TEG-S50g Installation Manual
TEG-S50g Installation Manual
TREflDnET TEG-S50g Quick Installation Guide Guide d'installation rapide Anleitung zur Schnellinstallation G uia de instalacion rapida PyKOBOflCTBO no 6 blCTpOM yCTaHOBKe Guia de Instalagao em Portugues Eestikeelse paigaldusjuhendi TEG-S50g r r r r r Internet 1 /lH T e p H e T Intemeti (ft _ Router Routeur MapwpyTnaaTop Roteador Ruuteri TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 TRenonef TREflDflET TEG-S50g Note: Verify the switch's LEDs are working properly. Please see the table below: LEDs LED Port Indicators Description Power Green (Solid) Off Green (Solid) Device powered on Device powered off Green (Blinking) Transmitting/Receiving data (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Amber (Solid) Amber (Blinking) Connected (10/20 Mbps or 100/200 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Off No device is connected or the device is turned off Link/ACT Connected (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Transmitting/Receiving data (10/20 Mbps or 100/200 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Remaraue: Veriflez aue les LED du switch fonctionnent correctement. Veuillez consulter le tableau ci-dessous: LED Indicateurs de port Descirption Power (Alimentation) Vert (fixe) Peripherique alimente allume Peripherique alimente eteint Link/ ACT (Lien/ Activite) Eteint Vert (fixe) Vert (clignotant) Amber (fixe) Amber (clignotant) Eteint Connects (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Transmission/reception de donnees (10/20 Mbps ou 100/200 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Connects (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Transmission/reception de donnees (10/20 Mbps ou 100/200 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Aucun peripherique n'est connecte ou le peripherique est eteint Hinweis: Uberoriifen Sie anhand der folaenden Tabelle. dass die LEDs des Switches korrekt funktionieren: LED Anzeige Power (Stromversorgunga) Leuchtet griin Gerat ist eingeschaltet Aus Gerat ist ausgeschaltet Leuchtet griin Angeschlossen (2000 MBit/s (Full Duplex)) Blinkt griin Daten weiden gesendet / empfangen (10/20 MBit/s Oder 10/20 MBit/s (Halb/Voll Duplex)) Link/ACT (Link/Aktivitat) Beschreibung Leuchtet Amber Angeschlossen (2000 MBit/s (Voll Duplex)) Blinkt Amber Daten werden gesendet / empfangen (10/20 MBit/s Oder 10/20 MBit/s (Halb/Voll Duplex)) Aus Kein Gerat angeschlossen oder Gerat ist ausgeschaltet TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 TRenonef TREflDflET TEG-S50g Note: Compruebe que los indicadores LED del switch estan funcionando adecuadamente. Consulte la tabla a continuation: LEDs LED Indicadores de puerto Descripci6n Power Verde (solido) Dispositivo de alimentacion encendido Apagado Dispositivo de alimentacion apagado Link/ ACT Verde (sdlido) Conectado (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Verde (intermitente) Transmision/recepcion de datos (10/20 Mbps o 10/20Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Naranja ( solido) Conectado (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Naranja (intermitente) Transmisi6n/recepci6n de datos (10/20 Mbps o 10/20Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Apagado No hay dispositivo conectado o el dispositivo esta apagado BHMMaHlie: Y6eflMTeCb. HTO CBeTOMHAMIOTODbl KOMMVTaTODa d)VHKLiMOHMDVK)T HOJVKHblM 06Da30M. C m . TaSjlHUV. npuBefleHHyio HM>xe: cw n CMfl MHflMKaropbi noproB OnMcaHMe Power (SneKTponHTaHHe) 3eneHbiti (ropm nocrosiHHo) OnMcaHkie Y ctpomctbo BunioHeHO Bbiiai YCTpOMCTBO BblKniOHeHO 3eneHbiM noflKnioMeHo (2000 M6mt (flynneKCHbiM pewwM)) Link/ACT (CBH3b/pa6ora) (rOpMT nOCTOSIHHO) 3eneHbiM (MuraeT) nepeflana/nonyMeHMe flaHHbix (10/20 M6mt iuim 10/20 M6mt (nonyflynneKCHbiii/flynneKCHbiM pewMM)) OpaHweBbiM (ropMT nOCTOSIHHO) rioflKTioHeHO (2000 M6 mt (flyrmeKCHbiii pe*MM)) OpaHixeBbiM (MuraeT) ilepeflana/ nonyneHMe flaHHbix (10/20 M6mt vim 10/20 M6mt (nonyflynneKCHbiii/flynneKCHbiM pe*MM)) Bbiiai Yctpomctbo He noflKraoneHo v\m BbiKraoneHo M3 ce™ TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 TREnonef TREflDflET TEG-S50g Nota: Verifique se os LEDs do switch estao a funcionar correctamente, confirmando o seu comportamento segundo a tabela abaixo: LEDs LED Descrigio Indicadores luminosos das Portas Power (Alimentagao) Verde (Solido) Apagado Link/ ACT (Link/Atividade) Verde (Solido) Verde (Piscando) Ligado (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Transmitindo/recebendo dados (10/20 Mbps ou 10/20Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Amarillo (Solido) Ligado (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Transmitindo/recebendo dados (10/20 Mbps ou 10/20 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Amarillo (Piscando) Apagado Dispositivo alimentado Dispositivo apagado Nenhum dispositivo se encontra conectado ou o dispositivo encontra-se desligado Markus: Kontrolliae. et switchi LEDid on tookorras. Palun vaadake alliaranevast tabelist: LEDid LED Portide tegevused Kiijeldus Power (Toide) Roheline (PSIeb) Ei helenda Seade on valja lulitatud Link/ ACT Roheline (Poleb) Roheline (Vilgub) Amber (PSIeb) Seade on sisselulitatud Uhendatud (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Edastamise / andmete vastuvfitmise (10/20 Mbps vSi 10/20 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Amber (Vilgub) Uhendatud (2000 Mbps (Full Duplex)) Edastamise / andmete vastuvfitmise (10/20 Mbps vfii 10/20 Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)) Ei helenda Seade ei ole uhenduses voi seade on valja liilitatud TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 TRenonef TREnoriET Declaration of Conformity Company Information: Company Name: TRENDnet, Inc. Company Address: 20675 Manhattan Place Torrance, CA 90501 USA Product Information: Product Description: 5-Port Gigabit GREENnet Switch C i Model Number: TEG-S50g Brand Name: TRENDnet Technical Standards: EN 55022 : 2010 +AC : 2011 Class B EN 61000-3-2 : 2006 Class A : 2009 +A2 : 2009 Class A EN 61000-3-3:2008 EN 55024:2010 AS/NZS CISPR 22 : 2009 + A 1 : 2010 Class B Declaration: This product is herewith confirmed to comply with the Directive of2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC and 2009/125/EC. I hereby declare that the products and devices mentioned above are consistent with the standards and provisions of the guidelines. Sonny Su Director of Technology Name Title December 17, 2013 Date TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 Signat^f r TRenonef TREflDnET Declaration de conformite Coordonnees du fournisseur: Nom: TRENDnet, Inc. Adresse: 20675 Manhattan Place Torrance, CA 90501 USA Details du produit: Nom du produit: Switch Gigabit GREENnet a 5 ports Modele: TEG-S50g Nom Commercial: TRENDnet Details standard applicable: EN 55022 : 2010 +AC : 2011 Class B EN 61000-3-2 : 2006 Class A : 2009 +A2 : 2009 Class A EN 61000-3-3 :2008 EN 55024:2010 AS/NZS CISPR 22 : 2009 + A 1 : 2010 Class B Declaration: Ce produit est conforme a la directive 2004/108/CE, 2006/95/CE et 2009/125/CE.. Je declare par la presente que les produits et appareils mentionnes ci-dessus sont conformes aux standards et aux dispositions des directives. Sonny Su Director of Technology Name Title December 17, 2013 Date TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 TRenonef TREflDnET TEG-S50g Limited Warranty TRENDnet warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and service, fbrttie following length o f time from the date o f purchase. Warranty: 3 year limited warranty (When Applicable: 1 year warranty for power adapter, power supply, and cooling fan components.) VisitTRENDnet.com to review the full warranty policy, rights, and restrictions forth is product. Garantie Llm ltte TRENDnet garantit ses produits contre les ddfauts matdriels et de fabrication, dans des conditions normales d'utilisation et de service, pour lesdur§es suivantes, d compter de la date de leur a chat Limit6e: 3 ans de garantie Iimit6e (Si applicable: 1 an de garantie sur I’adaptateur secteur, I'alimentation en 6nergie et les composants du ventilateur de refroidissemenL) Visitez TRENDnet.com pour lire la politique complete de garantie, les droits et les restrictions s'appliquant a ce produit. Begrenzte Garantie TRENDnet garantiert, dass seine Produkte bei normaler Benutzung und Wartung wahrend der nachfolgend genannten Zeit ab dem Kaufdatum keine Material- und Verarbeitungsschaden aufweisen. Garantie: 3-Jahres-Garantie (Soweitzutreffend: 1 Jahr Garantie fur Netzteil, Stromkabel und Ventilator.) AlleGarantiebedingungen, Rechte und Einschrankungen fur dieses Produkt finden Sie aufTRENDnet.com. GarantlaLlmltada TRENDnetgarantiza sus productos contra defectos en los materiales y manode obra, bajo uso y servido normales, durante el siguiente periodo detiem poa pardrde lafecha de compra. Garantia: 3 afios (Cuando proceda: 1 afio de garantia para componentes de adaptadores de corriente, fuente de alimentaci6n y ventiladores de refrigeradfin.) Visite TRENDnet.com para revisar la polltica de garantfa, derechos y restricciones para este producto. OrpaHHHBHHan rapaim ui r apawTHfl KOMnaHHH TRENDnet pacnpocrpaHneTcn Ha fletJjeiCTbi, B03HwaiJne no bhhg npoHSBOflm-ejra, npu coBniofleHHH ycnoBUM 3KcnjiyaraL|HM h oficnyxuBaH m b reneHHe ycraHOBJieHHoro nepnofla c MOMeHTa npno6peraHHfl. (ripoflyicT: OrpaHMHeHHaa rapaHTHa: Tpexneraflfl orpaHnneHHaji rapam vn (PacnpocrpaHfleTca: HanpouoKeHUM 1 roAa HacwnoBbieaflanTepbi^cTOHHHKVinwTaHiuinKOMnoHeHTbiBeHTiinjiTopaoxnajKfleHHfl) rionHyio Bepcmo rapaHTuiiHux o6fl3aTe/ibcra, a Taioce npaBa n0Jib30BaTenfl n orpaHHHeHHS npn 3KcnnyaTaMHii flaHHoro npoflyitra cmotpmts Ha Befjcawra TRENDneLcom. GarantlaLlmltada TRENDnet garante seus produtos contra defeitos em material e mdo de obra, sob c o n d i^ e s nomiais de uso e servigo, pelo seguinte tempo a pardrda data da compra. Garantia: Garantia limitada de 3 anos. (Quando aplicdvel: 1 ano de garantia para adaptador de tensSo, fonte e componentes de ventoinhas). Visite TRENDnet.com para conhecer a politica de garantia completa, direitos e restrigfies para este produto.) Piiratud garantii TRENDneti tavatingimustes kasutatavatel ja hooldatavatel toodetel on jargmise ajavahemiku jooksul (alates ostukuupaevast) tootmis-ja materjalidefektide garantii. garantii: 3aastane piiratud garantii. (Garantii kohaldatakseitoiteadapteri.toiteallikajajahutusventilaatori osadelon 1-aastanegarantii.)Taisgarantii pohimotete, oiguste ja piirangote kohta leiate Iisateavet saidiltTRENDnet.com. TapaHTlfiKounaHri ra p a H T ia K O M n a H ii"T R E N D n e t n o iU H p n e rb C fl Ha f le $ e K n i, m o b h h h k tih 3 bhhm b h p o & h h io , npH flO TpnM aH H i yMO B e K c n n y a T a q iira o 6 c n y ro B y B a H H fl n p o ra ro M BCTaHOBneHoro n e p io fly 3 MOMeHTy n p u flS a H H fl. ( n p o fly ic r : O B n ie w e H a r a p a H rin : 3 po xvi o S M e x e H o i ra p a H T fl ( llo iu H p io e T tc i: n p o r a r o M 1 p o n y Ha cw n o B i a f la n r e p n , f l ^ e p e j ia WHBneHHS i K0 M n0 H6 HTH B e H m n flT o p a o x o jio flH ce H H a ) rio B H y B e p c iio r a p a m iiiH n x 3o5 o B 's 3aH b, a TBK03K n p a B a K o p M c ry B a n a Ta o S m b x b h h a n p H e K c r u iy a ra ^ 'f A a H o ro n p o a y io y A M B iT b C fl Ha BeScatTTi TRENDnet.com. C ertifications Note This device can be expected to comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules provided it is assembled in exact accordance with the instructions provided with this kit. Operation is subject to the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference (2) This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. The Manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. F£ K CC Efl[ Waste electrical an electronic products must not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or Retailerfor recycling advice. T ech nical S u p p o rt If you have any que s tio n s re g a rd in g th e p ro d u c t insta llation, please c o n ta c t o u r Technical S upp ort. Toll fre e U S /C a n a d a : 1 -B B 6 -8 4 5 -3 6 7 3 Regional phone n u m b e rs available a t w w w .tre n d n e t.c o m /s u p p o rt A dvertencia En todos nuestros equipos se mencionan claramente las caracteristicas del adaptador de alimentacon necesario para su funcionamiento. El uso de un adaptador distinto al mencionado puede producir danos fisicos y/o darios al equipo conectado. El adaptador de alimentactin debe operar con voltaje y frecuencia de la energia electrica domidliaria exitente en el pais o zona de instalacion. P ro d u c t W a rr a n ty R e g is tra tio n Please ta ke a m o m e n t to re g is te r yo u r p ro d u c t online. Go to TR E N D net’s w e b s ite at: h ttp : // w w w .t r e n d n e t .c o m / re g is te r TR EN D net 2 0 6 7 5 M a n h a tta n P la c e , T o rra n c e , C A 9 0 5 0 1 . U S A Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved. TRENDnet TEG-S50g[V4)/12.18.2013 TRenonef