Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Packet
Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Packet
Carrillo Elementary School Transitional Kindergarten (TK) & Kindergarten Registration 2014-2015 Welcome to Carrillo Elementary School! We are excited that your son or daughter will be a member of our school family. Carrillo's Kindergarten program is designed to provide your child with educational experiences and opportunities to ensure that they are challenged, motivated and successful. TK and Kindergarten registration will begin on Thursday, February 6 th from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. each day. The deadline for completed Kindergarten packets for those families who would like to be included in the lottery for morning Kindergarten is Thursday, April 24 th at 3:00 p,m. All SMUSD schools will continue to register students after this date for the afternoon session or morning waiting list. The Kindergarten lottery will be held on Friday, April 25th at 3:30 p.m. (check in at our front office for location of lottery). It is not mandatory to be present at the lottery. Results of the lottery will be made available on the doors of the front office and on the Carrillo website at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 28 th . Registration A complete registration packet will be required for all entering TK and Kindergarten students. Kindergarten students must have a birthday on or before September 1, 2009 and TK students must have a birthday betWeen September 2, 2009 and December 2, 2009 and to register. The following items ARE MANDATORY for registration, we will NOT accept packits that do not have these items: • Birth Certificate (original and a copy) • A Completed Health Physical Form (CHOP form) or an Appointment Card for the physical • Immunization Records (original, we will make a copy) A Current Dental/Oral Screening is required and the completed form presented Verification of Residency (2 items), see registration packet for details • • Office Hours Our school office is open each day from 7:00 a.m, - 4:00 p.m. Please feel free to call us anytime if we can be of assistance in preparation for the upcoming school year (760-290-2900). A Tradition Traditions must begin somewhere and at Carrillo we start our tradition of excellence in our Kindergarten program with your child. Kindergarten is a time to prepare our students for success. The joys of learning and the positive feeling of a job well done are essential building blocks in the foundation of a positive school experience. We look forward to working with you to ensure that your child has a positive and productive experience at Carrillo Elementary School. Sincerely, Fran Pistone Principal Betsy Kannenberg Assistant Principal SAN MARCOS engaging UN1FtED SCHOOL DISTRICT students...inspiring 'futures Kindergarten Lottery, 2014 The purpose of the San Marcos Unified School District's kindergarten lottery is to establish a fair means of placing children into the morning kindergarten programs. Each year many families express a need for the morning classes. All schools will conduct lotteries for kindergarten session placement. We believe that this will make it more convenient for all parents. Following is the schedule all schools will follow for kindergarten registration this year: Kindergarten packets will be available and registration begins at all February 6 th schools from 8:00 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Packets will be available in the front office and can also be printed from the website. - — April 24th by 3:00 p.m. is the deadline for completed kindergarten packets for those families that would like to be included in the lottery for morning kindergarten. ***Schools will continue to register students after this date for afternoon session or morning waiting list. April 25 th —Kindergarten lottery at all schools — 3:30 p.m. check in with front office for location of lottery. Attendance is welcOmed,.but not mandatory. April 28th Results of the lottery will be made available at 4:00 p.m. The lists of those students who will be enrolled in the morning sessions will be on the front office doors and on Carrillo's website. — ***Many of our schools fill their kindergarten classes quickly. It is imperative that parents enroll as soon as possible to ensure a spot for your child at your school. If you have any questions about kindergarten registration or the session lottery, please feel free to contact the school office. Thank you. COLTS: Community of Learners Target Success Registration Check-Off List Required Forms for Kindergarten 1 Enrollment form 2 Student Emergency Information 3 Student Health History Information 4 School Entry Health Check Up form 5 Dental Assessment form 6 Kindergarten Questionnaire 7 State Certified Original Birth Certificate 8 Original Immunization Record 9 Residency Verification form AND 2 proofs of residency (see form for acceptible proofs) (must be signed and dated by physician) (must be signed and dated by dentist) (a copy will be made and the original returned immediately) SAN MARCOS Birth Verif. Res. Verif. UNIFIED KHOO!. engaging studords...irtspiring futures Middle Name Legal First Name Legal Last Name ❑ Student ID # School Start Date 1:3 Female Male For Office Use Only Att. CAT: ELLRC Ref: Birth Date Birth Country Birth State Birth Place Grade As mandated by federal and state law, please answer the following questions to identify this student's ethnicity and race. This information will only be used for reporting total counts of pupils, and will not be released in a personally-identifiable form. Is this student's ethnicity Hispanic or Latino? 0 Yes 0 No Please mark one or more of the following boxes to indicate the student's race. O American Indian or Alaska Native O Asian-Korean Ci Asian-Laotian O Asian-Other O Pacific Islander O Filipino O Asian-Chinese O Asian-Vietnamese O Asian-Cambodian O Pacific Islander-Hawaiian 0 Pacific Islander-Tahitian CI African American 0 Asian-Japanese CI Asian-Indian O Asian-Hmong C3 Pacific Islander-Guamanian O Pacific Islander-Other O White Tract Code Primary Address Home Address (Street) State City Zip Code Home Language Survey The California Education Code requires schools to determine the language(s) spoken at home by each student. This information is essential in order for the school to provide adequate instructional programs and services. 1. 2. 3. 4. Which language did your child learn when he or she first began to speak? What language does your child most frequently use at home? What language do you use most frequently to speak to your child? Name the language spoken most often by the adults at home? Residence Information Please select the option that best describes your housing situation: 0 Duplex 0 Apartment/Condo 0 Single Family Dwelling 0 Mobile Home O Campground 0 Auto/RV or RV Park 0 Hotel/Motel 0 Shelter 0 Other C3 Foster Home Are you temporarily sharing housing with another family due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason? CI Yes 0 No Questionaire • Does anyone in your household work, or has anyone ever worked in seasonal or temporary work related to agriculture (such as fieldwork), food processing (such as canneries or packing houses), fishing, lumbering, or dairy work in the last three years? CI No 0 Yes (If yes, complete Pink Migrant Education Card) • • • • • Has student ever received Special Education Services? Has student ever received 504 accommodation(s)? Has student ever received English Learner Services? Has student ever been retained or advanced a grade? Has student ever attended San Marcos schools before? • Has the student been previously suspended or expelled or is he/she currently recommended for expulsion? O No 0 Yes School Name: CI No 0 Yes CI No CI Yes CI No CI Yes CI No 0 Yes What grade: E3 No CI Yes School Name: Last School Attended School Name: Address of Last School: Street Fax: Phone: City Zipcode Please complete only if student is enrolling in Kindergarten • Please select the program in which your child was primarily participating in prior to Kindergarten. (check one) O Educational Enrichment Systems (EES) Preschool Program at San Marcos Unified. Name of School O Head Start Program or other State/Federal subsidized care O Private or Center-Based childcare program (e.g., KinderCare of a Faith-Based Preschool) O Other 0 No Preschool • How many months did the student participate in the program selected above? • How often did the student attend the educational program selected? O 1 day per week ❑ 2 days per week 0 3 days per week ❑ 4 days per week months 0 5 days per week Parent/Guardian Information The California Education Code requires schools to gather information regarding the highest level of education achieved by the parent with the most schooling. Relationship Full Name Phone-Home Phone-Work Phone—Cell Email: Parent Education Level: ❑ ❑ Not a High School Graduate College Graduate O High School Graduate ❑ Graduate School/Post Grad.Training 0 0 Some College Decline to state/Unknown Parent contact allowed: O Ed. Rights O Mailings allowed O Contact Allowed ❑ Lives with Relationship Full Name 0 Has Custody(recent court papers in file) Phone-Work Phone—Cell Phone-Home Email: Parent Education Level: O Not a High School Graduate 0 College Graduate O O High School Graduate Graduate School/Post Grad.Training 0 0 Some College Decline to state/Unknown Parent contact allowed: O Contact Allowed O Lives with O Ed. Rights O Mailings allowed 0 Has Custody(recent court papers in file) Emergency Contacts (LOCAL) Name Relationship Emergency Phone Number Name Relationship Emergency Phone Number I certify that all the information on this form is true and correct. Falsification of any information or document required for the enrollment of your child in the San Marcos Unified School District may result in denial of this application. Parent/Guardian Signature 2/2012 Date Carrillo Elementary School • Jamm. COLTS: Community of Learners Target Success Student Health History Grade Birthdate Name First Name Last Name 1. Medical History: ( Check if child has had a history of disease or condition) ❑ ADD or ADHD ❑ Tuberculosis ❑ frequent ear infections ❑ Head injury ❑ Bone & Joint Problems ❑ Hepatitis Heart Condition ❑ Kidney Problems ❑ Fainting Spells ❑ Seizures ❑ ❑ Blood Condition ❑ Asthma (Do you intend to have an inhaler in the Health Office?) ❑Yes ONo 0 Other 2. Please use this space to explain items checked above. • 3. Does your child have allergies? ❑Yes ONo If "Yes" explain: 4. Does your child have any health problems now? ❑ Yes ONo If "Yes" explain: 5. Is your child taking any medication? ❑Yes If "Yes," name of medication: Reason for medication ONo Will your child taking medication at school? ❑ Yes Would you like a district nurse to contact ydu? Dyes Parent/Guardian Signature ONo Date School Site Only-Place Label here Grade D.0 B. Please Check here if SAN MA COS UNiFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT engaging students...inspiring futures Stu # New Student ❑ New Address fl New Phone Numher(s) 2014-15 ANNUAL RESIDENCY 'VERIFICATION AND CHECKLIST In accordance with District policy, all students in the San Marcos Unified School District must provide TWO residency verifications (proof of where you live) each year in order to register. Proof of where you live must be provided at registration or your child will not be able to register (one from each Category-see below). Proof must show Parent/Guardian/Caregiver name and address. If you want to keep your original document(s), you must provide us with a copy to keep. ID#: STUDENT NAME: Middle Last, First Student living with (check one): ❑ PARENT(S) ❑ LEGAL GUARDIAN/FOSTER PARENT (need court papers) ❑ CAREGIVER (need SMUSD affidavit) ) ❑ OTHER ❑ SHARED HOUSING (homeowner/renter must complete Affidavit of Residency Form) PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S) (PRINT): 1. 2. Names of Students living in the home: I AFFIRM THAT THE STUDENT RESIDES AT THE ABOVE STREET ADDRESS: Street Address City Zip Code Signature of Person Establishing Residency Cell Phone# for Home Phone# Date *WARNING: INCORRECT INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN YOUR STUDENT BEING DISENROLLED IMMEDIATELY* Check off one proof of residency in each category below. Proof must be current (dated within last 60 days). Each Proof must show Parent/Guardian name and address unless shared housing (complete Affidavit of Residency Form). **IF YOU ARE IN A TRANSITIONAL LIVING CIRCUMSTANCE, PLEASE ASK THE SCHOOL SITE FOR ASSISTANCE. CATEGORY ONE: ❑ MORTGAGE STATEMENT or PAYMENT RECEIPT (with address of residency) ❑ RENTAL AGREEMENT or PAYMENT RECEIPT (with address of residency) ❑ PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT or RECEIPT (with address of residency) ❑ GRANT DEED (with address of residency) ❑ ESCROW PAPERS (with address of residency) AND CATEGORY TWO: ❑ CURRENT UTILITY BILL (SDG&E, WATER, TRASH OR CABLE) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CORRESPONDENCE FROM A GOVERNMENT AGENCY VOTER REGISTRATION CURRENT PAY STUB W/ADDRESS AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCY (needed if shared housing-Parent/ Guardian not listed on proof of residency) ❑ OTHER rev.1/13/14 Verifying School Official Date SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT EMERGENCY CARD Year: Grade: Teacher: ID#: X Birthdate Middle Name First Name Last Name X Home Phone Home Address Parent E-Mail Address IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY, IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILD THAT WE HAVE INFORMATION REQUESTED BELOW. 1. Name (Parent) Employer Cell Phone Work Phone Name (Parent) Employer Cell Phone Work Phone 2. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT, IN CASE PARENTS CANNOT BE REACHED, THAT TWO (2) ADDITIONAL NAMES AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS BE LISTED BELOW: 3. 4 Alternate Local Contact Name Relationship Phone Alternate Local Contact Name Relationship Phone . IF NONE OF THE ABOVE IS AVAILABLE, YOUR CHILD WILL BE TRANSPORTED BY AMBULANCE TO THE HOSPITAL. Siblings in school: Name School Grade Name School Grade Name School Grade Name School Grade HEALTH CONDITION(S)- Check all that apply ALLERGIES- Check all that apply IF NO HEALTH PROBLEMS check here IF NO KNOWN ALLERGIES check here ■ ■ Bee Sting Allergy ■ Food Allergy, list foods: ■ ADHD ■ Asthma, needs Inhaler at school: ■ Yes ■ No ■ Diabetes, needs Insulin at school: ■ Yes a No ■ Heart Problem, explain: ■ Seizure Disorder, explain: ❑ Known Hearing Loss , wears hearing aide(s): ■ R ■ L ■ Vision Problem ■ Wears Glasses ■ Wears Contact Lenses • Other Health Problem, explain: MEDICATION(S)- List medications below. IF NONE, Check Here Medication name/dose/time taken: ■ ■ ■ Medication Allergy, explain: ■ Other Allergy, explain: ■ Check here if your child has had an Anaphylactic Reaction Does your child require medication to treat allergies: ■ Yes ■ No • IF MEDICATIONS ARE REQUIRED TO TREAT AN ALLERGIC REACTION, PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL HEALTH OFFICE OR CHECK THE SCHOOL WEB SITE TO OBTAIN THE REQUIRED FORMS. ■ No Are any of the listed medications taken at school? Yes IF MEDICATIONS ARE REQUIRED AT SCHOOL, A SIGNED PARENT PERMISSION FORM AND PHYSICIANS ORDER IS REQUIRED. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL HEALTH OFFICE OR CHECK THE SCHOOL WEB SITE TO OBTAIN THE REQUIRED FORMS. MEDICAL CARE PROVIDER PHONE NUMBERSPhysician Name/Phone: Does your child have Health Insurance? ■ Yes ■ No Dentist Name/Phone: Name of Insurance Provider: THE HEALTH INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS FORM MAY BE SHARED WITH APPROPRIATE SCHOOL PERSONNEL ON A NEED-TOKNOW BASIS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR YOUR CHILD'S SAFETY AND WELL-BEING. PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL NURSE WITH ANY CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS IN THIS REGARD. Signature(s) of Parent(s) or Guardian(s): Date: My signature above indicates that I understand that I am responsible for verifying any ABSENCE for the above named student. Rev. 2/4/2013 DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SAN MARCOS TARJETA DE EMERGENCIA DEL ESTUDIANTE Year : Grade: Teacher : ID #: X Nombre Apellido Fecha de Nacimiento X Telefono de casa DOMICili0 Direction de Correo Electronic° EN CASO DE EMERGENCIA. ES IMPORTANTE PARA LA SEGURIDAD DE SU NINO QUE TENGAMOS LA INFORMACION SOLICITADA EN ESTA TARJETA. 1. Nombre (Padres) Empleador Telefono Celular Telefono del Trabajo Nombre (Padres) Empleador Telefono Celular Telefono del Trabajo 2. ES MUY IMPORTANTE, EN CASO QUE LOS PADRES NO PUEDAN SER CONTACTADOS, QUE (2) DOS NOMBRES Y NUMEROS DE TELEFONO ADICIONALES SE PROPORCIONEN. POR FAVOR INDIQUE A CONTINUACION: 3. Nombre del contacto alternativo (local) Relation Telefono Nombre del contacto alternativo (local) Relation Telefono 4. SI NINGUNA DE LAS PERSONAS EN LA LISTA ESTA DISPONIBLE, SU NINO/A SERA TRANSPORTADO POR AMBULANCIA AL HOSPITAL. Hermanos en la escuela: Nombre Escuela Grado Nombre Escuela Grado Nombre Escuela Grado Nombre Escuela Grado CONDICIONES MEDICA(S)- Marque todo que aplica SI NADA APLICA marque aqui ■ ■ ADHD ■ Asma, necesita inhalador en la escuela: ■ si ■ no ❑ Diabetes, necesita insulina en la escuela: •si ■ no ■ Enfermedades cardiacas: ■ Historia de ataques epilepticos: ■ Perdida de la audition, usa audifono(s): ■ R ■ L ■ Problemas de la vista ■ usa lentes ■ usa lentes de contacto ALERGIAS- Marque todo que aplica ■ ■ Reaction a picaduras de abeja ■ Alergia de comida o otra alergia (por favor lista): Si no hay alergias conocidas marque aqui ■ Alergia de medicina, explique: ■ Otra alergia explique: • Marque aqui si su hijo/a ha tenido una reaction anafilactica Requiere su hijo/a medicamentos para tratar las alergias: Ills( ❑ Otro problema de salud: ■ no SI SE REQUIEREN MEDICAMENTOS PARA TRATAR UNA REACCION ALERGICA, POR FAVOR COMUNIQUESE CON LA OFICINA DE LA ESCUELA 0 VISITE EL SITIO WEB DE LA ESCUELA PARA OBTENER LAS FORMULARIOS NECESARIOS. MEDICAMENTOS- Lista de medicamentos. Si no toma ninguno marque aqui: ■ Nombre de medicamento/dosis/tiempo de uso: Es alguno de las medicamentos indicados usado en la escuela? ■ si Ono SI LOS MEDICAMENTOS SON NECESARIOS EN LA ESCUELA UNA FORMA DE PERMISO DE LOS PADRES FIRMADO V PARA LOS MEDICOS ES NECESARIO, PONGASE EN CONTACTO CON LA OFICINA DE SALUD ESCOLAR PARA OBTENER LAS FORMAS NECESARIAS. Numeros telefonicos de proveedores medicos: Nombre de dentista/telefono: Nombre del medico/telefono: Tiene su hijo/hija seguro medico? ■ si ■ no Nombre del proveedor de seguro: LA INFORMACION DE SALUD PROPOCIONADA EN ESTE FORMULARIO PUEDE COMPARTIRSE CON EL PERSONAL EXCOLAR APROPIADO CUANDO SEA REQUERIDA CON EL FIN DE GARANTIZAR LA SEGURIDAD Y BIENESTAR DE SU HIJO/A. POR FAVOR PONGASE EN CONTACTO CON LA ENFERMERA DE LA ESCUELA SI TIENE ALGUNA DUDA 0 PREGUNTA AL RESPECTO. Firma de los padres o tutores: Fecha: Mi firma indica que entiendo que yo soy responsable de verificar cualquier ausencia del estudiante aqui indicado. Rev. 2/4/2013 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT engaging students...inspiring futures Student Services 255 Pico" Avenue, Suite 250 San Marcos, CA 92069 T 760.752.1299 F 760,752.1215 Dear Parent or Guardian: To make sure your child is ready for school, California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, now requires that your child have an oral health assessment (dental check-up) in kindergarten or first grade, whichever is his or her first year in public school. Dental assessments completed up to 12 months before your child enters school also meet this requirement. The law specifies that the assessment must be done by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional. Please take the attached Oral Health Assessment/Waiver Request form to the dental office, as it will be needed for your child's check-up. The following resources will help you find a dentist and complete this requirement for your child: Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal's toll-free number or Web site can help you find a dentist who takes Denti-Cal: 1-800322-6384; http;//www 2. Covered California's toll free number or Web site can help your find a dentist or find out if your child can enroll in the program: 1-800-300.1506; http://www.coveredca ,com 3. For help in enrolling in either Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal or Targeted Low Income Children's Program you may call the San Diego Maternal, Child and Family Health Services toll free help line at 1-800-675-2229, Listen for the SD-KHAN option. 4, For additional resources to find a provider: a. San Diego Kids Health Assurance Network © 1-800-675-2229. b. 2-1-1 San Diego (If you are urtable to reach 2-1-1 from your cell phone or you are calling from outside San Diego County, please call 858-300-1211. c. San Diego Dental Society 619-275-0244. 1. Remember, if your child has poor dental health, your child is not healthy and ready for school. Here is important advice to help your child stay healthy: Take your child to the dentist twice a year. • Choose healthy foods for the entire family. Fresh foods are usually the healthiest. • Brush teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride. • • Limit candy and sweet drinks, such as punch or soda. Sweet drinks and candy contain a lot of sugar, which causes cavities and replaces important nutrients in your child's diet. Sweet drinks and candy also contribute to weight problems, which may lead to other diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes. The less candy and sweet drinks, the better! Baby teeth are very important, They are not just teeth that will fall out. Children need their teeth to eat properly, talk, smile, and feel good about themselves. Children with cavities may have difficulty eating, stop smiling, and have problems paying attention and learning at school. Tooth decay is an infection that does not heal and can be painful if left without treatment. If cavities are not treated children can become sick enough to require emergency room treatment, and their adult teeth may be permanently damaged. Many things influence a child's progress and success in school, including health. Children must be healthy to learn, and children with cavities are not healthy. Cavities are preventable, but they affect more children than any other chronic disease. Your cooperation with this new law is very much appreciated. If you have questions about the oral health assessment requirement, please contact David Cochrane in Student Services at 760-752-1221. If you cannot take your child for this required assessment, please indicate the reason for this in Section 3 of the form. California law requires schools to maintain the privacy of students' health information. Your child's identity will not be associated with any report produced as a result of this requirement. Sincerel Kevin D. Holt, Ed.D District Superintendent Attachment Governing Board: Beckie Garrett Pam Lindamood Janet McClean Kevin D. Holt, Ed.D. Superintendent Jay Petrek Randy Walton 1 "7 1 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED 5`H001 DISTRICT engaging students...inspiring futures Student Services 255 Pico Avenue, Suite 250 San Marcos, CA 92069 T 760.752.1299 F 760.752.1215 Dear Parent or Guardian: To make sure your child is ready for school, California law, Education Code Section 49452.8, now requires that your child have an oral health assessment (dental check-up) in kindergarten or first grade, whichever is his or her first year in public school. Dental assessments completed up to 12 months before your child enters school also meet this requirement. The law specifies that the assessment must be done by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional. Please take the attached Oral Health Assessment/Waiver Request form to the dental office, as it will be needed for your child's check-up. The following resources will help you find a dentist and complete this requirement for your child: 1. Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal's toll-free number or Web site can help you find a dentist who takes Denti-Cal: 1-800322-6384; 2. Covered California's toll free number or Web site can help your find a dentist or find out if your child can enroll in the program: 1-800-300-1506; 3, For help in enrolling in either Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal or Targeted Low Income Children's Program you may call the San Diego Maternal, Child and Family Health Services toll free help line at 1-800-675-2229. Listen for the SD-KHAN option. 4. For additional resources to find a provider: a. San Diego Kids Health Assurance Network @ 1-800-675-2229. b. 2-1-1 San Diego (If you are urtable to reach 2-1-1 from your cell phone or you are calling from outside San Diego County, please call 858-S00-1211. c. San Diego Dental Society 619-275-0244. Remember, if your child has poor dental health, your child is not healthy and ready for school. Here is important advice to help your child stay healthy: • Take your child to the dentist twice a year. Choose healthy foods for the entire family. Fresh foods are usually the healthiest. • Brush teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste that contains fluoride. • • Limit candy and sweet drinks, such as punch or soda. Sweet drinks and candy contain a lot of sugar, which causes cavities and replaces important nutrients in your child's diet. Sweet drinks and candy also contribute to weight problems, which may lead to other diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes. The less candy and sweet drinks, the better! Baby teeth are very important. They are not just teeth that will fall out. Children need their teeth to eat properly, talk, smile, and feel good about themselves. Children with cavities may have difficulty eating, stop smiling, and have problems paying attention and learning at school. Tooth decay is an infection that does not heal and can be painful if left without treatment. If cavities are not treated children can become sick enough to require emergency room treatment, and their adult teeth may be permanently damaged. Many things influence a child's progress and success in school, including health. Children must be healthy to learn, and children with cavities are not healthy. Cavities are preventable, but they affect more children than any other chronic disease. Your cooperation with this new law is very much appreciated. If you have questions about the oral health assessment requirement, please contact David Cochrane in Student Services at 760-752-1221. If you cannot take your child for this required assessment, please indicate the reason for this in Section 3 of the form. California law requires schools to maintain the privacy of students' health information. Your child's identity will not be associated with any report produced as a result of this requirement. Kevin D. Holt, Ed.D District Superintendent Attachment Governing Board: Beekie Garrett Pam Lindamood Janet McClean Kevin a Holt. Ed.D. Superintendent Jay Petrek Randy Walton Child Bealth and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program County of San Diego Report of Medical Examination for School Entry California law requires a medical examination for school entry to protect the health of all children. Please return this report to the school. All personal information will be kept confidential. PART I TO 1W FILLED OUT BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN/ Espanol al tlurso School Middle Initial First CHILD'S -NAME—Last ADDRESS Number, Street ZIP Code City : Birth Date--,-Month/Day/Year ❑ I want the medical provider to complete Part II and Part III ❑ I want the medical provider to complete Part II only Date Signature of Parent or Guardian 13\"111E MEDICAL. PROVIDER PART 11 TO BE. FII .I.ED Date Tests and Evaluations Child's Height Child's BM1 Percentile Child's Weight inches Ilealth/Developinent History lbs Medical Provider Information Name, Address, and Telephone Number: ozs Physical Examination Nutritional Evaluation Vision Screening Audioinetric Screening Blood Test for Anemia Urine Dipstick Dental Screening Tuberculin (TB) Skin 'rest (Recommended for AU, children entering first grade) Signature of Medical Profassional Date CHILD HAS A COMPLETED OR UPDATED YELLOW CALIFORNIA IMMUNIZATION RECORD ❑ YES ❑ NO PART Ill TO BE E1LLED OUT BY THE MEDICAL PROVIDER Other Health Information (Optional): For the child's welfare—and with the permission of the parent or guardian—it is recommended that significant health information be shared with the school. Please contact the school nurse if the child needs help with medication at school. '0 Parent requests Part III not be filled out ❑ The examination revealed no conditions of importance to school or physical activity. ❑ Conditions that need further evaluation or that can affect school or physical activity are (please explain): WAIVER OF MEDICAL EXAMINATION Note: Your child must have immunizations required by State law, even if no health examination is given. I have been told about the medical examination recommended by health professionals and required by State law. 1 have also been told where and how my child can receive medical examinations at no cost, if such assistance is needed. I do not want my child to receive a medical examination I do want my child to receive a medical examination, but I am unable to get it because Signature of Parent or Guardian Date County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, 3851 Rosecrans Street, Suite 522, MS: P51141, San Diego, CA 92110 For more information, please call 619-692-8808 MCFHS-77 ES 4/08 Oral Health Assessment Form T07-003, English, Anal Font Page 1 of 1 Oral Health Assessment Form California law (Education Code Section 49452.8) states your child must have a dental check-up by May 31 of his/her first year in public school. A California licensed dental professional operating within his scope of practice must perform the check-up and fill out Section 2 of this form. If your child had a dental check-up in the 12 months before he/she started school, ask your dentist to fill out Section 2. If you are unable to get a dental check-up for your child, fill out Section 3. Section 1: Child's Information (Filled out by parent or guardian) Child's First Name: i Middle Initial: I Last Name: Child's birth date: Address: Apt.: City: ZIP code: Grade: Child's Sex: ❑ Male School Name: Teacher: Parent/Guardian Name: Child's race/ethnicity: Black/African American ❑ Hispanic/Latino ❑ White ❑ Native American Multi-racial ❑ Other ❑ Unknown ❑ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ❑ ❑ ❑ Female Asian ❑ Section 2: Oral Health Data Collection (Filled out by a California licensed dental professional) IMPORTANT NOTE: Consider each box se arate Mark each box. Assessment Date: Caries Experience (Visible decay and/or fillings present) Visible Decay Present: ❑ Yes ❑ Yes o No ❑ No Licensed Dental Professional Signature Treatment Urgency: ❑ No obvious problem found ❑ Early dental care recommended (caries without pain or infection; or child would benefit from sealants or further evaluation) ❑ Ur ent care needed (pain, infection, swelling or soft tissue lesion CA License Number Date Section 3: Waiver of Oral Health Assessment Requirement To be filled out by parent or guardian asking to be excused from this requirement Please excuse my child from the dental check-up because: (Check the box that best describes the reason) ❑ I am unable to find a dental office that will take my child's dental insurance plan. My child's dental insurance plan is: ❑ Medi-Cal/Denti-Cal ❑ Healthy Families o Healthy Kids ❑ Other ❑ None I cannot afford a dental check-up for my child. ❑ I do not want my child to receive a dental check-up. Optional: other reasons my child could not get a dental check-up: If asking to be excused from this requirement: 111. Signature of parent or guardian Date The law states schools must keep student health information private. Your child's name will not be part of any report as a result of this law. This information may only be used for purposes related to your child's health. If you have questions, please call your Return this form to the school no later than May 31 of your child's first school year. Original to be kept in child's school record. Y NP 2 L P Carrillo Kindergarten /Teacher Reference Card Child's Name Boy/Girl Name to be used in school Birthday Age(years/months) on start day Home Phone E-mail Mother's name Cell Father's name Cell Will your child be attending after school care? If so , where and on what days? Fri Thurs Mon Tues Wed Attended Preschool: yes or no If yes, which one? Was it mostly(circle): full day/ part time? Years/Months? Did they have any concerns or problems that you think we should know about? r W i ll a parent/grandparent be able to help in the classroom? monthly Circle one: weekly alternate weekly maybe No Please circle one. My child is mostly: 1. LEARNING LETTERS/SOUNDS 2. KNOWS most LETTERS/SOUNDS 3. STARTING TO READ 4. READING 5. FLUENTLY READING Can your child print their name by themselves? Is remembering songs and rhymes for your child? Circle one: easy somewhat easy somewhat difficult What language does your child hear most a home? What language does your child speak the most? Would you consider your child a follower or a leader? Is your child right or left handed? difficult Y NP 2 L P Does your child have any special needs we need to know about (Food allergies, unusual habits, health concerns, special services-speech/OT, recent death/divorce)? Do both parents live in the home? Yes or No If shared custody, what is your child's living arrangement? Does you child have any siblings? If yes, complete chart below: Name Age • School/grade Same household What do you see as your child's strengths? What do you see as your child's weaknesses? What challenges do you have most with your child? Check Characteristics (if any) that apply to your child: •Temper tantrums Cries easily Bites hills Sulks Destructive Daydreams Sucks thumb Fearful What do you hope your child gains from this year? Is there anything else you want us to know? Sleeping problems Whines Sleeping Problems Jealous Carrillo Elementary School Kindergarten Readiness Activities Things for them to do. They should practice: writing name independently. tying shoes independently. using glue bottles, coloring and stringing objects. recognizing and naming alphabet letters out of order. (use flashcards, food packages, catalogues and magazines. Leap Frog's Letter Factory is a great DVD that teaches letters and sounds very quickly) recognizing the following basic colors: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, brown, black and white. recognizing numerals 0 through 10 out of order. (You can use flash cards) counting objects accurately to 10. sitting and listening to a story for 10-15 min. waiting their turn to speak and share. Things they must be able to do. They must be able to take care of bathroom needs. They should memorize your phone number. Things you can do. Read to your children every night story, you have just read to them . ' , III On occasion, ask your child to 'retell' you the You can assign some simple responsibilities to your child (2 and 3 step tasks). Ask your child to make-up stories of his or her own, while you record what they say. We are so excited about your child starting Kindergarten here at Carrillo Ele: _entary and look forward to se- ing you in this year! SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT KIDS ON CAMPUS ***KOC registration packets for 2014-2015 will not be available until March 19 2014*** We recommend that you enroll as soon as possible (on or after KOC registration date 3/19) to ensure a spot. The Kids On Campus program of the San Marcos Unified School District offers on-site childcare for children enrolled in the following elementary schools: Knob Hill Before and after school care when school is in session (including Kindergartners) San Elijo Twin Oaks No Camp (vacation care) but children may attend Camp at our other sites Carrillo Discovery Before and after school care when school is in session (including Kindergartners) La Costa Meadows Full day care (Camp) during vacations Paloma Richland Space is limited and no child is guaranteed a spot . Enrollment in KOC is accepted on a first come, first served basis. All children must be registered for each school year, whether or not they have attended previous years. Our centers are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are closed on all school holidays. There is an annual registration fee. Minimum enrollment is three days per week and schedules must be the same each week. You may enroll for just mornings, just afternoons, or mornings and afternoons. (For example, you cannot enroll for Monday and Tuesday mornings and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.) Children must be signed in when they arrive at KOC before school and signed out after school. We cannot accept children from the bus nor can we release them to the bus. Tuition is due on the first day of each month and late after the 10th. Camp care must be signed up for separately. For more information please call the District Office at 760-752-1279. Kindergarten children must be registered at the school before registering for KOC. Parents of Kindergarten children should NOT wait until they know whether they get AM or PM Kindergarten to register for KOC. Register based on what you have requested. We can usually adjust schedules for the middle of the day - but the late afternoons may fill up quickly. ALWAivnA4141/ EIRAneinta.0/ S thocti. 3697 Lcvl1/441rad,ct/DriNei, San/Mai/co-16 CA 92078 (760) 290-2000 Je.wnife,r- Carter, PrCnotpa-1/ Date: February 6, 2014 To: All SMUSD families with incoming Kindergarten Students From: Jennifer Carter, Principal at Alvin Dunn Elementary School Alvin Dunn Elementary is extremely honored to be recognized as an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Candidate School. The International Baccalaureate Program (IB) is renowned throughout the world for its academic rigor and focus on global mindedness. In the Primary Years Program, a balance is sought between the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills, development of conceptual understanding, and the demonstration of positive attitudes, and responsible action. Our school will be applying for full IB World authorization in the 2014-15 school year and again this year, we will be accepting transfers to Alvin Dunn. In the upcoming 2014-15 school year, we will have 25 available openings for Kindergarten in the International Baccalaureate Program and are offering this opportunity for interested families throughout the district. Our Kindergarten program is unique. We have an extended day program in which all students attend school from 8:45am to 2:10pm daily. This extension of the day allows for additional enrichment classes, such as Spanish, Art and Technology, all which are part of the IB program. Our teachers are committed to increasing our student's knowledge of the core curriculum by engaging them in units of study that are relevant, challenging and globally significant. As with all SMUSD schools, we ensure success by applying the best instructional practices which include differentiated instruction at all academic levels. We understand that education is critical to the future success of our students therefore we strive for them to become active, inquiring, life-long learners who will be prepared for college and career as well as for global citizenship. If you are interested in your child joining the International Baccalaureate Program at Alvin Dunn Elementary for Kindergarten, you will need to first register at your home school. Next, you will need to fill out an intra-district transfer form. Please include IB program as your reason for the transfer on your transfer request. You can obtain these forms from our Student Services Department at the district office at 255 Pico Ave in San Marcos. In addition you will need to make the commitment to transport your own student to Alvin Dunn Elementary. If more than 25 students complete intra district transfers for Kindergarten there will be lottery held on April 25 th . Yvonne Fojtasek, our International Baccalaureate Coordinator will be hosting tours of our program on the following dates March 5, March 26, April 9, April 22, and May 7. All tours will be held from 9am to 10am. If you would like to sign up for a tour, you may call the office at 760-290-2000 or you may email Mrs. Fojtasek at vvonne.foitasek(cD, . There is also additional information about our school on our website . 1111111011111 Most children expect to see candy and cake at classroom birthday celebrations or events, however too many empty calories cause obesity and other health problems. Since our District Wellness Policy teaches our students the importance of a healthy lifestyle, we want to send a consistent message that good nutrition goes hand and hand with academic success. To support this message, please promote non-food birthday celebrations and healthy snacks for classroom celebrations; thus shifting the focus from the food to the student or event. Healthy Birthday Ideas Healthy Classroom Snack Ideas - Parents can wrap their child's favorite book in birthday wrapping paper. The child can unwrap the book and the teacher can read it to the class. - Create a "Celebrate Me" book. Have classmates write stories or poems and draw pictures to describe what is special about the birthday child. - "Ants on a log" celery with rasins and peanut butter (consider allergies) - Vegetables with low-fat dip - Whole wheat pita bread or crackers with hummus or bean dip - Cheese and salsa quesadilla - Fruit smoothies - Yogurt splits with bananas, yogurt, granola and fruit toppings - Popcorn (air popped) - Graham or goldfish crackers - Fruit bars (no less than 50% fruit juice) - Low-fat string cheese - Trail mix (consider allergies) - Baked tortilla chips with Birthday child can: - Bring their favorite toy to share with the class. - Wear a sash and crown and sit in a special chair for the day. - Lead their favorite physical activity outdoors. - Be the teacher's assistant for the day. Healthy Classroom Event Ideas - Watch an educational video as a class and serve popcorn (air popped). - Order a Pizza or Sub Sandwich Luncheon from Child Nutrition Services (CNS). - Put on some music and have a dance contest. - Gardening party (visit the school garden, plant a seed, etc.). - Schedule a field trip to tour the school cafeteria, local farmers market, grocery store or farm. 543T ION U Healthy Beverage Ideas Water Nonfat or lowfat milk 100% fruit juice SPECIAL OFFER FOR TEACHERS BECOME OUR FRIEND ON FACEBOOK 0 FACEBOOK.COM/CNSSMUSD AND POST A PHOTO OF YOUR CLASSROOM'S HEALTHY CELEBRATION TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CNS SPONSORED HEALTHY CLASSROOM BREAKFAST OR SNACK SOCIAL. For more information, please contact: Kelly Bowman, Supervisor of Nutrition Ed & Marketing (760) 752 - 1297 [email protected] www.smusd .org/wellnesspolicy Join us on facebook facebook.comtcnssmusd SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT engaging students...inspiring futures Made possible by funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the County of San Diego. w La mayoria de los ninos esperan tener dulces en cumpleanos o eventos, sin embargo, tantas calorias son la causa de obesidad y otros problemas de salud. La Politica de Bienestar de nuestro Distrito enseiia a los estudiantes la importancia de un estilo de vida saludable, queremos enviar un mensaje congruente ya que la buena nutrition y el 6xito academic° van mano a mono. Para apoyar este mensaje, por favor promueva refrigerios saludables para los eventos en los salones de close y los cumpleafios, asi se cambia el enfoque hacia el estudiante o evento y no en Ia comida. Ideas para un Cumpleatios Saludable - Padres: envuelvan el libro favorito de su hijo en papel de cumplearios. Su hijo puede desenvolverlo en el salon para que el maestro lo lea - Construyan un libro titulado: "Celebrenme". Haga que los compaiieros de salon escriban historias o poemas y dibujos que describan porque es especial el cumplecuiero. El cumplealiero podra: Traer al salon su juguete favorito. Vestir corona, banda y sentarse en un lugar especial. Dirigir su actividad favorita. - Ser asistente del maestro en ese dia. - Venir a times con su disfraz favorito. Ideas para Eventos Saludables - Muestre a Ia clase un video educativo y sirven palomitas. Ordenar Pizza o Sub Sandwiches al Servicio de Nutrition Infantil (CNS). - Tom musica y tener un concurso de baile. - Fiesta en el jardin (visitor el jardin de la escuela o sembrar una semilla) - Planee un viaje de campo a la cafeteria de la escuela o al mercado local. Ideas para Refrigerios Saludables "Ants on a log" apio con pasas y crema de cacahuate (considere alergias) - Verduras con dip bajo en grasas - Pan pita de trigo integral o galletas saladas con hummus o dip de frijoles - Quesadilla con salsa - Licuado de frutas - Yogurt con platano, granola o frutas variadas. - Palomitas de maiz reventadas por aire caliente - - Galletas goldfish o de salvado Paletas de frutas (al menos 50% de fruta) Queso bajo en grasa - Mezcla de nueces (considere alergias) - Tortillas horneadas con guacamole o salsa - Rebanadas de manzana con queso - Brochetas de frutas ■ Ideas de Bebidas Saludables Agua Leche descremada o sin grasa Jugo 100% de fruta OFERTA ESPECIAL PARA PADRES SEA NUESTRO AMIGO EN FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK.COM/CNSSMUSD MANTENGANSE INFORMADO ACERCA DE EVENTOS Y ACTIVIDADES DEL "c„; DISTRITO Y DE SU ESCUELA RELACIONADOS CON LA POLITICA DE BIENESTAR Para mas information comuniquese con: Kelly Bowman, consultor de education de nutrition (760)752 1297 o [email protected] - Join us on facebook facebook.comlonssmusd F7172—' SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOt DISTRICT engaging students...inspiring futures Hecho posible con fondos del Departamento de Salud y Serivicios Humanos de EEUU a troves del Condado de San Diego 2014-2015 R E T U R N T 0 SPECIAL NUT ALLERGY APPROVAL LIST N S School/Escuela: Student ID Estudiante : Grade/Grado Although CNS has removed peanut butter entrees from the elementary menus, be advised that there are other products being served in all cafeterias that may contain traces of nuts or are manufactured in a facility that processes nuts. Secondary cafeterias offer product that contain nuts. Please review the list below for items currently served and known to contain nuts as an ingredient. Please request ingredient documents, if necessary, by contacting CNS at (760) 752-1254. CNS ha eliminado platos de mantequilla de cacahuate en toda las menus en escuelas de primaria. Tenga en cuenta que hay otros productos que se sirve en la cafeteria, que puede contener cacahuate o ha sido fabricado en una facilidad que procesa cacahuate. Cafeterias en escuelas secundarias sirven comidas que contienen cacahuate. La lista que sigue son alimentos que se sirve en In cafeteria y pueden contener cacahuate como tin ingrediente. Si necesita mas informaci6n es necesitada acerca de ingredientes. por favor de Ilamar CNS al (760) 752-1254. SECONDARY--MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOLS Breakfast Breakfast / Desavundo Honey Nut Scooters (like Honey Nut Cheerios) NONE / NADA Peanut Butter & Jelly Bar Lunch / ALMUERSE M M E D A - Student Name/Nombre: ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS C SMUSD CNS NONE / NADA Sandwich de crema de Cacahuate y mermelada (all elementary no longer serve pbj 8/24/11) Lunch (las escuelas primaria no serviran Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Sandwich de crema de cacahuate y mermelada cacahuate efectivo 8/24/11) Asian Noodle Salad--Ensalada de fideos chinos Crackers / Galletas NONE/NADA Snacks Available for Purchase E L Y Granola Bar Peanut Butter and Chocolate (Quaker 25% less sugar--no high fructose corn syrup) (Barra de granola, cacuhuate y chocolate) *NOTE: Manufacturers can change * NOTA : Los fabricantes pueden cambiar ingredientes notificaciones a Servicios de NutriciOn Ninos pueden ser demoradas. (Esto se aplica a/ desayuno y almuerzo) ingredients with a lag of notification to Child Nutrition Services. (This applies to Breakfast/Lunch Entrees) *Meal menus are created as "Offer vs. Serve" and do not include student preference items. Please review the menu choices and decide if your student will be eating in the cafeteria or bringing their own meal from home. * Los mends estan clesigr,..7do como "Oferta contra Skye" y no incluyen prefemecias de estudiante. Por favor revise las elections de mend para decidir si su estudiante camera en la cafeteria o trae su propia comida de casa. My student will be eating at school on a daily basis. Blee cheek one and date and sign Mi hijo/a va corner en la escuela diario. p,,or-f41„ /or marque My student will not be eating at school on a daily basis. uno yfirmap Date/Fecha: b,g j o Rev. 12/20/2013 Mi hijota no va corner en la escuela Parent/Guardian/AuthRep Name Signature Parent/Guardian/AuthRep Name Printed Padre/Tutor / Firma Padre/Tutor / Nombre Escrito Your signaure states you have reviewed the information above and approve CNS to feed your student. He revisado el menu y apruebo lo que se ofrece a mi estudiante 760-752-1254--Patti Tice SMUSD CNS-255 Pico Ave Ste 250 San Marcos, CA 92069 fax 760-752-1137 • 7r71 2014-2015 SMUSD CNS MEDICAL STATEMENT TO REQUEST SPECIAL MEALS AND/OR ACCOMMODATIONS PLEASE FAX DIRECTLY TO CNS - FAX# (760) 752-1137 2014-2015 DECLARACIoN MEDICA de CNS PARA SOLICITAR COMIDAS Y ALOJAMIENTOS ESPECIALES POR FAVOR ENVIE UN FAX DIRECTAMENTE a CNS (760)752 1137 - 1. 2. NAME OF PARTICIPANT/STUDENT/NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE AGE AND/OR DOB—EDAD/FECHA DE 3. SPONSOR/PATROCINADOR NACIMIENTO 4. STUDENT'S SCHOOL SITEASCUELA DE ESTUDIANTE SMUSD 5. 6. SCHOOL SITE TELEPHONE NUMBER/NUMERO DE TELEFONO ESCOLAR NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN—NOMBRE DEL 7. PADRE/TUTOR E-MAIL PARENT/GUARDIAN—CORREO ELCTRoNICO DEL PADRE/TUTOR - (760) 39. SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN (REQUIRED)—FIRMA DEL PADRE/TUTOR (IMPORTANTE) The District is required to comply with stole end federal lows protecting the rakes,' of student and medial records, including but not limited to, the family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USCI732g (FERN) and Education Code Section 49050 et seq✓ 32. TELEPHONE PARENT/GUARDIAN- 33. TELEFONO PADRE/TUTOR (TRABAJO) PADRE/TUTOR (CASA) TELEPHONE PARENT/GUARDIAN—TELEFONO WORK HOME TELEPHONE GUARDIAN—TELEFONO 35. DATE SIGNED PARENT/GUARDIAN- PECHA DE LA FIRMA PADRE/TNTOR CELL ( WILL YOUR CHILD BE BUYING/RECEIVING MEALS FROM THE CAFETERIA? EL 40. 34. PADRE/TUTOR (CELLULAR OR MOV1L) ) NiNo SE COMPRA/RECIBIR COMIDAS EN LA CAFETERIA? SI 0 NO ■—■ u Yes/Si ❑ No Note: You must have or set u. a re .aid account. Nola Usted debe tener o confi.urar una cuenta •re.a.ada (CHECK ONE OR BOTH/MARQUE UNA 0 AMBOS) fIMPORTANT/IMPORTANTE ❑ Not Dail /No Diana ❑ Lunch/lUrnuerzos: Breakfast/Desa uno: 0 Dail /Diaria ❑ Not Dail /No Diarios ❑ Dail /Diarios orb ` 14. SIGNATURE OF PREPARER 15. PRINTED NAME 16. TELEPHONE NO ( 17. DATE . ) 18. MUST CHECK ONE: ❑ ❑ Participant does not have a disability, but is requesting a special meal or accommodation due to food intolerance(s) or other medical reasons. Schools and agencies participating in federal nutrition programs are encouraged to accommodate reasonable requests. A licensed physician, physician's assistant, or registered nurse must sign this form. (Personal food preferences are not an appropriate use of this form and will not be honored.) Participant has a disability or a medical condition and requires a special meal or accommodation. (Refer to definitions on reverse side of this form.) Schools and agencies participating in federal nutrition programs must comply with requests for special meals and any adaptive equipment. A licensed physician must sign this form. (List diagnosis code below.) 19. DISABILITY OR MEDICAL CONDITION REQUIRING A SPECIAL A. Ingredient(s) To Be Omitted B. Suggest Substitutions (PLEASE UST SPECIFIC INGREDIENT (S) TO BE (PLEASE UST SUGGESTED SUBSTITUTIONS) MEAL OR ACCOMMODATION: ALLERGIC TO (LACTAID MILK AVAILABLE TO ALL) OMITTED—EX. EGG AS INGREDIENT OR WHOLE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND COMPLETE A & B ONLY, IF MILK ONLY PLEASE UST OR IF ALL DAIRY Ti PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) Ti Shellfish ❑ S oy ❑ T ree Nuts Wheat Egg ❑ Gluten 1:1 Milk ❑ Peanut ❑ Other List Specific Food Groups if necessary with % of fat (ex. <30%) or an actual amount : ❑ DiagnosisCode: (PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NEEDED) 20. ALLERGY LIFE THREATENING? 21. REDUCED CALORIE Ti 11 Yes Breakfast 22. SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN (REQUIRED*) 7 STUDENT HAS EPI PEN AT SCHOOL? No ❑ Lunch ❑ Yes n No (Check one or both—Cafeteria will follow current procedures on file) 23. PRINTED NAME 25. FAX NO. 24. TELEPHONE NO. 26. DATE (REQUIRED) INCLUDE CLINIC NAME AND/OR ( STAMP * Physician's signature is required for participants with a disability — please stamp if available or list clinic name. SIGNATURE OF MEDICAL AUTHORITY 28. PRINTED NAME 30. DATE (REQUIRED) 29. TELEPHONE NO. ( gDwrn. 27 (REQUIRED)(INCLUDE CLINIC OR PRACTICE NAME) ) For participants without a disability, a licensed physician, physician's assistant, or registered nurse must sign the form. Date required. NOTE:! The information on this form should be updated yearly to reflect the current medical and/or nutritional needs of the student Questions: FAX CNS (760) 752-1137 In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication. 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339, or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Rev. 12/9/13 INSTRUCTIONS SMUSD CNS 2014-2015 NOTE: Parent/Guardian—Please Complete Number 1-13 Only Los Numeros 14 por 30 Sera Completados por un medico solo - Gracias Name of Participant/Student: Print the name of the child or adult participant to whom the information pertains. Nombre del Estudiante: Imprima el nombre del nifio o paricipant adulto a quien la informaciOn pertenece a. 2. Age of Participant: Print the age and Date of Birth of the participant. For infants, please use Date of Birth. Edad Fecha de Nacimiento: Imprimir la edad y Ia fecha de nacimiento del participante. para los bebes : por favor nos fecha de nacimiento 3. Sponsor: SMUSD is the name of the agency that is providing the form to the parent./ Patrocinador - SMUSD 4. School Site: Print the name of the site where meals will be served (e.g., school site, child care center, community center, etc.) Escuela de estudiante: Imprimir el nombre de Ia escuela donde las comidas se sirven (por ejemplo, centro de cuidado infantil. centro comunitario) 5. School Site Telephone Number: Print the telephone number of the site where meals will be served (#4 above) NOrnero de telefono escolar: Imprimir el nOmero de telefono de la escuela donde se servira la comida. 6. Name of Parent/Guardian: Print the name of the person requesting the participant's medical statement. Nombre del Padre/Tutor: Imprimir el nombre de la persona que solicita la declaracion medica del participante. 7. E - Mail Parent/Guardian: Print the e-mail of the parent/guardian. Correo electrOnico del Padre/Tutor: Imprimir el correo electronic° de los padres o tutores. 8. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Signature of Parent/Guardian completing form. Items 5-12 (Required to be complete for any student) Firma del Padre/Tutor: Firma de los padres o tutores completando el formulario (articulos 5-12) - Necesario completar para cualquier estudiante) 9-11. Telephone Numbers: Print the telephone numbers of parent/guardian—please list all available. Imprimir los numeros de telefono: De los padre/tutore—enumere todas disponibles. Telefono padre/tutor (trabajo) Telefono padre/tutor (casa) Telefono padre/tutor (cellular or mOvil) 12. Date Signed: Date signed by the parent/guardian. Fecha de la firma: Fecha de la firma padre/tutor. 13. Buying/Receiving Meals from Cafeteria: Check ( ✓ ) yes or no. Breakfast and/or Lunch and how often? 1. El nino se compra/recibir comidas en Ia cafeteria? Si o no – Marca ( ✓ )EI desayuno y/o el almuerzo y con que frecuencia? NOTE: Medical Authority — Please Complete Number 14 30 - / Los NOrneros 14 por 30 Sera Completados por un Medico Solo - Gracias 16. Signature of Preparer: Signature of person completing Items 1-13. Printed Name: Print name of person completing Items 1-13. Telephone Number: Telephone number of person completing form. 17. Date: Date preparer signed form. 18. Check One: Check (✓ ) a box to indicate whether participant/student has a disability or does not have a disability. 19. Disability or Medical Condition Requiring a Special Meal or Accommodation: Describe the medical condition that requires a special meal or accommodation (e.g., juvenile diabetes, allergy to peanuts, etc. and list diagnosis code) Allergy to: Check ( ✓ ) a box to indicate all that apply and for Other be specific. 14. 15. A. B. Ingredient(s) to Be Omitted: List specific ingredient(s) that must be omitted. For example, "exclude fluid milk." Required Substitutions: List specific foods and food groups to include in the diet. For example, "calcium fortified juice." Be specific with % of fat (ex. <30% or actual amount. This is helpful in determining our menu items to omit. 20. Is Allergy Life Threatening or Severe? Check ( ✓) yes or no (Epi Pen at school? Check (✓ ) yes or no 21. Reduced Calorie: Check ( ✓ ) breakfast and/or lunch. (Cafeteria will follow current procedures.) Signature of Physician and Include stamp and name of clinic if applicable: Signature of physician requesting the special meal or accommodation. 22. (Required to be complete if disability) Items 22-26 23. Printed Name: Print name of physician. 24. Telephone Number: Telephone number of physician. 25. 26 27. Fax Number: Fax number of physician. Date: Date physician signed form. (Required) Signature of Medical Authority: Signature of medical authority completing form. 28. Printed Name: Print name of medical authority signing form. 29. 30. Telephone Number: i-ax number of physician. Date: Date medical authority representative signing form. (Required) (Required to be complete for non disability) Items 27-30 DEFINITIONS*: (Definiciones son disponibles en espanol en www.smusd/cns bajo Alergia y Solicitudes de Dieta Especial/Alergia y Documentos de Dieta Especial) "A Person with a Disability" is defined as any person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. "Physical or mental impairment" means (a) any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological; musculoskeletal; special sense organs; respiratory, including speech organs; cardiovascular; reproductive, digestive, genito-urinary; hemic and lymphatic; skin; and endocrine; or (b) any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities. "Major life activities" are functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. "Has a record of such an impairment" is defined as having a history of, or have been classified (or misclassified) as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. ('Citations from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339, or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Rev. 12/9/13 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ALLERGY NOTIFICATION GUIDE This guide is intended to assist parents with children who have documented allergies in notifying the appropriate departments/areas of the school district. To ensure that all responsible departments have been notified, please follow the channels outlined in this guide and complete the appropriate paperwork for each department/area. DRIVERS / BUS AIDES TRANSPORTATION - Transportation request form kw Special needs (760) 290-2651 AREA SUPERVISOR CAFETERIA MANAGER <r_ HEALTH AID CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES •• •• HERE A (DISTRICT OFFICE) Medical Statement Special Diet Form 4 • SCHOOL HEALTH OFFICE - Emergency Card - Medical Packet D T U R R I E - other Required Forms (760) 752-1254 SCHOOL ADMIN. N CAMPUS SUPV. T CLASSROOM TEACHERS NON-SCHOOL SPONSORED ACTIVITIES - Boys & Girls Club - Classroom Events - Nutrition Advisory Council - Field Trips HOOL ACTIVITIES - Boy, Gin Scouts - Projects - Etc. 1 "777 SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CENTER STAFF engaging students...inspiring futures NOTIFICATION CHANNELS - NON -FOOD ALLERGY (PARENT'S RESPONSIBIUTY) - * Parent/Guardian must contact each department/area and complete all necessary documents to ensure that allergic students can be accommodated. FOOD ALLERGY (PARENT'S RESPONSIBILITY) - FLOW OF INFORMATION (DISTRICT'S RESPONSIBILITY) DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SAN MARCOS GLAA PARR LA NOTIFICACloN DE LAS AL IA La intention de esta guia es la de asistir a los padres de familia que tienen hijos con alergias para saber comp notificarle a los departamentos o areas del Distrito escolar de las mismas y que hayan sido diagnosticadas por un medico previamente. Para asegurarnos de que todos los departamentos han sido notificados le pedimos siga la information que se encuentra en esta guia y Ilenar los formularies necesarios para cada iepartarnento o area. SUPERVISOR DEL AREA/ ENCARGADO DE LA CAFETERIA AYUDANTE DE LA ENFERMERIA DE LA ESCUELA CHOFERES/ AYUDANTES DE TRANSPORTE TRANSPORTATE SERVICIDS DE NUTRICION (INFANTIL) Report? meoico - soildtua pars una meta - Taryeta ce emergertcla - Paauete medico especial (750) 752-1254 ADMINISTRADORES DE LA ESCUELA ENFERMERIA DE LA ESCUELA SUPERVISORES DEL PLANTEL atras Formtilarios requerlOes PADRE 0 TUTOR Ocjane saber at maestro(a) cua'quier ale.rgia cam; estixgante ACTIVIDADES NO ESCOLARES MAESTROS(AS) DE SALON DE CLASES Eventos en ei saion ae oases - consoos oars is wena nurrscion - Paseos escoiares - El club de Boys and Girls - Los scouts nlnos o nines - Etc. ACTIVIDADES ESCOLARES NUS) OS EN EL PLANTEL ESCOLAR (KOC) -P (rtes a - Asociaclon eel Estudlante - Paquete Ce iftscripcion (750) 752 - 279 PERSONAL DEL CENTRO Pr SAN MARCOS UNIFIED scHoot DISTRict DE KOC engaging students...inspiring fuiures NOTiFiCATION CHANNELS - ALMENFOS OLE NO CAVAN ALERGIAS (PESPONSAIICIDAD DE LOS 1,ACRE5) 00 IP • • ALMENTOS DUE CAtbAN 0.1.ERGAE, (RESPON5AEMID tXLOSPADRE5) * El padre o tutor delde ponerse en contact° con cada departamento o area del Distrito y completar los documentos necesarios para asegurar que los estudiantes con alergias tengan los servicios necesarios. LA so ORMA00t4 (RUKINEABILDAD DEL DISTRt10) asot.r.AR SAN MARCOS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES FOR KINDERGARTNERS San Marcos Unified School District provides meals for kindergarten students every day including field trips. Your student can begin their school day with a nutritious meal and be ready to learn. Breakfast and Lunch service times and locations vary at each school site. These meals may be served in the cafeteria. Please confirm this information with your student's teacher or cafeteria site manager. If you would like your child to be qualified for free or reduced price meals on the first day of school, you must pick up an application for free or reduced price meals after August 1, 2014 at the District Office. Complete the application and return it to the school or District Office no later than August 13, 2014. If you have other students in the District who are currently qualified for free or reduced price meals, these students must also be included on the 2014-2015 meal application. If you have any questions call Rose Howell at 752-1253. For the 2014-2015 school year, the prices for meals and beverages will be: Kindergarten Breakfast Kindergarten lunch $1.25/day $2.25/day Meals can be pre-paid using our online system ( ) or a yellow prepayment envelope at the school. Prepayments are placed on an account and money will be deducted from the student's account when a meal is served. Milk a la carte price Juice, 4oz., a la carte price $0.50 $0.50 Breakfast and lunches are also available at a reduced price and free of charge for those who qualify. Kindergarten breakfast reduced price Kindergarten lunch reduced price Kindergarten breakfast/lunch free $0.25/day $0.40/day $0.00/day Reduced price meals may be purchased daily or by prepayment. Accounts will be kept in the same manner as the paid accounts above. Please mark your calendar on the date of August 1, 2014, if you need to pick up an application for free or reduced price meals. Call Rose Howell at 760-752-1253 if you have questions or speak with the cafeteria staff at your child's school. We look forward to serving your child next year. In accordance with Federal law and U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the California Department of Education (CDE). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 202509410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). The USDA, CDE and NSD are equal opportunity providers and employers 12/17/2013 DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SAN MARCOS SERVICIOS DE NUTRICIoN PARA ALUMNOS DE KINDER El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Marcos le ofrece comidas todos los dias a los alumnos de Kinder, incluyendo cuando hay excursiones escolares. Su estudiante puede comenzar el dia escolar con una comida nutritiva. Las horas del desayuno y el almuerzo varian por escuela. Cada mes los estudiantes tendren disponible un menu para Ilevar a casa. Por favor confirme el horario con las maestras. Si a usted le gustaria que su hijo calificara para recibir comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido el primer dia de clases, recoje un solicitud a partir del 1 de augusto de 2014 en las oficinas del Distrito. Complete la solicitud y regresela antes del 13 de agosto de 2014 a las oficinas del Distrito. Si usted tiene hijos(as) en el Distrito que ya hayan calificado para comida gratis o con precio reducido inclUyalos en la solicitud del ario escolar 20142015. Si tiene cualquier pregunta no dude en Ilamar al 760-752-1253. Los precios de la comida y las bebidas para el ano escolar 2014-2015 seran los siguientes: Desayuno de Kinder Almuerzo de Kinder $1.25/ por dia $2.25/ por dia La comida se puede pagar por medio de nuestro sistema en linea ( ) o con un pre pago por medio del sobre amarillo. Los prepagos son acreditados en la cuenta del estudiante y el dinero sera deducido de la cuenta del estudiante cuando una comida sea servida. Leche a la carta Jugo, 4oz, a la carta $0.50 $0.50 El desayuno y los almuerzos estan disponibles a precio reducido y gratis para los alumnos que califican. Precio reducido de desayuno de Kinder Precio reducido del almuerzo de Kinder Almuerzo gratis de Kinder $0.25/dia $0.40/dia $0.00/dia La comida con precio reducido tambien se puede pagar diariamente o con pre pago. Las cuentas seran manejadas de la misma manera que como as cuentas que se mencionan arriba. Por favor marque su calendario para el 1 de agusto de 2014 si es que quiere recoger una solicitud para comida gratis o con precio reducido. Si tiene cualquier pregunta (lame a Rose Howell al 760-752-1253 o tambien se puede comunicar con el personal de la cafeteria en la escuela de su hijo(a). Estamos felices de poder servirle a su hijo(a) el siguiente ario escolar. C. 20250-9410, o !lame al (202) 720-5964 (voz y TDD). USDA, NSD y el CDE son proveedores y empleadoes que ofrecen oportunidad De acuerdo a lo establecido por as !eyes Federales y El Departamento de Agricultra de los EE. UU. (USDA; siglas en ingles) y el Departamento de EducaciOn de California (CDE) Para presentar una queja sobre discriminacion, escriba a USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D. igual a todos. Revised 2/7/11