maqueta dossier.FH11
maqueta dossier.FH11
medios regionales Prensa 28 - 07 - 2007 "La Tribuna de Toledo". 01 - 08 - 2007 "El iceberg". 02 - 08 - 2007"Global Castilla-La Mancha" . 28 - 08 - 2007 "La Tribuna de Toledo". Radio 06 - 08 - 07 Radio Illescas - "Programa Vive la Mañana". Entrevista con María Díaz, gestora de proyecto (9:46 min). 24 - 11 - 07 Radio Illescas - "Programa Vive la Mañana". Entrevista con María Díaz, gestora de proyecto (12:50 min). Televisión 06 - 11 - 07 Tele Toledo - "Programa Todo Toledo". Reportaje sobre el proceso de ensayos (6:25 min) 25 - 11 - 07 Castilla la Mancha Televisió - "CMT Noticias 1". Reportaje sobre el espectáculo presentado la noche anterior en Numancia de la Sagra, enmarcado en un especial sobre las actividades desarrolladas en la región con motivo del Día Internacional contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres (4:03min). 4 2 3 4 5 medios nacionales Prensa 20 - 10 - 2007 "Público". 06 - 11 - 2007 "Yo Dona" (Magazine semanal El Mundo). 02 - 08 - 2007"Global Castilla-La Mancha" . 28 - 08 - 2007 "La Tribuna de Toledo". Radio 21 - 11 - 2007 Radio Nacional de España " Otros acentos" duracion (8m16s). Internet (Agenda + Crítica) (Agenda + Prensa) (Agenda + Crítica) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 medios internacionales Prensa 25 - 10 - 2007 "Vietnamitese News". Internet http//:vietnamnews.vnagency.comvn/showart icle.php?num=01INT251007 4 Culture Vulture (25-10-2007) An international drama based on a Vietnamese epic by a great Vietnamese poet named Nguyen Du will be shown in Spain and then throughout Europe. The play is the brainchild of Maria Diaz Durillo, a Spanish cultural officer and researcher of Nguyen Du's Truyen Kieu (Kieu Story). The drama promises to attract dozens of actors and actresses across Europe and Viet Nam. Durillo left the country one year ago, before beginning her project in Spain. The troupe of actors Nha Hat Tuoi Tre (Youth Theatre) began staging the play last week. High profiled actress Lan Huong, the group's lead actress spoke with Culture Vulture. How were you selected for the drama? Maria Durillo toured theatres with the project proposal. It's well known that she prefers Vietnamese actors, actresses, dancers and opera singers. How do you know the producer? Maria did a lot of research about Nguyen Du, she became very fond of his poetry. Thus, she decided to set up a fan club of sorts for the great writer's Kieu Story in Spain. During her time in Viet Nam, she studied a lot of traditional Vietnamese poetry. At our first meeting, she said Kieu Story is the best in terms of creativity and cultural interpretation. How did you prepare for your role in the play? It is the pride of our country. It is a great opportunity to boost our image in other countries. The drama will draw actors and actresses from different countries. In addition to rehearsal, we have to reread Kieu Story and do a lot of research about the writer, the characters and historical circumstances. It would be a shame if we had only vague knowledge of the epic while working with foreign partners. Apart from you, who was chosen for the drama? I have been asked to participate because I am an experienced stage actress. However, the selection process was quite competitive. They were searching for professionally trained actors. Maria and the director came to many rehearsals at the theatre before deciding who to cast. Apart from acting skills, cultural knowledge is taken into serious consideration. Finally, Ngoc Van, Hoang Tung and Hoai Nam who have taken acting and dancing classes in perforance arts colleges and have worked in theatre for many years, were selected. Do you have any idea how the play will turn out? I don't think the drama will be set the same way as traditional Vietnamese dramas. It will be mixed with theatrical drama, dance and opera in order to win over the audiences abroad. However, as Maria told me, the script will be loyal to the original tale. It will not be modified. As scheduled, the drama will be completed in May 2008. It will be shown first in HCM City and Ha Noi before going to Spain and other European countries. Having had a lot of discussions with foreign partners, what is your impression of their understanding of our Kieu Story? I am afraid that if we continued to talk more about Kieu's verses, Maria would find out I understand the tale and the author far less than she does. She also renamed the play. Through her translator, I learned that the play's title literally translates to Kieu Water's Life and implies that the Kieu dignity has undergone many hardships, a life with many ups and downs. Maria was not the only one to be impressed by Kieu. An American director who at first refused to work on it, was so impressed by the verses after Maria sent the script to him, that he came to Viet Nam to work with her on the project. VNS Este artículo también en: http//:vietnamnews.vnagency.comvn/showarticle.php?num=01INT251007