350 $350 Hispanic Summer Program
350 $350 Hispanic Summer Program
Announcing the 23rd Annual Session of the HISPANIC SUMMER PROGRAM FEES COSTOS DEL PROGRAMA HISPANO DE VERANO ONLY 350 $ I N C L U D E S T U I T I O N , A I R FA R E & 1 3 D AY S / N I G H T S O F R O O M & B O A R D exclusively for students of sponsoring institutions. Students of non-sponsoring institutions, students attending the HSP for the 3rd time (or more), as well as Continuing Education students, should pay their transportation plus $700 (which covers tuition & 13 days/nights of room & board). SÓLO 350 $ I N C L U Y E M AT R Í C U L A , PA S A J E A É R E O Y 1 3 D Í A S / N O C H E S D E C U A RT O Y C O M I D A únicamente para estudiantes de instituciones patrocinantes. Estudiantes de instituciones no-patrocinantes, quienes asistan al PHV por 3ª vez o más, al igual que estudiantes de Educación Continuada, deberán pagar su transporte y $700 (que cubren matrícula y 13 días/noches de cuarto y comida). ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OFICINA ADMINISTRATIVA Hispanic Summer Program, Inc. 1100 East 55th Street Chicago, IL 60615-5112 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: http://hispanicsummerprogram.org Phone 773-256-0761 Fax 773-256-0782 More info & downloadable application at http://hispanicsummerprogram.org/2011.htm Or ask them at [email protected] Hispanic Summer Program A n E c u m e n i c a l P ro g r a m i n Theology and Religion * S a t u rd a y, J u n e 2 5 t o F r i d a y, J u l y 8 , 2 0 1 1 • Geared toward master-level Latina/o seminarians & graduate students • With eight choices of 3-credit accredited courses taught by Hispanic faculty • For a very low fee including 13 days/nights of room & board (from $350 to $700) And the 8th Annual Session of Through Hispanic Eyes T h e C ro s s - C u l t u r a l S e m i n a r f o r Non-Hispanic Faculty & Administrators of our Sponsoring Institutions * S u n d a y, J u l y 3 , t h ro u g h We d n e s d a y, J u l y 6 , 2 0 1 1 both at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, IL (just 1 hour northwest of Chicago) More info & downloadable application at http://hispanicsummerprogram.org/2011.htm Or ask them at [email protected] COURSES & PROFESSORS CURSOS Y PROFESORADO M ORNING – CU R S O S 8:15-11:35 A M COURSES CURSOS EN M AT U T I N O S ESPAÑOL Estudios Paulinos (nivel avanzado) A FTERNOON – CU R S O S 2:15-5:35 P M COURSES CURSOS EN V E S P E RT I N O S ESPAÑOL La predicación en la comunidad Latina de los EE.UU. (nivel avanzado) D r. P a b l o J i m é n e z - P a s t o r D r a . Aw i l d a G o n z á l e z - Te j e r a Educational Center for Biblical Studies Dallas, TX “Vivir Es Creer”: Curso Introductorio a la Ética Cristiana (nivel introductorio) D r a . M a r i a Te re s a D á v i l a Andover Newton Theological School Newton Centre, MA La Voz Profética en el Mundo Actual: El Caso de Amós (nivel introductorio) D r. M . D a n i e l C a r r o l l - R o d a s Denver Seminary Denver, CO COURSES IN ENGLISH Re-claiming the Voices of Latin American Theologians for the Church in North America (introductory level) D r. E l s i e M i r a n d a Barry University Miami, FL More info & downloadable application at http://hispanicsummerprogram.org/2011.htm Or ask them at [email protected] Iglesia Cristiana (Discipulos de Cristo), Espinosa, Dorado, Puerto Rico & Consultant Editor for Chalice Press COURSES IN ENGLISH Contemporary Latin@ Religious, Literary, and Visual Marian Representations (advanced level) D r. L a u r a E . P é re z University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA Race and Religion in the History of the Americas (nivel avanzado) D r. J o r g e A q u i n o University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA Early Church Trinitarian and Christological Controversies (nivel introductorio) D r a . Z a i d a M a l d o n a d o - P é re z Asbury Theological Seminary Orlando, FL Más información y planillas de inscripción descargables en http://hispanicsummerprogram.org/2011.htm O pídalas a [email protected] Anunciamos la 23a Sesión Anual del Programa Hispano de Verano U n P ro g r a m a E c u m é n i c o e n Te o l o g í a y R e l i g i ó n * Del Sábado 25 de Junio al V i e rn e s 8 d e J u l i o d e l 2 0 1 1 • Dirigido a seminaristas latin@s a nivel de maestría y otr@s estudiantes de posgrado • Con ocho opciones de cursos acreditados de 3 créditos enseñados por profesorado hispano • Por una cuota muy baja que incluye 13 días/noches de cuarto y comida (de $350 a $700) Y la 8a Sesión Anual de A Través de Ojos Hispanos E l S e m i n a r i o I n t e rc u l t u r a l p a r a P ro f e s o r a s / e s y A d m i n i s t r a d o r e s / a s No-Hispanas/os de nuestras i n s t i t u c i o n e s p a t ro c i n a n t e s * Del Domingo 3 de Julio al M i é rc o l e s 6 d e J u l i o d e l 2 0 1 1 ambos en University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary En Mundelein, Illinois (apenas a una hora al noroeste de Chicago) Más información y planillas descargables en http://hispanicsummerprogram.org/2011.htm O pídalas a [email protected] GENERAL INFORMATION INFORMACIÓN GENERAL The H i s p a n i c S u m m e r P ro g r a m (HSP) provides Master- and higher level theological students and others with an opportunity to study in a Latin@ setting, with Hispanic peers and professors. The HSP, designed primarily for Latin@ students of theological seminaries and universities’ departments of theology and/or religion, welcomes up to a 10% of Hispanic ministers pursuing continuing education, too, as well as up to a 10% of non-Latin@ students involved in Hispanic ministries, communities, and/or advocacy. The HSP brings together in dialogue near a hundred annual participants from the U.S, Canada, and Puerto Rico, from a wide variety of traditions, denominations and theological outlooks. El P ro g r a m a H i s p a n o d e Ve r a n o (PHV) provee a estudiantes de maestría en teología y a otras personas la oportunidad de estudiar en un ambiente latino con estudiantes y profesorado latino. El PHV, creado primordialmente para estudiantes hispan@s de seminarios y de departamentos universitarios de teología y/o religión, acoge hasta a un 10% de ministr@s latin@s que deseen continuar su educación, al igual que otro 10% de estudiantes nohispan@s envuelt@s en ministerios, comunidades, y/o iniciativas latin@s. El PHV reúne en diálogo cada año aproximadamente cien participantes de los E.U.A., Canadá y Puerto Rico, provenientes de las más diversas tradiciones, denominaciones y posiciones teológicas. Except where otherwise indicated, courses require the ability to read, write, and speak only the language in which they are announced (either English or Spanish). However, in most courses, written work may be presented, if you prefer, in the other of those two languages. Excepto donde se indique otra cosa, los cursos requieren la habilidad de leer, escribir y hablar solamente el idioma en que están anunciados (español o inglés). Sin embargo, en casi todos los cursos, los trabajos podrán ser presentados, según Ud. prefiera, en el otro idioma de esos dos. For some courses, there will be work required to be done prior to the beginning of the program. All other work must be completed before the program ends – or, if the professor allows, up to a maximum of two weeks after the end of the program. Algunos cursos requerirán trabajo preparatorio antes del comienzo del programa. El resto del trabajo académico deberá completarse antes de que concluya el programa, o, si el/la profesor/a lo permite, dentro de un plazo máximo de dos semanas luego de la clausura del programa. Students may only take ONE course for credit during each annual session of the HSP. Each course will carry three semester-hours of credit. Credit and transcripts given by the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, a fully accredited member of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Cada estudiante podrá tomar sólo UN curso por créditos en cada sesión anual del PHV. Cada curso conlleva tres créditos semestrales. Estos créditos y las transcripciones correspondientes serán otorgados por la Universidad de Santa María del Lago/Seminario Mundelein, institución plenamente acreditada por la Asociación de Escuelas Teológicas (ATS). A D M I S S I O N & FI N A N C E S ADMISIÓN Y FINANZAS Applications will be treated on a 1st come, 1st served basis. Applications completed before M a rc h 1 s t , 2 0 1 1, will have better chances of admission both in the program and in the first course choice of the applicant. E a r l y a p p l i c a t i o n i s e n c o u r a g e d . For further information please write to: Zaida Rodríguez Hispanic Summer Program, Inc. 1100 East 55th Street Chicago, IL 60615-5112 E-mail: [email protected] Phone 1-773-256-0761 Fax 1-773-256-0782 Webpage: http://hispanicsummerprogram.org Las solicitudes de inscripción serán tratadas sobre la base de que quien primero llegue, primero será atendid@. Las solicitudes completadas antes del 1 º d e M a r z o d e l 2 0 1 1 tendrán mayores probabilidades de admisión tanto en el programa como en el primer curso escogido por el/la solicitante. F a v o r d e s o l i c i t a r a d m i s i ó n l o m á s t e m p r a n o p o s i b l e . Si desea más información comuníquese con el PHV por una de las vías aquí arriba indicadas. O N LY $ 3 5 0 I N C L U D E S T U I T I O N , A I R FA R E & 1 3 D AY S / N I G H T S O F R O O M & B O A R D for students of sponsoring institutions. Students of nonsponsoring institutions, students attending the HSP for the 3rd time (or more), as well as Continuing Education students, should pay their transportation plus $700 (which covers tuition & 13 days/nights of room & board). S Ó L O $ 3 5 0 I N C L U Y E N D O M AT R Í C U L A , P ASAJE AÉREO Y 13 DÍAS/NOCHES DE C U A R T O Y C O M I D A para estudiantes de instituciones patrocinantes únicamente. Estudiantes de instituciones no-patrocinantes, quienes asistan al PHV por 3ª vez o más, al igual que estudiantes de Educación Continuada, deberán pagar su transporte y $700 (que cubren matrícula y 13 días/noches de cuarto y comida). OUR 53 SPONSORING INSTITUTIONS AS OF DECEMBER 2010 NUESTRAS 53 INSTITUCIONES PATROCINANTES PARA DICIEMBRE DEL 2010 American Baptist Seminary of the West Andover Newton Theological School Asbury Theological Seminary Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Boston College School of Theology and Ministry Boston University School of Theology Brite Divinity School Candler School of Theology Chicago Theological Seminary Christian Theological Seminary Church Divinity School of the Pacific Claremont School of Theology Columbia Theological Seminary Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology Drew University Theological School Duke University Divinity School Episcopal Divinity School Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico Franciscan School of Theology Fuller Theological Seminary Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Harvard Divinity School Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Inter American University of Puerto Rico Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University Lancaster Theological Seminary Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago McCormick Theological Seminary New Brunswick Theological Seminary New York Theological Seminary North Park Theological Seminary Oblate School of Theology Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Pacific School of Religion Palmer Theological Seminary Perkins School of Theology Princeton Theological Seminary Sacred Heart School of Theology Saint John’s Seminary (Boston) Saint Paul School of Theology San Francisco Theological Seminary Seminary of the Southwest Starr King School for the Ministry Union Theological Seminary (New York) Union Presbyterian Seminary University of Chicago Divinity School University of Notre Dame University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary Vanderbilt University Divinity School Wesley Theological Seminary Yale University Divinity School Updated information on our sponsors at http://hispanicsummerprogram.org/sponsors.html
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