August-September 1944 - Arizona Historical Society


August-September 1944 - Arizona Historical Society
Tucson, Arizona
Aucust 6, 1944
Esteban R Molera - AUb~st 3
Mike zazueta - AUGust 5
Ruben V Dominguez - August ?
Andy Alday - August 9
August 15 - Frank Acevedo, Jr
Joe Verdugo - August 15
Juan 0 Salaz - August 16
Gilberto V Vidal - August 19
Fred Wall - Augus~ 22
Jerry Delgado - ~ust 26
Andrew P Spenley - August z?
Richard Rojas - August 31
These people are warm hearted,
generous, kind and very magnetic.
They are very inspiring to others.
They are good conversationalists,
have a good sense of humor and are
very popular. They are very fond
of their familius and show a
decided adeptness at thei
children. These people have un
inclination toward laziness. However, when the situation arises,
they are ready to work hard but
they are slow at gettine started
at the job at hand. Leo people are
usually musical and if this talent
is cultivated they have great
opportunities of suooess.Because
of their inspiriI1G ne ture, they
make great generals (:), actors
and fluent speakers. The force of
their personality can win for them
many friends and achievements.
•.• V -
(Before I forget, the date up thar
isn't wrong--what I muon is, it's
wrong but it's· richt. 1'8 le~vinc
on my' vacation sm.1C: tiLll':: this
month, so I' i ) pUblishin[" "Oha ttur"
tho first 811(1 third Sunduy instead
of the· socond and fourth. as h0ret9foro, so that you'll cot two
..1lu'iJspapors this month).
••• V -
AB0p1' OUR .§..OLDIEll~
Juan T AldauQ, son of I.rrs Maria
Alclama ,5~~4 wi l? th, on June 17, in
the South Pacific.
Pfc Frank A Gradillas, so~ of
Mrs Rosa A Gradillas, 1010 St
Mary's Road, in tho Meditcrrunoan.
Sgt Raoul B Lopez, son of
Uicucl B LopGz, 906 S li;yers st.
Sgt Manu01 G Rossini, son of
Mrs l,lanuela HerrE.;ra, 5'16 W Clark.
Pvt Arturo R Aros, non of Mrs
Lupo H ArOS, 4410 Arulayolis.
Pfc Jesus Roberto Molina, son
of N'u' and Mr s R 1Iolinu, 664 S
Nain (slightly woundod).
clardino, son of Mrs Je;:;us sardina,
624 ~iost Poak, frissing in action
in France since June 16.
DeLletrio M ~uintero, brother of
Mrs Ascension Quintero Tapia,
343 E 36th st.
Cpl William C
Co e io, of tho U. S. l,iar in<;s, a
veteran of bloody Tarawa, who was
wounded during the conqu0st of
Saipan, died aboard a hospital
ship and was buri~d at S00, aceordinc; to informu tiOl re:c0i v-::u
rcc0ntly by his f~thor, Manuul J
Cocio, 405 U Court st.
Thu last word his f~l thor
recc:ivcd frOB Hilliu eU:.1LJ from
Hawaii about a uonth .lGO telling
how he hod won the uiddlewei[:;11t
und liGht heavyweight LaxinG
championships of his l.l<:Jl'inu dl vision.
As the youncust lilClllbc:J.' of the
fil;htlrl[; Coolon, Hillie \'Von state
Qlilateur li~htweight chanl)10n3hips
in 1969 and 1940. Three of hls .
brothers ore in the onJcd forces,
dnd U fourth, nrturo, is 16, too
young to enlist. They nrc Sgt.
Manuel Coeio, former state Golden
~loves Qiddleweicht titlehol~er,
J.n the IM.F at Tyndull Fj.eld, Flo;
l)vt Juues Coeio, forTlwr st;:.te
fea thorwelgh t clw.IJ.pion, \:i"Lh the
L~rinc air corp8 at Zl Centro,
Culifornia; end Eddie with the .
navy und belicvad to be in Hawaii.
Cpl Coeio had served in the
marines ebout throe yoars, returning home ovor G yocr uLo bei'ore
beinG shipped out Dnd tckinc purt
in the Tarawa nction.
Vlillie \,,'£.\8 prominent in
athletics at Tucson Hi, was an
outstanding softball anu. baseball
player and was a Ilenbcr of the
Arizona Daily Star Junior Oowboy
Team which captured the utnte
ohanpionship in 1938.
_ 0'-
APTION (Continued)
In aduition to hi::> father and
four brothers, Willie leaves three
sisters: Mrs Ben Ruelas and Mrs
Arsenio Lopez of Tucson, and Mrs
Casper Carey of Binghampton, N.Y.
•• •V.---.
v/ord has been receiveri from the
war departnent of the d0ath of Pfc
Manuel D Olguin on June 17 in
Pfc Olguin, the son of Mr and
Mrs Manuel OlGUin, 608 WCiJt Mesa
Street, is reported to have died
of wounds received in action. He'
enlisted in the Army on I\iarch 20,
Manny's brother, Leo, Hnlisted
in the Marine corps several rrlOnths
ago and is now stationed in San
PROMOTION: Cpl Rudolph Balderrama,
son of 1irs R&rilOna i381 iierrai,w, 1022
S 8th Ave, who is with the air
forces in InG-ia, has been promoted to sergeant. Rudy attended
local schools and VlaS 8I'lployed
by the S.P. before enter inc the
••• V Stoff Sgt Ramon C Rodriguez, 19,'
son of ~rs Sarah Ward, 030 S 8th,
has now a total of four Oak Leaf
Clusters added to his Air ~edal.
Ray is [, turret t,;unner somev,'here
in EnGland.
••• V OB, ~iHEIlli, OIl, \,lHZRE? .A chance
r:ieetin~.:; in the Southwest Pacific,
recently broucht tocether for the
first time in a year ~nu a half,
two brothers--Pfc Alfonso M
Espifios~, 19, and Pfc rtobert ~
E:3pinost.i, 2~S. They are sons of :fur
...v-and 1\:irs Antonio BspinLJsc:, 50? N
7-Gh Ave.
A thirQ'son, citaff Sgt Ernest
M EspinosEl, 32, is a stenographerGOING 1~ PRE-INDUCTIOt flIY~IC~L
interpreter in "Com-Air Fo~ward,"
EXAlJ: Gilbert G Urias, Fidel A
a C6ntral Pacific oru;iHi<:ation
Burruel, Manuel L l1unoz, Peuro
v/hich directs all land-based airPreoiado, Edwardo Martinez, Joe
orc:ft 0~)0ra tions in that area.
Alaroon, Oscar Leon, Henry If
Ernie was emploJred for two years
BasUl'to, Rioardo Trujillo Reyes,
as a stenogrupher in the scienoe
Alfred Le0n Elias, Roy Serrano
and history de.partBcnt of the
Elias, Angel ~anohez Rive~a, Jaine U of A.
David Hooper, Bernardo Maxirllilinno
The LleetlIlg of the - two brothers
Rivera, Ootavio Pain, Reuon Lobia, occurred when Alfonso, ric11n['; by
Manuel \'barra .AltamiraIlo, Gavino
in tl jeep, twp.p8neu to recocnh:e
Gonzalez Altamirano, Jose Rocha
Dob. Alfonso is selivini!, in u
Sanohez, Antonio liadril Jaiaos,
rifle coml)8ny of the veteran
E~uardo Santa Cruz Ortega, Fred
American Division and recently was
Escalante, Enrique David Cruz,
awarded the Combo. t Infc..lntrym,ll1
Kenneth Francisco Falimo,
Badge for uctioll on Boul;uinville.
Franoisco Mirenda, Bylv8st0r Toro, Defore entering tll<) aray h<3 played,
Felix Cipriano ,l1lson, Reynaldo
semi-pro bnsub:.ll for the A~Lecns.',
Montenegro Romo, Pantilo Va~enzuel~ Bob is [l f.lC1ilber of a medicul
Joe 'falansntes Ml;)ndoza, Davld GOI;le~ detachment.
Soto, Ygnaoio Oros Ybal'ra, R~lUl 114
••• V Reyes Reyn/:lldo E Ochoa, JUf:lIl
Rosas 'Patino, John Herlland8z, R u1 l>h A,:.;us"Lin JacOI;lc is on his way to
)4 ~artinez, Juan VicJ.Cll Rume, EdviGrd combat dutjr SO!:l0Viheru in the
11 0ci1'ic.
Anthony Ram~iroz.
NAVY 1DiLISTMENTS: Htlnr~r Vasquez
Valdenegro, BOOof l,:1's Louisu IJ.'
315 S Main; Adolfo Valda
Coluya, son of 1rr <.:1l 1\1rs "" J:
Celaya- 265 S Meyer; Rudolph
Rendon' son of Mr and Mrs Gabo
, Rondon' 115 E 24th st; Monuel ,
'Vasque~ Uarmolejo, ,son o~ ~~ and
Mrs Alonzo lIIarmolc JO, 401 VivSt
Prinoe Road' Louis ~.Iut;;how Pellon,
son of lJr a~d Mrs Louis M.Pellon,
1045 N'lOth; Gilbert Garcla.
Alfaro son of IJrand 1~q Vlcente
' 919 S 6th /:lnd brother of
Armando Alfuro, on e . 01
Association's SUp-Dlrectors.
WAC Pvt R S Gonzal~st da~lter of
1~ and Mrs'Juan W Gonzalos, 711
Anita St, loft the Fort Des
Moines Iowa training ccnter'for
th8 Santa Ana, Ca.lif, Army
• •• V -
G LopGz, %2, son of
cind. -Ilil'::; Juan l•.i Lopi:.: z, 919 N 12th
Ave, and d illUlilDer of the paratrooI)Ors, who l1au been OVG1'3(;c;:S
for over a yU:Jr, is 11mi sOf,lEJwhere
in Eugland and hus roc.:ovor0d
from an injury recoivud wll(;;n
taking pElrt in the action i1:
Fr811c8. Pvt Lop0z also 3nw Ciction
in Sicily and It~ly. His broth~r,
Fred G Lopez, is with tho !J8VY
in tho Southwest Pacific.
••• V I
Sgt Alberto V I-.1urriot ... , :Jon of I'I:rs
Ii!ariu Valvnzu\)leJ, 623 ;;) Uain st,
is now in EnGlund. Clnu will be
posted at Gn Amcricun i'i:',~~rt\.;r
plane base.
... ..
Work OIl the reCOHver.:non of the
two-story adobe building at 110
E 14th Street into a parochial
school has beGun, Gnd is to be
ready for use in Septenber. The
school will oe knoviIl as the All
...v--Saints' Parochial School and
Marine Pfc Thomas Lopez, Jr, son of VJill include the first four graces.
1lrs Maria Lopez, 1815 E Miles St,
is now resting at the Marine Corps
...vRehabilitation Center, Klar~th
Miss Franoes Altamirano,
Falls, Oregon. Tommy participated'
daughter of Jose and Dolores
in the Murshall Islands invasion
Altamirano, 820 S Herbert, was
and has boen overseas 23 uonths.
recently married to Armando Levie,
... vson of Santiat.;o ancl RCiDona Lowe,
of Tubac. The ceremony was perMarine Pvt Gilo P Mejias, son of
formed a t the San to Cruz Church.
Mrs wercedes P Ruelas, 907 S 11th
.AttendinG the couple were Arnulfo
Ave, has been graduated from the
infantry school at Camp Pendleton, end Maria Grad,illas, and naids of
honor: I',11sses Georci a Handros,
Oceanside, California, ~~d is now
Alice Huerta, Jo;.;ofina DOLlint.;uez,
awaiting assignment to a combat
and Lorraine Dustill~nte.
unit. Gilo attended Tucson Hi and
was employed as a machinist here
...vbefore joining the Marine corps.
11" S BOTI We had one of the
hottest Julys ever, and August
has eiven no indication of
Jesus Castel Del Oro, Seaman
breakinG the hot spell imrfl'3diately.
Second Class, is here OL a 28-day
...vleave. Chu is son of ~jrs Anita
Castel Dol Oro, 990 S Mission Rd.
ArLlando hlfaro, Second Sub-Director
of our Association, left recently
Pfc Carlos Bustamante left
Mexico City via airplane. His
Tucson reoently after Gpending a
program over KVDA, "La
furlough visiting hiB parents, Mr
','Jill be in charge
and Mrs C B Bustmaante, 516 South
Beltran. Bon
RUBsell ~venuo. This waB his first
furlough in two' and one-half yoars
of arL~ service, two years of
...vwhich were spent in the Aleutian
Islands. He is a fonaGr student of· DEA'l1LS: I...Ir Raruon Camaoho, 56, 377
S Convent. Survivors: wife,
Tucson Hi.
Josefita; son, Rauon, Jr;
Marine Cpl Gus G fu8zon, Jr, is daUghter, Alicia; brother, Ysidoro;
in Tucson on a furlough visiting
sisters, Mrs Anita Duarte, Josehis parentJ at 1813 E loth St. He fina Cuen, Alvina Valenzuela,and
Miss Jesus Camacho.
has just returned fram 16 ~onths
in the South Pacific whuru he was
connElcted with u marine air wine.
Jose Miranda, 73, of 610 West
1elen. Survivors: son, Rafael;
Pvt Joso Chacon is spc.:ndinc· a
two daughters, Mrs Lucy Lopez and
short furlough with' his £:lother,
rs Josefina Garcia, of. TUC!30n.
Mrs Angelita Chacon, 12EJ \1 Aviatiol
Mrs Manuela Trujillo, 74, 514
Drivo. Joe has finished his trainVI 17th St. Survivors: I;Irs Franing at Camp Roberts, California,
cisco Reyes and ll~rs Ic;nncio
and will bo stationed on tho east
Pfo Arthur Lopez and his
Mrs r,~anuela Carpio, 42, 1304
brother, Staff Sergeant ~rne~t
S 6th ~ve. Survivors: Sisters,
Lopez are on furlough v~sit~ng
~frue~ Otilia Garcia, Elena Contheir'parents, Mr and Mr~ R~uon
treras, Catalina Basurto;
Lopez, 189 N Myers. Art ~s vnth
brothers, Jesu3 und Felix
the AAF in Lincoln, Nebraska, and PesClueira.
Ernie is wi~h the Infantry in
Mrs Elena Costello, 68, 006 W
Louisiana. '
29th. Survivors: husband,
Francisco; son, Fernando; daughter,
Mrs Francisca Olivas.
Mrs Carmen Rios, President of
our Association and ~other of the BIR'lliS: Pvt and Mrs Ben 01',Iartinez,
Five Fightin'g Rios Broth~rs, wo~e 682 nnita, a son.
Pvt and I\~r 3 Ruynond G Cardenas,
out a pair of shoes sell~nD bonuS.
W Ontario, a daUGhter.
She issued an SOS for a s~oe stamp
and Mrs DOLlingo Valencia,
and Mr Fred DraGonette, PLOa
8th, ~ son,
County War Finance Chairman, saw
First Class and Mrs Gil
that she got it.
-3- Olivas, 431 Elias St, u sirl.
Sgt Horacio P Rodriguez, ~on of Dr
and Mrs Frank Rodriguez, 1403 West
NiaGara Street, is a flight mechanic at an Air Service COl.1IilCtnd depot
in Erl£::land.
Manuela G Herrera, Rita Burruel,
Artenisa Gonzales, lliaria A Canclo,
Teresa Torres, Rita B Noreno,
Refucio B l,iorales, Lup8 C ZULlano,
Clara Guerra, Lupe ~scandon,
Loreto J Carrillo, Carmen C ortiz,
Carwen R Ortiz, Victoria Garcia,
Victoria ~ndrade, Vaudelia
Caballero, Maria G Valancia,
Juana Wejia, Lupe Montoya,
Angelita Perez, and Maria Busta~
July 2~, 1944
I'll Be Seeing You
Swinging on a Star
Long Ago and Far ;''vvay
I'll Get By
Good Night Wherever You Are
Sweet Lorraine
And Then You Kissed !.ie
Milkman, Keep Those Bottles
The Association is honored in
having a new Lleruber, Mrs Guadalupe
MOS, 4413 .Annapolis, 'l'Iho is the
mother of SIX sons in the service.
They are: Concepcion R ArOS, in
Italy; Rar.lOn R Aros, in Australia;
Francisco R ~ros, in Honolulu;
Frank R ArOS, in NeVI Guinea;
(yes, she has two Franks) Arturo
R Aros, in England~nd ·Victor R
~ros, who is on his way overseas.
July 29, 1944
1 • .Amor
I'll Be Seeing You
Long Ago and Far ;'way
Swinging On A Star
I'll Get By
Time \Vaits For No One
Good Night ~fuerever You Are
8. Milkman, Keep Those Bottles
9. It Could Happen To You
AS OF AUGUST 1, 1944: $662.0l.
...vDEATH:' 1.lrs Carruen Montijo, 52,
121 Veterans Boulev~rd.Survivors:
Husband, Lauro; daughters, lill's
Guadalupe Gonzales, ~.D:·s l\Iary
Hendricks, Nrs Cruz Perez, Mrs
Delfina ~dy, Miss Socorro and
:Miss Helen Montijo, all of Tucson •.
get by, as long as I have you'
there be -rain and darkness too SWORN INTO NAVY: Frank Valencia
not complain,I'll'Dee it thru. Acuna, ward of 1~s fuaria Ortega,
I may be far away, it's true, 1024 Kroeger Lane.
what oare I, dear,
get by, as long as I have you
...vLyric: "All Through the ~ibht"
••• V and "The l1ajor and the
I\Iinor. "
to Pvt H D Oros, somewhere in Iran Plaza: "El Tormento En La Cumbre."
Gilbert Juarez, in ~lisconsin;
"The Impostor" and "Phantom
Fortino Contreras, in Italy; Abe
Mendoza,' in Iran; Williillu RosenState: "Cover Girl."
berg, Jr, in the So~th ~~~iJ-~c1a
and Tony Lopez, Jr./,~!frJ¥l~ ,
Rialto:"Story of Dr. Wassell."
letter of thanks for "Chatter."
- -in published every second
We're glad you eno'oy it, and we'll "CHATTER"
keep it coming.
and fourth Sunday by Sp~nish­
.American Mothers & Wives Assn •
••• V 38 North Church street,
Thanks to Mr Roy Laos of the
Occidental Bus Lines for gi~ing
All revenues from the sale of this
free bus rides to the ma1bers of
paper to be used for the erection
this Association every ~lesday,
of a Recreution Center for the
so that they may attend the
Spanis!l-ALlerican 301diers from.
Tucson •
-- - -
•••V -
Rosalie and Lawrence Villa,
1243 N 13th, won the Jitterbug ,
Contaa tat Blue Moon on July 18,
reoeivins first prize of ~18.75
98sh • The!+ brother. Mike
\Jitterbug) Villa, ~s an ~.P. in
England and their mother,Tulita,
is an o~thusiastic member of the
- -- - -- -- - -
Au.gust 20, 1944
C~l Raul P 1\~()raGa, 2~, Gon of I.Irs
Victoria No~aGa, 30 S Convent,has
,been reportc( killed on July 15.
Der'l.\men, son of l.Ir s Iviar ia L Berumen, He Vie..:3 )reviuusly listed as miss497 S Stone Ave, was l:illed near
inG in aetior. with the infantry in
Laurel, Nebraske, wher, t·,iO FlyiHe.;
Itbly. ~2ul lived in Tucson all
Fortress bombers collided..
his lire and &ttanded Safford
Sel'ool, v.'orkillG for the Jenkins
•••1 l Eattres~~ Company before 6ntering
Sgt Alfonso M Hernandez, 24, son 01' the Al'r:lj; in 1942. his
Mr and Mrs Jesus Hernt.;ndez, of 515 IJ.oth3r, he leaves two sisters:
Oury Street, was killed in action
Alicia and Consuela Moraga; and
in Italy on April 24. Al :lad beeIl
thre.:; brothers, all in the armed
reported missing in action. He had i'orc8d: Fernand.o, in the Southwest
been in the service for fOl~ years, Pacific; Juan, in Louiuiuna, and
entering on September 24, 1940,
Robert, in California.
two years of ';vhich we1'e S,D8nt over... vseas with the 7th infantry ot Uw
Fifty Army. His brother, Pvt
Earine Pfc ~crardo D Robles, son'
Gabriel, has been in Italy for the of ~·.Ir arid I.irs Frnacisco 1i Robles,
last two years. SurvivinG, besides 506 Riversid8 Drive, was killed in
his parents, are two broth~rs:
action on June ~1: at .:iaipan Island.
lvIcrar'(w 8 ttended R0SY..1'U{;e Jr Hi
Pvt ~briel and Isidoro,' at home;
three sisters:' Josephir.c, Mrs Del- and Inter V:,;;J t3r:l.IJloye<1 by t.he Piua
fina Gradillas, of Tucson, and ~rrs Lmlb0r COEl.::luny •
.Alexandra Carollo of LOG .Angelo~;.
. .. v---
••• V -
Lieutenant Edv:arc.1 Tully, son of Mr
Marine Pvt Ani bal J l~ or Z3f.;ar ay , 10 , and l~irs Alberto Tull:,r, 109 E 2nd
son of Mrs Angelina J Rui~, of 1301 ~t, wu~ killed in action on ~ay 24
S Mission Ave, was tilled in nction over Har;lburG. GerLlany. ~d I)articip:.ltc...d in nWJ.erous air attacks und
in the South Pacific. He was n
had beeH a\larded the Air Medal c:.nd
native Tucsonian, attended locnl
Ouk Leaf Cluster. Besides his
schoo~s and was a graduate of
Safford Jr Hi. He had been overseas parclltz, he leLives his wife, Irene
]Jlunohe Tully, of 916 N Warren .Ave;
eight months. Besides hi;J mother,
he leaves his step-fath..;r, Ellin J a brotht;;;r, JoS!;;), who is sijrvillG in
Ruiz; two sisters: Evanc;eline
the Sou el Pacific.
Norzagaray and Mrs Sarah Flores;
... v--three brothers: Ricardo Norzag~rQY,
. . . who expects to leave for 'che
~,rrSSING n~ ACTION: Staff Sergeant
service soon, Pvt David J N'orzagaray; ]jelis, 22, son of and
in the ArrllY in California, and Pvt 1.Irs Jose :;$(;li;,; of 710 N lOth .Ave,
Armando J Norzagaray, wli:.h an
has been reported missinG in
artillery unit in FranCe').
action ov..:.r Franco. Nando has been
overSGas for six months and was
••• V recently ar:arded the Air Uedal; he
Corp Manuel R La po z, . 2 r;, son of l.~r· is U GunIwr v.'i til a bor.lbcr s quadror
and l'Jrs Manuel Lopez, 922 S Tyndall statlol1-:'cJ. i.r. :inc1and. Two of his
has been killed in action in the
brotbul'.3 ur<.,; in the s(;rvic0: Pvt
South Pacific area. ~anny WQS born Bi~l, in VirGinia, and 3~cman
in Tuoson and was educatsd here,
Thi::-u C1<':ss ~l:i'redo, in California.
l~ter working for the Sundt
••• V Construction Company until he
Pfc RefUGio V Lop~z, son of Mrs
enlisted in the l..iarine Co!'ps on
Santos V Lopez, 1419 \lost Hiagara.
:Febrnary 13, 1942. Be8iilc~~~ l~is
porents he lQ~lVen t~lrce sisters:
... vliirs Luis .tU·~aI!liruno, 1,:J.sJes
~i~uel Reyes, son-in-law of Mr and
Eleanor and Margaret Lucy Lopez;
'.Irs JuaJ; CarJ.pillo, 701 \I 19th st,
and two brother.:;: Larry and
Santiae o Lopez, the latter enlist- .88 bC0~ I'0po~tod missing in action
ov '~l' G-l;:rElUIl~l. t:iikc is u t urre t
ing in the Ar[~:r la st February.
""WUlor, '::111.:1 v~as ed..ucotod hore.
of Santiago Moreno from
I, Promotion
sergeant to staff sergeant was
H Jauregui, brother of Mrs Maria J
Livas, 318 N 3rd Ave.
Pfc Charles L Lopez, son of Pablol
Lopez, 1840 W Niagara, wounded in
the Southwest Pacific.
Pvt George F Nunez, son of Mrs
Car~en Nunez, 1143 N 13th Aye,
serlously wounded in France on
JUly 28.
Technician Fifth Grade Gilbert R
Ruiz, son of Mrs Maria Ruiz, 738
N Main.
Manuel Robles Sandoval, Second
Class Pharmacist's Mate . son of Mr
and ~~s Fernando~Sanche~, 719 S
Gilberta B Vidal, nephew of Mrs
Maria B Castillo, 1409 W Niagara,
wounded in France on July 27.
announced. recef'.tl~r by t11e Panarau
coast artillery comru~nd. Jlli~es is
a gun commander in an anti-aircraft artillery battery ar-d hus
served with the Panama coast
artillery forces since January,
1942. His mother, ~rrs Eloisa
Moreno; his sister, Ruth, and his
brother, Ruben, reside at 4~8
East 35th Street.
.. .v-Juun 0 SRlaz, son of Mr and Mrs
Felix N Salaz, 401 El Paso Street
hn8 beon prmaoted to corporal with
a 10th AAF B-24 heavy bombardment
group in the Pacific theatre of
operations. Juan arrived overseas
in Maret., 1943.
•.• V -
••• V -
rA.YI: Charle:t Dail y BeEit e s, son of
kr and Mrs Ben V Benltcs," 1140 S 5tl
Sgt Olegario L Valenzuela son of
Mrs Santos L Velf:llzuela i49 S
Main, has been promoted'to Staff
Sergeant. He is scrvi!l6 with the
ord "Marr:e" Division of the Fifth
Army in Italy.
... v-
Rudolpho M Provencio," son of Mr
and Mrs ~lbert R Provencio, 439 E
23rd St; James Jesse Contreras, son
of Mr and Mrs James R Contreras,
225 E Kelso.
Jose Ernesto V~c;a, 'l'ony R
Q,uihuis, Henry Garcia Gestelum,
Manuel"R ATIparano, Jesus Gutierrez
Arvizu, Franl( C ~'8uirre, Manuel G
Salomon, Jr., Raul F Yslava, Albert
S Noriega, Jesus B Martinez, Manuel
R Oohoa, Francisco D Rodriguez,
Robert G Ochoa, Manuel M Ochot arena,
Joe B Maohado, Joe E Rocha, and
Fernando R Ruiz.
••• V -
Gilbert A Canoio, son of Mr and· Mrs
Abe U Cancio, 626 W 43rd street,
reported on July 16 at the Navy
Reoeiving station at Phoenix, for
aotive duty. He will receive his
boot training at San Diego. He is
a graduate of Tuoson Hi.
••• V -
Cpl Bernard C AlZUI:I, Jr, son of Mr
and Mrs Bernard, 2~1 N Myers,
has graduated and received his
wines from aerial gunnery sohool at
rr~rndall Field, Florida, and has boon
~8Rigned to Chatham Field, Georgia,
~o take specialized training as u
flight"engineer-C unner on a B-24.
H?I.~ley, who is enguged to Cadet
rU~'se Ruth Wa.kefield of Pennsylvania
wo~ked for Consolidated-Vultee
before ent6rinB the ~my.
Sr,t Joe R Vega, 21, son of Mr and
Mrs Ranon Vege. of 1216 S 8th·,Ave
has received the Air Medal and a~
Oak Leaf Cluster. Pepe is a. radio
cunner on a bomber and is stationed in England.
... vRoy R Vvaer, son of Mr and Mrs M G
Waer, 948 N Elder, received a promotion to Private First Class
be3ides the Good Conduct Medal and
the Driver's Badge for his exceptional work.
. ..vMr and 1irs Juan M Lopez of 929 N
12th Ave, have received a letter
of comr.lcndation from Ensign William
VI Earknes::l,
reG~rdinp' their son·
S caman F lrst Cla:::;s Fred G Lopez
~'Yho i:3 ser:rif.lC ;; thc U.S.l~avY.
In the Paclflc. Fred was educated
il~ rrucson schools and worked for
~ox and Sons. His brother, Arthur
lS a paratrooper who took part in'
the invasion in France.
... viilliam · Rosenberg " Jr who is w...4 th
11e ~n6lneers in the South Pacific ,
IUS recently promoted to Private
irst Class. Bill worked for the
ity EnGineerinG Department before
le enlisted. He is tllO son of Mr
l~d Llrs Vlilliar&1 Rosen berg, sr
235 E 16th st.
••. V -
AS OF AUGUST 15, 1944: $727.51
Pvt Joseph S Brena, hus.bE:tnd of
Mrs Isabel Erena, of 1104 st Mary's
Road, has joined the 37th Infantry
Division, veterans of two major
So.l.omon Island campaigns. J·oe left
for overseas duty in Feb~uary, 1944.
.,.vGil~erto C Ortiz, son of Carmen and
Roberto Ortiz, 33 ~l Kennedy, i.3 an
Iva? in Alabam.a. He Vl~S educnted in
Tucson sohools and worked at the SPa
He has been li years in the service.
, •• V -
Cpl Yldefonso Gastellum, Jr, son
of Mr and Mrs Yldefonso Gfistellum
of 119 W 29th st, writes his MOlli
that he is safe on Guam and seEt
her some Jap pCllJer money. He hus
been serving wi -ell the Marines ill
the South Pacific for over a yeur
and saw action [,t Bout;;ainville
end Er:l1ru. Islanci.s. His brother,
Gilbert, recently enlisted in the
Navy and has left to begin his
Joseph Al t%urano, Third
Clas3, SOIl of Mr and Mrs J B
Alt-':tI:J.ira~o, 820 SHerbert.
Pvt Joe Salaz, son of Mr u.nd Mrs
Felix Salaz, 1419 S 4th Avenue.·
He is statioaed at C~lP Roberts,
California. Joe was a former
nvsmber of the Ca.rlis ta Quartet te.
Pfc Alfred ~ Cu~tano, son of Mrs, of 22 West 5th st,
Al is a mcuber of the 2nd Marine
Divi~ion, thi8 b~ing his first
leave after 2i years overseas duty
durini:.~ v.tlich he participated in
several ffiejor Gilcagements in the
Sout;~lest Pacific. He formerly
work~d at Monte Mansfeld's garage.
.•. V -
A/C Robert H Vasquez, son of M~s
Anita V~squez, 934 N Anita, is
attending bombardier school at the
Santa Ana Air Base, California. lie
was oduoated in Tucson and worked
for Consumer's Market, His mother
reoently returned from a two months'
visi t with him.
Cpl Plutarco Goycoochea, son of
und Mrs I,,!arcial Goycoochea., of
502 E 18th. He was all outstanding
student of Tucson Hi Gnd worked
for ~onte Mansfield before
enlistinb • After his furlough,he
will report to Fresno. He has
two brothers in the service:
Robert, \vi th the Navy in San
Diego, anc1. Alfonso, with the ~
Corps in Fort Riley, Kansas.
Maj Adolph Solomon, Ron of Mrs Ch~s
S Solomon of 876 E 3ra st, was sent
on business from New Guinea to
Australia, and he noted that his WAC
driver had e Spanish accent. He
Seaman Second Class James G
spoke to her in Spanish, and she
readily replied--they were both from Kennedy, son of James H Kennedy,
Jimmie was in 8 major battles in
Tuoson: She is Pvt Lucy Robles,
the Facific ar88, and is dlUious
daughter of Mrs Rudolph Robles of
to GO back for more. He worked
625 N Herbert.
for Leon and Price before
...v--enlisting. His femily resides at
Mrs and Mrs Ben Dernal's worries are 101 Pennsylvania Drive.
over; they reoeived a V-muil letter
from their son, Narine Pfc Den, Jr,
Pvt Carlos Burruel, son of Simon
written at Saipan where he was with
and Apolunia lJlU-ruel, 1016 Erie,
the first assault troo~s. Ben
furlOUGh 1'1'oL1 Virginia.
attended Safford Sc~ool and was a
Tech. Corp Valdenfir Yanez, son of
Tuoson Hi student before he joined
the Marines. His family resides at Mrs Carmen A Yanez 01' 576 South
Conven t. After his furlough, he
1141 S 11th Ave,
will retUl~n to Beau.I1LOllt Ho~pi tal,
...vEl Paso, where he will recuperate
Cpl Joe D PulidO, son of Mr and Mrs from wounds received in action.
M D Pulido of 387 N Myers, recen~ly Cpl Armando Tully, son of Alfred
cOlJ1pleted an orientati?ll cCJtU'se ~n
and Ttilly, 235 N WestErl~land designed to br1.uge the gnp
moreland, from Louisiana. His
between training in the States end
brother, Alfred, is a Marine in
oombat soldiering QGainst tho e!leny Snipan, ~iving the JaJ?s heck.
in- France. Before entering the Amy Another brother, Will~am, is in
Air Force, he was eaployed as a
1 Eawaii. Armbndo' s wife is Mary
oashier and clerk by the Grand
t Contrera'-l Tully, of 27 Telles St.
Central Market-.
August 5,1944
1. I'll Be SeeinG
2. Amor
3. SwinciD0 On A
4. Time Waits For
No One
5. Lone AbO &- Far Away
6. I'll Gut n]
7. Mi+y. Man, Keep Those :.Jottles
R. It Could Happen To You
~). Good Night WherevGr You Are
12 J 1944
1. J' 11 Be Seeing 'You
'8 • .Am or
3. Swinging On A Star
1. I!ll Get By
5. Long Ago and Far Awuy
I'll Walk Alone
7. ~ilk Man, Keep Those Bottles
8. Time v/ai ts For No One
g. I~) You Is Or Is You Ain't?
"Going My \iay" VI i til ulng
A mule is em aninol wit!: long funny
TIe kioks up at anythin~ he hears,
His book is brawny and his brain
is weak,
He's just plain stupid with a
stubborn streak,
And by the way if you hate to Co
to sohool,
You may grow up to be a m.ule;
Or would you like to ~ming on u
Carry moonbeams home in a jar,
And be better off than you are,
Or, would you rather bo b pig?
Can't tell you when, military
seoret and all that, you know, but
it, "Ay, oaraIaba, que oolor," but
it's- "Q,ue linda la lluviu!"
DEATHS: Mrs Antonia Escalante,u5,
155 S Convent. Survivors: two
nephews, Jose and Carlos Esoalan te,
and one niece, Josefa Escalante.
At the meeting of the Association
held August 15, the following
lilembers were prosen ted with
certificates frau the U.S.
Treasury pepartoent in appreciation of their services
rendered in behalf of the 'vial'
Finance Program, Fifth ViaI' Loan
Drive: Lmt>S C",r":lC;l: ~Rio~ ,_ ~r:.urea
Leon, Antonia Ca;~rillo, Gertrudis Vlllu, Carlota Escobedo;
Misse::; Lucy Castro, iliuma vergara,
and ROSE:: B Rod.riguez, and IYIr
Rosalio Ronquillo (Bendito tu
eres entre 'Godas lus r.lujeres:)
The Association was also presented 'Iiitll e citation for its
NEWS; pvt Robert
of Mrs hni~a Rubio,
102 W 20th st, wes killed in
Gction. Two brothers are in the
:wrvic e: Pvt Marcello , with the
lnfentry in Franco, and Pfe Paul,
in ~n infantry unit in Louisiana.
Pfe Honry P I,,;oreno, son of Mrs
Gcrtru~is P Moreno of 928 N 13th
Avc. He served 26 months with the
infa~try in the South Pacific.
ilis ~rother, Franc, iu with the
ij f'nntl'~- in Italy.
TIo<lolfo (tlCucallito tl ) Lara is
visi tinc hi:J vfifp, l\~ar~r. .tiftor
his furlough he \'Jill report to
II hospi tal vJhere, for the past
six months, he hus been recuperati~. from injuries receivod
in an accidollt While on duty.
Lupe ROLlol'c, Ramona Gurcia, Inez
Corella, Josephine H Gonzales,
Sara a Martinez, ~ercedes V
Feccio t Beatriz 0 Ferra, Helen a
]'erra, Antonia R Salcido, ..u taer~cia B Torrez, Rita Flores,
Rosa G Gill, Belon D Garcia~
Ar.lelia Pt,r'3z, Rosa L Chevalier,
Librada V rt3uirez, Josephine
Herrerus, Delfina Andrade,Agripiml D i;ilson, Nestora .rl
"CHATTER" i8 published every
second and fourtl! Sunday (except
this month) by Spanish-American
Mothers & Wives ~30ciation,
38 North Church Stroet, Tucson,
Mrs Aurelia Valencia, lOu, (No,
you didn't read wrong--I said
one-oh-six), 61 \lest JaclG3on.
3urvivors: daughters, wI'S Ucneranda .All reV8nue~ fron tht: sale of
this paper to be used for the
Fraijo, Mrs Mercedes Fisher, ~iss
of u rtucr8ution Center
h~lrelia Rocha, and grandchildren.
for the S'p<..Hli3h-JU.leric~ln soldiern
f'rOl:l Tuc30n.
G~uz Aguirre, 75, 1207 N 14th st.
Survivors: Wifo, Mrs Fruncisc3
.IV"uirre, and several nist(:)r who
lrve in California.
Class Eddie Cocio, 135 E 30th st,
for baby girl born .nuc;u~;t 7.
-4- ""f htl'~
Tucson, Arizona
SepteI:lber 10, 1944
• t
Ray DelGado - September 3
Gregorio V Basurto - depteillber 5
Edmundo S Audclo - Septenber 8
Albert Warner - Septel!lber 9
Albert Vergara - September 10
Alberto G Diaz- Septcnber 11
Ramon R Aros - September 12
Gustavo L Garcia - Septenber 17
John C Haro - September 19
Frank R Aros - September 23
Rodolfo Haro - September 27
These people have a love for
order and harmony and dislike
discord because it causes them
:aonsiderable mental suffering.They
are not attracted by extremes and
are very moderate, level-headed
people. They are Quite methodical
and analytical. They are quick to
observe and take great int(~rest in
helping others to straighten out
their affairs. Their desire to
change the lives of others often
brings them great trouble. They
are apt to become naggers and their
tongues are inclined to become
sharp. They imagine IDllny ailm.ents
and are inclined to use medicines
to extreme. Although they possess
a strong loving nature, they are
not demonstrative and dislike displaying their affection in public.
KILLED n~ ACTION: Staff Sergeant
JElSUS ("Churl") P Espinoza, overseas six months, was }~iJ.lad in
aotion in Italy on July 17, the
War Department informbd his
parents, Mr and 11rs Manuel Espinoza,
124 S Convent. "Churi" vIas a
graduate of Safford Jr Iii- and a
member of tho R.A.T. Club, 1939
c1ty baseball champion:..;. He joined
the infantry b8foro Pearl Harbor.
Surviving, besides tho parents,.
arc his w1fe, Sofia, and one ch11d;
a brother, Miguel; two sis tel's,
Mrs Ernestine Camaron and Mrs'
Erminia JaureGui, and a niece ,Dora
Goldbaum, all of Tucson.
p '"
Pfc Rafael C Huerta, son of
Jose and Rita·C Huerta, formerly
of 541 S Main, Tucson, but who now
reside in California, was killed
in action on July 16 in France.His
brother, Jose Huerta, is VIi th the
armed forces in the Pacific.
Besides his parents and brother,
other survivors ar8: Mrs Bruna
Molina and Misses Estela and
ArmiCi<:, Huc;rta, sisters.
... vPfc Flavio V Islas, son of Mrs
Dolores V Islas, 379 S Convent,
died August 22 in New Guin.:.:a of
burns received AUGust 18 when
gasoline which he was handling want
up in flan18s. Bus ides his mothur,
other survivors are: his rother,
Adolfo, Sr; a Bistcr, !,irs Evelia'
Cocio; and four brothers: .hdolfo,
Jr. and Arsenio, fron Tucson, and
Norberto, a Marine, and Laoneio,
U.S. Army.
.. .vStaff Sergeant Tony n nios, son
of Mr and Mrs EUL;une G Rios, 673
W 42nd St, was.drowned AUGust 20 at
Hollandia, Now Guinea. Ho had been
in the array four years and overseas
the past throe. Tony was originully
with the 158th Infantry, end prior
to leaving Tucson was on the local
staff of the Alianzq HispanoAr.wricana. lIe attundud Tucson Hi
where he VlOn numerous raedals for
outstandinG acilievements in
Four brothers are in the armed
forces, two of them also formerly
with the 158th Infantry: Staff Sgt
Rom.ero, in the South Pacific, and
Staff S~t Richard, recently wounded
and returned to active duty in the
South Pacific; l,:3rine Cpl Ray, now
stationed in a base hospital in San
Francisco after beine in action in
the South Pacific, nn<l Cpl RUdy,
formerly on duty in tlw Canal Zone,
ow on Guard duty vtith the war
l~risoner:..-; at Curnp Brady, Texas •Rudy
is at present in Tucson visiting his
fanily on an emergency furlouch.
irs Carmeli ta Rios is president of
he Spanisll-iuuerican Mothers and
ii ves Associu tion, beine one of the
utstanding ffiembers •
••• V -
Pvt George F Nunez, 30n of'Mrs
Carmen Nunez R 1 Box 819 \lho was
wounded in a&tion' on July ~8, has
beol returned to duty
••• V C~l Agustin MarQuez~ son of Mrs
D~ega Marquez, lyO W 24th, has C!
beer: hOl:lOrablr d~scha:rged: He ",aw
act10n 1n New GU1nea an~ 1S novhJ
I recuperating
from rnalar18, at
. .iiB"'....- - - - - - - - - - ~ .
. . ....
Hector D Carrillo, son of ~rr and
Mrs E B Carrillo, 340 S Scott, was
wounded in action on Saipan June
24. Hector is a graduate of Tucson
Hi and ~ vet of Tarawa and fought
in the campaign for the Marianas.
His brother, Marine Cpl Ernest F
Carrillo, has been in the South
Pacific for two years.
WAC Pvt Rachel Rivera, sister of
Mrs Henrietta Currillo, 20~ S
Stone, has been assigned to Hoff
General Hospital in Santa B~rbara
as a ward attendant.
Aviation Cadet Filiberto Barmudez
Soto, son of Mr and Mrs A 0 Soto,
2807 S 12th, has reported at .
Carlsbad, N.M., Army Airfield,
where he will receive advanoed
••• V fli~lt traininG in hieh-level
bombardiering and dead-reckoning
Pfc Louis Peralta, son of Mr and
Mrs J C Peralta, 519 W 37th St, has navic;otion.
been seriously wounded in action
Cpl Hilliar.l G VusCluez, grandson of
in France. Louie was a student in
~rs H Enoiso, 40~ N Court St, is
Tucson Hi vWlen he entered the army corapleting his trainin(:; on a Lib
and was an employe of the T and T
bomber at Pueblo Army Airoasc. He
Market, 2048 S 6th Ave.
is a radio ope~ator and GUliller •
His mom and step-dad live at
••• V~
022 N 9th.
Pvt Luis M Valdez, son of Mrs
Jesus ~ Valdez, of Tucson, was
Thirty-four Arizona men in the
recentl~r VJounded in action in the
armed services in the Soutt. Pacific
European area.
at a buse r~oefitly for a
••• V--party celebrating Arizona Day.
Pvt Frank P Moreno, 30, previously Men from Tucson at the party were:
Teoh Sgt Frank Hoses, Radio Maoh
reported missing in action 1 has
returned to duty and is now serving Second Class Hurry J Willis, Pvt
Reuben L Espinoza, Serunan First
somewhere in Italy. Pancho' is the
Class David GilJoney, Motorman's
son of Mrs Gertrude Moreno, 928
Mate Lloyd H FiCkett, and_
N 13th Ave.
Chief Shipfitte~ L Rittoff.
Cpl George Diamos, son of Mr and
,Pvt Ruben Gabusi, son of Mr and Mrs
Mr~ Nick Diamos, 1401 E Mabel, is
John B Gabusi, 822 S 5th Ave, has
serving with a r.lotorized division
oompleted his oourses in basic
in France.
training for aCuy Air Forces
soldiers at the basic troining
Cpl Edward D DuPont is a paracenter
at -"marillo .tU-r.lY Airfield.
t~ooper with the 82nd Airborne
Division and took part in the inva Pfc Clemente H Llardeau, son of Mr
~tonio Bardeau, 23 E 15th St,has
sion on D-Day.
received his wing~, and boots after
Pvt Ralph Garcia, 19 W Belen St,
having oompleted his training as
is serving as a truclc driver with a Paratrooper at Ft Bennine, Ga.
a Quartermaster truck company
attached to the uir service (~om­
SPE~I~#rS.O.s.: The following fcllas
mand in North Africa.
would l~ke to hear from their
Pfc Carlos T Gastelum, 30n of Mr
S/Sgt .rilfrodo C Mendoza
and Mrs Santiago Gast~lum, 431
~.~.i~. 3807279
Elias st, is serving us
cook at
~llth FiGhter Group
the largest air service cOl~and
depot in Britain.
0/0 Postmaster - Hcm York
Pvt Mmando T Membrilo, son of Mrs
Riohard hi 1ic.d.lpin - SK l/C
J ~ ~eQbrila of 210 W 32nd St, has
U.S.S. Castl~rook
graduated from the Marine radio
school at San Diego and is to join
Kirklan~, \fushington
a leather neck oomlJat unit as
radio speoialist.
Pfo Frank :P Romero
.n..S.N. 38001004
The "Mitey Miranda u is what his
Co. B - 359 Inf.
Marine buddies oall Pfc Jose
A.P.O. 90
Miranda, 710 Carmen St. Joe earned
0/0 Postmaster - NeVI Yor!<
his niokname first l for his diminutive size (5'-4"J and second,
No sean malos; Gscribanles, eh?
for his ability to pick off Jop
snipers hiding in caves. While out
with a fi~e-man deuolition patrol
assigned to blow up enemy c~~e
ech Sgt Joe H Orona of the 158th
positiolls, "Mitey" was oredit3d
wrote us a very interestwith shooting three Jap snipers
on Jap paper, end gave
in one p.m.
..----------------------------us the following names of the boys
who received the Combat Infantryman Badge for oxemplary conduct
in action against the enemy:
Tech Sgts Joe H Orona and Caesar
G Ramirez; Staff Sgt8 Tony G Davila
Arsenio S Lopez, Kdward M Ocllotorena, Martin M Ochotorena, Romero
R Rios, Tony R Rios, Hilliam L
Rivera, Frank M Terrazas; Sergeants
Ernesto B Coronado, Walter 4
McDonald (excuse it, please,' vlalt-Joe tells me you also received the
Silver Star and I didn't mention
i t--so sorry--no sliGht tleant)
Lupe R RiesGo, Manuel G Rossini;
Privates First Claas Oscar
Alvarez, Robert G .Aros, Robert
Barcelo, Rueben Casillas, George
G Hernandez, John A Hernandez,
Robert G Lisalda, Rudy E Lopez,
Alfred N Maldonado, David C
Morales,"Mike 0 McKenna, Juan M
Olivarez, Manuel H Orona, Rudy M
Quintero, Dan M Rosovich,"Manuel
Salcido, Frank M Sandoval,
Reynaldo M UrQuides, Jel~( B
Verdugo, Luis B Vidal, Henry H
Whitman, and last, but certainly
not least, Pvt Richard R. Rios.
...vRichard Aros, son of Mr and Mrs J
BAros, 819 S 5th, has been promoted from Sergeant to Staff Sgt
with an air corps unit in Italy.
Ben Dailey Benites, son of Mr and
Mrs Ben Benites, 1140 S 5th,
received recocnition as eligible
to qualify for the petty offioer
rate of radionan third class in
recent graduation exercises at the
Naval training school (radio) on
the campus"of the Univ of Chicago.
By the way I betcha his folks
/ get writerfs cramps from writing
to their SEVEN sons: Sgt Ernest,
in the air corps; Cpl William,
with the infantry; Pfc Edward,
medical corps; Robert, S.M. 3C,
with a submarine unit; Pvt Roy,
air oorps; Ben, Marine corps,
"and Charles, Navy.
Dick A Fierro," son of ~r end Mrs
Ricardo Fierro, 621 S 4th Ave,was
recently promoted to Corporal.
Dick is with the army air corps
near Pearl Harbor.
Hospital apprentice, first class,
Conchita R Flores, daughter of Mr
Tito Flores, Sr., 916 S 6th,
recently completed her training
and graduated with honors as a
dental technician at the U.S.
Naval Hospital, Oakland, Calif..
Oonchita enlisted in the WAVES ~n
October, 1943. Her brother, Pfc
Tito ("Mecho") Flores, Jr., is
serving with the 5th Army in Italy.
Phillip N Grace, Aviation Mch Mate,
Second Class, has won ~he Navy
Air Medal and a citation for participating in the first night
photo-reconnaissance bo~binG
mission by Aleutian based planes
to the northern IDlrile Is18nQs.
Anthony S Leon, Jr, 423 E 3rd,was
promoted from second to 1st looie.
Alfredo A Morelcs, son of Mr and
Mrs Caledonia fuorules, 324 S
Railroad, and who is at present
stationed at Camp Butler, North
Carolina, has been promoted to
buck Sergeant.
Cpl Edward J Otero, son of lV"ll'S
Francisco Otero, 273 N Church,has
been awarded the combat medal for
outstanding brave~y in :J.utch New
Guinea battles. :tie has three
brother3 in t1.le Army: S/Sgt Dan,
in Burma; Pfc Manuel E, in the
southwest Pacific, and pvt Alberto,
in Kentucky.
Staff Sergeant Charles Rey, son of
Mr and Mrs Charles Rey, Sr, 1611
E lOth St, has been commissioned 8
second looie with the 754th Railway
Shop Battalion, Persian Gulf Command. The commission ilBS presented
to hin at ceremonies held at Camp
Atterbury, Teheran, Iran. Charlie
Vlorked with the PFE prior to his
Ray T Salazar, 345 E 13th st, has
been promoted to Yeoman First Class"
and is now in charge of the ship's
office aboard hh; ship in the
Pacific. He attended the U of A
and was employed at the pOGt office.
Pfc Anselmo Sicre, son of Mrs Lupe
Sicre, 529 N 6th, was recently
awarded the Good Conduct Medel. He
is wi th the arIllV air forces in
First Lt Joe Diaz visiting family
of 311 N Court, from Florida.
SGt Manuel R Montflno, son of Mr and
rs M R Montano, 40 \i ]'ranklin,
after 27 months of duty in the
leutian Islandu.
arine Pvt ArI:lando Leon, son of
r and ~~5 Cayetano Leon, 1632 S
ighland, from San Diego.
Cpl Lalo Redondo, son 01' Mr and
,Mrs Luis Redondo, 551 SMyers,
from Missouri.
Cpl Henry R Molera, son of Mrs
Juanita R MolcrEl, 27 S Convent,
from Santa Ana, Califol'nia. Henry
has 3 brotheru in the service:
Pvt Esteuan, in New Guinea; 11M3/C
George R, in Hawaii, and Pvt
Ernest R, in Ajo. Mrs Molera is
I an active member of the Association.
Fti'RLOUGH (Continued)
Pvt Richard J Rojas, whose parents
live at 849 E 16th, from. Utah.
Cpl William Daily Benites, son of
Mr and Mrs B~n Benites, 1140 S 5th,
from Cmlp Roberts, California
Pvt A F Boltares, son of Mrs Flavia
Boltares, 810 Carmen St, from near
LiberEll, Kansas.
Pfc Arthur Bustamante, Jr, visiting
family at 712 W 17th St, from Camp
Roberts, Oaliforni~.
Pfc Tommy Durrazzo, son'of Mrs
Royella-Benton Durrazzo, 392 '
Granada, from Ft Leonard Wo?d,Mo. Pfc Frank S Figueroa, son of
Mr and Mrs Ysmael Figueroa, from
Marine Pfc Johhny B Lopez, visitini
wife and dauVlter at 412 E Distric~
, from overseas.
Bill Marquez, visitir~ family at
911 Anita St, fro~ oyerseas.
Marine Raul Martinez, visitinG wife
Eva Gradillas Martinez, and daughter
Cpl Alfonso Pesqueira, visi ting ~-­
Maclovia, 127 W 20th, from North
Lt and Mrs Arthur S Rosenberg,
son of Mr and Mrs Willibm Rosenberg
1235 E 16th, from Camp Bowie,Texas.
Cpl John Gabusi, son of Mr and Mrs
J B Gabusi, 822 S 5th, from New
Mrs R08emary~Johnson,dBl8JtBr
of ~rs Rosa C Olivas, 69 W Jackson.
She has two brothers in the service
seaman first olass Gilbert, with
the Navy in the South Pacifio; and
Pfo Edward C.
MARINES: Alberto Brioht~, 165 S
Stone, son of Mr and Mrs A C Briahta
Edmundo Cota, non of Mr and Mrs
Emiliano M Cota, 410 S 3rd.
NAVY: Ernest Maldonado Gallego,
son-of Mrs Lupe Gallego, 808 SlOth
Fruderiok B Figueroa, son of Mrs
Rosa Figueroa, 1510 W Niacara.
The oruiser, USS TUCSON, was
lawlohed in San Francisoo on'
Sept 3 by Mrs Emmett Claunoh,who
was seleoted by the Navy Mothers
Club,of which she is an-aotive
Tucson senior and junior hi schools
opened Sept 5 and elementary schools on S0pt 11.
Only one package of cigarettes to
a customer.
The Alianza convention VIas held
here recently and ~r C B Sedillo
was re-elected Supreme President.
Every Yank at hone and abroad will
get turkey this year, and it will
b~ d?no without depriving us
c~vv~es of the holidny bird.
Richard C Salvatierra, Arizona
Daily Star reporter, left recently
for Washington, D.C. to accept a
P?sition ~3 iDfor~nlation-publicist
w~th the Office of the Coordinator
of Inter-American Affairs.His wife
the former Clara Roseboro, and
small son accompanied him. Diok
served as a-lieutenant in' the Army
from August, 1943 to June, 1944,
when he. was retired. (Dick: I saw
Eddie, Ismay arlO Ohildren in L.A.
and they're all fine. El Eddie
esta. tan_ancho d0 gordo).
From Acapulco, i.;cxico comes the
news that the Argentine vessel,Rio
De La Plata, in whioh Dr Valles
and his farllily of Tucson, were
passengers, burned in the harbor.
Most of the passengers were ashore
and none was injured. iUl the
possessions of the passengers were
lost, and the Ship was a total
loss. Dr. Val18s and his wife Bara e
and daughter, Bettina Gill, w~re
on their way to Oallao, Peru to
make their homo.
To Pvt and Mrs Joaquin
E Jimenez, 1310 WSonora, a boy.
Pfo and lIrs Lezarnado
Rodriguez, 1001 Delaware, a girl.
Pvt and-Mrs Raymond B Rivera,
139 W 31st, a girl.
Pvt and ~ITS Edward Garcia,1009
Del&v/are, a boy.
Pvt and Mrs :Mike L ObreGon,
346 W 2nd, a Girl.
Ml' and Mrs I-ienry Jacome, 629 N
7th, a boy.
Sgt aud Mrs Rubon Montoya, 440
W COfigress, a Cirl.
Pvt and Mrs Joe Brena, 1104
St Mary's, a Girl.
Pvt and Mrs ~ex Canez, 344 W
39th, a girL
Mate 3-C·and !vITS Sosino Fierro,
1311 E 10th, a boy.
Pvt and ~rs George Norton
(Hortense zamora), 633 N Perry,
a girl.
DEATHS a Jose Garcia, 400 Sierra st;
survivors: Wife, Rosa; dauchters,
JUlia, Maria, Josefina; son, Juan.
Henry Busse and his band played
reoently at Davis~onthan Field.
Jesus Villa, +143 N 13th.
wife, Maria; brother,
Tuoson stores closed on Labor Day, Juan.
exoept OPA, post office and
housing oer~er-no mail delivered •
Lc '....
DEATHS: (Continued)
Carlos Martinez, 60, 704 Carmen
St. Survivors: Sons, Carlos, Jr.,
Albert, Estevan (serving with the
armed forces in Italy), and Fred;
daughters, Mesdames Arturo Corrales,
Ignacio·Felix, Jose ~eon, Frank
~uiroga, & Edward Martinez.
Carlos was an employe of the City
for 20 years.
Isadore Goldberg, 56, oVlner and
operbtor of Goldberg's Jewelry
Store, 37 W Congress.
Arizona Demooratic Senator
Ernest WMoFarland has protested to
the War Department that former
Arizona National Guardsmen have
been kept in the South Pacific
jungles too long without relief. He
has asked an investigation as to
Why these boys have not at least
been sent back to rest camps, and
olaims that the Army's plan of
rotating troops in order to return
men from various theaters is doing
very little good. The Assooiation
sent a wire to the Senator thanking him for his aotion and urging
him to continue fighting until
these boys are ~iven relief.
Maria H Guerrero, Petra E Lares,
Bessie Chap~an, Dolores Ruiz,
Carr,len U Villa, Epifania Rodriguez,
Florencia Ybarra, Luisa Ybarra,
Margarita M Ochoa, RaL1on"i ~;ard,
Julin Urquides, Carmen D Muniz,
Trinidad M Valdez, Maria S
Gonzales, Bertha S Delgado, Maria
Refugio Lopez, Juana Martinez,
Teresa Valdovin, Jovita Reggio,
Victoria G Sandoval, Jesus M
Martinez, Antonia Basurto, Cruz R
Otero, Clara Real, Lupe Garcia,
Susana Durazo, Magdalena Valenzuela, Teodosa Vega, Cruz Wilson,
and Miss Dora Talavera.
$032.61 (Ain't we getting rioh,
Swinging On A Star
I'll Be Seeing You
Time Haits For No One
I'll Get By
Long Ago and Far Away
I v{alk .Alone
It Could Happen To You
Is You Is Or Is You Ain't
THANKS to the·followil~ kids for
August 26
letters reoeived: Manuel Orona,
Riohard M MoAlpin ("Ml.lcarpio del
I'll Be Seeing You
Cheri"), "Nonie" M Olivas, Guadalupe 2' Time Waits For No· One
L Lopez (You needn't excuse yourself,
SwinginG On ~ Star
Lupe, you write good Spanish),·
Telesforo T Marin, Tomas Gallego,
5' It Could H3p~en To You
Gustavo Trejo, Severo S Lopez, Roy
6' It had To Be You
Gomez, Leonardo Larribas, Hector
7· I Halk ~lone
Cervantes, Frank P ROLlero, Joaq~in
I'll Get By
("DUke") Carrillo, the "Lucky S~x"
9. Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes
in England--Eduardo "Waho n Lopez,
Leonardo (Baby Face) Moreno,
September 2
Reynaldo (Pulido) Santa Cruz,
Manuel Banta Cruz, Arturo MWlOz,and
I'll Be Seeine You
Henry Talavera; Frank P Acevedo,
Swinging On A Star
Silvestre P Castro, "Cnente" P
CastillO, Johnny Alduma, Raoul G
Time yiai ts For No One
Duarte (these last three report
Is You Is Or Is You Ain't
they are in good health, and belong
I'll V/alk Alone
to the 2nd Marine Division, having
I'll Get By
taken part in the-invasion of
It Could Huppen To You
Saipan and Tinian, Tarawa and
I tHad 'ro De You
Gilbert Islands), Juan P ~uijada,
Gilbert A Ward, Jose E Duarte,
Domingo Valencia, who says that ho
has met some Tuoson boys where he
Is you is, or is you ain't, ma'
is--Elmer Gallego, Manuel Gallardo,
. baby,
Frank Rossini, Maurioe Ruiz, and
The way you're actinG lately
Manuel Rodriguez; Fernando E Valdez
makes me doubt.
(remember how he used to let his
You'se is still my baby, baby,
beard grow out?), Tito Flores, Jr,
Seems my flarue in your heClrt I s
who tellS us 011 about his travels
done gone out.
in Italy, JolUlnie Hernandez, and
A woman is 6. creature that has
Joe H Orona.
always been strange,
when you're sure of -one you
Thanks to Telesforo T Marin for Jap
she's gone and make 8 change
money and to·Manucl T Chioffino for
is,_or is you ain't rna' baby
Frenoh money, which the Association
found somebod.y new,
will keep as souvenirs.
Or is mat baby still r~' baby true.
THANKS, Mrs Hortense Verdugo,
for helping me with "CHATTER,"
-5- (OVER)
While taxis still exist, you
" just don't bother to cull theru-"Why, Rose, where are you going?" you knO'vLtotter. "Send a taxi
inQuired my friends az I nervously
to so and 50, pl~asu, 3lid right
stood at the depot, with a ton of
away." And thl;)jr allswer, \'Oh,
luggu[e clasped in hund. "Ahem,"
yeaa? Hal Hal lt And they haec up.
I'd readily reply, e~Tes gleaming, a
Mr. Cool UllSt have
smile from ear to ear, Itto the
hnovm I was coming, for hu left
o08st--Los Angeles. 1t I h~ard the
in a hurry; Mr Heat was ull !let
whiBtle of the incomirlg train-up, and so Vias I. Tulk about
good old Ntunber Five which would
cooperation, the he<.it, th8 oli.lDgtake me to cool weatLer and beaut i- clanging of the trolluys, and the
ful sights. I rushed to a concooooooOOOOOO of the sir0ns all
duo tor ~d asked him where to get
got togother to disturb my
on, and he direoted me over there.
peaoeful slumber.
I sped, a-toting the burdensome
After the fourth day of living
baggage, and after pushinc thru
in tIle hotel, the OPA kicked me
the mob, he directed me back to
out--four days vms the maxiIutun.
over there, ~lere I was at first.
So to my aunt's house I w0nt, 'way
Thus I was sent from conduotor to
out in the Styx, aft€.:r waiting for
oonduotor, until I finally boarded
a trolley that didn'~ suy ~ext
the train, toneue hanginG out,
Car, Pl~ase" (notice how polite
perspiration rolling down my fac:e,
they are), for 3~ hours. You
and incipient blisters on my
should have seen me, that famous
I. w
' as th
~Uit case in hand, rushing tifter
h ~nCJ.s.
- e on y w 11. e WOnElfi
he troll.E:y and I fel t Iik~ a
s~tting ~n that coach full of
ope ~s ~t ~hizz~a DY
colored women babies and soldiers, fr~wn~I].gl vllth ny mouth o~en, ~n
the safe~y zone. I'd lov down my
, t t'
and th e on1 yean re emps
~u suit-case sit on it for"a while,
fered vIas a mashing of m.y r~ght
then back' to the: sidevvalk ]., d gOt
foot when I took my shoes off and
until another trolle '" appeared.
dozed and spread out my foot on
walked back. twelve bocks
the aisle and a burly colored
I squeezed ~nto an over-crowded
d b y a~d se t t'
car.The day I waB to !lav" gone to
so ld i er passe
ponderous foot, wi t.l those G.I.
the :i."-:.mous PalladiULl I decided to
shoes, on it. I let out a yelp
COl~e back to 'l'ucson to rust ere
that woke up the snorers, "vv'hassa
Dtarting to work again, els~ I
mattah lla'ro?" And I hated them
ndcd another vacat~on. I came 9ack
r t
by bus 'nuff s..:;d. No reSCI'vat~ons
for co i ng r~cht baol. 0 OJ eep
for bO~d SCElts to Arizona I.was
after telling them of' my plight.
ust uisle seata. N~t.tJ.~ng
AnyvJay, I be ~ contorm!t~~~ d ~l~~~~I'TIa~nd~l!~~~~C~I~~-tj:onist Vlh~le try~ng to 1 ell
~rlzont\,Ptha~~s J a!l I vJ~nt. f.rhc
driver was 0~~hor a Q~n~ao or a .
.All Los "",-peles at last! I
or both~
eyes on th0
roaQ He
or h~s
looked allover the depot for my
the wheel--one of the fidGety type,
relatives, but no one was around.
you know. When he wasn't oleaning
A phone call brought them a-flying
the persp~rat~on off ~te.wheel he
in their jalopy
xt home I was
was cle~nlng ~t 9ff h18 race,
or p~sh~ng the w~ndow up, or pullgiven a so?bingweloome Y my ,
1116 ~t devin, li[")ltine a ci~arett·e,
homesick s~ster, who recently
fidd!i~ around Witf'i the l~ghts,
moved to L.A. and who, in three
ur ing
eround a she eUll.Wfi;t \'I1S
. h
· d
was he
cOm~n(! be h nd
wee}(s. had been unable to ~n a
.L na naQ. f.1Y stlurs W~ th me.
houso for rent--she was hO~oless
last~d s~x, lofi~ drawn-out ~ours-and ready to COLle baCK to Arizona.
a lifetime, un~ll he l'lagcea. down
onother b~s go~ng to L.A,# flnd
Very handy enough, there WaS ~
traded wiuh the a:r~ver• .L
hotel 2~ blooks from her, so ~t
the rest of thu ",vay uS J~d all
was tht;re that I sprawled on a
those who had stuycA up wlth me
_ .. ..,.
to ~ray. AS I vialked hOr.lG, still
soft bed that vor~ n1ght an
tot~ng thut suitcaso I met some
enjoyed my only night of peaceful
of my- 'fri . mds VIllO inquired, "Why,
sleep duriN~ all my vaoat~on.
Rose, where did you go?" Gritting,
And it was from there that I trod
my teeth, clench~n~ my fists, a~d
my way every day to see my s1s-~akinG a deep breath, almost g01ng
~nto a paroxysm of anger
h~r and ten others
v1ng 1n a 0
retortea, "Cali1·ornitll".~(&~~#"
rOOill flat.
Yep, the oditor took D tr~p-The trolley si tuation ~3 quite
t-r-i-p, says \lobster, alr.h) m~ans
serious; there is alw<1ys some
a f.lisstep or stufu.ble; i.l ulunder,
oasualty. You either cet ::3quashed, a mistake! (Rose Rodriguez,Ed.)
kicked, or elbowed,.und rou have
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - no choice. But Cal~forn~a people
"CHA'iTER"- is publish0d every secane
are very polite--they always say,
nd fourth Sunday by SpaIli:':';l~.''Excuse r~e" before you're squashed, A1merican 1Iothers &. Wives Associa"I'm sorry," aftar they elbow you,
tion, 38 N Church cit, Tuc30n,nriz.
and in retaliation, they warn,
~l revenues f~om the sale of this
"I'~ going to kick you:" ·iuld they peper to be USGU for the 0rection
of a Recreatioll center for the
Spanish-~orican soldiers from
Tuoson, Arizona
September 24, 1944
-.5 Cents per Copy
~---_._--------.----------------------_._---------------------------------------FELIZ CUMP~~OI
Frank OChoa • Septi embre 18
(Pobre, esU solito y su alrna, pero Jl.>
mi oulpa--no me hab!an su nom..
bre hasta e1 otro d!a. Peor hubiera
sido que no hubiera salido, verdadT)
Tambi8n pertenece Frank al signo del
horoloopo VIRGO, que es un signo mngnftioo y oomo a los Virgos no les
gusta fa d1soordia, estoy retesegurn
que me va ~ diaponsar. Que dice,
El' j~ven Tucsonen-
Ie, de ednd de 26 ~OSf e1 soldado raso
Fillberto S Aguirre, veter~no de 1ns
campnftal del Norte Sioi1in, Itnlin y
Francia mur10 en nooi~n en Frxnoia e1
25 de ngosto. En su 41timn enrtn eaeritel. de Fra.noia, eomunicnbo. quo estabo.
muy ooupndo hno1endo trine hems y que
por eao no podf~ eseribir muoho. F11iberto era nativo de Tuesen entrando al
ej'ro1to en mayo de 1942 y en ese midmo
aflo maroho a ultramar ~ Su madreoi ta,
Sra Carolina S Garola, reside en 333
Avenida Melwood al sur. Deja temb16n
llorando au muerte sus hermanos Genaro
y JeS\\8 y una hermana, Sro. de Mike Mar..
tfnez, todos de Tu086n.
HERIDOO EN Ace ION, La Srl1 Nellie Moreno, 922 enlle 13 a1 norte. ha sido intormada que au esposo, e1 Soldndo m80
J08e C Moreno, ha sido herido 1evemente an llcolan CIID Nuovo. Guinea 01 dfn 2
de septiambro.' Joa8 e8 hijo de Sr y
Sra G F Moreno, 928 00.110'13 al norte.
Antos do irso 0.1 servioio, Pepo rue amplondo del PFE en Tuc86n.
El aoldndo do primero. clnso Roy G
PerQltn, hijo do Sr y Src. Lupo G Por~l­
to. 621 00.110 Holon nl ooste. tu~ horido on nooi6n en Frnnoin 01 26 de
ngosto. ,Roy tionc tros hormanos on 01
sorviolo~ Pvt JOS~3 Porn1t~ on Cnmp
Bowio, Toxns. Cnbo Porfirio Pornlt~ en
Hnwnli y Pvt Alox G Pornltn on Nuovo.
El soldndo rnso Louis Valdez, hijo de
l~ Sr~ JOS~8 Vnldoz. 331 00.110 30 nl
oosto, quion fu~ rooientamonto horidO
on ncoidn, hn rogrosndo n los estndos
unidos y 80 enouentrn roeuporo.ndo de
8US ~~los on Brighnm City, Ut~h. Hi1~­
rio Vnldoz, hc~~no del herido 1 t~­
bi6n rocibi~ horid~s on 01 pnclfico
dol sur y 10 dioron su "disehnrgo".
DONDE ESTANT Los osposos M~nuol y Rosit~ Borbon. 484 onlle Convonto, hnn
oido intormados quo sus hijQ8 pfo G A
Borboa y Pvt J~mes A Borbo~. pertenecientos n los Cuorpos de l1[trines h:-.n
tonido el'plnoer do estnr juntos eUAtro moscs, on 01 4r~ dol Pno!fioQ dol
El Sgt Teoh pntrick L Gonsales hijo
do Mo.nuel Gonzo.les, 215 00.110 ~9 0.1
oesto, y'csposo do Adeln pncheco do
GonJnles, do In mismn dirocci6n, estd
on In grnn brot~~.
El oubo Fr~nk
csposos Fr~nk
mode. [1,1 este,
viendo en un[1,
S Rucl~s, hijo do los
Ruelas, 1104 c~lleAln­
esM on Inglnterr:-o, sirestnoi6n do bonili~rderos.
Dos hermnnos, BM'or y Heriberto Sellgndo; hijos de los esposos Jos~s, 1302. 0:1.110 13 d norte, so hnn
onoontrudo por primer vcz en un nffo an
una isln dol pnoffieo del Surooste.
Pvt Gilbert Urins, hijo de los ~sposos
A T Urins, 2504 cnlle 3 ~l eate, ha
complct~do au primor entre~~ento
como m:lrinoro en Snn Diego y ho. si~
n5ignndo [1, unc. esouol[\, dol mo.r.
FELICITACIONES, Robert A Espinos~,
hijo de los csposos Tony EspillOa[1" 507
c~lle 7 0.1 norto. hn sido nscondido
n enbo.
E1 C~bo Vfilliam A Hnll. tecnleo do
radio ~nool cuerpo de comunienelonos
en Itnlin. hn roeibido In Mednlla de
Combnte y uno. Estrellc. poP uno. ~t~lln
mnyor. En Uno. cnrto. escrit~'n au her~nn Ad01ine.. 415 enlle Wood, 1e dioo
que su oompnfifn'fue 10. primern on cruJur 01 rio Arno, eorriondo ~ 108 ~lo­
manes h~st~ e~ otro l~dO. Willie os
hijo de nuestr~ hermnnn miembr~ en~
tusiust~ do l~ ~sociaci~n do Madres,
Sr~ Petra A B~11.
El Snrgcnto Elfc.s A Lopcz, hijo do los
Csnosoe imtony B Lopez, 748 o~llc Fremont nl sur, h~ rccibido l~ Mcd~llo. do
Combato de Inf~nturtn por h~bor
con valor en las i81':\5 ;.dmir::'.lty.
Fu6 asoendido a Cabo en el norte de
Afrioa e1 joven Leonardo B Hart!nez.
Su hermana, Sra Rosa M le6n reside aqut
y es empleada de la Muebler!a de Reuben.
Leo eucnta ro n 10. Medalla de Duena Condue to. y el List6n de Campana de Ins
4rens de Europn, Africa y CoreQno
Sargento Frank F Mondes, hijo de l~
SruoAlioin Mendez, 7~9 calle Fremont ~1
sur quicn csta'slrv1endo en 01 Pac!f1_
co Jel Surocsto, ha recibido In I.iedulln
del Combute de In Intnntcrfn.
George ~ Perkins y Elsie M Rivera
Charlie E Valenzuela y Teresa 1.) G9.rc!a
Fcrnanu.o Bigo, Jr y Erruna Hicoy
Francisco Moran y lliur!a A F~lix
George D Martin~z y Lucy Villa
MtJER'tF..8 :
MiL~e f'acio, 25, 1833 S 6th.
Lloran su
muert,) sus padre:;, Sr y Sra t.~iguel Facio;
$U hermann, Miss Benny P~cio, y un hermano Pfc 1~nuel Facio.
Sra Trinidad t;arda, 65, 2013 S 5th. L0
sobreviven sus hijos, Alberto y Genaro;
sus hijas, las Sras Ernestina Obreg6n,
Dolores de Celaya y Adelina Flores.
La noche del 16 - ·pro[r:unn. ·:m b. Plazi-
tn d;) Sun 11./:,\15 t!n, d.edi ce d~ pOl' 01 Hon
Gobernador de Arizona, Sidn0Y D Osborn;
Mi\cstro de Ceromoni~,~" S1' Juan Cn.mpillo.
Baile en In. calle para 01 p6blico en
genar:~l r '.lm"mi?ado pOl' 103 Mari.;'.(~his, y
r,1copC'ion en 10. Ali~l;'lZa paron c:l ;;obernad:>r, lion J"lc~ldo, e invi ta.dos co
(DeclC\m"da per el int.-=lip;entc Sefior,
P:lZ M L06n)
Sra Concepd6n Romero, 93, 640 ~'f Mabel.
Le sobreviven susdos hijos, Pablo y
Jos~ y tres hijas, Sras Carmen Rodriguez, Adelia Soto y lmr!a ~arc!a.
Yo soy de una tierra chula,
all~ de las ffiJ.rcs,
donde el clelo 85 rrmy azul
y es de a tiro tibio el aire
proqu8 Dios so puso chango, neccsitn a nuiden ••••
nl abanico pa echar viento,
ni cobija po. tapurs0.
Francisco Tapia, 66, 523 ~ 6t~. Le sobreviven su esposa, Sra C~rlvta Tapia;
seis hijos, Francis(lo, Rosalino, lHguel,
Albert, Manuel y Jos6 Mar!a; dos hijas~
Sras Curlota Jaquez y Lue!a V~lencia;
dos hu~nanos, Miguel y Manuel.
All! no somos rOllosos,
nada os chico, todo (S grnnc1:J,
por su ~lturn 10;' volcQnes,
por nu nlmota las mujeres,
por su camnno los 1rboles,
por sus hazanas los heroes ••••
Resultaron lucid!simns las Fiestas H8 aqu! la Junta Patri6tica:
Pros Hon - Alcalde do Tucson, Hon
H a Jaastad
Pres Ejecutivo - Sr Rosal!o Ronquillo
(puchi para Clml!0--en todo
est4 menos en misa!)
Vice-Pres - Sr Arma.ndo Alfnro
Secret~rio - Sr Juan Cumpillo
Tesorera - Sta Rosa B Rodri~uez
Sub-Tesorer~ - Sr~ Lily Orona
Srt:'. Juanita Rortriguez (tnmbien as! se
ll~l In! Mam&, pero esta as otra senora) •
Sr Joso B Al tamiruno, Sr Paz I,I La6n, Sr
Miguel M Rodriguez, Sr LorGnzo ~ Rodri~lez (so volvi6 puro Rodriguoz la
ouesti6n), toda esta Junta bajo l~ direcci~n del Hon Consul de M6xico, Sr
Angel Tollez
Por fnlta do espucio no las rl~r~ el progrnma en date-lle, pero los dar6 los
"highlights. "
DIA 15 - en el Armory pnrk, 8 p.m.
Maestro do Ceremonian, Sr Armando Alfaro - Gran vontn. dt~ bonon y programa
musical. Jupiter Pluvius nos corri6 a
los salonendo l~ Alianza, donde si~i6
el ploogramn, amer~i por Ie. magnffica
orquesta, los Mariac his de Nogales,
OIA 16 - Honores al pa.bellon Nacional
Maxioano en el Consulado de M6xico;
rElccpci6n y almuerzo; mise. f:11 Ia Catedrn.l de San Ar;usUn on honor de los
H6roes de In Indepondencia y do los de
10. present-a gu~rra. (Hfl.stu. que estuvo
Che.l!o en nisal) Programa·literario
musical en 01 Te~tro Plaza, ~\cstra de
Ceremonias, Sra. Carmen de Bodout. POl'
1& tarde, de las 2 a las 4, programa
deportivo on 01 di~nante de Ie. calle 22
y avonida. cuurta, ~e.estro de Ceremonias,
Sr Ronqui 11 0,
Que hay mas
All! todo es pintorcsco,
la.s costumbres y los trajes,
01 reboso de bolita
que es tun fino cual bordQQo
por las manos de los ~nbclcs
el bordado zagalejo que es
rojo cono la sane.;re ••••
el sombrero galone;'ldo que en las
jubilos~s tardes cae or~ulloso
a los pies de la que buila el jarabe ••••
Vivo. mi tierra tan chula 1
Viva M~xico, compadrcs ••••
el de las lindus !._ujeres ,
el de loc altos volcanos,
e1 del rojo zacn10jo,
y los torrentcs do sangre.
Yo solo Ie pido aDios
cuando me toque pelarme,
un minuto po. rezar-para mortaja un zarape,
una canci6n mexieana pa cantur mis
y un cachito de mi tierra
pa que mis huesos fuarde;
pera que all! me los dejen
pa que a gusto descallsen,
porque P-ll mi tierra tan chula,
de que les entra cl cornje,
hasta los dijuntC'G mandan
con J.n m6sica U CItra. parto ••••
pero yo soy el q·J.C soy yo,
no me parezco a l~iden ••••
Sr y Sra Mike Mcndozn, 204 N Meyer
han recibido noticias que su hijo,
Pvt R Mendoza llego a la area del Pacifico, y les pide a sus ~nieos que no
dejen de escribirle a la si~liente
direccion: 521288 / USMC / 8th Field
Depot / c/o FPO / San Francisco, Calif.
El Col. Eugene B Bayley acaba de anunciar que ascendieron a Manuel R Lopez,
hijo de la Sra CandeJAria Lopez, 446
avenida Elias al sur, a sargento. Manuel esta en Hill Field, Ogden, Utah.
Tan patriota yo--no se fijan en el
papel que he usado? Verde, Blanco, y
Colorado 1
El de primer:.. cL\se i:l~,nuol V
Morales, Jr, hijo de los esposos'Ho.nue1
V Moro.10s, 560 c~ll0 29 al ocst~, ho. 1"0cibido un~s do 10.5 modo.llo.s mas envidi~do.s--llcdo.llQ de Expcrto on Info.ntor!n.
Lo. Sr~ Cruzito. Ot~ro, QSPOSo. del srtrgunto de estndo mnyor D~niol Otero, o.s!
COllO Ie.. r.lO.drcci to. do Dardel, 31"0. Fr;,:,ncisc~, Otl;ro, 273 co.110 Church 0.1 norte,
ost~'1 muy orgul1"s~.s, y con mucho. r:~­
z6n. H~cc poco rucibioron ost~s dos
sanor"s ur.,:. b::..nder:: jG.ponuso. quo Do.••
niol 10s ItL:1nd6 dbspu6s do l~. cr::.!dn llo
Myitkyinn, Burm.~. Estn bo.ndero. fu6
presonto.dr::. ("\ D~niQl pOl" 01 Coronol Y S
TQng, ~ ien Ie uscribi6 un en
la bo.ndero., diciondo qU0 5'J b, pres:mto' pOl" 10 vr".leroso y honroso quo 80 pOl"t6 Do.niol on t::.n br~.ndo bc.t~.. llo..
Folipe Ybnrrr::., del 511 a.vonid~ molrose
0.1 norte ho. side o.scendido a. Cabo.
Aqu! ha.y unos pocos d0 los nuestros quo
so hem hocho ciud~do.nos o.morico.nos:c
En Itr\.lir~., Pfc Fr::1.nk Ga.rc!"., 57 culle
5 ("\1 ooto, en Nuovo. Guinen, Pvt E A
~oz, 1013 Del:~,~ro; o~ 01 P~c!fico,
dol Suroosto, prc Arnu1fo D Trejo, 494
co.lle Convonto.
pre H:.mucH R Co.stro viono de L-~. Juntr::.,, 0. vel" a. au ~drocit("\ y de~a
fa.m11ia.ros--y 0. poco to.mbi6n no viono
a. Val" 0. sus ~~orcitosl Este Don Jua.n
tiona como media. doceno. ue 'chGch~s'
nqu!. sog11n me 10 hnn clicho pOl" ~.:l!. y
cunntt,s deJ~r!n on
Pvt Alborto G D!&z vino ~ visit,.).' n
sus p~drus, Conchita. y Ju~n D!o.z, 1014 Doff~ Conohit~ os socio. do
10. Logi6n do M:.\droG, y ostrt onco.nto.da.
con tonal" a. su hijo'~ su D~s­
pu~s do su ', ;.1 rogros'.r~ n
Port Lewis, VTo.shington.
Cnbo Roy Gnbusi ~iono do Florida. a. V1Slta.r 1 sus p~dro~, 81" y Sr~ John B Go.bus1, 82? S 5th, ~~! como·t~~~i6n a. su
OSp08:1., ll~ry, y n su n~n0, Junior.
TuV1m03 01 gr::m gusto Y rl:'.cer de sn.ludnr n los hijos do dos do 1a.3 ,~\drQ­
c1to.s socir.:; do nucstrJ. ;.soci'.\ci6n.
Cpl Henry R Holer~\, hijo de Sro. Jua.nita. R Molor~, 27 S Conv0ntJ ns! cono
Fvt R:l.~l Gom6z, hijo do los esposos
George GOl:leZ, 134 CC'.llo 33~ En unn 1"0cienta sasi6n do l~ Lvgi6n, ostos dos
j6vonos nos visit'\ron. Henry viano de
Snnt:1. ;.nn., C:1liforni:1.. HC'.111 vione do
10. Nuov:.\ Guina::--. Estc jovon rocibi6
10. ostro1lo. do pl~t~ pOl" su v~lor on 10.
b::l.t:Uh de lr. ish Los Nogros. Ere.
miombro dol f~noso l58th Inf~ltry y
tc.n luogo como o.c:~b~lo au v:i.c:lci6n
pa.rtir~ SJ.nt~ B1rb~r~, Co.lifornin, dondn ser1 do nuovo. Nos
di6 muchn riso. con Ro.11l porque cunndo
nuostro director, 01 Sr Ronquillo, nos
10 prosont6, luogo se puso muy norvioeo, y ca.d~ voz que Ch~l!o dvc!~
nlgo bueno do Ra111, volto:',bo. Ra111 a.
vor 0. su ma.drecita. quo to.n foliz sonto.dit~, y Ie pelnbn unos ojos
pOl" ha.berl0 trn!do a. nuestro. junta..
Lo peor os quo tuvo que d~cir un~s
cuo.nto.s, y 10 pri~ero quo dijo
fu6 quo Ie 'con!o. mr.s mi0do 0.1 micr6fono
oue ni ~ los j~ponos(;s, v le's dir6' que
;! p'.\.roc!::-.. pero C0n m.icdo y toue:, los
dos j6v-:n0s (~uedr.ron r.lUY bien y nosotros
l:l'..1V con~;0ntos do hr,borlo::: tc..:ni~o 00:1
no;otr03. ~ vel" cua.ndo vior.on'ustodes
0. e:nfrcnt~rf;Q con el r:ri.cr6feno.
T::rnbi6r. ost~n ~qu.!dsit3.ndo:
Lujdn, marinaro de se~undu clase,
quien viane a vel' a. sus p!l.'.~res, 31" y
SrQ Jos6 LUjdn, 225 c~lle 31 ~l 00stel
pvt Arturo V M:lrHnez, 'riei t:::.ndo ':l. ::lU
esposa y tres hijitor., Galle Cannen ~2~,
Humborto P~dr~s, ~rocedarte del puc!fico~
del Sur, Q su m~drocitu, Srn
fu1itQ de V~rgo.s, 2932 Co.lle 4 ~l osta;
Pvt Johnny Ravo.go, visitc.ndo a. sus po.dres
272 cCllle 33 ill oe:::te. Johrmy'sirvi6
on 01 cambato du Nuova BrotQnn, y result6 horido.
Charles Josop~ M~e6n, hijo do
y Sra. GUti ~az6n, 1821 E lZ~i.
Hico11s Ochoo. Alvarez, hijo de la Sr~
C<1n,10li to. 1\ _'.lva.rez I G38 -'; In;l (DonQ
C~.rrr.eli to. .JS '..1nC, soci:" muy biur. o.procind~ pOl" todos nosotros).
Genuro Pcre~ 3err~no, Jr., hijo do
81' y ;o·ra Gen:.'.ro Perez S(;rr~~r:c, 1118 S
6th ;.venue
Robert Arri~~o. ~bril, hijO de los
espoeos llobvrt Zazu0tt~ ,',hr1l, 1114 ','f
Nestor Vc,squez ,hijo do 10. Sr:J. j~t\rie
.',~ico'l;:.'. -Vo.squcz I 301 E,bol
; ..'1 b ol S'::.nchoz Rivc:ru I Loui::; Lopoz,
H<.lnry Vill:-, C-Jr;r" Secondino Floro3 Gomez,
Dennis Nori0(;C' I,i-.;s::, ,'.dolfo t':-,ldol1C,do
Con-crerus, Rorn:'.rdo Ll:.:.x Hi vern., j:I:'.lnuol
Fr:',ncisco VcL1squez, SU:1tos Gonzo.los, Edw,:-.rd anthony ;{amirez, _,urclio
Osuna., Jr, ;.ntonio c~stillo B~llcstoros,
Octo.vio P::,.in, l.I~nucl S~llt:;llo Gutiorroz,
y ;Jltonio ;.lto.m.ircmo P.::cmir0z.
(NoticiJ.s, chicos--no mucha.ehas:)
iueson Hi Ie C'. los Coyotes de
Phoenix, 28-GI 01 16 de: septiombrel
TUCSON HI Ie g:".no
26-14, el 22 de
Cole 131"03 Circus usbr::t aqu! ul 27 de
La. com,."t:-iin ;.rizon:J. Purtl:.nd Cc:m0nt vn.
ponor una. plC\nto. do curnento que: los
costo.r~ como un mi1l6n do d61arcs corco.
de Rillito, l~ vf~ dul S? y cl c~[dno
que vn. C'. Ph00nix. Estr. s er'. 1", I1nic::.
plantn dc 05t~ un to do 01 03t~do,
y ompez~r1n ~ oonstruirl~ t~n pronto
CO:':'lO t(;n:;~n mc.turio.les y l~s condicior.cs
debid',~s ~ l~ gucrr~:, 10 pcr:ni t::-.r...
C,\S.',1.iIEHTOS: E1 cnl::tc0 m~trimod~\l de
l~ Srtc Luisa Ybarr~ con el joven· Bond tuvo lug:-',r en 1[\ C:,·,tr:Q!':'.l h~,cc
poco. Ell~ ~s hij~ da los ~3pC~OS ~l­
borto Yb::l.rrc.., 214 S' Gr:'.nd, "f d os h1jo
de los eSl~os0s J~,j;1':;5 ;. Shunnkcr
_.- ~
September 2::;
1. I'll Walk Alone
2. 13 You Is or Is You Ain't
3. I'll Be Seeing You
4. Timo Waits for No One
5. It Could Happen to You
6. S¥nnging on a star
7. How Many Hearts Have You Broken?
8. It Had to Be You
9. Amor
"Te Quiero Diji:;te ll
Se acuerdan de aquella. pieza que era
e1 tema musical de Tony Corral y su
orquesta 7 Pues ahora est4 muy p0ftula.r.
La to06 Xavier Cugat en 1a vista 'Bathing Beautyl l , estrellando a Red SkfJl ton
oon Esther Williams, Harry Jo.mes y su
orquesta, y Carlos RarrJrez.
Aquf les va. en
Magio is the moonlight, On this
lovers' June night, .
As I see the moonlight, Shi~ling
in your eyes J
Can't resist their power, In this
!l1oonli t hour,
Love began to flower, This is paradise.
Living 1n the splendor, of your kiss
so tender, Makes my heart surrender
To your love divino;
Magio is the moonlight, more than any
June night,
Magic is the moonlight, for it made
you mine.
linda, de oabellos de oro,
de ¢ientes de perlas, 1abios de rub!,
D1mo a1 me qu1eres, como yo te adoro,
81 de m1 te aouardao como yo de tt.
y a vaoes escuoho un aco divino
Que envue1to en la·brisa paraoe decirl
Sf te quiero muoho, muoho, muoho, rnuoho,
Tanto oomo ontonoes, siempre hasta.
To the to110win~ kids tor letters reoeived oomplimentinc: us on lIChatter ll •
It's just our American way of bolstering your moralel
Bill Raymond, Tech Fifth Gradel\. '1' Rosas, who sends a big lIhello ll to
all lds Tuoson friends
Rnm6n "Monch le" V Braoc.unonte (Yes,
we'll koep it oOming), and
Sbt Arthur R Aros, who reports that he
ronde a oombat jump over France and was
wounded. Art has earned the Purple
Heart, Infantry }o~xperts Badge and Presi·
dential citation
(Ay. muohaohos, por andar en vuoltas
e1 16 do septiembre mo fu6 imposible
0star pendionte del Hit Parade-pE:rd6nenme, eh?)
Socorro P Christen30n, M~riana Chavez,
Refugio Sandoval, Francisco. Otero,
Ma.rgurita Arredondo, Gertrudis Q Avila,
Dolores F Sanchoz, Lupe R Mondib10s,
Magdo.lenll de Grndillas, Horten.:::is. R
Toledo, Salome R Le6n, JosefhVoga,
Mada Redondo, Aurolia BAros, }'iiss
Angeli te. RodriGuez, Rosa viudn de
Olivas, Lopez, y Mari~na Palmer.
JESu::i DE SARDINJ1, Andrea Gabusi y
Angelita Oohoa.
Pvt Leo R Urrutia, Jr, hijo de los
osposos Leo Urrutia, 623 S 4th, est'
osto.cionado on nueva york como instruotor de radio e intcrpreto. Tiane a su
cargo los cadetcs de M~xioo. Dice Leo
que est4 encantado con la~ costurnbrea
de los Mexicanos nacionales, y ~ue
cuando venga la Victoria; se ird a
M~xico a ~ducfJ.rs0.
Oyes, Leo t tambi~n
to irds a haccr rnuy romdntico, porque
quo bonito hablan de amor los mcxicanos
de por al141 Ahhhhl
Ya oyeron el ouento de Manuelito, edad
51 Su moon4 10 llev6 al oine, y por
mala suorte rcsu1t6 sar una poHcula
muy tristo, pues n.ll! estnban echando
a unos pobres I~rtires cristianos a las
fieras salvajes 6. que los df)vorn.r~n.
La senora not6 que estabn visiblemento
agitado el nino al vor aquello, y para
oalrnarl0 le' dijo, "No llores, Manueli to,
al cabo que no os mas que una vista, Y
nos les ·vttn n hacer nnda." "Sf," dijo
01 nino todo.v!n con (,1 gri to en 01
(~1e10, ~poro s1 esc leonei to que est4
alIa atras no se npura, los otrO$ so
van a comer su p~rto. y a 01 no 10
quedarl! nada."
Los escolnres entrnron a Ia cscueln el
dIn 5 (los menores no cmpozaron a sufrir hasta 01 db 11); para que se
acuerdon de ollos 105 daremos unas
definiciones, dcbidas a. un Sr :unbrose
Bier~e, poriodi3ta ~~ericarto que on
1913, a 18. edad de 71 anos, se fu~ a
l.;~xico sin decide a nadie por qu~. Zl
senor nunca rogres6, pero --aqul les va.
BORE-A person who talks whtm you wish
him to listen
BR/.IN-An apparatus with which vre think
that we think
WINE-God's next best gift to 1IlfL'"l1
PEACE-In intornati0nal aff~irs, n period
of cheating botween two periods of
TWICE-Once too often
CHATTER is publishod every second :1.nd
fourth Sunday by Spani sh-i.mvrlcan
Mothers and Wives ~ssociution, 38 N.
Church st, Tucson, Arizona
All revonues trom the sale of this paper
to be used for the erection of a. R~oroa­
tion Center for. the Spanish-4tmerionn soldiors trom Tuoson, ilrizana.