Appendix 5.A Comparison of 2001 Permit MCMs to 2012 Permit MCMs
Appendix 5.A Comparison of 2001 Permit MCMs to 2012 Permit MCMs
D R AF T Appendix5.A Comparisonof2001PermitMCMsto 2012PermitMCMs Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs Appendix5.A:Comparisonof2001PermitMCMsto 2012PermitMCMs MCM D.2 Progressive Enforcement (AppliesD.6, D.7,D.8,and D.10) 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement DevelopandmaintainaProgressiveEnforcement Policy ConductfollowͲupinspectionwithin4weeksof dateofinitialinspection Takeprogressiveenforcement Retainrecords ReferviolationstoRegionalBoard InvestigatecomplaintsfromRegionalBoard(RB) AssistRBwithEnforcementActions ParticipateinaCountywidePIPP,WMPPIPP,or individualPIPPthatmeasurablyincreases knowledgeandchangesbehavior,andinvolvesa diversityofsocioeconomicandethniccommunities D.5Public Information and Participation Program (PIPP) T OrganizePublicOutreachStrategymeetings quarterly ConductMediaOutreachto35millionimpressions peryear CoordinatewatershedͲspecificpollutionprevention outreachprograms R Conducteducationalactivitieswithinjurisdiction andparticipateincountyͲwideevents D CorporateOutreachProgramtotargetretailgas outletsandrestaurantchains Maintainreportinghotline Publishhotlineinfoonweb,telephonebook IDstaff/departmentthatserveasthecontact (publishthisinfo) Organizeevents(e.g.,cleanups) ResidentialOutreach(Individuallyorwithgroup): PublicServiceAnnouncements (Develop)Publiceducationmaterialson:vehicle fluids;householdwaste;constructionwaste; pesticides,fertilizers,andintegratedpest management(IPM);greenwastes;andanimal wastes EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 Implementpublicinformationandparticipation program AF MediacampaignforStormWaterPollution Prevention(SPP) StrategytoeducateethniccommunitiesaboutSPP Enhanceoutreachforproperdisposalofcigarette butts 5.AͲ1 CoordinateanSPPprogramforaBusiness AssistanceProgram BehavioralchangeassessmentstrategytowardsSPP Maintainthe(888)CLEANͲLAhotline Providealistofreportingcontactstopublicthrough Coordinateandprovidecontactinformationfor publiceducationactivities Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs MCM 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement Distributepubliceducationmaterialsatpointsof purchase Maintainstormwaterwebsite Provideschoolswithmaterialstoeducatechildren (KͲ12);canusestateproducedmaterials D.6 Industrial/ Commercial DistributeSPPinformationtoKͲ12schools StrategytomeasureeffectivenessofinͲschool programs ConveneanAdvisoryCommittee Markallstormdraininletswitha"nodumping" message Maintainalistofindustrial/commercialfacilitiesto beinspected InspectrestaurantstwiceduringPermitcycle Inspect/visitindustrial/commercialfacilities appropriately T TrackCriticalSourcesͲmaintaininventory (watershedbasedorlat/longrecorded) EducateͲnotifycriticalsourcesofBMP requirements ImplementaBusinessAssistanceProgramforselect sectorsorsmallbusinessesͲtechnicalassistance, anddistributematerialstospecificsectors InspectCommercialSources InspectIndustrialSourcesͲinitialmandatory inspection Secondarymandatoryinspection NoExposureͲevaluateandconduct2nd inspectionat25%offacilities AsneededconductProgressiveEnforcementfollowͲ upinspections(seeD.2) D.7Planning andLand Development AF Initiateprogressiveenforcementforfacilitiesfailing toimplementBMP's Implementdevelopmentplanningprogramthat requiresSUSMP Developpeakflowcontrolcriteria Amendcodesandordinancestogivelegaleffectto SUSMPchangesinpermit R ImplementrevisedStandardUrbanStormWater MitigationPlan(SUSMP) D SubmitanEnvironmentallySensitiveAreas(ESAs) DelineationmaptoRWQCB ImplementSUSMPrequirementsfor industrial/commercialprojects>1acre UpdateCEQAguidelinestoincludespecificstorm waterrelatedissues UpdateGeneralPlantoincludespecificstormwater relatedissues Traintargetedemployeesinpermitrequirements forDevelopmentPlanning DevelopandmakeSUSMPguidelinesavailableto thedeveloper Developatechnicalmanualforthesitinganddesign ofBMPs Updateordinance/designstandardstoconform withnewrequirements(LIDandHydromod) Optional:Establishalternativecompliancefor technicalinfeasibility,e.g.,allowonsitebiofiltration oroffsiteinfiltrationorgwreplenishmentor retrofit EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 5.AͲ2 Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs MCM 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement Optionalifallowingoffsitemitigation:Developa prioritizedlistofoffsitemitigationprojects T Optionalifallowingoffsitemitigation:Developa scheduleforcompletionofoffsiteprojects(must bewith4yrsoftheCertificateofOccupancyofthe firstprojectthatcontributedfunds) Optionalifallowingoffsitemitigation:Noticeoffsite projectstoRBwebsite Optionalifallowingoffsitemitigation:Listof mitigationprojectsdescriptionsandestimated pollutantandflowreductions Optionalifallowingoffsitemitigation:Provide aggregatedcomparisonofalternativecomplianceto resultsthatwouldhavebeenexpectedwithonsite retentionoftheSWQDv Optional:Submitdocumentationthatapreviously adoptedLIDordinanceprovidesequivalent pollutantloadingandflowreduction PlanReviewprocessͲcheckLIDandBMPsizing, etc., Establishinternalagreementswithstructurefor communicationandauthorityfordepartments overseeingplanapprovalandprojectconstruction RequireO&MplanforLID,treatmentand hydromodBMPs AF Inspectalldevelopmentsitesuponcompletionand priortooccupancycertificates VerifyO&MofBMPsoperatedbyPermittee throughinspection Developmaintenanceinspectionchecklist RequireprivatepartiesthatoperateBMPsto submitverificationofO&M;enforceasneeded AsneededconductProgressiveEnforcementfollowͲ upinspections(seeD.2) RequireproofofaWasteDischargerID(WDID) numberpriortofilingNoticeofIntent(NOI) RequireproofofanNOIandacopyofSWPPPfora transferofownership Trackthenumberofissuedbuildingandgrading permits D R Implementtrackingandenforcementprogramfor LID,treatmentandhydromodBMPs D.8 Construction Updateerosionandsedimentcontrol ordinance/procedurestoconformwithnew requirements Sites<1acre;inspectbaseduponwaterquality threat Establishpriorityinspectionprocess Implementadevelopmentconstructionprogram Site<1acre;Requiresiteswithsoildisturbing activitiestoimplementminimumBMPs Requireconstructionsitestoprepareerosion sedimentcontrolplan(ESCP);reviewandapprove(ш 1acre) EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 5.AͲ3 Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs MCM 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement VerifyconstructionsitescoverageundertheCGP and401cert ReferGeneralConstructionActivitiesStormwater Permit(GCASP)violationstoRWQCB Develop/implementESCPreviewchecklist Requireconstructionsitestoadheretostandards andmakestandardsreadilyavailable Conductinspectionsatpublicandprivatesites(at least1x/2weeksforhighthreatsites(more frequentlywhenrainispredictedoroccurs;atleast monthlyforlowerthreat;alsomustinspectduring allphasesofconstructionͲatleast3times) Develop/implementSOPs/inspectionchecklist Tracknumberofinspectionsforinventoriedsites andverifyminimuminspectionsarecompleted AsneededconductProgressiveEnforcementfollowͲ upinspections(seeD.2) Trainplanreviewstaffandinspectors Traintargetedemployeesinpermitrequirements forDevelopmentConstruction ImplementDevelopmentPlanningProgramat PermitteeͲownedconstructionprojects T StaffmustbeknowledgeableinQSD/Pkey objectives,localBMPsstandards Requirepublicconstructionsitestoimplement PlanningandLandDevelopmentrequirements, implementErosionandSedimentControlBMPs, andobtainConstructionGeneralPermitcoverage ImplementDevelopmentConstructionProgramat PermitteeͲownedconstructionprojects AF Develop,ifneeded,andimplementSWPPPsforfield facilities R MaintaininventoryofPermitteeownedfacilities (includingparksandrecreationfacilities,) EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 D D.9Public Agency Activities Updateinventory Developretrofitopportunityinventory;evaluate andrank "Cooperatewithprivatelandownerstoencourage sitespecificretrofitting";includespilotprojectsand outreach ObtainIGPcoverageforpublicfacilitieswhere appropriate Developprocedurestoassessimpactoffloodmgt projectsonwaterqualityofreceivingwaters; evaluatetodetermineifretrofittingisfeasible Evaluateexistingstructuralfloodcontrolfacilitiesto determineifretrofittingfacilitytoprovide additionalpollutantremovalisfeasible ImplementsourcecontrolBMPsatPermittee ownedfacilities/activities RequirecityͲhiredcontractorstoimplementsource controlBMPs Preventvehicle/equipmentwashingdischargesto theMS4,includingfirefightingandemergency responsevehicles Ensurenew/redeveloped/replacedwashfacilities areplumbedtothesanitarysewerorself contained. ImplementIPMprogram 5.AͲ4 Equipwashareaswithaclarifier,preͲtreatment device,orbeconnectedtosewer Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs MCM 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement Ordinances,policies,andproceduresreflectIPM techniquesandincludecommitmentsand schedulestoreducetheuseofpesticidesthatcause impairments Annuallyupdateininventoryofpesticidesusedby agency;quantifypesticidesusedbystaffand contractors;demonstrateIPMalternativesto reducepesticideuse Storepesticides/herbicides/fertilizersindoorsand applyonlyinaccordancewithlabeldirections UseSOPsforpesticideapplication DesignateCatchBasinsaspriorityA,B,orC EnsurethatCatchBasins(CBs)arecleaned appropriately AF Requiredtrashmanagementatpublicevents T Ensurenoapplicationofpesticidesorfertilizers whentwoormoredayswitha50%chanceofrainis predictedbyNOAA;within48hrsof1/2inchof rain;orwhenwaterisflowingoffthesite Ensurestaffapplyingpesticidesarecertifiedor workingundersupervisionofacertifiedapplicator intheappropriatecategory UpdatecatchbasinmapaddGPSlocationsand updatepriority Inspect/Cleancatchbasininareasnotsubjectto TrashTMDLͲPriorityA:3xduringwetseason,1x duringdry1x;PriorityB:1xduringwet1xand1x duringdry;PriorityC:1xperyr.Maintainrecords. Placeandmaintaintrashreceptacles/capture devicesatnewlyidentifiedhightrashgenerating areas PlacetemporaryscreensonCBspriortospecial eventsorcleanoutimmediatelyafterwards Placeandmaintaintrashreceptaclesatalltransit stopswithshelters DesignatecurbedstreetsaspriorityA,B,orCbased onliteraccumulation (RequiredunderPIPPin2001) R Labelstormdrains D InspectthelegibilityofCBstencilsandreͲlabel within180daysifnecessary Inspectlabelspriortoeachwetseason Recordandrelabelillegiblelabelswithin180days ofinspection Postsignsataccesspointstowaterbodies(open channels,creeks;lakes) InareasnotsubjecttotheTrashTMDL,installtrash excludersoncatchbasinsoroutfallsinareas definedasPriorityA,orimplementsubstantially equivalentBMPs InspectandRemovetrashanddebrisfromopen channelsandotherdrainagestructures1x/yr beforerainyseason. EliminatedischargeofcontaminantsduringMS4 maintenance Implementcontrolstolimitinfiltrationofseepage fromsanitarysewerstothestormdrains Implementaseweroverflowpreventionand responseprogram Implementroutinepreventativemaintenancefor bothsystems,surveysanitarysewerandMS4.May useSSOGeneralWDRtofulfillthisrequirement. Implementinspectionandmaintenanceprogram forPermitteeownedBMPs EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 5.AͲ5 Visuallymonitorandcleanallopenchannels annuallyfordebris Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs MCM 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement ManageresidualwaterintreatmentcontrolBMPs removedduringmaintenance StreetsweepingͲPriorityA:2x/mo;B:1x/mo;C:as needed,notlessthan1x/yr ImplementroadconstructionmaintenanceBMPs (e.g.,restrictpavingactivitytoexcludeperiodsof rain) Inspectand/orcleanPermitteeownedparkinglots 2x/mo Inspectand,ifneeded,cleanPermitteeowned parkinglotstwicepermonth,butatleastonce Trainemployeesandcontractorsonstormwater requirements Traintargetedemployeesinpermitrequirements forPublicAgencyActivities Trainemployeesandcontractorsonpesticideuse Recoversawcuttingwasteanddisposeitoffsite Conductadryweatherdiversionstudyandcreatea prioritylistofdrainsfordiversion DevelopanImplementationProgramwhich specifieshowrevisionsoftheIC/IDSQMPare implemented Createadatabaseforpermittedstormdrain connectionsandmapIC/ID Fieldscreenthestormdrainsystemforillicit connectionsinopenchannels AF Fieldscreenthestormdrainsystemforillicit connectionsinundergroundstormdrainsinpriority areas Fieldscreenthestormdrainsystemforillicit connectionsinundergrounds/dlargerthan36inch diameter Reviewallpermittedconnectionstothestormdrain systemforcompliance R T ContinueIC/IDprogram Writtenproceduresforconductinginvestigations andeliminations Initiateinvestigationwithin72hoursfrom becomingawareofthedischarge Implementsolutionstoeliminatedischarge; conductfollowͲupinvestigationtoverify elimination;followProgressiveEnforcementPlan (seeD.2) Whendischargeoriginatesupstreamofjurisdiction, notifytheupstreamjurisdictionandRegionalBoard within30days Initiateinvestigationwithin21daysforillicit connection D D.10Illicit Connections andIllicit Discharges Elimination Respondtoillicitdischargeswithinonebusinessday ofdiscovery Investigateillicitdischargesassoonaspracticable Investigateillicitconnections21daysafter discovery Permitordocumentillicitconnectionthatonly dischargestormwaterorallowednonͲstormwater Eliminateillicitconnectionwithin180daysof investigation Facilitatepublicreportingviahotline Signageadjacenttoopenchannelsprovideinfore: publicreporting Documentcallsandactionsassociatedwithhotline Terminateillicitconnections180daysafter confirmation EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 5.AͲ6 Appendix5.AxComparisonof2001PermitMCMsto2012PermitMCMs MCM 2012PermitRequirement 2001PermitRequirement Implementproceduresonrespondingto complaints;evaluateandupdateprocedures Implementaspillresponseplan TrainstaffandcontractorsonID/IC Traintargetedemployeesinthepermit requirementsforIC/ID Createalistofpositionsandcontractorsthat requireID/ICtraining PerformIC/IDTrendAnalysis D R AF T EWMPFinalWorkPlan XX2015 5.AͲ7 D R AF T Appendix 6.A Model Calibration and Parameters 6.A-1 Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters Table 6A-14. Regional Board model parameter ranges Parameter Units Range of Initial Values Model Values Hydrology Parameters Interception storage capacity in. 0.01-0.40 0.05-0.2 DĂŶŶŝŶŐ͛ƐŶĨŽƌŽǀĞƌůĂŶĚĨůŽǁ -- 0.01-0.15 0.1-0.2 Upper zone nominal soil moisture storage in. 0.05-2.0 0.5 Fraction of GW inflow to deep recharge -- 0.0-0.50 0.0 Fraction of remaining ET from baseflow -- 0.0-0.20 0.0 Fraction of remaining ET from active GW -- 0.0-0.20 0.0 Lower zone nominal soil moisture storage in. 2.0-15.0 7.0 Interflow inflow parameter -- 1.0-10.0 1.0 Interflow recession parameter -- 0.3-0.85 0.6-0.7 Lower zone ET parameter -- 0.1-0.9 0.25-0.6 T Water Quality Parameters lbs 0.0-0.0005 0.0 Wash-off potency factor for sediment associated constituent lbs/ton 0.0-10.0 0.03-2.57 lbs/ton NA 0.03-2.57 Accumulation rate of water quality constituent of land surface lbs/ac/day 0.0-0.0005 n/a Maximum storage of water quality constituent on land surface lbs/ac/day 0.0-0.0005 n/a Rate of surface runoff that removes 90% of stored mass in/hr. 0.0-0.5 n/a General first order in-stream loss rate of constituent 1/day 0.2-0.2 0.1-0.2 Coefficient in the soil detachment equation -- 0.05-0.75 0.1-0.35 Exponent in the soil detachment equation -- 1.0-3.0 1.81 Coefficient in the sediment wash-off equation -- 0.1-10.0 0.35-0.85 Exponent in the sediment wash-off equation -- 1.0-3.0 2.0 Coefficient in the sediment scour equation -- 0.0-10.0 0.0 Exponent in the sediment scour equation -- 1.0-5.0 2.0 Solids accumulation rate on the land surface lbs/ac/day 0.0-30.0 0.003 Fraction of solids removed from land surface per day -- 0.01-1.0 0.025 Coefficient in the soil detachment equation -- 0.05-0.75 0.1-0.35 Sediment Parameters R Scour potency factor for sediment associated constituent D AF Initial storage of water quality constituent on land surface 6.A-2 T Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R AF Figure 6A-14. Daily flow at Ballona Creek below Sawtelle Blvd. (Station ID: F-38C). Figure 6A-15. Monthly flow at Ballona Creek below Sawtelle Blvd. (Station ID: F-38C). 6.A-3 Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R AF T Figure 6A-16. Average monthly flow at Ballona Creek below Sawtelle Blvd. (Station ID: F-38C). Figure 6A-17. Monthly flow interquartiles at Ballona Creek below Sawtelle Blvd. (Station ID: F-38C). 6.A-4 T Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R AF Figure 6A-18. Simulated vs. observed load duration plots for Total Sediment (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). Figure 6A-19. Simulated vs. observed timeseries plots for Total Sediment (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). 6.A-5 T Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R AF Figure 6A-20. Simulated vs. observed load duration plots for Total Zinc (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). Figure 6A-21. Simulated vs. observed timeseries plots for Total Zinc (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). 6.A-6 T Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R AF Figure 6A-22. Simulated vs. observed load duration plots for Total Copper (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). Figure 6A-23. Simulated vs. observed timeseries plots for Total Copper (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). 6.A-7 AF T Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R Figure 6A-24 Simulated vs. observed load duration plots for Total Lead (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). Figure 6A-25. Simulated vs. observed timeseries plots for Total Lead (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). 6.A-8 T Appendix 6.A x Model Calibration and Parameters D R AF Figure 6A-26 Simulated vs. observed load duration plots for Total Lead (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). Figure 6A-27. Simulated vs. observed timeseries plots for Total Lead (10/1/2002 through 9/30/2011) at Ballona Creek Mass Emission Station (S01). 6.A-9 D R AF T Appendix 6.B1 Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures Draft 6B1-10 Appendix 6.B1 x Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures Ballona Creek Water Quality Model Development E. coli is the limiting pollutant for dry weather and thus the dry weather RAA focuses on demonstration that proposed dry weather BMPs will result in attainment of bacteria RWLs. The scenarios presented herein are very preliminary in terms of the actual design and operation of the North Outfall Treatment Facility (NOTF) Ȃ for example, the scenarios assume 100% treat and release of intercepted flows, but it is possible that flows will be diverted to Hyperion Treatment Plant for water re-use in order to provide additional benefits. To simulate dry weather flow rates and bacteria concentrations in Ballona Creek, a QUAL2K model was applied. QUAL2K is a river and stream water quality model that is steady-state and onedimensional (assumes complete mixing vertically and laterally)7. Originally developed in the late 1980s, the QUAL2K framework is supported by USEPA and has been applied to thousands of watersheds and TMDLs. AF Boundary Conditions for Model Set-up T QUAL2K was developed to simulate a longitudinal profile of E. coli within Ballona Creek. E. coli was used as a surrogate for all other bacterial indicator objectives, because it is an objective in Ballona Creek Reach 2 and Sepulveda Channel, and because it has been assumed to be functionaly equivalent to fecal coliform, the indictor used to evaluate compliance with REC-2 standards in Ballona Creek Reach 1 and Marine REC-1 standards in Ballona Estuary. The boundary conditions for simulating Ballona Creek water quality were based on three sources of data: July 2012 Recon, which measured flows and concentrations along the entire length of Dzdz 2. Ballona Creek Bacteria TMDL Coordinated Monitoring Plan 3. DzdzȋǤǡʹͲͲȌǤ D R 1. The applied boundary conditions and data sources are shown in Table 6B1-1. Note that dry weather DzdzͶǤ flow rates for these segments were based on the total measured storm drain flow during the recon, and the applied concentrations were the flow-weighted averages. The time for downstream travel is a key parameter for bacteria fate and transport. The in-stream travel times along the Ballona Creek mainstem were based on measurements collected during the Ballona Creek Flux Study (Noble et al., 2006). The study deployed open-channel flow meters in the Ballona Creek watershed to measure depth and velocity rates at one-minute intervals over a 6-hour period. The velocities measured with open channel flow meters during the Flux Study were a valuable resource, as velocities could be inserted directly into the model as boundary conditions (instead of ǯȌǤ mainstem Ballona Creek were applied to the corresponding segments, as shown in Figure 6B1-1. Segment lengths were measured using ArcGIS software. 7 See Draft 6B1-11 Appendix 6.B1 x Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures E. coli was simulated in the QUAL2K model as a non-conservative parameter with first-order, exponential decay. The applied decay rate was 0.09 per hour, which is the decay rate used in the LA River Bacteria TMDL (CREST, 2010). This decay rate was derived from SCCWRP decay studies that employed sunlight and temperature conditions specific to southern California (Noble et al., 2004). Table 6B1-1 Boundary Conditions for the QUAL2K Model and Data Sources E. coli CONCENTRATION FLOW RATE Flow Rate (cfs) Boundary Location Concentration (MPN/100mL) Data Source Data Source 7.1 2012 Recon 720 2012 Recon Wed_07 Tunnel Daylight 5.9 2012 Recon 460 2012 Recon Adams Drain 0.3 2012 Recon 1900 2012 Recon Benedict Canyon Channel 3.54 2012 Recon Sepulveda Channel 1.54 Diffuse inputs between Wed_07 and National Blvd Diffuse inputs between National Blvd and Tue_13 CMP and Status & Trends median 2012 Recon 1400 CMP and Status & Trends median 3.2 2012 Recon 2162 2012 Recon 1.1 2012 Recon 1225 2012 Recon 0.5 2012 Recon 760 2012 Recon R AF 630 D Diffuse inputs between Tue_04 and Tue_11 T Cochran Ave Daylight Diffuse inputs between Tue_01 and Tue_02 0.2 2012 Recon 174 2012 Recon Diffuse inputs to Sepulveda Channel 0.0 2012 Recon N/A 2012 Recon Draft 6B1-12 D R AF T Appendix 6.B1 x Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures Figure 6B1-1 Travel Times used in QUAL2K based on Velocities Measured during the Flux Study (v = median velocity, L = segment length, t = segment travel time during dry weather) Model Verification for Baseline Conditions Once the QUAL2K model was setup with the previously described boundary conditions, the predicted flow rates and E. coli ǯ predict current/baseline conditions, as follows: The simulated dry weather flow rates in Ballona Creek are shown in Figure 4-2. The simulated flow rate at Sawtelle Avenue, 16.3 cfs, is consistent with the observed median8 daily flow rate Application of a median flow rate for the dry weather TMDL analysis is consistent with the LA River Bacteria TMDL (CREST, 2010). 8 Draft 6B1-13 Appendix 6.B1 x Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures from the 1978-2011 LA County DPW flow gage, 15.0 cfs. The difference in predicted and observed flow rate at Sawtelle Avenue was less than 8.7 percent. The simulated E. coli concentrations in Ballona Creek during dry weather are shown in Figure 6B1-2. The simulated E. coli concentration at Centinela Avenue, 613 MPN per 100 mL, is consistent with the observed median from the historic data at BCB-5, 630 MPN per 100 mL9. The difference in predicted and observed E. coli concentration at Centinela Avenue was less than 2.7 percent. D R AF T The results demonstrate the QUAL2K model is able to represent current water quality conditions in Ballona Creek, which will serve as the basis for evaluating potential EWMP implementation scenarios, as described in the next section. Based on 287 samples collected between 2004 and 2011 during the Status & Trends and CMP monitoring from Inglewood Avenue, which is approximately 1500 feet upstream of Centinela Avenue. 9 Draft 6B1-14 D R AF T Appendix 6.B1 x Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures Figure 6B1Modeled Baseline Conditions Flow Rate (top) and E. coli Concentrations (bottom) Draft 6B1-15 Appendix 6.B1 x Dry Weather RAA for E.coli Control Measures Modeling of BMP Implementation Scenarios for Ballona Creek The verified QUAL2K model provides the quantitative basis for evaluating potential BMP implementation scenarios and providing reasonable assurance that proposed BMPs will result in attainment of applicable E. coli RWLs. The considered scenarios and predicted water quality outcomes are described in the following sub-sections. Considered BMP Implementation Scenarios The effect of two BMPs was simulated for the EWMP Implementation Plan, as follows: NOTF for Ballona Creek Reach 2: the purpose of the North Outfall Treatment Facility would be to reduce E. coli concentrations in Reach 2 to levels below the Limited REC-1 WQOs and also reduce impacts of Reach 2 on the Estuary. The model assumed the NOTF will extract dry weather flow from Ballona Creek, disinfect to reduce levels to 20 MPN per 100mL, and return the flows the channel. The scenario presented herein is very preliminary in terms of the actual design and operation of the North Outfall Treatment Facility (NOTF) Ȃ for example, the scenarios assume 100% treat and release of intercepted flows, but it is possible that flows will be diverted to Hyperion Treatment Plant for water re-use in order to provide additional benefits. Treatment Facility for Sepulveda Channel prior to daylight: Sepulveda Channel is designated as a REC-1 waterbody, even though it is a vertical walled box channel with limited access. The first purpose of the Sepulveda Channel low flow treatment facility (LFTF) prior to the daylight location would be to reduce E. coli concentrations to levels below REC-1 WQOs. The second purpose of the facility would be to prevent the Sepulveda Channel discharge from causing WQO exceedances in lower Reach 2 of Ballona Creek. The model assumed the Sepulveda Channel LFTF will remove all Sepulveda Channel flows prior to discharge to Ballona Creek. If treatment was utilized instead of the diversion, the conclusions of this dry weather RAA would not be affected. D R AF T Results of BMP Implementation Modeling The combination of the NOTF and Sepulveda Channel LFTF has reasonable assurance of attaining E. coli RWLs in Ballona Creek prior to the freshwater confluence with the Estuary. As shown in Figure 6B1-3, the QUAL2K model predicts that concentrations of E. coli will be below the Limited REC-1 geometric mean WQO (126 MPN/100mL) downstream of NOTF for the entire extent of the non-tidally influenced channel. In Reach 1, the geometric mean fecal coliform concentration is less than the REC2 geometric mean WQO of 2000 MPN per 100mL, and thus no BMPs are needed upstream of the Reach 1/Reach 2 break to achieve RWLs during dry weather (assuming a 1:1 translator between E. coli and fecal coliform). Summary of BMP Implementation Modeling The QUAL model outputs shown in Figure 6B1-3 constitute the reasonable assurance analysis to demonstrate that NOTF and Sepulveda Channel LFTF will achieve RWLs in Ballona Creek Reach 2. The concentrations of fecal coliform in Reach 1 are currently below the RWL, based on historic monitoring data. The QUAL model has provided a robust tool to conduct the dry weather RAA for the Ballona Creek EWMP. 6.B1-1 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis 16.00 7.10 REACH 1 0.40 5.90 8.17 10.12 0.29 14.16 14.36 REACH 2 ESTUARY Centinela Blvd. Sepulveda Channel 14.00 12.00 Benedict Canyon 10.00 Adams Drain 8.00 Cochran Daylight Flow (cfs) 5.80 5.59 4.77 4.05 2.65 2.27 0.55 0.00 6.00 Tunnel Daylight 4.00 2.00 Flows (cfs) Tunnel Start 5.0 4.0 0.00 3.0 Distance Upstream (miles) 2.0 1.0 0.0 AF T 6.0 NOTF REACH 2 REACH 1 1 1200 ESTUARY Adams Drain 1000 Tunnel Daylight 600 400 E. coli (MPN/100mL) LREC-1 Geometric Mean WQO < 126 MPN / 100mL 200 NOTF 6.0 5.0 Concentration (MPN/100mL) 800 D Cochran Daylight Tunnel Start R Benedict Canyon 4.0 3.0 Distance Upstream (miles) 2.0 Centinela Blvd. Sepulveda Channel 0 1.0 0.0 Figure 6B1-3 Predicted Flow Rates (top) and E. coli Concentrations (bottom) with Implementation of NOTF and Sepulveda Channel LFTF (subject to change based on actual NOTF design) 6.B1-2 D R AF T Appendix 6.B2 Dry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis 6.B2-1 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis This appendix presents the simulation of non-stormwater and dry weather reasonable assurance analysis (RAA) for the EWMP. Introduction The MS4 Permit effectively prohibits discharges of non-stormwater10 (dry weather runoff) and states Dz ǥ -stormwater discharges that are effectively prohibiǤdzǡͶ limitations (WQBELs) for some of the applicable total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) including the Los Angeles River metals TMDL. However, it is important that dry and wet weather conditions not be evaluated in separate silos Ȃ the EWMP includes a large network of wet weather BMPs that will eliminate a majority of non-stormwater discharges. As presented herein, the non-stormwater simulation quantifies the reduction of wet weather BMPs on non-stormwater discharges, and the remaining amount to be addressed will be achieved by non-stormwater abatement programs including source investigation/elimination and regional water use reduction efforts. The non-stormwater analysis and dry weather RAA are presented as follows: Methodology and validation for non-stormwater simulation (Section 2) Results of non-stormwater simulation (Section 3) Dry weather RAA (Section 3) AF T Non-stormwater Simulation Approach D R The primary source of non-stormwater is outdoor water use. As such, the non-stormwater analysis is based on a simulation of non-stormwater whose source is outdoor water use11 in each of the subwatersheds within the EWMP area and whose sink is evapotranspiration and incidental infiltration. The modeling approach used for the non-stormwater analysis is distinctly different from the wet weather RAA Ȃ with the wet weather RAA being process-based (build-up wash off) and the dry weather RAA being a steady-state simulation based on empirical water use data from southern California. The non-stormwater analysis and wet weather RAA are linked by estimating the effectiveness of wet weather control measures on non-stormwater flows. The methodology and validation are presented in the subsections below. Methodology The methodology for the non-stormwater analysis is presented in the following subsections. 10 Non-stormwater does not include all dry weather runoff. For example, permitted dry weather discharges (e.g., dewatering) and groundwater baseflow are exempted/allowed by the Permit. 11 Non-stormwater volumes are not necessarily equal to dry weather runoff volumes in the EWMP area. Non-stormwater is the portion of dry weather runoff that is effectively prohibited by the Permit. Dry weather runoff would also include groundwater that is discharged through the MS4 system (if any), which is allowed by the Permit. By focusing on the nonstormwater portion of dry weather runoff, the non-stormwater analysis and dry weather RAA are focused on the portion of dry weather runoff that is required to be controlled by MS4s. 6.B2-2 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis Non-stormwater Production Rates The volumes of non-stormwater generated in the EWMP area were estimated by combining per capita outdoor water use rates with population estimates. For each subwatershed in the EWMP area, the daily generation of non-stormwater was the product of [1] the population in the subwatershed and [2] the estimated per capita water use. The basic parameters are the following: x x U.S. census population at the subwatershed level, and A steady-state per capita outdoor water use rate derived from a literature review Outdoor water use was characterized through a literature review compiling typical per capita outdoor water use in Southern California. Twenty-five (25) estimates of outdoor water use were compiled12 as shown in Figure 2-1. A 50th percentile (median) outdoor water use value of 68 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) was selected as the representative outdoor water use condition. D R AF T Population estimates were then calculated using United States Census Bureau 2010 population and housing unit counts by block (US Census Bureau 2010). The block-scale population density data were spatially intersected with the BC EWMP subwatersheds (see Figure 2-2) and the total estimated population was then tabulated for each modeled area. The estimated population within each subwatershed was then proportionally distributed across the BMP drainage area. For outdoor water use estimates based on households, it was assumed that 2.97 persons are in each household (DeOreo et al., 2011). This per capita outdoor water use was used as a steady state input to the LSPC watershed model baseline to generate non-stormwater in the EWMP area. 12 California Department of Water Resources, 2005, 2013; Christian-Smith et al., 2012; DeOreo et al., 2011; Gleick et al., 2003; LADPW 2010; Natural Resources Defense Council and Pacific Institute, 2014 6.B2-3 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis R AF T Figure 0-1. Distribution of Outdoor Water Use Estimates Compiled in Literature Review Figure 0-2. Population Estimates by Subwatershed in LA County D Antecedent Conditions Although clearly defined definitions exist for wet periods, definitions for dry periods are less clearly defined. Wet-weather periods are either defined in terms of rainfall or instream flow. For bacteria, a wet day is one with a rainfall total greater than 0.1 inches plus the three subsequent days, while metals criteria define wet days as those with instream flow above the 90th percentile. As such, a dry weather critical condition was defined for the non-stormwater analysis, as described below. Antecedent conditions for the BC non-stormwater analysis was determined by counting the number of consecutive dry days by month, exactly as was done for the Gateway Watershed Management Programs (LSGWMP, 2015). Figure 2-3 illustrates graphically the analysis to identify a representative dry period. Within the two selected years (Critical WY 2003 and Average WY 2008), the 45-day period between 8/17 and 9/30 was found to be the most representative of dry weather conditions because (1) no rainfall occurred at any of the gages throughout all three WMP areas, (2) it was during a time of the year that was historically shown to experience the least amount of spatially-weighted rainfall in a year, and (3) it was late in the summer following an extended period of no rainfall for both 2003 and 2008. A 30-day period falling between 8/21 and 9/20 during the Average WY 2008 was used to generate the evapotranspiration boundary conditions for the BC non-stormwater analysis. The daily average volume over the 30-day period is used as the basis for reporting. 6.B2-4 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis AF T Figure 0-3. Summary of non-wet weather periods in the Lower San Gabriel River WMP (LSGRWG 2015). Effect of Wet Weather Controls on Non-stormwater D R The wet weather control measures in the EWMP (defined by the wet weather RAA) will provide significant benefits for eliminating non-stormwater. For BC, the dry weather runoff timeseries was routed through the interim (50% and 75%) and final (100%) metals wet-weather BMP networks to quantify the incidental non-stormwater reduction. In addition, the additional bacteria BMPs to be implemented by 2021 are known to be able to achieve all non-stormwater runoff. The comparison of baseline to remaining non-stormwater volume is used to calculate the percent reduction in nonstormwater flows in the EWMP area at each milestone through structural BMPs alone. Remaining runoff volume, if any, is the amount to be addressed by non-stormwater abatement programs including source investigation/elimination and regional water use reduction efforts. Validation Several studies in Southern California have produced a correlations between drainage area and dry weather flow for larger basins. A study by Ackerman and Stein (2005) was used to support the validation effort. The study included selection of four urbanized sites in Los Angeles County which had a historic flow record. The two largest basins included in the study were Ballona Creek and Coyote Creek. To allow anthropogenic dry weather flows to be isolated, each location was selected based on specific characteristics including heavily urbanized landscapes, concrete lined channels (to focus on areas with minimal groundwater baseflow), and lack of significant point source discharges. The study estimated dry weather runoff to be about 180 cubic meters per day per square kilometer of drainage area for large basins in Southern California (Ackerman and Stein, 2005). Multiplying the daily flow estimate from Ackerman and Stein (2005) by the total MS4 drainage area of the BC EWMP results in an estimated flow of 96 acre-feet per day. Using the dry weather modeling methodology described above, the total dry weather runoff simulated for BC is approximately 123 acre-feet per day, a difference of 28%. Considering the high variability of non-stormwater runoff and 6.B2-5 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis considering areas with lower population density in areas of BC (Figure 2-2), based on calculated percent difference, the non-stormwater analysis is validated to provide a reasonable estimate of nonstormwater generated in the EWMP area. Results of Non-stormwater Simulation The amount of non-stormwater to be addressed by the EWMP was determined by the non-stormwater simulation. For each jurisdiction in BC EWMP Group, the baseline non-stormwater volumes were estimated along with the non-stormwater volume remaining after implementation of wet weather control measures that correspond to each of the EWMP milestones (2016, 2019, and 2021). The corresponding non-stormwater volume reductions and percent reductions, as shown in Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2, respectively. T To consider the sensitivity of the analysis to the assumed outdoor water use, the simulation was also conducted using the 90th percentile water use estimate (109 gpcd), as shown in Table 3-1. The analysis of non-stormwater percent reduction was generally insensitive to a higher water use estimate, due to the fact that residual non-stormwater is due to areas where few control measures are ȋDzdz-stormwater flow rates). AF Table 0-1. Simulated Non-stormwater Reduction using Median versus 90th Percentile Water Use Estimates Percent Reduction of Non-stormwater Volume with Final Metals & Bacteria BMPs Implemented (2021) Median Outdoor Water Use Estimate (68 gpcd) 90th Percentile Outdoor Water Use Estimate (109 gpcd) 100% 100% 100% 100% Inglewood 100% 100% Los Angeles 100% 100% Santa Monica 100% 100% Uninc. LA County 100% 100% West Hollywood 100% 100% Culver City D Beverly Hills R Jurisdiction 6.B2-6 T Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis D R AF Figure 0-4. Schedule for Non-stormwater Reductions via Implementation of Structural BMPs Figure 0-5. Schedule for Remaining Non-stormwater Volume after Implementation of EWMP Structural BMPs 6.B2-7 Section 6.B1 xDry Weather RAA and Non-Stormwater Analysis Conclusions The non-stormwater simulation has supported the dry weather RAA for BC, which demonstrates that non-stormwater will be effectively prohibited and provides reasonable assurance of achievement of dry weather RWLs by certain milestones. Existing MCMs appear to be addressing metals RWLs, whose 90th percentile concentrations during dry weather are less than applicable WQOs. Reasonable assurance for attaining E. coli RWLs is provided by the dry weather RAA in Appendix 6B1. References D R AF T Ackerman, D. and Eric Stein. 2005. Dry Weather Flow in Arid, Urban Watersheds. Headwaters to Ocean Conference. San Diego, CA. October 27, 2005. California Department of Water Resources. 2013. Final California Water Plan Update 2013. Sacramento, CA. California Department of Water Resources. 2005. Final California Water Plan Update 2005. Sacramento, CA. Christian-Smith, J., M. Heberger, and L. Allen. 2012. Urban Water Demand in California to 2100: Incorporating Climate Change. Pacific Institute, Oakland, CA. DeOreo, W.B., P.W. Mayer, L. Martien, M. Hayden, A. Funk, M. Kramer-Dufffield, R. Davis, J. Henderson, B. Raucher, P. Gleick, and H. Heberger. 2011. California Single-Family Water Use Efficiency Study. Boulder, CO. Gleick, and H. Heberger. 2011. California Single-Family Water Use Efficiency Study. Boulder, CO. Gleik, P.H., D. Haasz, C. Henges-Jeck, V. Srinivasan, G. Wolff, K.K. Cushing, and A. Mann. 2003. Waste Not, Want Not: The Potential for Urban Water Conservation in California. Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security, Oakland, CA. LADPW (Los Angeles Department of Public Works). 2010. Urban Water Management Plan 2010. Los Angeles, CA. LSGRWG (Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Group). 2015. Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Program. Prepared for the Lower San Gabriel Watershed Group by John L. Hunter & Associates, Inc., Buena Park, CA. Natural Resources Defense Council and Pacific Institute. 2014. Urban Water Conservation and Efficiency Potential in California. June 2014. US Census Bureau. 2010. TIGER/Line with Selected Demographic and Economic Data. Shapefile. Downloaded 2 February 2015 <> 6.B2-8 D R AF T Appendix 6.C Control Measure Opportunity Assessment 6.C-1 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment This appendix summarizes the methods for identifying existing, planned, and potential control measure opportunities in the Ballona Creek EWMP area. The identified control measures (herein called best management practices, or BMPs, interchangeablyȌDzdz considered in the RAA, and ultimately determined the suite of strategies prescribed in the EWMP. Methods and results are presented per the following sections: Section 6.C.1 Ȃ Existing and Planned Control Measures: summarizes the methods for identifying existing and planned BMP opportunities in the Ballona Creek EWMP area. Section 6.C.2 Ȃ Potential Control Measure Opportunity Assessment: identifies new BMP opportunities for each category described in Section 4 and estimates the relevant subwatershed-scale infiltration rates. Existing and Potential Control Measures Existing watershed planning documents and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation Plans were reviewed and information on existing and planned regional BMPs was compiled. Documents reviewed included: Ballona Creek Watershed Management Plan (2004) Ballona Creek Greenway Plan (2011) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Plan (2008) Multi-Pollutant TMDL Implementation Plan for the Unincorporated County Area of Ballona Creek (2012) Request for Time Schedule Order (TSO) Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, and Sepulveda Channel Bacterial TMDL (2013) TMDLs for Bacterial Indicator Densities in Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, & Sepulveda Channel (2006, 2012) and its implementation plan (2009) Reconsideration of Certain Technical Matters of the TMDL for Bacteria Indicator Densities in Ballona Creek, Ballona Estuary, and Sepulveda Channel (2012) TMDLs for Metals in Ballona Creek (2005,2007) and its implementation plan (2010) TMDLs for Toxics in Ballona Creek Estuary (2005) and its implementation plan (2011) Trash TMDLs in Ballona Creek and Wetland (2001, 2004) Ballona Creek Wetland TMDL for Sediment and Invasive Exotic Vegetation (2012) Draft TMDLs for [dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane] DDTs and [polychlorinated biphenyls] PCBs in Santa Monica Bay (2011) Greater Los Angeles Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (LA IRWMP), 2006 LA IRWMP, 2013 D R AF T 6.C-2 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment City of Los Angeles Proposition O Monthly Report, October 2013 Water Quality Compliance Master Plan for Urban Runoff (May 2009) Existing project databases (such as the 2013 LAIRWMP OPTI Database and Stormwater Capture Project Database developed by the Southern California Stormwater Committee [SCSC]) were reviewed, and information on existing and planned regional BMPs was compiled. The identified BMPs are listed in Appendix 6.F. Potential Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Additional control measures were identified to meet the numeric water quality objectives of the EWMP. This section discusses the methods used to assess new control measure opportunities for each category discussed in Section 4 of the EWMP13. Analysis of soil infiltration rates was also performed to evaluate the prominence of systems where poor infiltration necessitates underdrains (e.g. biofiltration systems) and to aid with project prioritization. Data used for the desktop assessment are listed in Table 6.C-1. T Table 6.C-1. Data inventory for street screening Format Description Parcels GIS Shapefile Outlines property boundaries, sizes, and ownership Roads GIS Shapefile Land Use GIS Shapefile Soils GIS Shapefile Subwatersheds GIS Shapefile Defines drainage areas to selected outlet points LAC WMMS Model Groundwater Contours GIS Shapefile Illustrates groundwater depth as measured from the surface Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation Slopes GIS Shapefile Classifies regions by the slope category LAC WMMS Model Jurisdictions GIS Shapefile Establishes city and county boundaries LAC GIS Portal Aerial Orthoimagery Image Shows high resolution (30-cm) satellite imagery ESRI Basemap Table Coordinates of active soil contamination and cleanup sites State of California Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker Soil Contamination Hazards AF Data Set R Shows street centerline network & classification by Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (TIGER) Subdivides the region into predefined land use categories with similar runoff properties. Each individual land use feature identifies the associated percent impervious coverage. D Outlines spatial extents of dominant soil types Source Los Angeles County (LAC) Assessor LAC GIS Portal LAC WMMS Model LAC GIS Portal 13 Note that for the purposes of the RAA, total drainage area must be conserved. In other words, overlapping drainage areas were consolidated to avoid double-counting the same treated drainage area. The reported opportunities in this section are therefore smaller than the actual available spatial opportunities in the EWMP area Ȃ this was reconciled in the RAA by incorporating routing between BMPs so that the cumulative upstream drainage area to each BMP is represented. 6.C-3 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Soil Infiltration Rate Assessment Soil infiltration rates are one of the key drivers of infiltration BMP performance (as discussed in Section 6 of the EWMP), and determine whether an underdrain is necessary to facilitate drainage. This section describes the methodology used to estimate subwatershed-scale soil infiltration rates for BMP modeling. The RAA model implicitly includes soil infiltration parameters that were arrived at through calibration efforts; however, to explicitly model control measures, infiltration rates were defined by subwatershed using available geospatial data. Soil data coverage provided through the LACDPW Hydrology Manual categorized soil unit areas into soil types. Runoff coefficient curves reported in the Hydrology Manual were developed by LACDPW for each soil type using double ring infiltrometer tests performed on areas of homogeneous runoff characteristics (LACDPW 2006). LADPW employed a sprinkling-type infiltrometer to perform the tests in each homogeneous area. AF T Runoff coefficient curves represent the response of the runoff coefficient (defined as the ratio of runoff to rainfall from a land area) to varying rainfall intensities. Each curve displays an inflection point representing the rainfall intensity at which substantial runoff initiates. According to LADPW (2006), each curve was assigned a minimum runoff coefficient ͲǤͳǡDz even at the smallest rainfall The infiltration rate for each soil curve can therefore calculated as the difference between the rainfall intensity at the point of inflection and the minimum runoff rate, as demonstrated conceptually in Figure 6.C-1. D Runoff Coefficient R The inflection point, and subsequently calculated infiltration rate, for each unique soil type in the EWMP area were identified using the runoff coefficient curves in Appendix C of the Hydrology Manual (LADPW 2006). Subwatershed areas were then intersected with the soil type coverage to calculate an area-weighted infiltration rate. Figure 6.C-2 shows the distribution of the infiltration rates. Inflection point representing the intensity at which substantial runoff initiates. i.e. infiltration rate = rainfall intensity ʹ minimum runoff Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) Figure 6.C-1. Example Determination of Runoff Coefficient Inflection Point for an Arbitrary Soil Type in Appendix C of LACDPW (2006). 6.C-4 D R AF T Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Figure 6.C-2. Map Showing Modeled Soil Infiltration Rates Throughout the Ballona Creek EWMP Area. Appendix H of the Permit mandates underdrains (biofiltration systems) when subsoil infiltration rates are below 0.3 in/hr. Figure C-10 shows areas where green infrastructure and LID BMPs will likely require underdrains. 6.C-5 D R AF T Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Figure 6.C-3. Areas where underdrains would likely be required (e.g. where subsoil infiltration rates are estimated less than 0.3 in/hr) Parcel Screening Methods Some parcels are unsuitable for control measures due to physical site constraints and/or institutional barriers. All parcels within the EWMP area were therefore screened for suitability, and the remaining candidate parcels were ranked using quantitative prioritization metrics. The following subsections describe these methods. Public Parcel Screening Criteria (LID on Public Parcels) Retrofitting public parcels with BMPs can be an efficient strategy for reducing stormwater runoff. This method allows municipalities the flexibility to prioritize and schedule stormwater projects to coincide with improvements that are already on the books (such as scheduled parking lot resurfacing, 6.C-6 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment utility work, and public park improvements). Implementing LID on public parcels also allows municipalities the freedom to construct, inspect, and maintain BMPs without the need to purchase private property or to create stormwater easements. A detailed discussion of regional project screening criteria was provided in Appendix 5.X (for sites that capture and treat offsite runoff). Additionally, a reconnaissance of aerial imagery was performed for all High and Medium Tier candidate parcels to assess the engineering suitability of each parcel for regional BMPs. Sites deemed unsuitable based on best professional judgment (i.e. sites located at the base of steep canyons or on hilltops, sites built out with extensive building footprints, etc.) were eliminated from the pool of opportunities. The following criteria were used to screen potential sites for LID BMPs (to treat onsite runoff): Ownership: ǯ identification number. Private parcels are discussed in the next subsection. Slopes: The identified list of public parcels underwent screening for slope because high slope areas tend to preclude efficient BMP retrofits. Areas with slopes greater than 10% were clipped out of the candidate parcels, while low slope parcel areas were retained as potential opportunities. Soil contamination: Infiltrating runoff near historical spills and cleanup sites can present a risk of mobilizing pollutants into the groundwater. To avoid potential problems, sites that were identified as open contamination cases (per the State of California GeoTracker database) were eliminated as unsuitable BMP retrofit opportunities. Sites that have been remediated or have closed cases were still considered as opportunities to provide BMP retrofits. Receiving waters: Sites located within the extents of open channels and receiving waters were screened out because compliance must be achieved at the point of discharge (e.g. runoff must be treated before it reaches the stream) D R AF T The results of desktop screening for LID BMPs on public parcels is tabulated in Table 6.C-2 and displayed in Figure 6.C-4. Appendix 5.X summarizes the available opportunity for regional BMPs. Note that the RAA assumed LID BMPs could be implemented on the identified public parcels to treat the direct runoff from the parcel proper, whereas regional BMPs could be co-located on the same parcel to treat offsite runoff. Table 6.C-2. Screened public parcel LID retrofit opportunities14 Jurisdiction Beverly Hills City of Los Angeles Culver City Inglewood Santa Monica Unincorporated LA County West Hollywood Total Public Parcel Area Identified for LID Opportunity (acres) 96 1,373 81 58 11 48 39 Reported areas represent total parcel areas Ȃ the actual BMP footprints to be implemented on the screened parcels was identified in the RAA based on the design assumptions detailed in Appendix 6.D. 14 6.C-7 D R AF T Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Figure 6.C-4. Screened Opportunities for LID on Public Parcels. Notes: Regional and LID BMPs can be co-located on the same parcel, although their respective drainage areas do not overlap (LID treats the parcel, while regional BMPs treat the upstream area). Private Parcel Screening (Residential LID and Redevelopment) Distributed LID on private parcels was applied based on the relevant land use areas. High-density residential land areas were considered for residential LID opportunities at a predicted rate of 1% per year (starting in 2017); in other words, the RAA assumed that 1% of residences would implement LID measures to treat their parcels each year. To represent LID due to redevelopment in the EWMP area, all developed land uses were considered. The land area redeveloped (and treated) was approximated using redevelopment forecasts for the 6.C-8 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment City of Los Angeles (Table 6.C-3; Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area Cities, 2014). These area-weighted redevelopment rates were also applied to the developed land uses in other Group Member jurisdictions. LID on private parcels represented in the EWMP is tabulated in Table 6.C-4 and shown visually in Figure 6.C-5. Table 6.C-3. Forecasted redevelopment rates by land use Modeled Land Use Redevelopment Rate (2017-2021) High-Density Residential 1.1% Low-Density Residential 1.1% Multi-Family Residential 1.1% Commercial 1.0% Institutional 1.0% Industrial 2.2% T Table 6.C-4. Predicted areas treated by LID on private parcels Total Acres Assumed Treated by Residential LID (2017-2021) AF Jurisdiction Beverly Hills City of Los Angeles Total Acres Assumed Treated by LID due to Redevelopment (2017-2021) 45 29 472 30 30 Inglewood 19 17 3 2 41 3 30 10 Santa Monica West Hollywood D Unincorporated LA County R 632 Culver City 6.C-9 D R AF T Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Figure 6.C-5. LID on Private Parcels Represented in the EWMP. Notes: Displayed opportunities are distributed proportionally by land use throughout the EWMP area at the rates specified in Table 6.C-4. Street Screening Methods Stormwater BMPs in the right-of-way are treatment systems arranged linearly within the street corridor and are designed to reduce runoff volumes and improve runoff water quality from the roadway and adjacent parcels. Implementing BMPs in the right-of-way provides an opportunity to meet water quality goals by locating BMPs in areas owned or controlled by a municipality to avoid the cost of land acquisition or establishing an easement. Implementing street retrofit opportunities allows for direct control of construction, maintenance, and monitoring activities by the responsible jurisdiction. 6.C-10 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment Not all roads are suited for right-of-way BMP retrofits; therefore, screening is required to eliminate roads where green street retrofits are impractical or infeasible due to physical constraints. While right-of-way BMP retrofits can be implemented in a variety of settings, the physical characteristics of the road itself such as the road type, local topography, and depth to groundwater can significantly influence the practicality of designing and constructing these features. A screening protocol was established to identify realistic opportunities for retrofits based on the best available GIS data, as listed in Table 6.C-1, and supplemented with the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (TIGER) Census roads data. Streets were screened based on the following criteria: Road Functional Class: High traffic volumes, speed limits, and slopes impact the feasibility of green infrastructure implementation along street corridors. Road classification data contains information typically useful for determining if the street is subject to high traffic volumes and speeds, and Census TIGER road data provides the best available road classification information for the study area. Table 6.C-5 shows the Master Address File (MAF)/TIGER Feature Classification Codes (MTFCC) deemed appropriate for street retrofit opportunities. Only roads with the MTFCCs listed in Table 6.C-5 were considered for street retrofits in this screening analysis. All other roads were screened out. Slopes: In addition to the screening of road types, opportunities were further screened to remove segments that have steep slopes. BMP implementation on streets with grades greater than 10 percent present engineering challenges that substantially reduce the cost effectiveness of the retrofit opportunity. From the available WMMS slope information, roads were considered as retrofit opportunities if the slope was less than 10 percent. R AF T D The results of the street screening are presented in Table 6.C-6 and shown in Figure 6.C-6. Note that the analysis screened many roads out of the Ballona Creek EWMP area due to high slopes. Table 6.C-5. Green Street BMP Assumed Suitable MTFCC MTFCC S1400 S1730 S1780 Description Local neighborhood road, rural road, city street Alley Parking lot road Table 6.C-6. Screened potential green street opportunities Jurisdiction Beverly Hills City of Los Angeles Culver City Total Green Street Volume Considered in Model (acre-ft) 93.1 1,732.1 75.6 Total Approximate Direct15 Drainage Area to Screened Street Opportunities (acres) 2,459 36,492 1,978 Approximate Length of Screened Green Street Opportunity (miles of frontage length)16 214 2,821 149 15 Recall that upstream BMPs such as LID on parcels, and their associated drainage areas, are also ultimately routed to green streets. 16 Note that this is total screened frontage length (not road length or BMP length). The road length is approximately one half of the reported frontage, and the required green street BMP lengths were determined in the RAA based on the assumptions in Appendix 6.D. Reported lengths are conceptual and will vary depending up on BMP configuration. 6.C-11 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment 42.1 4.3 1,347 121 97 10 46.5 1,595 101 33.9 781 59 D R AF T Inglewood Santa Monica Unincorporated LA County West Hollywood Figure 6.C-6. Screened Potential Green Street Locations. References Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area Cities (City of Bell, City of Bell Gardens, City of Cudahy, City of Maywood, Los Angeles Flood Control District). 2014. Los Angeles 6.C-12 Section 6.C x Control Measure Opportunity Assessment D R AF T River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area Watershed Management Program (WMP) Plan DRAFT. Prepared for the Los Angeles Gateway Region Integrated Regional Water Management Authority. 6.C-13 D R AF T Appendix 6.D Control Measure Design and Representation 6.D-1 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation This appendix presents details on BMP design assumptions. These assumptions were generated using best available data to represent the opportunities and limitations within the BC EWMP area. For the EWMP to meet its full potential as a planning document, it is essential that the control measure assumptions provide a definitive link between the RAA and actual implementation efforts that are aligned with Group Member preferences. Group Members were therefore surveyed and the resulting preferences used to inform the RAA are listed in Table 6D-7. The routing schematic used for BMP routing in the RAA model (SUSTAIN) is shown in Figure 6D-1. Note that hydrologic response units (HRU) are analogous with land uses for many purposes. Discrete land uses are routed to different types of BMPs. For example, residential HRUs/land uses are routed to residential LID. The allocations and available BMP opportunities vary by jurisdiction and watershed. Runoff from non-EWMP and non-MS4 permittees Ȃ including non-traditional Phase 2 MS4 areas, parcels with industrial stormwater permits, the extent of the Caltrans right-of-way, and federal and state lands Ȃ was not routed to BMPs and was excluded from compliance target calculations. Recall that cost functions were presented in Section 6 of the EWMP. Table 6D-7. Jurisdictional BMP Preferences LID on Municipal Parcels Permeable Pavement Very High/High Regional Regional/LID on Schools Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Institutional Beverly Hills 5% Yes Yes City of Los Angeles 5% Yes Yes Culver City 5% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inglewood 5% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Santa Monica Unincorporated LA County 5% Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5% Yes Yes Yes Yes n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes17 5% AF Yes Yes D West Hollywood T Jurisdiction R Residential LID LID Ordinance 17 Also prefer to include non-WMG-owned parcels, such as Metro Transit Authority parcels. 6.D-2 AF T Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation R Figure 6D-7. Conceptual schematic illustrating BMP routing for the RAA Institutional BMPs D It was assumed institutional BMPs will reduce 5% of the target load, and this reduction was assumed implicitly, e.g.., no modeling was performed. Existing/Planned Distributed BMPs, LID on Public Parcels, Redevelopment Table 6.D-8 provides the modeled sizing criteria for existing/planned distributed BMPs, LID on public parcels, and redevelopment LID. The public parcels considered for LID included screened parcels owned by the Group members; schools and parcels owned by other entities were also considered if directed by Group members. The rate of redevelopment was presented in Appendix 6.C. Table 6.D-8. Existing/Planned Infiltration/Filtration BMP design criteria Parameter Value Design Drainage Area Surface Soil BMP Footprint Units Sized to capture 85th percentile volume Ponding Depth 9 in. Depth 2 ft. Media Porosity 0.35 n/a Media Infiltration Rate 2 in/hr 6.D-3 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Underdrain Use underdrain if underlying soils are less than Depth Media Porosity In/hr 1.5 0.4 ft. n/a Match underlying soils Subsoil Infiltration Rate Cost 0.3 Use bioretention cost functions Regional BMPs on Public Parcels The assumptions for modeling the High and Medium Tier regional facilities are listed below in Table 6.D-9. High Tier facilities included only the screened, municipally owned public parcels, while Medium Tier facilities included schools and parcels owned by other entities (if included upon the direction of the Group members). Assumptions governing Very High tier facilities were specified on a site-by-site basis per aerial investigations and planning-level site layouts. A total of 20 Very High tier facilities were included in the RAA per Group member input. Table 6.D-9. High Tier regional facility on public parcels design criteria Value Units Notes T Parameter Design Drainage Area Specified explicitly for each BMP Ponding Depth 3 ft Assumed Overflow Weir Length 100 ft Assumed to allow free overflow 0.3 In/hr Allows Dewatering within 5 Days 3-5 days 0 ft Extended Detention via Outlet Structure Required if Underlying Soil Infiltration Rate less than Assumed Dewatering Time if Extended Detention is Required R Surface AF BMP Footprint D Assumed Permanent Pool Depth All Volume Dewatered Diversion Type Assumed pumped if major storm drain greater than 100 ft from BMP (maximum 20 cfs pump capacity). Used optimum diversion rate of 0.09 cfs per contributing acreage if BMP less than 100 ft from major storm drain Cost Use regional project cost functions Green Streets Green street design criteria and drainage areas are provided in Table 6.D-10 below, and permeable p Dzdzǡ pavements, suspended pavements, or other subsurface storage. Certain high-efficiency BMPs (green street opportunities undersized relative to their contributing drainage area) are inherently acknowledged in the subwatershed-scale model inputs, but such opportunities must be identified with street-scale analyses. Table 6.D-10. Green Street BMP design criteria Parameter Value Units 6.D-4 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Bioretention Assumptions Specified for each jurisdiction, subwatershed and land use combination based on available opportunities Design Drainage Area Surface Soil BMP Footprint Ponding Depth 7 in. Depth 2 ft. 0.35 n/a 2 in/hr 0.3 In/hr 1.5 ft. Media Porosity 0.4 n/a Subsoil infiltration Rate Match underlying soils Media Porosity Media Infiltration Rate Underdrain Cost Use underdrain if underlying soils are less than Depth Use bioretention cost functions Permeable Pavement Assumptions Specified for each jurisdiction, subwatershed and land use combination based on available opportunities Design Drainage Area Surface BMP Footprint 0.12 T Ponding Depth Depth Media Porosity Media Infiltration Rate Underdrain AF Aggregate Use underdrain if underlying soils are less than Depth R Media Porosity Subsoil Infiltration Rate 2 ft. 0.4 n/a 2 in/hr 0.3 In/hr 1.5 ft. 0.4 n/a Match underlying soils Use permeable pavement cost functions D Cost in. LID on Private Residential Parcels Model inputs assumed that 1% of homeowners per year (starting in 2017) would participate in residential LID programs. Assumptions for LID on private residential parcels are presented in Table 6.D-11. 6.D-5 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Table 6.D-11. Residential LID design criteria Parameter Design Drainage Area Surface Soil BMP Footprint Value Units 1% of WMMS high-density residential land use within each jurisdiction per year % of drainage area (e.g., footprint as 4 percentage of each retrofitted parcel) Ponding Depth 9 in. Depth 2 ft. Media Porosity 0.35 n/a Match underlying soils Media Infiltration Rate Cost Use LID on Residential cost functions Regional Projects on Acquired Private Parcels T Remaining untreated areas and effluent from upstream BMPs are assumed to drain to private parcels that have the potential to provide regional BMP opportunities. For the purposes of the RAA, these BMP opportunities are assumed to be infiltration basins. Table 6.D-12 provides a summary of the design criteria for these BMPs. Parameter Infiltration Basin Design Drainage Area Value Units All areas not routed to upstream BMPs 5 % of directly contributing drainage area Ponding Depth 36 in. R Maximum BMP Footprint D Surface AF Table 6.D-12. Design criteria for regional BMPs on private parcels Dewatering Mechanism Diversion Type Assume 100% flow routed to facility Cost Use Regional Project on Private Parcel cost functions No Dewatering ʹ Assume fully infiltrating. BMP Performance Analysis This section presents the results of a statistical analysis of available BMP performance data relevant to southern California. The goal was to review and summarize data regarding performance of BMPs for reducing constituents of concern from stormwater and non-stormwater flows. The scope of work specified the analysis should be based on data provided by the BCWMG, specific to southern California, and analyzed in consideration of applicable MS4 Permit limitations. Few BMP performance data were available from the BCWMGs, and thus external data were compiled as described below. The compiled dataset is extensive and appendices are presented through web links (to avoid complications with printing). The following sections provide an overview of the data sources, description of statistical methods, and summary of the results of the statistical analysis. 6.D-6 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Data Sources for BMP Performance Data Data for the BMP performance analysis were derived from the IBD, the most extensive effort to collect and distribute BMP performance data in the US. The IBD is sponsored by USEPA, WERF, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)/Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI), the American Public Works Association (APWA), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The stated Dz ǡ Ǥdz D R AF T The currently (Nov 2013) available sites with monitoring data in Southern California are displayed in Figure 6.D-15 There are 44 sites that have data within the mapped area and the sites have a total of 58 BMPs that were sampled. Each of these BMPs in the IBD was mapped to the categories and subcategories established in Section 2 (see Table 2-3). Many of the BMPs, particularly bioswales, are owned and operated by Caltrans and therefore implemented on roadways, maintenance stations, and park and ride facilities. Figure 6.D-15 Southern California BMPs from the International BMP Database ( Description of Analyzed Data Analysis of BMP data in the International BMP database collected from Southern California provides a cross-section of structural BMP results and constituents. The following provides an overview of the data characteristics: BMP types: The BMPs in the IBD were categorized according to those defined in Appendix 4, after review of the BMP design details. Five of the BMP subcategories were represented in the IBD for the Southern California region, including the following: - Constructed wetlands - Site-scale detention 6.D-7 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation - Bioswales - Flow through Treatment BMPs - Catch basin inserts Constituents: The IBD contains sample data for hundreds of constituents ranging from metals to pesticides. This analysis herein emphasized a subset of constituents referred to herein as Dz dzǡǣ - Total suspended solids (TSS) - Fecal coliform - Total copper - Total lead, and - Total zinc - Bacteria - Solids, and - Nutrients. R Metals D - AF T Beyond these five constituents, the database was screened for additional constituents with sufficient data to perform analysis and results. Based on this screening, an additional 18 constituents were identified, for a total of 23 constituents. To assist with organization and presentation of the results, each of the 23 constituents was categorized into four groups as follows (shown in Table 6.D-4): Land uses: A majority of the BMPs are located primarily for transportation related sites. Other major land use categories such as residential, commercial, and industrial are not heavily represented in the analysis herein. However, the effluent concentrations and performance metrics are still generally considered applicable to non-transportation land uses. Many bioswales were included in the analysis, which allowed for grouping of bioswales into three ǣDzdzǡDzdzǡDz-Ǥdz Monitoring methods: The majority of the data from the IBD are based on flow-weighted composite (FWC) samples which is the generally preferred practice. FWC samples provide a better measurement of the total load from a storm event and most accurately portray the removal efficiency of BMPs. These types of samples can be used to generate good event mean concentrations (EMCs) that can be used to calibrate water quality models. The analysis herein emphasizes reduction in concentrations of constituents. Flow reduction is heavily site- and storm-specific (depended on rainfall intensity, soil types, antecedent conditions, etc.) and can be predicted through other means (e.g., modeling during the RAA). Statistical Analysis The statistical analysis herein is primary based on three metrics: 6.D-8 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Tabular summary statistics of inflow and outflow from BMPs (mean, median, percentiles, etc.) Graphical presentation of the inflow and outflow using box plots Tabular presentation of constituent reductions and tests for statistical significance of differences between inflow and outflow Dz dz (see DzdzʹͲͲ ǡ Percent reduction is a readily-understandable BMP performance metric, and it also convenient for reporting a compact form (as shown in Table 6.D-4). However, BMP performance is ultimately characterized by both the reduction of pollutants from inflow to outflow and the concentration of constituents in the outflow. For this analysis, percent reduction is presented as a simple metric to compare different BMPs across different storm and land use conditions. In addition, inflow and outflow datasets were analyzed separately, in order to characterize the quality of BMP outfalls and allow for future comparison to permit limitations. D R AF T An emphasis of the analysis herein was handling of non-detected samples. The approach to handling non-detects can greatly affect estimated summary statistics. For the BMP performance analysis herein, statistical analyses of measured concentrations were based on regression-on-order statistics (ROS). The primary advantage/purpose of the ROS approach is to account for sample limits of detection (SLODs) in samples that were non- ȋDz dzȌǤ -in developed by Caltrans was used to generate ROS, for which the primary references for the statistical procedures are Shumway and Azari (2000) and Helsel (1990). 6.D-9 Table 6.D-4 D R A T F Mean and Median Percent Removal from Inflow to Outflow for All Pollutants and BMP Categories 6.D-10 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Results The analysis performed under this task produced thousands of statistical measures that can be used to evaluate BMPs. These results will support the RAA, by supporting assumptions regarding effluent concentrations from some BMPs. The results are presented in formats that are designed to allow readers to focus on both absolute (inflow and outflow concentrations) and relative performance of BMPs (percent reductions) for individual constituents and groups of constituents. As mentioned previously, extensive appendices were generated and are available for web download. The results of the analysis are presented as follows: Percent removal: the results in Table 2-4 provide mean and median removal percentages for the BMPs and for each of the 22 POCs analyzed. The table can be used to evaluate relative performance across constituent and BMP categories. Inflow and outfall concentrations for common POCs: Shown in Table 6.C-5 thru Table 6.C-9 are comparisons of standard statistics for the five available BMP categories across each of the common POCs. The corresponding box plots in Figures 6.C-16 thru Figure 6.C-20 graphically represent the range of inflow versus outflow performance for the BMP categories. Inflow and outflow concentrations for all 22 constituents: Standard statistics, including significance testing of percent reductions, for all constituents are included in Section 0. Performance statistics and box plots for all constituents: Extensive summary statistics and box plots of BMP performance across the BMP categories are included in Section 0. AF T D R The presented box plots include whiskers that span from the 10th to 90th percentiles and display outliers, defined as values that are more than 1.5 times the inner quartile range beyond the median. These outliers are included in all the generated summary statistics. This approach is consistent with technical memorandums on the IBD website. 6.D-11 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Table 6.D-5 Inflow/Outflow Summary Statistics for TSS (mg/l) Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow 5 5 76 69 75 23 100 38 169 59 31 31 159 103 45.0 18.0 76.0 31.0 130 54 0 6 --- 88 --- 20 --- 37.5 --- 71 13 13 230 218 8.875 2.875 39.5 7.00 89.25 22.25 1 1 13 14 140 3.50 230 11.0 255 13.5 D R AF T Inflow 75th Percentile Outflow Median (50th Percentile) Inflow 25th Percentile Outflow BMP Category Site Scale Detention Bioswales Catch Basin Inserts Flow Through Treatment BMPs Constructed Wetlands Number of Samples Analyzed Inflow Number of BMP Sampling Locations Figure 6.D-16 Box Plots of Inflow/Outflow TSS Concentrations in Southern California 6.D-12 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Table 6.D-6 Inflow/Outflow Summary Statistics for Fecal Coliform (#/100mL) Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow 9 9 34 30 300 475 600 850 1700 3075 8 8 33 19 500 130 5000 900 16500 5000 0 6 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 11 11 172 152 300 7.47 900 77.1 3000 797 2 2 13 14 230 20.0 1300 95.0 3800 255 D R AF T Inflow 75th Percentile Outflow Median (50th Percentile) Inflow Catch Basin Inserts Flow Through Treatment BMPs Constructed Wetlands 25th Percentile Outflow BMP Category Site Scale Detention Bioswales Number of Samples Analyzed Inflow Number of BMP Sampling Locations Figure 6.D-17 Box Plots of Inflow/Outflow Fecal Coliform Concentrations in Southern California 6.D-13 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Table 6.D-7 Inflow/Outflow Summary Statistics for Copper (μg/l) Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow 5 5 76 68 26.25 15.00 39.45 20.50 63.75 28.00 31 31 150 100 22.00 8.23 41.00 13.00 70.50 19.90 0 6 --- 88 --- 5.95 --- 13 --- 22 11 11 150 146 11.98 6.20 18.00 11.00 33.00 21.25 2 2 21 22 11.15 5.55 62.00 8.80 110.00 14.75 D R AF T Inflow 75th Percentile Outflow Median (50th Percentile) Inflow Catch Basin Inserts Flow Through Treatment BMPs Constructed Wetlands 25th Percentile Outflow BMP Category Site Scale Detention Bioswales Number of Samples Analyzed Inflow Number of BMP Sampling Locations Figure 6.D-18Box Plots of Inflow/Outflow Copper Concentrations in Southern California 6.D-14 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Table 6.D-8 Inflow/Outflow Summary Statistics for Lead (μg/l) Outflow Inflow Outflow Inflow Outflow 5 5 76 69 34.40 13.00 54.00 22.00 108.25 36.50 31 31 150 100 13.92 3.53 32.89 7.55 77.75 21.50 0 6 --- 88 --- 2.3 --- 6 --- 12.45 11 11 149 146 6.50 1.00 13.00 3.10 25.50 7.10 2 2 21 22 3.32 2.70 170.00 4.40 315.00 8.32 D R AF T Inflow 75th Percentile Outflow Median (50th Percentile) Inflow Catch Basin Inserts Flow Through Treatment BMPs Constructed Wetlands 25th Percentile Outflow BMP Category Site Scale Detention Bioswales Number of Samples Analyzed Inflow Number of BMP Sampling Locations Figure 6.D-19 Box Plots of Inflow/Outflow Lead Concentrations in Southern California 6.D-15 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Inflow/Outflow Summary Statistics for Zinc (μg/l) Inflow Outflow 76 68 152.75 68.25 280.00 99.00 504.75 31 31 150 100 110 29.5 228 55.5 360 150.0 0 82.5 0 6 --- 88 --- 50.5 --- 107 --- 220 11 11 150 146 110 23.00 221 55.5 400 131 2 2 21 22 109.00 28.53 270.00 39.00 450.00 84.35 Inflow Outflow 5 Outflow Inflow 75th Percentile Outflow Median (50th Percentile) D R AF T Catch Basin Inserts Flow Through Treatment BMPs Constructed Wetlands 25th Percentile 5 Inflow BMP Category Site Scale Detention Bioswales Number of Samples Analyzed Inflow Number of BMP Sampling Locations Outflow Table 6.D-9 Figure 6.D-20 Box Plots of Inflow/Outflow Lead Concentrations in Southern California 6.D-16 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation Discussion and Observations regarding BMP Performance The statistical analysis presented herein has many applications, including supporting the RAA for the EWMP. As future applications are undertaken, the results can be analyzed in more detail. For this Work Plan, several general observations are highlighted, as follows: Comparison of outflow quality among BMPs: the constructed wetland (n = 2) and flow through treatment BMPs (n = 31) generally exhibited the highest quality effluent. Reductions of TSS were generally higher compared to other BMPs and concentrations of TSS in outflows were generally lower (see Table 6.D-5 and Figure 6.D-16). Elevated performance is also apparent for other constituents. The constructed wetlands exhibited exceptional reductions (>84 percent) of total copper, lead, and zinc. Constituents were likely reduced in the constructed wetlands by means of sedimentation, chemical and biological conversions, and uptake. The flow through treatment BMPs in the dataset were mostly Caltrans BMPs including media filters and proprietary cartridge filters with a range of sand/peat and sand/gravel mixes. BMP performance for individual constituents: among the constituents analyzed, the percent removals were often the highest for total metals, especially lead and zinc (Tables 6.D-8 and 6.D9). The poorest performance was often for nutrients, with phosphorous concentrations increasing in some cases (likely due to leaching). For bacteria, only the constructed wetlands and flow through treatment BMPs were able to generate outflows with median fecal coliform concentrations less than 235 most probable number (MPN) per 100mL (which is an applicable Permit limitation if fecal coliform is assumed equivalent to Escherichia coli [E. coli]) (see Table 6.D-6 and Figure 6.D-17). Application of the data herein for the RAA effort: in general, the majority of pollutant removal associated with potential stormwater BMPs in the RAA will be due to volume reduction (infiltration). SUSTAIN, which will be used for the RAA, is process-based and thus is able to estimate volume reduction and the proportion of inflow that is infiltrated, treated, and overflowed. Because the model is dynamic, these proportions change from storm to storm (i.e., overflows are less frequent during small storms than large storms). SUSTAIN also simulated first order decay of pollutants per the parameters listed in the Guidelines for Conducting Reasonable Assurance Analysis in a Watershed Management Program, Including an Enhanced Watershed Management Program (Nguyen et al., 2014). D R AF T For the subset of BMPs with a treatment component, some assumptions were needed regarding the quality of treated and discharged outflow (e.g., biofiltration BMPs, which have an underdrain). The analysis herein support those assumptions. It is noted that SUSTAIN does not provide a mechanism to apply effluent concentrations, so the median concentration reduction rates reported in Table 6.D-3 were applied to underdrain effluent (acknowledging the limitations of this metric discussed in Section 0). Detailed Results A detailed summary of BMP influent and effluent statistics for all 23 analyzed constituents, as well as detailed performance metrics for all BMP categories can be found in the Summary of Existing and Potential Control Measures for the Ballona Creek Watershed (Black & Veatch Team 2013). 6.D-17 Section 6.D x Control Measure Design and Representation References Black & Veatch Team (December 2014). Technical Memorandum: RAA Memo #3: Initial Scenario of BMP Capacities for Each Jurisdiction to Achieve Final Wet Weather Permit Limitations. Submitted to Ballona Creek EWMP Group. Black & Veatch Team (December 2013). Technical Memorandum: Summary of Existing and Potential Control Measures for the Ballona Creek Watershed. Submitted to Ballona Creek Watershed Management Group. D R AF T Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area Cities (City of Bell, City of Bell Gardens, City of Cudahy, City of Maywood, Los Angeles Flood Control District). 2014. Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area Watershed Management Program (WMP) Plan DRAFT. Prepared for the Los Angeles Gateway Region Integrated Regional Water Management Authority. 6.D-18 D R AF T Appendix 6.E Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities 6.E-1 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities This appendix discusses the RAA results relevant to green infrastructure (specifically green streets), which comprises a substantial portion of the prescribed control measure capacity and cost in the EWMP. D R AF T Table 6.E-13 tabulates the average green street retrofit rates per jurisdiction that are prescribed by the EWMP, as informed by the RAA. Figure 6D-7 and Figure 6.E-9 provide further resolution by showing the spatial distribution of retrofit rates (e.g. green street density relative to the available opportunities). Table 6.E-13. Green Street Retrofit Rates by Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Beverly Hills City of Los Angeles Culver City Inglewood Santa Monica Unincorporated LA County West Hollywood Total Acre-Feet of Green Street BMPs (% of volume opportunity utilized) 39.1 (42%) 277.8 (16%) 19.5 (26%) 7.3 (17%) 1.7 (40%) Approximate Miles of Green Street BMPs (% of suitable frontage retrofitted) 18 63 (29%) 417 (15%) 31 (21%) 12 (12%) 3 (28%) 7.3 (16%) 12 (12%) 5.3 (16%) 9 (15%) Tabulated values are conceptual based on BMP lengths (not retrofitted street lengths) and assume bioretention and permeable pavement lengths are installed in tandem per the assumptions in Appendix 6.D. Note that EWMP compliance is based on the volumes reported in Appendix 7.A, not the conceptual length approximations. 18 6.E-2 D R AF T Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities 6.E-3 D R AF T Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Figure 6.E-9. Model Output Green Street Utilization Per Subwatershed (Overlain on Screened Streets), Relative to Modeled Available Capacities 6.E-4 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities AF T Table 6.E-14tabulates the data in D R Figure 6D-7, and Error! Reference source not found. lists all screened street opportunities that were considered in the RAA. 6.E-5 D R AF T Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Figure 6.E-41. Model Output Green Street Utilization Per Subwatershed, Relative to Modeled Available Capacities 6.E-6 D R AF T Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Figure 6.E-9. Model Output Green Street Utilization Per Subwatershed (Overlain on Screened Streets), Relative to Modeled Available Capacities 6.E-7 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Table 6.E-14. Green Street Retrofit Rates by Subwatershed, Relative to Modeled Available Capacities Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City 111050 68% 111051 111052 111053 111054 111055 111056 61% 0% 19% 14% 0% 32% 111057 111058 111059 111060 111084 111088 0% 4% 0% 0% 36% 53% 111090 111091 221004 221007 221009 221010 221011 31% 26% 61% 0% 1% 0% 6% 221012 T Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills EWMP Green Street Utilization (Percentage of Total Volume Prescribed) AF Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Subwatershed R Jurisdiction 25% 221013 66% Culver City 221014 19% Culver City 221015 31% Culver City D Culver City 221016 0% 221017 60% Culver City 221018 68% Culver City 221019 5% Culver City 221020 22% Culver City 221021 10% Culver City 221022 44% Culver City 221023 0% Culver City 221024 25% Culver City 221025 1% Culver City 221026 0% Culver City 221027 29% Culver City 221028 0% Culver City 221031 28% Culver City 221046 64% Culver City 221047 0% Culver City 6.E-8 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Jurisdiction Subwatershed EWMP Green Street Utilization (Percentage of Total Volume Prescribed) Culver City 221048 50% Culver City 221049 46% Culver City 221061 71% Culver City 221062 52% 221063 0% Culver City 221064 37% Culver City 221065 60% Culver City 221067 17% Culver City 221068 0% Culver City 221069 0% Culver City 221083 36% Culver City 221093 0% Culver City 221175 0% Inglewood 371028 68% Inglewood 371029 0% Inglewood 371030 10% Inglewood 371080 Los Angeles 491001 Los Angeles 491004 Los Angeles 491005 Los Angeles 491006 Los Angeles 491007 Los Angeles 491008 0% Los Angeles 491009 0% Los Angeles 491010 0% 0% R AF 0% D Los Angeles T Culver City 6% 1% 0% 0% 491012 0% 491013 19% Los Angeles 491014 0% Los Angeles 491018 19% Los Angeles 491019 0% Los Angeles 491020 9% Los Angeles 491021 0% Los Angeles 491022 14% Los Angeles 491023 0% Los Angeles 491024 0% Los Angeles 491026 31% Los Angeles 491028 71% Los Angeles 491029 52% Los Angeles 491030 3% Los Angeles 491031 56% Los Angeles 491032 24% Los Angeles 6.E-9 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Subwatershed EWMP Green Street Utilization (Percentage of Total Volume Prescribed) Los Angeles 491033 40% Los Angeles 491034 0% Los Angeles 491035 0% Los Angeles 491036 31% Los Angeles 491037 33% Los Angeles 491038 39% Los Angeles 491039 39% Los Angeles 491040 42% Los Angeles 491041 11% Los Angeles 491042 0% Los Angeles 491043 71% Los Angeles 491044 26% Los Angeles 491045 0% Los Angeles 491049 31% Los Angeles 491050 55% Los Angeles 491051 56% Los Angeles 491052 Los Angeles 491053 T Jurisdiction 0% AF 0% 491054 Los Angeles 491055 Los Angeles 491056 Los Angeles 491057 Los Angeles 491058 0% Los Angeles 491059 0% Los Angeles 491060 0% D Los Angeles R Los Angeles 0% 0% 0% 0% 491061 0% 491062 69% Los Angeles 491063 68% Los Angeles 491064 0% Los Angeles Los Angeles 491066 0% Los Angeles 491067 0% Los Angeles 491069 67% Los Angeles 491070 0% Los Angeles 491071 9% Los Angeles 491072 0% Los Angeles 491073 2% Los Angeles 491074 22% Los Angeles 491075 9% Los Angeles 491076 66% Los Angeles 491077 0% Los Angeles 491078 0% 6.E-10 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Jurisdiction Subwatershed EWMP Green Street Utilization (Percentage of Total Volume Prescribed) Los Angeles 491079 0% Los Angeles 491080 0% Los Angeles 491081 11% Los Angeles 491082 15% Los Angeles 491083 70% Los Angeles 491084 39% Los Angeles 491085 56% 491086 3% Los Angeles 491087 62% Los Angeles 491088 26% Los Angeles 491089 11% Los Angeles 491090 50% Los Angeles 491091 49% Los Angeles 491092 53% Los Angeles 491093 0% Los Angeles 491094 0% Los Angeles 491095 Los Angeles 491096 Los Angeles 491097 Los Angeles 491098 Los Angeles 491099 Los Angeles 491100 Los Angeles 491101 12% Los Angeles 491102 57% Los Angeles 491103 28% 491104 50% 491105 38% Los Angeles 491106 9% Los Angeles 491107 21% Los Angeles 491108 24% Los Angeles 491109 10% Los Angeles 491110 0% Los Angeles 65% R AF 34% D Los Angeles T Los Angeles 62% 66% 47% 56% Los Angeles 491111 0% Los Angeles 491112 24% Los Angeles 491113 21% Los Angeles 491114 18% Los Angeles 491175 36% Santa Monica 751018 0% Santa Monica 751032 40% Unincorporated 831001 0% Unincorporated 831003 0% 6.E-11 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Subwatershed EWMP Green Street Utilization (Percentage of Total Volume Prescribed) Unincorporated 831005 0% Unincorporated 831006 1% Unincorporated 831014 0% Unincorporated 831015 59% Unincorporated 831017 0% Unincorporated 831023 28% Unincorporated 831025 4% Unincorporated 831027 4% Unincorporated 831028 54% Unincorporated 831030 0% Unincorporated 831032 0% Unincorporated 831036 0% Unincorporated 831037 0% Unincorporated 831040 0% Unincorporated 831043 0% Unincorporated 831058 0% Unincorporated 831060 Unincorporated 831067 Unincorporated 831069 Unincorporated 831080 Unincorporated 831081 Unincorporated 831088 Unincorporated 831091 0% Unincorporated 831175 24% West Hollywood 871088 0% West Hollywood 0% R AF 0% D West Hollywood T Jurisdiction West Hollywood 1% 0% 0% 0% 871090 7% 871091 20% 871092 45% Table 6.E-3 Screened Green Street Opportunities Considered in the EWMP Subwatershed 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 Jurisdiction Street Name Drainage Configuration Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills (unknown) Alden Dr Alpine Dr Beverly Blvd Beverwil Dr Brighton Way Burton Way Carmelita Ave Charleville Blvd Civic Center Dr Clifton Way Commercial Center St Dayton Way Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Centerline Length (ft) 50,609 686 1,086 338 949 2,294 3,077 1,894 2,995 819 1,558 169 3,205 6.E-12 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Edris Dr el Camino Dr Elevado Ave Foothill Rd Gregory Way N Alpine Dr N Bedford Dr N Beverly Dr N Camden Dr N Canon Dr N Crescent Dr N Elm Dr N Foothill Rd N Maple Dr N Rexford Dr N Rodeo Dr N Roxbury Dr Park Way Peck Dr Reeves Dr S Beverly Dr S Beverwil Dr S Camden Dr S Canon Dr S Crescent Dr S el Camino Dr S Elm Dr S Peck Dr S Reeves Dr S Rexford Dr S Rodeo Dr Santa Monica Blvd Smithwood Dr Un-Named St Via Rodeo Dr Virginia Pl W 3rd St W Olympic Blvd Whitworth Dr Wilshire Blvd (unknown) Beverly Green Dr Brighton Way Carmelita Ave Charleville Blvd Daniels Dr Durant Dr Elevado Ave Gregory Way Heath Ave Hillgreen Dr Hillgreen Pl Lasky Dr McCarty Dr Moreno Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) R AF T Jurisdiction D Subwatershed 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111050 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 111051 Centerline Length (ft) 0 3,643 2,263 2,462 2,979 467 1,934 4,565 2,492 4,974 5,283 1,471 2,462 6 3,098 3,827 3 1,203 3,022 2,754 4,132 926 3,671 3,452 3,633 3,643 3,624 3,022 2,754 3,625 3,716 2,971 568 314 310 497 1,444 2,991 334 3,054 30,005 123 124 2,595 2,550 185 1,356 2,733 1,643 2,339 1,475 402 1,779 2,680 1,861 6.E-13 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills N Bedford Dr N Camden Dr N Linden Dr N Roxbury Dr N Whittier Dr Peck Dr Robbins Dr S Bedford Dr S Lasky Dr S Linden Dr S McCarty Dr S Moreno Dr S Peck Dr S Roxbury Dr S Spalding Dr Santa Monica Blvd Shirley Pl Spalding Dirve Trenton Dr Virginia Pl W Olympic Blvd Walden Dr Whittier Dr Wilshire Blvd Young Dr Copley Pl (unknown) Benedict Canon Benedict Canyon Dr Elevado Ave Lomitas Ave N Bedford Dr N Beverly Dr N Camden Dr N Canon Dr N Crescent Dr N Linden Dr N Rexford Dr N Rodeo Dr N Roxbury Dr N Whittier Dr Trenton Dr Walden Dr Whittier Dr (unknown) Angelo Dr Benedict Canon Benedict Canon Dr Benedict Canyon Dr Bridle Ln Chevy Chase Dr Copley Dr Copley Pl Cove Way Della Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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4,361 1,342 217 2,817 1,738 964 3,474 423 350 11,539 101 101 261 4,933 1,336 1,288 1,464 1,168 1,108 1,149 1,063 1,376 1,277 1,001 174 1,062 1,001 3,590 1,272 1,268 285 1,553 539 1,216 79 152 1,258 72 6.E-14 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Green Acres Dr Greenacres Dr Greenway Dr Hanover Dr Hartford Way Ladera Dr Lexington Rd N Angelo Dr N Whittier Dr Pamela Dr Ridgedale Dr Summit Dr Tower Rd Walden Dr Whittier Dr Benedict Canon Benedict Canon Dr Benedict Canyon Dr Green Acres Dr Greenacres Dr Leona Dr Tropical Ave Ambassador Ave Benedict Canon Dr Benedict Canyon Dr N Tower Rd Pickfair Way San Ysidro Dr Tower Rd Tropical Ave (unknown) Benedict Canon Benedict Canyon Dr Carolyn Way Chanruss Pl Elden Way Garden Ln Glen Way Hartford Way Laurel Ln Laurel Way Lexington Rd Marilyn Dr N Bedford Dr N Beverly Dr N Camden Dr N Crescent Dr N Linden Dr N Rexford Dr N Rodeo Dr N Roxbury Dr N Whittier Dr Oxford Way Pine Dr Shadow Hill Way Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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175 884 1,649 43 1,835 3,613 323 1,455 435 723 2,617 861 1,740 372 2,165 592 568 127 335 6.E-15 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Steven Way Summit Dr Sunnyvale Way Walden Dr Whittier Dr Woodland Dr (unknown) N Beverly Dr Sutton Way (unknown) Carla Ridge Castle Pl Chalette Dr Clinton Pl Evelyn Pl Haynes Ave Lago Vista Dr Lago Vista Pl Lindacrest Dr Loma Linda Dr Loma Vista Dr Monte Cielo Dr N Carla Ridge N Evelyn Pl W Castle Pl W Loma Vista Dr (unknown) Alden Dr Arnaz Dr Beverly Blvd Burton Way Cardiff Ave Chalmers Dr Charleville Blvd Clifton Way Commercial Center St Dayton Way Gregory Way la Peer Dr N Almont Dr N Arnaz Dr N Carson Rd N Clark Dr N Doheny Dr N Gale Dr N Hamel Dr N Hamilton Dr N la Cienega Blvd N la Peer Dr N Le Doux Rd N Maple Dr N Oakhurst Dr N Palm Dr N Robertson Blvd N San Vicente Blvd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills N Stanley Dr N Swall Dr N Wetherly Dr N Willaman Dr Robertson Blvd S Almont Dr S Arnaz Dr S Bedford St S Carson Rd S Clark Dr S Crest Dr S Doheny Dr S Gale Dr S Hamel Dr S Hamilton Dr S la Cienega Blvd S la Peer Dr S Le Doux Rd S Maple Dr S Oakhurst Dr S Orlando Ave S Palm Dr S Robertson Blvd S Sherbourne Dr S Stanley Dr S Swall Dr S Tower Dr S Wetherly Dr S Willaman Dr S Wooster St San Vicente Blvd Tower Dr W 3rd St W 6th St W Olympic Blvd Whitworth Dr Wilshire Blvd N Walker Dr Walker Dr (unknown) Alexis Pl Alpine Dr Alta Dr Arden Dr Arkell Dr Barrie Dr Beverly Blvd Burk Pl Calle Vista Dr Carla Ln Carla Ridge Carmelita Ave Carol Dr Chalette Dr Civic Center Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Clinton Pl Cord Cir Cory Ave Cynthia St Dabney Ln Doheny Rd Drury Ln el Retiro Way Elevado Ave Endrino Pl Foothill Rd Haynes Ave Hillcrest Rd la Altura Rd la Collina Dr Leslie Ln Lexington Rd Loma Vista Dr Lomitas Ave Martin Ln Maytor Pl Monte Leon Dr Monte Leon Ln Mountain Dr N Alexis Pl N Alpine Dr N Alta Dr N Arden Dr N Elm Dr N Foothill Rd N Hillcrest Rd N la Collina Dr N Maple Dr N Oakhurst Dr N Palm Dr N Rexford Dr N Sierra Alta Way N Sierra Dr N Sierra Pl Phyllis St Robert Ln Schuyler Rd Sierra Alta Way Sierra Dr Trousdale Pl Vick Pl W Doheny Rd W Loma Vista Dr W Wallace Rdg Wallace Ridge Williams Ln W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd (unknown) Ocean Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Overland Ave Sepulveda Blvd Westwood Blvd Cota St Dobson Way Fairbanks Way Karen Cir Pickford Way Rhoda Way Stevens Cir Westwood Blvd (unknown) Argan Ave Braddock Dr Franklin Ave Garfield Ave Huntley Ave Huntley Pl W Tavener Ave (unknown) Fairbanks Way Ocean Dr Pickford Way Rhoda Way Studio Dr Virginia Ave Westwood Blvd (unknown) Boise Ave Chase Ave Colonial Ave Frances Ave Kenyon Ave Louise Ave Maxella Ave McConnell Ave McConnell Blvd Meier St Mildred Ave Moore St Neosho Ave Rosabell St W Washington Blvd Wade St Wasatch Ave Washington Blvd Washington Pl Zanja St (unknown) Atlantic Ave East Blvd Inglewood Blvd Kensington Rd Louise Ave Marcasel Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221012 221013 221013 221013 221013 221013 221013 221013 Centerline Length (ft) 78 39 9 56 329 484 192 348 436 189 593 20 0 227 785 464 1,001 423 0 1,241 1,014 659 1,110 438 888 1,052 797 3,397 610 150 919 50 150 629 275 2,927 2,927 607 2,052 145 185 839 2,874 1,204 830 2,874 1,930 154 159 709 376 504 106 192 310 6.E-19 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd (unknown) Clarmon Pl Cota St Deshire Pl Drakewood Ave Fairbanks Way Flaxton Ave Flaxton St Galvin St Hazelton Ave Jefferson Blvd Kingston Ave Kinston Kinston Ave Northgate St Ocean Dr Overland Ave Pickford Way Rhoda Way Westwood Blvd Whitburn St Youngworth Rd (unknown) Clarmon Pl Deshire Pl Galvin St Hollow Corner Rd Indian Wood Rd Indianwood Rd Jefferson Blvd Jordan Way Marietta Ln Northgate St Ocean Dr Overland Ave Raintree Cir Saratoga Ln Virginia Ave (unknown) Farragut Dr Jasmine Ave Keystone Ave Le Bourget Ave Mentone Ave Motor Ave Overland Ave Vinton Ave (unknown) Jefferson Blvd Leahy St Pearson St (unknown) Campbell Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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123 94 863 27 23 23 2,661 689 48 816 74 2,954 28 29 815 324 1,088 2,739 1,720 1,540 1,230 1,173 108 1,624 363 1,605 55 71 874 180 6.E-20 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Grand View Blvd Herbert St Herbert Way Inglewood Blvd Lindblade Dr S Centinela Ave W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd Washington Pl (unknown) Aletta Ave Alley North of Washington Blvd Alley South of Washington Alley Way South of Washington Blvd Arizona Ave Astaire Ave Barman Ave Braddock Dr Charles Ave Coogan Cir Coombs Ave Culver Blvd Culver Center Culver Center St Elenda St Farragut Dr Franklin Ave Garfield Ave Garland Dr Girard Ave Harter Ave Hepburn Cir Huron Ave Lamarr Ave Lindblade St Marietta Ave Matteson Ave Midway Ave Milton Ave Oregon Ave Skelton Cir Spad Pl Tilden Ave W Washington Blvd Wagner St Washington Blvd Westwood Blvd (unknown) Albright Ave Alley Way South of Washington Blvd Barman Ave Bentley Ave Bledsoe Ave Braddock Dr Center St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City College Ave Commonwealth Ave Commonwealth Cir Corinth Ave Culver Blvd Farragut Dr Franklin Ave Garfield Ave Globe Ave Harter Ave Huntley Ave Huron Ave Lindblade St Matteson Ave Piggott Dr Pigott Dr Prospect Ave Sawtelle Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Star Cir Tilden Ave Tuller Ave W Washington Blvd Wagner St Washington Blvd Washington Pl (unknown) Braddock Dr Coombs Ave Emerald Way Farragut Dr Huron Ave Overland Ave (unknown) Alley South of Culver Alley Way South of Washington Blvd Barman Ave Braddock Dr Culver Blvd Farragut Dr Franklin Ave Garfield Ave Goldwyn Ter Jasmine Ave Jean Pl Keystone Ave Le Bourget Ave Mentone Ave Motor Ave Oregon Ave Overland Ave Palm Court Way Park Ave Vinton Ave W Washington Blvd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Washington Blvd Berryman Ave Dawes Ave Emporia Ave Emporia Pl Etheldo Ave Hammack St McDonald St Orville St Port Rd Purdue Ave S Slauson Ave Selmaraine Dr Slauson Ave Woolford St (unknown) Alley East of Sepulveda Alley North of Jefferson Ballona Ln Bernardo Rd Berryman Ave Blanco Way Bush Way Coolidge Ave Corryne Pl Cota St Cranks Rd Culver Park Dr Culver Park Pl Culview St Diller Ave Dobson Way Drakewood Ave el Rincon Way Esterina Way Eveward Rd Fairbanks Way Grayridge Dr Hannum Ave Hayter Ave Heritage Pl Hill Rd Janisann Ave Jefferson Blvd Kalein Dr Kelmore St Kingston Ave Kinston Ave Knightsbridge Ave Linda Way Lugo Way Machado Rd Malat Way McDonald St Molony Rd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City North Dr Orville St Overland Ave Patom Dr Pickford Way Playa Ct Playa St Port Rd Purdue Ave Ranch Rd Rudman Dr Ryandale Dr S Sepulveda Blvd S Slauson Ave Sawtelle Blvd Segrell Way Selmaraine Dr Sepulveda Blvd Slauson Ave South Dr Stephon Ter Stevens Ave Stever Ct Stever St Stubbs Ln Tellefson Rd W Slauson Ave Whitburn St Woolford St Youngworth Rd (unknown) Bristol Pkwy Buckingham Pkwy Corryne Pl Cranks Rd Esterina Way Hannum Ave Hill Rd Jefferson Blvd Knightsbridge Ave Linda Way Playa Ct Playa St S Sepulveda Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Slauson Ave W Slauson Ave (unknown) Arizona Ave Green Valley Cir Hannum Ave S Sepulveda Blvd Selmaraine Dr Sepulveda Blvd W Centinela Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Length (ft) 70 1,129 1,792 1,605 750 876 3,744 651 54 681 900 783 4,499 489 3,777 2,341 13 4,499 10 54 263 1,256 195 791 585 484 10 143 591 19 1,469 6 1,055 100 42 313 421 35 391 83 12 58 109 1,355 1,355 2,612 2,640 962 103 793 257 2,311 183 2,311 1,114 6.E-24 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City (unknown) Bristol Pkwy Buckingham Pkwy Cambridge Way Canterbury Dr Corporate Pointe Corporate Pointe Walk Doverwood Dr Green Valley Cir Hannum Ave Kensington Way N Summer Way Sumner Way Uplander Way W Slauson Ave Windsor Way (unknown) Bristol Pkwy Canterbury Dr Green Valley Cir W Centinela Ave W Slauson Ave Windsor Way (unknown) Albright Ave Barman Ave Berryman Ave Bledsoe Ave Braddock Dr Coolidge Ave Culver Blvd Globe Ave Herbert St Huntley Ave Matteson Ave McLaughlin Ave Minerva Ave Purdue Ave Sawtelle Blvd Tuller Ave W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd (unknown) Baldwin Ave Braddock Dr Culver Blvd Farragut Dr Jackson Ave la Salle Ave Leahy St Madison Ave Pearson St Revere Pl (unknown) Duquesne Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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875 3,030 2,636 471 7 413 921 68 186 6.E-25 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Jefferson Blvd (unknown) Duquesne Ave Jefferson Blvd (unknown) Bagley Ave Braddock Dr Cardiff Ave Culver Blvd Culver City Police Dept Delmas Ter Dunn Dr Duquesne Ave Farragut Dr Grant Ave Hughes Ave Ince Blvd Irving Pl Lafayette Pl Lincoln Ave Madison Ave Main St S Canfield Ave School St Van Buren Pl W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd Watseka Ave (unknown) Adams Blvd Blackwelder St Duquesne Ave Fairfax Ave Higuera St Hines Ave Lincoln Ave Perry Dr S Fairfax Ave S la Cienega Blvd Smiley Dr W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd (unknown) Carson St Culver Blvd Culver City Police Dept Delmas Ter Duquesne Ave E Carson St Exposition Blvd Hayden Pl Higuera St Hoke Ave Hubbard St Hughes Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Jacob St la Cienega Ave McManus Ave Melvil St Reid Ave Reid St Roberts Ave S Sherbourne Dr Schaefer St Sentney Ave Sherbourne Dr Smiley Dr W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd Wesley St (unknown) Eastham Dr Hayden Ave Hayden Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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221063 221063 221063 221063 221063 221063 221063 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221064 221065 221065 221065 221065 Centerline Length (ft) 2,232 1,328 20 764 1,311 846 546 716 529 71 3,769 3,805 21 1,954 329 274 7 96 106 170 170 97 75 64 231 1,354 1,354 2,613 873 1,154 14 1,306 34 63 760 17 2,445 28 1,136 33 1,047 1,047 1,097 22 28 666 999 166 2,674 2,674 27 455 1,020 1,162 1,168 6.E-27 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City Culver City 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Centerline Length (ft) 1,582 3,235 1,607 1,045 1,055 446 59 1,793 343 69 2,597 1,380 1,136 1,302 1,210 1,620 1,408 1,488 1,085 672 224 93 112 540 57 136 1,148 184 716 238 6 429 879 893 191 187 185 58 197 198 184 190 194 3,237 3,237 1,052 126 116 45 45 116 138 16 22 307 6.E-28 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood (unknown) Acacia St Austin Ave Centinela Ave Cory Dr Enterprise Ave Evergreen St Flora Dr Glenway Dr Hardin Dr Hill St Kew St Kincaid Ave Kincaid St Knowlton St la Tijera Blvd Laurelwood Dr N Acacia St N Beach St N Cedar St N Inglewood Ave S Copperwood Ave S Fairfax Ave S la Cienega Blvd S la Tijera Blvd S Laurelwood Dr Short St Venice Way Victor Ave W 64th Pl W 64th St W Amberwood Dr W Beach Ave W Centinela Ave W Ellis Ave W Fairview Blvd W Goldenwood Dr W Hillsdale St W Plymouth St (unknown) Alpha St Alviso Ave Austin Ave Buckler Ave Cable Pl Centinela Ave Condon Ave E 64th Pl E 65th St E 66th St E 67th St E 68th St E Beach Ave E Brett St E Ellis Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Street Name Drainage Configuration Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood E Fair Pl E Fairview Blvd E Florence Ave E Hazel St E Hillsdale St E Hyde Park Blvd E Hyde Park Pl E Ivy Ave E Park Way E Plymouth St E Queen St E Regent St Edgewood St Eileen Ave Fair Pl Field Ave Forest St Glenway Dr Grace Ave Grosvenor St Hargrave St High St Industrial Ave Inglewood Ave Keniston Ave la Brea Ave Lamos St Meadowbrook Ln N Ash Ave N Cedar Ave N Chester Ave N Eucalyptus Ave N Exton Ave N Fir Ave N Gay St N Grevillea Ave N Hillcrest Blvd N Inglewood Ave N Lamos St N Locust St N Long St N Market St N Marlborough Ave N Oak St N Osage Ave N Park Ave N Prairie Ave Overhill Dr Pepper Ct Pine Ct S Ash Ave S Cedar Ave S Eucalyptus Ave S Fir Ave S Harcourt Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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830 796 1,983 549 848 5,118 953 571 1,099 4,122 3,819 2,998 2,479 1,750 8,900 87 2,205 1,889 674 534 1,677 743 479 4,080 4,015 1,818 4,154 1,510 4,866 663 973 540 458 2,681 3,178 3,175 3,172 4,817 6.E-31 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles W 81st St W 82nd Pl W 82nd St W 83rd St W 84th Pl W 84th St W 85th St W 88th St W 90th St West Blvd Ballona Promenade Park Bay St S Pacific Ave (unknown) Admiral Ave Alla Rd Beach Ave Beethoven St Bonaparte Ave Culver Blvd Gilmore Ave Glencoe Ave Greene Ave Hager Ave Ida Ave Lyceum Ave Maxella Ave Michael Ave Mindanao Way Moore St Panama St Redwood Ave Rubens Ave S Alla Rd S Beethoven St S Tivoli Ave Short Ave Sunnyside Ave Tivoli Ave W Marina Fwy Walsh Ave Zanja St Culver Blvd (unknown) Alla Rd Alley Culver Blvd Fiji Way Glencoe Ave la Villa Marina Mindanao Way Panama St Redwood Ave (unknown) Culver Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Inglewood Blvd Marshall Dr Purdue Ave S Centinela Ave S Sepulveda Blvd S Slauson Ave S Sycamore Dr Sawtelle Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Allin St Braddock Dr Havelock Ave Mascagni St Milton St Patrae St Presnell St Wagner St (unknown) Argan Ave Beloit Ave Berryman Ave Braddock Dr Bradson Pl Coolidge Ave Greenlawn Ave Havelock Ave Huntley Ave Imlay Ave Lucerne Ave Nina Pl Purdue Ave S Slauson Ave Sawtelle Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Slauson Ave Sycamore Dr Utopia Ave W Tavener Ave Youngworth St (unknown) Admiral Ave Barbara Ave Boise Ave Bonaparte Ave Braddock Dr Caswell Ave Chase Ave Colonial Ave Culver Blvd del Ray Blvd Frances Ave Gilmore Ave Greene Ave Harding Ave Havelock Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Ida Ave Kelly St Kenyon Ave Louise Ave Mascagni St Matteson Ave Maxella Ave May St Mc Cune Ave McConnell Ave McConnell Blvd McCune Ave Meier St Milton St Mitchell Ave Moore St Neosho Ave Pacific Ave Panama St Patrae St Presnell St Rosabell St Rubens Ave S Westlawn Ave Short Ave Stewart Ave Verdi St Victoria Ave Wade St Wagner St Walsh Ave Wasatch Ave Westlawn Ave Windward Ave Zanja St (unknown) Allin St Atlantic Ave Avon Way Braddock Dr Courtleigh Dr Culver Blvd East Blvd Fire and Svc Rd Havelock Ave Inglewood Blvd Kensington Rd Lindblade St Louise Ave Marcasel Ave Marcasel Ct Marshall St N Park Ave Pacific Ave Rowles Ct Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles S Park Ave Stoner Ave W South Park Ave Wagner St Washington Pl (unknown) Allin St Barbara Ave Braddock Dr Campbell Dr Caswell Ave Charnock Rd Colonial Ave Culver Blvd Culver Dr del Ray Blvd Farias Ave Gilmore Ave Grand View Blvd Greene Ave Harding Ave Havelock Ave Herbert St Inglewood Blvd Keeshen Dr Lamanda St Lindblade Dr Louise Ave Marshall Dr Marshall St Matteson Ave Mc Cune Ave McCune Ave Milton St Mitchell Ave Modjeska Pl Mountain View Ave Ocean View Ave Pacific Ave Palms Blvd Preston Way Rose Ave S Barrington Ave S Bundy Dr S Centinela Ave Sanford Dr Short Ave Stanwood Dr Stewart Ave Stoner Ave Sylvester St Verdi St Victoria Ave W Wagner St Wagner St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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1,886 1,108 1 66 1,429 4 10,435 726 50 358 147 317 491 412 2,404 154 909 6.E-35 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Walsh Ave Washington Pl Westlawn Ave Westminster Ave Windward Ave Woodbine St Woodgreen St Lucerne Ave Saint Nicholas Ave (unknown) Biona Dr Bledsoe Ave Butler Ave Charnock Rd Corinth Ave Culver Blvd Dufresne Ct Ellenda Ave Ellenda Pl Francis Pl Glendon Ave Greenfield Ave Greenlawn Ave Harter Ave Kelton Ave Kingsland St Las Flores Ct Lawler St Lucerne Ave Luy Rd Malcolm Ave Mc Cune Ave McCune Ave Midvale Ave Military Ave National Blvd National Pl Nutmeg Ave Overland Ave Palms Blvd Purdue Ave Queensland St Regent St Rose Ave S Bentley Ave S Overland Ave S Sepulveda Blvd Saint Nicholas Ave Sawtelle Blvd Selby Ave Sepulveda Blvd Tabor St Tenino Ave Tilden Ave Veteran Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Victoria Ave Washington Pl Westminster Ave Westwood Blvd Woodbine St (unknown) Bannockburn Dr Bridlevale Dr Cavendish Dr Charnock Rd Cheviot Dr Cheviot Vista Pl Clarkson Rd Club Dr Cresta Dr Dunleer Dr Dunleer Pl Earlmar Dr Edith St Empire Dr Forrester Dr Francis Pl Gilmerton Ave Glenbarr Ave Goldwyn Ter Haddington Dr Irene St Ivy Glen Way Jasmine Ave Keystone Ave Kilrenney Ave Kincardine Ave Lawler St Lorenzo Dr Lovelane Pl Manning Ave McCune Ave Mentone Ave Motor Ave Motor Pl National Blvd Northvale Rd Old Motor Ave Overland Ave Palms Blvd Patricia Ave Philo St Queensbury Dr Regent St Rose Ave Rossbury Pl Tabor St Valparaiso St Vinton Ave Walavista Rd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Dr W Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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1,912 116 2,911 5,559 2,134 652 1,864 2,249 67 1,031 2,720 6.E-39 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Boeing Ave Boeing Pl Breen Ave Compass Dr Croydon Ave Dunfield Ave el Manor Ave Flight Ave Flight Pl Glider Ave Goddard Ave Grimsby Ave Handley Ave Hindry Ave Hosford Ave Isis Ave Kentwood Ave Kittyhawk Ave la Tijera Blvd Lilienthal Ave Midfield Ave Naylor Ave Osage Ave Piper Ave Piper Pl Portal Ave Ramsgate Ave Reading Ave S la Tijera Blvd S Sepulveda Blvd Sepulveda Blvd Stetson Ave Toland Ave Truxton Ave Vicksburg Ave W 74th St W 75th Pl W 75th St W 76th Pl W 76th St W 77th Pl W 77th St W 78th Pl W 78th St W 79th Pl W 79th St W 80th Pl W 80th St W 82nd St W 83rd Pl W 83rd St W 84th St W 85th Pl Wiley Post Ave Winsford Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) R AF T Jurisdiction D Subwatershed 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 491029 Centerline Length (ft) 2,618 289 1,401 791 2,840 39 508 4,964 1,194 1,396 1,508 657 1,088 1,753 7 2,097 845 3,548 5,290 739 2,899 3,622 3,653 904 158 308 2,827 2,586 5,426 2,342 2,342 275 1,758 3,652 2,057 490 875 4,117 310 6,412 2,349 5,277 1,031 7,144 155 7,148 75 1,819 4,237 1,545 6,273 386 2,653 1,045 2,478 6.E-40 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Wynkoop St Yorktown Ave Yorktown Pl (unknown) Alsace Ave Alviso Ave Angeles Vista Blvd Buckler Ave Condon Ave Deane Ave E 65th St E 66th St E 67th St E 68th St E Hyde Park Blvd Edgemar Ave Eileen Ave Fair Pl Hyde Park Blvd Keniston Ave la Brea Ave Long St Mecham Way Midfield Ave N Long St Overhill Dr S Harcourt Ave S la Brea Ave S la Cienega Blvd S Rimpau Blvd S Verdun Ave Thornburn St Valley Ridge Ave W 58th Pl W 59th Pl W 59th St W 60th St W 61st St W 62nd Pl W 62nd St W 63rd St W 64th Pl W 64th St W 67th St W Slauson Ave West Blvd Wexham Way (unknown) Allin St Barman Ave Barman St Barry Ave Berryman Ave Biona Dr Bledsoe Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Braddock Dr Butler Ave Charnock Rd Coolidge Ave Corinth Ave Culver Blvd Dawes Ave East Blvd Federal Ave Francis Pl Grand View Blvd Granville Ave Herbert St Indianapolis St Inglewood Blvd Keeshen Dr Lawler St Lindblade Pl Lindblade St Marco Pl Marionwood Dr Matteson Ave Mc Cune Ave McCune Ave McLaughlin Ave Minerva Ave Mountain View Ave Nutmeg Ave Palms Blvd Purdue Ave Regent St S Barrington Ave S Barry Ave S Corinth Ave S Purdue Ave S Slauson Ave Saint Susan Pl Sawtelle Blvd Slauson Ave Stoner Ave Tabor St Tenino Ave Tuller Ave Victoria Ave Vienna Way W Barman St W Charnock Rd Wagner St Washington Pl Westminster Ave Westminster Pl Woodbine St (unknown) Allaseba Dr Amherst Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Centerline Length (ft) 779 1,360 3,969 3,517 2,676 3,325 648 199 2,371 471 757 895 30 530 2,809 939 1,474 145 885 127 1,569 1,414 317 317 6,859 1,708 2,289 216 2,135 3,552 382 1,189 807 27 27 2,072 372 2,123 1,006 2,798 762 182 342 2,460 135 40 1,086 392 1,467 3,208 283 1,386 4,718 508 6,148 6.E-42 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Armacost Ave Artemis Pl Ayres Ave Ayrshire Rd Barrington Ct Barrington Walk Barry Ave Beloit Ave Beyond Way Bonsall Ave Bringham Ave Broadway Broadway St Brockton Ave Brookhaven Ave Burkshire Ave Butler Ave Ceilhunt Ave Centinela Ave Chaparal St Chayote St Chenault St Clarkson Rd Clover Ave Colbert Ave Colbert St Colby Ave Colorado Ave Coolidge Ave Coolidge Pl Corinth Ave Cotner Ave Craigview Ave Crescenda St Dahlgren Ave Darlington Ave Delaware Ave Dewey St Dorothy St Dunstan Way E Downes Rd Eisenhower Ave Evensong Dr Everglade St Exposition Blvd Federal Ave Gateway Blvd Gorham Ave Gorham Pl Goshen Ave Graham Pl Grand View Blvd Granville Ave Halvern Dr Idaho Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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1,570 607 2,982 611 3,190 12,241 268 4,849 6.E-43 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Indianapolis St Inglewood Ave Inglewood Blvd Iowa Ave Ivy Pl Keeshen Dr Kingsland St Kiowa Ave la Grange Ave Lawler St Lorna Ct Malone St Marine St Massachusetts Ave Mayfield Ave McLaughlin Ave Mississippi Ave Missouri Ave Montana Ave Mountain View Ave N Barrington Ave N Saltair Ave National Blvd Navy St Nebraska Ave Ocean Park Blvd Ohio Ave Palms Blvd Pearl Pl Pearl St Pennsylvania Ave Pontius Ave Purdue Ave Radio Dr Rhode Island Ave Richland Ave Rochester Ave Rose Ave S Barrington Ave S Barrington Pl S Barry Ave S Beloit Ave S Bundy Dr S Carmelina Ave S Centinela Ave S Colby Ave S Coolidge Ave S Gateway Blvd S Gunston Dr S Layton Dr S Ohio Ave S Saltair Ave S Wellesley Ave S Westgate Ave S Woodburn Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Saint Susan Pl San Vicente Blvd Sardis Ave Sawtelle Blvd Stanwood Dr Stoner Ave Sunset Pkwy Tennessee Ave Tennessee Pl Terryhill Pl Texas Ave Thermo St Virginia Ave W Gateway Blvd W Nebraska Ave W Olympic Blvd W Pico Blvd W San Vicente Blvd W Tennessee Ave Walnut Ln Wellesley Ave Wilshire Blvd Woodbine St Wyoming Ave Bentley Ave Brookhaven Ave Clover Ave Cotner Ave Graham Pl Greenfield Ave Ivy Pl Kelton Ave Kingsland St Military Ave National Blvd Pearl St Pickford St Pontius Ave Queensland St Richland Ave Rose Ave S Bentley Ave S Sepulveda Blvd S Sepulveda Ct S Tilden Ave Sardis Ave Sawtelle Blvd Stanwood Dr Tennessee Ave Tilden Ave Veteran Ave W Olympic Blvd W Pickford St W Pico Blvd (unknown) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Fairburn Ave Forrester Dr Fox Hills Dr Garden Ln Garwood Pl Gilmerton Ave Glenbarr Ave Glendon Ave Glenmont Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Greenfield Ave Haddington Dr Hilgard Ave Hilts Ave Holman Ave Holmby Ave Ilona Ave Kelton Ave Kerwood Ave Keswick Ave Kinnard Ave la Grange Ave Lauriston Ave Le Conte Ave Lindbrook Dr Linnington Ave Lomond Ave Lorenzo Dr Lorenzo Pl Loring Ave Louisiana Ave Malcolm Ave Manning Ave Massachusetts Ave Mgm Dr Midvale Ave Military Ave Mississippi Ave Missouri Ave Monte Mar Dr Motor Ave N Temple Way National Blvd Norcroft Ave Northvale Rd Oaklawn Rd Ohio Ave Orton Ave Overland Ave Pandora Ave Parnell Ave Patricia Ave Pelham Ave Prosser Ave Putney Rd Richland Ave Rochester Ave Rossbury Pl Rountree Rd S Ave of the Stars S Beverly Glen Blvd S Mapleton Dr Santa Monica Blvd Selby Ave Sproul Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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3,958 1,968 2,489 3,990 2,027 327 912 1,001 2,080 2,653 9,984 12,930 2,131 93 3,842 169 3,661 4,829 1,752 2,407 30 1,216 175 839 313 3,854 632 7,540 2,388 4,261 5,554 4,209 6,155 1,750 955 6,269 377 1,419 1,698 12,217 1,963 4,921 10,107 80 6.E-47 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles St Regis Dr Strathmore Ave Strathmore Dr Tennessee Ave Thayer Ave Troon Ave Verona Ave Veteran Ave W Galaxy Way W Mississippi Ave W Olympic Blvd W Pico Blvd Warnall Ave Warner Ave Wellworth Ave Westholme Ave Westwood Blvd Weyburn Ave Wicklow Rd Wigtown Rd Wilkins Ave Wilshire Blvd Woodruff Ave Wyton Dr (unknown) Amapola Ln Angelo Dr Bainbridge Ave Basil Ln Bel Air Rd Bellagio Rd Beverly Glen Pl Bottlebrush Dr Briarwood Dr Charing Cross Rd Chrysanthemum Ln Claray Dr Clearwood Ct Comstock Ave Conway Ave Copa de Oro Rd Crater Ln Cuesta Way Duluth Ln Fernbush Ln Greendale Dr Hilgard Ave Isadora Ln Isadore Ln Lomond Ave Loring Ave Madrono Ln N Angelo Dr N Basil Ln N Beverly Glen Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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6.E-48 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles N Bushrod Ln N Claray Dr N Crater Ln N Faring Rd N Langtry Ln N Latimer Ln N Mapleton Dr N Nicada Dr N Oletha Ln N Parkwood Dr N Pointer Ln N Rial Ln N Tiffany Cir N Woodwardia Dr Nicada Dr Nimes Rd Oletha Ln Parkwood Dr Raybet Rd Revuelta Way Rial Ln S Beverly Glen Blvd Saint Cloud Rd Sandall Ln Scenario Ln Seabury Ln Selkirk Ln Sprucewood Ln St Pierre Rd Strada Corta Rd Tiffany Cir W Briarwood Dr W Chrysanthemum Ln W Louvain Ln W Oletha Ln W Polo Ln W Ridgetop Ln W Scenario Ln W Seabury Ln W Selkirk Ln Woodruff Ave Woodwardia Dr (unknown) Ashton Ave Ayres Ave Brookhaven Ave Broxton Ave Camden Ave Gayley Ave Glendon Ave Greenfield Ave Hilgard Ave Kelton Ave Kinross Ave la Grange Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Le Conte Ave Lindbrook Dr Malcolm Ave Manning Ave Manning Dr Massachusetts Ave Midvale Ave Military Ave Mississippi Ave Missouri Ave Ohio Ave Richland Ave Rochester Ave S Bentley Ave S Sepulveda Blvd S Westwood Blvd Sardis Ave Sproul Ave Tennessee Ave Tilden Ave Tiverton Ave Tiverton Dr Veteran Ave W Brookhaven Ave W Olympic Blvd W Pico Blvd Wellworth Ave Westwood Blvd Weyburn Ave Weyburn Pl Wilkins Ave Wilshire Blvd (unknown) Acanto St Acari Dr Albata St Ashdale Ave Ashdale Pl Ayrshire Rd Barlock Ave Bellagio Rd Bellagio Ter Beloit Ave Bentley Cir Berwick St Beverly Park Dr Bolas St Bronwood Ave Burnham St Cascada Way Cashmere St Cashmere Ter Chalon Rd Chenault St Dalkeith Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Davis Ave Denair St Denslow Ave Elderwood St Farlin St Gladwin St Glenroy Pl Homedale St Isleta St Joffre St Kiel St Ledo Way Levering Ave Linda Flora Dr Montana Ave N Bentley Ave N Church Ln N Glenroy Ave N Glenroy Pl N Sepulveda Blvd N Thurston Ave N Thurston Pl Orum Rd Ovada Pl S Bentley Ave S Church Ln S Glenroy Ave S Gunston Dr S Layton Dr S Montana Ave S Sepulveda Blvd S Thurston Ave S Woodburn Dr Tavistock Ave Thurston Cir Waterford St (unknown) Acanto Pl Bel Ter Bellagio Rd Brownfield Dr Canyonback Rd Casiano Rd Collina Strada St Corda Dr Corda Ln Elvido Dr Elvill Dr Mission Dump Rd Montego Dr Mountain Gate Dr Mountaingate Dr Mountaingate Ridge Rd Mulholland Dr Mulholland Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Length (ft) 25 446 587 563 591 652 274 1,334 590 372 177 134 242 2,154 1,752 304 252 999 274 463 639 306 163 328 2,403 231 1,707 222 59 58 1,020 919 364 714 477 725 116 1,118 90 389 74 95 1,415 13 1,192 267 1,416 417 209 23 14 14 43 1,040 1 6.E-51 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles N Sepulveda Blvd Park Lane Cir Park Lane Dr Park Lane Pl Sepulveda Blvd Skirball Center Dr Sloan Dr Stone Oak Dr Zeldins Way (unknown) Aqua Verde Dr Belcanto Belcanto Dr Bellagio Rd Brownwood Pl Casiano Rd Duomo Via Earls Ct Hamner Dr Milldale Dr Moraga Dr Moraga Ter N Sepulveda Blvd Nalin Dr Nalin Pl Roscomare Rd Spiros Dr Bellagio Rd Bellagio Way Bentley Cir Cashmere St Cashmere Ter Constitution Ave Denslow Ave Funchal Rd Gayley Ave Greenfield Ave Kelton Ave Levering Ave Midvale Ave Montana Ave N Bentley Ave Ophir Dr Strathmore Dr Tilden Ave Veteran Ave W Bellagio Pl Wilshire Blvd (unknown) Anzio Rd Bellagio Rd Chalon Rd Donella Cir Linda Flora Dr Roscomare Rd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Savona Rd Stradella Rd Verano Rd (unknown) Chalon Rd Chantilly Rd Portofino Pl Roberto Ln Savona Rd Somera Rd Stradella Ct Stradella Rd Tarcuto Way Via Verona St Vicenza Way Broxton Ave Cashmere St Constitution Ave Gayley Ave Glenrock Ave Kinross Ave Landfair Ave Le Conte Ave Levering Ave Midvale Ave North Ln Ophir Dr Roebling Ave S Buenos Aires Dr S Westwood Blvd South Ln Strathmore Dr Strathmore Pl Veteran Ave Westwood Blvd Weyburn Ave Weyburn Pl Bellagio Rd Capello Way Chalon Rd Dolcedo Way Fontenelle Way Lausanne Rd Levico Way Lindamere Dr Marymount Pl Mulholland Dr N Angola Ln N Bernardine Ln N Columbine Ln N Hermos Ln N Melody Ln Ottone Way Rocca Pl Rocca Wy Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Roscomare Rd Siena Way Somma Way Stone Canyon Rd Strada Corta Rd Stradella Rd Taranto Way Tortuoso Way Udine Way Vestone Way W Burford Ln W Chrysanthemum Ln W Cymbal Ln W Hector Ln W Louvain Ln W Montier Ln W Oletha Ln W Ruthven Ln W Scenario Ln W Seabury Ln W Selkirk Ln W Tulip Ln W Tupelo Ln W Urlan Ln Ambazac Way Barnaby Rd Bellagio Rd Carcassone Rd Chalon Rd Dolo Way Groverton Pl N Perugia Way Perugia Way Sarbonne Rd Siena Way Stradella Rd (unknown) Altman Ave Anchor Ave Bagley Ave Barbydell Dr Beverly Dr Beverlywood St Beverwil Dr Bolton Rd Bridlevale Dr Burgen Ave Cardiff Ave Castle Heights Ave Castle Heights Pl Cattaraugus Ave Charnock Ave Cheviot Dr Cisco St Clarington Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Club Dr Cresta Dr Culver Blvd Danalda Dr Dannyhill Dr Delmas Ter Dunn Dr Duxbury Cir Duxbury Ln Duxbury Pl Edith St Faris Dr Flint Ave Forrester Dr Girla Way Guthrie Ct Guthrie Dr Hannum Dr Hughes Ave Kincardine Ave Kirkside Rd Krim Dr Manning Ave Manning Ct Mc Connell Dr Mc Connell Pl Medill Pl Monte Mar Dr Monte Mar Pl Monte Mar Ter Motor Pl National Blvd Oakhurst Ave Oakmore Rd Palms Blvd Patricia Ave Provon Ln Regent St Rossbury Pl Roxbury Dr S Beverly Dr S Canfield Ave S Roxbury Dr Sawyer St Shelby Dr Stellbar Pl Tabor St Vicar St Watseka Ave Woodbine St (unknown) Airdrome St Alcott St Beverwil Dr Cashio St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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317 496 180 241 1,063 418 2,051 1,527 1,418 584 280 657 2,194 293 1,006 3,363 844 1,006 1,025 1,308 201 1,281 528 1,541 330 872 24 155 2,899 939 6.E-55 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Edris Dr el Camino Dr Holcomb St Horner St Lockford St Monte Mar Dr Reeves St Rexford Dr Rodeo Dr S Beverly Dr S Camden Dr S Crescent Dr S el Camino Dr S Elm Dr S Rexford Dr S Rodeo Dr Saturn St Smithwood Dr W Pico Blvd Whitworth Dr (unknown) Alcott St Ambassador St Ave of the Stars Beverly Green Dr Cashio St Castello Pl Century Hill Century Park E Century Park Ln Club View Dr Constellation Blvd Daniels Dr Eastborne Ave Empyrean Way Ensley Ave Galaxy Way Heath Ave Hillgreen Pl Horner St Motor Ave Newman St Peck Dr Peerless Pl Peg Pl Roxbury Dr S Ave of the Stars S Bedford Dr S Camden Dr S Castello Ave S Roxbury Dr Santa Monica Blvd Saturn St Vidor Dr W Empyrean Way Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles W Galaxy Way W Olympic Blvd W Pico Blvd Wilshire Blvd Angelo Dr Baroda Dr Brooklawn Dr Charing Cross Rd Delfern Dr Greendale Dr N Angelo Dr N Brooklawn Dr N Faring Rd N Mapleton Dr S Mapleton Dr (unknown) Angelo Cir Angelo Dr Brooklawn Dr Ladera Dr Maybrook Dr Monovale Dr N Angelo Dr N Brooklawn Dr N Carolwood Dr N Hanover Dr N Maybrook Dr (unknown) Angelo Dr Angelo View Dr Antelope Rd Anthony Pl Arby Dr Baywood Ct Bella Dr Benedict Canon Benedict Canyon Dr Beverly Estate Dr Beverly Estates Dr Beverly Estates Ter Beverly View Dr Blantyre Dr Cardigan Pl Cielo Dr de Camp Dr Decamp Dr Deep Canyon Dr Deep Canyon Pl Delresto Dr Drake Ln Easton Dr Ellison Dr Eventide Pl Firth Dr Gloucester Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Hensal Rd Hilary Ln Hillgrove Dr Hillgrove Pl Hutton Dr Hutton Pl Java Dr Kirkland Dr Lancer Ct Lawrence Ln Liebe Dr Mark Pl Maybrook Dr Mossy Rock Cir N Angelo Dr N Bella Dr N Benedict Canon Dr N Benedict Canyon Dr N Beverly Estate Dr N Deep Canyon Dr N Deep Canyon Pl N Delresto Dr N Eventide Pl N Hilary Ln N Hutton Dr N Maybrook Dr N Shadybrook Dr N Sundial Ln N Trudy Dr N Wallingford Dr Oak Pass Rd Philbert Dr Portola Dr Rimmele Dr Shadybrook Dr Stowell Ln Sundial Ln Trudy Dr W Antelope Rd W Cardigan Pl W Cielo Dr W Gloucester Dr W Hillgrove Dr W Liebe Dr W Stowell Ln W Wendover Dr W Westwanda Dr Wallingford Dr Wanda Park Dr Wendover Dr Westwanda Dr Yoakum Dr Beth Pl Beverly Grove Dr Curwood Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Ferrari Dr Glenside Pl High Ridge Dr High Ridge Pl Highridge Dr Highridge Pl Millboro Pl N Tower Grove Ln Peavine Dr San Cir San Ysidro Dr Shangri la Dr Stan Pl Summit Dr Summitridge Dr Tower Grove Dr Tower Rd W Beverly Grove Dr Altridge Dr Blueridge Dr Dawn Ridge Dr Dawnridge Dr Beverly Park Dr Beverly Park St Beverly Pl Desford Dr Donhill Dr Franklin Canyon Dr High Ridge Dr Highland Gorge Dr Highland Gorge Trl Highridge Dr Hillcrest Dr Lake Franklin Dr Laurel Way N Beverly Dr N Franklin Canyon Dr Robmar Dr Summitridge Dr Sutton Way W Lake Franklin Dr W Monte Vista Way (unknown) Alto Cedro Dr Arrowood Dr Bowmont Dr Calle Juela Dr Cedarbrook Dr Eden Dr Eden Pl el Roble Ln Gloaming Dr Hazen Dr Heather Rd Kimridge Rd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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55 30 1 110 57 482 29 130 45 20 28 180 816 303 560 6.E-59 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Leander Pl Lindacrest Dr Lloydcrest Dr Loma Vista Dr N Bowmont Dr Noel Pl Tullis Dr W Alto Cedro Dr W Cherokee Ln W Hazen Dr Franklin Canyon Dr Hidden Valley Pl Lake Dr Mulholland Dr (unknown) 10th Ave 11th Ave 12th Ave 13th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Adams Blvd Alsace Ave Bangor St Blackwelder St Boden St Buckingham Rd Carlin St Carmona Ave Chesapeake Ave Claudina Ave Clyde Ave Crenshaw Blvd Duray Pl Edgehill Dr Fairfax Ave Farmdale Ave Ferndale St Field Ave Fir St Geer St Glennie Ln Hauser Blvd Hickory St Highland Dr Hillcrest Dr Homeside Ave la Brea Ave la Cienega Pl Lucerne Ave Montclair St Potomac Ave Roseland St S Bronson Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles S Buckingham Rd S Burnside Ave S Cloverdale Ave S Cochran Ave S Curson Ave S Dunsmuir Ave S Fairfax Ave S Genesee Ave S Harcourt Ave S Highland Ave S Highland Dr S la Brea Ave S la Cienega Blvd S Longwood Ave S Lucerne Ave S Mansfield Ave S Marvin Ave S Orange Dr S Palm Grove Ave S Redondo Blvd S Ridgeley Dr S Rimpau Blvd S Spaulding Ave S Sycamore Ave S Victoria Ave S West Blvd S West View St Smiley Dr Somerset Dr South Virginia Rd Spokane St Thurman Ave Vineyard Ave Virginia Rd W 20th St W 21st St W 23rd St W 25th St W 28th St W 29th St W 30th St W Adams Blvd W Jefferson Blvd W View St W View St S W Washington Blvd Washington Blvd Wellington Rd West Blvd Westhaven St (unknown) Bagley Ave Beverlywood St Cardiff Ave Cattaraugus Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles David Ave Ellis Ave Exposition Blvd Exposition Boulevard S R Exposition Dr Gibson St Guthrie Cir Guthrie Ct Guthrie Dr Hargis St Helms Pl Hillsboro Dr Hoke Ave Kincardine Ave Kramerwood Pl Livonia Ave National Blvd Oakhurst Ave Olin St Robertson Pl S Beverly Dr S Canfield Ave S Durango Ave S Robertson Blvd W 24th St Willat Ave (unknown) Alsace Ave Apple St Bangor St Carmona Ave Clyde Ave Cochran Pl Cologne St Hauser Blvd la Brea Ave S Burnside Ave S Cloverdale Ave S Cochran Ave S Curson Ave S Dunsmuir Ave S Fairfax Ave S Glennie Ln S Highland Ave S Highland Dr S la Brea Ave S 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1,382 1,414 2,598 2,194 229 1,210 1,813 1,829 1,759 8,435 1,649 1,649 1,176 7,762 2,681 117 141 222 362 221 959 116 505 840 4,418 167 990 757 1,964 885 2,860 1,373 374 253 405 457 4 278 694 2,401 6.E-63 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Don Tonito Dr Don Valdes Dr Don Zarembo Dr Duray Pl Edgehill Dr el Mirador Dr Enville Pl Fallsgrove St Garthwaite Ave Gelber Pl Gibraltar Ave Glenford St Hauser Blvd Highlight Pl Hillcrest Dr Homeland Dr Hubert Ave Hubert Walk Kalsman Dr la Brea Ave Leimert Blvd Lenawee Ave Linscott Pl Lockland Dr Lockland Pl Mantova Dr Marlton Ave Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Mc Clung Dr McClung Dr Nicolet Ave Olmsted Ave Orange Pl Padilla Pl Palmwood Dr Palmyra Rd Pinafore St Potomac Ave Punta Alta Dr Rodeo Dr Rodeo Rd Roxanne Ave S 10th Ave S Bronson Ave S Buckingham Rd S Burnside Ave S Cloverdale Ave S Cochran Ave S Crenshaw Blvd S Degnan Blvd S Dunsmuir Ave S Edgehill Dr S Genesee Ave S la Brea Ave S la Cienega Blvd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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4,803 6.E-64 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles S Leimert Blvd S Muirfield Rd S Norton Ave S Orange Dr S Redondo Blvd S Ridgeley Dr S Sycamore Ave S Victoria Ave Sanchez Dr Santa Rosalia Dr Santo Tomas Dr Somerset Dr Stevely Ave Stillwater Dr Stocker St Sunlight Pl Tacana St Terraza Dr Ursula Ave Veronica St Village Green Virginia Rd W 41st St W 43rd Pl W 43rd St W 46th St W 48th St W 50th St W 52nd St W 54th St W 57th St W Don Lorenzo Dr W Don Quixote Dr W Don Tapia Pl W Jefferson Blvd W Martin Luther King W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd W Rodeo Rd W Stocker St W Vernon Ave Weatherford Dr Wellington Rd Wenlock St West Blvd Westmount Ave (unknown) Bowcroft St Holdrege Ave Lenawee Ave Rodeo Dr Rodeo Rd W Jefferson Blvd W Rodeo Rd (unknown) Alsace Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Carmona Ave Clyde Ave Farmdale Ave la Brea Ave la Cienega Pl Linscott Pl Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Nicolet Ave Rodeo Ln Rodeo Rd S Cloverdale Ave S Cochran Ave S Dunsmuir Ave S la Brea Ave S la Cienega Blvd S Nicolet Ave S Redondo Blvd S Sycamore Ave Sunlight Pl W Martin Luther King W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd W Rodeo Rd (unknown) 10th Ave 11th Ave 12th Ave 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Arlington Ave Buckingham Rd Budlong Ave Chesapeake Ave Chico St Cimarron St Crenshaw Blvd Dalton Ave Denker Ave Downey Way Edgehill Dr Farmdale Ave Halldale Ave Hillcrest Dr Montclair St Potomac Ave Raymond Ave Rochester Cir Rodeo Rd Ruthelen St S Bronson Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Centerline Length (ft) 6 387 1,533 2,654 482 482 2,325 2,756 2,332 1,734 2,623 2,681 529 2,558 2,427 1,235 761 3,146 4,449 6,585 1,357 7,812 13,549 4,228 8,574 6,300 311 2,408 474 5,711 12 2,494 994 812 104 133 37 1,566 1,203 1,311 911 1,700 3,963 1,817 2,117 3,148 3,583 3,197 2,504 1,551 212 790 3,848 1,368 130 6.E-67 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Arapahoe St Arlington Ave Beacon Ave Blaine St Bond St Bonsallo Ave Brighton Ave Budlong Ave Cambria St Cameron Ln Cherry St Chick Hearn Ct Childs Way Cimarron St Columbia Ave Columbia Pl Connecticut St Constance St Cordova St Cottage Pl Courtland St Crown Hill Ave Dalton Ave Dana St Denker Ave Downey Way Ellendale Pl Estrella Ave Francisco St Garland Ave Georgia St Golden Ave Gramercy Park Grattan St Green Ave Halldale Ave Hartford Ave Hellman Way Hoover Blvd Ingraham St James M Wood Blvd Juliet St Kenwood Ave Lebanon St Linwood Ave Loma Dr Lovelace Ave Lucas Ave Magnolia Ave Magnolia Ct Malvern Ave Maryland St Mc Clintock Ave McClintock Ave Menlo Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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3,472 1,965 2,627 1,075 427 1,689 273 2,894 5,069 103 767 581 1,012 1,012 3,299 6.E-68 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Miramar St Monmouth Ave Montclair St N la Salle Ave New England St Norwood St Oak St Orchard Ave Park Grove Ave Portland St Powers Pl Raymond Ave 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Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Sunbury St Toberman St University Ave Valencia St Van Buren Pl Venice Blvd W 10th Pl W 11th Pl W 11th St W 12th Pl W 12th St W 14th St W 15th St W 17th Pl W 17th St W 18th St W 20th St W 21st St W 22nd Pl W 22nd St W 23rd St W 24th St W 25th St W 26th Pl W 27th St W 28th St W 29th Pl W 29th St W 30th Pl W 30th St W 31st St W 32nd St W 34th St W 35th Pl W 35th St W 36th Pl W 36th St W 37th Pl W 37th St W 3rd St W 4th St W 5th St W 6th St W 7th St W 8th Pl W 8th St W 9th St W Adams Blvd W Adams Gardens W Gramercy Park W James M Wood Blvd W James M Woods W James M Woods St W Jefferson Blvd W Olympic Blvd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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9,810 5,218 478 222 5,886 2,900 174 149 6,625 51 846 3,094 316 1,700 1,727 4,716 129 1,098 1,225 65 1,218 114 1,957 5,045 5,394 446 30 6.E-72 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Santee St Stanford Ave Trinity St W 21st St W 22nd St W 23rd St W 24th St W 25th St W 27th St W 28th St W 30th St W 31st St W 32nd St W 33rd St W 35th St W 36th St W Adams Blvd W Jefferson Blvd W Washington Blvd W Washington Boulevard Wadsworth Ave Wall St Walnut St (unknown) 3rd Ave 4th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 9th Ave Buckingham Rd Cherrywood Ave Chesapeake Ave Coliseum Pl Coliseum St Crenshaw Blvd Degnan Blvd Dublin Ave Edgehill Dr Exposition Pl Grayburn Ave Hepburn Ave Hillcrest Dr Hubert Ave Marlton Ave Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Mc Clung Dr McClung Dr Olmsted Ave Potomac Ave Rodeo Ln Rodeo Pl Rodeo Rd Roxton Ave S Bronson Ave S Crenshaw Blvd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles S Edgehill Dr S Muirfield Rd S Norton Ave S Victoria Ave Somerset Dr Sutro Ave Virginia Rd W 39th St W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Welland Ave Wellington Rd West Blvd Westside Ave (unknown) 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Arlington Ave Brighton Ave Browning Ave Browning Blvd Budlong Ave Cimarron St Creed Ave Dalton Ave Denker Ave Dublin Ave Garthwaite Ave Halldale Ave Hepburn Ave Kansas Ave la Salle Ave Leighton Ave Leimert Blvd Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Menlo Ave Middleton Pl Norumbega Ct Raymond Ave Roland Curtis Pl Rolland Curtis Pl Roxton Ave S 9th Ave S Budlong Ave S Gramercy Pl S Harvard Blvd S Hobart Blvd S Kansas Ave S la Salle Ave S Leimert Blvd S Normandie Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles S Raymond Ave S St Andrews Pl S Van Ness Ave S Vermont Ave S Western Ave S Wilton Pl Stocker Pl Stocker Plz Sutro Ave Sutro Walk W 38th Pl W 38th St W 39th Pl W 39th St W 41st Dr W 41st St W 42nd St W Leighton Ave W Martin Luther King W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd W Rolland Curtis Pl Walton Ave Welland Ave Westside Ave Wisconsin Pl Wisconsin St (unknown) 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Arlington Ave Brighton Ave Browning Blvd Budlong Ave Cimarron St Creed Ave Dalton Ave Denker Ave Garthwaite Ave Halldale Ave Kansas Ave Kenwood Ave la Salle Ave Leighton Ave Leimert Blvd Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Menlo Ave Orchard Ave Raymond Ave Ruthelen St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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2,342 245 40 2,518 72 3,264 4,609 4,978 5,632 5,214 2,651 491 522 738 1,163 1,322 57 5,133 3,250 8,240 4,291 8,112 10,319 6,210 9,222 4,911 5,659 4,933 11,026 7,967 4,419 40 4,099 632 697 2,590 91 12,737 2,597 1,142 59 1,099 694 695 666 33 6.E-76 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los 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5,295 5,972 3,986 1,357 1,396 59 1,395 1,242 6.E-77 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles (unknown) 10th Ave 11th Ave 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 74th St 7th Ave 8th Ave 9th Ave Arlington Ave Bonsallo Ave Brynhurst Ave Budlong Ave Chesley Ave Cimarron St 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3,155 3,110 2,591 3,942 1,929 3,925 2,618 3,932 3,523 2,324 1,109 2,686 2,353 2,649 1,343 1,355 1,141 3,263 8 3,612 2,649 3,612 5,982 3,347 937 1,581 41 1,254 1,373 1,295 1,306 1,294 1,248 1,320 1,366 1,354 1,333 1,306 1,325 1,541 663 372 663 606 1,361 227 2,120 6.E-80 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles 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Dr N Alta Vista Blvd N Cherokee Ave N Citrus Ave N Crescent Heights Blvd N Detroit St N Fairfax Ave N Formosa Ave N Fuller Ave N Gardner St N Hamel Dr N Hayworth Ave N Highland Ave N Hudson Ave N June St N Kilkea Dr N la Brea Ave N la Cienega Blvd N Las Palmas Ave N Laurel Ave N Le Doux Rd N Mansfield Ave N Martel Ave N Mc Cadden Pl N McCadden Pl N Orange Dr N Poinsettia Pl N Robertson Blvd N San Vicente Blvd N Stanley Dr N Sycamore Ave N Vista St Oakmore Rd Oakwood Ave Olin St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Ave N Fairfax Ave N Hayworth Ave N Ogden Dr N Orange Grove Ave Oakwood Ave Rosewood Ave S Edinburgh Ave W 1st St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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167 77 1,299 94 520 66 6 127 528 76 129 54 4,289 36 6.E-85 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Coreyell Pl Courtney Ave Crescent Dr Crest View Dr Curson Ave Curson Pl Curson Ter de Longpre Ave Devista Dr Diane Way Dominion Way Eastwood Rd Edwin Dr el Cerrito Pl el Rita Dr Electra Dr Fareholm Dr Firenze Ave Firenze Pl Floye Dr Flynn Ranch Rd Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Franklin Pl Genesee Ave Glencoe Way Grace Ave Grandview Dr Green View Pl Greenvalley Rd Groveland Dr Harlesden Ct Hawthorn Ave Hemet Pl Hercules Dr Hermes Dr High Tower Dr Higman Ave Hillcrest Rd Hillside Ave Holly Pl Hollycrest Pl Hollywood Blvd Hollywood Hills Rd Honey Dr Jalmia Dr Jalmia Way Jewett Dr Jorderr Ave Jupiter Dr Kimdale Ln Kirkwood Dr la Castana Dr la Presa Dr Lakeridge Pl Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration 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Greenvalley Rd N Hayworth Ave N Highland Ave N Holly Pl N Hudson Ave N June St N la Brea Ave N Las Alturas St N Las Palmas Ave N Laurel Ave N Laurel Canyon Pl N Laurel Pass N Mansfield Ave Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles N Mariscal Ln N Martel Ave N McCadden Pl N Ogden Dr N Orange Dr N Orange Grove Ave N Orchid Ave N Poinsettia Pl N Ridgemont Dr N Rockledge Rd N Sierra Bonita Ave N Skyline Dr N Spaulding Ave N Stanley Ave N Sunset Crest Dr N Sycamore Ave N Vado Dr N Vista St N Wilcox Ave N Woodland Dr Nash Dr Nicholas Canyon Pl Nichols Canyon Rd Oak St Oakstone Way Oakwood Ave Oceanus Dr Odin St Okean Pl Okean Ter Oporto Dr Orchid Ave Outpost Cir Outpost Cove Dr Outpost Dr Padre Ter Pinehurst Rd Pyramid Pl Reppert Ct Ridgemont Dr Ridpath Dr Rockledge Rd Romaine St Rosewood Ave Runyon Canyon Rd Schrader Blvd Seattle Dr Seattle Pl Selma Ave Senalda Rd Sierra Bonita Ave Skyline Dr Solar Dr Soper Dr Stanley Ave Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration 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67 1,430 6.E-88 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Stanley Hills Dr Stanley Hills Pl State Rte 170 Sunny Cove Sunnydell Trl Sunnywood Ln Sunset Crest Dr Sunset Plaza Dr Thames Pl Thames St The Grove Dr Tianna Rd Torreyson Dr Torreyson Pl Treasure Trl Upper Kress St Vado Dr Venus Dr Vista Crest Dr Vista Pl W Alta Loma Ter W Brier Dr W Byron Pl W Camrose Dr W Char Ln W Colecrest Dr W Crest View Dr W Edwin Dr W Elusive Dr W Franklin Ave W Grand View Dr W Hiller Pl W Hollywood Blvd W Hollywood Hills Rd W Kirkwood Dr W Lexington Ave W Melrose Ave W Milner Rd W Oak St W Romaine St W Selma Ave W Skyline Dr W Walnut Dr W Willoughby Ave W Wonderland Ave W Wonderland Park Ave W Yucca St W Yucca Trl Walnut Dr Waring Ave Wattles Dr Weepah Way Westbrook Ave Whitley Ave Whitley Ter Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Willoughby Ave Willow Glen Rd Wonder View Dr Wonder View Plz Wonderland Ave Wonderland Park Ave Wonderview Plz Woodland Way Woodrow Wilson Dr Woodstock Rd Woody Trl Wyndham Rd Yucca Ln Yucca St Yucca Trl Zeus Dr Zorada Dr (unknown) Blackburn Ave Colgate Ave S Crescent Heights Blvd S Edinburgh Ave S Hayworth Ave W 4th St (unknown) Arnaz Dr Beverly Blvd Blackburn Ave Burton Way Clinton St Colgate Ave Grandview Dr Harold Way Havenhurst Dr Hollywood Blvd Le Doux Rd Marlay Dr Marmont Ave Marmont Ln Melrose Ave Miller Dr N Crescent Heights Blvd N Edinburgh Ave N Flores St N Harper Ave N Hayworth Ave N Kilkea Dr N Kings Rd N la Jolla Ave N Laurel Ave N Orlando Ave N Robertson Blvd N Sweetzer Ave Oakwood Ave Queens Rd Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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53 192 82 55 22 290 214 202 19 112 179 24 92 0 48 1 123 40 18 51 430 192 6.E-91 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles N Clark Dr N Clark St N Doheny Dr N la Peer Dr N Marcheeta Pl N Oriole Dr N Rising Glen Rd N Robertson Blvd N San Vicente Blvd N Sierra Alta Way N Sunset Plaza Dr N Swall Dr N Wetherly Dr Nightingale Dr Oriole Dr Pine Tree Pl Pinto Pl Rising Glen Pl Rising Glen Rd Robin Dr S Almont Dr S Clark Dr S Doheny Dr S George Burns Rd S Hamel Rd S Holt Ave S la Peer Dr S Robertson Blvd S San Vicente Blvd S Sherbourne Dr S Swall Dr S Wetherly Dr S Willaman Dr Schuyler Rd Sherwood Dr Shoreham Dr Sierra Alta Way Sierra Mar Dr Sierra Mar Pl St Ives Dr Sunset Hills Rd Sunset Plaza Dr Sunset Vale Ave Swallow Dr Tanager Way Thrasher Ave Vireo Dr W 3rd St W Devlin Pl W Flicker Way W Nightingale Dr W Pinto Pl W Robin Dr W St Ives Dr W Sunset Plaza Dr Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Length (ft) 617 2,369 47 765 5,554 996 255 591 937 969 1,959 1,481 1,160 1,629 917 433 5,384 903 928 894 912 100 2,008 555 288 261 90 93 3,079 623 2,602 447 56 83 883 9,058 1,159 20 9,252 5,161 6,427 2,359 5,106 5,421 485 6,375 931 4,377 752 712 720 358 5,340 3,046 2,458 6.E-94 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles 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708 366 2,137 950 3,257 1,620 2,053 643 839 2,081 154 1,819 923 2,375 1,041 1,630 889 92 3,357 6.E-95 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles S Ogden Dr S Orange Grove Ave S Spaulding Ave S Stanley Ave Saturn St Thurman Ave Venice Blvd W 18th St W Pico Blvd (unknown) Airdrome St Carmona Ave Cochran Pl Cologne St Dunsmuir Ave Hauser Blvd Pickford St S Burnside Ave S Cochran Ave S Dunsmuir Ave S Ridgeley Dr S Sierra Bonita Ave Saturn St Venice Blvd W Pickford St W Pico Blvd Dockweiler Pl Edgewood Pl Meadowbrook Ave Packard St S Burnside Ave S Cloverdale Ave S Cochran Ave S Dunsmuir Ave S Ridgeley Dr S San Vicente Blvd San Vicente Blvd Saturn St W 12th St W Pico Blvd (unknown) 10th Ave 12th Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave Alsace Ave Buckingham Rd Claudina Ave Cologne St Crenshaw Blvd Hillcrest Dr la Brea Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles W 1st St W 2nd St W 3rd St W 4th St W 5th St W 6th St W 8th St W 9th St W Edgewood Pl W Olympic Blvd W Pico Blvd W Wilshire Blvd West Blvd Wilshire Blvd (unknown) Alcyona Dr Arden Pl Arrowhead Dr Arrowhead Pl Banner Ave Barton Ave Bella Vista Way Beverly Blvd Bryn Mawr Dr Cahuenga Ter Camerford Ave Canyon Lake Dr Cerritos Pl Clinton St Cole Ave Cole Pl Cosmo St Crest Way Creston Dr de Longpre Ave Deep Dell Pl Dix St Durand Dr el Contento Dr Eleanor Ave Fink Pl Fink St Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Gilday Dr Gordon St Grace Ave Gregory Ave Holly Dr Hollywood Blvd Homewood Ave Iris Dr Iris Pl Ivar Ave Ivarene Ave Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration 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Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles la Mirada Ave la Rocha Dr Lake Hollywood Dr Lakeridge Dr Lakeridge Rd Leland Way Lexington Ave Lillian Way Lodi Pl Melrose Ave Mirror Lake Dr Montlake Dr Mound St Mulholland Hwy N Arden Blvd N Beachwood Dr N Bronson Ave N Cahuenga Blvd N el Centro Ave N Gower St N Grace Ave N Hudson Ave N Ivar Ave N June St N Larchmont Blvd N Lucerne Blvd N Plymouth Blvd N Rossmore Ave N San Marco Dr N Whitley Ave N Wilcox Ave Oakwood Ave Odin St Pitcher Rd Primrose Ave Quebec Dr Rinconia Dr Romaine St Rosewood Ave San Marco Dr Selma Ave Seward St Tahoe Dr Tahoe Pl Tamarind Ave Vedanta Pl Vedanta Ter Vine St W Bella Vista Way W Cerritos Pl W Franklin Ave W Mulholland Hwy W Yucca St Waring Ave Weidlake Dr Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Whitley Ave Wilcox Ave Wilcox Pl Willetta Ave Willoughby Ave Wonder View Dr Yucca St (unknown) (Unnamed Fire Road) Afton Pl Allview Ter W Alto Oak Dr Argosy Way Argyle Ave Banner Ave Beachwood Ter Belden Dr Briarcliff Rd Bronson Hill Dr Canyon Cove Canyon Dr Canyon Heights Ln Canyon Oak Dr Carlos Ave Carlton Way Carmen Ave Carmen Pl Carolus Dr Cazaux Dr Cheremoya Ave Chula Vista Way Cocos Dr Creston Dr de Longpre Ave Deronda Dr Dix St Dorcas Pl Durand Dr Flag St Foothill Dr Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Glen Airy St Glen Alder St Glen Green St Glen Green Ter Glen Holly St Glen Oak St Glen Tower St Gordon St Graciosa Dr Green Oak Dr 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1,100 105 17 1,320 23 28 35 2,741 545 326 317 28 101 221 5,460 53 326 1,763 1,659 758 179 63 61 1,748 735 168 22 2,030 142 316 36 113 8 826 2,315 2,622 100 222 454 51 213 238 144 808 634 294 530 21 7 6.E-102 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Holly Oak Dr Hollyridge Dr Hollyridge Loop Hollywood Blvd Homewood Ave Ivar Ave la Baig Ave la Mirada Ave Lambert Pl Ledgewood Dr Leland Way Lexington Ave Libby Way Locksley Pl Lodi Pl Morningside Ct Mount Beacon Ter Mulholland Hwy N Argyle Ave N Beachwood Dr N Bronson Ave N el Centro Ave N Gower St N Hollyridge Dr N Ivar Ave N Van Ness Ave N Wetona Dr Park Oak Dr Park Oak Pl Pelham Pl Primrose Ave Rockcliff Dr Rodgerton Dr Rutherford Dr S Yucca St Scenic Ave Selma Ave Spring Oak Dr Spring Oak Ter Tamarind Ave Temple Hill Dr Tuxedo Ter Valley Oak Dr Vine St Vista del Mar Ave Vista del Mar St W Glen Oak Westshire Dr Winans Dr Woodhaven Dr Woodshire Dr Yucca St (unknown) 12th Ave 2nd Ave Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave 7th Ave 8th Ave Arapahoe St Arlington Ave Buckingham Rd Cambridge St Cimarron St Crenshaw Blvd Dewey Ave E Gramercy Park Elden Ave Fedora St Francis Ave Gramercy Park James M Wood Blvd Johnnie Cochran Vis la Fayette Rd Leeward Ave Lomita St Magnolia Ave Menlo Ave N Normandie Ave N Rimpau Blvd Nadeau Dr Orchard Ave Roosevelt Ave S Alvarado St S Ardmore Ave S Berendo St S Bonnie Brae St S Bronson Ave S Catalina St S Coronado St S Gramercy Pl S Harvard Blvd S Hobart Blvd S Hoover St S Kenmore Ave S Kingsley Dr S Lake St S Manhattan Pl S Mariposa Ave S Nadeau Dr S New Hampshire Ave S Normandie Ave S Norton Ave S Oxford Ave S Rampart Blvd S Rimpau Blvd S St Andrews Pl S Van Ness Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Crandall St Dryden Pl Glassell St Hyans St Kent St Marathon St Merwin St Miramar St Mohawk St N Alvarado St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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238 1,499 2,522 1,032 64 1,896 1,836 1,360 3,579 674 2,019 837 1,691 2,395 3,582 865 1,085 670 703 1,212 2,367 3,015 1,115 202 2,701 1,101 2,285 631 25 267 4,772 6.E-106 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Waterloo St Wilshire Blvd Zalvidea St (unknown) Beverly Blvd Council St Geneva St N Commonwealth Ave N Dillon St N Hoover St N Reno St N Vendome St N Virgil Ave Robinson St S Commonwealth Ave S Dillon St S Hoover St S Occidental Blvd S Reno St S Vendome St W 1st St W 2nd St W 3rd St W 4th St W 5th St W 6th St (unknown) Adrian St Aloha St Ambrose Ave Ambrose Ter Ames St Angus St Armstrong Ave Avenel St Avocado St Balmer Dr Bates Ave Ben Lomond Dr Ben Lomond Pl Beverly Blvd Bright Ln Burns Ave Camero Ave Cedarhurst Cir Cedarhurst Dr Childs Ct Claremont Ave Clarissa Ave Clayton Ave Clinton St Colony Cir Council St Cumberland Ave de Longpre Ave Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles del Mar Ave E Franklin Ave Edgecliffe Dr Effie St Ellsworth St Entrance Dr Ettrick St Evans St Fernwood Ave Finley Ave Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Gateway Ave Golden Gate Ave Griffith Park Blvd Hazel Kirk Dr Hillhurst Ave Holly Knoll Dr Hollywood Blvd Hyperion Ave Imogen Ave Ivan Ct Ivanhoe Dr Kenilworth Ave Kingswell Ave la Paz Dr Lake View Ter E Lake View Ter W Lakewood Ave Landa St Lanterman Ter Lexington Ave Lindsay Ln Lockwood Ave Los Feliz Blvd Los Nietos Dr Lowry Rd Lucile Ave Lyman Pl Lyric Ave Maltman Ave Manzanita St Marathon St Maxwell St Mazanita St Meadow Valley Ter Melbourne Ave Melrose Ave Micheltorena St Middlebury St Monon St Monroe St Moreno Dr Myra Ave N Commonwealth Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles N Hoover St N Hyperion Ave N Lyric Ave N Madison Ave N Meadow Valley Ter N Monon St N Myra Ave N Radio Walk N Ronda Vista Dr N St George St N Vermont Ave N Virgil Ave N Westmoreland Ave Newdale Dr Normal Ave Oakwood Ave Observatory Ave Panorama Ter Price St Prospect Ave Putnam St Radio St Rector Pl Redcliff St Richland Ave Rock St Rodney Dr Rokeby St Ronda Vista Dr Rosalia Rd Rowena Ave Russell Ave Sanborn Ave Santa Monica Blvd Scotland St Silver Lake Blvd Silver Lake Ter Silver Lea Ter Silverado Dr St George St Sunset Blvd Sunset Dr Surry St Talmadge St Tesla Ave Tesla Ter Tracy St Udell Ct Venango Ave Venango Cir Virgil Pl Virginia Ave W Council St W Holly Knoll Dr W Silver Lake Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles W Sunset Blvd W Temple St Wanda Dr Waverly Dr Wayne Ave Willow Brook Ave Wit Pl Wood Ter (unknown) Aaron St Angelus Ave Bellevue Ave Berkeley Ave Berkeley Cir Castle St Clinton St Coronado Ter Council St Dahlia Ave del Monte Dr Descanso Dr Duane St Easterly Ter Edgecliffe Dr Effie Pl Effie St Elevado St Ellett Pl Ellsworth St Elsinore St Fanita St Fanning St Golden Gate Ave Hamilton Way Imogen Ave Jewel St Kent St Landa St London St Lucile Ave Maltman Ave Marathon St Marcia Dr Mayberry St McCollum Pl McCollum St Micheltorena St Middlebury St Mohawk St Montana St Murray Cir Murray Dr N Benton Way N Commonwealth Ave N Coronado St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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Scott Pl Silver Lake Blvd Silverlake Blvd Silverwood Ter Smilax St Sunset Blvd Swan Pl Tularosa Dr Van Pelt Pl W Descanso Dr W Silver Lake Dr W Smilax St W Sunset Blvd W Temple St Waterloo St Westerly Ter (unknown) 12th Ave 2nd Ave 3rd Ave 4th Ave 5th Ave 6th Ave Arlington Ave Beacon Ave Columbia Ave Connecticut St Country Club Dr Crenshaw Blvd Crown Hill Ave Dewey Ave Diana St Dockweiler St Elden Ave Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) Biofiltration (Underdrain) 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491110 491110 491110 Centerline Length (ft) 2,457 1,230 101 82 4,252 5,012 3,398 1,173 8,288 2,364 2,951 328 5,162 4,958 7,191 5,702 2,748 8,416 195 2,626 682 985 792 1,890 715 4,087 1,710 873 421 1,287 233 11,128 826 7,313 1,064 1,946 627 934 4,205 4,116 4,871 7,586 12,235 14,607 11,635 380 760 2,333 380 566 13,413 12,187 1,999 4,183 8,681 6.E-113 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Wilshire Pl (unknown) Aberdeen Ave Ambrose Ave Beverly Blvd Bimini Pl Burns Ave Clarissa Ave Clinton St Cockerham Dr Commonwealth Canyon Ave Commonwealth Canyon Dr Cosmopolitan St Council St Cromwell Ave de Longpre Ave Dracena Dr Dundee Dr E Barnsdall Ave Finley Ave Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Gainsborough Ave Glendower Ave Greenwood Pl Hillhurst Ave Hollywood Blvd Inverness Ave Kingswell Ave la Mirada Ave Lexington Ave Lockwood Ave Los Feliz Blvd Lyman Pl Marathon St Maubert Ave Melbourne Ave Melrose Ave Middlebury St Monroe St N Berendo St N Commonwealth Ave N Edgemont St N Heliotrope Dr N Hillhurst Ave N Juanita Ave N Madison Ave N New Hampshire Ave N Vermont Ave N Virgil Ave N Westmoreland Ave Nella Vista Ave Normal Ave Oakwood Ave Observatory Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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335 249 1,262 2,041 1,294 1,675 489 471 1,403 288 174 1,177 919 2,034 1,419 2,168 1,840 984 660 1,197 1,087 759 1,546 1,425 2,783 1,157 1,726 1,019 2,302 6,101 1,539 17,051 1,909 3,020 507 1,191 480 560 6.E-114 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Parva Ave Prospect Ave Richland Ave Rodney Dr Rosewood Ave Rowena Ave Russell Ave S Commonwealth Ave S Juanita Ave S Madison Ave S Vermont Ave S Virgil Ave S Westmoreland Ave Santa Monica Blvd Sunset Blvd Vermont Pl Virgil Pl Vista del Valle Dr W 1st St W 2nd St W 3rd St W Cromwell Ave W Sunset Blvd W White House Pl Wayne Ave Welch Pl White House Pl Willow Brook Ave (unknown) Alexandria Pl Ambrose Ave Beverly Blvd Bruna Pl Cheswic Ln Chislehurst Dr Clinton St Council St Cromwell Ave Cummings Dr de Longpre Ave de Mille Dr Finley Ave Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Harold Way Heliotrope Dr Hollywood Blvd L Ron Hubbard Way la Mirada Ave Laughlin Park Dr Lemon Grove Ave Lexington Ave Lily Crest Ave Los Caballeros Way Los Feliz Blvd Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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6.E-115 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Grandes Way Los Hermosos Way Lower Rd Marathon St Melrose Ave Monroe St N Alexandria Ave N Ardmore Ave N Berendo St N Catalina St N Edgemont St N Harvard Blvd N Heliotrope Dr N Hobart Blvd N Kenmore Ave N Kingsley Dr N Mariposa Ave N New Hampshire Ave N Normandie Ave N Vermont Ave Nottingham Ave Oakwood Ave Palmerston Pl Prospect Ave Romaine St Rosewood Ave S Alexandria Ave S Berendo St S Catalina St S Edgemont St S Kenmore Ave S Mariposa Ave S New Hampshire Ave S Normandie Ave S Vermont Ave Santa Monica Blvd Sunset Blvd Virginia Ave W 1st St W 2nd St W 3rd St W 4th St W Sunset Blvd Winona Blvd (unknown) Alto Oak Dr Barton Ave Beverly Blvd Briarcliff Rd Canyon Dr Carlton Way Clinton St Council St de Longpre Ave E Live Oak Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Elmwood Ave Fern Dell Dr Fernwood Ave Flemish Ln Foothill Dr Fountain Ave Franklin Ave Garfield Pl Gilbert Pl Harold Way Hill Oak Dr Hobart Pl Hollywood Blvd Ingraham St Institute Pl la Cresta Ct la Mirada Ave Laughin Park Dr Lemon Grove Ave Lexington Ave Loma Linda Ave Los Adornos Way Los Bonitos Way Los Caballeros Way Los Diegos Way Los Encantos Way Los Feliz Blvd Los Grandes Way Los Hermosos Way Maplewood Ave Marathon St Melrose Ave Melrose Hill St Monroe St Morgan Hill Dr Mountain Oak Dr N Ardmore Ave N Gramercy Pl N Harvard Blvd N Hobart Blvd N Irving Blvd N Kingsley Dr N Manhattan Pl N Mariposa Ave N Normandie Ave N Norton Ave N Oxford Ave N Ridgewood Pl N Serrano Ave N St Andrews Pl N Van Ness Ave N Western Ave N Wilton Pl Normandie Pl Oakwood Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Subwatershed 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 491113 Centerline Length (ft) 1,393 746 780 384 352 1,419 3,170 1,330 331 1,688 75 496 3,344 2,460 420 766 1,127 37 2,126 815 661 202 14 140 15 106 1,499 20 69 3,416 1,874 2,797 740 473 39 35 5,435 3,367 7,174 9,969 53 5,640 2,649 526 2,338 1,163 6,913 1,966 10,091 5,985 1,847 11,252 4,973 1,193 3,949 6.E-117 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Red Oak Dr Ridge Oak Dr Romaine St Rosewood Ave Russell Ave S Ardmore Ave S Bronson Ave S Gramercy Pl S Harvard Blvd S Hobart Blvd S Irving Blvd S Kingsley Dr S Manhattan Pl S Mariposa Ave S Normandie Ave S Norton Ave S Oxford Ave S Ridgewood Pl S Serrano Ave S St Andrews Pl S Van Ness Ave S Western Ave S Wilton Pl Santa Monica Blvd Serrano Pl Sierra Vista Ave Sunset Blvd Taft Ave Verde Oak Dr Virginia Ave W 1st St W 2nd St W 3rd St W 4th St W 5th St W 6th St W 7th St W Lexington Ave W Live Oak Dr W Los Feliz Blvd W Sunset Blvd Westminster Ave Wild Oak Dr Wilshire Blvd Wilton Dr (unknown) Barton Ave Beverly Blvd Canyon Dr Carlton Way Clinton St de Longpre Ave Eleanor Ave Elmwood Ave Fernwood Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Fountain Ave Gregory Ave Harold Way la Cresta Ct la Mirada Ave la Vista Ct Lemon Grove Ave Lexington Ave Maplewood Ave Marathon St Melrose Ave Monroe St N Bronson Ave N Gower St N Gramercy Pl N Irving Blvd N Norton Ave N Ridgewood Pl N St Andrews Pl N Van Ness Ave N Wilton Pl N Windsor Blvd Raleigh St Romaine St Rosewood Ave Sierra Vista Ave Taft Ave Valentino Pl Virginia Ave Willoughby Ave Windsor Blvd (unknown) 63rd Ave 66th Ave Agnew Ave Alberta Dr Alla Rd Altamor Dr Altavan Ave Andover Ln Aneta St Artisans Way Bay St Beatrice St Beethoven St Belton Dr Berger Ave Billowvista Dr Bluff Creek Dr Brisa Cabora Dr Calabar Ave Campion Dr Celedon Creek Chase Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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2,266 329 1,892 2,395 904 275 2,607 897 5,571 1,844 1,272 1,662 1,978 2,762 2,780 7,688 5,954 83 660 1,257 913 1,215 140 44 2,529 55 39 1,145 185 9 7 1,297 1,345 593 2,290 440 2,306 66 1,280 2,783 266 1,163 350 800 604 590 311 395 1,626 904 51 6.E-119 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los 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Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) R AF T Jurisdiction D Subwatershed 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 Centerline Length (ft) 1,035 453 903 909 26 1,519 1,238 1,106 590 1,044 882 1,422 1,796 331 788 602 884 1,919 503 1,025 2,772 533 1,815 2,958 2,939 243 353 1,326 13 2,553 522 1,248 2,653 1,922 1,737 10 399 1,224 1,818 938 852 4 101 579 21 453 239 90 980 14 951 31 255 908 981 6.E-120 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica S Playa Vista Dr S Seabluff Dr S Seawalk Dr S Westlawn Ave Saran Dr Second St Sinaloa Rd Stewart Ave Sunnysea Dr Teale St Third St Tuscany Ave Veragua Dr Village Dr Vis del Mar W 77th St W 78th St W 79th St W 80th St W 81st St W 82nd St W 83rd St W 84th St W 85th St W Agustin Pl W Bay Park Dr W Bluff Creek Dr W Centinela Ave W Coastal View Dr W Discovery Creek W Jefferson Blvd W Manchester Ave W Pacific Prom W Pacific Promenade W Runway Rd W Shore Cliff Dr W Villosa Pl Westlawn Ave Wynkoop St Zayanta Dr Zitola Ter (unknown) 27th St 29th St 30th St 31st St 32nd St 33rd St 34th St Broadway Broadway St Centinela Ave Colorado Ave Delaware Ave Dorchester Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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(No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) R AF T Jurisdiction D Subwatershed 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 491175 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 Centerline Length (ft) 1,805 907 1,463 737 764 98 83 2,034 331 853 384 1,217 54 146 625 759 785 1,740 2,256 1,565 532 4,560 160 411 666 777 5,273 2,707 513 1,900 17,488 5,467 123 1,919 2,248 27 668 1,742 1,046 872 53 11,384 4 625 1,230 1,523 1,709 2,088 2,389 40 40 4 86 2,267 1,153 6.E-121 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Exposition Blvd Kansas Ave Nebraska Ave Ocean Park Blvd Olympic Blvd Pearl St Pennsylvania Ave Pico Blvd S Centinela Ave Stewart St Urban Ave Virginia Ave W Olympic Blvd Warwick Ave Yorkshire Ave Sophomore Dr (unknown) A St C St F St Freshman Dr Sophomore Dr Stocker St (unknown) Grosvenor Blvd S Centinela Ave (unknown) 51st St 55th St Allegheny Ct Bedford Ave Chariton Ave Esterina Way Hill Rd Ladera Crest Dr Marjan Ave Pendleton Ct Reynier Ave S Chariton Ave S Corning Ave S Garth Ave S Holt Ave S Sherbourne Dr Senford Ave Shenandoah Ave Slauson W 54th St W 55th St W 57th St W Slauson Ave (unknown) 51st St 59th St Acacia St Alvern St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 751032 831014 831015 831015 831015 831015 831015 831015 831015 831023 831023 831023 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831025 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 Centerline Length (ft) 2,407 543 83 729 806 1,935 80 1,655 471 756 1,517 981 460 659 1,181 36 400 34 57 29 2,430 643 1,123 20 27 14 2,434 1,204 199 152 2,423 1,519 14 40 1,204 558 52 1,202 149 3,183 2,658 2,424 2,708 1,832 3,700 1,882 45 2,094 1,869 1,515 13,789 172 270 1,102 683 6.E-122 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Aly Bedford Ave Chariton Ave Condon Ave Damask Ave Fairview Blvd Flight Ave Flores Ave Goldleaf Cir la Tijera Blvd Ladera Crest Dr Laurelwood Dr Morley Ave Mosley Ave Radlock Ave S Chariton Ave S Corning Ave S Croft Ave S Fairfax Ave S Garth Ave S Halm Ave S Holt Ave S Kings Rd S la Cienega Blvd S la Tijera Blvd S Laurelwood Dr S Le Doux Rd S Orlando Ave S Senford Ave S Sherbourne Dr S Springpark Ave S Wooster Ave Senford Ave Shenandoah Ave Slauson Slauson Ave Stocker St Unnamed Alley Running From East To West 3 Blocks W 54th St W 55th St W 58th Pl W 59th St W 61st St W 62nd St W 63rd St W 64th St W Centinela Ave W Slauson Ave Wooster Ave (unknown) 59th St Adale Pl Alviso Ave Angeles Vista Blvd Arch Crest Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) R AF T Jurisdiction D Subwatershed 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831028 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 Centerline Length (ft) 33 3,172 1,164 98 1,263 978 164 1,044 136 1,795 172 30 382 679 1,425 1,936 1,889 1,294 2,063 2,823 3,919 3,416 1,659 8,322 1,795 30 1,645 658 260 3,178 2,074 2,465 1,099 3,831 654 742 565 326 75 4 1,589 1,669 1,180 3,172 1,802 2,580 4,300 2,953 4,801 9,269 89 92 1,310 2,865 877 6.E-123 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Bradna Dr Brea Crest Dr Charlene Dr Chasar Pl Condon Ave Dawn View Pl Deane Ave Edgemar Ave Harcross Dr Heatherdale Dr Inadale Ave Inaglen Way Keniston Ave la Brea Ave Ladera Park Ave Marburn Ave Marvale Dr Maymont Dr Mioland Dr Monteith Dr Mount Vernon Dr Northridge Dr Onacrest Dr Onaknoll Ave Orchid Dr Overdale Dr Overhill Dr Parkglen Ave S Citrus Ave S Fairfax Ave S la Brea Ave S Mansfield Ave S Rimpau Blvd S Verdun Ave Secrest Dr Southridge Ave Springdale Dr Springhill Pl Stocker St Summerhill Dr Valdina Pl Valley Glen Way Valley Ridge Ave Valleydale Ave W 54th St W 57th St W 58th Pl W 59th Pl W 59th St W 60th St W 61st St W 62nd St W Mount Vernon Dr W Slauson Ave Whelan Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 831030 Centerline Length (ft) 1,300 91 955 199 1,269 216 168 288 872 637 2,654 262 163 3,526 1,471 2,751 212 1,441 512 1,240 760 3,950 2,477 1,808 1,042 1,987 4,823 3,145 1,360 3,770 3,526 472 166 3,555 503 3,502 755 101 870 337 132 504 3,702 799 170 815 471 617 796 938 876 2,188 760 3,103 249 6.E-124 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated (unknown) Addington Way Angeles Vista Blvd Athenian Way Aureola Blvd Brynhurst Ave Chanson Dr Chesley Ave Circle View Blvd Crestway Dr Crestway Pl Crestwold Ave Deane Ave Don Felipe Dr Don Tomaso Dr Eileen Ave Enoro Dr Escalon Ave Fairland Blvd Fairway Blvd Floresta Ave Floresta Way Hillcrest Dr Homeland Dr Homeway Dr Inadale Ave Keniston Ave Kenway Ave Knoll Crest Ave la Brea Ave Lorado Way Monteith Dr Mount Vernon Dr Mullen Pl Northland Dr Northridge Dr Olympiad Dr Orinda Ave Overhill Dr Palmero Blvd Parkglen Ave Presidio Dr S Harcourt Ave S la Brea Ave S la Cienega Blvd S Mullen Ave S Rimpau Blvd S Verdun Ave S Victoria Ave Southridge Ave Stocker St Valley Ridge Ave Vista de Oro Ave W 48th St W 52nd St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention 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831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 831067 Centerline Length (ft) 7,946 253 6,459 446 526 1,103 303 784 903 811 609 716 1,421 47 180 2 1,431 2,072 473 4,049 977 977 518 1,154 370 78 2,024 1,317 471 66 1,608 1,828 6,326 392 721 36 6,454 1,221 345 927 84 2,928 730 66 1,699 2,871 905 81 4,472 98 5,153 1,834 1,291 665 470 6.E-125 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated Unincorporated West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood W 54th St W Don Lorenzo Dr W Don Quixote Dr W Mount Vernon Dr W Vernon Ave West Blvd Westmount Ave (unknown) (unknown) Alviso Ave Deane Ave Eileen Ave Keniston Ave S Harcourt Ave S Mullen Ave S Rimpau Blvd W 54th St W 57th St W Slauson Ave Genesee Ave (unknown) Alberta Dr Aneta St Beatrice St Grosvenor Blvd Hammack St Juniette St Lucile St S Centinela Ave W Jefferson Blvd (unknown) Fountain Ave Greenacre Ave Hampton Ave Lexington Ave N Alta Vista Blvd N Curson Ave N Detroit St N Fairfax Ave N Formosa Ave N Fuller Ave N Gardner St N Genesee Ave N Hayworth Ave N la Brea Ave N Laurel Ave N Martel Ave N Ogden Dr N Orange Grove Ave N Poinsettia Dr N Poinsettia Pl N Sierra Bonita Ave N Spaulding Ave N Stanley Ave N Vista St Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) 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831175 831175 831175 831175 831175 831175 831175 831175 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 871088 Centerline Length (ft) 1,801 45 31 6,326 238 684 827 139 3,138 11 1,301 1,319 1,502 1,477 1,469 1,490 198 2,009 1,429 2 52 31 411 892 931 563 321 838 1,770 309 6,820 6,373 897 1,834 2,740 40 2,415 1,238 2,429 1,767 1,768 2,372 2,416 2,236 1,749 10 568 2,417 2,413 841 2,654 1,222 2,419 1,218 1,789 6.E-126 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood Norton Ave Poinsettia Dr Poinsettia Pl Romaine St Sierra Bonita Ave W Romaine St (unknown) Clinton St de Longpre Ave Fountain Ave Havenhurst Dr N Crescent Heights Blvd N Edinburgh Ave N Flores St N Harper Ave N Havenhurst Dr N Hayworth Ave N Kilkea Dr N Kings Rd N la Jolla Ave N Laurel Ave N Sweetzer Ave Norton Ave Romaine St W Fountain Ave W Norton Ave Willoughby Ave (unknown) Ashcroft Ave Betty Way Beverly Blvd Beverly Pl Bonner Dr Carol Dr Civic Center Dr Cory Ave Cynthia Cynthia St Dicks St Doheny Rd Dorrington Ave el Tovar Pl Elevado Ave Elevado St Hammond St Hancock Ave Harland Ave Harratt St Hilldale Ave Holloway Dr Holloway Plaza Dr Horn Ave Huntley Dr Keith Ave la Collina Dr Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 Centerline Length (ft) 1,685 986 27 4,427 1,192 318 741 666 739 2,487 3,374 2,453 546 2,344 3,215 950 1,139 0 2,923 1,196 2,718 3,863 2,389 1,364 1,603 1,235 1,056 7,712 2,598 319 3,111 83 797 447 7 206 321 1,770 1,135 238 2,357 155 1 743 1,199 728 362 342 1,647 940 29 120 3,937 1,591 33 6.E-127 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood Larrabee St Live Oak Wash Lloyd Pl Melrose Ave N Almont Dr N Clark Dr N Doheny Dr N George Burns Rd N Hammond St N Hancock Ave N Hancock Dr N Hilldale Ave N Hilldale St N la Collina Dr N la Peer Dr N Larrabee St N Oakhurst Dr N Palm Ave N Ramage St N Robertson Blvd N San Vicente Blvd N Sherbourne Dr N Sierra Alta Way N Swall Dr N Westmount Dr N Wetherly Dr N Willey Ln Nellas St Nemo St Norma Pl Norwich Dr Palm Ave Park Ave Phyllis Ave Ramage St Rangely Ave Rosewood Ave Rugby Dr S San Vicente Blvd Santa Monica Blvd Sherbourne Dr Sherwood Dr Shoreham Dr Sierra Alta Way Sunset Plaza Dr Vista Grande St W Cynthia St W Dicks St W Elevado Ave W Harratt St W Holloway Dr W Keith Ave W Knoll Dr W Lloyd Pl W Norma Pl Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No 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871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 Centerline Length (ft) 1,096 295 1,219 3,942 2,028 258 4,535 162 992 595 133 896 218 33 1,111 770 2 616 42 2,954 4,682 1,123 161 256 67 649 380 24 321 1,270 1,063 877 266 454 89 2,183 3,075 756 89 1,999 10 1,100 89 161 26 959 1,767 630 743 252 540 1,591 2,695 1,219 1,270 6.E-128 Section 6.E x Green Streets Results Synthesis and List of Opportunities Street Name Drainage Configuration West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood West Hollywood W Shoreham Dr W Vista Grande St Westbourne Dr Westmount Dr Wetherly Dr Willey Ln (unknown) Alta Loma Rd Beverly Blvd Beverly Pl Clinton St de Longpre Ave Fountain Ave Hacienda Pl Holloway Dr Holloway Plaza Dr Melrose Ave N Alfred St N Croft Ave N Hacienda Pl N Kings Rd N la Cienega Blvd N Olive Dr N Orlando Ave N Westmount Dr Olive Dr Rangely St Romaine St Rosewood Ave Santa Monica Blvd W Clinton Ave W Fountain Ave W Holloway Dr W Knoll Dr W Knoll Dr N Westbourne Dr Westmount Dr Willoughby Ave Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) Bioretention (No Underdrain) R AF T Jurisdiction D Subwatershed 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871091 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 871092 Centerline Length (ft) 89 959 2,476 2,278 396 380 2,441 284 13 14 1,093 4 211 370 1,013 2 847 937 1,156 370 817 1,743 607 1,118 115 607 663 135 792 152 323 110 300 571 433 2,004 1,088 141 6.E-129 D R AF T Appendix 6.F Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 6.F-1 Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures The lists below were prepared using the resources discussed in Appendix 6.C, and organized as follows: 6.F.1 - Number of BMPs Installed in 2010-2011 Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area 6.F.2 - Number of BMPs Installed in 2011-2012 Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area 6.F.3 Ȃ BMPs Identified in Time Schedule Order Request Letters Ȃ Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area 6.F.4 Ȃ City of Los Angeles BMPs Ȃ Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area 6.F.5 - Number of BMPs Maintained in 2010-2011 Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area 6.F.6 - Number of BMPs Maintained in 2011-2012 Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area D R AF T Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures Regional BMPs Category Green Infrastructure R Culver City 6.F-3 Bird Deterrent Spikes StormFilter Flow through Planter Downspout Filters Infiltration Pit 13 Beverly Hills Infiltration Trenches Inglewood 5 1 1 City of Los Angeles Geo Block Porous Pavement Green Street D Cistern/Drywell Bioretention Facility T F A Detention/Depression Basin Site-Scale Detention Biofilters/Bioswale Low Flow Diversion BMPs Low Flow Diversions Subcategory Flow-through Treatment BMPs Structural BMPs BMP Type County of Los Angeles 2 6 Santa Monica 1 2 59 1 20 6 1 West Hollywood Number of BMPs Installed in 2010-2011 Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area Distributed BMPs 2 1 1 2 59 13 5 1 20 1 6 1 6 Total BMP Type Source Control Structural BMPs D 6.F-4 R Beverly Hills T F A Storm Drain Trash Grate Stormceptor Gross Pollutant Separators Fossil Filter Catch Basin Inserts CDS Gross Pollutant Separators Culver City 2 City of Los Angeles 1 22 3 County of Los Angeles 21 Santa Monica 1 5 West Hollywood Inglewood Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 21 1 30 3 Total Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures Category Structural BMPs A T F Culver City 40 8 3 8 7 219 Catch Basin Insert (various) Source Control Structural BMPs 6.F-5 Flow through Planter 1638 1 Beverly Hills Vegetated Swale Inglewood 1 1 4 City of Los Angeles StormTech Chamber System Permeable/Pervious Pavement Infiltration Trenches Infiltration Pit Geo Block Porous Pavement Green Roof Filterra D Earth Dikes/Drainage Swales Cistern/Rain Barrels R Bioretention Facility Biofiltration/Biofilters/Bioswale Retention Basin BMPs Flow-through Treatment BMPs Green Infrastructure Site-Scale Detention Subcategory BMP Type County of Los Angeles 1 4 Santa Monica 2 5 45 69 6 3 13 West Hollywood Number of BMPs Installed in 2011-2012 - Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area Distributed BMPs 1640 1 1 1 5 44 45 8 3 8 4 76 219 19 4 Total BMP Type 1 6.F-6 Slope Vegetation Silt Screens/Fence 2 862 Sand Bags Signage and Stenciling 1 Poured Concrete Catch Basin 15 89 2 15 29 1 Inglewood Pet Waste Station 5 1 1000 1 2 County of Los Angeles 1 16 Culver City 2 City of Los Angeles 2 Santa Monica Hydrodynamic Separation System Fossil Filter Catch Basin Inserts Floating Trash Booms D Fiber Rolls Extra Trash Cans R Enhanced Street Sweeping Downspout Inserts 7 Beverly Hills 18 T F A Covered Trash Bins Concrete Washout Containers Clean Screen Catch Basin Inserts Clarifier CDS Gross Pollutant Separators West Hollywood Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 15 2 29 862 1 1 1 110 1 1000 16 1 2 18 2 7 2 2 Total Institutional BMPs BMP Type T F A 6.F-7 Water Trucks D Stockpile Management Spill Prevention and Control R Solid Waste Management Concrete Waste Management Stormceptor Gross Pollutant Separators Storm Drain Inlet Protection Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit Beverly Hills 2 City of Los Angeles 1 County of Los Angeles 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 8 1 Santa Monica 1 2 2 4 3 8 West Hollywood Inglewood Culver City Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures Total Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures Green Infrastructure Structural BMPs Category Subcategory Detention Regional Low Flow BMPs Diversions 6.F-8 Culver City 400 4 T F Beverly Hills A R D Biotreatment Filter Contech Infiltration System Cultec Infiltration Filterra Infiltration Basin Infiltration Pit Infiltration Planter Infiltration Trench Infiltration Well Modular Wetland Rain Barrels Rain Gardens Storm Tank Infiltration System Wet Pond Low Flow Diversion Structure BMPs Detention Facility BMP Type Inglewood 1 City of Los Angeles 2 County of Los Angeles 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 2 2 7 1 1 3 3 West Hollywood Santa Monica LACFCD BMPs Identified in Time Schedule Order Request Letters - Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area Distributed BMPs 1 1 1 9 2 2 7 1 1 3 400 5 1 1 1 5 Total Catch Basin Screens and Filters D 6.F-9 1 1 423 423 62 1 154 18 411 Culver City 89 Inglewood 1 1 205 T F 182 Beverly Hills A R Automatic Retractable Screen (ARS) Flow-through Planter Commercial Trash Bins Connector Pipe Screens (CPS) Extra Trash Bins Filter Insert Full-capture and Partial-capture Devices Source Control Hydrodynamic Separators Structural BMPs Oil/ Water Separators Flow Outfall Screens Poured Concrete Catch Basin Sediment Filter Stormceptor Surf Gate Catch Basin Automatic Retractable Screen (ARS) Trash Netting System Vortex Institutional BMPs Catch Basin Maintenance Program Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Program Green Building Ordinance Flow-through Treatment BMPs BMP Type City of Los Angeles 1 10 1 5 18,0 00 LACFCD 318 1 1 1 260 1 2 3 2 111 200 150 31 West Hollywood Santa Monica County of Los Angeles Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 5 2 1 10 1 423 500 18,1 50 382 359 80 111 318 8 2 1 683 1 2 31 Total R D 6.F-10 1 Culver City 1 1 1 1 1 1 T F 1 Beverly Hills A Illicit Connection/ Illicit Discharge (IC/ID) Enforcement Program Industrial Waste Code Compliance Program Low Impact Development Ordinance Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) Program Stormwater Educational Outreach Program Street Sweeping Program Water Conservation Ordinance BMP Type Inglewood 1 1 1 1 City of Los Angeles 1 1 1 1 County of Los Angeles 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 West Hollywood Santa Monica LACFCD Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 6 2 4 5 3 1 4 Total Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures Category Structural BMPs Institutional BMPs Green Infrastructure Detention Infiltration Subcategory 6.F-11 Vegetated Swale University Park Neighborhood Rain Gardens D R A T F BMPs Infiltration System Westside Park Stormwater Greenway Mar Vista Recreation Center Rainwater Capture and Reuse South Los Angeles Wetlands Park Detention System Westside Park Stormwater Greenway Mar Vista Recreation Center Rainwater Capture and Reuse South Los Angeles Wetlands Park Bio-retention Planters Westside Park Stormwater Greenway Mar Vista Recreation Center Rainwater Capture and Reuse South Los Angeles Wetlands Park Drought Tolerant Plants Westside Park Stormwater Greenway Mar Vista Recreation Center Rainwater Capture and Reuse Rain Gardens University Park Neighborhood Rain Gardens Treatment Wetland South Los Angeles Wetlands Park BMP Type City of Los Angeles BMPs - Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area Regional BMPs Distributed BMPs 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 City of Los Angeles T F D 6.F-12 R A Stormwater Re-use Westside Park Stormwater Greenway Mar Vista Recreation Center Rainwater Capture and Reuse South Los Angeles Wetlands Park BMP Type Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 3 City of Los Angeles Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures Total West Hollywood Santa Monica County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Number of BMPs Maintained in 2010-2011 Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area Structural BMPs BMPs Subcategory 4 4 Low Flow Diversions Low Flow Diversion 16 16 Site-Scale Detention Detention/Infiltration Basin T Diversion Structure 1 AF Regional BMPs Categor y 1 Biofilters 52 Filterra 1 18 D Distributed BMPs Green Infrastructure 2 Infiltration Pit 11 7 Infiltration Trenches Perforated CMP Flow-through Treatment BMPs Downspout Filters/Insert Flow-through Planter Box HydroCartridge In-Line Filters Abtech Drain Insert 6.F-1 4 8 8 3 3 3 5 89 9 899 31 153 2 9 9 4 7 4 1 2 4 StormFilter 1 18 R Geo Block Porous Pavement Grass Block Porous Pavement Grass Pavers Porous Pavement Gravel Pave Porous Pavement 52 3 10 9 9 4 Abtech OARS Oil Skimmer Automatic Retractable Screen Catch Basin (ARS) Abtech Ultra Urban Catch Basin Insert Bioclean Catch Basin Insert 8 75 282 282 264 347 36 T AF 54 R Covered Trash Bins 22 Drain Pac Catch Basin Inserts 1 10 20 24 5 245 45 45 6 62 127 127 348 348 4 4 140 0 142 2 14 3 Extra Trash Cans Floguard Catch Basin Insert Fossil Filter Catch Basin Inserts 36 20 2 Total 2 D Source Control Structural BMPs West Hollywood 2 Bird Deterrent Spikes Catch Basin Debris Excluders/Filters/Scree ns Catch Basin Opening Screen CDS Gross Pollutant Separators Clean Screen Catch Basin Inserts Connector Pipe Screens Catch Basin (CPS) Covered Material Bunkers Santa Monica County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 73 217 24 24 4 4 90 9 19 11 949 Recycle Bins 7 7 Restaurant Vent Traps 1 1 100 100 Sand Bag 6.F-2 Stabilized Construction Entrance Stormceptor Gross Pollutant Separators 1 Total West Hollywood Santa Monica County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 1 33 33 Storm Drain Grate 24 24 Institutional BMPs Dog Parks 1 7 4 Green Street 14 1 1 1 T Wash Out Area 2 1 Total West Hollywood Santa Monica County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood Culver City D BMP Type Beverly Hills R AF Number of BMPs Maintained in 2011-2012 - Ballona Creek Watershed Management Area Structural BMPs Category Subcategory Site-Scale Detention BMPs 4 Retention Basin 4 Distributed BMPs Biofilters 58 Bioretention Facility (planter box) Cistern/Rain Barrel Green Infrastructure Earth Dikes/ Drainage Swales 16 74 1163 1163 16 16 4 4 Filterra 36 36 Geo Block Porous Pavement 26 26 6.F-3 Grass Block Porous Pavement Grass Pavers Porous Pavement Gravel Pave Porous Pavement 8 3 3 2 2 1 Infiltration Pit 944 Infiltration Trenches AF R D Flow-through Treatment BMPs 31 2 10 10 3 32 8 7 8 12 45 2 2 2 1 1 75 264 347 282 282 36 6.F-4 3 14 2 Abtech Ultra Urban Catch Basin Insert Automatic Retractable Screen Catch Basin (ARS) Bioclean Catch Basin Insert 40 11 2 33 Abtech Steemer 204 2 1 Abtech OARS Oil Skimmer Abtech Smart Sponge 14 3 7 1 944 11 Storm Filter Source Control Structural BMPs 2 T 157 Perforated CMP Total 8 Harvest and Reuse Permeable/Porous Pavement StormTech Chamber System Vegetated Swale/Strip Downspout Filters/Insert Flow-through Planter Box HydroCartridge InLine Filters West Hollywood Santa Monica County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 36 Bird Deterrent Spikes Catch Basin Insert (various) Catch Basin Opening Screen Catch Basin Insert Screens, Filters, Excluders CDS Gross Pollutant Separators 37 28796 247 56 58 2 556 278 2 5 561 15 15 348 348 22 4 26 1 1400 1679 Drain Pac Catch Basin Inserts 143 Extra Trash Cans 143 24 Fiber Rolls Floating Trash Booms Fossil Filter Catch Basin Inserts Hydrodynamic Separation System 15 998 224 1000 26 26 78 1 6.F-5 200 1000 Pet Waste Stations Poured Concrete Catch Basin Total West Hollywood Santa Monica City of Los Angeles County of Los Angeles 37 T 2 D Covered Trash Bins 20 247 R Clean Screen Catch Basin Inserts Concrete Washout Containers Connector Pipe Screens Catch Basin (CPS) Covered Material Bunkers 20 28796 AF Clarifiers Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 19 99 1209 1 1 81 81 1 Recycle Bins Sand Bag Total West Hollywood Santa Monica 7 7 1001 1001 Signage and Stenciling Silt Fence/Screen 44 44 Slope Stabilization 4 4 82 Slope Vegetation 181 AF T Stabilized Construction Entrance Stormceptor Gross Pollutant Separators 68 R Storm Drain Inlet Protection Trench Drain with Fossil Filter 10 10 2 D 103 24 24 6 6 6 Concrete Waste Management 2 5 Dog Parks 1 7 Enclosed Material Mix Truck Enhanced Street Sweeping Green Roof System 4 2 1 15 1 1 1 1 5 Green Street 2 6.F-6 8 5 5 Sanitary Septic Waste Management Solid Waste Management 82 181 33 Storm Drain Grate Institutional BMPs County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 2 2 2 2 2 Spill Prevention and Control Stockpile Management Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Total West Hollywood Santa Monica County of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles Inglewood BMP Type Culver City Beverly Hills Section 6.F x Detailed List of Existing and Planned Control Measures 2 2 2 1 1 Water Trucks 1 1 Wind Erosion 1 1 D R AF T 2 6.F-7 D R AF T Appendix 6.G Cost Optimization Curves 6.G-1 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves This appendix presents cost optimization curves for each watershed and jurisdiction, as follows: R AF T Figure 6G-1. BMP capacities: Beverly Hills (Ballona Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-2. BMP capacities: Culver City (Ballona Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-3. BMP capacities: Culver City (Centinela Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-4. BMP capacities: Culver City (Sepulveda Channel). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-5. BMP capacities: Inglewood (Ballona Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-6. BMP capacities: Inglewood (Centinela Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-7. BMP capacities: Los Angeles (Ballona Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-8. BMP capacities: Los Angeles (Centinela Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-9. BMP capacities: Los Angeles (Sepulveda Channel). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-10. BMP capacities: Santa Monica (Sepulveda Channel). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-11. BMP capacities: Uninc. LA County (Ballona Creek).Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-12. BMP capacities: Uninc. LA County (Centinela Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 6G-13. BMP capacities: West Hollywood (Ballona Creek). Error! Bookmark not defined. Beverly Hills (Ballona Creek) Target: 73% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 160 140 300 250 120 100 200 80 150 60 100 40 50 20 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-43. BMP capacities: Beverly Hills (Ballona Creek mainstem). 6.G-2 96% 93% 90% 87% 84% 81% 78% 75% 72% 69% 66% 63% 60% 57% 54% 51% 48% 45% 39% 35% 31% 26% 20% 0 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 350 D Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 180 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves Culver City (Ballona Creek) 300 Target: 73% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 90 80 250 70 200 60 50 150 40 100 30 20 50 10 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 100 0 93% 90% 87% 84% 81% 78% 75% 72% 69% T 66% 63% 60% 57% 54% 51% 48% 45% 42% 39% 36% 33% 30% 27% 24% 21% 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) AF Figure 6G-44. BMP capacities: Culver City (Ballona Creek mainstem). Culver City (Centinela Creek) 20 100 90 80 70 60 50 15 40 30 10 20 5 10 0 9% 12% 15% 18% 21% 24% 27% 30% 33% 36% 39% 42% 45% 48% 51% 55% 58% 61% 64% 67% 70% 73% 76% 79% 82% 85% 88% 91% 94% 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-45. BMP capacities: Culver City (Centinela Creek). 6.G-3 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 25 Target: 86% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) R 30 D Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 35 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves Culver City (Sepulveda Channel) 14 Target: 85% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 4.5 4.0 12 10 3.5 3.0 8 2.5 6 2.0 1.5 4 1.0 2 0.5 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 5.0 0 95% 90% 85% 79% 74% 69% T 64% 58% 53% 48% 42% 37% 32% 27% 21% 16% 12% 8% 0.0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) AF Figure 6G-46. BMP capacities: Culver City (Sepulveda Channel). Inglewood (Ballona Creek) Target: 74% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) R 8 7 6 20 5 15 4 10 3 2 5 1 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-47. BMP capacities: Inglewood (Ballona Creek). 6.G-4 95% 90% 86% 80% 74% 64% 61% 54% 50% 42% 40% 33% 29% 21% 17% 11% 8% 0 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 25 D Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 9 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves Inglewood (Centinela Creek) 120 100 40 80 30 60 20 40 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% 78% T 75% 72% 70% 68% 64% 60% 58% 56% 54% 52% 50% 48% 46% 0 41% 0 35% 20 28% 10 11% Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) Target: 86% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 50 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 140 60 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) AF Figure 6G-48. BMP capacities: Inglewood (Centinela Creek). Los Angeles (Ballona Creek) Target: 73% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 4,000 R 1,600 Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 4,500 1,400 3,000 D 1,200 3,500 1,000 2,500 800 2,000 600 1,500 400 1,000 200 500 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-49. BMP capacities: Los Angeles (Ballona Creek). 6.G-5 92% 89% 86% 83% 80% 77% 74% 71% 68% 65% 62% 59% 56% 53% 50% 47% 44% 41% 38% 35% 32% 29% 26% 23% 20% 0 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 1,800 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves Los Angeles (Centinela Creek) Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) Target: 86% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 60 160 140 50 120 40 100 30 80 60 20 40 10 20 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 180 70 0 T 11% 14% 17% 20% 23% 26% 29% 32% 35% 38% 41% 44% 47% 50% 53% 56% 59% 62% 65% 68% 71% 74% 77% 80% 83% 86% 89% 92% 95% 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) AF Figure 6G-50. BMP capacities: Los Angeles (Centinela Creek). Los Angeles (Sepulveda Channel) Target: 82% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 800 R 400 350 300 700 600 250 500 200 400 150 300 100 200 50 100 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-51. BMP capacities: Los Angeles (Sepulveda Channel). 6.G-6 94% 91% 88% 85% 82% 79% 76% 73% 70% 67% 64% 61% 58% 55% 52% 49% 46% 43% 40% 37% 34% 31% 28% 23% 20% 16% 9% 0 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 900 D Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 450 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves Santa Monica (Sepulveda Channel) 25 Target: 85% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 9 8 20 7 6 15 5 4 10 3 2 5 1 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 10 0 95% 90% 85% 74% 69% 64% T 59% 53% 48% 42% 37% 32% 27% 22% 16% 13% 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) AF Figure 6G-52. BMP capacities: Santa Monica (Sepulveda Channel). Uninc. LA County (Ballona Creek) Target: 73% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 60 R 16 14 12 50 10 40 8 30 6 20 4 10 2 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-53. BMP capacities: Uninc. LA County (Ballona Creek). 6.G-7 93% 90% 87% 84% 81% 78% 75% 72% 69% 66% 63% 59% 56% 53% 47% 44% 41% 36% 33% 30% 25% 22% 19% 16% 13% 10% 0 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 70 D Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 18 Section 6.G x Cost Optimization Curves Uninc. LA County (Centinela Creek) Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) Target: 86% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 35 30 90 80 70 25 60 20 50 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 0 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 100 40 96% 93% 90% 87% 84% 79% 76% 73% 70% T 66% 63% 59% 55% 52% 49% 44% 39% 36% 32% 29% 26% 21% 16% 9% 0 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) AF Figure 6G-54. BMP capacities: Uninc. LA County (Centinela Creek). West Hollywood (Ballona Creek) R 200 D 80 250 60 150 Zinc Load Reduction (limiting pollutant) Figure 6G-55. BMP capacities: West Hollywood (Ballona Creek). 6.G-8 94% 91% 88% 85% 82% 78% 75% 72% 69% 66% 63% 60% 56% 53% 50% 47% 44% 40% 37% 0 34% 0 31% 50 26% 20 22% 100 18% 40 20-year Implementation Cost ($ millions) 300 Target: 74% (Prior to Allocation of Regional BMP Capacity to Upstream Jurisdictions) 100 14% Structural BMP Capacity (acre-ft) 120 D R AF T Appendix 6.H Approach for Gradual Phasing from Average Interim Conditions to Critical Final Conditions 6.H-1 Appendix 6.H x Interim to Final Phasing The Regional Board guidance document19 stipulates that final compliance targets must be derived based on analysis of critical TMDL conditions (e.g., 90th percentile daily loading rates as was used for this RAA) while interim compliance may be based on average conditions, as follows: For interim WQBELs and/or receiving water limitations, the percent reduction based on annual average baseline loading may be used to set targets/goals for BMPs/watershed control measures where such percent reduction based on the annual average baseline loading is consistent with interim requirements as set forth in Part VI.E and Attachments L-R. A gradual phasing of percent load reduction for interim WQBELs/RWLs to final WQBELs/RWLs shall be applied over the course of the implementation schedule. The milestones analysis for this RAA includes the gradual phasing from interim (average) to final (critical) compliance. A conceptual illustration of the target ramp for this phasing is illustrated below. The percent BMP completion based on the final compliance target (critical conditions) is represented by the top blue line [segment AÆC], while percent BMP completion based on the interim target (average conditions) is represented by bottom blue line [segment AÆB]. The orange curve represents the Dzdz rage to critical conditions to match the approach recommended by the RAA Guidelines. AF T In the example below, the load reduction required to achieve compliance under average conditions is 34% of the capacity need to achieve compliance under critical conditions (see right hand side of figure). For the RAA, 34% is the ratio of average to critical conditions that is used as the basis for phasing from interim to final (this percentage varies for each jurisdiction-assessment area). 100% 90th Percentile D R C 65% 65% ramp B Ratio: Average = 34% 90th Percentile 35% 35% ramp 10% 10% ramp A 19 Regional Board (Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board). 2014. Guidelines for Conducting Reasonable Assurance Analysis in a Watershed Management Program, Including an Enhanced Watershed Management Program. LARWQCB, Los Angeles, CA. 6H-2 C:\Users\linty\Downloads\EWMP\Document\Ballona EWMP Prelim Draft Appendices 20150316.docx Appendix 6.H x Interim to Final Phasing For presentation of the RAA, the dynamic phasing from average to critical was embedded into the milestones trajectory curves by translating the y-axis values (which were originally based on the final reduction target), to percent reductions in terms the required milestones reductions (based on average conditions). In other words, the graphs and tables in Appendix D1 and D2 have already been phased Dz dz Ǥ In the section below, an example is presented where the 35% milestone mathematically represents 20% in terms of the final target reduction, the 65% milestone represents 50% in terms of the final target reduction, and the 100% milestone represents 100% of the final reduction target. These relative differences between interim and final % reductions are somewhat typical for the EWMP area. Details of the Mathematical Approach for Phasing from Average to Critical Conditions Consider the example average and final trajectories shown in the figure above. Assuming that the ratio of average to final is 34%, the following relationship can be used to calculate the equivalent final load reduction for the 35% and 65% interim milestones as shown in equations 1 and 2 below: AF T ͵ͷΨ ݁݊ݐݏ݈݁݅ܯൌ ͲǤ͵ͷሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻ ͲǤ͵ͷሾͲǤ͵ͷ െ ͲǤ͵ͷሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻሿ ൌ ʹͲΨ ͷΨ ݁݊ݐݏ݈݁݅ܯൌ ͲǤͷሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻ ͲǤͷሾͲǤͷ െ ͲǤͷሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻሿ ൌ ͷͲΨ (1) (2) The generalized form of this relationship is a quadratic relationship with two constants ܾ and ܽ, representing the ratio of average to final and its corresponding inverse ratio, respectively, as shown in equations 3, 4, and 5: (3) (4) (5) D R ݕൌ ݔሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻ ݔሾ ݔെ ݔሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻሿ ݕൌ ݔሺͲǤ͵Ͷሻ ݔଶ ሺͳ െ ͲǤ͵Ͷሻ ݕൌ ܽ ݔଶ ܾݔ As shown in equation 6, the expression can be rearranged as a generalized quadratic expression: Ͳ ൌ ܽ ݔଶ ܾ ݔ ܿ ܿ݁ݎ݄݁ݓൌ െݕ (6) The quadratic formula, equation 7, is the inverse solution for ݔfrom equation 6: ݔൌ െܾ േ ξܾଶ െ Ͷܽܿ ʹܽ (7) The dynamic target ramp was embedded into the milestones trajectory curves by translating the y-axis values (which were originally based on the final reduction target), to percent reductions in terms the required milestones reductions. As shown in equation 8, the resulting function yields Ԣ, which 6H-3 C:\Users\linty\Downloads\EWMP\Document\Ballona EWMP Prelim Draft Appendices 20150316.docx Appendix 6.H x Interim to Final Phasing Ǥ ǡDz dz average and final targets is implicitly reflected in the interim milestones. As BMP capacities approach 0, % reduction are based more on the average target; likewise, and as BMP capacities approach 100%, % reduction values are based on the final target. Ԣ ൌ െܴܽ ݅ݐേ ඥܴܽ݅ݐଶ Ͷሺͳ െ ܴܽ݅ݐሻݕ ʹሺͳ െ ܴܽ݅ݐሻ (8) Considering the example presented in equations 1 and 2 (where the ratio of average to final was 34%), the 35% milestone mathematically represents 20% of the final target reduction, the 65% milestone represents 50% of the final target reduction, and the 100% milestone represents 100% of the final reduction target. Variability diminishes as the ratio of average to final approaches 1. D R AF T Table 6H-15. Beverly Hills, Ballona Creek: RAA Output and EWMP Implementation Plan 6H-4 C:\Users\linty\Downloads\EWMP\Document\Ballona EWMP Prelim Draft Appendices 20150316.docx