Spanish companies Guide Leitfaden spanischen
Spanish companies Guide Leitfaden spanischen
folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:00 Página 1 Spanish companies Guide Leitfaden spanischen Unternehmen Guía de empresas españolas HALL 9 HALL 12 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:00 Página 2 Plants from Spain quality certificate Qualitäts - Zertifikat für Pflanzen aus Spanien ll companies exhibiting at the Spanish Pavilion have implemented a quality system. The implementation of production systems based on good production practices has experienced strong demand from the market and consumers, especially in developed countries, the main destination of Spanish exports of plants. The Plant Production Quality System, PPQS, ensures compliance in Spanish nurseries of all requirements of international quality systems related rigorous sustainability and environmental care, traceability, product quality and protection of health and safety at work, and has already been accepted by major supermarket chains and garden centers in Europe. lle Aussteller des spanischen Pavillons haben ein Qualitätssicherungssystem eingeführt, welches auf den sogenannten bestenProduktionsmethoden (=”best-production-practices”) beruht. Ein solches System wurde von Endverbrauchern und Marktteilnehmern des Einzelhandels, in sehr gut entwickelten Absatzmärkten für Pflanzen, in der zurückliegenden Zeit verstärkt nachgefragt. Gerade diese Märkte sind für den Export spanischer Pflanzen sehr wichtig. Das “ Pflanzen-Produktions-QualitätsSytem“ (PPQS), gewährleistet die Einhaltung aller internationalen Anforderungen an Betriebe des Produktionsgartenbaus zur rigorosen Einhaltung von Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltschutz, Nachverfolgbarkeit, Produktqualität, Arbeitssicherheit und der Gesundheitsvorsorge. PPQS wurde bereits von führenden Supermarktund Gartencenterketten angenommen. A A Location map of Spanish companies Lageplan der spanischen Unternehmen 2 IPM 2014 IPM 2014 1.11. Flower-bulbs / Blumenzwiebeln 1.12. Sales Promotion / Verkaufsfördernde Produkte 1.10. Seeds / Saatgut 1.9. Bonsai / Bonsai 1.8. Cut flowers / Schnittblumen 1.7. Palms / Palmen 1.6. Shrubs / Stauden 1. ALGOROS VIVEROS S.L. 2. CAN JOVER CULTIUS 3. CASA GALAN HORT.ORNAMENTAL S.L. 4. CATESA S.L. 5. CENTRE JARDINERIA SILS S.A. 6. CLAVISA 7. COPLANT GALICIA S.L. 8. CULTIUS MAS CUNI S.L. 9. EVENSAT PLANTS S.L. 10. FEDERACIÓ DE VIVERISTES DE CATALUNYA 11. HORTICULTURA CALABUIG S.L. 12. IBERPLANT JARDINERIA I VIVERS S.L. 13. JARDINERIA I VIVERS SANT ISCLE S.L. 14. JERONIMO HARO 15. LA PACHECA SPALM S. COOP. 16. LABEL S. INDUSTRIAL S.L. 17. LACESA LITORAL 18. MISTRAL BONSAI S.L. 19. ORQUIDARIO LYCASTE S.L. 20. ORVIFRUSA 21. PLANTAL PRODUCCIONES 22. PLANTANOVA S.L. 23. PLANTAS MEDITERRANEAS S.L. 24. PROVAL SAT Nº 362 CV 25. SINGULAR PLANTAS S.L. 26. SISANFLOR S.L. 27. SOLISPLANT 28. TENISPLANT SAT. 7.040 29. TORTADÈS 30. VIORCAM VINYOLS S.L. 31. VIVEROS CANOS S.L. 32. VIVEROS DENOY S.L. 33. VIVEROS ELCHE S.L. 34. VIVEROS FINCA HERMOSA S.L. 35. VIVEROS GUZMAN S. L. 36. VIVEROS HERNANDEZ SAT. 7.859 37. VIVEROS LAS CUNAS S.L. 38. VIVEROS LAS FRESAS S.L. 39. VIVEROS MACIAS 40. VIVEROS MEDIPALM S.A. 41. VIVEROS PEÑITAS S.L. 42. VIVEROS SUBTROPICALES DE TENERIFE S.L. 43. VIVEROS VALERO E HIJOS S.L. 44. VIVEROS VILLA MOLAR S.L.U. 45. VIVERPAL S.L. 46. VIVERS PLANAS S.L. 47. ZIMMERMANN / PLANTAS Y LOGISTICA S.L. 1.5. Tree-nursery plants / Baumschulpflanzen Unternehmen Klassifizierung nach Produktgruppen Clasificación de empresas por grupos de productos 1.4. Vegetables / Gemüse Company classification by product groups 1.1. Flowering pot plants / Blühende Topfpflanzen 1.2. Green plants / Grünpflanzen 1.3. Hydroponics / Hydrokulturen folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:00 Página 3 3 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:00 Página 4 SPANISH EXHIBITORS SPANISCHE AUSSTELLER / EXPOSITORES ESPAÑOLES 1 ALGOROS VIVEROS S.L. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.7 Elche - ALICANTE (+34) 965 458 066 [email protected] 2 CAN JOVER CULTIUS Jorge Orts / Ludmila Salazar (+34) 609 108 432 Palm trees, citrus trees. HALL 9 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 Sant Hilari Sacalm - GIRONA (+34) 670 097 842 [email protected] 3 CASA GALAN HORT. ORNAMENTAL S.L. Albert Gallifa (+34) 670 097 842 Container grown nursery plantas, conifers, Christmas and street trees. HALL 9 1.2 / 1.6 / 1.7 Aldaia - VALENCIA (+34) 961 505 217 [email protected] 4 CATESA S.L. José Galán / Estela Gabino (+34) 678 666 489 Laurus nobilis, Nerium oleander, palms, Mediterranean plants. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 Tacoronte - TENERIFE (+34) 922 241 875 [email protected] 5 CENTRE JARDINERIA SILS S.A. Jonay Aguilar (+34) 619 059 979 Pot plants, green plants, nursery plants and palms. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.2 Sils - GIRONA (+34) 972 875 252 [email protected] 4 Pau Bernat (+34) 609 491 820 IPM 2014 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 5 6 CLAVISA HALL 9 1.1 Vilassar de Dalt - BARCELONA (+34) 937 530 701 [email protected] 7 COPLANT GALICIA S.L. Francesc Serra (+34) 629 713 340 Cacti and succulent plants producer. HALL 9 1.6 Goian - PONTEVEDRA (+34) 986 621 486 [email protected] 8 CULTIUS MAS CUNI S.L. Iolanda Ferreira (+34) 663 896 517 HALL 9 1.5 / 1.6 Bordils - GIRONA (+34) 972 490 627 [email protected] 9 EVENSAT PLANTS S.L. Lluís Arbat (+34) 609 718 575 Trees. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.6 / 1.7 Liria - VALENCIA (+34) 961 115 683 [email protected] 10 Eliseo Pascual (+34) 646 988 118 Nerium oleander, Dipladenia (Sanderi Sundaville, Rio), Ficus carica, Vitis s.p., Trachycarpus fortunei, Olea europaea. FEDERACIÓ DE VIVERISTES DE CATALUNYA HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.9 Vilassar de Mar - BARCELONA (+34) 937 501 366 [email protected] 11 HORTICULTURA CALABUIG S.L. Josep M. Pagès (+34) 670 701 905 Professional Association of Nurseries HALL 9 1.1 / 1.6 Alboraya - VALENCIA (+34) 961 856 725 [email protected] IPM 2014 Oscar Calabuig (+34) 639 639 437 Nerium Oleander, Yucca Jewell, Trachycarpus, Drácena, Yucca Emilia. 5 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 6 12 IBERPLANT JARDINERIA I VIVERS S.L. HALL 12 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 /1.6 / 1.7 / 1.9 Amposta - TARRAGONA (+34) 977 707 029 [email protected] 13 Joan Miquel Cerdà (+34) 630 953 156 Garden Center, olive trees nursery, olive macrobonsais (from 12 to 2,500 years), patented pruning. JARDINERIA I VIVERS SANT ISCLE S.L. HALL 12 1.1 / 1.5 Sant Feliu de Pallerols - GIRONA (+34) 972 444 356 [email protected] 14 JERONIMO HARO Francesc Prat (+34) 610 275 201 Outstanding Mediterranean plants: Arbutus unedo, Quercus suber, Quercus ilex. HALL 9 1.2 Garrucha - ALMERÍA (+34) 950 132 540 [email protected] 15 LA PACHECA SPALM S. COOP. Jerónimo Haro (+34) 629 732 113 Ornamental plant (Polygala, Bignonia, Cyca, Bouganvillea, Ficus, Strelitzia, Agapanthus, Jazminum...). HALL 9 1.5 / 1.7 Pilar de la Horadada - ALICANTE (+34) 996 182 633 [email protected] 16 LABEL S. INDUSTRIAL, S.L. LACESA LITORAL Palm trees, Citrus, Jasmine, Dipladenia. HALL 9 Zamudio - VIZCAYA (+34) 944 523 858 [email protected] 17 Victor Martínez / Joaquín Torregrosa (+34) 609 915 341 Alicia Ruiz (+34) 652 891 205 Labels. HALL 9 1.2 Vera - ALMERIA (+34) 950 391 840 [email protected] 6 Pedro Raya (+34) 607 198 905 Ornamental plants (Argyranthemum, Osteospermum, Dianthus, flowering plants, aromatic plants, seasonal plants). IPM 2014 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 7 18 MISTRAL BONSAI S.L. HALL 9 1.9 Camarles - TARRAGONA (+34) 977 471 019 [email protected] 19 ORQUIDARIO LYCASTE S.L. Nuria Muro Import and Mediterranean bonsai. Accesories. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.8 Valle de Guerra - TENERIFE (+34) 922 541 500 [email protected] 20 ORVIFRUSA José Luis Rodríguez (+34) 616 402 146 Pot plants, green plants, nursery plants, palms, shrubs, cut flowers. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.6 / 1.7 Alaquas - VALENCIA (+34) 961 804 210 [email protected] 21 PLANTAL PRODUCCIONES Raúl Ferrer Fruit trees, Mediterranean plants, palm trees, climbers, Nerium oleander. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6 El Ejido - ALMERIA (+34) 950 485 454 [email protected] 22 PLANTANOVA, S.L. Ton Olsthoorn (+34) 606 950 415 Dipladenia, Hibiscus, Adenium, tomatoes, succulent plants, Cordylines, Zantedeschia, Carnelias. HALL 9 1.2 / 1.6 / 1.7 Quart de Poblet - VALENCIA (+34) 961 523 001 [email protected] 23 PLANTAS MEDITERRANEAS S.L. Mediterranean plants, palm trees, citrus trees. HALL 9 1.5 / 1.7 Elche - ALICANTE (+34) 965 419 608 [email protected] IPM 2014 Isabel Anton (+34) 646 964 747 Palm trees, olive trees, citrus trees. 7 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 8 24 PROVAL SAT Nº 362 CV HALL 9 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.6 Algemesí - VALENCIA (+34) 605 255 252 [email protected] 25 SINGULAR PLANTAS S.L. Manuel Ruiz Mediterranean plants. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.7 / 1.9 Elche - ALICANTE (+34) 965 439 325 [email protected] 26 SISANFLOR S.L. SOLISPLANT Mediterranean plants, palm trees, bonsai, succulent plants. HALL 9 Sisante - CUENCA (+34) 969 147 028 [email protected] 27 Ramón Brotons (+34) 626 028 518 Enrique Niñerola (+34) 638 464 111 Stones and decorative elements for gardening. Substrates. HALL 9 1.2 / 1.7 El Ejido - ALMERIA (+34) 950 483 609 [email protected] 28 TENISPLANT SAT. 7.040 Jorge Solís Ferrer HALL 9 1.1 / 1.6 / 1.7 Alcacer - VALENCIA (+34) 961 221 400 [email protected] 29 TORTADÈS Evaristo Almudever (+34) 639 649 966 Cupressus, Euonymus, Phornium, Punica granatum "Nana", others Mediterranean plants and semicultivated plants in MC.9. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.6 St. Hilari Sacalm - GIRONA (+34) 972 868 730 [email protected] 8 Josep Clarasó (+34) 650 112 164 Conifers, trees and shrubs. IPM 2014 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 9 30 VIORCAM VINYOLS S.L. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.7 / 1.9 Vinyols i Els Arcs - TARRAGONA (+34) 977 851 851 [email protected] 31 VIVEROS CANOS S.L. David Calafell (+34) 663 814 842 Ornamental plants producers: olive trees, palm trees (outstanding plants), citrus trees, ornamental trees and fruit trees. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.6 / 1.7 Nules - CASTELLON (+34) 964 670 170 [email protected] 32 VIVEROS DENOY S.L. Elena Espinosa (+34) 667 642 211 / 666 211 164 Olive trees, exotic plants, trees, import plants, fruit trees, conifers. HALL 9 1.1 Arzua - LA CORUÑA (+34) 981 193 831 [email protected] 33 VIVEROS ELCHE S.L. Enrique Argibay (+34) 659 234 811 HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.6 / 1.7 Aspe - ALICANTE (+34) 965 483 747 [email protected] 34 VIVEROS FINCA HERMOSA S.L. Ulises López (+34) 669 769 760 Mediterranean plants. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.6 / 1.7 Elche - ALICANTE (+34) 608 419 286 [email protected] 35 VIVEROS GUZMAN S.L. Francisco Macia (+34) 637 833 014 Mediterranean plants specialist: olive trees, fig trees, palm trees, citrus trees, etc. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 Coín - MÁLAGA (+34) 952 112 106 [email protected] IPM 2014 Benny Hansen (+34) 649 893 050 Roses, Diplademia, Ficus, Bougainvillea, shrubs, seasonal plants, palms. 9 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 10 36 VIVEROS HERNANDEZ SAT. 7.859 HALL 9 1.1 / 1.7 Alcacer - VALENCIA (+34) 961 240 061 [email protected] 37 VIVEROS LAS CUNAS S.L. Michiel Fonck (+34) 659 278 276 Palms and Mediterranean plant. HALL 9 1.2 Garrucha - ALMERIA (+34) 950 132 540 [email protected] 38 VIVEROS LAS FRESAS S.L. Jerónimo Haro (+34) 629 732 113 Ornamental plant (Polygala, Bignonia, Cyca, Bouganvillea, Ficus, Strelitzia, Agapanthus, Jazminum...). HALL 9 1.2 Vícar - ALMERÍA (+34) 950 555 592 [email protected] 39 VIVEROS MACIAS Antonia Salmeron (+34) 606 520 764 Green Plants, Dipladenias, Hibiscus, Roses, Dianthus, Stephanotis, Allamanda, … HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.9 Carmona - SEVILLA (+34) 954 142 610 [email protected] 40 VIVEROS MEDIPALM S.A. Rafael Macias (+34) 608 413 136 Trachycarpus, Olea europaea, Phyllostachys, Cupressus, Yucca rostrata, Nerium, Palms... HALL 9 1.1 / 1.6 / 1.7. San Juan de Los Terreros (Pulpi) - ALMERIA (+34) 950 529 407 [email protected] 41 VIVEROS PEÑITAS S.L. Alberto Pascual (+34) 670 970 177 Palm trees, shrubs, olive trees and Mediterranean plants. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 Talavera de La Reina - TOLEDO (+34) 925 850 200 [email protected] 10 Arturo Galera (+34) 663 721 214 Palm trees, conifers. IPM 2014 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 11 42 VIVEROS SUBTROPICALES DE TENERIFE S.L. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 Valle de Guerra - TENERIFE (+34) 661 571 620 [email protected] 43 VIVEROS VALERO E HIJOS S.L. Paul Witte (+34) 661 571 620 Pot plants, green plants, nursery plants, shrubs, palms. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.6 / 1.7 Elche - ALICANTE (+34) 965 428 352 [email protected] 44 VIVEROS VILLA MOLAR S.L.U. Juan Vicente Valero (+34) 608 892 891 Mediterranean plant, olive trees, palm trees, citrus trees, cactus. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 / 1.9 / 1.11 La Hoya-Elche - ALICANTE (+34) 965 457 540 [email protected] 45 VIVERPAL S.L. Paul Van Der Ziel (+34) 647 535 935 Palm trees, citrus trees, olive trees, ornamental plant, Mediterranean plant. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.6 / 1.7 Picaña - VALENCIA (+34) 961 591 214 [email protected] 46 VIVERS PLANAS S.L. María Albert (+34) 620 861 034 Nerium oleander, Olea europaea, palm trees. HALL 12 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.6 / 1.7 Celra - GIRONA (+34) 972 488 213 [email protected] 47 ZIMMERMANN - PLANTAS Y LOGISTICA S.L. Joaquim Planas (+34) 607 241 099 Trees and shrubs, outstanding plants and conifers, ornamental olive trees. HALL 9 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.6 / 1.7 Javea - ALICANTE (+34) 965 795 052 [email protected] IPM 2014 Santiago Montagud / Jessica Zimmermann (+34) 679 180 147 / 664 484 002 11 folleto_IPM_2014_Interiores 20/01/2014 10:01 Página 12 Organizer: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Productores Exportadores de Frutas, Hortalizas, Flores y Plantas Vivas C/ Miguel Ángel, 13, 4º 28010 - Madrid (+34) 913 191 050 [email protected] / Nursery Associations: ASFPLANT - Asociación Profesional de Flores, Plantas y Tecnología Hortícola de la Comunidad Valenciana Guillen de Castro, 79 - 4º 46008 - València (+34) 963 513 059 [email protected] / Federació d’Agricultors Viveristes de Catalunya Cr. N-II, Km 639,5 - Edifici Mercat Flor i Planta Ornamental 08340 - Vilassar de Mar - Barcelona (+34) 937 501 366 [email protected] / ASOCIAFLOR - Asociación Andaluza de Viveristas y Floricultores Avda. de Málaga, 16-1ºC 41004 - Sevilla (+34) 954 424 298 [email protected] / ASOCAN - Asociación de Cosecheros y Exportadores de Flores y Plantas Vivas de Canarias Muelle de Ribera, s/n 38001 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife (+34) 922 288 386 [email protected] / ASPROGA - Asociación de Productores de Plantas Ornamentales de Galicia Urb. Las Mimosas, C/ 3, Local 1 15895 - Viduido - Ames - A Coruña (+34) 981 535 979 [email protected] Asociación Profesional de Horticultura de Aragón, Navarra, Rioja y Soria Paseo de la Constitucion, 12-6ª 50008 - Zaragoza (+34) 670 276 382 [email protected] More info at: PARTNER COMPANY
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