Hillhead 2016


Hillhead 2016
Quarrying + Construction + Recycling
28 – 30 June 2016
Hillhead Quarry
Buxton Derbyshire, UK
Hillhead 2016
Visitor Information
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Hillhead 2016
Visitor Information
So much to see...
Hillhead, plus grand salon international du
genre, se tient dans le cadre sauvage d’une
carrière de calcaire désaffectée. Les visiteurs y
découvriront de nombreuses machines, parmi
lesquelles des excavatrices, des tombereaux, des
pelles chargeuses, des marteaux hydrauliques,
des concasseurs et des écrans, qui sont toutes
présentées en « action réelle » dans un
environnement de carrière.
En plus des démonstrations en direct, plus de 450
exposants vont présenter, dans les pavillons aussi
bien qu’en plein air, les derniers produits, services
et matériels auxiliaires pour les secteurs des
carrières, de la construction et du recyclage.
Hillhead is the biggest exhibition of its kind in the world, set in
the rugged surroundings of a disused limestone quarry. Visitors
can expect to see a host of excavators, dumptrucks, loading
shovels, crushers and screens, all doing a real ‘job of work’ in a
live quarry environment.
Alongside the live demonstrations are more than 450 exhibiting
companies, both outside and in the pavilions, showcasing the
latest products, services and ancillary equipment for the
quarrying, construction and recycling industries.
Angesiedelt vor der zerfurchten Kulisse
eines stillgelegten Kalksteinbruchs ist
Hillhead die weltweit größte Ausstellung ihrer Art.
Besucher können sich auf eine Unzahl Bagger,
Muldenkipper, Frontlader, Brechmaschinen und
Siebstationen freuen, die in einem richtigen
Steinbruch „ganze Arbeit“ leisten.
Neben den Live-Vorführungen stellen mehr als
450 Aussteller drinnen wie draußen ihre neuesten
Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Zusatzgeräte für
die Steinbruch-, Bau- und Recyclingindustrie
zur Schau.
Hillhead è la più grande fiera mondiale nel
suo genere; si tiene nei dintorni aspri e brulli
di una cava di calcare dismessa. I visitatori
potranno vedere una serie di escavatori, autocarri a
cassone ribaltabile, pale caricatrici, frantoi e vagli
all’opera nella cava mentre svolgono il “lavoro
duro” in condizioni reali.
Oltre alle dimostrazioni dal vivo ci saranno più di
450 aziende in esposizione, sia all’esterno sia
all’interno dei padiglioni, a esporre gli ultimi
prodotti, i servizi e le apparecchiature ausiliarie per
i settori dell’estrazione, della costruzione e del
Hillhead es la mayor exposición del mundo
en su categoría, escenificada en el
escabroso entorno de una cantera de piedra caliza
en desuso. Los visitantes pueden esperar ver una
multitud de excavadoras, camiones volquete,
palas mecánicas cargadoras, trituradoras y cribas,
todos ellos funcionando en una situación de
trabajo ‘real’ en un entorno de cantera auténtico.
Además de las demostraciones directas hay más
de 450 empresas expositoras, tanto en el exterior
como en los pabellones, exhibiendo los últimos
productos, servicios y equipo auxiliar para las
industrias de la cantera, la construcción y
el reciclaje.
Hillhead 2016
Visitor Information
Be part of it...
Hillhead attire environ 17 000 visiteurs
britanniques et étrangers, qui viennent voir
les plus grands constructeurs internationaux
présenter les machines et équipements de dernière
génération disponibles sur le marché.
L’atmosphère créée par le cadre exceptionnel et
les démonstrations en direct fait de Hillhead un
véritable « must » pour tous ceux qui travaillent
dans les secteurs des carrières et des mines, du
recyclage et de la construction lourde.
Ce salon de trois jours va se tenir du 28 au 30 juin
Hillhead attracts around 17,000 visitors, both from the UK
and overseas, and features the leading international
manufacturers presenting the very latest plant and
equipment on the market. The atmosphere created by the
unique location and live demonstrations makes Hillhead a
‘must attend’ event for anyone in the quarrying, minerals,
recycling or heavy construction industries.
The three-day exhibition takes place from 28 – 30 June 2016.
Follow us now
Hillhead zieht rund 17.000 Besucher aus
dem In- und Ausland an und kann mit
international führenden Herstellern aufwarten, die
die neuesten Anlagen und Maschinen vorstellen,
die auf dem Markt zu haben sind. Die Atmosphäre
dieser einzigartigen Umgebung und die LiveVorführungen machen Hillhead zu einem
„Muss-Event“ für jeden, der in Branchen wie
Steinbrucharbeit, Mineralien, Recycling oder
Schwerkonstruktionen tätig ist.
Die dreitägige Ausstellung findet vom 28. bis 30.
Juni 2016 statt.
Hillhead richiama circa 17.000 visitatori,
provenienti sia dal Regno Unito sia
dall’estero, e dà risalto ai principali produttori
internazionali che presentano i più recenti impianti
e macchinari sul mercato. L’atmosfera creata dalla
posizione caratteristica e dalle dimostrazioni dal
vivo fa di Hillhead l’evento “d’obbligo” cui
partecipare per chiunque faccia parte del settore
estrattivo, minerario, del riciclaggio o delle
costruzioni pesanti.
La fiera si svolgerà dal 28 al 30 giugno 2016.
Hillhead atrae alrededor de 17.000
visitantes, tanto del Reino Unido como del
extranjero, con la participación de los principales
fabricantes internacionales que presentan la
maquinaria y el equipo más avanzados del
mercado. El ambiente creado por la excepcional
ubicación y las demostraciones en vivo hacen que
Hillhead sea un evento imprescindible para todos
los participantes de las industrias de las canteras,
minerales, reciclaje o construcción pesada.
La exposición de tres días tiene lugar entre el 28 y
el 30 de junio de 2016.
Hillhead is situated near Buxton, Derbyshire, at the heart of the Peak
District, one of the most stunning National Parks in England. Breathtaking scenery and a wealth of leisure activities are available, including
walking, climbing and cycling, or you may prefer to take in some of the
picturesque villages and market towns, or visit one of the many
attractions or historic houses such as Chatsworth or Tatton Park.
For more information go to www.visitpeakdistrict.com
Chatsworth House
Image courtesy of the
Chatsworth House Trust
Castleton and the
Hope Valley
Image courtesy of
Visit Peak District
Salt Cellar
Image courtesy of
Visit Peak District
Image courtesy of
Visit Peak District
Heights of Abraham
Image courtesy of
Visit Peak District
Hartington, Nr Buxton
Image courtesy of Visit Peak District
Hillhead 2016
Visitor Information
Hillhead est situé près de Buxton, dans le
Derbyshire, au cœur du Peak District, l’un
des plus beaux parcs nationaux d’Angleterre.
Cette région aux paysages magnifiques offre une
foule d’activités de loisirs, parmi lesquelles
randonnées pédestres, escalade et cyclotourisme,
ainsi que des villes et villages pittoresques et de
nombreuses attractions et châteaux tels que
Chatsworth House et Tatton Park.
Open Times
Helicopter Landing
Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29
from 09.00h - 18.00h
Thursday 30 from 09.00h - 17.30h
For safety reasons helicopters visiting the
site are required to land in an adjacent field.
The landing coordinates are N 53 13.85 W
001 53.66, grid reference SK 0715 7042,
postcode SK17 9PR and transport will be
provided to the Registration Pavilion.
Pour en savoir plus, visitez
Hillhead liegt in der Nähe von Buxton,
Derbyshire, mitten im Herzen des Peak
District, einem der beeindruckendsten
Nationalparks Englands. Er bietet eine
atemberaubende Landschaft und ein Fülle an
Freizeitaktivitäten, unter anderem Wandern,
Klettern und Radfahren. Aber vielleicht ziehen Sie
es vor, ein paar der malerischen Dörfer und
Marktflecken zu genießen oder eine der vielen
Attraktionen oder historische Gebäude wie
Chatsworth oder Tatton Park zu besuchen.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter
Hillhead è situata nei pressi di Buxton,
Derbyshire, nel cuore del Peak District, uno
dei più splendidi parchi nazionali dell’Inghilterra. È
possibile ammirare paesaggi mozzafiato e
scegliere tra numerose attività per il tempo libero
tra cui passeggiate, arrampicate e gite in bicicletta,
oppure fare un giro in qualche villaggio
caratteristico e in una città di mercato, oppure
visitare una delle molte attrazioni o case storiche
come Chatsworth e Tatton Park.
Visitors are strongly advised to wear
suitable footwear and hard hats.
Para obtener más información ir a
Buxton station is 3 km from the site.
For details of services to and from
Manchester visit
First Aid is available from the Organisers’
Office. Visitors with disabilities requiring
assistance with transport around the
site should contact the organisers well
in advance.
The site is 3 km south of Buxton off the A515
(Ashbourne) road – route directions from all
major roads can be found at the exhibition
website www.hillhead.com. An on-site taxi
service is available throughout the show.
Postcode for Sat Navs – SK17 9PR
Manchester 49 km, East Midlands 89 km,
Birmingham 114 km, Leeds/Bradford 100
km, London Luton 229 km, Newcastle 260
km, London Heathrow 279 km, London
Stanstead 259 km and London Gatwick 331
Carbon Footprint
Car sharing reduces the show’s carbon
footprint so please try to travel with friends
and colleagues!
Per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito
Hillhead está situada cerca de Buxton,
Derbyshire, en el corazón del Peak District,
uno de los parques nacionales más impresionantes
de Inglaterra. Ofrece un paisaje imponente y hay
disponibles abundantes actividades de ocio, entre
ellas el paseo, la escalada y el ciclismo, o quizás
usted prefiera explorar algunas de las pintorescas
aldeas y ciudades con mercado o visitar alguna de
las numerosas atracciones o mansiones históricas
como Chatsworth o Tatton Park.
Hotel accommodation can be booked
through Zibrant, the official booking agents:
Tel: +44 (0)1332 285590
Email [email protected]
Hillhead App
The Hillhead App provides visitors with
up to date event information and useful
functionality both before and during the
show. Visitors will be able to plan and
navigate their Hillhead experience as well as
make appointments and network with fellow
visitors and exhibitors.
Children under the age of 16 will not
be admitted into the show.
Contacts us
Hillhead 2016
7 Regent Street
United Kingdom
Follow us now
Hillhead 2016 is organised by QMJ Publishing Ltd