

Ammonia. Pure or compressed NH3 gas.
API Systems. Decanting equipment for oil-water separation.
Carbon dioxide (CO2). A greenhouse gas that is produced by the oxidation of compounds
containing carbon.
Drill cuttings. Land and rock removed during the drilling of exploration or production
wells. The cuttings are impregnated with oil due to contact with drilling muds.
Drilling muds. A mixture of clays, water and chemicals used in drilling operations to lubricate
and cool the bit, to bring drill cuttings to the surface, prevent the collapse of well walls and
to control the upward flow of crude oil or gas.
Frequency index. The number of disabling accidents that occur per million man-hours of
risk exposure during a given period.
Fugitive emissions. Emissions that escape from a supposedly closed system. VOC and
methane emissions are typically considered when reference is made to fugitive emissions.
Greenhouse gases (GHG). Gases that contribute to the formation of an insulating layer in
the atmosphere. The principal GHG are steam, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and
halogenated hydrocarbons.
Heavy chlorinated hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons in which a varied number of hydrogen
atoms have been substituted by chloride atoms. The heavy chlorinated hydrocarbons are
those that contain from four to six chlorine atoms, these last ones being known as
hexachlorinated compounds.
Heavy metals. Metals that may produce negative effects on human, flora or fauna health
in concentrations above certain limits. The Official Mexican Standard only covers the
following: cadmium, copper, chrome, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc.
ISO 9001 – 2000 International Standardization Organization standard referring to quality
management systems.
ISO 14001. International Standardization Organization standard referring to environmental
management systems
Nitrogen oxides (NOx). A generic term for nitrogen oxide gases. These compounds are
generated by the oxidation of the nitrogen gas (N2) in the air during combustion processes.
They contribute to the formation of tropospheric ozone and acid rain.
Oil and grease (O&G). Any material that may be recovered as a soluble substance in the
following solvents: n-hexane, trichlorotrifluoroethane or a mixture of 80% n-hexane and
20% methyl tertiary butylether.
Oily sludges. Solid wastes with a hydrocarbon content, such as solids associated with
crude oil, soils impregnated with hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon container system sediments
(tanks, wells, pits, etc).
Particular discharge conditions A set of physical, chemical and biological parameters
and their maximum levels permitted in waste water discharges, as determined by the CNA
for the person responsible for the discharge to a specific receptor body of water, in order to
preserve and control the quality of water in accordance with the National Water Law and its
Produced water. Water found naturally in some oil fields. It is associated with the crude oil
Severity index. The number of working days lost due to disabling accidents per million
man-hours of risk exposure during a given period.
Sulfur oxides (SOx). Compounds generated by the combustion of fuels that contain sulfur
in their composition. They contribute to the formation of acid rain.
Total organic compounds (TOC). They represent the sum of evaporative emissions from
tanks, cooling towers, API separators, valves, flanges, connectors and seals.
Total suspended particles (TSP). The term used to designate particle matter in the air.
Total suspended solids (TSS). Particles present in wastewater, retained by a micro-fiberglass
filtering medium, with a pore diameter of 1.5 microns or its equivalent.
Volatile organic compounds (VOC). Organic compounds that volatilize at room
temperature, including various hydrocarbons, oxygenated compounds and compounds with
a sulfur content. Methane (CH 4) is conventionally considered separately, because it is a
permanent gas. VOC contribute to the formation of tropospheric ozone through a
photochemical reaction with nitrogen oxides (NOx)
BCOE Barrels of crude oil equivalent
BOD Biological oxygen demand
CNA Comisión Nacional del Agua (National Commission of Water)
CONAE Comisión Nacional de Ahorro de Energía (National Energy Saving Commission)
CRETIB Corrosive, Reactive, Explosive, Toxic, Inflammable, Biollogycally infectious
CTO Centro Táctico de Operaciones (Tactical Operation Center)
DCSIPA Dirección Corporativa de Seguridad Industrial y Protección Ambiental (Corporate
Division of Industrial Safety and Environment Protection)
EVA Economic Value Added
GOMM Gerencia de Operación Marítima y Mantenimiento (Maritime Operation and
Maintenance Division)
GPC Gas Processing Center
MHRE Man-hours of risk exposure
MCS Multiple Services Contract
NOM Norma Oficial Mexicana (Mexican Official Norm)
NR North Region
NEMR Northeast Marine Region
PAMITF Programa de Atención Médica Integral a los Trabajadores y sus Familias (Integral
Health Care Program for Workers and their Families)
PCC Petrochemical complex
PDPCAD Programa para la Detección Precoz y Control de Alcoholismo y Drogadicción
(Program for the Early Detection and Control of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction)
PEP Pemex Exploración y Producción (Pemex Exploration and Production)
PGPB Pemex Gas y Petroquímica Básica (Pemex Gas and Basic Petrochemicals)
PIMAS Programa Institucional de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Seguridad (Institutional
Program for Environmental and Safety Research)
PPQ Pemex Petroquímica (Pemex Petrochemicals)
PR Pemex Refinación (Pemex Refining)
PRE Plan de Respuesta a Emergencias (Emergency Response Plan)
PROFEPA Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Federal Environment Protection
PROSSPA Programa de Seguridad, Salud y Protección al Ambiente (Safety, Health and
Environment Protection Program)
SECP Safety, Environment and Clean Products
SEMARNAT Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Secretary of Environment
and Natural Resources)
SENER Secretaría de Energía (Secretary of Energy)
SIAS Sistema Integral de Administración de la Salud (Integral Health Management System)
SIASPA Sistema Integral de Administración de la Seguridad y Protección Ambiental
(Integrated Management System for Safety and Environment Protection)
SISPA Subsistema de Información de Seguridad Industrial y Protección Ambiental
(Information Subsystem for Industrial Safety and Environment Protection)
SR South Region
STPS Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (Secretary of Labor and Social Procurement)
SWMR Southwest Marine Region
TAD Terminal de Almacenamiento y Distribución (Storage and Distribution Terminal)
TU Toxicity Units
TM Terminal Marítima (Maritime Terminal)
WDMU Well Drilling and Maintenance Unit
WEC World Environment Center