Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church


Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Contact us via e-mail: [email protected]
Visit us at:
Most Holy Trinity
Basilian Fathers
Santísima Trinidad
July 15, 2012
God Chose Us
Dios Nos Eligio
Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica
Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston
1713 N. Tinsley; Angleton, Texas 77515
The Mission of Most Holy Trinity
Catholic Church, a parish empowered by the Holy
Spirit, is to spread the Gospel of Jesus the Christ
in order to bring all people into union with God our
Father, through worship, preaching, teaching,
fellowship and service.
La Misión de la Iglesia Católica de la Santísima
Trinidad, una parroquia bajo el poder del
Espíritu Santo; es proclamar el Evangelio de
Cristo Jesús, con el fin de unir a todos con Dios
Padre a través de la alabanza, la predicación,
la enseñanza, la convivencia y el servicio.
Sunday Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Dominicales
8:00 a.m. Español/Spanish (Nursery/Guardería)
10:00 a.m. English/Inglés (Nursery/Guardería)
Daily Mass Mon.-Tue.-*Thur.-Fri.
Misa Semanal Lun.-Mar.-*Jue.-Vier.
8:10 a.m. English/Inglés
12:00 Noon English/Inglés
Mass for Vocations/Misa para Vocaciones:
Saturdays / Sábados 9:00 a.m.
Saturday Anticipated/Sábado Anticipado:
5:00 p.m. English/Inglés
Confessions/Confesiones – English & Español
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Thursday/Jueves
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Saturday/Sábado
Eucharistic Adoration/Adoración del Santísimo:
Mon, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Tue & Thur. 9:00-5:00 p.m.,
Wed. 1:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 - 3:00
Anointing of the Sick/Unción a los Enfermos:
1st Sunday after Mass/1er Dom. despues de la Misas
Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations /
Hora Santa de Oración por Vocaciónes
1st Friday / 1er Viernes 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Parish Office Hours/Horas de Oficina:
Monday-Thursday/Lunes-Jueves– 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Friday/Viernes 9:00 a.m. - 12:30
Contact us at The Parish Office using our Ext # or via E-Mail
(closed for lunch 12:30-1:30 oficina cerrada)
Church Office/Oficina Parroquial ------------- --------- (979) 849-2421
Church Fax ---------------------------------------- --------- (979) 849-2425
Parish Social Ministry/ Servicio Social -------- --------- (979) 849-9458
Parish Social Ministry Fax ---------------------- --------- (979) 848-3146
Resale Shop/Tienda de 2a mano---------------- --------- (979) 849-2767
Emergency/Emergencias ----------------------- --------- (979) 849-1143
Parish Staff/Personal Administrativo:
Pastor: Rev. Maurice Restivo, CSB, x-118
[email protected]
Deacon/Diacono: Robert Ward
[email protected]
Deacon/Diacono: Luis Hernandez
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate/Asociada Pastoral: Cheryl Scott, x-109
[email protected]
Receptionist/Recepcionista: Rebecca Mireles, x-100
[email protected]
Secretary/Secretaria: Santana Belmares, x-111
[email protected]
Bookkeeper/Contadora Publica: Annie Damian, x-104
[email protected]
Music Director: – Tim Dyksinski, x-112
[email protected]
CCE Coordinator/Coord. CCE: Norma Mata, x-110
[email protected]
Director of Parish Social Ministry: Mildred Wauson
979-849-9458 [email protected]
Maintenance: Eleuterio (Marty) Martinez, x-105
Web Resources:
U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Catholic News Service:
Lectionary, Scripture Study:
Mass Attendance
July 7/8 -Total 775
Sat. 5:00 p.m. 175
Sun.8:00 a.m. 242 / 10:00 a.m. 358
Stewardship Corner: July 7/8 2012
Sunday Coll. : ................................$9,205.61
Building Fund : .............................$2,008.96
Until Further Notice
Chapel will CLOSE
Monday at 4p.m
Tuesday - Thursday: at 5p.m.
on Friday at 3p.m.
For any question call the
church office.
Hasta nuevo aviso
La Capilla cerrará los
Lunes a las 4p.m.
Martes - Jueves a las 5p.m.
y a las 3p.m. el Viernes
Para cualquier pregunta llame
a la oficina parroquial.
OLG = On-Line Giving
Thank you, to those of you who signed up for Online Giving.
If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please prayerfully
consider this option. Not only can it be used along with our offering
envelopes, it will also help reduce expenses, and allow the parish to
count on a steadier stream of income.
Please visit to sign
up or for more information. God Bless You.
FlockNote is here! This tool
allows you to share notes with
fellow parents, youth, liturgical
ministers, catechists, members of parish groups, and
more. Receive the info you need through text message, email,
facebook, or however you choose! It’s easy to sign up:
ƒ At our website,, or
ƒ At
Our Parish; is on FaceBook! “Like” us and join the group!
Here’s how. Either: Log in to facebook and
search: “Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church,
Angleton, TX,” or Scan this QR code
**These sites will be used to invite you to events
at our parish, share the latest news from our
parish community and beyond, and point you to
ways to learn about our faith online.
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 15, 2012
Pastor’s Weekly Message:
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
15 de Juliode 2012
Mensaje del Párroco:
First of all, a huge “thank you” to Norma, Beth,
and all the catechists and volunteers who made Vacation
Bible School a reality this year! I think this is such a
great way to learn: when you are enjoying yourself and
having a good time, it’s so easy for knowledge to enter
in. I hope and pray that they continue to grow in love and
knowledge of God and all his creation.
My sympathies go out to the family of Viola
Lander, who faithfully served the parish for over twenty
years, in various capacities: she was cook and
housekeeper, then secretary/bookkeeper, and in later
years worked at St. Thomas Center, both as a paid
employee and a volunteer. She will be missed. I pray that
God has already welcomed her into his arms in the
heavenly banquet.
And, me: By the time you are reading this I will
have begun training as part of the Christian Peacemaker
Teams. Since this training lasts a significant time, I will
not be serving on a team later this year. I want to assure
you all that I remain deeply committed to each of you,
who are Most Holy Trinity. It is my firm belief that this
training and my commitment to concrete justice work
will enrich my ministry in the parish, and be a factor of
growth for all of us. Know that you will all be in my
daily prayer during this time. In the next weeks, I will be
writing about CPT itself and what I am experiencing in
And, during my absence, we are privileged to
have Fr. Leo Reilly, CSB, with us. Fr. Leo was for many
years at St. Anne’s parish in Detroit, where the Basilians
served for 126 years, until a few weeks ago. Fr. Leo has
taken up residence at our retirement house in Toronto,
and generously offered to cover for me during my
¡Primero que todo, un enorme “gracias" a Norma, a
Beth, y a todas las catequistas y voluntarios que hicieron
realidad la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones este año! Creo
que esta es una gran manera de aprender: cuando se está
disfrutando y pasándola bien, es más fácil que el
conocimiento entre. Espero y rezo para que ellos sigan
creciendo en el amor y el conocimiento de Dios y toda su
Mis condolencias a la familia de Viola Lander,
quien sirvió fielmente a la parroquia por más de veinte años,
en varias maneras: fue cocinera y ama de llaves, después
fue secretaria / contadora, y en los últimos años trabajó en el
Centro de Santo Tomás, como voluntaria y como empleada
asalariada. Se le va a extrañar. Mi plegaria es que Dios ya la
haya acogido en sus brazos en el banquete celestial.
Y yo: Para cuando estén leyendo esta ya habré
empezado el entrenamiento como parte de los Equipos
Cristianos de Acción por la Paz (CPT). Debido a que este
entrenamiento dura un lapso de tiempo significativo, no voy
a formar parte de un equipo a finales de este año. Quiero
asegurarles a todos que me mantengo profundamente
comprometido con cada uno de ustedes, que son la
Santísima Trinidad. Creo firmemente que este
entrenamiento, y mi compromiso de trabajo concreto por la
justicia, va a enriquecer mi ministerio en la parroquia, y será
un factor de crecimiento para todos nosotros. Sepan que
todos estarán en mis oraciones diarias durante este tiempo.
En las próximas semanas, voy a escribir sobre el CPT
mismo y lo que estoy experimentando en el entrenamiento.
Y, durante mi ausencia, tenemos el privilegio de
tener con nosotros al Padre. Leo Reilly, CSB. El Padre Leo
estuvo durante muchos años en la parroquia de Santa Ana
en Detroit, donde los Basilianos sirvieron durante 126 años,
hasta hace unas semanas. El Padre Leo se ha instalado en
nuestra casa de retiro en Toronto, y se ofreció
generosamente a cubrir por mí durante mi ausencia.
May the God of peace fill you with grace and life always.
Que el Dios de paz los llene de gracia y de vida siempre.
Newly or Nearly Engaged?
If you are planning or
thinking about the possibility of getting married at Most Holy Trinity in the
next year, plan now to attend an informational meeting on TODAY in our
parish Hyeck Hall from 6-7:30 p.m. Topics to be covered include: Marriage as
Sacrament; Music Guidelines; Liturgy of the Wedding; and an introduction to
the preparation process. Speakers include the couples on the marriage team,
music director Tim Dyksinski, and wedding facilitator Elva Guiterrez.
This meeting will answer many of your questions from…..
"Why get married in the church?" to "Why do we need to be prepared?"
and "What flowers do we need?"
TODAY at 6:00. See you there!
Gospel Reflection for
fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 15, 2012
Reflexión sobre el Evangelio para el
Decimoquinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
15 de Julio de 2012
This past week, I had the privilege of spending four
days at the University of Notre Dame where I met with twelve
young adults who are students in ECHO, ND’s graduate study
program for catechetical leadership. During this gathering, my
role as a mentor in the program, along with
their academic professors and advisors, was to
assist in preparing these young people for
apprenticeship in church ministry. In just a
few short weeks, these students will be sent
out in small groups to four main dioceses
across the country, where they will work for
the next two years. For most, it will be their
first work/ministry experience in the real
world, and the first time they will be a long
way from home and family. None of them
know exactly what to expect. When I asked
them how they felt about this, they all
expressed feelings of nervousness, anxiety,
and fear, but also honor, humility, and overwhelming
excitement because of all the things they expect to learn and
people they will meet. When I asked why they wanted to be
part of ECHO, their general response was, “I felt called”.
I find it admirable that these students are willing to
risk the security and comfort of their family, homes, academic
environment, etc. to venture into the world to answer God’s
call—and like most college kids, with little more than a
“walking stick” and “sandals”. In a sense, ECHO prepares
students, just as Jesus prepared “the twelve” in today’s gospel.
He sends them out, two by two, and gives them authority to
continue his works. They, too, were to leave the security of
their home, jobs, family, and teacher (Jesus) to go into the
world, and, like the prophet Amos, in
today’s first reading, they too, were
probably the most unlikely people to
be entrusted with proclaiming the
word. They knew not what to
expect, nor how they would be
received by the people would they
meet. But Jesus takes the time to
mentor, to form and prepare them
before he sent them into the world,
and His final instructions, as given in
today’s gospel, speak clearly of the
only essential thing necessary to take
with them, TRUST in GOD!
Like the first twelve, like
the ECHO students, like Amos, we too, are often sent into the
world to speak the truth, and often, we least expect to be the
one’s people will listen to. This is not always easy, and
sometimes even fearful. But, as Paul reminds us in today’s
second reading, each of us have been “chosen” by God in
Christ. We are his “possession”, “destined and promised the
Holy Spirit ”to“ exist for the praise of his glory.” So, as people
who believe, when our comfort zone is shaken, when we are
“sent out” to where we least want to go, when we think no one
will listen, let us remember we need simply, to trust in God.
La semana pasada, tuve el privilegio de pasar cuatro
días en la Universidad de Notre Dame (ND), donde me reuní con
doce jóvenes estudiantes de ECHO, programa de estudios de
postgrado de ND para el liderazgo catequético. Durante este
encuentro, mi papel como mentor en el programa,
junto con sus profesores y asesores académicos,
fue de ayudar a preparar a estos jóvenes para el
aprendizaje en el ministerio de la iglesia. En sólo
unas pocas semanas, estos estudiantes serán
enviados, en pequeños grupos, a cuatro diócesis
principales en todo el país, donde trabajarán
durante los próximos dos años. Para la mayoría,
esto será su primera experiencia de labor /
ministerio en el mundo real, y la primera vez que
estarán lejos de su casa y su familia. Ninguno de
ellos sabe exactamente qué esperar. Cuando les
pregunté cómo se sentían sobre esto, todos
expresaron sentimientos de nerviosismo, ansiedad
y miedo, pero también de honor, humildad, y emoción
abrumadora por todas las cosas que esperan aprender y la gente
que van a conocer. Cuando pregunté por qué querían ser parte de
ECHO, la respuesta general fue: “Me sentí llamado”.
Me parece admirable que estos estudiantes están
dispuestos a arriesgar la seguridad y la comodidad de su familia,
hogares, ámbito académico, etc., para aventurarse en el mundo
respondiendo al llamado de Dios – y al igual que la mayoría de
los chicos de universidad, con poco más que un “bastón” y
“sandalias.” En cierto sentido ECHO prepara a los estudiantes al
igual que Jesús preparó a “los Doce” en el evangelio de hoy. Él
les envía de dos en dos, y les da autoridad para continuar su obra.
Ellos también iban a dejar la seguridad de su hogar, trabajo,
familia, y maestro (Jesús) para entrar en el mundo y,
al igual que el profeta Amós en la primera lectura de
hoy, también ellos probablemente fueron las
personas menos adecuadas para confiarles la
proclamación de la palabra. No sabían qué esperar, ni
cómo serían recibidos por las personas que se
encontraran. Pero Jesús toma tiempo para guiarlos,
formarlos y prepararlos antes de enviarlos al mundo
y Sus últimas instrucciones, indicadas en el
evangelio de hoy, hablar claramente de la única cosa
esencial y necesaria para llevar con ellos,
Como los primeros doce, como los
estudiantes de ECHO, como Amós, nosotros también
frecuentemente somos enviados al mundo para decir
la verdad y, frecuentemente, no esperamos ser nosotros a los que
la gente va a escuchar. Esto no siempre es fácil, ya veces llena de
temor. Pero, como Pablo nos recuerda en la segunda lectura de
hoy, cada uno de nosotros hemos sido “elegidos” por Dios en
Cristo. Somos su “posesión”, “destinados y con el Espíritu Santo
prometido” a “existir para alabarlo y glorificarlo.” Así que,
como personas creyentes, cuando nuestra zona de confort sea
sacudida, cuando seamos “enviados” a donde menos queremos
ir, cuando pensemos que nadie nos va a escuchar, recordemos
que simplemente necesitamos confiar en Dios.
- Cheryl Scott
- Cheryl Scott
Attention All 2011-2012 Altar Servers:
In honor of your dedicated service to
Most Holy Trinity as Altar Server,
you are invited to a ministry
appreciation day:
WHAT: Astros Baseball;
Pittsburgh Pirates
WHERE: Minute Maid Park, Houston
WHEN: Friday, July 27, 2012
GAME TIME: 7:05 p.m.
We will meet at church at 4:30 p.m. and leave
at 5:00 p.m.
Ice-cream Social
& Meeting
For all “ AYC ”
Wednesday July 18
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
SB Hall
Make Plans to
PLEASE RSVP to Cheryl in the Parish
Office by Monday, July 23.
Our Condolences and
prayers of comfort, to
our parishioners in
their time of need...
To the friends and family of...
Viola Lander(+)
Frank Shaw(+)
Francisco Rodriguez(+)
Teresa González Salazar (+)
Antonio González Valdez (+)
Thanks to all who
donated at our Most
Holy Trinity Blood
Drive this past
Sunday, July 8
If anyone still wants to donate this
month or later this year:
stop by the Angleton Danbury
Medical Center the 3rd Tuesday of
each Month:
July 17
Aug 21
Sept 18
Oct 16
Nov 20
Dec 18
DSF Summary ‐ Parish Goal
Average Pledge $254.00
Thank You!
For your Stewardship
of Treasure
Total Amount Pledged
Pledge Goal Remaining
$45,466.06 ,
Father, You have flooded our lives with your love;
through the generous aid of the Diocesan Services
Fund, enrich those whose lives are threatened by
poverty, disease, violence or neglect.
DSF Summary ‐ Pledge
Amount Paid/Remaining
Total Amount Paid
Pledge Goal Remaining
Padre, Usted ha inundado nuestras vidas con su amor;
por intermedio de la generosa ayuda del Fondo de
Servicios Diocesanos, fortalezca a quienes has sido
amenazados por la pobreza, las enfermedades, la
violencia o la negligencia.
$25,073.94 ,
$37,626.06 ,
The 2012 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass honoring couples celebrating Golden
(50th) and Silver (25th) Anniversaries of marriage in the Catholic Church.
The ceremony will be held on Sunday, September 16, 2012 at the George R. Brown Convention
Center at 3 pm. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a
special certificate signed by His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo. Couples wishing to participate
are asked to please call the parish office at 979-849-2421 and register their name, address,
daytime telephone number, e-mail address, wedding date, the name of the location of the
Catholic Church where they were married, and other details, to the parish secretary. Deadline for
registration is August 17, 2012. Soon after August 24, the archdiocesan Office of Family Life
Ministry will send registered couples a letter with detailed information and tickets for their
participation in the Jubilee Mass. They then will have the opportunity to R.S.V.P. and pay a
registration fee of $20 dollars per couple. Each couple will be able to bring as maximum of 8
family members or friends to the celebration.
Please pray for those in the hospital: Cecelia Chapa, Addie Dufield,
Teresa Hundl, Peggy Koenig, John Murphy, Cindi Ortego, Dawn Smith,
Clifton Tarrant, Nicholas & William Womac.
Also let us Pray for those in nursing homes: (Cypress Woods Care,
Country Village, Country Village Assisted Living) and for their caregivers
may the Lord Bless them with...Love, Patience, Strength and
New Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday
Open from 9:00- 5:00 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:30- 1:30 p.m.
Friday close at 12:30 p.m.
Closed Saturday and Sunday.
Tired of nagging and whining? Try running a RACE instead.
Nagging and whining usually happen because the child or
parent doesn’t do what’s wanted. Let the consequence be the
reminder. Watch for the R-A-C-E steps to reduce nagging in
your home over the next four Parenting Pointers.
***Instead of NAGGING, run a R-A-C-E.
(Part 4)
E – Enforce/Evaluate. Once you and your
child have agreed upon a consequence, no
(or few) words need be spoken. If the
consequence requires your enforcement you
must calmly follow through. If the negative
behavior continues, evaluate together
whether a different consequence would be
more effective.
RCIA (Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults)
The process the church uses
today to bring individuals
who are not baptized,
baptized in another
denomination and or
baptized Catholics who
never completed the sacraments of initiation
(Eucharist & Confirmation). This process leads to
full communion in the Catholic Church. If your
interested in becoming Catholic, Inquiry classes are
held on Mondays at 7:30 p.m., in Room SB-4. For
more information please call parish Cheryl Scott at
the Office, 979-849-2421
What have you done for your marriage today? It's
more than a rhetorical question. It's also the name of
the website on marriage that the Catholic bishops
have just launched. You can get ideas on everything
from Intimacy to Disillusionment check it out at:
Follow us on facebook to form
healthy and happy marriages
that inspire!
¿Qué has hecho por tu matrimonio
hoy? Es más que una pregunta retórica. Es también el
nombre de la página web sobre el matrimonio que los
obispos católicos han lanzado. Podras obtener ideas
sobre todo, desde la intimidad a la desilusión échale un
vistazo al:
Sigue nos en facebook para formar matrimonios sanos y
felices, que inspiren!
P.S.M. (Parish Social Ministries)
Needs a volunteer to mow the lawn
over the summer, If you can
help please call Cheryl at the
Church Office 979-849-2421
¿Cansado de quejas y lloriqueos? Trate de correr una carrera en
su lugar. Las quejas y lloriqueos por lo general ocurren porque el
niño o el padre no hace lo que ha querido. Deje que la
consecuencia sea el recordatorio. Esté atento a los pasos para
reducir las molestias RACE en su hogar durante los próximos
cuatro puntos para padres.
En vez de regañar, ejecutar un R-A-C-E. (Parte 4)
E - Esforzar / Evaluar. Una vez que usted y su
hijo han acordado en una consecuencia, ya no
necesita ser hablado (y si acaso muy poco). Si la
consecuencia requiere de su esfuerzo, usted debe
seguir con tranquilidad. Si continúa el
comportamiento negativo, evaluar juntos si una
consecuencia diferente sería más eficaz.
Sunday/Domingo, July 15
15th Sun OT
{ Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30; 2 Cor 8:7, 9,
13-15; Mk 5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43] }
8am - Misa: Maria Silva (+) by husband Baldomar &
children,Andres, Juan, Roy, Maria, Sofia, Elvira, Dolores
10am - Mass: For All the People
Monday/Lunes, July 16
{ Is 1:10-17; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 }
8:10am - Mass : Jesse Ramos by wife, Gloria
7pm - Grupo de Oración
7:30pm - RCIA Inquiry
Liturgical Ministries
July 21 & July 22
Minister of
July 15, 2012 - July 21, 2012
Tuesday/Martes, July 17
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
De Vries
Oscar Greak
T. J. Sbrusch
J.D. Shaw
Canizales Sr
Jesus Ozuna
Gene Giraud
Fred Sander
Katie Ross
Dayna Wilde
Hope Arce
Grace Flores
Dan Hunter
Rita Hunter
Beth Kaspar
Joe Sandoval
Rosy Cruz
Noe Cruz
Elia Cruz
Cruz Sr
Andres Silva
Vicky Silva
Annie & Joe
Bill Dellinger
Lori Greak
Abel Gutierrez
Fred Infante
Helen Infante
Pat Jennings
Cindy Stone
Tom Wilde
Lillie Spillars
Holly Scott
Judy Jo
De Vries
8:10 am: Mass: 100th Birthday, Ella Zgarba
by grandtr, Cheryl & Steve Scott and family
10:30 -
Golden Stars
Book Lovers Meeting
Altar Server
{ Is 7:1-9; Mt 11:20-24 }
12:00pm - Bulletin Deadline
6pm - Legion de María SB2
7:30pm - KC Charity Bingo (non-smoking)
Wed./Miércoles, July 18
{ Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Mt 11:25-27 }
Eucharistic Minister
My Boys and Girls Are In There,”
by Ron Rozelle
12pm - Mass: Andres & Josefa Lopez (++)
by son, Tony & Angie Lopez
6pm - Choir practice
Thursday/Jueves, July 19
{ Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Mt 11:28-30 }
8:10am - Mass: Special Intention, Gail & Ernest Saldivar
by Dolores Mosauer
5pm - Confessions / Confesiones
7pm - Estudio Biblico
Friday/Viernes, July 20
{ Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12:1-8 }
8:10am—Mass: Albert Cook (+)
by son, John & Bernetta
Saturday/Sábado, July 21
{ Mi 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21 }
9am - Mass : For Vocations
3:30pm - Confessions / Confesiones
5pm - Mass : For All the People
Bautizos: Se requiere que los padres de familia y los padrinos asistan a las
clases de preparación. Los padres de familia deben de ser católicos que
practican su fe y deben estar registrados en la parroquia. Llamen a la oficina
parroquial tan pronto como sea posible durante el embarazo para preregistrarse para las clases. La fecha del bautismo se establecerá después de
haber completado las clases requeridas.
RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos): Este proceso lleva a la
plena comunión en la Iglesia Católica. Es para las personas que no están
bautizadas, o que están bautizadas en otra religión y están interesadas en
convertirse en católicos. También es para católicos bautizados que no han
recibido los sacramentos de iniciación (Eucaristía y Confirmación).
Primera Reconciliación / Primera Comunión: La inscripción, para iniciar
el proceso de preparación para este sacramento, está disponible a los niños
desde el 2º año escolar en adelante, que están registrados en la parroquia, que
están asistiendo fielmente a misa y que están inscritos en el Programa de
Formación de Fe en curso. Ambos sacramentos incluyen sesiones de
preparación que son requeridas tanto para los niños como para los padres de
Confirmación: el proceso de preparación para este sacramento es de 2 años.
La inscripción está disponible para los jóvenes del 10º año escolar en adelante,
que practican activamente la fe católica y están registrados en la parroquia.
Los jóvenes deben de estar asistiendo regularmente a Misa y a las clases de
formación en la fe en curso. Una entrevista de admisión podría ser requerida.
Matrimonio: Únicamente con cita previa de 6 a 12 meses de anticipación.
Cuando menos uno de los dos novios debe estar registrado en la parroquia.
Se requiere un Programa de Preparación para el Matrimonio. Durante la
Cuaresma no se efectuaran bodas..
Orden Sacerdotal: Si está interesado en el sacerdocio o el diaconado, favor
de ponerse en contacto con el Padre Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Fallecimiento en la Familia: Llame a la oficina parroquial antes de hacer
una cita con la funeraria. Estamos aquí para ayudarle espiritual y
Si tienen alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial al 849-2421
Baptisms: Preparations sessions are required for parents and
godparents and a recognition Mass. Parents should be registered in the
parish and practicing Catholics. Call the parish office as early as
possible during pregnancy to pre-register for classes. Baptism will be
set upon completion of the required classes.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): For individuals who
are not baptized, baptized in another denomination and interested in
becoming Catholic, or baptized Catholics who never completed the
sacraments of initiation (Eucharist & Confirmation). This process
leads to full communion in the Catholic Church.
First Reconciliation/First Communion: Enrollment in the sacrament
preparation process is open to children in grade 2 or older who are
registered in the parish, faithfully attending Mass and enrolled in
ongoing faith formation programming. Classes include required parent
& child sessions for both sacraments.
Confirmation: Enrollment in a 2-year preparation process is open to
youth in grade 10 or higher who actively practice the Catholic faith
and are registered in the parish. Youth must be regularly attending
Mass and ongoing faith formation classes. An entrance interview may
be required.
Marriage: By appointment only, 6-12 months in advance. Either one
or both of the couple must be registered in the parish. Marriage
Preparation Program required. No weddings during Lent.
Holy Orders: If interested in the Priesthood or Diaconate, contact
Fr. Maurice Restivo, C.S.B.
Death in the Family: Call the Parish Office before you make an
appointment with the funeral home. We are here to help you spiritually
and emotionally.
If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 849-2421.