Copyright © 2016 - 89c27 1 Sentence Mat


Copyright © 2016 - 89c27 1 Sentence Mat
Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adverbs_place_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) La bala pasó por encima de su cabeza.
- A: The bullet went past above his head.
- B: No, it stays there.
- C: Take this outside.
- D: The book is under the table.
2) Lleve esto afuera.
- A: Take this outside.
- B: The suitcases are under the table.
- C: No, it stays there.
- D: That is the man I was sitting in front of.
3) El libro está debajo de la mesa.
- A: The basket is on the table.
- B: It's a bit far.
- C: The bird flew above the house.
- D: The book is under the table.
4) Delante de nosotros había una mujer.
- A: Further ahead, there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains.
- B: It's a bit far.
- C: The bullet went past above his head.
- D: There was a woman in front of us.
5) No, se queda allí.
- A: No, it stays there.
- B: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
- C: We are sitting at the back of the class.
- D: Because the weather is nicer there.
6) Póngalo aquí.
- A: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- B: The suitcases are under the table.
- C: Is there someone inside?
- D: Put it here.
7) Es el hombre enfrente del cual estuve sentado.
- A: Here is the form.
- B: Look up, see that plane over there?
- C: There is a man selling tortillas outside.
- D: That is the man I was sitting in front of.
8) Vive en un pequeño pueblo cerca de Berlín.
- A: He lives in a small town close to Berlin.
- B: I am locked out of my office.
- C: It's a bit far.
- D: Because the weather is nicer there.
9) ¿Hay alguien adentro?
- A: The basket is on the table.
- B: Further ahead, there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains.
- C: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- D: Is there someone inside?
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adverbs_place_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) Desde arriba se ve la ciudad.
- A: From above one can see the city.
- B: The bullet went past above his head.
- C: Take this outside.
- D: There is a man selling tortillas outside.
11) Detrás de la vaca hay un perro.
- A: The basket is on the table.
- B: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- C: I am locked out of my office.
- D: From above one can see the city.
12) Estamos sentados en el fondo de la clase.
- A: We are sitting at the back of the class.
- B: From above one can see the city.
- C: The suitcases are under the table.
- D: Look up, see that plane over there?
13) Me quedé afuera de mi oficina y está cerrada con llave.
- A: There was a woman in front of us.
- B: I am locked out of my office.
- C: Here is the form.
- D: The children are playing there.
14) El pájaro voló por encima de la casa.
- A: The bird flew above the house.
- B: Put it here.
- C: The suitcases are under the table.
- D: From above one can see the city.
15) Atrás del frasco hay advertencias en español.
- A: Take this outside.
- B: The bird flew above the house.
- C: The basket is on the table.
- D: There are warnings, in Spanish, on the back of the bottle.
16) La llave está aquí.
- A: Is there someone inside?
- B: There was a bag close to her.
- C: The key is here.
- D: The book is under the table.
17) Tenga cuidado alrededor de los alambres.
- A: Here is the form.
- B: Further ahead, there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains.
- C: Be careful around wires.
- D: We are sitting at the back of the class.
18) Los niños están jugando allí .
- A: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- B: There was a bag close to her.
- C: He lives in a small town close to Berlin.
- D: The children are playing there.
Copyright © 2016 -
(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adverbs_place_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) No los dejes esperar allá afuera. Hazlos pasar.
- A: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
- B: That is the man I was sitting in front of.
- C: There are warnings, in Spanish, on the back of the bottle.
- D: There was a bag close to her.
20) Hay un señor vendiendo tortillas afuera.
- A: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
- B: Look up, see that plane over there?
- C: No, it stays there.
- D: There is a man selling tortillas outside.
21) Un poco más adelante hay un mirador donde puede disfrutarse de una vista preciosa de las montañas.
- A: It's a bit far.
- B: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
- C: He lives in a small town close to Berlin.
- D: Further ahead, there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains.
22) Está por allí.
- A: There was a bag close to her.
- B: The key is here.
- C: It's a bit far.
- D: It's around there.
23) Mira arriba, ¿ves ese avión allí?
- A: The active ingredients are listed on the back of the package.
- B: The basket is on the table.
- C: Look up, see that plane over there?
- D: The children are playing there.
24) A veces mientras se enfría se le pone un trapo por encima.
- A: Further ahead, there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains.
- B: Sometimes, while it cools, it may be covered with a cloth
- C: Put it here.
- D: How bad is the heat inside?
25) La canasta está sobre la mesa.
- A: It's a bit far.
- B: Further ahead, there is a viewpoint from which you can enjoy a wonderful view of the mountains.
- C: Because the weather is nicer there.
- D: The basket is on the table.
26) Aquí está el formulario.
- A: Here is the form.
- B: We are sitting at the back of the class.
- C: There was a woman in front of us.
- D: Sometimes, while it cools, it may be covered with a cloth
27) Está un poco lejos.
- A: There are warnings, in Spanish, on the back of the bottle.
- B: The book is under the table.
- C: It's a bit far.
- D: The children are playing there.
Copyright © 2016 -
(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: adverbs_place_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Cerca de ella, había un bolso.
- A: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- B: The suitcases are under the table.
- C: No, it stays there.
- D: There was a bag close to her.
29) Porque el clima es mejor allá.
- A: The suitcases are under the table.
- B: Look up, see that plane over there?
- C: Because the weather is nicer there.
- D: There are warnings, in Spanish, on the back of the bottle.
30) Las maletas están debajo de la mesa.
- A: There are warnings, in Spanish, on the back of the bottle.
- B: The suitcases are under the table.
- C: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- D: Because the weather is nicer there.
31) ¿Qué tan intenso está el calor adentro?
- A: It's a bit far.
- B: Behind the cow there is a dog.
- C: No, it stays there.
- D: How bad is the heat inside?
32) Los ingredientes activos están listados en la parte de atrás del paquete.
- A: The active ingredients are listed on the back of the package.
- B: There was a woman in front of us.
- C: Take this outside.
- D: That is the man I was sitting in front of.
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Answer Key for Worksheet 35800
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = A , 2 = A , 3 = D , 4 = D , 5 = A , 6 = D , 7 = D , 8 = A , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = B , 12 = A , 13 = B , 14 = A , 15 = D , 16 = C ,
17 = C , 18 = D , 19 = A , 20 = D , 21 = D , 22 = D , 23 = C , 24 = B , 25 = D , 26 = A , 27 = C , 28 = D , 29 = C , 30 = B , 31 =
D , 32 = A
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