del Puerto, 1 - 5ºc 11006 Cádiz 956265100 956293275 [email protected] Marítima Dávila Cádiz, S.A.. Edif Melkart Mod. B-04 Recinto Interior Z.Franca 11011 Cádiz 956282323 956288386 [email protected] Marítima Del Mediterráneo, S.A.U. Av. del Consejo Europa, 6 Edf. Atlas Planta 1ª Módulo 9 11011 Cádiz 956266613 956276330 [email protected] Mediterranean Shipping CompanyEspaña Cádiz, S.A. Avda. de La Ilustracion,6.Edificio Astarte, Mod.5-6 11011 Cádiz 956292050 956292051 [email protected] Mertramar Cádiz, S.L. Avda. Ramón de Carranza, 22 11006 Cádiz 956282900 956259558 [email protected] Miller Y Cia,S.A. Avda.Manuel Siurot,8-A 41011Sevilla 955657804 955657829 [email protected] Naviera Del Odiel, S.A. Cardenal Bueno Monreal, 56 8º Dcha 41012 Sevilla 954660500 954660500 [email protected] Opdr Iberia,S.L.U. Avda. del Puerto,2-8ºc 11006 Cadiz 956101222 956289909 [email protected] Opercadiz,S.L. Edif. Melkart,Mod.1 Recinto Interior Zona Franca 11011 Cadiz 956077978 956077982 [email protected] Progesco Consignaciones,S.L. Avda. Juan Melgarejo,S/N 11500 Pto.Sta.Maria 956855851 956855737 [email protected] Romeu Y Cía., S.A. Avda. Del Puerto, 2 11006 Cádiz 956272362 956282101 [email protected] Sur Atlantica de Consignaciones,S.L. Muelle de Levante -Of. 12 11006 Cadiz 956258974 956265645 [email protected] Terminal Polivalente del Puerto de Cádiz, S.A. Avda. Del Puerto, 1 11006 Cádiz 956290909 956263757 [email protected] Transbull Cádiz, S.L. Avda. Ramón de Carranza, 26 11006 Cádiz 956280715 956258659 [email protected] Unión Marítima Española, S.A. Avda. Ramón de Carranza, 26 11006 Cádiz 956286700 956286909 [email protected] Universal Marítima, S.L. Av. Del Consejo Europa, 6 Edf. Atlas Planta 1ª Módulo 9 11011 Cádiz 956266613 956276330 [email protected] Vapores Suardiaz Sur-Atlantico, S.L. Avda. Del Puerto, 1- 6º 11006 Cádiz 956282111 956282846 [email protected] Wilhelmsen Ships Service Spain Sau P. I.l Cortijo Real . C/ Capricho, 5 11206 Algeciras 932629100 Canarship,S.L. C/Leoncio Rodriguez,7-3ºa Of.5 Carbones, Comercio y Consignaciones Avda. de Finlandia,Nave 11 Zona Franca [email protected] Port Authority of Cadiz Bay Annual report 2013 41 SteVeDOr FIrMS FIRM ADDRESS Agencia Mtma.Portillo Cadiz,S.L. Pol.Rio S.Pedro C/Bolivia 8-10 Cía. Gaditana de Contenedores, S.A. Aurelio Selle,S/N Ership Cadiz,S.A.U. Pol.Inds.Rio San Pedro Terminal Polivalente Del Puerto de Cádiz, S.A. Avda. Del Puerto,.1 -4º G Terminal de Carga Rodada Canarias,S.A. Muelle Marqués de Comillas U.T.E. Port Cádiz Edificio Est. Maritima -Bajo Mod. 2 CP CITY PHONE FAX E-MAIL 11519 Pto.Real 956479000 956805135 [email protected] 11006 Cádiz 956221364 956225201 [email protected] 11519 Pto.Real 956805012 956805014 [email protected] 11006 Cádiz 956290909 956263757 [email protected] 110006 Cádiz 928466016 928466663 [email protected] 11006 Cádiz 956263513 956805027 [email protected] traNSIt aGeNtS FIRM ADDRESS CP CITY PHONE FAX E-MAIL Agencia de Transportes Integrales Contaimancha,S. Muelle Pesquero,804 11006 Cadiz 606005170 Albides Transitarios, S.L. Plaza de La Hispanidad, 1-2ª A 11004 Cadiz 956229911 956250709 Euro Sur Shipping,S.L. Cristobal Colon, 1 Dupl-4º B 11005 Cadiz 956265290 956265279 Euro Transit Maghreb, S.L. Avda. Del Puerto, 1 - 5ºc 11006 Cádiz 956265100 956265102 Job Logistics Consolidations,Sl. Virgen de La Antigua,28-8ºc 41011 Sevilla 954998124 954998124 [email protected] Marítima Bahía de Cádiz, S.L. Avda. Del Puerto, 1 - 5ºc 11006 Cádiz 956265100 956293275 [email protected] Total Logistic Cadiz,S.L. Recinto Int. Zona Franca. Edificio Altas, Mod.4 11011 Cadiz 956073318 956073319 [email protected] Transmaroc Andalucía, S.L. Muelle Marques de Comillas. Edificio Soivre, 12 11006 Cádiz 956258802 956258802 [email protected] Trafi[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CUStOM aGeNtS FIRM ADDRESS CP CITY PHONE FAX E-MAIL AGENTES DE ADUANAS Alejandro Arola García Avda. de Andalucía, 64 Antonio Paublete Claros Muelle Isla Verde,S/N 11008 Cádiz 956274358 956274458 [email protected] 11201 Algeciras 956587685 956222026 Carlos Rosell Pareja [email protected] Avda. Del Puerto, 1 11006 Cádiz 956253536 956253602 [email protected] Carmen Herrero Maldonado Avda. Del Puerto, 1- 3º 11006 Cádiz 956286611 956257732 [email protected] Cristina Gutierrez Rubio Glorieta de Santa Elena 2-3ºc 11006 Cadiz 956272150 956253332 [email protected] Enrique González Merino Avda. de Andalucía,64 11008 Cádiz 956274358 956274458 [email protected] Enrique Sanchez Gonzalez Avda. de Andalucia,64 Federico Iglesias Muñoz Pol.Río San Pedro-C/Bolivia, 8 Francisco de Aspe Gamero 11007 Cádiz 956274358 956274458 [email protected] 11519 Puerto real 956479000 956805135 [email protected] Virgen de La Antigua, 7 41011 Sevilla 954270800 954274676 [email protected] Franciso Albides Gonzalez Plaza de La Hispanidad, 1 11004 Cádiz 956229911 956250709 [email protected] Manuel Fernández Ruiz de Villegas García Carrera, 43 11009 Cádiz 956255227 956255227 [email protected] Miguel Fernández Aramburu Vélez Ceballos Avda. Del Puerto, 2 11006 Cádiz 956285064 956285258 [email protected] Patricio de La Osa García Edif. Estacion Maritima- Modulo 2 11006 Cádiz 956263513 956805027 [email protected] Ramón Piñero Truan C/Ecuador,2 11007 Cádiz 956276112 956276766 [email protected] Roberto González Carrión Edificio Atlas. Mód 12. Zona Franca 11011 Cádiz 956073307 956250403 [email protected] Rosario Quintana Castaño Recinto Interior Zona Franca Edf. Atlas Mod B-19 11011Cádiz 956282323 956288386 [email protected] Santiago López Garcia Avda. Del Puerto, 1-5º 11006 Cádiz 956265100 956265102 [email protected]