Do not tell


Do not tell
NorLARNet Newsletter No. 329, 6 June 2016
Narrativas personales
Seminar organized by the research group "Latin America: Literature and Culture" at the University of
Bergen, with economic support from NorLARNet.
See announcement.
Time: 9 – 10 June 2016
Place: Møterom 240, UiB Global, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen
Reminder: Youth, drugs and violence in Brazil
Seminar organized by Marit Ursin at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, with
economic support from NorLARNet.
See announcement.
Time: 28 – 29 September 2016
Place: Norwegian Centre for Child Research, NTNU, Trondheim.
Reminder: Tell Me Why My Children Died: Rabies, Indigenous Knowledge, and Communicative
Open guest lecture by Charles L. Briggs and Clara Mantini-Briggs, both University of California,
Berkeley; organized by Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.
See also the photographic exhibition at the University of Oslo Library June 7-9.
See announcement.
Time: Tuesday 7 June;14:15 – 16:00
Place: Georg Sverdrups hus, room 4, Blindern, University of Oslo
Reminder: Cuba’s Academic Advantage; Why students in Cuba do better in school?
Post conference seminar in connection with the conference Bringing Teacher Education Forward,
organized by the research project Coherence and Assignment Study in Teacher Education (CATE) at
the University of Oslo.
See announcement.
Time: Wednesday 8 June;15:15 – 18:00
Place: Auditorium 2, University Library (Georg Sverdrups Hus), University of Oslo
Reminder: Uro og OL i Brasil
Seminar on unrest and the Olympics in Brazil with five researchers at Oslo and Akershus University
College of Applied Sciences: Einar Braathen, Celina Myrann Sørbøe, Sveinung Legard, Kjetil
Klette Bøhler and Simon Pahle.
Language: Norwegian
See announcement.
Time: Thursday 9 June; 09:00 – 11:45
Place: Seminar room X212, NOVA, Stensberggata 26, Oslo and Akershus University College of
Applied Sciences, Oslo
Reminder: Drømmen om OL
Screening of the documentary «The Olympic Dream» (50 min) followed by a panel discussion on the
Rio Olympics 2016 with Håvard Bjørkedal Øvregård, Norwegian Sports Federation; Anne Kjersti
Bjørn (film director); Einar Braathen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences
(HiOA); Celina Sørbøe, HiOA; Leo Doria (
Language: Norwegian.
See announcement.
Time: Thursday 9 June;12:00 – 14:00
Place: P173, Pilestredet 48, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo
Venezuela-debatt: Har fyrtårnet falt?
Debate on the current situation in Venezuela and the position of the Norwegian Left, with Eirik Vold,
journalist and author; Benedicte Bull, University of Oslo; and Bård Vegar Solhjell, member of the
Storting for SV; organized by Klassekampen.
See announcement.
Time: Thursday 9 June;19:00 – 20:30
Place: Kulturhuset, Youngstorget 3, Oslo
Reminder: Changes in Cuban Politics and Welfare
Seminar with Pavel Vidal, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali (Colombia); Yailenis Mulet,
University of Havana; and Vegard Bye, University of Oslo; organized by NOVA (Norwegian Social
Research), Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.
See announcement.
Time: Friday 10 June;13:00 – 16:30
Place: AFI-broen, 4th floor, Stensberggata 26, Oslo
The Political Economy of Organized Crime in Mexico
Seminar with Karol Gil Vasquez, Nichols College, USA; organized by UiB Global.
See announcement.
Time: Monday 27 June;14:15 – 15:30
Place: Seminar Room 240, UiB Global, Jekteviksbakken31, Bergen
The battle of Venezuela
Venezuela's collapse is the story about what happens when you systematically exclude expertise and
critical voices that can help adjusting the political course of a country, writes Benedicte Bull,
University of Oslo, in an article in Dagsavisen 31 May 2016 (in Norwegian).
Book: Transitional Justice in Latin America. The Uneven Road from Impunity towards
Edited by Elin Skaar, Chr. Michelsen Institute; Jemima Garcia-Godos, University of Oslo; and
Cath Collins; Routledge, 2016.
See the publisher’s website.
This section displays a selection of last week’s news, as presented by Norwegian media (internet
Kuczynski styrer mot knapp siger i Peru Fjordabladet-6. juni 2016
Krise i Venezuela: – Venter timevis i kø for mat NRK-5. juni 2016
Slik endte Venezuela i dyp krise E24-5. juni 2016
Zapatero besøkte fengslet opposisjonslederVG-5. juni 2016
Colombia belønnes for redusert avskoging Bistandsaktuelt-3. juni 2016
30.000 bønder demonstrerer i Colombia Nationen-2. jun. 2016
Ny sjokkrapport om Rio-OL: Ganske gudløst i City of God jun. 2016
Brasils økonomi krympet mer enn 5 prosent Hegnar Online-2. juni 2016
Panamakanalen klar for større skip Hegnar Online-2. juni 2016
Mexicanske lærere ble skamklipt, erklært «landsforrædere» og ... juni 2016
Nytt ministerfall i Brasil Dagens Næringsliv-31. mai 2016
Jaktet mandag på seks mistenkte etter gjengvoldtekten i Brasil - to pågrepet NRK-31. mai 2016
Leger i Venezuela til NRK: – Folk dør på grunn av medisinmangel ... NRK-31. mai 2016
Maduros tilhengere beskylder opposisjonen for fusk E24-30. mai 2016
Brasil raser etter at skrytevideo av massevoldtekt havnet på nettet ... mai 2016
Elleve personar drepne av væpna gruppe i Venezuela Fjordabladet-29. mai 2016
Chr. Michelsen Institute – Senior Researcher (social anthropology)
See announcement.
---------------------------------------------------------------------We invite everybody to inform us about:
- Events of relevance to Latin America researchers in Norway
- Research results that may be featured on our pages
- A desire to write a comment about events or developments in Latin America
- Comments about Latin America published in other Norwegian media
You have now been added to the Norlarnet-group mailing list. Please contact us if you do not wish to
receive these e-mails, or if you know someone who should be added to it.
Questions and comments may be directed to: [email protected], or Benedicte Bull (+47) 22 85 89
02, (+47) 40 20 44 38. We appreciate feedback about the webpage and newsletter; please send us your
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Boletín informativo de NorLARNet No. 329, 6 de junio de 2016
Narrativas personales
Seminario organizado por el grupo de investigación "América Latina: Literatura y Cultura" de la
Universidad de Bergen, con apoyo económico de NorLARNet.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: 9 – 10 de junio de 2016
Lugar: Møterom 240, UiB Global, Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen
Recordatorio: Youth, drugs and violence in Brazil
Seminario organizado por Marit Ursin de la Norwegian University of Science and Technology, con
apoyo económico de NorLARNet.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: 28 – 29 de septiembre de 2016
Lugar: Norwegian Centre for Child Research, NTNU, Trondheim.
Recordatorio: Tell Me Why My Children Died: Rabies, Indigenous Knowledge, and
Communicative Justice
Conferencia de los investigadores invitados Charles L. Briggs y Clara Mantini-Briggs, ambos
University of California, Berkeley; organizada por Department of Culture Studies and Oriental
Languages, Universidad de Oslo. Véase también la exposición fotográfica en la Biblioteca de la
Universidad de Oslo del 7 al 9 de junio.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Martes 7 de junio;14:15 – 16:00
Lugar: Georg Sverdrups hus, room 4, Blindern, Universidad de Oslo
Recordatorio: Cuba’s Academic Advantage; Why students in Cuba do better in school?
Seminario post-conferencia en relación con la conferencia Bringing Teacher Education Forward,
organizada por el proyecto de investigación Coherence and Assignment Study in Teacher Education
(CATE) de la Universidad de Oslo.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Miércoles 8 de junio;15:15 – 18:00
Lugar: Auditorium 2, University Library (Georg Sverdrups Hus), University of Oslo
Recordatorio: Uro og OL i Brasil
Seminario sobre conmoción social y juegos olímpicos en Brasil con cinco investigadores de Oslo and
Akershus University College of Applied Sciences: Einar Braathen, Celina Myrann Sørbøe,
Sveinung Legard, Kjetil Klette Bøhler y Simon Pahle.
Idioma: noruego
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Jueves 9 de junio; 09:00 – 11:45
Lugar: Seminar room X212, NOVA, Stensberggata 26, Oslo and Akershus University College of
Applied Sciences, Oslo
Recordatorio: Drømmen om OL
Proyección del documental «Drømmen om OL» (50 min) seguido por un debate sobre los Juegos
Olímpicos en Río 2016 con Håvard Bjørkedal Øvregård, Norwegian Sports Federation; Anne
Kjersti Bjørn (realiizadora de películas); Einar Braathen, Oslo and Akershus University College of
Applied Sciences (HiOA); Celina Sørbøe, HiOA; y Leo Doria (
Idioma: noruego.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Jueves 9 de junio;12:00 – 14:00
Lugar: P173, Pilestredet 48, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo
Venezuela-debatt: Har fyrtårnet falt?
Debate sobre la situación actual en Venezuela y la posición de la izquierda noruega, con Eirik Vold,
periodista y autor; Benedicte Bull, Universidad de Oslo; y Bård Vegar Solhjell, diputado de SV;
organizado por Klassekampen.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Jueves 9 de junio;19:00 – 20:30
Lugar: Kulturhuset, Youngstorget 3, Oslo
Recordatorio: Changes in Cuban Politics and Welfare
Seminario con Pavel Vidal, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali (Colombia); Yailenis Mulet,
Universidad de La Habana; y Vegard Bye, Universidad de Oslo; organizado por NOVA (Norwegian
Social Research), Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Viernes 10 de junio;13:00 – 16:30
Lugar: AFI-broen, 4to piso, Stensberggata 26, Oslo
The Political Economy of Organized Crime in Mexico
Seminario con Karol Gil Vasquez, Nichols College, EEUU; organizado por UiB Global.
Véase el anuncio.
Fecha: Lunes 27 de junio;14:15 – 15:30
Lugar: Seminar Room 240, UiB Global, Jekteviksbakken31, Bergen
La batalla de Venezuela
El colapso de Venezuela es el relato de lo que sucede cuando se excluye sistemáticamente a la
competencia especializada y las voces críticas que podrían ayudar a ajustar el rumbo político de un
país, escribe Benedicte Bull, Universidad de Oslo, en un artículo en Dagsavisen el 31 de mayo de
2016 (en noruego).
Libro: Transitional Justice in Latin America. The Uneven Road from Impunity towards
Editado por Elin Skaar, Chr. Michelsen Institute; Jemima Garcia-Godos, Universidad de Oslo; y
Cath Collins; Routledge, 2016.
Véase el sitio web de la editorial.
Esta sección muestra algunos artículos seleccionados de los medios noruegos (versión de internet) de
la semana pasada:
Kuczynski styrer mot knapp siger i Peru Fjordabladet-6. juni 2016
Krise i Venezuela: – Venter timevis i kø for mat NRK-5. juni 2016
Slik endte Venezuela i dyp krise E24-5. juni 2016
Zapatero besøkte fengslet opposisjonslederVG-5. juni 2016
Colombia belønnes for redusert avskoging Bistandsaktuelt-3. juni 2016
30.000 bønder demonstrerer i Colombia Nationen-2. jun. 2016
Ny sjokkrapport om Rio-OL: Ganske gudløst i City of God jun. 2016
Brasils økonomi krympet mer enn 5 prosent Hegnar Online-2. juni 2016
Panamakanalen klar for større skip Hegnar Online-2. juni 2016
Mexicanske lærere ble skamklipt, erklært «landsforrædere» og ... juni 2016
Nytt ministerfall i Brasil Dagens Næringsliv-31. mai 2016
Jaktet mandag på seks mistenkte etter gjengvoldtekten i Brasil - to pågrepet NRK-31. mai 2016
Leger i Venezuela til NRK: – Folk dør på grunn av medisinmangel ... NRK-31. mai 2016
Maduros tilhengere beskylder opposisjonen for fusk E24-30. mai 2016
Brasil raser etter at skrytevideo av massevoldtekt havnet på nettet ... mai 2016
Elleve personar drepne av væpna gruppe i Venezuela Fjordabladet-29. mai 2016
Chr. Michelsen Institute – Senior Researcher (social anthropology)
Véase el anuncio.
--------------------------------Le invitamos contactar a NorLARNet para distribuir información sobre:
- Eventos relevantes para investigadores sobre América Latina en Noruega
- Resultados de trabajos de investigación de interés para la Red
- Su deseo de publicar comentarios sobre eventos y noticias de
actualidad en América Latina
- Comentarios escritos por investigadores en Noruega sobre América Latina que hayan
sido publicados en otros medios de información.
Su nombre ha sido añadido a la lista de correo de Norlarnet-group. Le agradeceremos se ponga en
contacto con nosotros si no desea recibir información de nuestra Red, o si conoce alguien que debería
estar incluido en la lista.
Por favor, envíe sus preguntas o comentarios a [email protected] o a Benedicte Bull (+47) 22 85
89 02, (+47) 40 20 44 38.
También les agradeceríamos que se pongan en contacto con nosotros para cualquier comentario
sobre nuestra página web o nuestro boletín informativo.
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Do not tell

Do not tell Cuba’s Academic Advantage; Why students in Cuba do better in school? Post conference seminar in connection with the conference Bringing Teacher Education Forward, organized by the research project ...

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