September 20 - St. Philomene Catholic Church
September 20 - St. Philomene Catholic Church
St. Philomene Church 2428 Bell Street, Sacramento, CA 95825 Office: (916) 481-6757 Fax: (916) 481-1603 September 20, 2015 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time OFFICE HOURS Tues – Fri - 10:00am -5pm Closed 12:00nn – 1:00pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:30pm (English) Sunday: 7:30am & 9:00am (English), 12:00PM (Español) Tuesday – Friday: 8:00am [English] Tuesday, Wednesday and First Friday [in the Main Church if school in session] Thursdays and other Fridays [in the Chapel if school in session] CONFESSION / CONFESIONES Saturday: 4:00pm, or by appt. BAPTISMS Call the Parish Office (even before the birth of the baby) for preparation times WEDDINGS AND QUINCEAÑERAS At least six months notice required PARISH STAFF Father Martin Ramat, Parochial Administrator Fr. John Hannan, Pastor Emeritus Fr. Gerald J Ryle, Pastor Emeritus Charles Cheever, Deacon Alfredo Anguiano, Deacon David Leatherby Jr., Deacon Edith Trejo, Bookkeeper José Luis Villagrán, Secretary/Receptionist Arnold Kunst, Music Coordinator Nallely Reyes-García, Rel. Ed. Coordinator Miluska Beltrán, Rel. Ed. Coordinator Jorge De Anda, Youth Minister Sylvia Miller, Janitor Jordan Vela, Maintenance Welcome Pope Francis! St Philomene Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St. Philomene Parish, are a communion of brothers and sisters united by our communion with Jesus Christ who gathers us and empowers us with His Holy Spirit to worship God in faith through the celebration of the Sacraments, prayers, evangelization and loving communion and service. We rejoice and embrace the diversity of all our members as a gift from God. Page 2 Mass Intentions Sat Sept, 19—5:30 am(Church) Frank Schaaf (+) Sun Sept, 20 –7:30 am (Church) Hermenegildo Joaquian (+) - 9:00 am (Church) Fr. Steven Peterson (S.I.) -12:00 pm (Church) Jesus Alfonso Reyes (S.I.) Mon Sept, 21-8:00 am (No Mass) No Mass Tue Sept, 22- 8:00 am (Church) Wed Sept, 23-8:00 am (Church) Thurs Sept, 24–8:00 am (Chapel) Fri Sept, 25 – 8:00 am (Chapel) Today’s readings First Reading— Let us condemn him to a most shameful death. (Wis 2, 17-20) Psalm—The Lord upholds my life (Ps 54,3-4. 5. 6-8) Second Reading – Justice is the harvest of pacemakers from seeds sown in a spirit of peace (Jas 3, 16-4, 3) Gospel – The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men… If anyone wishes to be first, he must make himself the servant of all. (Mk 9, 30-37) Mass Requests Please stop by the Parish Office if you would like to request a Mass to pray for special intentions. Let us pray for the sick in our Parish Talia Kerry Alex Quiroz Gloria Platina Ray Rehberg Robert de Anda Fatima Pacheco Dustin Nicola Tony Frontino Carla Moore Jana Susac Juan Jose Aguilar Patricia Becker John Blanco Helen Brown The Clark Family Dorothea Collins Madison Cruz Paul Curry Marielena Felix Elsie Gentry Willi A. Khalial Basil Kazanchi Osha Kilgour Russell Lumley Teresa Gentry Dana Gordon Rochelle Gregorio Charles Herd Sandra Hernandez John Marriott Carol McCurdy Andrea Medcalf Theo Pathos Jerre Palaca Johnny Perez Bobby Poindexter Temi Poindexter Jesse Quiming Maria Retana Concepcion Reyna Dodie Rischel Trave Richmond Erika Tubss Ignacio Romo Dennis Schraeder Jim Vogts Al Williams Amelie Yunnis Ismael Yunnis Elena Zamora EVENTS OF THE WEEK--- EVENTOS DE LA SEMANA Sunday, Sept 13 - 10:00am Monday, Set 14—7:00 pm Tuesday, Sept 15 - 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Wednesday, Sept 16 - 6:30am 9:00 am 7:00 pm Thursday, Sept 17 -8:30 am 6:00 pm Friday, Sept 18 - 7:00 pm English Religious Education Oración y Alabanza(Twomey) Novena(Chapel) Sharing God’s Bounty(GYM) Christians in Commerc (O’Dea) Faith Sharing (O’Dea) Choir Rehearsal (Church) Rosary to Our Lady (Chapel) Spanish Religious Education Ensayo de Coro (Church) Readings of the week Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: St. Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist Eph4: 17, 11-13; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 9:9-13 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:1921 Exr 9:5-9; Ps tb 13:2-4, 7-8: Lk 9:1-6 Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43 1-4; Lk 9: 18-22 Father Martin’s Corner His Holiness, Pope Francis! What a great blessing that the Vicar of Christ, the Roman Pontiff, the Holy Father, Pope Francis comes to visit us and our country! With this historic visit, he comes to bring the Gospel of Joy! As a Vicar of Christ, we therefore, welcome him with warm and open hearts and minds. He will physically be with few thousand brothers and sisters in the East Coast. We can’t be near him and see him personally, face to face, but we will definitely feel his presence as he will canonize our very own St. Junipero Serra who served and spent his life in the West. During the canonization in the East, Pope Francis’ heart will also be here in the West. He is the epitome of genuine service, humility and love. “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” We love you, Pope Francis! Parish Update Our Parish Festival is a two-day annual event and it will be celebrated in our Parish Grounds on October 3rd from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm and on October 4th from 10:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Raffle Tickets: Please return your tickets with your donation by dropping them in the collection basket, or Office, or by postal mail. You can also pay them with your Debit/Credit Card now. We need your help to help those who are sick. Homebound ministries of our Parish needs volunteers to help visit and bring communion to the sick of our Parish. If you are interested please stop by the Parish Office or call at 916-481-6757. We want to thank all the Parish Parents for registering their children in our Religious Education Program. We have registered 520 students in our Program. Thanks be to God. Page 3 Our Religious Education Program in English already started its classes last Sunday, September 13 at 10:00 am and in Spanish last Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 pm. Do you know that our Parish has a website? You can access THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS of our Parish invite you to their Pancake Breakfast this Sunday, Sept 20 after the 7:30 am and 9:00 am Masses at the School Gym. Please join them. St. Vincent de Paul Ministry We need hygiene products such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush and tissue paper. Also we are in need of canned goods, peanut butter and jelly. Thank you for your generosity. St. Philomene extends prayers of appreciation to the many volunteers who are so selfless in giving their time to meet the needs of those less fortunate in our community. STEWARDSHIP CORNER Weekend Collections September 6, 2015 September 13, 2015 $ 5,781.93 $ 4,668.55 Second Collection -- Diocesan Priest Retirement -$ 496.42 Thank you for your unending support, generosity and love for our Parish. May our God abundantly bless you and your families! Father Martin Ramat La Escuela de Santa Filomena aún tiene espacio para sus hijos. Se ofrecen algunas becas y ayuda financiera para el año escolar 2015-2016. Interesados hablen con el Padre Martín al 916-481-6575 o con la Directora Ann Marie Faires al 916-481-1506. Para más información visite Tarjetas de Crédito o de Débito. Ya estamos aceptando sus donaciones, pagos de boletos del la rifa, matrículas del catecismo y otros, con sus tarjetas de crédito y/o débito. Para más información, acuda a la Oficina Parroquial. Boletín Parroquial: Ahora estamos imprimiendo nuestro boletín semanal parroquial en casa. Por favor ayúdenos invitando a empresarios o a dueños de negocios para que anuncien sus negocios en nuestro boletín. Del Rincón del Padre Martín Su santidad, Papa Francisco! ¡Qué gran bendición que el Vicario de Cristo, el Pontífice Romano, el Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco viene a visitarnos y nuestro país! Con esta histórica visita, ¡él viene a traer el Evangelio de la alegría! Como Vicario de Cristo, nosotros, por lo tanto, le damos una cálida bienvenida con nuestras mentes y corazones siempre abiertos. El estará físicamente con unos mil hermanos y hermanas en la Costa Este. No podemos estar cerca de él y verlo personalmente, cara a cara, pero sin duda sentiremos su presencia en el mismo momento en que el canonizara a nuestro propio San Junípero Serra que sirvió y pasó su vida en Oeste. Durante la Misa de Canonización en el lado Este, el corazón del Papa Francisco también estará aquí en el lado Oeste de la nación. Él es el epítome del genuino servicio, humildad y amor. "Si alguno quiere ser el primero, será el último de todos y el siervo de todos." Te queremos, Papa Francisco! Intenciones de Misas Quiere usted honrar a alguien querido en la Intención de la Misa, por favor pase a la Oficina Parroquial, en horas hábiles de trabajo. Tiene usted boletos para la rifa del festival? Ya puede devolverlos con el dinero en la oficina. Y si usted quiere más boletos para ayudar a la parroquia a venderlos pase a la oficina por sus boletos. Ministerio de San Vicente de Paul Necesitamos productos de limpieza personal como jabón, pasta de dientes, cepillo de dientes, y papel higiénico. También necesitamos comida enlatada , crema de cacahuate y mermelada. Gracias por su generosidad y ayuda. Santa Filomena extiende oraciones de gratitud a los muchos voluntarios que donan de su tiempo desinteresadamente para ayudar en las necesidades de aquello s menos afortunados en nuestra comunidad. Nuestro Programa de Educación Religiosa comenzó sus clases en inglés el domingo 13 de septiembre y en español el jueves 17 de septiembre a las 6:00 pm en español. Por favor recuerde estar siempre a tiempo. Nuestra Parroquia ya tiene su página está en las redes sociales y usted la puede encontrar en la siguiente dirección Now you can advertise your business in our weekly bulletin. For more information, please call the Parish Office at 916-481-6757 or stop by during business hours. Welcome! Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether longtime residents or newly arrived in our Parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered with St. Philomene, please fill out this form and place it in the Collection basket or mail it in to the Parish Office. Thank you and God bless you! Request for Registration Form or Change of Address Update Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________