chancery bulletin - Diocese of Madison


chancery bulletin - Diocese of Madison
Daylight Savings Time
Don’t forget to turn your clock BACK one hour before you go to bed Saturday night!
On Sunday, November 4 at 2 a.m., Daylight Savings Time ends.
Important Dates
Priest Retreat
November 4-8, 2012
BOCPC, Madison
Parish OCD Forms Due
DDD: Nov. 7, 2011 E-mail
[email protected]
If you haven’t received a form
Saturday, December 8, 2012 ~
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
December 8th is a holy day of obligation in
2012, even though it falls on a Saturday. It
is under this title that the Blessed Virgin
Mary is the patron of the United States.
Masses for Immaculate Conception may be
celebrated on Friday evening, December 7
and Saturday morning, December 8.
Masses celebrated on Saturday evening,
December 8, should be for the Second
Sunday of Advent. Catholics are obliged to
attend Mass for each day—Immaculate
Conception and the Advent Sunday. One
Mass cannot fulfill two obligations.
In the Table of Liturgical Days, a
solemnity of the Virgin Mary ranks lower
than a Sunday of Advent; therefore, the
Immaculate Conception will end on the
afternoon of Saturday, December 8. On
Saturday evening, Evening Prayer I of the
Second Sunday of Advent is celebrated
instead of Evening Prayer I1 of the
Immaculate Conception, and Masses are
that of the Second Sunday of Advent.
Table of Contents
1. Office of Worship:
 Liturgy Notes – Lamb of God
2. Office of Stewardship & Development:
 November Offertory Report
3. Office of Vocations:
 Seminarian Prayer Card
 Women in Formation Prayer Card
 Qui Vadis 2012-2013 Flyer
4. Office of Evangelization and Catechesis:
 St. Therese Lecture
 Unveiled – Eucharistic Adoration
 March for Life
 Newsletter
 NFP Current Classes 2012
5. Office of the Vicar General:
 Nov.- Jan. Calendar of Events
 November Intercessions for Life
December and January each have Holy Days
of Obligation to schedule that will require
scheduling an extra Mass(es) at the parish:
~ Saturday, December 8, 2012: Feast of the
Immaculate Conception
~ Tuesday, January 1, 2013: Solemnity of
Mary, Mother of God [NOTE: Holy Day
Masses on Saturday, December 8th, must be
scheduled prior to 4:00 pm]
Liturgy Note
from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
August-September 2012 Committee on Divine Worship Newsletter
The Lamb of God and the Use of “Tropes”
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recently modified the 2007 guidelines,
Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, at the request of the Congregation for Divine
Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments (CDWDS). This change deals exclusively with
no. 188 and addresses the practice of adapting the Lamb of God by adding other names
for Christ (for example, King of Kings, Bread of Life, etc.), a practice commonly referred
to as “tropes.”
The CDWDS noted that this practice is not in conformity with no. 130 of the Order of
Mass. Therefore, the practice of using alternate texts for the Lamb of God is not permitted
and should not be used in parishes during the celebration of Mass.
The revised paragraph of Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship now reads (with the
change underlined):
188. The supplicatory chant Agnus Dei accompanies the Fraction Rite. It is, “as a
rule, sung by the choir or cantor with the congregation responding; or it is, at
least, recited aloud. This invocation accompanies the fraction and, for this reason,
may be repeated as many times as necessary until the rite has reached its
conclusion, the last time ending with the words dona nobis pacem (grant us
peace)” (GIRM, no. 83). The Agnus Dei should not be prolonged unnecessarily
(see GIRM, no. 83) nor may other texts be added to this chant.
2011/2012 Monthly Report of Offertory Income
Parish Name: ___________________________City: ______________________________
Prepared By: ______________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: _____________________ Email Address: _________________________
Diocesan Sponsored Program:  Offertory only
 Time, Talent, and Treasure
 Not currently participating in a program
Month of November, 2012
This month in
four weekends
November 3-4,
10-11, 17-18,
This month in
four weekends
November 6-7,
13-14, 19-20,
Offertory Total
Increase \
Please email, fax, or mail this report to Office of Stewardship & Development.
If you would like to receive this form in an electronic version by e-mail,
or have any other questions please contact:
Office of Stewardship & Development
Diocese of Madison
Office of Stewardship and Development
Phone - 608-821-3039
Fax - 608-821-3028
E-mail – [email protected]
Seminarians for the Diocese of Madison 2012-2013
Rev. Mr.
Vincent Brewer
Rev. Mr.
Garrett Kau
Heavenly Father, you sent us your
only Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem us
and to build your kingdom on earth.
Thank you for the blessing of vocations
in the Diocese of Madison.
Grant to the faithful a spirit of generosity
that Church vocations may flourish.
Bless our priests with holiness and courage,
that they may lead your people to Christ.
Van Wagner
Are you being called?
Contact Fr. Paul Ugo Arinze • 608-821-3088
Strengthen our seminarians with
fortitude and zeal for priestly ministry.
Help all consecrated sisters and brothers
to fulfill their sacred promises and
be effective signs of your kingdom.
Lord, we petition you with devoted hearts
to invite more men and women
to service in your Catholic Church.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Office of Vocations, Fr. Paul Ugo Arinze, 608-821-3088
E-mail: [email protected]
Additional prayer cards are available from the
Office of Vocations
Here I Am, Lord
Sr. Christina
Marie Murphy,
O. Cist.
Sr. Joanna
O. Cist,
Sr. M.
Bede Berg,
Heavenly Father, you who care for all
our needs, bless your Church in the
Diocese of Madison with many and good
vocations to the consecrated life.
Encourage and educate those in formation
to become worthy co-workers in your kingdom.
Sr. Josephine
Marie of Mercy
Sr. Madeleine
Miller, OSB
Sr. Mary
McCormack, OP
Sr. M. Catherine
Sr. Jail
Jagroop, OP
Sr. Priscilla
Torres, OP
Sr. M. Michela
Takach, SV
Sr. Zoe
Sr. Imelda Marie
Shaw, OP
Sr. Theresa
Are you being called?
Contact Fr. Paul Ugo Arinze • 608-821-3088
Bless all consecrated sisters and brothers,
priests and deacons, with the grace of holiness,
faithfulness, and perseverance.
Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church,
intercede for families for their trust and strength
to encourage their children to give their lives
in service to God and his Church,
according to his plan for their lives.
Give me the opportunity this day to encourage
a vocation through my prayers and actions.
“Send O Lord, laborers into your vineyard
and spare your people.”
Office of Vocations, Fr. Paul Ugo Arinze, 608-821-3088
E-mail: [email protected]
Additional prayer cards are available from the
Office of Vocations
Quo Vadis
Men’s Discernment Group
Men of all ages interested in discovering God’s vocational path for their lives in a
prayerful, informative, and relaxed environment.
An evening with guest speaker, social and food, Eucharistic Adoration, prayer,
and a small group discussion.
When & Speakers:
October 12, Msgr. Bartylla,
November 9,Rev. Sasse,
December 14, speaker TBD,
January No meeting,
February 8, Rev. Johannes,
March 8, Rev. Tait Schroeder..
6:30pm to 9:30pm
Holy Redeemer Parish, 120 W. Johnson St., Madison, Wisconsin
For more information:
Rev. Paul Ugo Arinze
Office: 608-821-3095 - Toll free: 1-800-833-8452
email: [email protected]
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
[email protected]
Fall 2012 Regional Gatherings
Following the launch of the Year of Faith, the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis is hosting
regional gatherings to bring all catechetical staff in the diocese together to reconnect and consider
important catechetical topics. At the regional gatherings we will be discussing:
 Effective means for implementing the New Catechetical Standards.
 Continued unfolding of the Year of Faith
 A recommended curriculum for parish high school students
 Discussion on First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion curriculums, and more.
In addition to parish catechetical leaders, please invite anybody else who contributes to the
catechetical mission of the parish. As always, pastors are most welcome.
Sessions will run from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with lunch provided. Please register as soon as possible
at Dates and locations are as follows:
 Janesville, St. John Vianney Parish -- Thursday, October 30, 2012
 Montello, St. John the Baptist Parish -- Friday, November 2, 2012
 Ft. Atkinson, St. Joseph -- Tuesday, November 6, 2012
 Platteville, St. Augustine University Parish-- Tuesday, November 13, 2012
 Madison, Bishop O'Connor Center --Tuesday, November 27, 2012
 Madison, Bishop O'Connor Center -- Thursday, November 29, 2012
Fr. Rocky (Fr. Francis Hoffman) Lecture, November 2
The Knights of Divine Mercy and Office of Evangelization & Catechesis will be hosting Fr.
Francis Hoffman, J.C.D. also known as “Fr. Rocky” at the Bishop O’Connor Center on Friday,
November 2 for “Our Holy Alliance: Praying with the Holy Souls and Saints". Fr. Rocky, is
Executive Director of Relevant Radio. The evening will begin with Mass at 5:30 p.m. followed by
Eucharistic Adoration, Vespers, Confessions, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction. Fr. Rocky’s
talk will begin at 7:00 p.m. and be followed by a reception.
Scouting American Saints Hike, November 3
The Madison Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting invites all boy scouts and girl scouts to the
American Saints Hike on Saturday, November 3 at St. Patrick’s Church at 404 E. Main Street in
Madison from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m (registration and check in begin at 8:00 a.m.). Cost is $10 per
scout or sibling and $5 recommend donation for adults to help cover lunch. Cost includes patch,
workbook and lunch. For pre-registration and questions contact Lenny or Terri Komorowski at
[email protected] of 608-438-4632 or 608-839-5112.
St. Therese of Liseux Lecture, November 15 to feature Tom Peterson
Tom Peterson of Catholics Come Home will be coming to Madison for our Fall St.
Therese Lecture Series on Thursday, November 15 at the Bishop O’Connor
Catholic Center at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Peterson’s vision of the New Evangelization
facilitated the production and airing of many beautiful, invitational video commercials
ordered toward evangelization, one of which aired during the Super Bowl last
February. To learn more about Catholics Come Home and to view the videos go to Please register at
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UNVEILED EUCHARISTIC RETREATS, November 11 and November 17-18
UNVEILED – the new Eucharistic Retreats in the Diocese of Madison are coming in November.
Unlike the YOUTH 2000 Retreats of years past, these retreats will be led by some of our own local
talent - notably the holy, rock star priests of our own Diocese! The retreats also will be offered
separately for middle and high school students.
Save the following dates and times:
Middle School: Sunday, November 11th (9:00am - 5:00pm)
High School: Saturday, November 17th (2:00pm) - 18th (3:00pm)
This year’s retreat theme is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. We’ll be adventuring to the Church of the
Gesu, the mother house of the Jesuit Order in Rome during the retreat, and learning from sacred art in
this magnificent Church and the Jesuit Saints throughout the retreat.
For more information, be in touch with Lindsay - [email protected] and watch to learn how to volunteer, register and pray for these retreats.
HOUR OF POWER - High School Holy Hours!, November 18 and December 16
This fall, we are debuting Hour of Power - monthly high school Holy Hours. Hour of Power will take
place from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Sunday afternoons. These will hopefully give young people a chance to
come out to the event, while not missing out on regularly schedule Religious Ed programming in the
Parish! Young people can come by themselves or with their youth ministers.
We will have ice breakers and socializing as young people arrive. Around 1:15pm, a holy and
inspiring young adult or priest will share some encouragement with the kids to keep them on the road
to holiness. The Holy Hour will take place from 1:30 - 2:30pm. Afterwards, the young people will be
welcome to hang out and enjoy snacks with their friends.
The Fall 2012 Series will focus on how the teenagers are called to prepare for this YEAR OF FAITH!
Sunday, November 18 - St. John the Baptist, Waunakee
Sunday, December 16 - St. Francis, Cross Plains
Women’s Evening of Retreat: Rediscovering the Beauty of Women, Dec. 7
Join us for an Evening of Reflection and Prayer as we gather as women of the diocese to understand
our unique beauty and dignity as women on December 7, 2012 at 7pm at the BOCC. Author and
speaker Gina Loehr will present on “Rediscovering Our Beauty as Women in the Year of Faith”
followed by benediction & confession. The evening will conclude with a reception. All women of all
ages are welcome to attend. For more information contact Michelle Nilsson in the OEC at 821-4545
or at [email protected].
New Small Group Study Resource on Porta Fidei available for free download
In this Year of Faith “all of the faithful are invited to read closely and meditate upon Pope Benedict
XVI’s Apostolic Letter, Porta fidei.” A 3-Part series has been developed to help parishes fulfill this
mission. Each of the 3 sessions is designed to be completed within 30 to 40 minutes with an
additional 15 minutes being suggested to complete a simple “Tour of the Catechism” exercise. Please
download it for free at this “tiny url” ( and use it in your parish to
pray together and further consider observance of this special year. Seat of Wisdom credit hours are
available. For more information, contact Patrick Delaney [email protected].
Seat of Wisdom Diocesan Institute Presents: The Sacraments Series
with Abbot Marcel Rooney, O.S.B.
Join us each month as Abbot Marcel Rooney unpacks a different Sacrament exploring both the
Theological foundations as well as the Ritual blessings (Rites) for each for each of the seven
sacraments. The next course is Reconciliation on November 6, 2012 at the Bishop O’Connor
Center from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. For more information, and to register, go to or contact [email protected] or at 821-4545.
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Seat of Wisdom Diocesan Institute Courses
The Seat of Wisdom Diocesan Institute is available to bring its courses to your parish or school for
the purposes of a general Year of Faith offering and / or for catechist certification. For more
information, including a full schedule, course descriptions, and to register, go to or call (608) 821-3160.
Kairos TEC, December 27-29
TEC (Together Encountering Christ) is a retreat experience in Christian living. The cost is $50 for
the entire weekend. Upcoming Retreat Dates Include:
 December 27-29, St. Peter Parish, Madison
 February 22-24, 2013, St. Clement Parish, Lancaster
For more information see or e-mail [email protected] or call 608-821-3160.
March for Life Bus Pilgrimage, January 23-27, 2013
Join the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis on a pilgrimage to the March for Life in Washington,
D.C. departing Wednesday, January 23 and returning on Sunday, January 27. The cost for adults is
$295 and $330 for high school students and their chaperones which includes, bus transportation
(including 2 overnights), a two night stay in a the Hyatt Grand Regency blocks from the capital
building, three meals and matching Madison Diocese March for Life scarves. Teens also have included
in their prices long sleeve t-shirts and an extra dinner.
Adults can contact Michelle Nilsson (821-4545, [email protected] ) and high school
students and their parents can contact Lindsay Becher (821-4544, [email protected]) with
questions. Registration and promotional materials are available at
Frassati Fest – February 1 – 3, 2012
Hopefully you’re familiar with Resurrection Rally – the stellar gathering of hundreds of Madison
Diocese youth every winter at Chula Vista. This year, the event is looking to be bigger and better than
ever. One new, exciting thing about this event is that it has a NEW NAME! Check out this link - to learn more about why FRASSATI FEST is now the place to be.
In the coming month, we will be introducing the Keynote Speaker for this year’s big event, so stay
tuned. A few videos will be posted on the blog to help us out with such important pieces of news.
Please pray for the planning team that kicked off the visioning for this great event.
Also, if you haven’t marked your calendars yet, please do so right now! This great event is happening
from February 1 - 3, 2013 at Chula Vista Resort in the Dells! More information will be coming at
Healing after abortion, Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats, April 12-14, 2013
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats offer hope and healing for any person who has struggled with the
emotional or spiritual pain of abortion. The next retreat in the Madison area is scheduled for April
12-14, 2013. For local information call Mary at 608-221-9593, email: [email protected], or visit Confidentiality is assured.
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Natural Family Planning Classes
Contact the Office of Natural Family Planning
(608) 821-3134 or [email protected]
Attend all three sessions in the following series:
Nov. 9, Dec. 7, & Jan. 18; 7pm
Bloomington - St. Mary Parish
Virtual and Home Study courses are also available.
Attend one of the following Introductory Sessions:
(a series of individual follow-ups will be scheduled
separately between you and the instructor)
Oct. 26 or Nov. 30, 6pm
Cottage Grove
Nov. 17, 10am
Madison – Downtown, St. Paul’s Catholic Center
Nov. 12, or Dec. 3; 7pm
Madison – Eastside
Nov. 12, or Dec. 10; 7pm
Nov. 20, Dec. 12; 6pm
Madison – Westside, Bishop O’Connor Center
Nov. 15, 7pm
NFP 101: The Basics
Nov. 29 or Jan. 15; 7:30pm
Bishop O’Connor Center, Madison
NFP: It’s Supernatural.
Fall 2012
Diocese of Madison
2012 Calendar of Events
November, December, January 2013
November 1
All Saints Day - Holy Day of Obligation
Location: Throughout the Diocese of Madison
November 2
Our Holy Alliance: Praying with the Holy Souls & Saints - Fr. Rocky
November 3
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Workshop
Location: St. Olaf Church, De Forest
Contact: Office of Worship (608) 821.3080
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Location: Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center
Contact: Office of Evangelization & Catechesis (608) 821.3160
Diocesan Choir to Sing at the Holy Mass in Plain
Location: St. Luke Church, Plain
Contact: Office of Worship (608) 821.3080
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
November 10
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Workshop
Location: St. Francis Xavier Church, Lake Mills
Contact: Office of Worship (608) 821.3080
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
November 15
St. Therese Lecture Series: Tom Peterson of Catholics Come Home
December 7
Women’s Evening Retreat – Guest Speaker Author Gina Loehr
Location: Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center
Contact: Office of Evangelization & Catechesis (608) 821.3160
Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
December 8
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception – Holy Day of Obligation
Location: Bishop O’Connor Catholic Pastoral Center
Contact: Office of Evangelization & Catechesis (608) 821.3160
Time: 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Location: Diocese of Madison
Diocese of Madison
2012 Calendar of Events
November, December, January 2013
December 16
Lessons and Carols & Awarding of Papal Honors
Location: O’Donnell Chapel at the Bishop O’Connor Center
Contact: Office of Worship (608) 821.3080
Time: 3:30 pm
December 25
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – Holy Day of Obligation
Location: Diocese of Madison
January 1
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Holy Day of Obligation
Location: Throughout the Diocese of Madison
January 22
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Location: Throughout the Diocese of Madison
Intercessions for Life
November 4th
November 2012
For all elected officials:
that they support laws and policies
that respect the life, liberty and fundamental rights of all people;
We pray to the Lord:
November 11th
For military veterans,
especially those who have been killed or gravely injured while serving:
that their heroism and sacrifices will be honored
and the needs of the families of the fallen and disabled vets will be met;
We pray to the Lord:
November 18th
For the poor:
that their physical and spiritual needs will be abundantly met
in ways that reflect their inherent dignity,
this Thanksgiving Day and always;
We pray to the Lord:
November 25th
For all educators:
that they lead others to the truth and love
that can only be found in the person of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King;
We pray to the Lord:
Word of Life
Bulletin Briefs
November 2012
“Our human dignity is inseparable from the sacredness of life as the gift of the Creator. In God’s
plan, each person is unique and irreplaceable. A person comes into this world in a family, which is
the first locus of humanization, and above all the first school of peace. To build peace, we need to
look to the family, supporting it and facilitating its task, and in this way promoting an overall
culture of life. The effectiveness of our commitment to peace depends on our understanding of
human life. If we want peace, let us defend life!”
~ Pope Benedict XVI
Address at Meeting with Members of the Government in Lebanon, September 15, 2012
“It’s important for our own integrity and the integrity of our country that we stand up today against
these and other attacks on our religious freedom. History affords many examples, both before and
since America’s founding, where restraints on religious liberty presaged the denial of other human
rights. By standing up for religious liberty now, we can begin to renew the soul of America and
strengthen our nation’s commitment to all the rights and freedoms we enjoy as children of God. In
so doing, we may also discover in our own lives what it means to be fully human.”
~ Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia
“Life Matters: Religious Liberty and the American Soul,” Respect Life Program 2012
“Relying only on charitable donations, the Christ-centered response of a pregnancy center is able to
accomplish much even beyond saving a child’s life, a child who is created in God’s image and
likeness and is destined for eternal life. No small thing! The daily work and ministry of the
pregnancy center also channels God’s love to the child’s parents and family, bringing about an
opportunity for evangelization, healing, restoration, better parenting, more marriages and adoptions,
and, in the long term, healthier families.”
~ Margaret H. (Peggy) Hartshorn, Ph.D.
“Life Matters: Responding to Unplanned Pregnancy,” Respect Life Program 2012
“Catholic teaching recognizes the inherent value of all human life. We are indeed made in the image
and likeness of God. As Catholics we celebrate and defend the sanctity of life in all of its natural
stages. Each of us—regardless of age, race, physical or mental ability, or economic status—is
inherently valuable. There is no stage of life that is insignificant. When every life is respected, when
physicians, family members and other caregivers respond generously to the needs of vulnerable
persons in their care, we all benefit.”
~ William L. Toffler, MD
“Life Matters: Doctor-Assisted Death by Suicide,” Respect Life Program 2012
Intercesiones por la Vida Noviembre de 2012
4 de noviembre
Por todos los funcionarios electos:
para que apoyen leyes y políticas que respeten
la vida, la libertad y los derechos fundamentales de todas las personas;
Roguemos al Señor:
11 de noviembre
Por los veteranos militares,
en especial por aquellos que han sido asesinados o heridos de gravedad en el servicio militar;
para que su heroísmo y sacrificios sean honrados
y se atiendan las necesidades de las familias de los veteranos caídos y los discapacitados;
Roguemos al Señor:
18 de noviembre
Por los pobres:
para que sus necesidades físicas y espirituales se satisfagan en abundancia
de maneras que reflejen su inherente dignidad,
este Día de Acción de Gracias y siempre,
Roguemos al Señor:
25 de noviembre
Por todos los educadores:
para que guían a los demás hacia la verdad y el amor
que solo pueden encontrarse en la persona de Nuestro Rey y Señor Jesucristo;
Roguemos al Señor:
Palabra de Vida Citas para boletines
noviembre de 2012
“La dignidad del hombre es inseparable del carácter sagrado de la vida que el Creador nos ha dado.
En el designio de Dios, cada persona es única e irremplazable. Viene al mundo en una familia, que
es su primer lugar de humanización y, sobre todo, la primera que educa a la paz. Para construir la
paz, nuestra atención debe dirigirse a la familia para facilitar su cometido, y apoyarla, promoviendo
de este modo por doquier una cultura de la vida. La eficacia del compromiso por la paz depende de
la concepción que el mundo tenga de la vida humana. ¡Si queremos la paz, defendamos la vida!”.
~ Papa Benedicto XVI
Discurso en el encuentro con los miembros del gobierno en Líbano, 15 de septiembre de 2012
“Es importante para nuestra propia integridad y la integridad de nuestro país que nos levantemos en
contra de estos y otros ataques contra la libertad religiosa. La historia ofrece muchos ejemplos,
ocurridos antes y después de la fundación de Estados Unidos, los cuales muestran qué restricciones
a la libertad religiosa precedieron a la denegación de otros derechos humanos. Al mantenernos en
pie en defensa de la libertad religiosa en este momento, podemos comenzar a renovar el Espíritu de
Estados Unidos y fortalecer el compromiso de nuestra nación con todos los derechos y libertades
que disfrutamos como hijos de Dios. Haciéndolo así, podremos también descubrir en nuestra propia
vida lo que significa ser plenamente humano”.
~ El Reverendísimo Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Arzobispo de Philadelphia
“La vida importa: La libertad religiosa y el espíritu estadounidense”, Programa Respetemos
la Vida 2012
“La respuesta cristiana de los centros de ayuda para el embarazo, que dependen exclusivamente de
los donativos caritativos, logra hasta más que salvar la vida de un niño, un niño que fue creado a
imagen y semejanza de Dios y que merece la vida eterna. ¡Y eso no es poca cosa! El trabajo y el
ministerio del centro también llevan diariamente el amor de Dios a los padres y familiares del
niño, ofreciendo una oportunidad para la evangelización, la sanación, la recuperación, una mejor
paternidad, más matrimonios y adopciones y, a largo plazo, familias más saludables”.
~ Margaret H. (Peggy) Hartshorn, Ph.D.
“La vida importa: Respuesta a un embarazo no planificado”, Programa Respetemos la Vida
“La doctrina católica reconoce el valor inherente a toda vida humana. Somos ciertamente hechos a
imagen y semejanza de Dios. Como católicos celebramos y defendemos la santidad de la vida en
todas sus etapas naturales. Cada uno de nosotros, sin importar edad, raza, capacidades físicas o
mentales o estatus económico, tiene un valor intrínseco. No hay etapa de la vida que sea
insignificante. Cuando se respeta cada vida; cuando los médicos, los familiares y otros encargados
del cuidado, responden generosamente a las necesidades de personas vulnerables cuidando de ellas,
todos nos beneficiamos”.
~ William L. Toffler, MD
“La vida importa: El suicidio asistido médicamente”, Programa Respetemos la Vida 2012