DECEMBER 12th, 2010 — THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT BAPTISMS / BAUTISMOS DISABILITIES ADVOCATE Baptisms are celebrated twice monthly, once in English and once in Spanish. Please see the bulletin for exact dates. Parents should make arrangements at the Rectory at least one month in advance and must present child’s Birth Certificate and proof of residence within the parish. Mrs. Frances Peace. Please note that the north-west church door close to the parking lot is handicapped-accessible (no steps). All levels of the Parish Center are accessible by elevator. Los padres deben hacer los arreglos por lo menos un mes antes del Bautismo es necessario presenter el Acta de Nacimiento y prueba de que viven dentro de la parroquia. Coordinator: Ms. Winnie Burke. Awareness education required for all volunteers who interact with minors. BAPTISM SCHEDULE-—ENGLISH WEDNESDAY Conference 8:00 pm-Center SUNDAY Ceremony 2:00 pm NO BAPTISMS IN DECEMBER 2011 January 5 January 9 PLEASE NOTE JANUARY 9 BAPTISM WILL BE AT 4:00 PM February 9 February 13 NO BAPTISMS DURING LENT May 4 May 8 June 8 June 12 HORARIO de BAUTISMOS—ESPANOL MIERCOLES Charla 8:00 pm—Centro DOMINGO Bautimo 2:00 pm 2010 NO HAY BAUTIZOS DURANTE EL MES DE DICIEMBRE 2011 19 Enero 23 Enero 23 Febrero 27 Febrero NO BAUTIZOS DURANTE LA CUARESMA 18 Mayo 22 Mayo 22 Junio 26 Junio MARRIAGES / MATRIMONIOS Couples should make arrangements at least six months in advance. Los novios deben hacer los arreglos en la oficina parroquial, por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta. Las parejas preparando para el sacramento se reunen cado otro martes en el centro., Salon Guadalupe. THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Isaiah 35:1-6, 10 Isaiah brings encouragement to a weary people and announces the coming of God, who will bring freedom from oppression, and healing to those in need. Second Reading: James 5:7-10 James encourages the followers of Jesus to have patience and not to lose heart with one another or about the coming of the Lord. Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11 James expresses his admiration for John, while his own actions reveals that he is the awaited one. . SAFE ENVIRONMENT CATHOLIC CEMETERIES / CEMENTERIOS CATOLICOS For information and availability options, please call (718) 8944888. Please remember that cremated remains should be interred in the same manner as bodies, out of respect for the human body. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN / CATECISMO For information about the program, please call our Director of Religious Education at (718) 278-1881, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Favor de llamar a Zilia (718) 278-1881, Lunes hasta viernes, desde 10:00 am hasta 4:00 de la tarde. QUINCEANERA Favor de llamar a Zilia (718) 278-1881 PRE-ADMISSION ANOINTING If you know you will be entering the hospital for elective surgery, it is appropriate and recommended to received the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick BEFORE entering the hospital. Simply ask one of the parish priests to give you the sacrament before admission. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK / SACRAMENTOS PARA LOS ENFERMOS Call the Rectory to arrange for a Priest or Eucharistic Minister to bring Communion to the homebound. In case where one’s health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please contact one of the Priests to administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Favor de llamar la oficina parroquial para los enfermos PARISH REGISTRATION/ INSCRIPCIÓN PARROQUIAL Please return this form in the collection or drop off at rectory. We will send you weekly collection envelopes every two months. Favor de volver en la colecta o en la casa curial. Les enviamos los sobres semanales cada dos meses por el correo. Family Name/ Apellido____________________________________ Head of Household/Cabeza de familia_______________________ Spouse/Esposo(a)_______________________________________ Address/Dirección donde vive_____________________________ Apartment_________ _Zip_Code/Código postal______________ Telephone #/Telefono #___________________________________ E-mail/Dirección del Correo electrónico_______________________ _______New Registration _______Moving Out of Parish _______Change of Name/Address or use the online registration form at the parish website: MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MASSES at St. Margaret Mary SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 2010 (Third Sunday of Advent) 9:00 Pasquale & Lucia Fratini 10:00 Luisa Amanda Alvarez de Rodriguez OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL REMBERING THOSE WHO ARE ILL: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 (Advent Weekday) 8:00 am Laudelina Leier 5:00 pm Laudelina Leier SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 (Third Sunday of Advent) 8:00 am Filippo DiRico 10:00 am Celeste, Mary Louise & Aldo Fecci 11:15 am Maria Do Socorro Freire 12:30 pm Accion de Gracias Virgen Maria 5:00 pm Parish Family MONDAY, DECEMBER 13 (St. Lucy, virgin and martyr) 8:00 am St. Lucia Noon Vincent, Carolina & Pietro Reda TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14 (St. John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church) 8:00 am Antonio & Maria Sacramone Noon Joseph Immordino WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15 (Advent Weekday) 8:00 am George, Irene & Judy Nieves Noon Giuseppe Arcabascio MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES AT MT CARMEL The Tree of Life: gracing the east wall of the church vestibule. Gift categories include: Silver Leaf: $500.00 Gold Leaf: $1,000.00 Gold Rock at Base of Tree: $2,500.00 Announced Mass: $15.00 Purgatorial Society: $10.00 Weekly Altar Flowers: $75.00 Weekly Altar Bread and Wine: $35.00 Weekly Sanctuary Lamp: $25.00 Weekly Altar Candles: $15.00 Vestments and Furnishings: See one of the priests. DEDICATED OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 (Advent Weekday) 8:00 am Lucia, Nicholas DiVittorio and family members Noon Camillo Vernaneo and Family FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17 (Late Advent Weekday) 8:00 am Filippo DiRico 12:00 pm William &Theresa Smith SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 (Late Advent Weekday) 8:00 am Howard Hearn 5:00 pm Vincent, Benny and Antonette Caruso PLEASE REMEMBER ALWAYS TO YOUR CELL PHONES BEFORE MASS. Sophie Assunta Caro, Marty Soven, Jose Mesias, Rose Barbarito, Ronald Ryan, Robert Becktold, Danielle Burdge, Gloria Cabrera, Michael & Christina Hughes, Eileen McCabe, Anna Solorzano, Soya Wilson, Margaret O’Brien, Evelyn Filomena, Linda Pogue, Elsie Bajandas, Ann Bruno, Judy Connolly, Angela DiMango, Dr. Sigfrido Lazzarini, George Agius, Deacon Frank DeTucci, Fr. Edmund Brady. SILENCE — Mass Intentions, Dedications & Offerings — Please remember your loved ones by dedicating in their honor . The Sanctuary Lamp is burning for William E. Rivera, Jr. This was requested by his Mother Altar Bread & Wine are Offered for William E. Rivera, Jr. This was requested by his Mother Altar Candles are Dedicated for William E. Rivera, Jr. This was requested by his Mother Altar Flowers are Offered for Our Parish Community WEEKLY EVENTS FAMILY MASS Generally Second Sunday of every month at the 11:15 am Mass. Check inside of bulletin for exact date. YOUNG ADULT 3rd Sunday of every month—5:00 pm Mass. CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP in alternate months. GRUPO DE ORACION CARISMATICA “Manatiales de Gracia”: sia de abajo. Todos los viernes 7:30 pm en la Igle- ENGLISH PRAYER GROUP 2nd and 4th Fridays at 7:30pm in the Lourdes Room. ROSARY SOCIETY Rosary Society meets the first Sunday of each month after attending the 10:00AM Mass. We have a brief meeting followed by refreshments in the Lourdes Room. Come join us… we warmly welcome new members. CHOIR / CORO The Choir meets every Monday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church. If you are interested in joining the choir, please call the Rectory. Coro Español: Miercoles 7:30 pm en la iglesia abajo. CARMEL DIAMOND SENIORS Meet every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. in the Parish Center, Guadalupe Room. Coffee, Cake, Bingo. New members are always welcome. JORNADA YOUTH Meet every Friday evening at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center— Guadalupe Room. JOVENES DE VALOR Meet first three Saturdays of the month at 7:30pm at St. Margaret Mary. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION On Tuesday evenings we will have the communal recitation of the Divine Mercy devotion in Spanish in the lower church starting at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. DEVOCION DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Empezamos cada martes en la iglesia de abajo a las 7:00 de la noche, en espanol. Todos invitados. BECOME A CATHOLIC Adults interested in becoming Catholic, or completing their First Communion and Confirmation, or general catechesis, may enroll in the RCIA program. Please see one of the staff. (English or Spanish) CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING AND FELLOWSHIP Please join us every second and fourth Friday of the month from 7:30pm to 9:00 pm in the parish center, Lourdes room. Light refreshments will be served. COLON-HIGGINS COUNCILKNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Will meet the first and third Thursdays of each month in the Parish Center basement at 7:30 PM. Open to all men of the parish. Sunday, December 12th: 8:00am-11:00am-Italian Community—Lourdes Room 8:00am-10:00am-Guadalupe Procession Assembling-Gym 8:30am-10:30am-Spanish Adult Catechism-Fatima Room 9:00am-3:00pm-Guadalupe Celebration –Gym 10:30am-12:30pm-Cursillo-Guadalupe Room 11:30pm-12:30pm-Czech Community-Lourdes Room 1:30pm-2:30pm-Vietnamese Religious Ed-Fatima & Nazareth 3:30pm-5:00pm-RCIA Young Adult—Fatima Room 5:00pm-9:00pm- Line Dancing/Zumba Fitness WorkoutGuadalupe Room 5:00pm-9:00pm-Filipino Basketball—Gym Monday December 13th: 8am-5:15pm— School 5pm-7:30pm—Religious Education-All Rooms 5:15pm-10pm— CYO 7:30pm-9:00pm-English RCIA- Fatima Room Tuesday, December 14th: 8:00am-5:15pm-School 5:15pm-10:00pm-CYO 7:00pm-9:00pm-Spanish Couples Catechesis-Guadalupe Room 7:30pm-9:00pm-Advent Adult Ed-Lourdes Room Wednesday, December 15th: 8:00am-5:15pm-School 8:00am-1:00pm-Catholic Charities semi-annual Vicariate Meeting—Guadalupe Room 4:00pm-7:30pm-Religious Education-All Rooms 5:15pm-10:00pm-CYO Thursday, December 16th: 8:00am-1:00pm-School 1:00pm-4:00pm-Carmel Diamond Seniors-Lourdes Room 4:00pm-10:00pm-CYO 7:00pm-Posadas—Gym & Guadalupe 7:30pm-Knights of Columbus—Lourdes Room Friday, December 17th: 8:00am-3:30pm--School 3:30pm-10:00pm-CYO 7:00pm-9:00pm-Cursillo Zone Bible Course-Lourdes Room 7:00pm-10:00pm Jornada Spanish Youth Group- Lourdes Room 7:00PM-Spanish Couples Retreat—Guadalupe Room Saturday, December 18th: 9:00am-12:00pm—AA Group—Guadalupe & Fatima Rooms 9:00am-3:30pm-CYO 10:00am-12:00pm-Adult Faith Sharing– Lourdes Room 2:00pm-5:00pm-Soccer Practice - Gym 3:30pm-6:00pm-Adult Sewing Group-Lourdes Room 4:00pm-5:30pm-SIA Group-Fatima Room 4:00pm-7:00pm-Craft Sale-Little Sisters of the Poor-Gym 5:30pm-7:00pm-Spanish Adult Catechesis-Fatima Rm 7:00pm-9:00pm-Spanish Christmas Pageant Practice-Lourdes OUR PARISH IS NOW ON FACEBOOK AND YOUTUBE CHECK THEM OUT ON YOUR COMPUTER! ST. MARGARET MARY ANNOUNCEMENTS The Sanctuary Lamp at St. Margaret Mary will be burning during the month of December in loving memory of the Balkaransingh Family Members. Donated by Amy Singh. EVENTS FOR THE WEEK of DECEMBER 12th – DECEMBER 19th ST. MARGARET MARY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th 11 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) 6 – 9 p.m. “Peregrinos de Cristo Jesús” (Hall & Chapel) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15th 7:30 p.m. Spanish Prayer Group – (Chapel) th THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16 6:30 p.m. Soccer Class – (Hall) 7:30p.m. N.A. Step by Step Meeting – (Rectory) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18th 9:30 a.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting – (Rectory) 6-8 p.m. Youth Group – (Chapel) th NEXT SUNDAY – DECEMBER 19 11 a.m. Spanish Faith Sharing Group – (Hall) 6 – 9 p.m. “Peregrinos de Cristo Jesús” (Hall & Chapel) FOOD STAMP SCREENING available at St. Margaret Mary Office, 9-18 27th Ave, Astoria, NY 11102 Call for an appointment (718) 721-9020. Walk-ins are welcome. Office hours 9 to 11 a.m. For their own safety, small children should not be allowed to go unattended to the rest rooms in church. INCOME TAX PREPARATION AT: St. Margaret Mary 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Federal and NY State Forms ($75) You may be eligible for earned income tax credit OBTAIN TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (APPLICATIONS $20) Call Denise for more info: (718) 721-9020 ************************************ IMPUESTOS (INCOME TAX) SE PREPARAN AQUÍ: Santa Margarita María 9-18 27 Ave. Astoria, NY 11102 Formulario Federal y Estatal de NY ($75) Usted hasta pueda calificar para el crédito de los impuestos de salario Obtenga su número de identificación de impuestos (Aplicaciones $20) Llame a Denise para más información al: (718) 721-9020 St. Margaret Mary Chapel 9-18 27 Ave, Astoria, NY 11102 BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday January 26, 2011 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please Call (718) 721-9020 for an appointment We all need your help! ************************************* Done Sangre el 16 de Enero, 2011 en la Parroquia de Santa Margarita María 9-18 27 Ave, Astoria, NY 11102 De 2:00 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. Por favor llame para una cita al (718) 721-9020 ¡Todos necesitamos de su ayuda! St. Margaret Mary Food Pantry News In the month of November 2010 a total of 2,214 people were served. This number included; 1,083 Children, 866 Adults and 265 Seniors. A total of 496 families served. For an appointment to our food pantry, please call (718) 721-9020 FROM THE PASTOR DE EL PASTOR Queridos hermanos: Dear Friends, This weekend marks the celebration of the feats of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Americas, of the unborn, and a special guardian of the Mexican people who constitute such a large and valuable part of our parish community. Our bulletin contains the schedule of events. Pray that Mary will lead us all closer to Christ her son. As we prepare for the many wonderful aspects of the holiday season which is upon us, I cannot help but reflect on one sad element which always comes to my attention as a pastor throughout the year, but especially at this time: the affliction of alcoholism and its tragic impact on so many individuals and families everywhere. Alcoholism is a progressive disease, meaning that it becomes stronger and more debilitating in its effects if not controlled. It involves the person physiologically, emotionally and spiritually. Fundamentally it is a craving which deprives a person of liberty. It can be managed, never completely eliminated, but requires coordinated response of personal free will, community support, tough love and divine grace. I am not an expert in the science of alcoholism, but throughout my life I have encountered it many times: among my own relatives, schoolmates, friends, co-workers and parishioners. It is an addictions which cuts through all ages, professions, ethnic, religious and cultural groups, and levels of education. Perhaps during these holiday months the temptation to drink heavily will be there for many of us more than usual. Therefore, I will recommend what seems to be the most proven and helpful method of controlling alcohol addiction: the twelve-step program known as Alcoholics Anonymous. Formulated by Bill W, in the 1930’s, it has a long and proven track record of helping many people start to recover and maintain sobriety— truly, as the great preacher Father Benedict Groeschel has said, a very accurate symbol of a resurrection experience in this life for many. We are blessed to have an AA group known as “One Day at A Time” meeting here in our parish for many years, every Saturday morning. Spanish groups meet at the Church of the Redeemer on Crescent near Grand Avenue on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and Saturday afternoon. Another Spanish group, “Jovenes Queens” at 102-08 Northern Boulevard, runs seven days a week with meetings all day from 8 AM until midnight, to accommodate a wide range of schedules. Information about other groups can be had by calling the AA info number for information about meetings where you live or work: Alcoholics Anonymous, Queens: 718-520-5021. Bishop Di Marzio has also established a toll-free “Diocesan Addiction Hotline” to offer guidance and help at 800-659-1603. The disease of alcoholism devastates not only the addict, but also his or her spouse and family. A great source of support for them has proven to be “Al-Anon” groups. Specifically for adolescent family members of alcoholics, “Alateen” is an invaluable resource. The same phone number can provide that information. More helpful facts about alcoholism’s diagnosis and treatment can be found at several websites, including: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse: http://; and Alcoholism Council of NY: http:// . God love you—Msgr. Ogle Este fin de semana la celebración de las hazañas de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, la Patrona de las Américas, de los no nacidos, y un tutor especial de los mexicanos, que constituyen una parte tan importante y valioso de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Nuestro boletín contiene el calendario de eventos. Oremos para que María nos lleve a todos acércanos de Cristo su hijo. Mientras nos preparamos para el maravilloso en muchos aspectos de la temporada navideña que está sobre nosotros, no puedo dejar de reflexionar sobre uno de los elementos triste que siempre me viene a la atención como un pastor a lo largo del año, pero especialmente en este momento: la aflicción del alcoholismo y sus consecuencias trágicas en tantas personas y familias en todas partes. El alcoholismo es una enfermedad progresiva, lo que significa que se vuelve más fuerte y más debilitante en sus efectos si no se controla. Se trata de la persona fisiológica, emocional y espiritualmente. Fundamentalmente se trata de un deseo que priva a una persona de la libertad. Se puede controlar, no eliminar completamente, sino que requiere una respuesta coordinada de la libre voluntad personal, apoyo de la comunidad, el “amor dura” y la gracia divina. No soy un experto en la ciencia del alcoholismo, sino en toda mi vida he encontrado muchas veces entre mis propios parientes, compañeros de escuela, amigos, compañeros de trabajo y los feligreses. Es una adicción que atraviesa todas las edades, profesiones, grupos étnicos, religiosos y culturales, y los niveles de la educación. Tal vez durante estos meses de vacaciones a la tentación de beber en exceso estará allí para muchos de nosotros más de lo habitual. Por lo tanto, voy a recomendar lo que parece ser el método más probado y útil de controlar la adicción al alcohol: el programa de doce pasos se conoce como Alcohólicos Anónimos. Formulado por Bill W, en la década de 1930, tiene una dilatada trayectoria de ayudar a muchas personas comienzan a recuperar y mantener la sobriedad, en verdad, como el gran predicador Padre Benedicto Groeschel ha dicho, un símbolo muy precisa de una experiencia de resurrección en el presente la vida para muchos. Tenemos la suerte de tener un grupo en ingles de “AA” se conoce como "Un día a la vez" reunidos aquí en nuestra parroquia durante muchos años, cada sábado por la mañana. En los grupos españoles se reúnen en la Iglesia del Redentor en la Calle Crescent, cerca de 30 Avenue el martes y el jueves por la noche, y sábado por la tarde. Otro grupo español, “Jóvenes Queens” 102-08 Northern Boulevard, reúne siete días a la semana con las reuniones durante todo el día desde las 8 AM hasta la medianoche, para dar cabida a una amplia gama de horarios. Información acerca de otros grupos se puede tener llamando al número de información de AA para obtener información acerca de las reuniones donde usted vive o trabaja: Alcohólicos Anónimos, Queens: 718-520-5021. También, nuestro obispo, Monseñor DiMarzio, estableció una línea gratis de información para problemas con adicciones: 800-659-1603. La enfermedad del alcoholismo destruye no sólo al adicto, sino también a su cónyuge y de la familia. Una gran fuente de apoyo para ellos se ha demostrado que los grupos de “Al-Anon”. Específicamente para los familiares de alcohólicos adolescentes, “Alateen” es un recurso inestimable. El mismo número de teléfono puede proporcionar esa información. Más datos útiles sobre el diagnóstico y el tratamiento del alcoholismo se puede encontrar en varios sitios web, incluyendo: http://; and Alcoholism Council of NY: http:// . Dios les cuida—Monsenor Ogle PARISH BULLETIN BOARD ANNUAL ADVENT ADULT EDUCATION: For your calendar: Tuesday December 14 and December 21 at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center Lourdes Room: Series topic: The new translation of the Mass in English- presented by the parish clergy. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL NEWS Our sincere thanks for your continued generosity during the 2010 Annual Catholic Appeal. As of December 8th, 2010, we have 318 pledges totaling $65,282 toward our goal of $55,455. Over $58,000 has been collected. Thanks to all who have pledged. If you have not made a pledge, please consider doing so. All over-goal monies stay in the parish. THE GIVING TREE: Once again this year, we will have two trees in our vestibule with gift tags for the benefit of St Margaret Mary and Bridge to Life. Please take one and help us provide a gift for a needy child, especially in this difficult economic climate. CHRISTMAS GIFT TO MY CHURCH “My Christmas Gift to My Church” envelope is this weekend. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you and God Bless You. CATHOLIC CHARITIES Bishop DiMarzio invites all to join him in this year’s Annual Catholic Charities Collection. The collection takes place at all Christmas Masses. Please return the special Catholic Charities envelope from your envelope packet with your give. If you did not receive a printed envelope, we ask you to use your own blank envelope and mark it for “Catholic Charities”. Bishop DiMarzio urges all to join in sharing God’s love with families and children in need by giving generously to this year’s Charities Christmas collection. Obispo DiMarzio invita a todos a participar en la Colecta Annual de Caridades Catolicas. La colecta occurrira durante todas las misas de Navidad. Favor de devolver el sobre especial de Caridades Xatrolicas con su regalo que se encuentra en su paquete regular de sobres para Navidad. Si usted no recibio este sobre, pedimos que usted utilice su propio sobre en blanco y que lo marquee para Caridades Catolicas. Obispo DiMarzio le pide a todos que coparten el amor de Dios con los ninos y las familias de nuestra diocesis que estan en necesidad, y por favor sean generosos esta Navidad a traves de la Colecta de Caridades Catolicas. THANKS FOR THANKSGIVING: We thank you for your contributions to this year's Thanksgiving Food Drive. Your gifts, along with other sources of private and government assistance, resulted in the following totals of people receiving Thanksgiving food: Adults: 372, Children: 453, Senior Citizens: 56, Total Families: 209. Remember our parish Food Pantry at St Margaret Mary functions all year long. Our wonderful choir is preparing a concert of Christmas music that will be performed on Friday, December 24th at 10:30pm. Come early to the 11:00pm Mass and listen to uplifting music that will put you in the true Christmas spirit. The concert will feature carols from the 12th century to contemporary times. Bring the family. Admission is free. All are welcome. CHRISTMAS AT MOUNT CARMEL 2010 MISA FAMILIAR 24 Diciembre—5:00pm “I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME” *************************** We need parish youngsters to help prepare for a special FAMILY-CHILDREN’S LITURGY AT 5:00 pm ON CHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24th. We plan a living nativity scene. We need actors as angels, shepherds, innkeepers, kings, and a Mary and Joseph. ************************* Yes, we’ll be home for Christmas. Please enter our child’s name as a volunteer for Christmas Eve at 5:00 pm. Child’s Name/Nombre del Nino: __________________________________ School/Escuela: __________________________________ Grade/Clase:______________________ Our Address/Direccion ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Phone __________________________ E-mail address: _____________________ Parent’s Signature ___________________ I am willing to assist Fr. Peter and Zilia Hirsch Yes____ No ____ ADVENT / CHRISTMAS /NEW YEAR ADVENT CONFESSIONS Every Saturday 3:30pm-4:30pm Wednesday, December 22—7:00pm Lower Church OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL MASSES Friday December 24 – Christmas Eve 5:00 pm – Family Mass 8:00 pm – Misa En Español 9:00 pm (Czech) (Lower Church) 10:30 pm – Concert by our Choir 11:00 pm – Our “Almost Midnight” Mass- Mass ends at Midnight 12:00 am (Midnight) Vietnamese Mass (Lower Church) **************************************** Saturday December 25 – Christmas Day Church – 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:15 am (Last Mass Today in English) 9:00 am (Italian) - Lower Church NO 5:00 PM MASS ON CHRISTMAS DAY ************************************* Friday, December 31st—New Year’s Eve 8:00am and 12:00pm NO 5:00PM VIGIL MASS Saturday, January 1st, 2011—New Year’s Day Church – 9:00am (Not a holy day of obligation this year) 1:00pm—Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Nube (Ecuador) followed by Procession and reception in Gym NO 5:00 PM MASS ON NEW YEAR’S DAY ************************************************************************************* ST. MARGARET MARY MASSES Friday, December 24 – Christmas Eve—9:00 pm (Bi-lingual) Saturday, December 25 – Christmas Day—11:00 am (Bi-lingual) Saturday, January 1st, 2011—New Year’s Day—11:00 am (Bi-lingual) MISAS DE NAVIDAD CONFESIONES: Cada Sabado: 3:30 pm-4:30 pm Miercoles 20 de Diciembre at 7:00 pm en Monte Carmelo VIERNES, 24 DE DICIEMBRE POR LA MANANA 5:00 pm – Misa Familiar 8:00 pm – Misa En Español 10:30 pm – Concert by our Choir 11:00 pm – Our “Almost Midnight” Mass- Mass ends at Midnight Chapel—10:00 pm (Czech) 12:00 am (Midnight) Vietnamese Mass HORARIO DE MISAS PARA NAVIDAD Sabado, 25 de Diciembre Iglesia – 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:15 am (Todo en Ingles) Capilla—9:00 am (Italiano) NO HAY MISA EN LA TARDE, DICIEMBRE 25 VIERNES, 31 Diciembre 8:00am y 12:00pm Mediodia 1 ENERO—HORARIO DE LAS MISAS Sabado, 1 Enero 2011 Iglesia de arriba—9:00am NO HAY MISA EN LA TARDE, 1 DE ENERO 1:00pm—Misa Hispana en Honor de la Virgen de Nube (Con proCesion) ************************************************************************ MISAS EN ST. MARGARET MARY Viernes, December 24 – Vigilia de Navidad—9:00 pm (Bi-Lingual) Sabado, December 25 – Navidad—11:00 am (Bi-Lingual) Sabado, January 1st, 2011—Dia Del Año—11:00 am (Bi-Lingual)