Características Principales PROJECT NAME POECHOS I PROJECT INSTALLED CAPACITY 15.2 MW PARTICIPANTS SINERSA Operator World Bank – CDM Facility (NDCMF), TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION THE PROJECT Project Location Region / State / Province Classification of Project Activity Number of Area of Responsibility Area of Responsibility Project Activity Technology used Implementation Status OF Department of Piura Department of Piura /Sullana / District of Lancones Hydroelectric power production 1 Renewable Power Generation of Renewable Energy from Hydropower plant connected to national grid. Additional energy production from hydropower plant, using existing reservoir, without increase of reservoir volume Used technology is based on 2 Kaplan standard turbines and 2 Generators, connected by vertical shaft. In operation since April 2004 DESCRIPTION OF METHODOLOGY USED Total quantity of tCO2, as a reduction of CO2 emission, due to hydropower plant operation, has been calculated using Combined Margin (CM). ACM0002 CM is simple average of Operational Margin (OM) and Build Margin (BM), applying the following formula: CM = 0.5(OM) + 0.5(BM) Total Reduction of CO2 emission = CM x PRODUCTION RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS AÑO DE CONTROL OPERATING MARGIN (OM) BUILD MARGIN (BM ) COMBINED MARGIN (CM) 2004-2005 0.74259 0.38309 2005-2006 0.73959 2006-2007 MWh CERs 0.56284 34 072.854 19 178 0.40612 0.57286 56 037.974 32 102 0.73951 0.31932 0.52942 57 822.414 30 612 2007-2008 0.75559 0.35991 0.55775 70 567.290 39 359 2008-2009 0.75828 0.37747 0.56788 101 724.360 57 767 2009-2010 0.55629 0.36014 0.45822 88 811.301 40 695 Comparison of the projection CERs and real CERs April 1st, 2009 – March 31st, 2010 Year ERs (tCO2e) Projection in PDD ERs(tC02e) Real to March 31,2010 1st April 2005 31,463 19,178 1st April 2006 31,463 32,102 1st April 2007 31,463 30,612 1st April 2008 31,463 39,359 1st April 2009 31,463 57,767 1st April 2010 31,463 40,695 188,778 219,713 TOTAL Ingreso aproximado (5 €/tCO2e) : 1 098 565.00 € CONSIDERACIONES PARA LOS MONITOREOS ANUALES Asesoría para el cálculo de los factores. Revisión y metodología. Asignar responsables. Calidad de Medición. Medición con calibración /contrastación vigente. Calidad del almacenamiento de la información. Backups. Calidad del envío de la información fuente. Originales Compromisos sociales cumplidos y con adecuada evidencia. Educación (Becas Universitarias – Capacitación Maestros rurales) Mejora de instalaciones domiciliarias internas (2 caseríos de la zona) Presentaciones de eficiencia energética. Compras locales Trabajo personal local Cumplimiento de obligaciones medio ambientales. Referencia Reportes del Proyecto Poechos I Metodología Mgr. Ing. Redy Risco Ramos [email protected] FIN