A Stewardship Parish Our Mission: To Evangelize God's People, beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1813 Oakdale Road • Modesto, CA 95355 Office (209) 551-4973 • Fax: (209)551-3213 • • November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Holy Eucharist Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sundays: 7:30am, 9am (Traditional Latin), 10:30am 12:00 pm 1:30pm (Español) 5:30pm 7:30pm Daily Mass: 8:00am & 5:45pm; Saturdays 8:00am Traditional Latin Mass, Fridays at Noon Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Chapel access code available in office Children’s Services: Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sunday Mass 10:30am, 1:30 pm Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday thru Thursday 5-5:30pm Fridays 6:30-7:30pm Saturdays 8:30-9:30am & 4-5pm Homebound please call 551-4973 for a priest to visit you by appointment. Clergy: Fr. Mark Wagner, Pastor Fr. Francis Joseph, OCD, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Hamilton Suarez, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Mr. Ken Ochinero, Deacon Rev. Mr. Ernest Ciccarelli, Deacon RCIA Inquiries: Please contact John & Nichole Sablan: 209-581-8477 From the Pastor’s Laptop He loves us and He wants our hearts Fr. Mark Wagner Dear Parishioners, Once upon a time there was a young man who had a girlfriend, who did not love him as much as he loved her. She was materialistic and was flirtatious with every man she met. Ever since childhood she was insecure and hungry for attention and love because she did not have a respectful father nor a nurturing mother to give her unconditional love. She had the habit of dressing immodestly and collecting material things. Her restless heart was never happy unless she was shopping for makeup and fashionable clothes. One day her boyfriend got angry about the extra makeup and expensive accessories and he said: “STOP! Stop trying to buy love! Why can’t you believe that I will give you all the love you need?” This little story is a modern parable WE are like that about US. girlfriend. We are hungry for love and we look for it in all the wrong places. Jesus wants us to trust in Him: that He will give us all the love we need. But instead we are distracted by material things and we are too busy trying to find immediate satisfaction in our selfish pursuits. We forget that Jesus wants to be the “bridegroom of our souls” and that we belong to Him. Our bodies are temples which must be dedicated to Him. This little parable about the boyfriend can help us understand the story in today’s Gospel. Jesus is like the boyfriend who got angry. His love was being ignored in the temple. Instead people were buying and selling and seeking their own selfish pursuits in the house of God which was supposed to be a place of prayer and love of God. So He got angry and turned over their tables and spilled their coins and said “Stop! Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace!” We should return the love of the one who loves us. But even when we are in church we are sometimes distracted by bad thoughts, or we worry about how we look, or we daydream about work or business. There is commerce in the temple: in our thoughts. Jesus wants to say to us: “Stop!” He loves us and He wants our hearts. Today is the Feast of the Dedication of the most important church in Rome: St. John Lateran. It is a day to remember that every church is a house of God where He wants to be loved. And we also remember that we are temples of God. He wants to come in. He wants to be welcomed. He wants to find only love. All Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, November 10 Celebrating National Vocation Awareness Week! (Nov.2-9) Welcome to St. Joseph’s Questions? To make an appointment with a priest or deacon or to register at St. Joseph’s, please call our parish office at 551-4973 or stop in. See open office hours below. Parish Office Staff & Hours John Bourdon Rosa Maria Ruiz, 1:30p Raymundo Campos and Maria N. Rocha Albert Mendonca 5:30p Angeles Alegria 10:30a All the Faithful Departed 12pm 7:30p Francis Lage Leopoldo Marcale Monday, November 10 Ext. Español Altar Servers Rosario Svetlana 110 200 Buildings & Grounds Tammy 207 Children & Teen Catechesis Maria 218 Choirs & Cantors Svetlana 200 Events & Activities Tammy 207 Giving to St. Joseph’s Tammy 207 Parish Ministries Sunday, November 9 (Dedication of the Lateran Basilica) 9:00a Weekend Maintenance (209) 602-6062 Parish Lending Library Mass Intentions 7:30a (Lulu, Patty & Rosario) Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm except Wednesday: 1-6:30pm How can we help? 209 551-4973 We’re glad you’re here! 8:00a 202 Parish Registration Patty 102 Room Reservations Rosario 110 Volunteering Bertha 202 Youth Ministry Nathan 206 Readings 11-10–11-16 5:45p John & Maria Barcelos and Rita Santos Tuesday, November 11 (Veteran’s Day) 8:00a Martin Lorega, Sr. and Ronald Rose 8:00a Elizabeth Machado and Dermie Dunne 5:45p John & Maria Barcelos and Paul Anderson Wednesday, November 12 5:45p Albert Hucom and Rafaela Chavez Jimenez Thursday, November 13 208 Bertha Kristen Machado and Jose, Raul and Luis Perea 8:00a Jim Cusenza and Emilia A. Castro 5:45p Joe Barcelos and John Rivada Friday, November 14 8:00a Carol Turner and John, Joe, Jack and Jim McCarthy 5:45p Jackie Brady and Jesse & Vera Ibarra 12:00p Lois Claire Fischer Monday: Saturday, November 15 Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10 8:00a Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37 St. Joseph’s Memorial Mass 9:00a Ceferina Quijano Micaela Rangel, Elias 1:30p Padilla and Sandra Maria Ceja Gerald Lowry 3:30p Florentina Esteves 10:30a All the Faithful Departed 5:30p Boccardo Gianni 12pm 7:30p Betty Lucio Paul T. Urmeneta Altar Flower Donation 12pm Latin Mass: Heb 5:1-6; Jn 10:11-16 Saturday: 3Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31, 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 5:30p Sunday, November 16 (Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time) 7:30a Wednesday: Nathan Cusenza and Helen Sivley Remember a special day or person Call Rosario at 551-4973, ext. 110 RCIA Inquiry classes are for people who want to learn more about Catholicism, but aren’t necessarily sure they want to become Catholic. The RCIA process is also for Catholics who have not yet completed their sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Communion. To start the process call John and Nichole Sablan 581-8477 to make an appointment. Religious Education Purgatory: Arriving at the Burning Heart of God Part one of an Essay by Fr. Mark Wagner In the month of November we pray for the souls of our loved ones who have died and who may be in the state of purgatory. To understand purgatory it is important, first of all, to understand what it is not. Purgatory is not a place where sins are forgiven. Sins are already forgiven when one makes a sincere confession and receives absolution. But sin causes damage to a person’s ability to love. Mortal sin “knocks the wind out” of a person spiritually. The person is no longer “love capable”. The heart suffers from “spiritual cardio-sclerosis” and must be stretched and the flame of love rekindled. It takes time for his soul to go through the painful process of recovering from these harmful effects of sin. So the Church calls this “expiating the temporal punishments due to sin.” When a man makes a sincere confession, his sins are totally effaced. But nevertheless the priest gives him a penance which is meant to begin this process of recovery from the effects of sin. It is a little bit of “exercise” for the heart, so that the heart muscle can get stronger in its ability to love. Purgatory is not a place where a person is given a “second chance.” Once he has died, there is no more possibility of conversion. At the time of death a person's soul is what it is. There are three possibilities: The first possibility is that the person dies in a state of mortal sin. If his soul is completely devoid of real love of God and neighbor, then he cannot be in the presence of God who is Love. The person has made himself incapable of being with God in heaven and will be eternally separated from God. Unrepented mortal sin causes a soul to be in this state of sin. (This state of separation is called Hell.) The second possibility is that the person's soul is so full of love of God that he or she enters immediately into the joys of heaven. Finally, there are those who at the time of death have some love of God but who are still somewhat attached to their sinful, selfish ways. They remain somewhat self-centered and their love is divided between love of God and egoistic love of self. They are still in the habit of putting self before God. The sin is gone, but they are still “attached to sin.” They are not yet ready to give their full attention to the God of love. The moment they die, they realize that they cannot yet enter the presence of God who is all holiness and love. They know that they will eventually enter heaven and so they are grateful, even though the pain of separation in purgatory is worse than any physical pain that we can suffer in this life. In the next two weeks we will reflect on the fact that purgatory is more like a state than an actual place. But it is nevertheless very real. We will see that purgatory prepares us to enter “as through fire” (1Cor. 3:15) into the burning love of God where we will “shine like the sun in our Father’s Kingdom” (Mt. 13:43). Respect Life “CHILDREN (are the) springtime of the family and society...children are the hope that continually blossoms, a project that starts every anew, the future that opens without ceasing. They represent the flowering of married love which is found and strengthened in them. At their birth they bring a message of life.” Pope John Paul II, Address to the Third World Meeting of Families, October 14, 2000 St. Joseph’s Respect Life Committee meets monthly. The next meeting is: Monday, November 10: 5:30-6:30pm St. JP2 Center, Room 4, Vatican Conference Save the Date: Saturday, January 24: West Coast Walk for Life Page 3 – November 9, 2014 This Week Parish Events and Activities ALTAR SERVER TRAININGS I Want You for service at the Altar! Altar server training is now 9:30-11am every second Saturday of the month! Call John Marsella: 602-8031. MARY OUR MOTHER MOTHER’S GROUP Every Monday morning at 8am: Mass at St. Joseph’s, followed by adoration in the Chapel. Children welcome! Bible/Book Study: Tuesdays, 9-10:30am on Nov. 18. More information at Monday, November 10, 2014 8:00 AM Office Closed - Veterans' Day 5:30 PM Respect Life JP4 5:30 PM OLG Play Prac ce PSR 1 7:00 PM Forming Inten onal Disciples JP6 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Hall Tuesday, November 11, 2014 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training 10:30 A Light Weigh Hall JP8 3:00 PM St. Joseph's Bread Kitch 6:00PM Clases de Ingles - Intermedio JP4 6:30 PM Legion of Mary JP4 6:30 PM Rosary Makers JP5 6:45 PM St. Joseph's Bread Sign up JP6 Mee ng 7:00 PM Oración Carismá ca - Español JP7 ST. JOSEPH'S BREAD 7:00 PM OLG Play Prac ce Hall Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Is a ministry that prepares and serves dinner to guests at the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter. An informational and sign up meeting will be held on November 11, at 6:45, Room 6, Saint John Paul II Center. If you are interested, please plan to attend, or you may contact Pam at [email protected] FILIPINO LONGSILOG BREAKFAST The Filipino-American Liturgy Council Group of Ministries is serving their Longsilog Breakfast on Sunday, November 16th, from 7:00am until 12:00 noon. Cost is $6.00 and includes marinated sausages, fried/steam rice, eggs, fruits and beverages. Tickets will be sold in the plaza and at the door. Cooked/ Uncooked sausages are on sale for $5.00/package. Take-out available. Fundraising will support our December 9-Day Novena "Dawn Mass/Simbang Gabi/Misa De Gallo" and fellowship. Info Contact: Myrna Dirige 631-3589, Terry Afaga 918-6390, Imelda Miranda 529-0422 The Parish Office will be closed Monday, November 10 Like us on Facebook and stay connected with your parish family Save Trees! Call the parish office to find out about online offertory gifts. Please remember St. Joseph’s when planning your estate. Call 551-4973, ext. 207 for more information. 12:00 P Clases de Ingles - Intermedio JP4 1:30 PM Widows and Widowers Bible Study JP5 5:30 PM Alateen Group - Courage to be Me JP8 5:45 PM Al Anon Group - Path to Seren- JP10 ity 5:45 PM AA Principles Study Group JP5 6:00 PM Police Town Hall Mee ng Hall 7:00 PM Rosario a la Virgen de Guadalupe Chur Thursday, November 13, 2014 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training Hall 12:00 P Lunch Bible Study JP8 5:00 PM OLG Play Prac ce Hall 7:00 PM Filipino Liturgy Commi ee JP4 7:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial JP6 Friday, November 14, 2014 11:00 A Seniors' Boards Mee ng JP4 5:30 PM OLG Play Prac ce PSR 1 6:00 PM Alanon - Español JP10 6:30 PM Adora on and Confessions Chur 7:00 PM Indian Prayer Group JP6 Saturday, November 15, 2014 9:00 AM AA Language of the Heart JP4 9:00 AM WYD Cra Faire Hall Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:00 AM Filipino Breakfast Hall 10:00 A Children's Liturgy of the Word JP6 1:00 PM Liturgia para Niños - Español JP6 3:30 PM Filipino Mass Chur Parish Events and Activities ADVENT CHURCH CLEANING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Members of the Environment Committee will be on the Plaza after all Masses today. Please stop by our table if you are able to help with cleaning the church on Saturday, November 22, from 10:00am to 12:00 Noon. Many hands make short work! Confirmation students can also earn hours toward their Community Service hours. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37) Consider spending an hour a week with our Lord. To sign up please contact David & Monica at 527-4920. You will receive many blessings from Our Lord! ADVENT CANDLES NOW AVAILABLE IN THE PARISH BOOKSTORE! We also have many new books, movies and CD’s to celebrate the season. We are always happy to gift wrap your purchases at no charge. In the Diocese... MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Do you miss the glow you had when you were first married? Do you wish you could talk about something besides all the stresses in your life? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. The next Weekend date is: February 13-15, 2015 in Turlock. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John and Angelica Angarita at [email protected] or 209-691-0603. RETROUVAILLE—Troubled Marriages You Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are ‘Happily Married’. For everyone else, there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples rebuild their marriages. For information, or to register for the Modesto program beginning with a Weekend on Nov. 7-9, 2014, call 209-232-5315, visit the web site at, or email [email protected]. Page 5 - November 9, 2014 From our Holy Father in Rome Pope Francisco The Body of Christ made visible Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our catechesis on the Church, we have seen that the Church is a spiritual reality, the mystical Body of Christ. Yet we know that the Church is also a visible reality, expressed in our parishes and communities, and in her institutional structures. This visible reality is itself mysterious, for it embraces the countless and often hidden works of charity carried out by believers throughout the world. To understand the relationship between the visible and the spiritual dimensions of Christ’s Body, the Church, we need to look to Jesus himself, both God and man. Just as Christ’s humanity serves his divine mission of salvation, so too, with the eyes of faith, we can understand how the Church’s visible dimension is at the service of her deepest spiritual reality. Through her sacraments and her witness to Christ in our world, the Church seeks to proclaim and bring God’s merciful love to all, particularly the poor and those in need. Let us ask the Lord to enable us to grow in holiness and to be an ever more visible sign of his love for all mankind. Wednesday, 29 October 2014 If you would like more of Pope Francis’ teaching on the Church please visit audiences/2014/index.html#audiences "The Christian enters the church to love God and comes out to love his neighbor " (Author known). Youth Ministry Contact Us! Nathan Steingrebe (209)247-7863 [email protected] Samantha Jordan (209)551-4973 ext.223 [email protected] You Don’t Want to Miss What is happening in Youth Ministry!!! High School Retreat November 14th-16th in Aptos! Retreat Theme: Full Filled is designed to help strip away the worldly, prideful parts of our lives and teach us how to truly empty ourselves of all that is not of God. Only after we are emptied can God fill us. There are only 90 spots and they are filling up FAST! Militia Marie High School Peer Ministry Team! Interested?! Please contact Samantha for more information XLT!!!! Adoration, Confession and Praise and Worship! 6:30pm in the Church 3rd Friday of the month. See you there!!! Life Night Schedule: Sunday, November 9 after 5:30 Sunday Mass Fr. O’Hare Hall Food-Fun-Fellowship Parish School of Religion Updates and Announcements PSR Students have been asked to bring a monthly item to help the St. Vincent de Paul program in helping the poor. For November, they are asked to bring macaroni and cheese. We thank you for your generosity! If you want to be a part of something that is already successful…. look no further than St. Joseph’s Youth Ministry Program! Nearly 200 high school students fill up our Sunday Life Night. Do they arrive hungry after Mass? Yes! Would we love some adult cooks in the kitchen? Absolutely!! Please call Nathan Steingrebe, 247-7863 to help Center for Lay Apostolates Profiles in Stewardship By: Tammy Menezes FOCUS ON LEADERSHIPP: Plaza Refreshments are being served today by our Parish Environment Committee. Please thank them! Parish Stewardship — a way of life VETERANS SALUTE Merno Stalder (By Leonard E. Churilla, Military Historian) Merno Stalder, a veteran of the USMC, was born in Deadwood, South Dakota. He joined the Corps in 1955 when he was only 17. “I was very impressed when I met my first drill instructor,” he said. He went to Basic Training in San Diego and received his G.E.D. certificate as soon as possible. Merno’s most memorable experience was while stationed on the island of Okinawa in 1959. “I was trying to disarm a Japanese land mine which had been there for 14 years,” he said. “Although I was a tank mechanic, I was the senior enlisted man on the scene and felt it my duty to do so.” He was on his second four-year enlistment at the time. Being severely injured, he received a medical discharge. “I loved the Corps so much that when the Vietnam War got in full swing I wanted to sign up again but the medical people would not let me.” After physical therapy, Merno was later able to get a job in the trucking industry as a driver. He met his wife, the former Rosalie James, in Oakland while he was a patient at the naval hospital there. They had a son, Mark, and a daughter, Debra, who live in Modesto. Rosalie passed away in 2012 and Merno now lives with his daughter. “I miss her dearly,” he said, “and promised before she died that I would become a Catholic.” He went through RCIA at St. Joseph’s and was confirmed on Holy Thursday, 2014. “There were six of us converts,” he added. “It was such a blessing and I feel at peace now.” Merno usually attends the 10:30am Mass on Sundays and visits the Adoration Chapel on Sunday evenings. He recently joined the Knights of Columbus and now plans to join the St. Joseph’s Seniors as well. “I love the Church and am so happy to be here.” Call the Center for Lay Apostolates for more information about our Military Support Ministry. Juliana Silvey Visitors to the Center for Lay Apostolates at St. Joseph’s (the Volunteer Center) are almost always greeted and directed by Juliana, who functions as the volunteer manager of the Center. She is a longtime volunteer, who is a widow and mother of two children, Linda and James. When I first began working at St. Joseph’s, she welcomed me, gave me the “inside scoop” and often fed me lunch, insisting that I take a break. She continues to Steward both me and our visitors every day they are here. If you asked Juliana why she gives her precious prayer and service gifts to our parish, her reply would be: because it needs to be done and she gets as much back as she gives. Her gifts are based on a trust in our Lord—that he will provide what she needs. She lost her husband too early and had to continue as a strong single mother. I thank God every day that she in turn continues to “mother” and care for the volunteers and visitors to our parish. God bless you, Juliana ! New to the Parish? Wondering where to start?? Call the Center for Lay Apostolates 551-4973, ext. 207 Page 7– November 9, 2014 Boletín Parroquial en Español! From our Holy Father DEL LAPTOP DEL PÁRROCO, Padre Mark in Rome Papa Francisco El Cuerpo de Cristo hecho visible Queridos hermanos y hermanas: En otras ocasiones hablamos de la naturaleza espiritual de la Iglesia, como Cuerpo de Cristo edificado por el Espíritu Santo. Hoy nos centramos en lo que pensamos habitualmente, en lo que se ve, es decir, sus estructuras, como la parroquia, las organizaciones o las personas que normalmente la guían. Pero esto no se limita a los obispos o a los clérigos, sino que comprende a todas las personas bautizadas que creen, esperan y aman, haciendo el bien en el nombre de Jesús, acercándolo así a la vida de los hermanos. Por eso, lo visible y lo invisible de la Iglesia no se oponen, sino que se integran en la única Iglesia. Esto es un reflejo del misterio de la persona de Cristo, en la que su naturaleza divina es inseparable de su naturaleza humana, que se pone enteramente al servicio del plan divino de llevar a todos la redención y la salvación. También la Iglesia, a través de su realidad visible, como los sacramentos, el testimonio y el anuncio, está llamada a hacerse cercana a cada persona, comenzando por los más pobres, los que sufren o los marginados, para que todos sientan la mirada compasiva y misericordiosa de Jesús. Quisiera hoy elevar una oración y traer cerca de nuestro corazón al pueblo Él nos ama y quiere nuestros corazones Padre Mark Wagner Querido feligreses, Había una vez un novio quien sufría mucho porque su novia no lo amaba tanto como él la amaba a ella. Ella era materialista y coqueta con todos los hombres. Desde su niñez, ella era insegura y hambrienta de atención y amor porque no tenía un padre respetuoso ni una madre que la amase con amor incondicional. Ella acostumbraba vestirse de manera inmodesta y era muy aferrada a las cosas materiales. Su corazón era inquieto y nunca estaba contenta sino cuando iba de compras buscando maquillaje y ropa de la última moda. Finalmente un día su novio se enojó de la cantidad de maquillaje y de gastos innecesarios y gritó: “¡ALTO! ¡No sigues tratando de comprar amor! ¿Por qué no puedes creer que yo te daré todo el amor que necesitas?” Esta pequeña historia es una parábola moderna de NOSOTROS. NOSOSTROS somos como esta novia. Estamos hambrientos de amor y lo buscamos en lugares ecivocados. Pero Jesús quiere que confiemos en Él: que Él puede darnos todo el amor que necesitamos. En cambio, seguimos distraídos por las cosas materiales. No estamos contentos pues buscamos satisfacciones inmediatas y perseguimos nuestros propios intereses. Nos olvidamos que Jesús quiere ser “el novio de mi alma.” Nuestros cuerpos son templos que debe ser dedicados a Él. Esta pequeña parábola del novio puede ayudarnos a entender el Evangelio de hoy. Jesús es como el novio que se enojó. En el templo ignoraban su amor divino, allí donde debe ser una casa de oración y del amor de Dios. Más bien, buscaban sus propios intereses vendiendo y comprando cosas. Por eso, Jesús se enojó y desparramó el dinero al los cambistas y les volcó las mesas a los vendedores y dijo: “Quitad esto de aquí. ¡No hagáis de la casa de mi Padre una casa de mercado!” Debemos retornar el amor de El quien nos ama. Pero, aun estando en la iglesia, estamos a veces distraídos por malos pensamientos, o nos preocupamos por cómo nos vemos, o soñamos sobre el trabajo o el negocio. Hay comercio en el templo: en nuestros pensamientos. Jesús quiere decirnos: “¡ALTO!” Él nos ama y quiere nuestros corazones. Hoy es la Fiesta de la Dedicación de la iglesia más importante en Roma: San Juan Letrán. Es un día para recordar que cada iglesia es una casa de Dios dónde Él quiere ser amado. Y también recordamos que somos templos de Dios. Él quiere entrar. Él quiere ser aceptado. ¡Él quiere encontrar sólo amor! mexicano, que sufre por la desaparición de sus estudiantes, y por tantos problemas parecidos. Que nuestro corazón de Anuncios importantes hermanos esté cerca de ellos orando en este momento. Miércoles 29 de Octubre de 2014 audiences/2014/index.html#audiences "El cristiano entra en la Iglesia para amar a Dios y sale para amar al Prójimo" (autor desconocido). Le gustaría ayudar este 12 de diciembre pero no esta seguro como? Por favor llame a Bertha al (209) 661-8802 para mas información. Reuniones con el Padre Hamilton esta semana 11/12/14 Ministros Extraordinarios de la 7:00 pm Comunión JP 07 11/13/14 Espiritualidad 7:00 pm Matrimonial JP 07 CLASES DE INGLES GRATIS: Salón #4 JPII Martes: Intermedio y Ciudadanía 12 pm - 2 pm y 6pm - 7:30 pm Martes: Iniciados 6pm - 7:30 pm Miércoles: Intermedio12pm - 2pm Para mas información, favor de llamar a Rosario al 209 551-4973 Leer, Meditar, Orar y Vivir Somos templos vivos CORRESPONSABILIDAD (STEWARDSHIP) Por: Pastoral Juvenil Parroquial Todos formamos parte de la Iglesia y hemos de descubrir nuestra vocación en ella. Padre Hamilton Suarez Hoy recordamos de una manera especial la dedicación de la Basílica de Letrán y, al hacerlo queremos manifestar nuestro amor y unidad al Romano Pontífice, pues la basílica de Letrán es la catedral del Papa en Roma. El templo material nos ayuda a dar culto a Dios, a expresar en comunión con toda la Iglesia la alegría de la salvación y a corresponder a su amor con nuestro Archibasílica de San Juan de Letrán agradecimiento y alabanza. Unidos al Al ver actuar al Señor los discípulos sucesor de Pedro y a Toda la Iglesia, recordaron un texto de la escritura: El celo oramos y cantamos como por una sola de tu casa me devora. Para nosotros esta es boca. Dice San Agustín: “Ora en el templo de Dios quien ora en la paz de la Iglesia, en una invitación a contribuir con nuestra la unidad del cuerpo de Cristo compuesto santidad al bien de la Iglesia, a recordar la exhortación de Pablo: Mire cada uno como por numerosos creyentes del mundo construye. entero”. El evangelio también resalta como Jesús purifico el templo expulsando a los mercaderes. Era fácil justificar su existencia, pues lo numerosos peregrinos que acudían a Jerusalén necesitaban cambiar su dinero para hacer la ofrenda en el templo, y también adquirir animales para sacrificarlos a Dios. Pero el mercado había ocupado el espacio del templo y se anteponían otros intereses a los de Dios. Todos formamos parte de la Iglesia y hemos de descubrir nuestra vocación en ella. La fiesta de hoy nos llena de agradecimiento por haber sido llamados a formar parte de ella y también por el ministerio del Papa Francisco, que nos guía en el seguimiento de Cristo. Pidamos por él, para que el Señor no deje de bendecirlo con su gracia, y también pidamos por nosotros los templos vivos para que el Señor nos haga por su gracia lugar de encuentro con El. En la Diócesis... La Renovación Carismática Católica La Diócesis de Stockton les hace la cordial invitación al Gran Congreso Anual de sanación y evangelización. En la predica estarán el Padre Inocencio Llamas de Venezuela y desde Colombia el Padre Rodolfo Andrés Londoño junto a nuestro guía espiritual Padre José Domingo. Les esperamos el 15 y 16 de Noviembre 2014 en el Auditorio Cívico de Stockton, localizado en el 525 N. Center St. La entrada es gratis y puertas abren a las 8:00am. Te espera una lluvia de bendiciones, nuestro Señor Jesucristo te espera con los brazos abiertos. Juliana Silvey Los visitantes del Centro de Apostolados en St. Joseph (el Centro de Voluntarios) casi siempre son bienvenidos y dirigidos por Juliana, quien funciona como el gerente del Centro de voluntarios . Ella es una voluntaria por mucho tiempo. Es viuda y madre de dos hijos, Linda y James. Cuando comencé a trabajar en San St. Joseph, ella me dio la bienvenida, me dio la "primicia" y muchas veces me dio de comer el almuerzo, insistiendo en que me tomo un descanso. Ella sigue como corresponsal conmigo y con nuestros visitantes todos los días. Si le preguntaras a Juliana por qué se da sus preciosos regalos de oraciones y servicio a nuestra parroquia, su respuesta sería: porque se tiene que hacer y se recibe tanto como ella da. Sus regalos se basan en una confianza en nuestro Señor, que va a proporcionar lo que necesita. Ella perdió a su marido demasiado pronto y tuvo que continuar como una fuerte madre soltera. Doy gracias a Dios todos los días que ella a su vez continúa cuidado de los voluntarios y visitantes de nuestra parroquia como "madre." Dios te bendiga, Juliana! Página 9 - 9 de Novembre del 2014 “The Quick & Easy Way To Get The Cash You Need From The Credit Union You Trust” 209-948-6024 • 18 S. CENTER ST., STOCKTON • 435 W. BENJAMIN HOLT DR., STOCKTON • 4603 N. PERSHING AVE., STOCKTON • 206 E. YOSEMITE AVE., MANTECA • 200 S. SCHOOL ST., LODI • Hollow Metal • Garage • Roll Up • Installation & Repairs 525-8589 Jose Robles Manager/Parishioner Lic. #819185 Commercial and Residential Store Front Glass Door CA FD Lic. #1392 Tuxedo Rentals - Men’s Wear Parishioner 2625 Coffee Rd. Western Plaza 521-6181 SEAN F. MULLINS, D.D.S. at McHenry and Briggsmore (in front of Rite AID) Call (209) 578-1533 Hablamos Español Tagalog din po S P E C I A LT I E S Precise Mechanical Care for Mercedes-Benz ★ BMW ★ Volvo Prompt Personal Attention Reliable Work Schedule-based Prices 820 No. 9th St. 522-8011 Dale Langhout, Owner ATTORNEY AT LAW & CPA Family Law, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Tax, Wills & Trusts PUSH 1207 13th St., Suite 1 Modesto, CA 95354 Ph (209) 492-9335 Fax (209) 492-9356 O’Brien’s Market ...the best place for fresh! a great place for savings! TALK ........... 900 Santa Fe Avenue Hughson 209-883-4465 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. 521-2566 1316 Coffee Rd., Suite B-4 Modesto Parishioner PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Parishioner THOMAS P. HOGAN Federally insured by NCUA SPACE AVAILABLE To Advertise Here... 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B Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 548-4000 CHEVROLET • GEO David & Jim Halvorson Parishioner 4742 McHenry Ave. 1316 Coffee Rd. Bldg. C Modesto, CA 95355 ph 209.521.6822 fx 209.521.0466 575-1606 Se Habla Español Estate Planning Living Trusts Personal Injury Civil Litigation Real Estate and Business Matters Voted Modesto’s Favorite Lawyer Printing, Inc. Service And Quality You Expect Theresa Martinho Parishioner Eu Falo Portugues 209.530.2632 3525 Coffee Road, Modesto [email protected] 571 Tully Rd. 577-3858 PACKAGES STARTING AT $19.99 Bel Piatto Cucina Italiana Fine Italian Cuisine 1000 Kansas Ave. 209-622-0938 AUTHORIZED RETAILER La Panaderia 209-544-1871 1-877-353-5733 Rico Pan Mexicano Pasteles Para Toda Ocasion $1.00 OFF Dz. Pastries (Sunday Only) VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION AT VINTAGE FAIRE MALL SIGN UP TODAY & GET A FREE $50 GIFT CARD 3401 DALE RD., MODESTO, CA, 1C 1001 Kansas Ave. Ste. 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