Loxanet Foundation presentation
Loxanet Foundation presentation
2FISH: INCLUSION OF SECONDARY SERVICE PROFESSIONS WITHIN FISHERY TO THE FORMAL VET SYSTEM Thyborøn, Denmark 5 December – 7 December 2011 Elena Vázquez Portela Lonxanet Foundation for Sustainable Fishing www.fundacionlonxanet.org ARTISANAL FISHING IN GALICIA: a social and economic strategic sector Traditional fishing and its contribution to a fairer and more sustainable world SOCIAL 25,000 fishermen, 4,100 seafood gatherers 4,549 boats over 80 towns and villages ETHICS ECOLOGICAL Low production scale Less environmental and mechanical impact Lower energy cost per Kg of fish produced More balanced redistribution of fishing resources: more people benefit from resources than in any other productive system CULTURAL Fishermen’s local/traditional knowledge is essential for fishing management ECONOMIC Traditional fishing in Galicia accounts for: • 70% of fresh fish in the whole country •2% of Galicia’s GDP THE LONXANET FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHING “A sustainable sea and world are still possible if we work very closely with traditional fishermen for the sake of their social, economic and environmental sustainability” Born in 2002 Co-ordinates and accompanies traditional fishing projects Operating Principles Mission Direct participation of fishermen To Dignify the profession of the traditional fisherman Common interest To Reinforce a culture of responsibility for marine spaces Autonomy To value traditional fishing as a productive system Sustainability Collaboration To empower traditional fishing from the bottom up process THE LONXANET FOUNDATION FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHING MAINSTAY OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT SOCIAL MAINSTAY Transfer of good practices: Enhancement of fishing culture: RECOPADES Mardelira project www.recopades.org www.mardelira.net ECONOMIC MAINSTAY MAJOR INICIATIVES ENVIRONMENTAL MAINSTAY Marketing: Sustainable management and governance: LONXANET DIRECTO Creation of Marine Protected Areas Six associations with a stake Os Miñarzos (Lira) www.lonxanet.com Ría de Cedeira MAINSTAY OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Transfer of good practices: RECOPADES www.recopades.org RECOPADES Cedeira, España Lira, España El Hierro, España Al Hoceimas, Marruecos Cayos Cochinos, Honduras Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica Islas Galápagos, Ecuador Prainha Canto Verde, Brasil Caletas Sustentables, Chile Bajada Grande-Paraná Laguna de Rocha, Uruguay Puerto Madryn, Argentina Comunidades miembro Comunidades en proyecto de incorporación SOCIAL MAINSTAY Enhancement of fishing culture: Mardelira project www.mardelira.net Marketing: Lonxanet Directo Six associations with a stake www.lonxanet.com ECONOMIC MAINSTAY ENVIRONMENTAL MAINSTAY Sustainable management and governance: Creation of MPA (Lira, Ría de Cedeira) 2FISH: INCLUSION OF SECONDARY SERVICE PROFESSIONS WITHIN FISHERY TO THE FORMAL VET SYSTEM LONXANET FOUNDATION = PARTNER 4 Responsible for TESTING, WP4 (close cooperation with the scientific coordinator) Participate in NEEDS ANALYSIS (WP2) and DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING MODULES (WP3) Staff involved: Antonio García Allut Miriam Montero Juan Manuel Gómez Blanco Alfonso Herías Elena Vázquez Portela THANK YOU VERY MUCH Elena Vázquez Portela [email protected] [email protected] www.fundacionlonxanet.org