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alistica -
BIBLIA CA I ; ALISTICA REV. WALTER BEGLE^ Presented to the LIBRARY of the UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO by the CANADIAN FOUNDATION for JEWISH CULTURE FELDHEIM S House of the Jewish look Bcoodwoy.N.Y.,N.Y. 10002 c BIBLIA CABALISTICA OR THE CABALISTIC BIBLE \v BIBLIA CABALISTICA OR THE CABALISTIC BIBLE SHOWING HOW THE VARIOUS NUMERICAL CABALAS HAVE BEEN CURIOUSLY APPLIED TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, WITH NUMEROUS TEXTUAL EXAMPLES RANGING FROM GENESIS TO THE APOCALYPSE, AND COLLECTED FROM BOOKS OF THE GREATEST RARITY, FOR THE MOST PART NOT IN THE MUSEUM OR ANY PUBLIC LIBRARY IN GREAT BRITAIN BRITISH WITH INTRODUCTION, APPENDIX OF CURIOS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY BY THK REV. WALTER BEGLEY EDITOR OF "NOVA SOLYMA," ETC, LONDON PUBLISHED BY DAVID NUTT AT THE SIGN OF THE PHCENIX LONG ACRE , MPCCCCIH PRIMED BY MAXELL, WATSON AXD VISET. LD. LCMX>X AXP AYLE6BVKY. PREFACE is need for an extended preface to little THERE the title-page shows very plainly of the are a contents. of readers People with such are they books not that are for who curious, in regretted on library the course their out of of literary curiosities, increase nowadays. the for the should of their pages following be the books which," without," common reading. requirements. " And run, This 1 as can for and book only succeed in attracting the attention and satisfying whose ranks my believe, s the here, that collectors paradoxical, meet well curiosity of a few, bibliophiles I are, no gentleman will also it and lovers book, for purport and the nature its do not so much care tastes met with therefore hope that the " told, before should would simply say intended chiefly class I this enlistment. at I least, of that somewhat eccentric band of joined some years ago, and have never CONTENTS .... INTRODUCTION PAGE 3 ... VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM APOCRYPHA ... NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM CABALISTIC APPENDIX AND LUTHERAN CURIOS, : BIBLIOGRAPHY . 27 . 57 . 67 SCRIPTURAL, PATRISTIC, Ir 5 . . . ... . . . . 153 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION AM rather afraid that the title will scarcely give a correct idea of the contents of this book, for there is an old cabala and a new cabala, and these two are different. The first is very mainly Hebrew, and occasionally Greek the second is almost entirely Latin, and of much later invention, not being heard of till about A .D. 1530. The old cabala per gematriam, as it was technically spoken of, is well known to Biblical scholars The new cabala everywhere. is scarcely mentioned in any books of reference, and the works con taining specimens of it are rare in the highest degree this latter fact accounting for the general want of knowledge on the subject. What I mean by saying that the title may convey a wrong idea is that ninetynine persons out of a hundred would think of the old Hebrew and Greek cabala and the Jewish fancies therein displayed, whereas our Cabalistlca has to do with the of Christian record mainly Bibha^ fancy on Christian themes while here the Latin is the one tongue chiefly used. It matches my Biblia Anagrammatica, and runs on exactly parallel lines with it, being a collection of Bible texts treated in this case I ; ; ^ ; as they are in that case anagrammatically, and therefore choose any other title. this cabalistically, I However, I have not failed to notice in an appendix book some of the strongest and most older cabala, so I hope that readers who could hardly end of of the interesting examples this will not be only expected at the altogether disappointed. the Moreover, some general remarks on this more ancient part of are needed now, to as an introduction to begin with, subject the whole. BIBLIA CABALISTIC A 4 AND MYSTICAL CABALISTIC NUMBERS SCRIPTURES OF IN THE ANCIENT THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT. and This curious branch of theological science has been investigated two and quite recently discussed by many writers, ancient and modern, have gone deeply into H. Mr. Weldon, and Dr. J. writers, Bullinger not before noticed. the matter and added many curious coincidences of equal value, and means no The instances given by them are by deductions from cabalistic But their some are not very convincing. and 153, are so the numbers of the Bible, notably 8, 13, some of best of them in my remarkable and novel that I have included the To readers not numbers in the appendix. survey of the cabalistic in connection taken conversant with gematria they will be a surprise, and, show that to sufficient be with other instances adduced, will, I think, random mere than fancy in there may very possibly be something more used are Writ by the the way many special numbers and names of Holy than inferences from I claim no more my writers. original Personally, much farther. professed students go is the unobjectionable following statement Anyhow, in Holy Scripture deserves more study numbers of symbolical meaning This is a remark and attention than it has received in recent times." who of Dr. Christopher Wordsworth, a learned and judicious scholar, made was It man. was the very reverse in every way of an extreme made such some years ago, and since then the science of theology has that nowadays one well as in other directions, rapid progress, in this as deserves Bible the can venture boldly to say that even the cabala of has been dismissed almost It than it has received. this, although many : more study and most unproductive of literary follies. in agreement All educated men of evenly balanced minds were virtually be any magic power or in their view that there was not and could not and all in gematria or the counting of a name or text, significance interest in such puerile fancies were either stupidly people who took in their conceptions of what true or universally as the superstitious knowledge was. As vainest grossly ignorant other so often happens in the matter of literary judgments, and both right as well, these cultivated and judicious men were judgments INTRODUCTION 5 and wrong. They were right according to the lights and knowledge of their age, and their judgment was sane according to the evidence before But there was a great deal of evidence not before them, which them. has since come to light and made their opinion, which was once relatively right, become now relatively wrong. In days gone by, no one thought of looking upon a Primitive Christian in the light of an initiate with mysterious knowledge carefully To all Churchmen, High or Low, Primitive conveyed and concealed. became wise unto salvation by about the same or some what similar means as Primitive Methodists become converted men This was the current idea true enough in a certain sense, nowadays. of course, but withal very misleading, for how much of importance was " Christians " unknown overlooked or ! The various complicated ways in which the earliest Christianity was into connection with the Greek, Mithraic, and other mysteries, brought is almost a study of the last half-century, and has a by no means unimportant connection with mystic names and numbers. And the same be said of the Essenes, the Neo-Pythagoreans, and all the may many embryonic forms of in Gnosticism, which were, like microbes, the air," naturally infecting more or less every religious growth within their sphere of influence, according as the nidus was suitable or not. The disputants of past generations were unaware of most of these things. And yet the Primitive Christian was an initiate plainly enough, and But the Christian had a disciplina arcani even as other initiates. there was with them other over this had mysteries mysteries advantage " : " the open door earth. That and on for behold, the door was opened in heaven to say, Christianity was an initiation of a more universal " ; is mysteries or any of the various other mystic rites which multiplied to an unusual extent just In Christ Jesus there was no bar before and after the Christian era. Whosoever will, let of birth, nationality, or even of moral conduct. him come ; Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor character than was allowed in the Eleusinian " " " Sinners, slaves, uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free." and outcasts were invited to come freely. Women, too, debarred from the great mysteries of Paganism, were accepted here on equal terms. In Christ Jesus there was neither male nor female. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 6 I believe that widow this acceptance of the woman virgin, wife, and to the rites and ceremonies and religious on almost equal terms religion, had more to do with the rapid progress of The triumph early Christianity than is generally supposed. is not reason great sufficiently dwelt upon by the critics and historians of the Rise and Progress of our Faith. Women comprise half, or more than half, of the human race, and their susceptibilities to a religion of faith and hope are much stronger and more persistent than those of the sterner sex. Even allowing that with women these feelings are less sceptical and critical than with men, we must not forget that religions rise and advance not by the dry critical faculty so much as by the Besides, would not imaginative enthusiasm of the anima naturaliter pia. a religion of love and peace appeal more to the impulsive woman than privileges of the and new final to the fierce warrior or the subtle logician ? Many of the early Christians had, no doubt, been initiates, and when converted to the new method of salvation that Soteria so many were seeking in those days of religious revival they would readily understand the mystic or cryptic allusions in the writings of the New Testament, especially when written by converted initiates, as the writers of the Epistle to the Colossians and the Apocalypse most probably were. The mystic numbers of Daniel and the Apocalypse would be no new ground to initiates and deep religious inquirers. The philosophy of the ancients was greatly geometrical. It is a reported dictum of Plato that God Himself and it was the mark of the wise to under yea^erpet, stand hierophantic and other mysteries, and to deliver them in turn It was esoteric (IlapaSocris). knowledge not meant for those that were without, and therefore there was a certain concealment to preserve such matters from profane eyes ; but it was the duty and privilege of the "wise" within the fold, of those who had to "count "understanding," the number and possess the secret. Besides the cryptic signs known by tradition to the initiates, there was cryptic astrology as well. Many of the mystic numbers in the Bible are connected with the " astronomy, motions of the heavenly bodies, the yearly motion of the sun (as was then thought) through the constellations, etc. The it signs in the Apocalypse are manifestly taken from the heavenly and indeed we learn from the first chapter of Genesis that one bodies, INTRODUCTION 7 of the purposes for which these heavenly luminaries were created was and this purpose was put first in the sacred text. to be for signs," Therefore we should not be too ready to say, as many do, that these remarkable cabalistic coincidences were not originally intended by the " but have been extracted from the text by the ingenious fancy and device of men who found what they looked for. We may admit that ingenious manipulation of words and numbers but has sometimes brought out what was never intended, nay, often too and too too clear, startling there is an honest residuum, precise, of the to be anything but positively indicative of the cryptic cabalism of the books sacred the of the Biblical writers. composers Many of Revelators. the and of the especially Gospels, Bible, the compilers, too, such as Daniel and John, would feel bound by the nature of their themes To take one simple instance to be cryptic and cabalistic and esoteric. and the u And the third a marriage in Cana of Galilee day there was is this that is throughout mother of Jesus was there." My strong opinion more in a cryptic statement of an esoteric character, that there is much I have words the that and by it than appears to the ordinary reader, to intended writer the as narrative in the well, italicised, and farther on was which truth or some theological wise spiritual convey to the And the account of a provincial wedding feast. from different widely of herd to the with hold will I think the same remark regard writers, : ; " " good the swine that ran violently down a steep place into the sea (the deep, choked. abyss ?) and were we do not know what the cryptic teaching of such because It is just make the narratives is, that they seem so strange to us in the Bible, and faith of many grow cold. broke off the engage It was ignorance of these things that nearly of Trinity, and his Master Dr. famous ment between the Bentley, first met at Bishop he whom affianced lady, Miss Joanna Bernard, we fact latter which from might infer that she was Stillingfleet s house, severely orthodox. her It seems she was much alarmed one day by some expressions of the measurements the to image golden learned lover used with regard which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. They seemed to her to Whiston has told cast a doubt on the authority of the Book of Daniel. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 8 us what Bentley out of alarming assertion was. s sixty cubits high, and six cubits broad. The image " Now," is described as said Bentley, this is have been ten cubits broad at least." proportion ought we are made the This, told, good lady weep." It has been supposed that this lovers difference was amicably arranged on the basis suggested that the by Whiston sixty cubits included the pedestal. Anyhow, they all it ; to " happy wedded life together for forty years, and considering the Master of Trinity s determined temper and almost lifelong worries, we may well agree with Professor Jebb (Bentley, p. 98) when he says, Perhaps, if all were known, few women ever went through more in trying, like Mrs. Thrale, to be civil for two." But what a regrettable incident if forty happy years of married life had really thus been sacrificed, through both parties being ignorant of the mystical and cabalistic meaning of the number 6 It was the ordinary method in all mysteries for the hierophants or mystagogues to convey hidden truths by means of a more or less obvious fiction. They would thus use a myth, or parable, or significant number, lived a 14 ! to conceal the inner " recently, surface is meaning, and, as an anonymous writer has said very to pass that the crude and -childish lie on the ignorantly believed for the whole truth, instead of being It as has the come mere clue to its inner All theology is meaning. way, and her twofold utterances must be read with a double mind. Thus, when we read in the Scriptures of the Church, or in the saintly legends, a fiction showing more than ordinary exuberance of fancy, we may be sure that our attention is being specially arrested. When miraculous events are related of the gods, or when they are depicted in marvellous shapes, the author gives us to understand that When singular and unearthly something uncommon is being conveyed. beasts are described such as Behemoth and Leviathan, the unicorn or the phoenix, it is intended that we should search deeply into their meaning for such are some of the artifices by which the ancients at once concealed and explained their hidden mysteries. recognised composed in this : "* As that far as the Old Testament is concerned, it has been supposed some astronomical science of the Hebrews is mystically concealed * The Canon (Lond. 1897), p. 10. INTRODUCTION 9 under the figures of Noah s Ark, the Tabernacle, the Temple of In the New Testament it Solomon, and the Holy Oblation of Ezekiel. the mystical city of the to these added Christians the that is thought last two in the described New Jerusalem chapters of the Revelation. are in some way astronomical, s numbers Daniel that clear It seems of the Apocalypse dealing numbers of the with holds same and the many a part while of the consummation with the gematria was evidently age, as Testament New the in appears days, of the esoteric teaching early from the number of the Beast, and from what we read in the Epistle of Barnabas (chap, ix.) concerning the number of Abraham s servants, Abraham circumcised 318 "For which was 318 scripture says that known the was what But house. men of his mystery that was made numerical the For the next and first the Mark 300. unto him ? 18, And these denote IH(^OTS). And letters of 10 and 18 are IH. he because the Cross was that by which we were to find grace, therefore Wherefore his of is T which of note the cross). adds (the figure : 300 by two letters he ; and by the third his cross. He knows No one his doctrine within us. the this who has put engrafted gift of I know that but than me from word this, ye has learned a more genuine signified Jesus, worthy of This is ingenious, but the later rabbis have, in a midrash, I think For they, finding that the name of Eliezer, Abraham s surpassed it. from this that Eliezer himself steward, was by gematria 318, inferred s Abraham of men household, and that armed stood for the 318 Eliezer alone, who Bible with the in mentioned Abraham got the victory at home. them of rest the left he that and of was equal to all them, are it." Prudentius refers to this number of early Christian poet be his in s servants Psychomachia, and adds that we, too, may if we conflicts our in successful and comprehend only rich in servants, the mystica figura of the number 318. The passage has been rather a crux with commentators, who in three their expositions have found, as did Mr. Gladstone so often, them to courses open i. With Rupertus, Pererius, and Antonius Nebrissensis, they might conclude that the Council of Nicaea and its 318 bishops there assembled The Abraham : was the reference intended, and that the Nicene Creed was the mystica BIBLIA CABALISTICA io figura which should so greatly avail us ; being that whereby the great opponent Arius was routed by the 3 1 8 bishops, and whereby we should prevail also if we held it fast to the end. 2. The explanation of Barnabas as recorded above. was the 3. The explanation that VnICa CrVCIs flgVra mystic meant by Prudentius, which, according to the value of its Latin numerals was exactly 318 viz., three C s, three V s, and three Fs. I think No. 2 seems the most The date of Prudentius is likely. figure much too early for any chronogrammatic device such as No. 3, which therefore out of court. As for the apocalyptical number 666, the amount of time and discussion that has been wasted on it is is amazing. David Thorn, a Liverpool minister, composed a large octavo of more than four hundred pages on this number, and discusses many of the solutions very learnedly. Strange to say, he dismissed the most likely number of the numerous list without a remark. We shall see in the appendix how ingeniously our concealed Lutheran cabalist stamped it indelibly on one of the Popes Leo X. The Popes have always had this bestial mark given them by Protestants, if it could possibly be fixed upon them in one way or another. But now, surely, we know how wrong and foolish all this defaming and branding of ecclesiastical What had the Apocalypse dignities is. to do with the The Apocalypse spoke Popes ? The idea seems absurd. to the initiates who had Its concern was understanding." mainly with current political events and the wondrous soon to things happen on the earth. Consequently we must not look for the solution of 666 in an ecclesiastical direction. The Popes and the Apocalypse are very far Caesar and his apart. Babylon," and the privileges of Roman citizen ship (possibly the mark of the Beast in the hand), were the burning questions of that book and age. There seems a great that was a socialistic " " probability Christianity one, and herein is the explanation of the persecution of the Christians by the Caesars, good and bad alike, Marcus Aurelius as well as Nero. The wily politicians in high places saw the democratic and socialistic danger ; and the peaceloving, brotherly community of watchful, expectant Christians saw their movement real as well as a and greatest enemy. religious and moral INTRODUCTION 1 1 was Rome, the second Babylon, the mother of wealth, idolatry, tyranny, and all the abominations of the earth. If the peaceable kingdom of Christ was to be set up, then the cry must first resound through the The Sibylline books, both Jewish and earth, Babylon is fallen." Doubtless there were many com Christian, point in this direction. munistic socialists and initiates among the readers of the Seer of Patmos. To them Christ was Lord, not Caesar, and that was the ultimate test Such as that brought so many of them to the lions and the flames. they would not be very long in guessing or counting out by gematria that Beast which has puzzled so many generations since. But my Elblia Cabalistica only touches upon the mystic numbers It " is to of the Bible incidentally. Its primary object, as already hinted, the Bible the a of texts from and to curious collection reader present been which have treated authors, cabalistically by ingenious Apocrypha, and which are for the most part unknown even to bookworms of It runs strictly parallel in its method to my considerable research. Biblia Anagrammatica, and both deal only with Bible texts throughout, the one great exception being the early Lutheran exposition of 2300, 1290, 1335, and 666, which are numbers rather than texts, and this has been added on account of its rarity and singular ingenuity, and thrown into an appendix with some other singularities connected with the numerical cabala of the Bible. Now, when did this science or pseudo-science first make its ap How old is this gematria^ this exposition of words by their pearance ? numerical value, in which the Talmudic Jews, and other people before them and after them, so much delighted ? I do not suppose any precise date can be given at this distance of time, and when the records of Eastern nations which might throw light on the subject are lost, or rather not yet available. For who, after our Babylonian and Egyptian we can to dare finds, may not yet find further accounts of the rise say and influence of this branch of esoteric philosophy ? However, in any case, I believe the cabala was used much earlier must go behind the Jews farther back than most people think. into the ages to people more civilised than they were, if we wish to meet What the Eastern with the prima stamina of these curious devices. wisdom dealt largely with numbers nations understood by the term We t " BIBLIA CABALISTICA 12 Without going too far back into the dim past as the time when Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians," we may safely say that the Jews, during their captivity in would learn the "wisdom Babylon, of the Chaldeans, and this was most numerical and distinctly astrological, connected with recurring cycles of stellar motion and times and seasons marked out by the stars and the sun s passage through them. And later on, when through the liberal treatment of the Greek Ptolemies they " " lived in free intercourse with the philosophers of all schools at Alexandria, the Pythagorean doctrine that number is the active principle and root of the visible world would doubtless be to their notice. brought of as a matter Indeed, we find that very idea was current among them in some of those Biblical writings we call the which Apocrypha, really hailed not from Jerusalem, but from the Alexandrian school. Judaic good instance is Wisdom xi. 20, where we read But Thou hast ordered all fact, A " : things in measure, and number, and weight." The numerical cabala of the old kind was at favour and influence during the period its greatest height of beginning a century before the three centuries after that event introduction of Christianity and ending B.C. 100 A.D. 300, which period would include the later Persian, Chaldean, and Alexandrian precursors of the Gnostics, and the Gnostics themselves, who were, some of them, great cabalists, and more addicted to the art than the contemporary Jew or the Christian mystic who remained orthodox. i.e., However, the authorities, whether Imperial or Pontifical, never curious art with favourable To the Emperors eyes. it seemed allied to the art of the mathematici," a class of men they hated and feared, although they consulted them. To the ecclesiastical looked upon this " savoured of heresy, Gnosticism, and Judaism. So it out of favour, but it remained with the Talmudic gradually Jew who wisdom," and it burst forth with a new sought after light when the Zohar was found, or rather concocted, in the thirteenth century. The mediaeval Jews, too, we are told on good authority, continued to practise with great glee these old devices of their forefathers. Another class of Jewish (mediaeval) pastimes was of a more intellectual nature. Arithmetical tricks known as gematria were old favourites instances of them are not unknown in the Old Testament perhaps authorities^ it fell " ; INTRODUCTION At 13 were very events, they Zeitschrifa 1896, p. 122). recreation of great the formed and Middle the in much fancied Ages, The Talmud, for instance, humorously says that rabbinical scholars. (cf Stade s all good Jew must drink wine at Purim until he can no longer distinguish The point between Blessed be Mordecai and Cursed be Haman. the of of the remark was derived from the numerical identity = 502)." words forming the two phrases (each a have J the beginning of the eighteenth century, of a honour in found an instance of a Jew using the Biblical cabala three first the As this broad-minded Jew made use of Christian prince. in its place in the present book Psalm verses of xxi., the attempt appears Simon Woll and the pamphlet figures in the bibliography (s.v. 1701, But in these later times of the sixteenth and seventeenth Brandes) the converted Christian ex-rabbis who made the greatest And centuries, later on, at it was their in every case with a view to convert public use of the cabala, who are told of a cabalist (presumably a Christian) brethren out of the dimensions of obtained the name of Jesus (Jod, Schin, Vau) And the Jewish rabbi, the Ark, and again out of Solomon s Temple. Carret (he became _a Ludovicus called afterwards Theodorus Genuensis, to Christianity by the wonderful cabalistic physician), was converted could be drawn from the tnhteral name JbV mysteries he had noticed the three-headed letter (Scnm) always declared that (in Hebrew). W. Schickard, in in the middle referred to the mystery of the Trinity. is my his work, Bechinath Happeruschin, Tubingen, 1624, pp. 65-102 We He authority, Fisionibus and Dei. refers This which to I I a work by Rabbi Theodorus, entitled a DC book by have not met with, but there have seen, entitled Vernunfftigen Creaturen of a wonderful 1632, where the measurements is Faulhaber, Weissarunren, Augsburg, famous prophetical numbers stag are taken, with the result that the hoofs and 666 1260, 1335, and 2300 all come out from the horns, fish a wonderful back of the portentous animal. And again, he takes from and on it, found on the coast of Denmark with strange characters the Apocalyptic more once out he these of a cunning manipulation brings marked These marvels have always been received with numbers. J * Israel Abrahams, the Middle Ages (London, 1896-8), p. 381. Jewish Life in H BIBLIA CABALlSTlCA attention by the uneducated vulgar, which I suppose accounts for their recurrence. must remember, too, that neither the Jews nor Greeks in ancient times used special and distinct numerals as we do ; for with them the letters of the alphabet were their numerals, and therefore the number of a word was much more open to observation and calculation than We with us. The great their :lmchmg known many of the Talmudic rabbis had for arguments by means of the numerical cabala is well that liking to Oriental students. Rav Yehudah, For instance : _ the brother of Rav Salla the Holy, said has no permission to accuse any one on the Day of Atonement low do we know this ? Ramma bar Chamma Satan by ematna equals 364, therefore on that number ofreplied days only has he permission to accuse ; but on the Day of Atonement (i.e., the ?6cth day) he cannot accuse." (Yoma, fol. 20.) (2) There are 903 sorts of death in the world, for the expression occurs (Psalm Ixviii. The numerical value of 20), "Issues of death." is The hardest of all deaths is 903. by quinsy, and the the Divine kiss-of which by (1) itan " " : Moses, Aaron, and Miriam died. (Berachoth, fol. 8.) was said by one of old Blessed is he who submits to time, and is reproach silent, for a hundred evils Now depart from him Hebrew letters equals 100, which explains the particular form (3) It " " of the aphorism.* This knowledge of the cabala has always been i in high estimation bookish Jew, almost until theJast or two, and I have century there are learned cabalists among the conservative Talmudists oland and Galicia even now. The cabala had two The former distinct dealt with branches -the practical and magic, with invocation of the spirits and good, by names and charms, and such-like folly of the superimagination. It was naturally most in favour with the lower-class Jew and the uneducated vulgar, and this part of the cabala does not enter itious The latter, or theoretical cabala, was <*" fOUnd in the study of Talkie Miscellany. INTRODUCTION and rabbis i$ and both branches attracted some notice and much literati, odium during the period of the Early Renaissance, when alien and heretical literature were, for the first time, beginning to be freely examined by daring spirits, in spite of the ban of the ecclesiastical power. That Admirable Crichton of his age, the famous Johannes Picus, Comes de Mirandola, went into these matters at considerable length in some of his treatises, and incurred, in consequence, much abuse from his adversaries in monkish and obscurantist coteries. They displayed their a conver in a rather amusing manner sometimes profound ignorance learned our is thus of these dunderheads sation between two reported by ? talk that What is this cabala Count about, nowadays says they one to his fellow. Oh, don t you know?" says the other. "This he cabala is a certain diabolically perfidious man, and that is his name called are his followers so and has written many things against Christ, ; " " : " ; Catalist*"* Another authority,t some years this self-same question, " that She is an enchantments." " What later, gives us another answer to ? And here we are told " is this cabala thoroughly practised in poisonings and In this case it was clearly the practical cabala that the old witch respondent was thinking of. But all this would be vile and ignorant to the good Talmudic Jew. His precious cabala was part of His account was a very different one. Mount Sinai, during the night on the oral law of God given to Moses no stars when there was no light and J (on account of the cloud, I to be done otherwise. much suppose), and therefore nothing Latin As for the origin of the modern cabala, we are able to fix it into use first in Germany come to have much more definitely. It appears about the time of the Reformation (1530-50), and afterwards it took of Piacenza, in the year a start in chiefly in the neighbourhood Italy, * Cum Quid Cabala esset ? respondit fuisse perfidum diabolicum qui dicebatur CABALA, et hunc multa contra Christum scripsisse unde sequaces ejus dictos esse Cabalistas. Picus in Apolog., 116. t Thorn. Garzoni, // Teatro (1549-89). Cf. Z. % In monte Sinai noctu, cum lux deficeret ob candelarum absentiam. quidam quendam hominum interrogaretur : et Celspirius, de Anagr., Libri duo (Ratisb. 1713), P- 46. : 1 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 6 These two origins were quite independent the indeed, systems of counting were not the same. In Germany they began with triangular numbers 1621. of each other, and, that is, the letters were numbered according to arithmetical progression, i, 3, 6, 10, 15, etc., which when represented by dots are all triangles increasing regularly in size, e.g. etc. How it came about that this particular kind of gematria was chosen Our first worthy cabalist, who is It happened thus rather singular. treatment of the Apocalyptic numbers of remarkable the for responsible is : St. John at the end of the present book, was an ardent was possessed by the fixed idea that the Beast with the and Lutheran, seven heads \vas one of the Popes, and, for preference, Leo X. Whoever it might be, this much was clear his number must be 666. So he began = 2, c 3, etc., but could to reckon by the simplest cabala, a i, b Daniel and He therefore increased his alphabet value by get nothing appropriate. letter equal to the sum of all its preceding letters, and each making found, to his surprise and delight, that many remarkable results came out at once. still remember well," he says in his cabalistical book, "how final anathema of the this horribly Pope s Bulls sounded in my ears "I : noverit se incur surum Dei omnipotent is, etc.^ contrary to the tenor of this Bull shall know the What blasphemy, thought I, that a dying wrath falling upon him). miserable man (ellender} should dare to assert that his wrath was the wrath of Almighty God. Here, said I, is one of the heads of the Beast qui contrafecerit, indignationem (Whoever shall act 721 surely. cabala, And I wrote down Leo Decimus and 721 Indignatio Dei and they agree and are wonderfully equal, proceeded in all my and so my by I have reckonings." The held some its cabala trigonalis thus singularly brought into vogue in Germany ground there almost to the exclusion of the simpler cabala for time, and several at Breslau and elsewhere afterwards followed in INTRODUCTION but very far indeed from his steps, his 17 height of excellence. The early arithmeticians, especially Boethius, had a great deal more to say about than we have, and it was probably triangular and polygonal numbers from these sources that our cabalist obtained his singular notation. we hear nothing of any Latin cabala till nearly a century and then, in 1621, a circle of literary ecclesiastics started the later, fashion on the occasion of the left arm of Blessed Conrad, a famous hermit in his time, being brought from Netina to Piacenza. A full account is given in the book Anathemata B. Conrado (Placentia, first Latin cabala that was made viz., 1621), and we are even told of the In Italy 3 13 12 16 i 4 19 17 4 9 5 3 19 17 3 i 5 10 9 CONRADVS-I DECVS CAELI of the book is signed by Hieronymus Spadius, of Johannes Baptista Spadius, who was a famous writer of anagrams and centones, and an early Latin cabalist as well, as some of his Biblical attempts recorded later on in be seen The dedication probably a relative may by book. this Italian cabalists always preferred either the simple cabala The 6 8 10 n 12 16 17 18 20 : 22 21 ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTUXYZ i 2 or what i 4 ? 2 is 5 7 9 called the ordinary cabala 4 6 8 9 10 20 30 13 14 15 : 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRST 3 I find numbers ; 5 7 19 5 U X Y Z no instance of their use of the triangular or polygonal that was left to the Germans, and was called by them cabala paragrammatica. branch of the subject, Johann Henning wrote an several 1683, entitled Cabbalologia, and gives interesting work others in triangular, square, penta and himself examples composed by and decagonal numbers. gonal, heptagonal, octagonal, enneagonal, Concerning this in There are no examples founded on Biblical texts, and therefore no But as examples extracts appear in the body of the present collection. of this most difficult kind of cabala, I will give one example from the square numbers and one from the pentagonal. 2 BIBLIA CABALISTICA !8 1. An epitaph for : Petrus Vehr^ Berolinensis Marchicus. D PER CAB. Gaude The tandem itur per labor es ad honor es. sic ! cabala used being 4 i 484 16 9 Written when Frederick Christian a all squares up friend of to * 5 29 576 Johann Henning lost his son, : PER CAB. 43 5 8 Q Pace Dei vere tutus. A 1 X Y Z Fridrich Christianus. i 553 : A B C D 2. 5531 12 22 B C D 5 4358 7 all pentagonal to J 5 7 82 85 2 X Y Z Besides Henning, there was no German paragrammatist till about when Johann Friederich Riederer, of Augsburg, thirty years later, of what he had done in this branch^ His list published a rough numbers, and in the cabalistica were all in paragrammata vernacular mainly. They were the German courts and upper as court gazettes publications of 1050 specimens of subjects illustrate cabalistically, * I would call concerning the son anagrams are triangular fashionable compositions connected with and originally appeared in such and similar journals. His list gave the his art and the Bible texts he chose to classes, but the complete cabalas are not given. As a rule, attention to the excellence of this and the following example Two of the best and most widely-known literal in pace. who was : Florence Nightingale Horatio Nelson "" = Flit on, cheering angel. = Honor est a Nilo. But the difficulty of composing a literal anagram is very much less than is the case Since the result with cabala, especially with quadrangular and pentagonal ones. above is equally as neat and appropriate as the best anagrams can give, we may esteem the above cabala to be very remarkable ones. INTRODUCTION 19 should say they were not published, but sent privately to friends and interested. some few found their way into the gazettes However, patrons as above mentioned, and I have collected these from several out-of-theway sources. Their chief art consists in the happy selection of a Biblical I passage to illustrate the subject chosen, and the ingenuity displayed in with as little alteration of the making the cabalistic a count up correctly text as possible. His magnum opus, which, as he tells us, cost him the labour of three whole days, was the paragrammata he constructed from Gen. xxxix. 2-33. He took the German pretty well as it came verse by verse, and absolutely made fourteen successive cabalistica out of it, each counting up 11,500, which was the number of a short account of Joseph which he took for his programma. Riederer s preface is interesting for its simple-minded rambling account of his hobby, and how he defended it. He tells us that in 1714 he wished to send a little literary congratulation to a well-known professor at Altdorf, and at that time had not so much as heard what However, while turning over the leaves of that paragramma was. a collection of literary trifles, Das A.E.C. cum not is variorum, he came across a wedding congratulation to a certain Matthew 1703-8, Walther and his bride, wherein their names were cleverly paragrammatised from the first two verses of Psalm xx. The Lord hear thee in the of of Name the of trouble the God Jacob defend thee ; send day thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion." This he thought most apropos. he his remembered own Possibly day of to be the and he at altar how and the trouble," strengthened longed amusing <c : ; " " " and through the honeymoon. Anyhow, it set him to and in a few hours he produced an attempt which he considered very satisfactory. By practice he soon became a quicker he tells us, he made ten, twelve, or even and so sometimes, workman, wedding work on fifteen festivals his Bible, cabalistic a in The critics man in ordinary time, but he felt following reasons " i. If a a day. work, and even the of he could afford to despise their scorn, and he gives the and learned heads laughed at the street looked down upon his it as a puerile waste : man has a private hobby of his own which does no harm BIBL1A CABALISTICA 2o for to any one, and pleasantly occupies his own time, why need he care ? the sneers of the unsympathetic "2. Besides this, the great majority of these carping critics could not do the thing half so well or so easily as he could, for his commercial So he education and practice had made him unusually quick at figures. the and Fox the of fable old the They call retorts upon them Grapes them. unto reach cannot because sour the grapes green and they But is this so, really ? Let it is a waste of time. 3. They say themselves what they will, ask and some of my fellow-citizens despisers when the without to answer equivocation in that day perforce, have to use ? talent thou hast How put thy searching question is put, time much I have Lord in that Will not many have to say spent day, it were as been I have excess often and in drinking and carousing, by Lord I have spent whole nights over cards and a fool and a madman. Lord I have wasted my time in lewd company, talking and gambling. until the break of day. smoking, and even worse than that, often " ! ! ! whatever else I may have says our Augsburg merchant, to confess before the great Searcher of Hearts, I can freely and gladly Lord many are the wakeful nights I have passed, and confess this "But," : when ! came sleep not, then did I arise and make my cabala. Lord I ! have so learned Thy Bible by the searching out of fitting texts, that my for Thy lovingLord soul hath oft been quickened therewith. kindness and Thy mercy s sake, count these my greatest sins. There is a direct simplicity and genuineness here which must needs make us like the man. Moreover, he spoke well of our countrywomen, ! for in his catalogued paragrammata he takes the text Job what he has to say cabalistically about the English fair ones, " And in all lands were no women found so fair." xlii. 15 for and that is With such : a foundation we should like to be able to see the edifice he raised to their honour, but unfortunately his catalogue of 1050 faragrammata only contains the suitable texts he chose and the subject, but not the resulting instead of cabala, except in two instances, where he uses metrical hymns Bible texts. Our Augsburg citizen and evidently very conscientious He does not tell us so, but it comes out with fair and frail ones, as Lais and was scrupulous as to the other sex. when he has to deal cabalistically INTRODUCTION The Apocrypha 21 allow to such, and then only in words of shame and reproach e.g., for Lais he chose Sirach xxiii. 26 She shall leave her memory to be cursed, and her reproach shall not And even Madame de Maintenon had to take be blotted out" (6237). a And from the a back seat with i Esdras iv. 30, 3 1 taking the crown the king struck also she her own head, king s head and setting it upon and the this And yet for all with her left hand. gazed upon king gaped but her with open mouth ; if she laughed upon him he laughed also she that to fain was the flatter, if she took any displeasure at him, king clever is a This selection, (16,924). might be reconciled to him again no doubt, but nothing that Riederer did can compare for difficulty and of the Capucin, Josephus ingenuity with the Latin cabalistic soliloquies school and adhered to Italian the Mazza de Castanea, who followed his in in use the ordinary numerical gematria day. The number of authors who have dealt with this Biblical cabala is others. is all he will : " : ; " It must short bibliography appended. very small, as will appear by the cabalists. of list the names complete not, however, be supposed that these There are several exponents of this curious art who do not appear in my book at all, because they have never dealt specially with any Biblical text, and therefore have no claim to be included in the collection. For instance, there is Joannes Ignatius Summa de Wlatislaw, who between 1684 and 1699 wrote six Latin works, some almost entirely were metrical as well. good cabalistical, and what is more, they be confined in cabala is not easy to compose any case, but when it has to in the bonds of metre as well, it becomes doubly difficult. Then there is a cabalistic life of Christ, written throughout in Latin leonine hexameters, each one counting up exactly 1706, which was the year It extends to 176 lines, and takes in all it was written and published. It was written s life in due order. Saviour the principal events of our a been had university professor, and is, by a Belgian village pastor who work of the kind ever difficult and laborious I should say, the most have and of one I written. sought in vain for many copy, only know collection. for However, I made a my years to procure another book. the across came when I first A transcript Then general there assembly Benedictus Rocca, who in 1631, when there was a and high dignitaries at Padua of all the abbots is BIBLIA CABALISTICA 22 connected with the famous Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino, conceived the curious fancy that he would try to turn the name of every member of the assembly into an appropriate metrical cabala. He had only three days left before the event when the idea struck him, and so, as he tells us, he had to work very hard, or in his own rhetorical Multiplici numerorum catena constricto per asperiora Pindi language cacumina triduo mihi fuit incedendum. However, the task was completed in time and and the sixty-four members of the council had published, an hexameter in every case, and each and all their laudatory cabala neat and appropriate e.g. generally very : : Pater Domnus Angelus e Bononia Casinensis Regii Abbas. 439 CAB. SIMPLEX. Hinc Patriam, Nomenque dedit Sors morum. 439 Abbas Casinensis. 382 praescia Another, perhaps even better Pater Domnus Leander a Placentia CAB. SIMPLEX. Purior Aoniis natat These iste Leander in undis. 382 outsiders," but some very Flemish German broadsheets. and good the of the Bohemian Province, and Jesuits, Among Caspar Pfliger, the ab Annunciatione Benedictus Piarists, B.V.M., among Hungarian as as late the and respectively distinguished themselves; year 1767 an to the of anonymous poet belonging abbey Seligenstadt published a folio in honour of the pamphlet (penes me) Archbishop of Mentz, where chrono-cabalistica and eight 146 cabalistica^ all metrical (hexameters), arc employed to ring the changes in the peals of praise therein offered each hexameter counting 1763, the year of the Archbishop s anniversary. we must remember one Finally, great distinction between the old esoteric cabala and the new Latin cabalistica of the seventeenth and These latter were written by ingenious religious eighteenth centuries. men to fill up their spare time, or to devote it to the Virgin, as did San Juan y Bernedo ; and with one exception there is no thought or three writers are the best of the cabalistica often occur on c INTRODUCTION 23 claim for inspiration or esoteric teaching, or even "wisdom." They The one exception was our friend the were tours de force simply. Lutheran expositor mentioned before, and who has a place of honour in the appendix. Surely all cabalists, and, indeed, all persons who take even the interest in the subject, must admit that here in this Lutheran slightest The tour de force is a most remarkable specimen of the mystic art. caballstlca are all without a single exception most clear, significant, and appropriate, and we must remember that our author had no predecessors He was the first who in this particular cabala with triangular numbers. used this particular arithmetical progression for cabalistic purposes, and of the earliest printers, be said that he raised it, as did I think it many may No one who came after him at one bound. highest perfection could get anywhere near him in the admirable simplicity, continuity, and aptness of his cabalistic exposition of the Biblical number. It is of this particular device in all evidently the most remarkable specimen of Daniel s numbers, 1290 treatment His the and literature, longest. to its and 1335, which are taken together, as a good second. This book is rare, and is also very good and must rank like the great majority of books cited here, Bodleian, or any English library Museum, The author s name I have for the present withheld that I know of. readers a little trial of cabalistic skill advisedly, as I wished to give my I found out, quite by a chance trial, that the for their leisure moments. correct name and title of the author is contained in the three words 1 is not in the British or have put in capitals in the fourth line from the end of his 2300 exposition, one who should rise up as God s viz., Michael films del, who was the Our author makes no reference witness and revelator in the last days. whatever to himself in connection with the above, but I fully believe he knew that he was thus cabalistically numbered and marked out as Michael films del, and believed that God would reveal, and was secrets through His humble and devoted servant revealing, His last that and spiritual son. VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM GEN. i. 2, 3. and darkness was the earth was without form, and void moved of God the And of the the face upon the face Spirit deep. upon there was light." be and there Let And God the of waters. said, light Per gematriam, all the Hebrew letters in the above count up to and there was light," Let there be light 3963 if the last sentence, the converted Elchanon Now be omitted. Jew, makes a great Paulus, " AND ; : " : Christian cabalistic proof out of this in the following manner The Jewish mystical expounders took the verse to mean that in the period before the Mosaic dispensation all was without form and when Israel was under void, and that even during the next period, was with them, the the Law, there was darkness, though Spirit of God : should till the third period or dispensation be should there that Messiah the of times come viz., the light. So the cabalistic number 3963 shows, says Paulus, how long the world should wait for the coming of the Messiah. But what does the last sentence teach us ? What says the cabala ? and that it would not be and there was light," in Hebrew Let there be light the is which counts up to 470, very number of the Hebrew sentence, Now, u " : Son, the Messiah, shall be born." And so the Scripture seems to indicate clearly by this cabala that about the year of the world 3963, God would send His Son, the World. Messiah, to be born as the Light of the of neat a work, and this method of This is undeniably piece My 27 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 28 the Jews with their own petard was an ingenious, happy and proved effective in converting several Rabbis and learned thought, Jews when the ordinary Christian propagandist arguments would have been of no avail. The conversion of a Jew, especially a learned one, was thought much more of in those days than at present, and this was the case in England as well as abroad. There would be a public baptism, a great concourse to hear the sermon, and there would be very often a goodly sized pamphlet describing the antecedents and conversion of the baptised Jew. Several such have come down to us, and are preserved in the British Museum and elsewhere. My copy of Klchanon Paulus originally belonged to the Jesuits of Vienna, and has been carefully annotated. The Jesuits and the learned world generally were always ready to help and befriend a learned Jew who had accepted Christ. Indeed, Polanco, the literary manager and editor of Ignatius Loyola s writings, was a Neo-Christian Jew, and a great friend of the Basque saint. hoisting GEN. xxviii. 3, CABALA TRIGONALIS. 4.* Aber der allmachtige Gott seegne dich und mache dich fruchtbar und mehre dich dass du werdest ein Hauffen Voelcker und gebe dir den Seegen Abraham dir und deinem Saamen mit dir. 9 77 Die aller Holdseeligste Kayserliche Gemahlin Frau Frau Elizabeth Christina eine gebohrne Printzessin von Braunschweig Wolffenbttttel. 9 J 77 Europaische Fama, No. 177. r * This German Scriptural cabala trigonalis obtained considerable credit and applause at Vienna when it was first circulated in 1714, and many copies were afterwards printed. There was a great desire among all the subjects of Charles VI. that the Emperor should have male progeny to maintain the succession to the throne ; and when shortly afterwards the Empress Elizabeth bore a son to the Emperor, this prophetical cabala was still more admired, as well as the one from Luc. i. 15 on the Emperor, which is quoted farther on in its This prophecy had the merit place. of fulfilment, which was more than a very good and famous anagram by a Jesuit succeeded in obtaining. The anagram was Carolus Sextus Imperator = Uxor pariet tres masculos," which was certainly neat and deserved success, though it was unable to command it. The author of our Biblical cabala was J. F. Riederer, a merchantpoet of Nuremberg, who was a very prolific cabalist, as appears in the Bibliography. " VETUS TESTAMENTUiM CABALISTICUM GEN. Haec PER CAB. ORD. xxviii. 17. Domus est Dei Porta et Cell. Pura et 937 GEN. 29 munda mater. 937 SAN JUAN, of Berne do. CABALA TRIGONALIS. xxx. 22, 23, 24.* Der Herr gedacht aber an Rahel und erhoret Sie und machte Sie Da ward Sie schwahger fruchtbar. und gebar einen Sohn und sprach Gott hat meine Schmach von mir genommen und hiess Ihn Joseph und sprach Der Herr wolle mir noch einen Sohn darzu geben. : : Die aller durchlauchtigste Furstin und Frau Frau Elizabeth Christina aus dem Hertzoglichen Stamme zu Braunschweig WolfTenbuttel, der Regierenden Romischen Kayserlichen Majestat Herrn Herrn Caroli Sexti Gemahlin. 15,103 15,103 GEN. xxxv. 16, 17, CABALA TRIGONALIS. 18. gebar Rahel und es kam sie da es hart an uber der Geburt Da ; aber Ihr so Ihr : diesen Fiirchte Sohn ward sauer Geburt, sprach die in der Wehmutter zu denn nicht du auch haben, dich wirst da Ihr aber die Seel ausgieng dass Sie sterben muste, hiess Sie Ihn Benoni. 15,670 GEN. xlix. 10. from Sceptre shall not depart between from nor a Judah, lawgiver his feet, until Shiloh come. The Charlotta Christina Sophia f von Braun gebohrne KronLuneburg des schweig von Petrowizii Alexii Prinzen starb Gemahlin scheme Russland in Kindel-Bett den xxxi Octobris, Prinzessin 15,670 1715. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. Until Shiloh come. Jesus Son of David. 462 462 ELCHANON PAULUS. * This followed in due course the cabala on Luc. i. 36, 37, as soon as the Empress was convalescent. t This was the young wife of that ill-fated son of Peter the Great, whose con demnation and untimely death are so well known. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 30 XT NUM. vi. 24. Benedicat Dominus et Custodiat te, ostendat faciem suam tibi. i?34 PER CAB. ORD. SED LEONINAM A/r ET METRICAM. Dux pie Florescas per mutua ! lustra sencscas Est custos Dominus NUM. There shall xxiv. come Star a of out of out rise A Sceptre shall rise. Jesus Son of David. ELCHANON Israel. NUM. xxiv. Patrius iste PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 17. Jacob, and a Sceptre shall : SUMMA, 1734.* sinus. PER CAB. ORD. 17. Stella orta ex Jacob. 457 457 PAULUS. 837 En pura nota macula;. 837 SAN JUAN. NUM. Who shall live xxiv. 23. when God doeth PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. When God doeth this. 417 Jesus-God. DEUT. Der Herr xxviii. 8. wird dem gebieten dass er mit dir in allem Seegen sey das du vorniinest. 547 417 CABALA TRIGONALIS. Fredrich Augustus Konig in Pohlen und Churfurst zu Sachsen. 5047 D. ZIPFEL, in Europaische Fama. 1734 was the year when the Franciscans of Diisseldorf issued a congratulatory address to Charles Philip, Elector of Bavaria, containing many chronograms of 1734, and the above Scriptural and metrical cabalisticon. * VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABAL1STICUM REG. 2 Dieser 1st Tag vii. Tag gutter Bottschafft. Da 2 934 REG. 2 ix. 17, Joram sprach sprich Reuter und sprach Friede Ists : hin reit einen : Friede? gehet dich der Friede an dich hinter mich. Ists 3 REG. : ? 2 934 p. 161. (On the Peace Convention at Rastatt.*) Die zwei anjetzt in Rastatt sich befindliche grosse Friedens pleni- Printz Eugenius, potentiarii nemlich Lieutenant General Kayserlicher Seits, und Due de Marschal de France anderer einer Villars, Seits. 13,823 PER. CAB. ORD. Augustissima Maria. 948 CABALA TRIGONALIS. 3. kamen zum und David Hebron Konig gen machet einen Bund mit ihnen zu Hebron vor dem Herrn, und sie salbeten David zum Konig u ber Israel nach dem Wort dess Herrn Alle Aeltesten Israel durch Samuel. Monats des ^2 948 xii. Tag Mail, MDCCXIV. D. ZIPFEL, in Europaische Fama, 18. x. CHRON. Wende 1 Thronus Salomonis. i Der ? Ihnen entgegen So sagt der Konig Was Jehu sprach : Zwolffte CABALA TRIGONALIS. Reuter und sende Ihnen entgegen und Der 18. Nimb : 1 PARAGRAMMA TRIGONALE.* 9. ein 3 12,650 Georg Ludewig Konig von GrossBritanien, Franckreich und Irrland, Beschiitzer dess Glaubens und dess Heyl. Romischen Reiches Churfttrst Hertzog zu Braunschweig und Luneburg. 12,650 F. RIEDERER. I. ; * This was made in celebration of the return of Frederick Augustus, King of Poland, to Saxony. At p. 245 of the above-mentioned periodical some apologies and corrections are made: i. The author was not the famed jurist D. Zipfel, of Leipzig, but Herr a "t"too much, and "Zwolffte "an Joh. Heinr. Zipfel, of Plauen. 2. "Gutter" has The editor then presents a new cabala by Zipfel (see Ps. xci. n, 12). too much. " "f BIBLIA CABALISTICA JOB Er wird xv. CABALA TRIGONALIS. 33. ein abgerissen werden wie Trauben unzeitige vom Wein- stock. 5161 JOB For I know xix. Ludovicus der Vierzehende Konig redeemer he shall stand at my liveth, and that the latter day upon the earth. My Redeemer stand liveth, and the latter day at Son of liveth. ELCHANON PSALMORUM Erit Secus Dccursus Aquarum, quod Fructum suum Dabit In tempore suo 48 H5 J 165 Reverendissimus i Franciscus 103 114 58 102 95 161 Sancte J Ecclesia? 33 158 34 152 Romane Presbyter Cardinalis Sacratus Ferrariensis D. Dns 8? Franciscus Defluet, et 9 Sanctae 46 Ecclesiae 1 174 129 37 103 Romanae Quascunque H3 Presbiter Faciet 42 68 182 Cardinalis 719 8 1026 91 Prosperabuntur 939 PAULUS. Illustriss. et Et Folium Ejus non Semper my God, LIBER. 1026 omnia upon the CABALA SIMPLEX. 3. Tanquam Lignum Quod Plantatum est shall 939 Christ, Redeemer i. He earth. Jesus PSALM bey- 5161 PER GEMATRIAM HfiBR. 25. that daher Franckreich biss genahmet der Grosse. in Sacratus Ferrariensis 1 1 6 58 102 82 92 129 7J9 B. SPADIUS. J. VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM PSALM Erit i. CABALA SIMPLEX. 3. tanquam lignum, quod planest secus decursus aquarum tatum suum fructum quod dabit The in 1026 tempore suo. PSALM Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonicus Dei Gratia Francorum et Navarreorum Rex Christianissimus 1026 et plus. B. SPADIUS. J. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 2. ii. 33 kings of the earth stand up and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his Against His Anointed. Jesus, the Son of Jehovah. 464 464 anointed. PSALM 40 Non CABALA 383 SIMPLEX. 6. iii. 61 84 53 128 PSALM 82 17 viii. Defensor. 5. et honore coronasti et honore coronasti Deus. eum 1572 Gloria Si Sterembergius Vienna? Obsessa? circumdantis me. Gloria 66 154 timebo millia populi Domine. eum 1411 PER CAB. ORD. Magnificavit eum in conspectu Regum. 57 2 T O Sancte Ildephonse Maria? Vir- ginis ope nate. 1411 SAN JUAN. PSALM At xvi. 1 PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 1. hand there right for evermore. pleasures thy are That is Jesus Christ, Son of God. 856 856 ELCHANON PAULUS. PSALM 45 97 xviii. 47 CABALA 238 SIMPLEX. 38. 49 Cadent subtus pedes meos. 136 IO2 Innocentius Pontifex. Vienna plausus. 3 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 34 PSALM En PER CAB. ORD. xix. 10. Mater Domini mei dulcior super mel et favum. 1444 per vivit te 1444 Alphonse. SAN JUAN. PSALM xx. Der Herr erhore dich i, CABALA TRIGONALIS.* 2. die Hulffe Jungfrau Euphrosina Brautigam. als Tiinzelin gebohrne 9026 Jungfrau Braut. Das A. B.C. 9026 PSALM Herr Walther Sibylla vom Heiligthum, und starcke dich aus Sion. Matthaus Herr der Noth, Nahme des Gottes Jacob der Er sende dir dich. schutze in xxi. 2, i, 3. O and in thy Lord joy in thy strength, greatly shall he rejoice 2. Thou hast given him his heart s desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips. thou thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness 3. For The salvation how 1. king shall ; ! : settest a crown of pure gold on his head. These verses were used in in 1701 a curious by a licensed or protected Jew to cabalistical congratulation addressing (Schutz-Jude) Frederick of Prussia, when he changed his title of Elector for that of King. From the first verse he takes the Hebrew word for king (Meleck). He then shows that the Jewish word for This counts up as 90. also or Churftlrst, Elector, equals 90, and so gets a double application of the verse. * It was this wedding cabala that art (see Introduction). first induced Riederer to try his hand in the VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM From verse 2, in Hebrew Thou hast given him his heart s desire. I 35 73 I also, Frederick From of Brandenburg (Hebrew). III. verse 3 Crown 679 679 Konigsberg From and 1731 finishes ) Hebrew - } these calculations he brings out many flattering predictions, by obtaining from the first word of the title of the Psalm in from the first and second words, Hebrew, Johann Sigismund Georg Wilhelm and from the first three words, Wilhelm der Grosse. ; ; Daniel Ernst Jablonski, the court preacher, wrote a pamphlet depreciating this cabalistic attempt, and compared it unfavourably with FrIDerlCh I. Von chronograms, quoting one of the latter PreVssen WIrDt gesaLbet Den XVIIL knVarll Court preachers in Prussia never seem to like Jews. PSALM xxi. The king shall joy O Lord ; and in much better. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. i. thy strength, in thy salvation Konlg as how greatly shall he rejoice! The king shall joy. The King, Messiah. In thy Salvation how 448 448 greatly shall he rejoice 912 That is King, Messiah, Jesus, Son of David. 912 ! ELCHANON PAULUS. PSALM My God, my forsaken me ? xxii i. God, why hast thou PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. Why hast thou forsaken me? 614 These are the words of Jesus. 6 HACKSPAN, De Cabala, p. 286. 1 4 BIBLIA CABALISTICA PSALM xxii. CABALA 279 SIMPLEX. 16. 151 17 4 Circumdederunt me canes 7 61 1 multi. 120 41 57 Vienna urbs anno MDCLXXXHI Vienna plausus. PSALM They xxii. my pierced PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 16. hands and That is Jesus, Son of David. 499 499 feet. PSALM And my on my PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 18. xxii. vesture did they cast 829 lots. PSALM xxiv. 5, That is the vesture of of God. Jesus, Son 829 ELCHANON PAULUS. CAB. PER NUM. MIN. 6. salutari Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonus Dei Gratia Francorum et enim generatio Navarreorum Rex Christianissimus. qua^rentium Dominum. 932 a Domino Deo Accipiet benedictionem et misericordiam suo, ha:c a est J. PSALM Lex Dei xxxvii. in ejus PER CAB. ORD. 31. B. corde ipsius. 1296 PSALM 93 Afflictus xxxviii. 50 24 127 50 et humiliatus sum 61 Alphonse Praesul Magnce Ecclesias Toletana:. 1296 SAN JUAN. CABALA 405 SIMPLEX. 8. sum nimis. 93 2 B. SPADIUS. 94 109 29 ^50 Mahometes IV. Imperator Asia:que 123 Tyrannus. Vienna plausus. VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM PSALM xlv. 37 PER CAB. ORD. 2. O Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis. 1288 Innocens manibus, mundo et 1288 corde. SAN JUAN. PSALM xlv. Thy throne, O God, ever : is PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 6. and for ever the sceptre of thy kingdom is 827 Sceptre of thy kingdom. is Jesus Christ, Son of David. That a right sceptre. 827 PSALM Sicut Oliva PER CAB. ORD. 8. lii. in fructifera Domo Dei. 1373 Sicut Oliva fructifera. 1 Oliva fructifera. Oliva fructifera Domo in Domo Sicut Pr ? co infatigabilis Evangelii Dei plantata. Preservata a macula originis. Prestantissima Virgo Maria. 770 Coelum splendidum. Dei Maria Oliva fructifera Domini. 524 in Domo H97 373 T - prasservata a 1 1 72 1172 770 macula originis. 1294 1294 plantata. In 172 Ildephonsus En Divina Mater. 524 Laudate earn coetus Apostolorum. J 497 SAN JUAN. PSALM Labia mea laudabunt mea. te in vita Ixiii. 3. Macula remota est a Virgine pia. IT 1137 PSALM Mons Deo. in quo beneplacitum est 1308 Ixviii. En 37 16. Caelum capacius. animatum sed Celo 1308 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 38 PSALM Repleatur os nomen tuum meum vivet Ixxi. in 8, tua ; aeternum ; laude omnis terra repleta est gloria tua mirabilis Deus in sanctis suis. etc. (a cento). O immaculate Conceptionis eximie Cultor B. Prassul Ildephonsus Toletanus Gloria decusque Pontificum lubar Stellaque Doctorum ; 5936 5936 SAN JUAN. PSALM Ixxii. 17. CABALA SIMPLEX.* Benedicentur in eo } Omnes tribus terras Ac omnes gentes Magnificabunt eum. Dnus Maphasus (i) 128 Sancts (2) 57 59 58 82 Romanas Ecclesiae Cardinalis Barberinus Florentinus 99 137 I , | J Sanctissimus 150 D.D. Urbanus 86 Octavus 90 8 Pontifex 97 Optimus 101 88 Maximus 620 J. B. 620 SPADJUS, Trimphus ab Urbano VIII. PSALM Ixxxv. Misericordia et veritas obviaverunt sibi ; justitia et pax 3841 Cabala (i) as O Animarum Solatrix in maeroribus Rubicunda osculatae sunt. * 10. Aurora purea. Cardinal; (2) as Pope. fulgida, pur- 3841 VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 39 CABALISTICA QUATUOR. PSALM xxv. , PSALM 17. Est 40 Homo, 88 61 qui Timet Dominum 79 34 50 74 114 Anima Ejus In bonis Demorabitur xcii. 12, 60 Et ut Palma 37 79 23 66 Florebit et Sicut Cedrus 64 43 168 Libani Multiplicabitur 540 540 PSALM PSALM Ixxii. Ixxii. 1 1 Coram 44 Et adorabunt Illo Eum 99 35 Procident 42 94 Omnes 58 j^Ethiopes Et inimici 85 85 Ejus 5 Terram 67 73 Lingent Reges 5 Terras 61 Omnes 58 Gentes 64 Servient ei "5 54 540 CABALA SIMPLEX. D. Dominus 89 103 57 59 58 82 Franciscus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Sacratus 92 540 J. B. SPADIUS, De F, Sacrato^ S.R.E. Card. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 40 These cabalistic devices came into fashion in Italy about 1620. The name given to them was ^p^crfj-ol icroifjrjffroi. The above is a most ingenious one in its selection of Biblical texts all counting up the same number, and that number (540) the number of a man, the very cardinal to whose honour the work containing this cabala was dedicated and composed, and must have cost its author much time and trouble, but as to tours de force^ J. B. Spadius was capable de he made anagrams of several hexameter lines in length, all pure tout ; centos from Virgil. PSALM Der Herr xci. 11, PARAGRAMMA TRIGONALE. 12. semen Engeln Des alien deinen Wegen dass sie dich auf den Handen tragen und und Koniglich- Polnischen Chur-Printzens von Sachsen Hoheit befinden sich jetziger Zeit auf der Reise nach auslandischen Hoffen du deinen Fuss und Provincen. hat fohlen iiber dir dass sie be- dich behiiten auf nicht an einen Stein stossest. 9818 PSALM xcii. Palma of Flatten. CABALISTIC QUERY. 12. 257 Justus ut 9818 H. ZIPFEL, J. 82 190 Ecquis ut florebit. Palma 232 florebit? 761 CABALA ORD. 108 194 Quidam homo 459 761 Justus. ANON. Compare the Anagrammatic Query Quis est virtute praeditus ? ANAGR. Vir qui tutus et pars Dei PSALM xcii. CABALA 624 MIN. 12. ut Palma florebit Cedrus Libani multiplicabitur, Justus est. ; sicut Jesu Deiparas Virginis Marias Sponsus Sanctus JOSEPH Patriarcha. ALONSO DE ALCALA. VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM PSALM In Domo Dei xcii. 41 PER CAB. ORD. 13. 524 plantata. En Divina Mater. 524 SAN JUAN. 8097 8097 PSALM The Lord thou at said ex. unto i. my Lord, right hand, until thy enemies thy footstool. my I Sit make Unto my Lord. That Sit is thou at my right hand. Jesus, Son of David. PSALM ex. 4. The Lord hath sworn, and will not art a priest for ever Thou repent, after the order of Melchizedek. is 95 95 the Son of God. 452 452 PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. Thou art a priest. 481 That is Jesus, Son of David. 481 ELCHANON PAULUS. * The above Cab. Trig. Benjamin Schmolck was a famous hymn-writer. from the Introduction to his Sarten-Spiel des Hertzens^ Breslau, 1720, and is signed Joh. Fred. Riderer (sic). BIBLIA CABALISTICA PSALM I will praise 21. cxviii. thee for thou hast : PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. Thou art become my salvation. 882 heard me, and art become my sal- Jesus Christ, Son of God. nation Jeschua Maschiach ben Elohim. 882 PSALM cxxviii. Der Herr segne 5, and xx. und dich dich aus Zion. PER CAB. TRIG. 2. starcke 2899 Johann George 2899 Das PSALM There David will I cxxxii. make PSALM the horn cxlviii. Laudate earn omnes PSALM Laudate earn Sol earn omnes et Weise ist, i. 664 sich, En deturpata macula. fadicissima Virgo. 981 664 PER CAB. ORD. 3. ; laudate Sponsa 2105 vocaris Spiritus Sancti, legitime munda. 2105 PER CAB. TRIG. 6. der horet zu und und wer verstandig der lasset ihm rathen dass er ist, vernehme die Sprtlche und ihre Deutung, die Lehre die Weisen und ihre Beyspiel. 12,698 bessert En non PER CAB. ORD. lumen. 5, i 2. Luna 839 King Messiah. ELCHANON PAULUS. PER CAB. ORD. angeli. cxlviii. stelle et PROV. Wer Jesus, the i. Laudate earn omnes populi. PSALM of 839 cxlviii. A. E.G. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 17. to bud. zu Churfurste Sachsen. Herr Rector Christian Weise, beruhmter des Gymnasii in Zittau, gebohren anno Christ! 30 April, und starb den 21 Octobr. 1642 den A. 1708 selig 12,698 VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM PROV. viii. 7, CAB. PER NUM. MIN. 8. Veritatemmeditabiturgutturmeum, labia 43 mea detestabuntur impium omnes sermones mei. ; justi sunt Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonius Dei Gratia Francorum et Navarreorum Rex Christianissimus. 941 941 J. PROV. In viis viii. 20, CAB. PER NUM. MIN. 21. ambulabo, justitias ac in medio semitarum me diligentes B. SPADIUS. judicii, ut ditem et thesauros eorum repleam. Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonius Dei Gratia Gallorum et Navarreorum Rex Christianissimus. 931 931 J. PROV. viii. Whoso findeth me PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 35. findeth B. SPADIUS. life. 370 Ze Maschiach (That is 370 Christ). ELCHANON PAULUS. PROV. Illi * qui in animam viii. me suam CAB. PER NUM. MIN. 36. peccaverint lasdent ; omnes qui oderunt, diligunt mortem. me 741 Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonus, D. G. Gallias ac Navarras Rex Christianissimus. J. PROV. ix. PER CAB. ORD. i. Sapientia Dei edificavit sibi Domum. Repleta Spiritu Sancto. x. 6, 7, caput laudi- bus, ac os ejus parturiet sapientiam. Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonius Dei Gratia Francorum ac Navarras Rex Christianissimus. 863 863 * The 103 CAB. PER NUM. MIN. and 31. Domini super memoria IVSTI, ejus cum Benedictio 1 SAN JUAN. 1103 PROV. 741 B. SPADIUS. Biblical text is J. in the singular number. B. SPADIUS. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 44 PROV. CAB. PER NUM. MIN. 28. xx. Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonus, Gallorum et Navarre Rex Christianissimus. 793 Misericordia et veritas custodient Reo-em et roborabitur dementia thronus ipsius 793 *. J. B. PROV. xxi. CAB. PER NUM. MIN. i. Cor Regis stat in manibus Domini Dei et quocunque ipse voluerit inclinabit ilium. 74^ PROV. xxx. a in Who hath established of the earth ? What and what canst is Rex Christianissimus. 742 SPADIUS. B. J. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. hath ascended up into heaven, or descended ? Who hath gathered Who hath the wind in his fists ? the waters Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonus, D. G. Galliae ac Navarre 4. Who bound all is garment His son s name. 398 That is Jesus (Ze Jeschua). 398 ELCHANON PAULUS. ? the ends his name, thou his sons name, if tell ? PER CAB. ORD. PROV. xxxi. 20, 27. 301 321 Manum suam 105 SPADIUS. 136 Et panem 168 464 34 . S3 2 Francia 142 m Sabaudie Ducissa Cypri Regma. ANGELO MARIA ii. 9 de 397 312 2126 CANT. 234 Borbonia . Christina aperivit inopi 201 130 300 otiosa non comedit. 2126 SERVATORIBUS. DE PER CAB. ORD. 2. Lilium inter spinas. 731 Immunis Pura a labe originis. a mortali esca. Integra * Vulg., ejus. Deum parit. 731 731 731 VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM CANT, PER CAB. ORD. in, 1018 Lectulus Salomonis. CANT. Macula non iv. Favus lac iv. 734 1179 PER CAB. ORD. Nostra consolatrix. M79 Mala nostra pelle. 723 723 723 En miraculum Magni Dei. En immunis lue Adami. the new-born heir 13, 14, 15. mit fliessenden Myrrhen seine Hande sind wie trieffen : guldene Leib Ringe rein Elffenbein mit Sapist wie seine Beine geschmuckt Tiirkissen : sein : phieren Marmel-Seulen gegrundet auf guldenen Fussen, seine Gestalt wie Libanon auserwehlt wie ist sind wie Cedern. to Charles PARAGRAMMA Seine Lippen sind wie Rosen die voll 2274 PER CAB. ORD. 723 (On v. paniarum. 12. iv. 734 tota pura. Laudabilis et gloriosus Archiprassul HisEcclesiae Toletanae Prime et 12. signatus. CANT. Regina 2274 iv. 1018 1018 PER CAB. ORD. mel Hortus conclusus. Fons luce refulgens. n. sub lingua ejus. CANT. Nubes pietatis PER CAB. ORD. distillans labia ejus CANT. et 7. est in te. CANT. et clementiae. Mater 1 Der CAB. TRIGONALE. Printz Durchlanchtigste Leopoldus - Ertz Hertzog und Oesterreich zu Printz des Majestat Sexti Caroh Romischen Kaysers Elizabetha der und Kayserin Sohn, Christina erstgebohrner anno den April 13 gebohren Asturien, Ihre ^ Christi 1716. I9>544 J- 9,544 F R^DERER. - " and ivory skin rosy lips much-looked-for little Prince with his and anagrammatic, prognostications, dead by November, and the praises was, alas No Royal infant ever all fell to the ground cabalistic, and chronogrammatic, all the workers in literary from of round applause received such a remarkable I have enough material in my li as did this unfortunate Prince. " * This ! ingenuities, to fill a goodly volume. " " BIBLIA CABALISTICA 46 CANT. Ecce terribilis vi. PER CAB. ORD. 4. ut .castrorum ordinata. acies T CANT. ut Terribilis vi. castrorum acies T CANT. Domus vi. 73 T panis Diva quern coxit Charitas. Tu C hti J 747 PER CAB. ORD. conscia omnium secretorum 4. ordinata. Ut castrorum 747 - I 73 I PER CAB. ORD. 4. acies ordinata. 1327 Sancta Maria succurre miseris. 1327 SAN JUAN. CANT. Castrorum vi. PER CAB. ORD. 4. acies ordinata. CANT. vi. bonitatis Dei. 1027 Speculum 1459 Ecce totum PER CAB. ORD. 10. Sicut aurora consurgens. O viii. ISA. Behold a vii. ? 1 199 14. Virgin (Hebr. Haalmali) and bear a son. 922 shall conceive, illuminans. H59 ac 1459 posterius. 1459 SAN JUAN. PER CAB. ORD. 5. est ista quae ascendit mundum velox auscultatrix. Virgo prius CANT. 1027 Portus Christianorum. 1199 PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. This same Virgin (HaalmaJi) Virgin Mary. is the 922 VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM ISA. vii. And she shall ISA. For unto us us a son is His name his call Wonderful, God. a child of God. is 1250 PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. born, unto born unto us from Maria. 812 is Jesus 812 Wonderful. Counsellor, 457 Mighty Jesus, son of David. 457 Jesus, son of God. 529 ELCHANON PAULUS. 529 ISA. Admirabile 1250 6. ix. given. is name PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. His name is Jesus Christ, the Son 14. Immanuel. est ix. 47 PER CAB. ORD. 6. tuum nomen. 1051 Lampas inextinguibilis. SAN JUAN ISA. And xi. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. i. come forth a rod of the stem of Jesse, and a ^Branch shall grow out of his roots. there shall out Out of the stem of Jesse. The Virgin Miream). Branch A shall Mary 440 (Haalmah 440 grow out of his X 497 roots. Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, is out of Mary. 1497 ISA. Requievit Sapientiae. super xi. PER CAB. ORD. 2. eum Spiritus 2I 3^ Ecce purissimas Conceptionis B. 2I 3^ Virginis eximie cultor. SAN JUAN. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 48 ISA. x. . And root . there shall be that in PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 10. . day of Jesse, which stand shall shall be a root of Jesse. 1146 shall be out of Jesse. Christ Jesus There to ensign of the people; and his shall the Gentiles seek for an it a : rest shall be glorious. His rest shall be glorious. That is Jesus, Son of God. 536 536 Elchanon Paulus here also makes use of Notaricon, the cabala of initials of the fifteen Hebrew initials and finals. Taking the consecutive words which are contained in Isa. xi. 10, he gets; Ke ba Jeschua hagoel^ the Redeemer of the Nations. am, which he renders "Then comes Jesus, Taking the finals, he gets : Im mystery of the honour which 1 N.B. give Elchanon sod hod schemimiriom come to Mary." own transliteration of i.e., "That the Hebrew is the shall s in all I believe that throughout his book 1 gematria quote. licence or counting up is accurate, but he occasionally indulges in the of changing a vowel or reduplicating a letter. his the instances ISA. xiii. faciam Quiescere Joannes superbiam 327. 82 I2 9 73 99 32 98 PER CAB. SIMP. n. 43 . Subieskius Rex. Poloniae . infidelium. PER CAB. SIMP. 24 in 86 97 Et arrogantiam fortium humiliabo. ISA. xxxii. Behold a king reign in xli. ii. sie sollen zu Spott und zu Schanden werden Alle, die dirgram sind, sie sollen werden als nichts, und die Leut so mit dir hadern Sihe, sollen Carolus Dux 318. l8 9 Lotaryngyensis. Vienna plausus. Jesus, Son of God. 469 469 righteousness. ISA. 45 PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. i. shall 84 umkommen. 10,287 PER CAB. TRIG. Doctor Herr Philipp Jacob Spener, Ministerii anfanglich des venerandi hernach Franckfurth Senior, in Probst, Inspector Rath in Berlin - und Consistorial- 10,287 VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM ISA. Behold hold ; my whom servant, mine PER GEMATRIAM IlEBR. i. xlii. 49 I elect. up- That is Jesus Christ, Son of God. 840 840 ELCHANON PAULUS. ISA. he extolled, deal shall be exalted shall and and be very high. ISA. He PER GEMATRIAM 13. servant my Behold^ prudently^ lii. Ixi. sent me my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted. 772 That is Jesus Christ. 772 Behold, PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. i. bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty hath HfiBR. to He hath sent me. That is 398 398 Jesus (Ze Jeschua). to the captives, etc. ISA. Du Ixii. PER CAB. TRIG. 2. sollst 755 mit einem neuen Namen 1 150 510 990 genennet werden 611 e Jahrzahl Zahl des Tages welchen die Proclamation Engelland viz. 12 I. proclaimed King of England, Aug. 12, 1714.) an erste in geschehen Aug. 224 5049 J. F. 5049 RlEDERER. BIBL1A CABALISTICA ISA. Ixii. 220 Du Crone Hand zu Braunschweig 452 644 462 Herrn und em Koniglicher Hut in der Hand deines Gottes 650 1150 510 990 Churfurst 59 37 eine schone des Georg Ludewig 1343 wirst sein in der TRIG. PER 3. 1081 452 1046 Hanover 611 wird auf den Thron 92 3 von Engelland 789 394 erhaben 6660 J. J E R. xxiii. PER GEMATR.AM I will raise unto R. Unto David a righteous Branch David and a King righteous Branch, shall reign and prosper. a H EB 5- the Behold, the days come, saith Lord, that F. 6660 RlEDERER. 3 Jesus. ELCHANON PAULUS. PER CAB. ORD. JER. xxxi. 22. Enmuliercircumdansvirum. 1338 En Maria preservata a macula 33 ogims. En aurora lucida et rubicunda. 1338 1338 ejus. SAN JUAN. Leva Sponsi sub capite EZEK. XXXVH. 2 5 servant David And my their prince. PER GEMATR.AM . shall be 544 Jesus, the H E BR. Son of David, the ELCHANON PAULUS. VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM EZEK. xliv. PER CAB. ORD. 2. Porta clausa. 606 Spes nostra. Liberatrix. Porta mire clausa. 730 730 730 Agna vera mira munda. 730 Nitida et pura Maria. 730 SAN JUAN. PER CAB. ORD. Maria Virginea et munda. 852 Immunis labe originis. Pura mortali DAN. ii. 34. Petra a mentis vertice abscissa. 852 DAN. I vii. 13. and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven. vii. hu Jeschua Maschiach bar El). 995 PER CABALAM TRIGONALEM.* 25, 26. Er wird den Hochsten Das in ein-tausend sieben-hundert und achtzehenden Jahr nach der und lastern, des Hochsten die esca. SAN JUAN. PER GEMATRIAM HfiBR. One like the Son of man came. 995 That is Jesus Christ, Son of God (Ze saw in the night visions, DAN. 606 606 ver- Heiligen und wird sich unterstehen sie Zeit und Gesetze zu andern gnadenreichen Geburt JESV Christi zu grund gehen und wo nicht storen, ; werden aber in seine Hand gegeben werden eine Zeit und etliche Zeit vollig per terram gestiirtzte, und Hauss durch doch das Aller-Durchleuchtigste Oesterreich und dessen darnach wird das Gericht gehalten werden ; da wird dann seine Gewalt weggenom- Grossmachtigstes Ober-Haubt in das aller empfindlichste Abnehmen men werden, und Confusion gebrachte vertilget metanische oder Turkische Reich. eine halbe Zeit ; dass er zu Grund und umbracht werde. Maho23.403 MICAH Domus Domini Mons f in vertice This iv. in vertice montium. cabalistical PER CAB. ORD. i. montium. 1326 1 120 prognostication Staats-Kantzlei (part 30, p. 514), 1718. in his Catalogues. Reparatrix nature humane. 1326 O 1120 salus in te sperantium. in Anton Fabri s appeared Europaischer Riederer was the author, as he tells us 8. BIBLIA CABALISTICA MlCAH V. 2, PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 3. That Beth-lehem Ephratah, be little among the thou though thousands of Judah, yet out of thee that is shall he come forth unto me But thou, 1 King of the Jews. 9 9 them he up, Therefore will give Jesus Christ, trauntil the time that she which forth. 1248 vaileth hath brought whose goings from forth have been from of old, to be ruler in Israel ; ivill Therefore everlasting. them up, until the time 919 to be ruler in Israel. is That Jesus shall he give she when very time of be born Mary. 1248 at is the ELCNANON PAULUS. that which travaiJeth hath brought forth. MlCAH And V. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 4. he shall feed in the strength 3 86 of the Lord. And he shall stand and feed in the the Lord. strength of Jesus (Jeschua). MICAH v. 4 64 125 Exaltabitur PER CAB. SIMPL. 9. 138 75 i5\ manus tua super 1 82 __ 62 tteros Hippolytus Centunonus 06 71 hostes tuos. HABAC. iii. 457 Januensis.* 457 PER CAB. ORD. 1177. Deo Archidux Leopoldus. 3. 1 Id a . ; Erit Leopoldus ab Austria. 2. Filius primogenitus Caroli. T~ /^* _ O^.rJ-l !/-* /T *Y\ Caroli Sexti hie dimicat.^ 4. Filius e Domo Austriaca. Ille 3. 1 Venit ab Austro Deus. 1177 . 5 6. Ab 1 1 ! Leopoldus ea donatus in Die 1 I Deci- matertia Aprilis. famous incident in the war numerical anagram refers to a This him, Baruch The in. 5. cabala is the simple one a = i -t> ; VETUS TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM These six historical event Scriptural cabalistica had their origin 53 from the following : On April I3th, 1716, there was born to the Emperor Charles VI. Consort, Elisabeth Christina, a long-desired son, who was as baptised Leopoldus Joannes Josephus Antonius Franciscus de Paula and his Balthasar. Hermenegildus Rudolphus Ignatius The birth Imperial Throne brought forth the and number of anagrams, chrono quarters, made in honour of the happy event is remarkably of this acclamations from all grams, and cabalistica heir to the large. have volume of several hundred pages, published at the Prague 1716, containing laudatory contributions of the Jesuits of the Province of Bohemia alone. Here there are 593 chronograms of the year of birth cabalistica and anagrams besides. various and (1716), I a large folio in And there are several other similar productions. But in spite of all the omens and hopes, the infant died on November 4th in the same good year (1716), or, as it was neatly expressed chronogrammatically In hoCCe anno \ Die qVarta noVeMbrls ^ - 1716 Infans obllt his birth being cabalistically expressed with equal skill thus Hie Leopoldus enatus The in Mense Aprilis et ad Pascha. : 1716 here quoted are from a MS. (penes me) Mysterium Magnum in auspicatissimo Natali Serenissimi Austrias Archiducis Asturiasque Principis Leopoldi revelatum. Oratio entitled Scriptural cabala c : Pythagorica." HAB. Thou iii. 13. wentest forth for the salvaof thy people, even for salvat ion with thine anointed, tion PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. For salvation with thy Messiah, 1189 That is with Jesus thy Messiah. 1189 ELCHANON PAULUS. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 54 ZECH. And as xii. of David the house P ER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 8. be shall God. iv. P ER GEMATRIAM HEBR. art thou, great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt be- The Headstone. That is Jesus, and he shall bring a plain thereof with the headstone : forth Grace, crying, shoutings, Son of God. 548 Jesus, the ELCHANON PAULUS. 7. O Who unto is 548 ZECH. come That 569 Son of King David, 5^9 ELCHANON PAULUS. grace it. ZECH. ix. PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. 9. O O daughter of of Zion shout, daughter cometh behold, thy King Jerusalem unto thee : he is just, and having salvation lowly, and riding upon an ass. Rejoice greatly, ; : Thy King cometh and having unto thee : he salvation. 815 of David Son (Jeschuah Maschiach ben David). just, Jesus Christ, 8 ; ZECH. Behold The the vi. 5 PER GEMATRIAM HEBR. man whose name Also another 1 ELCHANON PAULUS. 12. BRANCH. is is 855 That is Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Ze hu Jeschuah hamaschiach ben El). 855 cabalistical identity The Branch (Hebr. Zemach). 138 The Son him). of God (Hebr. Ben Elo- 138 ELCHANON PAULUS. APOCRYPHA 55 APOCRYPHA i ESDRAS iv. 4, 3, PER CAB. TRIG. 8. 7, Aber der Konig bezwinget sie als der fiber sie herrschet und Serenissimus et Potentissimus Dominus Tzarus Petrus Alexiovicius Magnus Dux totius magnae, alle, alles was er ihnen gebietet das thun sie. Sie erwurgen und werden erwtirget, und des Koniges Worte gehen sie nit vorbei, heist er toden so toden sie, heist sie es ers nachlassen heist schlagen 2 ESDRAS 42 16 78 Vidi ecce sicuti 119 Moscoviae, ^ xi. ac so lassen totius Dominator, 30 89 Orae etc. 19,964 F. RlEDERER. CABALA SIMPLEX. 9 112 59 96 108 Leopoldus Ignatius Franciscus de Silva 88 95 69 Baltassar Joseph Felicianus i 4 93 95 concitatus rugiens demittebat 7 5 54 ocem ad aquilam. Volodomiriae, Septentrionalis J. 37. Leo Cyovias, Dominus Novogardias aliorumque so zuschlagen 19,964 er sie. Russiae autocrator, albae parvas, et Maximus D. A. 666 666 ALBRICIUS, NICOLAS.* * See Bibliography. 57 BIBLIA CABALISTICA JUDITH Da schickten sie PER CAB. TRIG. 1-6. iii. ihre Bottschafften ihm und Zorn von deinen wende sprachen, uns denn es 1st besser dass wir dem grossen Konig deinen und dir gehorsam seyn und lebendig bleiben, denn dass wir umbkommen und die aus, kamen zu gewennen gleichwohl nichts, alle unsere Stadte, Gtiter Berge, Hiigel Aecker, Ochsen, Schaafe, Ziegen, Rosse und Cameel und was wir darzu auch unser nun haben Gesind ist alles dein, schaffe damit was du wilt, ja auch wir samt unsern Kindern sind deine Knechte, kom zu uns und sey unser gnadiger Herr und branche unsers Diensts wie dirs gefallet. 37>457 ; Das gedemilthigte und olmferne dem San Fluss Turckischen aus der gelegen, Hunde Handen gerissen und per accord den achtzehenden Augusti anno ein Tausend siebenhundert und siebenzehen an die Kayserliche WafFen siegreiche ilbergangen unter glucklichen Commando des durchlauchtigsten Generalissimi Printzen Donau Francisci Hertzogen von und Piemont, MarggrafFen Savoyen Eugenii zu Saluces, Vlieses Rittern des SAP. v. 18, 19. sumet scutum inexpugnabile asquitatem. 953 SAP. IVSTVM x. deduxit 10. Dominus per illi regnum vias rectas, et ostendit Dei et honestavit ilium in laboribus, I: 95 complevit labores illius. ; gilldenen und bey Ihren Kayserlichen Majestat denten. Praesi- Hof-Kriegs-Rath 37,457 J. Induct pro thorace justitiam, accicertum, piet pro galea judicium sich sub- mittirende Belgrad oder Griechisch Weisenburg in Servien an der F. RlEDERER. CAB. PER NUM. MIN. Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonicus, Dei Gratia Francorum et Navarrensium Rex Christianissimus. 953 J. B. SPADIUS. CAB. PER NUM. MIN. Tertiusdecimus BorLudovicus Dei Gratia Francorum et bonicus, Navarrensium Rex Christianissi- mus, cognomentoque Justus. 1195 J. B. SPADIUS. APOCRYPHA SAP. du Weil xii. denn PER CAB. TRIG. 15-19. bist gerecht regierest du alle Dinge recht, achtest deiner Majestat nicht so und ge- mass jemand zu verdammen, der die Straffe Denn nicht deine Starcke verdienet ist deine hast Starcke hat. Herr- cine der Gerechtigkeit du iiber alle herrschest schonest du auch aller. schaft und weil so ver- Denn du beweiset, an denen so nicht glaubeten dass du so gar machtig warest, und hast dich erzeiget an denen die sich keck wusten. Aber du gewaltiger Herrscher richtest mit Lindigkeit und regierest mit viel verschonen denn du vermagst alles was du wilt. Dein Volck aber lehrest du durch solche und Werck dass seyn solle. giltig 59 man fromm Der Durchleuchtigste GrossmachFiirst und Herr, Herr tigste Friederich in Augustus erwehlter Pohlen, Gross Herzog Litthauen, Reussen, Preussen, Konig in Mazovien, Samogitien, Kyovien, Wolhynien, Podolien, Podlachien, Lieffland, und Smolenskien, Schernicovien ; Sachsen Julich, Cleve, des und Westphalen, Romischen Reichs und Churfurst, Severien Herzog zu Berg, Engern Heiligen Erz-M arse hall in Landgraf Meissen zu Thuringen, Marckgraf auch Ober und Nieder Lausitz, Burggraf zu Magdeburg, Gefursteter Graf zu Henneberg, Graf zu der Marck Ravensberg und Barby, Herr zum Ravenstein.* 41,332 J. F. RlEDERER. * The prolonged accumulation of titles is not uncommon in either literal numerical anagrams, but we seldom meet such an enormous specimen as the above. However, in 1705, G. Gothofredus produced a pure literal anagram of I quote it in text (although nonsomewhat similar length on the same king. or Which of the two would take the longer Biblical) for the purpose of comparison. time to compose, I can hardly say ; I think the literal anagram, but both are unique of their kind. I only Prose anagrams of such a length as 567 letters are very seldom met with. know four that surpass the above in length and ingenuity. One of the best, though not quite the longest, is the prose anagram of 1072 letters made out of Psalm xc., and addressed to the Emperor Leopold in 1684. This, being a Biblical anagram, will But the greatest anagrammatic curios are the appear in my Biblia Anagrammatica. I am acquainted with fifteen of metrical ones, which are very difficult to compose. BIBLIA CABALISTIC A 6o PROGRAMMA. quin et Sacri Romani Imperil ArchiMarschallus atque Elector, LandMarchio gravius insuperThuringiae, Dominus Friedericus Augustus Poloniarum Rex, Potentissimus Dux Magnus Russiae ac turn Lithuanian, Vollhiniae turn turn Samogitiae, ac Podolias, turn Misnias, ut et tarn superioris Masoviasqs, Prussian, Podlachiae, infer! oris Livonia?, Smolenscia?, porro turn Severiae, sicut et Czernikovias ; et Dux simul et Cliviae, Saxoniae Montium, et hie est Rex Sarmatias PURISSIMUM. suo vere Quid STAN1SLAVS ? Est perduellis. Ubi PRIMAS Reg- legitimus ni, perduellium Rex Heros CARDINALIS noster autem ? vivat, PETRVS qui universas Sarmatias ditiones hunc verum Heros jam ALEXIOWIZIVS Bene Regem suum spon- taneo, politiori, nee inani agnoscant socius, SMIEGIELSKYO, Sarmatias, ! omnes ! fiet Bene omni ? ! Mavortius, qui armatas hostium phalangas animo aggreditur Vivat ejus amicus, ac intrepido hie armorum fid us qui ab execranda ac iniquiori lassas Majestatis crimine aggravata perduellione abhorrens, acclamat, pieque apprecatur. Vivat bene vireat hie Imo vere, hicce legitime unctus ! Mortuus. Dominus : ANAGRAMMA Ecce Barby, atque burgas Ravensteinii. Juliaci pariterque Angariae et Westphaliae quam Burggravius ac PrincepsMagdeburgensis, Comes Comes Hennebergensis, et Ravenssic Marcas, pariter turn et adhasc Lusatiae, applausu Regi ! FIAT [567 ! letters.] more that six hundred letters. Some are written in musical monkish metres of nearly forty lines, and one (facile princeps) runs to the extraordinary length of It is Casimir s hymn, 132 hexameter and pentameter lines, and contains 4419 letters. Omni die, die Marice, finely turned into classic elegiacs. It is by a Jesuit of Prague, and was written c. 1672. There is a copy of the book containing it to be seen at the Prague University Library, but nowhere else, as far as I know. I transcribed it when at Prague some years ago, and shall place it in an anagrammatic Breviary if I get the these, all having opportunity of arranging and printing what I have. APOCRYPHA ECCLI. xxiv. etc. 2, In medio 63 Ecclesia^ 58 68 80 Aperiet Os ejus, Et implebit Eum Dominus 1 1 1 I 10 184 149 !59 92 Spiritu Sapientiae Et Intellectus, Stolaque gloriae Induct 61 eum 1074 1074 J. ECCLI. xxiv. Dominus tecum ab PER CAB. ORD. 9. initio et ante I55 secula. ECCLI. xxiv. Si cut 1 O cui Regina o ccelum et terra 5S 1 SAN JUAN. PER CAB. ORD. 1 3 : 2 O Lilium in quo cubat Deus. 1312 SAN JUAN. PER CAB. ORD. 13. Quasi Cypressus exaltata. En quasi Cypressus exaltata. se 1 subjicit. 13. cedrus exaltata. ECCLI. xxiv. B. SPADIUS. 1435 1480 ex qua Sol enituit. ^435 ad Coelum Jacobi Scala per quam Stella T ascenditur. 48 SAN JUAN. ECCLI. xxiv. PER CAB. ORD. 14. Cades. Quasi Palma exaltata in 1 1 62 Maria. Jucundissima Virgo quasi Palma exaltata. 62 PER CAB. ORD. ECCLI. xxiv. 14. O 1 1 SAN JUAN. 1060 Munda ex macula originali. 1060 SAN JUAN. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 62 ECCLI. xxiv. 15. Ich bin aufgewachsen wie AhOrnen, gab einen lieblichen Geruch von mir wie Cynnamet und k6stich Wurze und liche besten wie die Galban und Onych Myrrhen wie und Myrrhen und wie der Wey- dem Tempel. rauch in 13,486 PER CAB. TRIG. Hoffmann von Christian HofFmannswaldau auff Arnoldsmiihl, Romischen Kayserlichen der Majestat Prseses Anno Rath, wie auch Rathsder Stadt Breslau, starb Christi MDCLXXIX den April. ]. ECCLI. xxx. Mortuus non F. Pater ejus, sed quasi mortuus, similem enim Ludovicus Quartusdecimus Borbonius, Dei Gratia Gallorum et 872 Navarre Rex Christianissimus. 872 sibi post se. J. ECCLI. xxx. Pater ejus defensorem reliquit sua? contra inimicos, reddentem gratiam. 832 Ludovicus Quartusdecimus BorDei Gratia Gallias et bonicus, Rex Christianissimus. 832 Navarre J. ECCLI. Induit xlv. eum Dominus B. SPADIUS. CAB. PER NUM. MIX. 6. mirum Domus et amicis REIDERER. CAB. PER NUM. MIX. 4. est est reliquit xviii i B. SPADIUS. PER CAB. ORD. 7. stolam gloria?. 1483 Ecce Alphonsus Presul Ecclesis 1483 Toletanse. SAN JUAN. ECCLI. Dedit illi xlvii. PER CAB. ORD. 6. Dominus coronam gloria?. 1130 Archiepiscopus Ecclesise Toletanse. 113 1130 Theologorum Theologus. SAN JUAN. APOCRYPHA BARUCH 80 64 iii. CABALA 518 SIMPLEX.* 5. 88 44 24 tue et nominis 60 87 23 tui in tempore Et i 115 MACHAB. 300 49 245 195 facta est Laetitia toto in Und warden viii. v. 9, for machte. 230^ 1754 (On the Dutch.} Die durch gantz Europa beruhmten Herrn Generaal Staaten der 6043 vereinigten Provinzien. J. F. RlEDERER. another. t This, which was called a of a new Archbishop at Treves there. 79 PER CAB. TRIG. 14. 6043 * See Micah 58.1 populo magna valde. sehr zum Konig iv. 440 machtig und wan solche Tugend bey Ihnen dass sich keiner Tu 62. Inclytus Heros. Vienna plausus. in MACHAB. ^39 Hyppolytus Centurionus, isto. i 105 151 151 Memento manus 48 63 was exhibited at the election scripturistico-cabalisticon, in 1754, among other literary devices of the Jesuits NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM MY New Testament collection begins with a long cabalistic soliloquy of the Virgin Mary on the words of the angel in Joseph s dream u Flee into ii. 13), (Matt. Egypt." It comes from the remarkable book of Josephus Mazza, the laborious Capucin, a work so rare that I know of no other copies in but own. He uses the for the texts of the England my Vulgate soliloquies, and other texts will be found further on in St. Luke and St. John. Each soliloquy of the Virgin contains sixty-three cabala, that her being supposed age when she died. The wording is generally very appropriate, and the labour entailed in making such excellent cabalistic lines must have been enormous. MATT. SOL 118 39 FUGE J Hinc exulandum 95 T0 75 est Et effugium non 104 Modo a U M . 159 729 34 Filj 729 ; 128 39 TI 4 nisi in fuga , i I 572 47o 2 53 L O QJJ 13. ^GYPTUM. IN 5 I ii. 291 729 ; 5 169 Jordane pergendum ad Nilum, 67 729 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 68 95 20 140 ibi Bethlem 4. Et 5. Quam 122 181 81 66 308 4 ac infanda Hierusalem hodie, impia Si iS 97 92 impij sic Tantum 11. Ut modo 12. Ad 5 185 Numen, 104 3 94 ab eis defecere, 338^ 729 aufugiens, 2 45 399 729 729 ; TOO 310 314 illosque ita confugiens, 3 729 103 Numine 159 92 ^48^ 235 fiunt sic inde odibiles 195 Jamque 729 729 194 abs Dei 10. 190 18 ! 1 200 39 27 Coeli ardent in 83 33 i 9. 729 ! 378 tarn deteriores Niliacis, 89 8. 99 327 TIT Si 729 89 Quam 89 7. 275 Meroem immutanda. Hebrei ergo execrandi 181 6. 60 1 39 in 729 55 n 13. perhorreas, deseras Jacob, Jam 120 195 14. Jamque 15. Nee quod jam 20 1 6. 8. 263 immerito 136 271 95 429 Hie depulsus 20 TOO 164 19. Ibi fies, eris, 50 41 20. Hinc illic TOO recipient, 136 alent I 279 a Tuis, ; 47 85 es neci, 729 729 729 729 301 144 alienis dilectus. 199 729 97 agis, 291 132 3 At Chamitac Te 20 1 97 agis, 30 151 32 Cham. Hie barbare ab Herode addictus 91 17. & diligas, 204 38 287 praeferas 95 199 non Tui, Tui 14 fient. 729 729 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 95 21. 16 5 22. 48 3 Ad Ut 1 06 hasc lasta 202 190 23. J 116 174 39 49 Ecclesia erit in Semine. 105 Et ab inde amodo 34 Filj 266 190 123 Ut audij 25. Ut 26. Quo jam 190 27 Coeli mandatum 729 : 114 9 de fuga, 729 729 novi causam mandati, 200 240 30 259 raptim eundum, in 161 27. Qua 28. Per Loca nimirum 85 207 arida, aspera, 729 3 4 J 401 14 729 habendum, iter 258 54 125 729 I 7 174 113 tarn diu 729 Adde, montuosa, abrupta, 89 212 16 95 et hasc, 317 inhospita, inaccessa 729 30. Sed 31. Nec non 48 172 32. (Inde diris 33. Hisce, inquam, bene perceptis 113 260 36 34 25 113 148 34. Heu qualis alme Filj me adijt angor 35. Quam 38 TOO 181 200 202 275^ squallida, horrida, 102 12 feralia, ceca, 48 97 inde 81 illico 729 : Quo 37. Quali in Corde moerore confecta affecta perdiro dolore 39 122 729 322 : angustias 36. 180 ; 729 H2 169 248 729 362 42 efferas 729 170 89 250 solum idonea Feris) 220 105 729 155 205 179^ 42^ 113 172 52 25 729 322 tandem me bene deduxi. asgrum ego foveam Cor 24. 29. 150 29 mi 69 210 729 : 178 ! 729 BIBLIA CABALISTICA yo 46 38. 124 Summus 95 41. 45. 100 Ac 408 plene spiritu defecissem, 48. 6 21 729 126 242 329 ea alia gaudiosa nate conversa, Ad TOO 106 Non alte 230 102 5 Nee ad 237 Attamen ubi Dolor ille 1 eadem ego 431 258 729 205 50. kt mde ad necem usque 4 Ac 20 52. 53. 5 43^ 6 35 63 345 249 30 ( 729 173 dilanior 65 729 ; 151 Ac Ut 189 ne ea recogitem meas Animae nulla jus. 32 213 159 tarn valide sibi vendicant Cor, 38 ioo 3 123 729 305 Hie mala, nedum imminent, adsunt in joo 4 129 272 113 190 54. . 729 recogito, plene resurgit, Dire redit insimul moeror, 95 729 26 4 52 35 .3 ilia ioo 178 88^ 729 462 gaudia prosilijssem, ll1 34 293 122 alta 164 729 moerorem efFregissem, 49. 51. 729 284 98 257 Si a masstis ijs aversa, . 47. 729 217 i 38 46. 729 283 100^ re vera plene concidissem, 5 44. _ concidi, defeci, 176 75 Kt 89 43. 729 98 32 propemodum 4 42. 205 399 Vita 729 : item moeror. 200 40. 167 dolor adfuit ineffabilis 400 39. 210 164 142 cito Mihi ; 729 729 275 nee animo ab eisdem averti, 729 CAB A LIST I CUM NOVUM TESTAMENTUM 38 92 55. Nee sic 56. Hodie 66 144 137 191 aut velim, aut valeam 200 105 57. Soli amodo sum 14 46 58. Ei mihi delude 57 2 59 4 7 29 ad jucunda convert!, 191 139 347 247 5 112 173 I 729 ; IJ 3 324 i75 est 729 ; addicta dolori 99 tradendum Cor; Ac ipsum omni gaudio denegandum. 60. Ad 51 5 5 6 32 hoc ea mala 1 131 95 Amor J 44 25 3 jam me Ad 62. Et hos dolores cogor amare, 95 13 128 64 29 Id enim mi 63. MATT. JEdificavit vii. ipse 160 249 34 Fili 128 i2 0> adigit, alligat 729 97 204 48 amabile, 729 206 131 quod jubet Amor. 729 TOSEPHUS MAZZA. CAB. 322 SIMPLEX. Sanctus Corradus Confallonerius. Anathemata B. Conrado. 24. domum suam 729 cogunt praesentia, 61. hoc et 729 340 270 25 me 729 20 ^ ^1 59. 5 71 supra 3 22 little before This and the cabala of Matt. xxvi. 20 date from a Biblical anagramma and are the earliest specimens of the 1 60 i a collection of from taken are with. met I have numericum They in honour of the left arm anagrams and other literary devices composed relic to his native a of the above saint, when it was brought as of Placentia (Piacenza) in 1620. Another numerical literary device, circumstances and exact date thus : called supfutatio, gives BIBLIA CABALISTICA De Divi Conradi Brachio Placentiam translate Supputatio per numeros minores Brachium 98 65 Sinistrum Sancti 42 73 Conradi Confalonerii Anachorita, 7i 1 104 38 Ex Netina Urbe Ad 9 Gives 1 82 Placentinos Transferetur 1620 These supputationes soon fell out of fashion, and hardly went beyond the circle of the literary dilettanti round about Piacenza, which included J. B. Spadius, Hieronymus Spadius, and Josephus Folianus, of Modena by birth, but a citizen of Piacenza. H. Spadius edited the collection, and J. Folianus gave a good synopsis of the cabalistic artifices and how they came into vogue. MATT. Tu es Petra, et xvi. hie P ER 18. super hanc Petram axiifkabo Ecclesiam meam. Franciscus CAB. ORD. Gottf. Carol. Anton. Comes a Ostein. loan. 1743 1743 In the year 1743 there was a vacancy in the Archiepiscopal See of Mentz, and a curious was issued, entitled Vox interrogans, pamphlet in which the claims of the Count of Ostein were defended elaborate by The above was the only Scriptural one, and the anagrammatic proof. text was This and* the slightly changed to include the year 1743. following example are the only two I have met with on this famous text. One would have expected more. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM MATT. Tu et xvi. CABALISTICUM 73 CABALA SIMPLEX.* i es Petrus, super hanc 148 Joannes 8 Marcus 1 1 Petram 65 53 j^Edificabo 69 67 123 63 57 97 Rosettus Petinae Ecclesiam 64 Ecclesiae Meam 28 Antistes 476 476 A. CARRARIA, Triumphus, MATT. Es wird ilber tlber xxiv. sich PER CAB. TRIG. 7. ein Volck emporen das ander, und ein Konigreich das ander. 47^9 {"Whigs Die zwei streitende Fidelis servus Ut det illis In tempore 153 I 10 182 F. RlEDERER, 85 7 1 1 06 119 103 Illustrissimus et 221 181 D.D. Franciscus 1 1 1 Sanctas 57 59 57 114 82 Romanas Ecclesie Presbyter Cardinalis Tritici Mensuram Ferrariensis 92 129 1 1103 J. De On /) Reverendissimus Sacratus * / Factionen CABALA SIMPLEX, Dominus Super Familiam suam " Engelland Whiggs und Torrys. xxiv. 45, Et prudens Quern constituet Milan. (4769). and Tories J. MATT. etc., B. 103 SPADIUS, F. Sacrato, S.R.E. Card. the occasion of the election of Rosetti to a small bishopric in Italy. in BIBLIA CABALISTICA 74 MATT. xxv. 20. Domine, quinque talenta tradidisti mihi. 355 CAB. 355 SIMPLEX. Divus Corradus Anachoreta Placentinus. Anathemata B. Conrado. 6 755 6 755 MATT, Data est ei xxviii. PER CAB. ORD. 18. potestas in Coelo et in terra. Causa veras letitiae veri gaudii. MARC. xii. n. Mirabile in oculis nostris. PER CAB. ORD. 1045 En Pra:sul Magne Ecclesie tane. MARC. Est mirabile xii. xii. CABALA EX 11. in oculis nostris. MARC. Viam Dei 1359 359 1186 Veritas de terra orta est. n. 1 186 PER CAB. ORD. 14. in veritate docens. Ps. Ixxxv. ToleIO 45 999 Presul Magne Ecclesie Toletane. Nature miraculum. 999 999 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM Luc. i, Aber der 350 Engel sprach zu ihm 702 669 728 Farchte dich nicht dann 561 dein Gebet 412 1058 766 506 647 660 erhort 1st 75 und dein Weib Elisabet wird dir einen Sohn gebaren 6 3 73 6 5 Luc. i. 28. Ave, Maria, gratia plena ; Dominus tecum. PER CAB. ORD. Ave Templum Sanctissimas Triadis. 1412 1412 SAN JuAN.f * This was fulfilled by the Empress Elizabeth Christina in 1715, and the Europaische Fama, No. 177, compliments Riederer on his vaticination and (see Gen. xxviii. 3, 4) quotes another he had made. t What I am going to remark upon this most excellent specimen of the cabalistic art will, I think, on the first reading of it, appear absolutely incredible and impossible. For Ave Templum Sanctissimce Triadis is certainly such an ex in tremely ingenious and appropriate cabalistic interpretation of the words of the Angel Luke i. 28, that those readers who have come so far as this in my book, and have be met in composing a really good and suitable no doubt agree that here we have one hard to beat, on the right hand or cabalistical it stands alone would seem an additional reason for supposing it had no realised the difficulties that have to cabalisticon or even on Biblical texts, will match. Moreover, as column of this Bible, this fellows or equals, or even inferiors. will be thought when I assert that I could easily from my own shelves of and produce nine or ten thousand other examples, most of them equally good, What rarities some in the number certainly better, and all accurately counting up the required same true cabalistical way i.e., per cabalam ordinariam, as the of the text example in my BIBLIA CABALISTICA 76 Ave, Maria, gratia plena. Purior angelis. 651 En 651 651 spes nostra. Maria Deo soli Hasc enim Dei Imago Deo cedit est jam Imago, vere simillima, Plane mira infinita Et ideo Deo hasc amabilior Ea ei Pulchrior Ac amore hinc ardens (Oh mirabile dictu) : ! Ave, gratia plena. In, sed 380 ab ilia fit 380 caro, lam illic ea caro Deus Mater Dei Puella ; ; Adde concepit illibata Ea non a carnali semine, : A Coelesti Oh Oh Oh Flamine plena. rara prodigia alta ! Dignitas Gaudia plane Diva ! ! JOSEPHUS MAZZA. Nay, I could bring nearly five hundred examples in Italian as well and this the only text in the whole Bible to which such remarks are applicable. The explanation of all this is simple enough when we hear it. These first six words of the Angelical Salutation have always been special favourites with \he anagram makers, ever since Joannes Baptista Agnensis, the blind dependent of Cardinal Julius Rospigliosus, sent forth his first hundred in i66r, which were so much admired. Before he died, he made over a thousand, all pure and appropriate and more marvellous still, a Pole, in 1702, sent forth a folio containing three thousand anagrams, all in the elegiac metre, and with other men s attempts my shelves contain nearly ten thousand specimens, all different text. ; is ; ! Now, although the composition of an anagram is worked out in a way very different from the arithmetical process necessary for a good example of cabalistic art, still, when the anagram is completed, and the full number of letters appropriately used, if we count up the letters by any cabalistical progression we like to use, we get the same numerical result as would be obtained by counting up by the same cabalistical progression previously used the letters of the anagramma was derived. Thus in the way of numeration all programing from which the these anagrams are the cabalistica of the NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 77 Dominus tecum. 761 Ora pro populo Maria Insignis Virgo SAN JUAN. Celum terris unis. O 913 Templum Benedicta in mulieribus. Hierusalem. Fons pietatis et letitie Mater pietatis et clementiae, Illumina En Benedicta in mulieribus. Benedicta in mulieribus. me luce tua. 908 Tu 863 Gaude Mater gloria Jerusalem. inviolata Pura Mater Agni Immolati Ne derelinquas me in via. SAN JUAN. Luc. Und i. Elisabeth sihe PROGNOSTICON CABALISTICUM.* 36, 37. ist auch und schwanger mit einem Sohn die geht jetzt im sechsten Mond, unSie im Geschrey ist, dass Dann bey Gott ist fruchtbar sey. kein Ding unmoghlich. 11,402 Die Allerdurchleuchtigste Furstin und Frau, Frau Elizabeth Christina Romischen der Kayregierenden Herrn Majestat Herrn Caroli Sexti unschatzbare Gemahlin. serlichen 11,402 J. F. RlEDERER. are in the present instance of Luc. i. 28, they original programing and consequently not one of the But intention. that with made not cabalistica of that text, although which brought forth the arithmetical process ten thousand anagrams was made by without being an anagram, Ave Templum Sanctissimce Triadis, for that is a cabalisticon It was it an anagram make ever could stand as they and no variation of the letters alone (as far as I know) stands and produced by the arithmetical-cabalistic process, found have been evolved out of this one text. I have against the myriad host which above. a few on portions of the Salutation, as * On the accouchement of the Empress of Charles VI. Appropriately (?) sent to in the sixth month the Court periodical, Europaische Fama, in December, 1715, Her Majesty s conception. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 78 Luc. 497 i. 39. in ioi 1 7 1. 27 Ignem 2. 3. 74 Vique jam 4. Ideo eo illico tendit, I4 , Ecce 8. 39 In 294 239 hie perhibet 18 170 9 6o ; 52 _ 74 Filio Coehco plemssima Igne, quia Dei 210 5 42 135 5 30 96 jam plena 197 i 190 128 109 305 En ut a Gabriele didicit concepisse Cognatam, 225 292 9 58 169 39 164 Ac, mirante Natura, de Coelo foecundam in senio, 93 231 342 24 6 Inde celer pergit, currit, advolat. 1 66 4 3985 42 38 114 Ac in se bene conscia, nee arcani 960 192 4 10. 960* 115 Montana, ad Elisabeth, ad Joannem bene celerrime accedit 35 9. ipsa 212 o6 o 20 MARIA ijs ,,70 - o6 o I0 9 potest, facit. ioi 9 98 Testimonium de o6 o ; quo propendit, 355 Et quantum ~ l6 960 : 348 ^ 493 6. 960 060 non amat pollens, otiari 228 200 4 01 95 5. 81 45 175 est 212 380 30 hie ortus, fugit ima, 100 112 225 219 3 58 292 20 De summis 2 169 MONTANA IN ad altiora deferri, Natura Cceli, 309 9 221 5 212 39 EXURGENS MARIA ABIJT 960 960 48^ 11. 12. 6 ioo ^30 255 4 060 113 haud 265 116 14. Fert sane, 22 3 15. 32 6. i 8. 96 ioi 49 Deum 172 fert. 105 186 266 178 ioo 117 i plane Verbi verbis fere magis admiranda 61 40 93 190 423 In electa almi Filioli Anima prodigia conglobarunt. 51 384 296 213 16^ ecce spretis f Nature This line 960 959, for Igne 960 960 060 legibus, = 960 4o H4 Nam 960 186 136 verba plene emula Verbi 86 960 190 hodie ibidem facta decent Prodigia Imo 39 17. & 66 Tune alma MARINE 69 1 95 190 consilij 171 129 Ea, jam Deifera, Parenti, ac Puero, 171 169 certa = 51. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 264 218 19. Omnique illius 20. Virginea statim operante voce, 224 225 i 49 27 105 150 21. Nondum Puer a Deo Coeli fit mente 69 34 22. Imo ille 23. Tanta luce plane perfunditur, 24. Tales a Triade recipit Amoris flammas, 292 talibus 118 212 186 190 20 148 291 48 163 534 96 , 220 236 138 186 39 132 129 Deum Hominem 26. Ibi 27. Et adoratum adeo accenso corde 45 120 20 Ut valde ibi 95 20 29. Et ibi 30. Et deinde Ac 3o8 ioo 33. Sed en 5 Ad earn supersunt 168 105 MARI^ 96 m 605 alia praeclara 26 : 48 169 453 49 6 37. Et Ut . Gratiae, l86 22 66 4 2l6 J 73 certe hodie tot, tales, ac tantae, 190 95 274 401 et Paraclito repleatur, 960 l82 65 36. 38. : l6 4 Inde immensae profluunt Animae 95 202 406 vocem inde exulat Satan Paterna plane profligatur culpa, 48 96 7% ediderunt Virginis verba. 210 21 1 3T4 317 En hsc omnia 35 ioo 361 saltus edat. pre nimio gaudio 32. 247 , 5 laetissime exultet 161 108 8t 125 16 89 275 355 ibi illico 35 96 44 39 356 85 321 subito se vertat in faciem, 20 4 205 rediligat concitus aestu, 57 95 122 162 50 326 190 35. 96 ; 2I et acclinis adoret, cognitum humillime, 28. 34. J 95 191 299 95 31. in 264 Matre dignoscat 25. 20 179 Vir. 354 Ut ibi c 9 donis inde impletur, 179 i 320 158 ordine conculcato, 290 231 79 s 9 bc , BIBLIA CABALISTICA 8o 314 39. Nulli subinde Agiocosmus postea certo 277 39 496 34 ^ 42. Tantusve 190 43. 42^ Ut bene 4 44. 45. 76 Ac 46. Oh ergo Oh Oh Sed 49. in 960 Juda, 275^ ^30 MARI/E Vox jam 49 180^ 42 198^ 39 TOI MARIA 174 finitima Oh jam 960 ! mire properosa 960 ! 286 42 104^ ^ 280 230 concepti 960 ! 406 104 insuper bene mire Operosa 30 960 135 vere miranda Deo Numini bene 344 . 960 179 3 ^277 340 105 ^ 48 114 major omnibus dicatur ab Ipso. Charitas in et 960 fiat 281 140 262 89 95 48. no^ 343 449 Virtus, 48 47. habeatur 960 firme credatur Maessias, Plebi, 48 48 ille ^ 122 960 34 175 380 41. ^ 277 85 na^vo ille se subdat, 208 106 266 230 159 40. 306 190 150 Illumque tandem Matri refundat, 960 ! 186 30 156 Emmanuelis Mater jam Homogenea ! 4 142 178 27 42 178 96 149 95 Deo, ac Coeli Gratia plena, hanc, et ilium cito affert 66 210 184 190 119 191 Ut hodie Joanni, Elisabeth, adsit Emmanuel, 960 49 50. 51. 53. 54. 55. Dum ergo 58. sedulo 90 Ecquis non magnified 115 57. talia ibi TOO 257 56. 960 128 190 274 184 Nee tamen adsit nisi, ut Jesus, 188 470 302 Idest persolvens, salvans ; 281 14 214 4 251 196 Adde, omnibus ornans, ditans, ac Magnificans. 122 in 20 239 226 118 124 146 38 52. 960 230 Vel tuo 69 illo 51 39 Nam 95 in Te 176 efficis MARIA no Tibi 960 ? 960 228 42 Cantico non bene decantet TOI 960 4 183 canat, ac efFerat 125 Te Magnificam ioo 960 Virgo, 106 95 960 251 960 ? 189 maxima Deus 124 efFecit, 960 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 39 in 91 59- At 100 ioi 60. 61. 85 Facta es 199 95 Quin et 63- TOO 128 218 nisi Tecum 64 75 443 38 enim adjutorium 60 10 illi 133 plane simile 960 ; Adas pia Conredemptrix 960 ; 86 104 4 90 223 Ideoque Tu 6 Domina, Magninca, ac magnince 105 131 123 ^ Amodo 960 : 96 596 190 40 223 62. 100 plene omnia dona non 109 alijs 81 143 71 Dominum 26 61 176 960 124 una cu almo Domino, Magnificat anima mea Domina. 960 JOSEPHUS MAZZA. Luc. i. PER CAB. ORD. 42. Benedictus fructus ventris tui. 1 970 Cunctorum decusque mor- gloria talium. 1970 Luc. 48. Respexit Deus humilitatem Ancille PER CAB. ORD. Quasi mirrha electa dedit suavitatem sue. odoris. i. 1853 Luc. Beatam i. dicunt te PER CAB. ORD. 48. omnes genera- tiones. I2 45 Salve Lactatrix Christi. Virginem adora e spina 1245 macula tutam. O Luc. Fecit magna i. 49. qui potens 1021 est. Remedium totius mundi. PER CAB. ORD. Originariae maculae munda est. Munda puritatis imago. 1245 1245 1 02 1 1021 SAN JUAN. Luc. i. 59. SOLILOOUIUM. 3! 430 345 VENERUNT CIRCUMCIDERE PUERUM 34 16 Filj ecce 161 98 20 nobis Dies Hie, 30 414 3 1076 300 jam octavus ab Ortu ; 1076 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 82 280 296 158 342 ^ 2. Estve secundum ordine Sabbatum 3. Neutri attamen, Quin 190 5. 6. 179 384 95 ioo Te, ita 15 63 5 sit Nos acturum 270 154 , ad necem, T 3^ 3 l6 5 247 97 7 1 253 doloris gladio amare conrodiens. 2 35 161 55 20 73 115 140 malefica. fiunt bona vel Nobis Hie ipsa 218 7. Meque Tecum 113 164 8. Heu dolor 9. r tenellum, indebite addicens ad Vulnera. 190 ! n5 343 vel fcelicitatum En , utnque, Ut amodo ; 434 332 tarn nefastum 105 35 342 secundum id vere IIX i99 4. 80 1 13 237 304 ; J 32 46 indicat mala, 405 Numerus 226 280 296 140 39 cubatione Et in ipsa designat acerbitatem, 210 106 1 60 213 203 89 95 Sed et afferens nefasta alte, pro gaudijs, 108 66 249 214 175 99 95 10. 11. 12. Omni eliminata 220 165 165 dolores hodie addit laetitia, 66 215 immanes 13. Immanes inquam, adeoque hodie ambobus immanes, 14. Ut horrore depressa, 95 XI 3 19 15. 1 6. JI 5 L T 26 135 295 303 , ? ^ dehciat, 86 266 7 2 Mens mea ; 165 245 23 Et Cor, vel a solo pavore, fere depereat. 164 no 216 113 260 30 183 Tibi autem heu qualis 35 J 34 89 59 79 jam imminet dolor En 18. Te 95 250 19. Et quasi 20. Ac ceu Circumcisione indigus expian, 45 21. Eo 39 in 95 4 T sed acer arripitur Gladius, 320 5 2^ secturus vulnere, 88 10 246 33 laethali , 250 137 Adae dire deperditi germen 108 239 381 3oo /- . 17. Filj, sacer, ! 2I1 469 109 222 tenernma Carne ictum 344 esses, , . 361 excipies ; u/u NOVUM TESTAMENTUM 22. 23. 95 50 48 Et hinc, oh 5 280 Ad quos 241 260 81 Tu 92 164 39 95 Te qualis illico in 190 214 387 CABALISTICUM 244 dolor adveniet 1076 ! ? cogeris vagitus 250 493 83 1076 ^ 24. Quas longe evomes lachrymas 4 25. 401 Ac quantum 27. 29. 169 1076 1076 1076 ; 188 113 154 261 205 169 337 ^ 175^ Heu 32. 156 ^71 Tenella etiam Siliceo Gladio immanis ! 151 5 .S3 _ 2 137 f .4 8 Hinc Divinus itidem inde 86 1076 infcelicem Mariam ! 1076 282 inflictus est ictus 125 1076 121 97 At heu nimium Miseram, planeque 31. 34. ? 229 39 125 113 33. 1076 354 Sentiam, ni prae dolore reddar exanimis, 282 281 246 172 95 Te effundente. effundam, Animamque Sanguinem 91 30. f 362 Quas prassens meismet auribus, 220 100 279 242 235 hicernet oculis Meisque plene sentiam 235 28. ? 299 Cruoris emittes 320 165 26. 372 jo jam 226 _ effluit 1076 ! 254 175 114 resecta est Caro, 283 1076 Cruor 1076 : 242 409 336 Acerbae fluunt ab oculis lacrymae, 400 95 169 362 50 3 1076 _ 35. 36. 37. Et dolens adeo anxiaris, convelleris, 180 81 190 6 278 69 169 103 Ut ea plaga, dolore cogente, Animam videaris efflare. 228 118 95 140 TOO 95 52 180 63 5 Et ego ista 334 38. Quique modo 16 39. 34 Ecce 41. Horum 89 30 Si jam 46 et Ipsa 293 39 95 211^ in Te saevijt Gladius 81 604 295 meam pariter Animam pertransivit. 400 4 63 83 179 109 acri, ac acerrima vi moreremur Ambo, 118 38 301 302 198 nee Coeleste illis obesset consilium, ille 238 40. omnia videns, ad necem agor, 104 ; 1076 1076 1076 1076 1076 1076 1076 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 84 42. Si 43. nee et majora 1 Magna Nos enim 46. Ad 6 89 , 148 284 25 18 47. 48. Sicut J [ 7 ; 6 maxima manent, 369 107 5 Pater e Coelis praeordinat, 3 o 381 Nos Decreto Dei 161 25 95 216 Te, Me, qua?, 217 obsistere, execrabile, 314 204 115 Nobis vel effugere impossibile. 122 15 80 et majora, quin si 282 1 199 89 95 165 150 Nobis appeteret a 141 45. 5 l8 5 Numen. sunt haic, sed vere dolorum initia 64 150 , Salus exigeret, l61 3 66 T 300 59 44. Mundi 141 38 95 89 39 1 271 163 124 Si nee aliud 38 89 380 49. Eja ergo 50. Nam 51. Qui 52. Vere ergo non 1 169 51 80 112 161 32 obeamus ea Mala Nobis addicta 189 312 175 est Deus ista disponit, qui 6 "248 fortiter : 216 132 175 244 140 est amans Pater ; ipsa ordinat, 206 210 122 100 128 I SO 130 169 ^ 30 nisi Jam 54. Necnon, 55. Vellem equidem 69 Me 56. 58. Sed 190 59. 60. 1. Homo i 125 1 60 95^ Te 213 49 266 52 258 decretas ego subire Hominem 163 189 132 suffici. ; 307 132 215 reparabilis 96 sane, ut Hominem redimas, perimi debes 225 124 191 299 64 173 Certe enim, sine tua cruenta morte, 26 42 424 _ 354 incolumi, pro non per merum 190 283 opere copulan Te Deo ^ pervium, 221 95 Tibi a ioo 108 116 191 reduci Tu 38 6 66 no in ioo 174 95 1 5 Omnesque 89 5 Te poems non Imo ego ad poenas, 34 o 57. : 138 summo Tibi hoc 203 52 jubet Homines per Te ad Coelum 260 no 51 170 39 25 53. 150 eligit, 95 125 192 300 vult 138 optima 38 Nee Adam bene redemptus, nee 144 10 Ipse Adx : ; I0 7 354 Redemptor, NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 62. 63. 170 271 loo 128 Quia Salus non nisi 282 125 164 274 Nee eris JESUS, 1076 per Sanguinem, 109 268 Came coesus. 128 38 85 95 nisi et 1076 JOSEPHUS MAZZA. Luc. ii. 7. SOLILOOUIUM. 327 309 39 125 EUM RECLINAVIT IN PR^SEPIO 8co 126 1 . 2. 3. 194 29 278 139 34_ Siccine nasceris Dilecte Jesu mi Filj no 200 126 4 52 95 Et frigidam, ioo 128 Non nisi 1 69 ac algidam tibi Seligis 34 96 39 403 Stabulum habes 60 48 Imo pro blanda Cuna 5. Et stramen hoc 296 8. 60 133 _ pro cubili 214 Inops etenim Inopis Filius 200 200 7. i 65 _ foenile 218 159 209 6. 51 _ Praesepium, 42 Neque quo bene 262 96 tegaris, habes ; J 20 95 93 314 39 50 89 Sed hie et glacial i nudus in Bruma, 16 45 6 183 51 .94 Ecce hoc rudi obvolueris lineo : 9. 35 10. 1 1. in 238 115 301 En tarn despecta reciperis Caula, I 122 300 190 187 tremens a Gelu Ut gravi 200 200 51 38 311 fovearis, nee Igne. 128 481 _ 12. Neque Pannis 96 95 13. Plane Te 95 14. Te 2 95 algor excruciat, 59 I ^1 I 9 offendit. pariter hocce foenum 213 Brumam, JEdem, 389 4. 95 in 134 ^ ? 800 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 86 15. 1 6. ioo 230 470 Ita subinde t-ortus 201 205 225 Summe 106 17. 8. Oh ! 9 231 98 94 tremorem adis ah ? fletum edis, 121 3 1 60 20 64 215 179 ulla ab tillo hie pia; Spes opis. 66 188 138 319 ; Nee 89 20. Coelum hodie precibus advoco, Si 276 21. 221 113 Ac orans haud 192 89 Homines adeam, barbare Si 24. 323 ^30 Venisti jam 9 1 Hinc ab Jam 48 29. Oh eis 31. 32. reyectus, 96 800 403 5 800 etiam posthabendus ; 34 20 Ideoque hie, 38 .3 228 ^ Filj ipsis 223 159 ncdum I2 5 En J Ah 22 20 800 : 356 800 despectior ; 108 290 quanti 508 800 Homo, 128 290 Sed jam nee etiam, quanti Bellua, 3 ioo fies. 37 ! 35 1 800 112 ergo hie contemptus ab Homine. 9 34. 800 ; ^ Habeberis 35 33. recipere 800 fallor 89 800 217 428 Bestijs associandus ; 137 125 490 182 30. 800 confugere debes ad Stabulum. 275 His sane repellar. 653 266 97 28. 94 3 800 221 tuos, 3 At Impij Te nolunt 30 27. 800 310 5 amans ad 95 97.. 5 26. 132 800 800 n6 151 800 230 115 5 426 36 fiam exorans. 31 23. 25. 160 14 Ferreum, adde, /Kneum, ad opem reperiam, 4 22. 800 320 38 19. 800 rigens, pleneve dolens, 201 324 169 Alte agentibus, rigore, dolorc 48 1 8co 169 800 303 Itidem Brutis miserior, 800 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM 168 35. 36. 37. 315 ignoraris a cunctis, . I2 4 _ i < 800 ^279 800 Aspernaris item a Tuis. 48 264 Oh pudor Si 140 113 heu ! 99 89 38. 235 _ deflebilis pietas 800 ! 306 227 79 Dicebare olim ! Hominum 40. 95 164 Sed posthac diceris, et eris 290 242 95 173 Odium, Abominatio, et peripsema. 41. Non TOO 69 42. 43. i 156 140 Amorem amori, 115 289 rependent, vel 126 800 Desiderium, 80 i 272 89 39. 87 i 316 Omnimode 39 6 CABALISTICUM 60 391 800 800 54 f Imo jugia pro dilectionibus odia, 81 161 1 60 4 93 32 269 Pro ineffabilibus Bonis mala effera, ac infanda. 200 39 465 96 ^ 44. Quo 45. E6 46. Et inde 47. Nee in 48 95 Ecce enim vere Pauper, Ab 200 107 309 decet ortui Vita 246 199 Hinc uti coepisti, sic ; 213 92 desmes. I2 9 34 95 77 cernam te bone in hisce Et ego Filj poenis 122 80 51 48 38 38 225 95 54. Dolens. 181 190 _ Compar 50 53. et : Annos. Angustijs hie incipis 184 52. 20 406 3 51. despectior, unde amabilior. ^ 16 50. 162 i39 ix 356 337 104 34 98 38 151 insana, nee falsa modo Filj praenuncio 1 80 169 276 95 64 38 49. profusior, 29 292 Z 73 certe odiosior habitus, 45 48. amando 52 105 39 174 r 38 1 60 doleam Corde, nee inde defleam, nee depeream Nee summe 206 in 96 Hue 131 38 218 plane ducit amor, nee sink. f BIBLIA CABALISTICA 88 107 189 304 149 laethalem profecto ciet dolorem, 46 142 144 274 105 51 55. Nam 89 56. Scd mihi emori prohibet, deflere denegat 300 57. 80 190 vivam, ut doleam. 118 131 251 95 Vult Sed vide quonam 88 Nempe, 6 1. At 13 id 170 62. 63. 800 198 800 1. Tecum tamen 91 Amor te 190 : 218 60. 800 116 adegit, 119 95 dire ut angaris, et angas 1 6 100 146 47 173 no 59. 800 ; 230 89 58. 800 99 angi sane 204 213 non abnuo. 800 So 100 doleo quod coaeque non doleam, 100 169 Quia qui non 320 66 Propeve nihil, 800 112 ioo 149 dolet, non amat, 89 ioo 225 800 non summe. si 800 JOSEPHUS MAZZA. Luc. SOL 211 40 1. 2. O Alme 4. Filj, 7. M . 211 506 206^ 34^ 156 380 253 169 25 qui me 1337 ! 4 ^125- 253^ 71 300 197 diro, ac jugi doloris Gladio cernis cofossam, 181 313 355 123 J23 fatidica 150 9 Nos de 367 161 191 223 prassagia, 23 futura nobis, admoneat clade i 240 508 159 49 Te, in signum contradictions, Terrae dandum a Deo, 388 223 25 97 355 249 Acutisve affirmans, me doloribus effere sauciandam ? Voceque 39 . 1337 1337 : 95 6. U Cordis mei Fons doloris aeternus ; 20 313 5. I 124 249 Et hie sine requie aliqua doloribus cumulari J 16 73 J 75 2 4 184 93 27 ^242 Quid est quod Simeon hasc efTera adjungat Coeli 95 3. 194 40 34^ Filj 35. QJLJ ANIMAM PERTRANSIBIT GLADIUS IPSIUS Jesu, 6 36 34_ L O 8l 328 TLJAM I ii. ? 1337 1337 2 46 1337 1337 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 100 31 8. 12. ioo 14. 15. 1 6. An non i 8. ^38 didici, 1337 ? 339 204 99 165 1337 ; 410 140 1337 2 2ii 379 5, J5 Quando vel tux peracerbas Passionis adeo oblita, 180 410 50 83 95 22o_ 115 184 Vel veri erga Te adeo vere expers amoris, 166 no 425 258 150 190 38 Ut nee mente, Tibi decretas, revolverem pcenas, 200 102 420 294^ 39 34 38 mceroris darent revolutae ilke easdem Nee amplam T 95 34 36 Mi Alme Filj, 180 81 Vere illico 89 144 89 si pedes, 394 si 304 231 manus ? 1337 videam, : !97 385 30 210 messem ^139 242^ fixis oculis 44 8 234 clavos excogito terebrantes 305 89 Si latus intuear, 1337 ? quxso TI 5 1337 4 8 11.7 ex ejus memoria, omni impleor amaritudine 281 19. 58 316 253 Corve admiranda patitur doloris vulnera ? 12 20 2l6 285 124 242 285 98 ^5 hie deperijt, sine hac linea dolorosa Quaenam dies 29 17. 263 164 194 205 235 13. 182 65 218 11. ^ Necnon meo sub memori Fectore condo, percurro 31 10. 496 420 Iliadem longe acerbam tuorum cruciatuum 138 9. 102 92 An non 89 . 5 jam occurnt celernme Lancea, 26 383 264 440 39 in Mortuum earn recogito insaevientem ; Ibique 266 T 42 244 58 148 125 5 311 38 Nee unquam ad, ipsi etiam Coelo, adorabile caput respicio, ioo 243 81 250 321 143 199 Quin iHico Alapas, sputa, spinas plene commemorem. 122 365 50 39 358 89 314 185 20. ^ 21. 22. Dorsum contemplor, 23. Si 97 39 24. His in 95 188 Te no Fascijs, 255 Cingens 124 26. Bum 95 27. 189 391 229 Corde Flagella revolvo 383 9 defies, 221 121 154 : . Ulnis excipiens, cogito de apprehensione 164 2C. in : 394 Menti, Lora, Funes obycio. 108 319 Gethsemani Agoniam, sudorem, Ipsa considero. 353 Et Morientis 228 39 181 120 voces, in Cruce dandas, 1337 MO 124 197 dum vagis. 1337 1337 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 90 124 125 28. 26 140 29. 144 30. ioo mea omnia Ipsa 21 95 219 et Acetum Pel, exsugis. 118 234 273 46 481 14 Etiam dum Lac 258 comniemoro 1337 ; 400 oscula, Judas osculo, mihi amarescunt. 201 104 444 1337 46 398 Ipse Lectulus mihi diram obycit Crucem. 190 376 191 134 446 Lit pauperrima tua Cuna, Sepulchrum, 5 573 336 2oo_ 89 _S 9 Illani pannis si cingo, syndonis reminiscor. 210 211 210 39 230 245 192 In tuo Somno tuam Mortem moerens 133-7 _ 31. 32. 33. 73 231 Cur 30 36. Jam 173 Mortuum 49 245 46 17 i Inde mentem 279 meam 337 1337 : 229 plura, cur singula Deo sigillatim depromo ioo 279 169 217 300 242 omnia tuis omnino aperta sunt oculis, 48 37. 237 : ; 440 Vel aspiciendo sopitum, lugeo J 35. 162 389 337 1337 aspicio 231 115 34. T n6 197 tuis cernis ? 1337 1337 481 plenam Passionibus, 1337 520 38. 39. 138 113 276 290 Doloribusque idcirco Cor jugiter occupari. 286 211 46 30 179 504 96 Plane meo 420 42. 43. ^30 Quid sibi vult itaque hoc Oraculo Simeon 6 46 Umdve vulnus. 333 t,t 148 198 113 360 magna quidem Cor anxium Nunc 395 e 138 1337 1337 3 ilia 32 mala i59 39 J 7 219 1337 388 39 85 388 in se obversat. 121 126 92 in esse cognito fore 34o 1337 ? mihi ea prophetali Voce Ccelum prasnunciat 59 l6 3 47. est 1337 Nam 95 46. pertransijt Animam, 277 420 175 Corde jam diu inflictum ^ 45. 113 39 170 320 103 Vulnus igitur in solo vulnere cadet, 51 38 200 39 25 210 38 324 233 179 nee alius in me novo illi vulneri, locus aderit. ioo 300 173 265 51 264 184 278 44. jam dure 285 ^ 41. in Gladius 122 39 65 ^ 40. meam Quocirca 1337 81 ? 1337 : 239 337 106 Cordi longe minus penalia 1337 20 423 Fortius etenim praesentia ibi desaeviunt. 1337 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM no 18 140 253 214 35 doloris ne semen, nepe Dei timet, ioo 164 96 125 277 104 48. Modo 210 49. Nunc demum 211 52. Qui omms abscedat, 65 n6 4 ac 196 Et gradatim ci 186 2 98 10 435 400 46 223 c6 summus incaedens, tune mihi Nee non pr^sente defectum amodo 30 449 MO Ilia Virtus Amori 204 95 Et quod 7 Cor meum ioo 37 non 253 Quam mihi miserae a 190 268 ut immunis 384 i - 189 *-**y 46 ^^ Quid namque 48 61. I0 HS "3 ziu 216 181 60. 75 l6 3 a i 131 Amor. 87 1 " ; 6 "o exerat, dedecet valde. 393 90, execror 3oo -r? _49 , , <-> Deo contmgat 20 18 169 i 33 in dolendo. 39 178 suppleat Secundum, nedum non approbo, pene i I7x 73 ro J habet, ordme nullatenus est deneganda 159 342 c8. 45 6 6 J evadet. 24 150 296 269 107 39 dele Si id cadit in prim urn Naturae, temne, 386 105 ioo 233 344 38 34 39 ille in . 205 ! 55. 173 non plenam summitatem 89 13 54. 1337 meo imperfecto Dolori, pavida tnbuo forte veram, 166 202 95 3n l6 5 13 id 149 169 179 99 abeat, tua Passione, iterum renovandus. in 163 51. 233 131 Amor, interim 91 460 294 295 39 191 Ideo etiam dolor plane ita deperdito, Eoque 58 50. CABALISTICUM 230 Dolore, Dei hie vivam 363 detenus, 124 sine 136 Amore r 373 36,9 Inde tertium censeo potius admittendum. 9i 190 169 211 265 qui moras potes 62. At Tu, 63. Ac mec^/o 155 i 25 230 a me tollere, Dilecte, tarda ig^oret Luc. ii. fr e ; molimina 48. SOLILOQJJIUM. FILJ 200 i. Quo QUID FECISTI126NOBIS 66 241 29 hodie declinasti Dilecte mi, SIC? 662 66o BIBLIA CABALISTICA 92 200 2. Teve III 30 ubi jam 73 3. 236 5. 253 deseris Cur Patrem cSi 4. 321 662 recepisti, 662 ? 46 440 ^95 Intelici mihi Te subtrahis ; 210 139 63 250 662 Miro ambo moerore replens 25 260 89 73 us 662 ? J 6. 7. 126 Ah Nate, 230 ^95 Te 25^ 223 >3 a me jam 248 194 11. Ac 124 sine 89 39 Sed in 163 15. 1 6. 8. 19. nihilo 66 ioi 109 Efficiar nihil facta, 38 190 3 224 ^ 52 velles 4 Filj, l6 35 Sed I][ . si 113 T 26 195 662 207 662 fugies, 48 109 inde J 132 116 angar adhuc 39 no in Via : 662 662 44 denegas Faciem 140 hxc, Nate, major 5 662 ! 163 infelicior, 4 vivas . vel 179 191 2 5 662 ! Tibi haud odibilis, 90 Fio reprobis pene ?. 662 662 reddi denuo no 86 64 326 Nonne 662 245 ! 92 jam Nee ego damni poena 89 89 21. me Nee Tu ab immerita ! 20. 210 30 Meque meo Cum, 662 ; 57 25 106 65 123 662 258 177 annihilari Utinam 55 1 ero, 46 At quam vana commemoro 38 17. primo Ente non 132 190 14. ? nihilum decidam, deinde evanescam. 250 13. 115 130 86 662 57 ioo 1 ? 115 elongate, quid ero 189 181 91 12. agam Absque Numine nunc deficiam 4 10. 29 173 ^ 9. 662 ? 173 amisso, quid o i Te summo certe vel 9 95 8. me Sed 202 : 86 159 Inferni poena? 82 ad desiderij gradum acerba, 662 662 662 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 151 20 nulla 20 3 ibi 33 220 65 173 22. Hem 23. 24. 86 245 invalet inclinatione ab Bene ibi poena 88 131 284 95 39 25 In me dire sasvit et Amor 25. Sed 26. Itemve flagrantior omm, 27. Ac 28. Nam 29. Tali ergo 1.0 Tanta 42 93 dolon meo comparanda ; 266 : ,, : Amor haud 4 364 169 125 66 . . ^ etiam Coelicolis comparatis, 281 140 51 190 major omnibus HO 122 212 34 Amata, 136 ardens amore, 2I cupidme, 216 TOO 89 24 si facie Filj, 662 _ :im, collect! 190 T04 modo 95 5 95 et hinc acta 113 31. ullo minor, 99 334 229 l6 9 l6 113 131 89 caream, quaenam poena 2IQ 2^1 T-7C- C*7 32. Nonne deinde T* Eia Sane parem nequit habere. 35 116 15 95 ^5 25 X / p omnium maxima 120 i2o_ 106 206 ^206 jio^ huic addicis 34 35. Dulcifluam nempe occulis taciem, II0 263 ^o no Et in via 106 89 qe 36. 37. ioo 205 Si 30 39. In 40 144 Juste Ipse 250 41 Pilj Solum I0 omma 56 2 l8 4 timeo culpam X 34 faciens X 9S l8 39 reos labe in ardes i ss ; l6 4 I0 4 146 139 cogis. 34 234 me tamen modo 284 104 28 9 136 libens amplector, non ex merito, 25 662 - ad damni poenam mire 42 662 ^ ? 44 f 106 64 5 Sed poenam hanc 89 38. 24 5 , 662 no Et me Matrem alte 662 3 r 91 294 146 ! 66 2 ; 662 60 662 ; BIBLIA CABALIST1CA 94 228 332 102 42. Innocuos nonnisi amas, 43. Cum 123 89 170 ijs esse, Nunc 124 122 124 ergo dum 95 i et a Dum Num 2 48. 53. Hem JESU 39 tamen in Tu mea intelliget At siquid 662 ? 268 49 ?i odibile vemam 88 190, Te Matri, 52 142 206 Matrem blande 44 5 6 1 Ostende faciem, nam 86 i i recipe 169 113 115 ea salva ero. 164 A 126 220 662 ; 662 662 137 ; 662 109 Ultra dolore haud angar 25 662 192 Procul a poena, a culpa itidem 271 94 poscam, 95 ^ deinde bene redde Infelicemque i l6s le veniam, ac 42 662 gessi, 4 165 57 662 jgr 79 Deo 95 ad 273v 60. 662 ; mire omnia noscens. 262 I 662 280 113 hoc haud justa ioo 91 Tu 1 5 265 249 2 54 59. 662 ? 242 26 262 58. 194 odibilis, 122 186 J46 104 190 57. 662 163 Delicta quis bilj 56. 662 : Nihil mihi corde consciam noscis, #, 55. aufuga fugis 228 46 190 52. me Tibique jam 122 51. 662 deseris, 202 215 3 33 50. 66 2 : culposa videor, 75 66 49. 662 ; 253 25 284 150 47. 45 delicia^ i 163 46. 116 Tibi adhuc 480 92 Sed a deserentibus abis 44. 45. no 98 662 ; 290 me, Nate, abscedent mcerores, 662 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM 30 38 TOO Jam 62. Mihi ergo 46 51 63. Nam 122 ita la^tior 88 177 100 95 224 plene Coelitibus 61. CABALISTICUM 662 ; 88 appare, redi, redde JOO 274 46 91 mihi bis JESUS 95 Te 46 mihi, ^ 662 662 fies. JOSEPHUS MAZZA. Luc. xi. PER CAB. ORD. 4. Libera nos a malo. 399 Sine macula. Luc. xi. Benedicta sint ubera 399 399 * fidelis. Virgo PER CAB. ORD. 27. tua. 997 O Coelum animatum. 997 CABALA SIMPLEX 443 ET CHRONOGRAMMA (Luther s I7 T 7- Jubilee.) DoCtor MartlnVs LVther 7 1 109 l gebohren 7 zV 44 EIssLeben 443 J. F. JOHN Tu xiv. mihi via et veritas CAB ORD - 6. et vita. 443 RlEDERER. :6 9 6 1696 ingle sheet folio, Rom*, 1696 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 96 HER. PER CAB. ORD. 22. xii. celestis. Jerusalem Integra Jesu Mater. 762 762 SAN JUAN. JOHN xix. 30. So L LOQ.U u M i 222 i . 428 213 158 INCLINATO CAPITE EMISIT SPIRITUM 290 1. 2. 4. 98 10. deflere Meridies pene nocte omni Ac occisum Hem 59 IT 5 55 etenim Solem 180 95 quali, et Et en oh 181 quam immani 1021 1021 saevitiae, 1021 157 159 39 129 Nedum 150 in Deum tandem IIO 1021 298 89 Quot, ideo quibusque plagis 235 1021 322 deliquio obfuscat, 120 236 addicit Occasui. 30 516 ^58 ! omnem 150 48 1021 1021 ! ! 2 37 yEternumque tandem jam 35 ? 441 umbris dire tenebrosior la^thaeis T 88 281 1021 219 Oh 207 ? 255 414 obscurior 290 y. videre debebo 105 omnium 95 8. Filj 1021 58 Oh 485 7. 193 ^ 245 33 6. 34 411 Dies pessima, nefastissima 202 168 48 90 99 4 5. 66 95 Exanimem igitur Te hodie n6 4 332 92 }\7 Ac licet sane innocuum, sic 48 3. 285 _ 1021 ? 280 264 ausit impietas : 1021 212 464 ingrate destruens, 11. Factorem nempe 12. 204 47 125 241 75 Auctorem Vitae Neci etiam infami adjudicans, 69 417 291 244 1021 13. Imo Salvatorem impijssime 1021 1021 329 104 89 190 14. 2 ^ 15. modo Sed ut 8 9. . (Sasvitias 5 perdens, 368 270 desasviret acerbius 228 445 : hinc cuilibet inexasquanda) 1021 1021 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM 16 179 Ecce plagens 16. 17- 100 240 Non ullum 35 282 308 95 ubique, et zoo 185 Membrum 307 ^ ^ _ Inde etiam jam speciosus forma pre 323 136 eduxere. TOO IOO Non 23- Sei solus 24 Nam IO2I ^158 _ 339 spectabilis, 20 69 159 Delicijs 30 15 418 24 89 sed Facie spectrum, 321 incutis 323 hie cares, imo horrorem 62 49 6 323 95 Eja jam Angeli I O2 I I O2 I IO2 I O2 I 219 horror, non 129 26. & I 298 95 livor, loo 51 . 229 310 89 O2 109 alijs, 480 Vultus, non decor simul, 22. . 122 1 I Jure itidem Campi Flos, Convallium Lilium, 21. 25 83 137 102 389 Flagella, Spinas, Clavi 137 125 447 30 20. 184 1 IO2I Quern plene 125 : ; 123 174 19. 48 02 1 _ undique Sanguis 50 97 385 pepercit cruciatui, 320 237 124 sine vulnere 276 En 18. 159 nulli CABALISTICUM Te I ^ 1021 ; 1021 videntes horrescunt, loo 340 149 i73_ 258 a deformitate, non Radijs, demum Depulsi 222 228 235 1 60 146 30 i 27 . Jam ipsam tamen 293 16 118 140 29 C^terum ecce illis major Homicide 38 3 1 - TOO Nee non 3o 32- Jam 3435- _ debuit plane oedere Summttm Numen, 355 432 96 . plane latronibus posthaben 83 i47 "8 39 : 261 95 1 e praehabent 57 Et deinde J02I 1 02 I 366 Barabba? Plebs ignara in collatione posthabet, 216 I 1021 : 238 02 185 340 297 Carnifices Iniquis X 74 108 106 201 43 2 latronibus Ceu late fores pejor, 297 4 244 361 115 Vel latronum Caput, ac Pnnceps, 95 33- 64 214 176^ inest flendi occasio 210 92 96 98 3- 1 nonnisi peramare deflentes. 28. . 1021 : 1021 1021 1 02 I 1021 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 98 33 36. Hem pre alijs ioo 283 Cachinnis, convicijs 40. 4 169 190 Ut dolore, ac 42. Ac Te 89 36 Si male sic perempto 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 90 503 Adeo . 304 ^295 1021 310 85 Unus es, 1021 1021 179 ^323 287 228^ 16 249 250 ^ IIO ^95 Te habens 64 249 Da, da 181 Quam 25 20 me hie 164 1021 ! 1021 vivo, nee 2O2 190 259 95 defunctam 96 169 1021 enim morior 269 Utinam Tibi common Matri detur 5 1021 : 38 Kt mcerens adhuc 5 109 efficere, 339 Unicove privor 1 1021 : 126 le viduor, nonnisi 210 95 1021 160 46 289 95 ^30 51. 55. 555. . planctum Unigeniti mihi cogor : Dum jam 54. 1021 Mater vere langueo, non depereo Sola ego 1021 1021 ! ab imis discutitur Tellus, 50. 53. non 265 242 505 130^144 Sol ipse condolens obtenebratur, 221 140 243 292 125 Ipsa etiam tota languet Natura, 66 190 90 675 hodie Empyreumve pene mceret. ioo 186 180 131 52 193 Heu 1021 142 fleant ^514 ll8 3 124 52. 169 ioo Coeli Angeli, qui Universum 113 49. depereas. 62 _ ampli corruunt Monies, 5 44. demum 27 _ Nunc 1021 220 382 corruit ^ 1021 149 20 pudore hie 330 _ potaris, ita vexaris, 269 92 163 1021 465^ ^ 39. 41. 340 36 256 173 1021 : acerbissime tortus. 250 95 constitueris 470 Aceto solum, atque Felle 4 6 6 .30 284 109 139 38. 78 eorum medio jam 125 33 37. 2 35 39 in Hem Te 1021 : 358 254^ sequi defunctum ioo ; 1021 311 dolor plane immanis non obruit, 1021 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM 261 213 275 !23. Clavi, Cruces perdire perimant 282 90 309 i49 s 56. Demurn ^ 340 57. Totum pene Sanguinem ioo 58 58. 59. 163 Fiam nunc 95 et no 133 136 occisa Tibi simile 99 1021 : 1021 effudisti, 242 186 Mater ^ 1021 ; 443 Adjutorium 1021 ; 636 234 115 ^36 60. 340 Ideo plene totum effundat 36 CABALISTICUM Fiam vel merito Corredemptrix ; 283 234 89 129 15 257 14^ Eja adde si vivificam vim Cruor induat, 260 36 176 9 27 298 215 admirabilis Coeli Pellicanus de Columba fiam, no 200 262 205 65 179 1021 Denuo ex meo Sanguine 1021 _ 61. 62. 63. 1021 : Mox 1021 Vita Tibi. JOSEPHUS MAZZA. JOHN xix. 34. SOLILOQUIUM. UNUS 1. Proh nefas 3. 4. adhuc 39 in 440 Mortuum 325 194 EJUS APERUIT. 240 293 desa^vit Barbaries 372 347 204 93 i? 4 Ac quod inter large horrendiora crudelitas redigit, ioo 356 255 408 204 95 Quod et Atrociores plene solent horrescere, 543 358 115 129 104 39 95 .30 Modo in Te Deum vel Defunctum jam exercetur 4 2. ! 281 IUM LANCEA LATUS 116 122 168 50 258 MILI 124 204 Dum 6. Ideo 7 Vita 8. Ut nedum jam 200 190 141 - 141 ! 50 562 84 270 exanime Pectus dira transngitur Lancea. 206 533 271 225 125 etiam arcaniora Cordis penetralia terebrantur. 163 276 3J5 5 194 191 29 cunctis habetur odibihs, tua, mi JESU, adeo 280 234 43 385 3o 97.. 159 5. 58 ? 141 328 ^ auserint Impij acerbissima Nece penmere, H 1 I4 1 BIBLIA CABALISTICA ioo 9. quod bene fuerat Vitse Radix 661 266 49 Jo Feraliter expungitur, dissecatur. 11. Oh 12. Oh 20 64 13. Ibi enim 14. Hie Tu, 260 48 115 372 crudelitas, vel 20 128 115 17. Novi, 39 1 8. 20. in Ubi 95 23. 24. 25. 26. 570 Quam 64 Nee 97 his 50 : 248 transfigi Animam vulnus 126 133 illud ^ ^ 165 50 625 1418 411 1418 conglutinata, ^ 1418 ; 169 heu quanto urgetur dolore 406 1418 293 male desaevit 36 Amore summo 148 1418 169 260 136 420 1418 absque dolore, ^ 150 1418 511 _ 1418 ! 319^ extremus tandem angor Illam invasit Ea enim 38 quali, 46 tamen 50 420 356 J ! Lancea vulnerarent 81 192 222 ea 302 163 95 tuo divino Cordi Et hinc oh 6 6 Ipse ictum excipis, vulnus accipit 180 442 321 113 50 48 181 22. 230 ilia 144 3i5 113 320 89 124 si sine vulnere Cor. 445 Te mine 1418 ! 228 263 39 plagaris in Pectore, 50 jam emortuum 146 30 33 21. 104 saevirent, In Matris tamen Hem 205 audita modo Lancea 389 167 95 et probe, 270 19. 311 unquam 90 323 55 30 133 nisi illud 179 34^ Filj apud Tartara pene insueta 113 Quasi hie haud Vel neque 2l8 325 548 97 effere plectuntur Sontes, vivi 20 16. 1418 200^ ^ nullibi, 409 190 115 vel functus, 250 15. 170 190 Immanitas visa 1418 442 10. 48 284 204 272 42 204 95 115 113 et vel Cor, 89 Sed 1418 ! 267 1418 hinc angustijs torquetur acerrimis, 382 311 590 substinuit graviores ; 347 5 5 378 85 93 315 190. Saevities se impie, ad insueta, ad horrendiora redegit 136 95 104 170 290 233 96 65 Plane Animas merores, angores, esse modo debent, et H unquam 1 ^ 1410 : 229 summi. 1418 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 101 BIBLIA CABALISTIC A 102 41 45. Ipsum 89 46. 160 150 49 281 411 inibi Tartaris S 26 59 Sed videbimus r 419 191 aut pessumdari, nil ita pati, nil despici, 329 1418 249 omnibus Dominantem 1418 : 202 117 3 195 _203^ Imo inibi a Reprobis, invite licet, timeri, ab Electis adorari. 122 61 ioo 173 386 4 45 173^30 304 Cur ergo cunctaris hie Anima ? ac eo cur jam non convolas 88 122 38 300 285 3 355 51 176 Nee tantis dire sauciata doloribus ab hoc Corde recedis ? .59. 69^ 47. 49 100 259 Illic 243^- f _ 1418 _ 48. 49. 102 50. Amas Ac 125 16 Ad Ah 181 Quin Ergo 190 57. 62. 173 218 89 1418 89 si 1418 ? 313 ordinaris tendis, si 122 38 i 164 127 a nee Corde dolor deficiat, vivat, 182 272 252 respicis, 113 25 vincat, dolor 260 me 360 i 211 Plus 181 18 decoris Dei apicem 6 411 9 88 1418 330 245 nullus perimat 49 352 16 25 245 haec me toilet 9 1418 1418 470 Assumptio : 1418 267 295 quam de Maternitate, ea de Passione glorificabor, 2 J 33 ? 19 4I3 ? -S A j \ Ac dolens id adyciam, at citius resurgas 622 48 260 i 164 4 48 147 25 20 79 Oh inclytus Dolor, ac oh Passio a me hie unice diligenda 69 1418 1418 angar pro 340 1418 300 164 ^33 100^ Ad summum 1418 3 , 1418 : 220 63, hodie 1418 174 Eja ut tua adimpleatur Passio a Deo assumar. 4 oi. si 306 1418 1418 349 24 major duratione, fide permaneat, crescat gradu. 106 9 106 190 160 95 34 392 95 109 Te ; fiat, ah Filj, fiat ut diutius Te, 190 191 240 60. 66 190 131 5 59. 89 Ut Amor plene 15 58. 481 140 122 56. 309 permane, ut dolori Cor 199 55. 227 haec cuncta 9 54. 130 34_ Ouae etiam mei Nati desunt passionibus, adimplere 5 53. meo 99 dilectionem tuam omni morte fortiorem exhibere, l6 5 52. 211 225 392 47 265 diutius angi, cruciari, 225 350 304 65 _ forsan Unigenito 4 51. 320 227 ? 105 ^ Vos amodo, 220^ tanti 52 166 ego conscia 233 125 pretij, pre 27 Coeli 210 ! 1418 60 Gaudijs diligam. 1418 JOSEPHUS MAZZA. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM ACTS dafttr ihr er : Ich mich 103 PER CAB. TRIG. xiii. 25. erfullete Als aber er seinen Lauff sprache CABALISTICUM bin haltet. nicht der, AnnaGottfried Arnold von Pastor zu Perlberg. berg geburtig, Herr BIBLIA CABALISTICA io 4 ACTS xviii. PER CAB. TRIG. 24, 25. Ein beredter Mann, und machtig in der Schrifft, dieser war unterweisen den Weg des Herrn, und redet mit brilnstigem Geist, und lehret mit Fleiss von dem Herrn. Herr Wolffgang Christoph. bertthmter zum Desler, Conrector der Schule im neuen heiligen Geist, der Spital Keyserlich-freyen Reichs-Stadt Niirenberg. 10,586 in 10,586 ACT S Derm XVlll. 2 er 375 729 44 i 707 Uberwande die Juden bestandiglich und ervveisete 1 offentlich 161 590 durch die SchrifFt dass Jesus der Christ 794 785 477 seye 7187 ACTS Es 28, fehlet nicht viel mich dass Er xxvi. ich aber sprach Gott es fehlet : dass nicht allein PER CAB. TRIG. 29. du Uberredest Christ wQrde. Herr Ich wQnschte vor Licentiatus Esras Edzardi ein Rabbinicis et Talmudicis sehr hoch erfahrner Mann in oder wenig sondern Alle du, gebohren anno 1629 xxvm Junii starb anno 1708 i Januarii. ein an 7187 viel mich heute horen solche warden wie ich bin. 13,21 1 in Hamburg die 13,211 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM ROM. CABALISTICUM PER CAB. TRIG. xi. Gotuhat 740 473 257 1060 ihnen gegeben einen erbitterten Herr Joannes Jacobus Schudtius Wolverdienter Rector 449 des loblichen 345 Gymnasii zu Franckfurt nicht sehn 681 am Mayn und Ohren 711 681 Geist. Augen dass sie dass sie nicht horen den heutigen Tag 644 735 1411 525 7702 7702 COR xv. 1417 1049 I2 99 622 768 472 920 biss auff i 105 PER CAB. ORD. 22. Non Mater Dei dulcissima et 997 997 amabilis. Non Tutelaris Hesperie. Non enim immaculatissima Deipara. Non enim Civitatis Dei Agna, Omnes in Adam peccaverunt. 997 munda, onginali. Pura a lue pacem. En Rosa Insignis Letitia. immunis a 997 997 labe 997 Adami, dona nobis 997 munda. 997 virginea Maria, ignorat maculam et Ade. O Coelum vivum. Omnia mea tua sunt. Benedicta sint ubera tua. Melliflua Maria munda malo 997 997 997 997 Evae. 997 SAN JUAN. BIBLIA CABAL1STICA io6 i COR. iv. ii. auff diesc Stund leiden Biss wir sind nacket Hunger und Durst und und werden geschlagen und haben keine gewisse Statte. 8029 COL. i. 28. Wir verkundigen Jesum, und ver- mahncn alle Menschen, und lehren Menschen mit aller Weisheit, alle auf class wir einen darstellen jeglichen Menschen vollkonien Christo Jesu. in PER CAB. TRIG. Die Zigauner ein verkappt wQrdiges Lumpen Volck von denen Frantzosen PER CAB. TRIG. Der Ehrwiirdig, Vorachtbar und Herr Christian Wohlgelahrte Hirsch verordneter Seelsorger und Archi-Diaconus in 11,103 APOC. 11,103 xii. i 653 APOC. xii. i. Luna sub pedibus ejus (Apoc. xii. i). Non dabit lumen suum (MATT. Liber signatus. Gloriosa Virgo. APOC. ejus xii. Vienna plausus. PER CAB. ORD. stellarum duodecim. Sol et 653 653 653 SAN JUAN. Leopoldus Imperator Germaniae et 2288 Archidux Austriae. i. corona RlEDERER. PER CAB. ORD. 2288 xxiv. 29). capite F. PER CAB. ORD. . sole. Celestis Sponsa. In dem Nurnberg- ischen Stadtlein Herrspruck. J. Mulier amicta 8029 Egyptiens genannt. Rubus ardens incombustus. 1606 1606 Luna sub Pedibus ejus. 1491 Regina cui se celum et terra 1491 subjicit. SAN JUAN. APOC. xii. Ecce Draco Magnus, capita septem. CABALA 376 SIMPLEX. 3. rufus, habens 376 Emericus Teccli, re- Haereticus, bellis Cassari. Vienna plausus. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM APOC. CABALA 819 SIMPLEX. xiv. 6. Ich sahe einen Engel fliegen mitten durch den Himmel der hatte ein zu verkiindigen. ewig Evangelium 819 Martin Luther, heiligen Eissleben, Doctor Schrifft der in zu gebohren am getauffet Tage Martini. J. APOC. xiv. 14. Corona aurea super caput 107 RIEDERER. F. PER CAB. ORD. O ejus. 1613 Vita qua: contra mortem nobis dedit. se 1613 SAN JUAN. APOC. PER CAB. TRIG. 7. ihrem Hertzen spricht in sitze und bin eine Konigin Denn Ich xviii. sie : und werde keine Wittib seyn und Leid werde ich nicht sehen. 7806 Her Sacred and God Almigty of Great Britain, Irland and France (sic), Scotland, Defender of the Faith. (sic} Queen J. F. short Riederer generally adds some explanatory In this instance it may be worth reproduction, cabala. was a keen observer of the political world, clearly I Majesty Royal Anne, by the grace of F RIEDERER. to his poem : was hort man nun von Annen die Seyten spannen Sie will dem Kayser jetzt zu hoch dem Schloss auf Windsor zu Sinn ihren Sie andert Was kommt aus Engelland Und Konig Ludwig ? wird ihr neuer Bundsgenoss. Britten Gedult Er wird gewiss euch unbestand gen schutten; Die Langen auf den Kopff zu euren Schaden euch er em, Nun gehts noch alles an, nun schlaffert Due d Aumont muste mehr als ein Verschwender seyn. Lust erfinden Der Konig machts subtil, und kunt mit messer schinden. ohne Das Kunst-stuck, wie man euch konn ! Dem Weh merckst die Bnllen mcht denck, O Anna, nach, du und Glauben bricht diesem blinden Volck, das Treu : ! ? BIBLIA CABALISTICA io8 APPENDIX CABALISTICA. DE APOSTOLIS Sanctus Paulus. 1095 ET SANCTIS. De lupo Diaboli Celestis Agnus. 1095 Sanctus Lucas. Sanctus Andreas. Sanctus Marcus. Sanctus Thomas. Sanctus Joannes Evangelista. Sanctus Thadasus. Sanctus Simon. 933 743 1115 746 Sanctus Stephanus. Sanctus Joseph. Sancta Anna. Omnes O 838 745 928 803 Est Pictor Medicus. In cruce gentes edoceas. Rugiens, pacem enunciat. Ouia vidit, credit. Ego ut Aquila Divina Soils arnica. O Prater Jhesu Christi. De pio zelo ardeo. Ille Fidei Prothomartyr. 1237 933 743 1115 746 Marias Sponsus. Dei filiam habe, Adas sine labe. 3 1 7 821 821 Sancti et Sanctae Dei. Coslestis 745 928 803 Hierusalem. Sancta Maria Virgo. 702 Hasc carens Evas macula. 702 Sancta Maria. 356 Longe a peccato Adas. Pia Dei Mater Alma. 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 356 O Hasc Coeli Janua. Ego Dei Parens. Ego electa Sol. Ego facta sine labe Adas. Ego innocens Dei Filia. Ea illibata a crimine Adas. PENTAMETRUM Ecce ea Dei. Filia ET CABALISTICUM. Adas, Mater arnica 356 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM CABALISTICUM 109 formed wholly following elegiacs are highly ingenious, being Saviour our of viz., names JESUS the of from the cabalistica == of which a = CHRISTUS and 982, CHRISTUS 974, JHESUS further series is given lower down. The DISTICHA. HEX. ET PEN. Filius hie Mariae Deus Sanctus Benedictus. est | 982 974 Solus Dux cor abstulit hie | 974 974 Nature mihi servus amore Dominus lege es 982 Orbis sum meum. ille es. | 9 82 cadi Rex | ego sum quia sum. 982 974 Sancta Maria. Jesu. Ora pro me. 34 Miserere. 51 5 Jesus Maria. cor ; anima mea. Meum Jhesus 402 402 Ac meum cor Maria. ac anima mea. Luna. Maria. Giesu. Benedetto. Amante dell anime. 3 1 1 JESUS CHRISTUS. Iste Filius O 21 620 620 Maria. Jesus et Sol est, ac i una Dei vivi. et vera bonitas. Es Deus per quern omnia. Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Solus Sanctus. Anima mea. 121 E 121 mia gioia. i BIBLIA CABALISTICA io Cibus viatorum. Panis Angelicus Adjutor 974 974 974 974 974 iste est. fortis est. Jucundissimus. Impollutus est. HEXAMETRUM AND CABALISTICON. Mellea dulcedo ac pia delectatio cordis. JHESUS CHRISTUS O Nomen benedictum in Lux de luce Die emanans. Orbi Ex saecula. sit una salus. Patre natus Sol Justitiae Deus. Deus consolationum. O Gratiarum Fons indeficiens. Filius Dei unus ades. Hie et ubique praesens. Rex s empiternae gloriae. Is Deo Patri coeternus. Unicum Solatium. Liberator et unus. Restaurator Tu Aqua est. viva. O fidum adjutorium. Paradisus delitiarum animae. Is unus Medicus. Hie est dulcis amor cordis mei. 974 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 982 082 HEXAMETRA AND CABALISTICA. Unica Spes Animae fida est ac firma fideli. Ecce Ea Divina manans Sapientia mente. 982 982 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM JESUS. Do JHESUS. 394 394 394 394 394 Vitam. Hie Carus. Es panis esca. Cor ines anima mea. 40 402 402 402 402 402 Salvas. Hie bonus. O O Dei Filius. Victima. Cordi and in CABALISTICUM Amor es. All above in this appendix are by Joannes Evangelista a Panormo,* by ordinary cabala all : 12 \BCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRS * 4 q 6 8 7 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 A TOO 2OO 3OO 4OO 5 T U X Y Z A good one by Cabala Simplex 38 is : 64 102 Maria Virgo. 18 43 41 Sola sine labe. 102 SIGISMUNDO A S. SYLVERIO, Pr^lusiones Poetics. HEBREW CABALISTICA ON THE NAME HEBREW, JESCHUA). (IN PER GEMATRIAM JESUS. He He The He He He is sent OF JESUS 386. from God. the forgiveness of sins. Redeemer ; the son of Mary. is will make free. 1 is God, Creator of the world. is Man and God. * See Bibliography. 386 O A fl 386 * BIBLIA CABALISTICA ii2 He on high. of God. He is the Light of the World. King of the whole earth. Before the world existed, He was. He is the Son of Almighty God. Jehovah is His Father s Name. shall reign The wisdom And He is Man from Mary. His name is the Redeemer. With His Blood hath He redeemed. He is the Redeemer from the power of the wicked enemy. He is merciful and gracious. 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 386 ELCHANON PAULUS, Pragensis. APPENDIX CABALISTIC CURIOS, SCRIPTURAL, PATRISTIC, AND LUTHERAN APPENDIX CABALISTIC CURIOS, SCRIPTURAL, PATRISTIC, AND LUTHERAN 153 THE FISHES THIS odd number The cabalistically. DRAWN has been TO LAND much BY SIMON PETER. discussed both theologically and was somewhat settled by the theological question great authority of St. Augustine and other Fathers long ago. They saw in 153 a proof of the fact that the number of the elect and pre-ordained. large indefinite number small certain and particular one. is fixed No is given to us in the miracle, but a The cabalistical solution of this has been often attempted, and many and obviously absurd solutions have been offered. Lately, however, more reasonable views seem coming to the front, and some progress is being made in a more likely direction. People who are open to reason and conviction will not be so ready now to pronounce unreservedly that the Biblical cabala is utter nonsense, or on a par with fantastic Donnelly s cryptogram. The assumption is that 153 is cabalistically the number of the Sons of God. This expression, Sons of God (Beni ha-Elohim), occurs several times in Scripture, and per gematriam it counts up 153. In Greek the " " BIBLIA CABALISTICA 1,6 in another form the same phenomena, the gematria expression exhibits x 153. being 3213 or 3 x 7 remarkable cabala, Bern ha-Elohim, with Satan is this In Job ii. i the two factors of counts up altogether 1989, and among them, which the mark of the x and this are 13 153, 13 being 153 1989- 13, adversary. In Rom. = we have = 1071 crvvKkripovopoi (joint heirs) = = x 8 of creation 153 1224 x 153 ; also JCTIO-IS 0eov (the God) 7 In the records of the miracle itself there are some remarkable viii. 17 cabalistic coincidences. The word for fishes is J x (Wes : for 1224 = 8 x 153, and the words = = x both 8 153, 1224 by gematria = the net are TO Sifcrucw, which also numbers of perfection and regeneration, for the net is unbroken, and carries the precious freight from the right side of the ship safely not one is lost." Moreover, this word J^Mcs (fishes) to the shore, and same 1224 in the name of Abram, to whose is exactly value for the the promise was made that they seed, through Ephraim and Manasses, should increase as fishes do increase. rightly " " " Thus there established a remarkable numerical connection between is consider the seed of the patriarch and God s chosen people, whether we them metaphorically as fishes or as the actual people whom^God through house of Israel." His prophet addresses as people, the cc Thus shall they know that I the read in Ezekiel xxxiv. 30, Lord their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, And the Greek words house of are my people, saith the Lord God." see the Ten Tribes == 10 x = 153, where we Israel, 1530 people" " We My " , My marked out. Also 7 x 153 "Mary ; And when " Feed my and and "the Jesus," seed of is, the Jacob" woman and her seed == 1071 in Hebrew = 459 = 3 x 153. ~- to land Jesus strictly enjoined Peter to s a term used throughout the Bible to designate God the net was sheep" that drawn of Israel. people, the house There is another way in which this peculiar number 153 has been worth considering here. regarded, and is perhaps and months for the Seed," of the The division year into 7 found as both the of as Resurrection, months for the c " 5 Fish," types APPENDIX 117 in the history of Noah and the Flood, is distinctly the Divine system of number. 153 is the number of the xxi. n, and 207 is the number of days that formed the The sum of these two numbers Jewish ritual, the jft/-ripemng period. The division of the number 360 at the the number of the is in the Gospels and marked out in fishes in John 360, year. 1 50 days for the fish true, slightly different ; for there is is sun the when for the 210 triumphant. period period, leaving for the one period and 7 for But in either case there are 5 Flood is is, it signs Perhaps the idea the other. is to division into show not only the 7 the signs and 5, but to bring out that 3 day-and-nights, nychthemera, at^ Vernal Equinox, occupy a peculiar position, being the period that links of the ecliptic Seed Fish the period, the cross period on to the and equator occurring at the I4th to I7th Nisan, when the Ark, ceasing " " " " to float, rested.* Hengstenberg found in this number the of the Gentiles fulness reckons the indicated according 17, where Solomon on unpro They had toiled all night strangers in Israel at 153,600. to rise and ductive toil in Israel, and now the Light of Day shall begin o er all the earth, and the Gentiles shall walk in it. to 2 Chron. ii. spread in I Dr. Egli (TheoL Jahr., 1854, p. 135) finds the number Peter s name, i.e., Shimeon Jonah = 153. = in many ways. 153 153 is a remarkable number 2 = 17 x 3 also 153 = the sum of its separate cubes 153 + 17, the sum of the first 17 numbers. 3 + 4 Now 17 is the seventh of the series of prime numbers, i, 3, 5, 7, same series. Hence, while n, 13, 17, etc., and 13 is the sixth of the is admitted on is connected with 6. Now_ 7 17 is connected with 7, 13 of spiritual perfection, and 6 all hands to be ; . . ; . Biblically significant and a oppositi number Biblically significant of imperfection, labour, as the number of oppositi indicated is how as we know remarkably 13 in the Bible, we may take it that 17 represents spiritual P*f^"J a combination of moreover, the fact of its being of spiritual perfection, helps our assumption. * The 8vo), at Computation of 666 (London, 1891, Corn. of Seed the see chap, vi., "The Fish and " p. 244- + >n, 10, the For further exposition n8 BIBLIA CABAL1STICA Petrus Bungus, who wrote in the sixteenth century a ponderous few good remarks on 153. He endeavours, as his to show a and wondrous it, title-page expresses unceasing agreement between the old Pythagorean principle of mystic numbers and the of numeration used frequently in the Holy Scriptures. principle Necessarily there is much that is pure fancy in so elaborate a work, but he had carefully gone to all the original sources open to him at the time, and so his book is not without a certain value still. He says that the 153 fishes signify the whole multitude of the elect who shall be on the right hand of the Throne on the Day of Judgment. It was shortly after our Lord s Resurrection that the wonderful of fishes is related, and therein was a reference to the resurrection draught to a new and eternal life for all who were out of the safely brought into the or ark of the Church which floats at deep ship peace on the troubled and rising waters. The net was cast on the right side of the therefore there were no reprobate sinners taken in the net, for all ship these were on the left side. The net was not broken heresy and schism had not yet done damage. As for 153, it is the trigonal number of 17, and 17 represents the man complete in Christ, who has been work on numbers, has a " " ; ; purified like silver seven times his denarius, i.e., his 10 and his a from his native dross, and has received 7. And do you wish to know yet further," he adds, "why the whole is denoted by 17 ? Then take this reason as well. What is the peculiar number of the Law of Moses ? How many are the Commandments ? Are they not 10? But the Law, if it be not helped by Grace, leaves men in their trespasses and sins, and is the number of the saints Letter only. And so the Apostle pointedly says, The Letter killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive." The result therefore is, that we must add the Spirit to the Letter, and perform the precepts of the Law in and through the Grace of our Saviour. This is adding 7 to 10 cabalistically, and the number of the perfect Christian (17) comes out, and, rising per cab, trigonalem i + 2 + ... to 3 17 153, represents the whole Church of the Elect and Perfect, which is the Body of Christ.* * Petri PP- 593-5-) Bungi Bergomatis Numerorum Hysteria. (Editio Lut. Paris., 1617, APPENDIX 6 AND 666 6 considered cabalistically a 7 maybe i- i.e., man s coming short of spiritual perfection. It has to do with MAN, as examination of many instances of its It is the human number, the number use seem convincingly to show. of Man, destitute of God. Man was created on the 6th day 6 days were appointed for him to labour, and the seventh day for spiritual rest with God. on much that has to do with Curiously enough, 6 seems stamped human labour it is stamped on his measures, so to speak ; i foot i yard =12 = 2x6 inches, =36 = 6 x 6or6 inches, 2 and on his time i = = = day i year i hour 24 12 60 4x6 2x6 = = = hours, months, 10 x 6 minutes = 100 x 6 x 6 seconds. we may well expect If 6 cabalistically represents Man without God, more still essentially the that 666 or the threefold 6, should represent from were Edomites The essentially aliens same idea, and so we find it. for them is word Biblical the and and enemies of Israel, God HADVMIM, To me?a and this word sums up -also counts up 666 666. Antigod -also equal " therion" The words into 666. the great antltheos there is esti" one word beast he is in the New Testament (Acts xix. 25) Again, -wealth the ill-gott which occurs only once-viz., evperia meaning it numbers 666, and when* and Demetrius the shrine-maker, gains of New I estament against riches remember the many denunciations in the And what is still more remarkabl this seems a remarkable coincidence. nouns which the New Testament contains, s thafof theTi2C different too In the Old 666. is the only one which counts up Jestan^t; threescore and six talents of gold, B1BLIA CABALISTICA 120 Indeed, wherever sense where our Lord " (Matt. in Scripture this bestial usually a sinister one. is viii. 25), s disciples fits alone, the instance, in that remarkable passage express fear of shipwreck, the word is we perish (aTroXXu/xetfa)," and this word ; the only verb in the New Testament which Lord, save us equals 666, and probably exactly number appears For is the number. Then the slave or concubine offspring of Leah and Rachel make up each 666, per gematriam Hebraicam, thus also : Leah Bilhah 36 122 Zilpah Gad 7 Asher 42 54 570 Dan Naphtali 501 666 666 The apostate Ham, if reckoned with his father Noah, becomes 666, Noah and his two other sons, Shem and Japhet (omitting Ham), become 888, the number of the name of Jesus. Again, Shechem Ben Hamor, who in his seduction of Dinah is said while to prefigure the seduction of Israel by the Antichrist, counts up 666 in the most characteristic way, for Shechem gives 360, and Ben Hamor 306, the same division as in Nero Caesar. Again, there are three men who stand out in Scripture as avowed enemies of God and His people. Each is branded with this number 6. 1. Goliath, whose height was 6 cubits, and he had 6 pieces of armour, and his spear s head weighed 600 shekels of iron. 2. Nebuchadnezzar, whose "image," which he set up, was 60 cubits high, and 6 cubits broad (Dan. iii. i), and which was worshipped when the music was heard from 6 specified instruments. Moreover, the words in Dan. iii. i equal by gematria 4662, which has the significant factors 7 x 666. 3. Antichrist, whose number are further significant There three sixes, i + 2 + 3 it is the sum of up to 36, and which the Romans used, the also the as thus is 666. peculiarities in first 36 (i.e., sum of appears : 666, for besides 6x6) numbers its viz., the only 6 numerical letters APPENDIX D = 1. ^ C = 2. COO) ,- yooo 100) $ i x : " : I: 12 fo 666 6 later by M. burden my pages with the names of those many persons of both great and small reputations who have been marked by curious 1000 was represented by CIO, and I will not number of the Apocalypse. Personally, I am inclined to accept the very strong evidence that points to Nero Caesar, but there are other remarkably good conjectures which cannot be Different minds see evidence of this summarily put out of court. and as I have already remarked, the peculiar sort in very different lights, to the author * who has devoted the most time and the biggest book that unnoticed hidden name passes by almost investigation of the most the me to solution which historically and cabalistically seems So I leave this vexed question and present two ingenious and probable. one from our early rare and curious cabalistical exercises on 666 other f Lutheran friend, whom I have mentioned elsewhere, and the a mystical French writer of much more recent date. calculators with the bestial 666 Ecce Bestia Magna Hxc Ac habet Capita ibi Cornua Eia ea septem At diademata decem Ac erunt Regis irae Dei Ecce Belua ab Ecclesia De eadem Babylon * David Thorn, Ph.D., (London, 1848.) M.A, The Number and Names Beast. of the Apocalyptic BIBLIA CABALISTICA 122 Ea fit latina Ecce ea De De Illi Romae fit Leones ilia hac Leones ad decem decem de Belua Abnegat Roma Fidem ac acta filii del Hie cecidit fides Et Ecclesia fidei Sed Sodoma Ac Gomorrha Rhoma plena Sed ecce Leo Papa Ac os peccati Id Bestia Leo H:c vere Leo Ac jam Decimus Et in Ecclesia Leo et Draco Damnat Belua Omnia Bulla Damnat leges Etiam pias Dilectionem Consilia fidei Et fidem filii Haec dei fides cito Efficit alieno Alieno labore Ope verbi Bona arterna Et vitae Eternae, V* Amen Bcsti* 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 APPENDIX This 1:3 marking out of Pope Leo Decimus but our author goes further yet, and uses the mystic numbers of Daniel and St. John in such a way as to leave no doubt, for, as he says, no other Pope that ever lived could be so clearly marked: as the is a fairly strong cabalistic <v Beast," 666 gives Id Bestia Leo. Kt idem Leo, Leo Decimus. 1260 ,, Iste idem Leo Decimus. 1290 ,, ^; ,, Leo, Leo P.ipa, Leo Deeimus. 666 and i:0o taken together ^ive Papa Leo Decimus. Papa Leo Decimus. cfive Kt idem Papa Leo Decimus, Antichristus. 1290 and i i and ; >; This certainly reads well, and seems without a rlaw Rut he has more behind. enough, anyhow. In Apoc." xvii. we ; read coloured beast, and are told lw of the woman Mysterium this sitting on the upon her forehead was a MYSTKRY, BABYLON PHE GREAT and straightforward clear in fronte -:V., in the name scarlet- written : l,uin- Babylon Magna, per cabalam trigonaltm equals Nomen Papatus in tronte I .eo Decimus. But according to our author s theory, Leo X. was only one head the Beast, for ^Apoc. \vii. ic^ there are seven heads and to St. John again, and takes 666 + 666 H Popes. So he ^ocs which ivc b/thc same c\//w/.; used throughout : Kit Clemens Septimus ^the next two Popes); Papa Adrianus Scxtus, Papa then 000 + 66 + 64- i:qo + i;^5 give- IVrtius ^the next two PojvsX Papa Paulus Tertius, Papa Julius and so it began to look as the last being alive when our author wrote, But we have much more ot the end were near. V the times cabalistic exposition ot Popes in the great if days" ; the cabalistic number 2625. 1290 1 B1BLIA CABALISTICA 24 A FRENCH By CABALISTICON. A. Soubira* published in a pamphlet of 4 pp., entitled at Cahors in 1824. J. L Alphabet i 23 4 6 8 " 666," Numerique. 10 20 30 130 140 150 40 50 60 80 90 ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRS 5 7 9 110 120 TOO 240 W T U V Le i9 me X Y Z de Forage siecle hissera Son mondain En zephir, alterera le paysage Et deracinera le Le visir. me siecle degradera i9 Fera mourir 1 Alcoran, Marteler Je vandalisme le paganisme, Et rogner le Vatican Ce siecle echenillera 1 Europe ! Afin de brider son ambition, Et de benir 1 horoscope Oui doit rafter Albion ! Ce siecle transira 1 Asie Annullera le stilet Enchainera 1 hypocrisie Et reformera Mahomet Ce siecle echauffera Tisonnera DifFamera Et * Soubira, 1 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 ! Afrique 1 escroc, sa politique, dechaussera le froc 70 ! Jacob Abraham, notaire a Montcuq, 666 666 666 666 arrondissement de Cahors, versificateur qui a pris successivement les titres de poe te d Israel, d emigre frangais en Querard (La France Litteraire, s.v.) gives titles of 1791, et de delegue du Messie. They appear all to be small pamphlets of four, eight, many of his works (48). sixteen, and twenty-four pages. " 666 " : This pamphlet does not appear in the list. APPENDIX 125 666 666 Ce siecle retapera le N. Monde, Et va regenerer Panama Afin de regenter son onde Et demettre son lama ! me Ce I9 Et rotir siecle enfin fera grandir la bible le 666 Geudas Qui poignarde le paisible Et desseche ces climats ! Bref, la naive prophetic * Qui fait ngurer Gog Et regenerer le Messie Ecrasera bientot Magog.t Malgre son terrible Alcide Dobrowsky J Adroit au charivari En si. ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, Verra palir son egide. 8 AND 8 cabalistically considered was 7 + i ; somethmg added to sp.ritual with 1 which is 7. Hence 8 is specially associated completeness, order. or era new the beginning of a rection and Regeneration, and found in was who ii. iJ-Noah was ^eighth person (2 Peter 5 in a new a new order of things the a7k to commence with 1 8 SO S e of a new order or creation. of the week, which was, day, a sign Grcumc isbn otl on the^first day dead the ChrTrose from as well. of course, the eighth day * t Gog = le Magog = christianisme. , ) tepynisme(Ez^xx pour grand lama.-(Moncuq, 10 aoAt, 1824, Soubira.) , e 126 BIBLIA CABALISTICA The John i. Mesh Feast of Tabernacles lasted 8 days, and is connected by 14 with the Incarnation, for it is written: The Word was made and dwelt among us," and dwelt is in the original Greek " co-Krjvoio-evi.e., "tabernacled" among us. It may well be called (as it has the occurs Dominical Number, for been) constantly in connection with our Lord. riis name IH2OT2 names as well = 888, and it X/HCTTO S, Christ comes in a = 1480=8 800 = 8 Our Lord = 1768 = 8 ? = 1408 = 8 Saviour Emmanuel v^A, =25,600 = 8 Messias = Messiah = 8 656 KV/HOS, it number of curious way into His other It is the X 185. Lord rjfjL(ov y 2 3 x 100. x 221. x 22. x ro . X 82*. the first cubic number, and there seems to be something of ^is perfection indicated something the length and breadth and height of which are equal. The Holy of Holies, both in the Tabernacle and in in the Tabernacle a cube of 10 emple, were cubes cubits ; in the I emple of 20 cubits. In Rev. xxi. the New Jerusalem is to be a cube of 12,000 furlongs. In the Bible the names of the Lord s are marked 8 and 8 people by multiples of 8 in a most remarkable way, while the enemies of God and s people are similarly marked by the number 13 and its multiples.* DANIEL AND HIS COMPANIONS. DAN. 6. i. These count up 888 : Daniel thiS> full details SCC 95 Hananiah 120 Misael Azariah 381 292 Bullinger S Number in ScriP tl " ^ PP. 205-234, where there are APPENDIX 127 In Ps. xxii. 31, David says of Christ, They shall come, and shall The declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born." The Hebrew here sums up a total of 888. Jesus is also spoken of as salvation of Israel," and the words of the Septuagint (e soteria Israel} are x 888 exactly. equal to 2 know from Gen. xlix. that Shiloh is the name of Messias when ( " We I am that I am he comes, and if we add which equals 888, the number of Jesus. " to Shiloh, " Jesus said (John door of the sheep." x. " 7) Verily, verily, : The sum exact equivalent to ten times And again, that I is 8x8x8. in get 345 say unto you, of this quotation well-known text we " Isaiah, I + am 5120, which His name 543, the is an shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, These six words as they run in the Hebrew, the Prince of Peace." and so correspond with the precisely six letters in the name Jesus, also sum up 888. I give here a In accordance with the promise of the Introduction, and of the mystic prophetic selection from the remarkable treatment cabahst indulg Lutheran an which in early numbers of Daniel, I have referred to him at p. 23. his o-enius. with the number 2300 (Dan. vni. 14). I think his greatest success was as we shall see in the This number is of itself rather a remarkable one, inumerus It is a perfect pyramidal number it. succeeding exposition of Latin alphabet when the sum of all the letters of the trigonalisfznd is the triangular progn numbered according to they have been i, 6, 3, 10 ... 276, i.e. etc. save the plodding intellectual quality of mind German could have accoma and unconquerable perseverance of genuine the for we now have in succession dished such a feat as the following, which are, every Latin lines I doubt whether any St^ord of 316 a.prop-te nary number BIBLIA CABALISTICA 128 one of them, pure and correct cabahstica of the known as cabala trigonalis. to the numerical value of gression, will the amount more remarkable to is Each Latin its 2300 letters, difficult triangular kind, reckoned up according and according to triangular pro line, exactly. if What makes the wonderful clearness and these 316 lines neatness of their sense as applied to the matter in hand. 2300. summa summarum Summa summarum ex Alphabeto Ex Alphabeto latino fit Numeris Ista est Atque est Numerus Danielis summa sacra totius Alphabet! Summa audita a Daniele Danielis octavo Et est summa sacra de ccelo signata Ecce Ecce Numerus Triangulorum Triangulis complet Alphabetum Et ecce fit pyramis triangulata. Ecce hie Numerus est hoc Alphabetum Ecce hoc viginti tribus literis Et ex hoc numero computatio Ac computatio Solis literis solis numeris eisdem annexis. Ecce Alphabetum latinum et certum Alphabetum latinum in numeris Haec ipsa puncta duo millia trecenta Perficiunt dies Antiochi Epiphanis Dies Antiochi ac puncta Alphabet! latini Ea indicant istam progressionem dei Progressio Computationum. So 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 famous number 2300 is made to describe itself as the the letters of the Latin alphabet, twenty-three in number, from to Z, reckoned up according to the numeration known as Trigonalis, or triangular, viz. sum of A far this all APPENDIX A, B, C, D, the number of the points being 2300, was divinely chosen to denote the But this is by no means all. final 129 etc., and the progressive computation period of Antiochus Epiphanes. The mystic 2300 is only a prefatory indicator of the other mystic pairs of numbers in Daniel and John This is viz., 1290 and 1335 in Daniel, and 666 and 1260 in John. shown by doubling 2300, and we get Ecce 1290, 1335 : ; 2300 + 2300 equals ac 666, 1260, and no other two words but ecce and ac will suit, so, as our old author there. says, he did not put them there, but found them This certainly is an extraordinary cabalistical coincidence, however else we may regard it. So, having found this, he proceeds to develop further these prophetical numbers out of his basic number 2300, by a further cabalistic examination of Iste Et est Numerus it. Danielis est a Deo Liber Danielis sigillatus Est Prologus clausus a Deo Descriptus intus ac foris Ille prologus est latinus Est prasfatio clausa et sigillata Et prasfatio De latina Ecclesia, latina e latino Alphabeto Pater dixit latina mysteria De latino Antichristo Hoc est de Papa adversario Christi De Antichristo Papa pater dixit Et dixit tfec Haec septem Tonitrua Hasc spiritus dixit, films, dixit Dominus omnipotens. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 1 BIBLIA CABALISTIC A 3o Haec verba domini dei non sunt amissa Nee dominus haec frustra dixit Erant enim signata Nee in Apocalypsi Dei signa illorum sunt amissa Ecce duo 666 ac 1260 In istis duobus numeris dei Erant, sed non fuerant seripta. Oui eorum intellectum habet a Deo computet Tempus Ecclesiae dei Computetque nomen ac acta Bestiae Nomen signatum Bestiae 666 Et Numerum 1260 Ille Ipse computet ex Alphabeto latino Meretricis notabilem Numerum Ecce dies Antiochi clara figura Papatus Et dies malorum Antiochi Epiphanis Figura malorum Vicarii Christi Antiochus Epiphanes figura finis Est figura Antichrist! Leonis Ecce revelabitur prope finem mundi Papatus Papae, Papas Antichristi. Inicium calculati Papatus, est Johannes Octavus 852 Et ab eisdem Tempus Antichristi Antichristi regnantis incipit Anni Papatus et religio Ecclesiae Papae Regnat Meretrix cum sit Papa Atque Papatum orbis designat Ecce Meretrix Meretrix Bestiae Meretrix maxima mundi Designata Babylon magna Meretrix Papistica Ecce ipsa damnat fidem justificationis Sed revelabitur verbum domini Postea non proficient ultra haec Inimici Christi impiis Papae legibus. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 APPENDIX 131 Ecce Antichristus, Ecce Leo, Leo decimus iste Papa Urbis revelatur Et fit hoc anno sexto Leonis decimi Eo anno domini 1518 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 Ecce Anni Antichrist! sunt finiti Anni 666 plene sunt finiti Coepti ergo ab anno domini 852 Evangelium Apostolicum domini Et lux fidei usque ad annum 228 Et ecce ab eo sumpserunt inicium dei 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2 3OO Operationes erroris aperte Coepti ergo anni et dies ablati sacrificii Et omnia tempora haec sunt finita Aperte anno 1518. Est tune finita dispersio magna Et facta est Ecclesia una et fidelissima 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 Ab Angelo volante per medium coeli, habente Evangelium sternum gloriosi dei, Habente claritatem magnam verborum Ecce enim a gloria claritatis ipsius Illuminata est terra Ubique. So far for the cabalistical and prophetical evolution of John Next for Daniel s two out of the 2300. mystic numbers : Ecce verba in Daniele sic sunt Verba sigillata ac sermones clausi sigillata Clausi signatique sermones dei Et ecce numeri sunt sermones Numeri Danielis et Hi numeri Apocalypsis sunt numeri finis Sunt verba et Evangelium Filii dei Daniel audivit mysteria clausa Ecce eadem audivit Daniel in visione Audivit mysteria dei sigillata sua. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 s two 1 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 32 De Christo sancto sanctorum Audivit mysteria Paparum At hasc sunt verba latina sigillata Ideo vir del Daniel ilia non intellexit 2300 2300 2300 2300 Et ecce dum Daniel quaereret Quid erit post ilia tempora dei ? Quid erit quod modo dixisti ? 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 et diceret In fine dierum apparebis Dicebat Angelus. Vade jam mi Daniel ac esto jam quietus Quietus esto penitus Eadem enim signata sunt Numeris. Ecce sermones modo sunt clausi Et mysteria sunt signata Eadem mysteria sunt sigillata Ipsa mysteria de filio dei patris De Antichristo Papa et de abominatione Signata per numeros sunt Oui numeri revelabuntur. Mysterium revelationis Istud est in tempore suo Illud prasteribunt plurimi Et pertransibunt tempora Tempora et signata mysteria Eos Numeros praeteribunt Et praeteribunt verba signata. Numeri dei sunt mysteria dei Mysteria dei sunt Tempora signata Tempora per Numeros Sunt sigilla verborum ac liber Liber domini ineffabiliter copiosus In eo sunt verba ultima Ecclesiae Dei Ecce iste liber nunc est tuus. Hunc librum dierum obsignabis Daniel et sermones latinos Habet verba 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 APPENDIX Et librum Sermones et illi 133 sermones claude Daniel ac verba haec latina latini Habent mysteria de Antichristo Mysteria latinorum clausa Signata sigillata ab illis numeris 2300 Scientia libri erit multiplex Multiplex scientia Lutheri Ihesu Christo Ipsa erit de filio dei ilia Antithesi Christi et Papae Et de illis sacris 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 numeris dei Signata In Numeris dei est Antithesis Antithesis sermonum domini dei. Hsec omnia omnes impii non intelligent Proficient in pejus donee pereant In termino mundi pessime deficient Verba aperta de Nee Nee filio non videbunt dei Bestiae intelligent mysteria mysteria Gog et Magog sub Leone belli intelligentia. Spiritualis Et Iste qui edoctus intelliget in fine intellectum habebit a qui Hoc numero Sermones Deo inveniet sermones istius Latinos sancto Signatos spiritu ex Illeque inveniet Sermones Numero istos in fine hoc dierum. next proceeds to find the Christian Mysteries remarkable cabalistica same great number in the following Our good Lutheran :- in his 2300. filius Ihesus, Ihesus est Et filius ejus unigenitus Ille sapientia, sapientia dei Dei Patns BIBL1A CABALISTICA 134 Ejusdem patris omnipotentia Ecce ille patri consubstantialis Ecce enim vere genitus non factus Ecce est filius genitus ab aeterno. Nunc ipse filius dei homo factus Et idem incarnatus de virgine Et ille nunc est filius hominis Et ipse nunc filius virginis Est. Atque filius sine viri semine Semen Abrahae Davidis Mariae a spiritu Et idem semen mulieris a Deo benedictum. Ecce Christus Nunc ipse vir a spiritu sancto est, ac Deus et Homo Ihesus est unctus Unctus a patre ac a spiritu Unctus Rex gloriae a Deo patre Ecce unctus est Spiritu dei Spiritu a quo conceptus. Verbum patris est victima Victima vera filius virginis Ecce agnus in cruce offerendo se patri Fit victima dei, et est pontifex summus sacerdos domini Est Summus sacerdos dei patris Est victima dei et Justificatio. Agnus verus tulit peccata Tulit peccata passione morte 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 salutis tulit peccata Tulit peccata filius dei sacerdos Hie sacerdos morte tulit peccata. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 Filius virginis Mariae placat iram Irani dei placat morte sua ac salvat 2300 2300 Moriens moriendo Tulit peccata iste tulit peccata redemptor Deus APPENDIX occisus est Victor Agnus En Victor mortis diaboli ac inferni Iste idem Victor peccati et mundi Moriens fit Victor in morte Morte ac vita sua justificat. Nunc ille in gloria dei patris sui A dextris dei Rex est ac sacerdos Vere Jhesus est Rex regum Ecce Rex et Dominus Dominantium Hie Rex Ihesus unigenitus dei salvat Protegit nos ac pios Impios quoque justificat. lesus nobis est salvator lesus ille natus ex virgine Est nobis salvator de virgine De virgine Maria nobis est salus Salus est, salvat credentes est et lux piorum Iter et Via, Veritas et Vita. Agnus Nunc princeps ille magnus Ecclesiae dei Reficit nos proprio corpore suo Proprioque sanguine Ac fovet verbis suis solis Verbis omnipotently Jesus Facit hoc verus Deus noster Magnus Dominus omnipotens. Dominus credentes justificat Sola fide gratis justificat orbem Ipse propter semetipsum Sola fide Evangelii sui justificat Et ecce justificat filius hommis nos Nazarenus deus et homo. Justificat Ac sola fide justificat Audite impii inclusa mysteria Audite. Passio filii dei justificat i35 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 136 Passio Christi. Et Passio Ac filii Oblatio in cruce dei, sanguis fusus filii filii 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 dei Jesu Christi hominis dei nos justificat Sanguis Et ilia est fides, Et ea hac fide filii Ecce Jhesus Christus justificat. filius dei Pro nobis natus passus Idem passus ac idem sepultus Hie descendit ad inferna, Hie ascendit in ccelum Hie tertia die a morte resurgens Idem resurgens ascendit in ccelum Idem sedet a dextris dei patris. Amen. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 filled up the mysteries of Christ from the great he number, proceeds to show the mysteries of Antichrist from it as well. He acts on this principle with the other numbers of Daniel and John He seems to assume that they contain an antithesis of throughout. Having thus Christ and Antichrist, a popular Lutheran theory. 2300. Ecce Evangelium a spiritu sancto In scripturis manifestum Id sigillatum est in numeris dei a patre et ab aeterno Istud persequuntur Evangelium filio Bestia, et ista Meretrix peccati Ecce haec fit ebria, ebria sanguine sanctorum Fidem fidelium deformavit papatus istani dei vastat Papatus fidem Fidem Fidem justificationis dei patris justificationis in regno filii In regno filii dei in montibus Israel Fidem istam damnat haec meretrix Roma Et fit istud in Ecclesia sancta filii dei. dei. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 APPENDIX 137 Ecce haec est ilia "abominatio in loco sancto Ecce Ecclesia ac Antichrist! statuta Et ecce Ecclesia ac regnum impii papatus Ecce Ecclesia ac Antichristi Romani canones Et ecce Ecclesia ac iniquus papatus ac jura ilia mundani papatus Ecce Ecclesia Et ecce Ecclesia ac sedens in ea Ecce in jam diu homo peccati. filius perditionis Templo peccati sedens in Templo Ecclesiae del Rex est Romas triplici corona Homo Ecce Is Rex Et ille Est est Antichristus Antichristus Papa homo Hie enim Et Doctor Romae peccati ac adversarius dei regnum Christi vastat. ecce Lutherus doctor gratiae tempore suo Revelabat Evangelium dei totum Evangelium fidei, Evangelium Christi Ecce stabit et docebit verba dei manifeste Fidem et Evangelium filii hominis docebit Hoc opere dei factus est doctor a Deo. gratiae in Revelatur A homo Leo decimus Papa revelato isto Antichristo Destruitur doctrina Romae Ecce revelabitur os Leonis, Papa Leo Damnat nos credentes ac Christum Pontifex ille Bulla vanitatis Damnat Leges domini, opera bona, dilectionem. Evangelium ex patre Papatum spiritu Christi Ex spiritu interficiet 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 oris Christi Destruitur Synagoga Diaboli Babylon haec apparentis Papatus Regnum Papatus et homo peccati Ac ista Babylon cecidit, nee resurget 2300 i BIBLIA CABALISTICA 3s Abominatio Romana visa Est signum Christi, id apparet Et est signum Danielis certum in dei 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 in coelo 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 Templo Et qui legit signum intelligat Id Christianis est signum filii dei Abominatio est papatus Ea enim est abominatio filii Signum Manifestum Hoc erit in Et de ccelis et Papa desolationis. hominis ac domini dei erit patebit in coelo angustia temporis revelabitur clamor ille Sponsus dominus venit Excite obviam sponso repente Et vide, Diem et horam finis nemo sciet. Et ecce extrema persecutio Ecclesiae ultima patientia sanctorum Deinde dies et hora finis. En ilia nemo sciet Ecce mox consurget MICHAEL FILIUS DEI Ac Ac verbo resurgent mortui Canente simul tuba novissima Veni domine Jesu Christe. Ac cito. Amen. 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 number 2300 taken from Dan. viii. 14, our cabalist goes to the last three verses of this Book of Daniel, and takes from them the two mystical, prophetic, and comforting numbers in 1290 and 1335, and proceeds to examine them cabalistically each manner exactly ninety-nine different Latin clauses in the following Having thus considered the : 1290. Patebit liber Danielis Ac apparebunt Numeri in Daniele beati Danielis Ambo numeri dierum Duo numeri finis Et veri Ac verba domini signata. numeri dei 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 APPENDIX Ecce obsignata sigillata Signata Numeris Et his numeris dei Sunt verba Angeli Ad finem loquentis Ecce sunt a Deo clausa Et signata a beato Daniele. Tempora amborum Numerorum Ambo De de fine mysteria de fine mundi erunt fine Et haec sunt certa Clausa lingua latina Latina sunt ac clara. Ecce signata Babylon magna Et Meretrix latina Papatus orbis Orbis caput dolo Dolo vastans fidem Fidem Ecclesiae dei ineffabiliter Haec Babylon Et in Templo. ecce abominatio in Daniele Babylone anterior Ac anni plane priores Et dies ablati sacrificii Ante 666 ac Papam Ecce post Tempora Apostolica ipsa ac fidei. Sed ecce ea mala fidei confusio Fidei fuit ac operum Ipsa abominatio impia Ecclesiae contraria Et Ipsa confusio A A Tempore magna fidei Jhesu fide Christi designata. i 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 I2 9Q 1290 39 1 B1BLIA CABALISTICA 40 Ecce finem habent Tempora Sumpta ab anno 228 Ac confusio finita fidei A revelato In Templo Papa Leone Decimo, Papa illo sedente del vivi Ecce deinde clarissima Ecclesia. Revelatur Leo fide Fide, Sexto anno Decimi Et Leo, ille homo peccati Leo est, Est Romae Et Leo, Leo rugiens Ecce rugit decimus hie Bulla vanitatis. Et ideo apparebit fides Fides a deo, misericordia del Fides haec sanctissima Ecce hanc docebit Propheta Ipse Martinus Et homo ille Antipapa Docebit hie Evangelium dei. Ecce liber clausus a deo Docet haec mysteria Ecce vir ille Jhesus Sanctitate Conceptus Nemo munda est ita sine Nisi hie filius peccato Marias. Ille nunc est homo Sed deitate filius dei Illeque Deus Ac homo de Inde filius ac homo spiritu hominis Et idem ex semine David Dominus semen Abrahae. 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 APPENDIX Ecce semen sanctum a 141 deo 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 1290 Seipso benedictum Ex hoc justitia Et benedictio fidelium Hie filius del victima Hinc crucifigitur Inde filius del Agnus. Crucifixus Vere del 1290 1290 1-90 1290 1290 ille salvator Et salus aeterna Hinc agnus del sacerdos Sacerdos moriens Ut is redimeret Nos morte sua. i 29 I 29 Sed hie resurgens In coelos procedens Regnat Rex gloria Ac a dextris dei defend! t En hie salvat nos fide I2 9 Ac l Et 1290 I 29 I2 9 I2 9 ea sola justificat -9 I2 9 gratia adjuvat Amen. miseros. I2 9 Nos Blessed is he that Next comes the number of which it is said five and thirty and hundred three thousand the to waiteth and cometh " : days" (Dan. xii. 12). 1335Ista Aperit summa admiranda 1335 clara et vera Et magna testimonia fine dierum in Evangelii Dicebat vero Angelus Daniel claude sermones Et clare stabis in fine. T 335 BIBLIA CABALISTICA 142 Et summa numeri Revelat T 335 1335 J 335 1335 1335 1335 1335 literis Fidem justificantem Quam aperte negant Papas mancipia iterum Fides sola sine opere Fides est. Haec salvat. Ecce Jesus Magister doctor verus Istud hoc ita docet Ac Hunc Dixit, audite. Ecce pater hunc audite Is Jesus Lux Ac homines tenebrae impiae Jesus solus Salus est Ecclesiae Ipse salus certa Salus pacis grata Ilia salus Ac summa salus haec revelata Salus sola fidelis. Ecce ex virgine sancta Incarnatus est Iste conceptus Est de Spiritu Idem natus ex Maria Homo Ac est, vere Dei homo. ac filius Deus et Hie homo justificat Veritate Evangelii Et idem Christus Homo omnipotens etiam salvat Idem Jesus victima dei ac Deus 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 T 335 J 335 1335 335 J 335 133^ 1335 1335 1335 J 1335 335 T 335 J 335 1335 1335 J 335 J Nos Agnus 335 335 J 335 1335 1335 J 335 T 335 T T ipse. APPENDIX Ille fuit in Et mortem morte 335 335 X 335 1335 J 335 1335 1335 J evicit J Fuitque sub Lege Et idem legem adimplevit legem nobis vicit Sensit tamen iram Et idem iram dei abolevit. Sic Vicit redemptor Moriens Et iste in 1335 1335 1335 J 335 1335 1335 1335 morte victor Vita revixit Hie ascendens descenderat Nam ecce in inferno fuit Ecce ibi vicet infernum. Ac 143 Ecce idem ascendit nunc locum parat in coelum 1335 J Singulis electis Istis abiens adest 335 Victor ille mundi Et suos liberat A dextris dei orat Ecce Next hc verba fidelissima. the antithesis Amen. 1335 : THE MYSTERIES OF THE ANTICHRIST. In hac computatione Sunt plurima Verba sigillata Ecclesise Literae ejus latinae ac Mysteria Aperiunt sigilla Mysteria agni et Papas Christi et Papae clara. J 335 i BIBLIA CABALISTIC A 44 Et haec est calculatio Certa sanctissima Et vere clarissima Haec indicat Christum De numeris sacris Eadem Antichristum indicat Secreta Antithesi. Papatus Babylon Est odiosa Babylon Ac ilia Id nomen est odiosa Roma Sigillatum Ipsum in fronte Hie id nomen Papatus Et nomen Papae Leonis. Apparebit primo Leo Leo Papa signatus Istud sigillum Sigillum nominis ejus implet Nomen Et perfecte perficit Leo, Leo Papa, Leo Decimus. Ecce 666, Et sigilla Et decem Cornua Bestiae. Cornua, Os Leonis Et ilia septem Capita Ecce Bestia maxima mundi Ac in ea vires draconis Et ecce sigillata decem diademata. 1335 : 335 X 335 1335 J 335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 1335 : 1335 1335 1335 1335 T 335 : 335 r 335 Next, the two great numbers of Daniel, 1290 and 1335, are taken Our author remarks that if Daniel s greatest number, 2300, be together. is the taken, and duo added to it per Cab. Trig., we get 2625, which and sum of the two (duo) numbers 1290 1335. APPENDIX 1290 Hi numeri Ipsi 4- 145 1335. 2625. sunt numeri beati Danielis duo numeri 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 visionis Danielis Sunt verba latina signata et clausa Et sunt verba numeris sigillata Et ecce duo numeri sunt sermones Sermones clausi visionis Danielis Et ista sermones dei sunt latini. Hi numeri sunt duo numeri numeri revelabuntur duo Qui De finis 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 Christo redemptore, ac Antichristo Quos praeteribunt plurimi Donee veniat consummatio regni mundi Et donee numeris fiat revelatio finis Et ecce in fine dierum intelligent plurimi. Dictum est ab angelo, In fine dierum stabis Daniel claude sermones ac verba domini signata Hos tales sermones claude numeris Absconde verba, claude librum pluribus in fine tantum manifestandum totum absconde sub numeris in numeris Evangelium enim filii dei est 2625 2625 Librum Eum The doctrine of the Trinity Ecce unitas In next elaborately evolved :- et Trinitas essentiae dei ista unitate dei, tres Deus is dei. personae dei Filius dei, ac Spiritus pater, essentia Tres personae simplex Ac persona personae coaequalis perfecte dei plena ac tota deitas Qualibet persona Haec ilia personarum Trinitas Deus. 10 BIBLIA CABALISTIC A 146 Pater est aeternitas, aeterna deltas cum sancto spiritu Et unitas et Trinitas del deltas eadem Et essentia aeternus filius Ecce a patre factus sed genitus non filius Hie idem films del Ideo ille filius genitus est ab aeterno Genitus veraciter ante omnia saecula. Essentia patris omnipotentis Et filii Et eadem del, essentia Spiritus Spiritus sanctus patris Et spiritus filii del, ab utroque Non factus, nee genitus, at procedens est procedens ex patre et filio, Ipse amborum. Ipse idem vere Spiritus Jhesus Hie filius dei, Verbum patris et factus est filius dei Deus, hominis ex virgine natus Filius homo Maria virgine natus ab ea de Spiritu sancto Filius Mariae, ex Idem filius est Conceptus Ihesus est incarnatus est iste filius dei naturalis. Hie Jhesus est homo sine viri semine ex virgine sancta Solus est conceptus de virgine Nemo sine peccato nisi Jhesus agnus dei Jhesus Deus, Jhesus homo factus Jhesus Christus Abraham, Davidis, Mariae Semen mulieris Abrahae a deo promissum. Ecce conceptus est Jesus passus est pro nobis Et hie Jesus salus et Salvator Filius dei tectus deitate, filius hominis Filius dei passus sepultus Jesus Nazarenus est filius dei Et Filius dei ex virgine de spiritu Hie Jesus passus, descendit, ascendit. 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 APPENDIX Ille films flagellatus tulit peccata homo Ille consputus Hie spinis crudeliter coronatus Et crucifixus et mortuus flagellatus Surrexit tertia die pro nobis Et surrexit dominus a morte Hie ascendens Iste sedet a dextris dei patris. unigenitus filius dei a patre Lavat nos sanguine, sanguine suo A peccatis, sine operibus nostris intercedit pro peccatis nostris. Ac Ecce factus Et justificat est justitia nostra nos filius hominis Filius hominis a dextris patris. Jesus Christus Et dominus Rex sacerdos gloria dei patris sui et princeps magnus Ecclesice dei in Dominus Iste Dominus Deus Iste et Rex Regum dominus dominantium regnans Pater futuri saeculi placans iram dei Jesus dominus Deus salvator. Vere salvator solus Jesus Vere salvator ac vere Deus et homo Victor est et idem Victor regnat En victor legis, Diaboli, mortis ac inferni Victor peccati, peccati Victor ac mundi Ille victima pro peccatis nostris Et victima sanctus sanctorum Et occisus est agnus dei verus Et dominus Jesus 147 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 crucifixus. salus Jhesus Christus est Agnus verus sacerdos unicus Et salvator de Spiritu sancto Hie Jesus venit. Et veniet in gloria dei 2625 i BIBLIA CABALISTICA 48 In fine saeculorum, Cum Et apparuerit cum similes apparuerit ei erimus vita aeterna similes ei erimus. Next comes the usual antithesis Amen. 2625 2625 2625 : ANTICHRIST AND THE LAST DAYS. Evangelium revelat Antichristum Et idem Antichristus Papa Leo Decimus En Papa revelandus, et nomen Papae Leonis Fit, Leonis, Adriani, dementis, Pauli, Julii Sedebunt illi successive. Vae, Vae, Vae, Vae tibi Papa Romae, Vae tibi Caesar, Vae Bestiae Vae, Vae, Vae, Ceciderunt Capita quinque. Primo apparebit Leo. Secundo Adrianus Deinde Clemens, Paulus, Julius. Ac alii in fine Haec est revelatio Revelatio filii iniquitatis perditionis manifesta Antichristi Leonis peccati et filii Hominis Et clare apparuerunt decem diademata Bestiae Id est: Decem Leones Bestiae, certa calculatione. Ecce dominus interficit Papatum Romae Eum Papatum destruet Jhesus Destruet Episcopos Papatus Ecce destruet hunc Antichristum dei Ac idem destruet eum adventu suo Peribit Spiritu oris Christi Et nunc ille sine manu conteretur. Interficiet hunc Evangelium a Christo Ecce Evangelium Lutheri confirmatum a Deo Et ecce confirmatum in Scripturis Libri Veteris ac Novi Testamenti dei Est enim fides revelata patris et filii Fides revelata a spiritu in papatu Sola fides Lutheri sal vat credentes. 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 APPENDIX 149 Fides justificationis sola salvat Ille articulus Est a spiritu sancto del patris Est Evangelium gratias dei patris de Est scientia dei de filio suo crucifixo Haec fides justificationis justificat Et 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 justificationis filio fides Christi gratis justificat. Fides filii hominis justificat ac salvat 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 Ac ecce haec sola justificat ac sola salvat Haec fides Lutheri justificat credentes Ac ea sola solus Jesus justificat Et hasc fides revelat Ac revelat fidelibus abominationes ejus mysterium Papas Abominationes Meretricis Papatus. Ecce revelatur signata Meretrix Babylon magna Meretrix in Apocalypsi Ecclesia Papistica Meretrix Babylon magna Mysterium in fronte, Babylon magna Et secretum, in fronte meretricis Poculum aureum in manu, Papas Ecce hie calix aureus in manu 2625 2625 2625 decreta meretricis. 2625 Mundabitur Ecclesia domini sub Leone decimo Sub Leone, anno sexto Papas Leonis decimi Mundabitur scientia in spiritu In spiritu sancto mundabitur Eo anno domini 1518 Sub Leone. Ab Angelo volante Ecclesia. A per Luthero Antipapa Sophistarum. Postea erit persecutio ultima Ultima persecutio sanctorum verbi domini Et ultima persecutio Patientia sacra sanctorum ultima Tempora post Lutheri Tempera medium coeli 1 BIBL1A CABALISTICA 5o Sunt ultima tempora nostra Et omnia omnes impii non In ipso fine dicent, Pax et ilia 2625 2625 intelligent. securitas 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 -625 2625 2625 2625 dicent principes persecutores Persecutores Ecclesias novissimi Ilia Et manifestabitur signum coeleste Signum filii hominis firmatum in coelo Id erit signum adventus Christi Tune Et En ipse films hominis apparebit ecce apparebit canente tuba novissima de die illo et hora nemo mortalium sciet. Revelabitur clamor media nocte factus ille tuba ultima et septima Et clamor Tune Ecce sponsus venit Exite obviam venienti domino Venit, exite. obviam sponso sponsas Sponsus venit, Exite, Ecce jam finis Finis mundi hujus, Veni domine Jesu Exite, Ite Domine Jhesu Ecce ego venio Christe, et festinanter cito, Veni domine Jhesu, Fit. Amen. 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 2625 BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY ELCHANON PAULUS VON PRAG. 1582. und grimdtlich beweisz Ein new herzlich Name und der dasz Cabala nach der He breer aigentlich furnembsten in den Son Propheceyungt Gottes Herrn IESV CHRISTI bedeutent ist. Biichstaben Hebraischen denn in von Messia, verdeckt zuvor durch Elchanon Paulum von Prag, welcher MYSTERIUM novum. | | | 1 Gestellet | I und geher Tuden ist ein fur nehmer, hochgelerter Rabi gewesen, Chnsti Rabi Elchanon, sich aber in dem Namen Jesu Tauffer|^ in der Statt Chelhm..\ Sampt Polen in im waren Christlichen Glauber, an alle Juden. Authons des einer ernstlichen Vermanung | | I | | Kay. Mt. etc. Gnad und Privilegien. Gedruckt zu Wienn in Osterreich, bey | | Michael Apffel Roszle in der Schuelstrassen. Sign, a c 4 and A H 1621. 4 ANNO in 4 to = 88 pp. ANATHEMATA B. CONRADO. | | dicata. Placentino Anchoritae Et de Anagrammatis | | \ Supputationibus ^Numericis. Oraculis Synopsis. Placentise | Bazachii Typis Alex. 153 MDCXXI. | zum gr MDLXXXII. BIBLIA CABALISTICA 54 JOANNES BAPTISTA SPADIUS. 1621. (1) De Francisco S.R.E. Cardinali Anagrammaton flosculis aliisque numericis Conserta Virgilianis Sacrato | | | Numericorum Corona ex | | | | lemniscata. | F. Jo. Florentiola a Spadius Baptista Praedicatorum Theol. Lector ordinis | faciebat. | (Ad finem T Inslgnls, atqV e Lantonum Mediolani apud Jacobum Vere aVreae MeDIoCrltatls. libri.] anno in 4to. 24 pp. 1623. Triumphus (2) S.R.E. Francisco Cardinali Barberino ab P.O.M. Urbano VIII. actus| Florentiola | | | Theologo F. Jo. Baptista a | | Spadio a | D.D.D. ord. Praed. | | (Ad finem 73 PP- Ex Typ. Placentias, libri.) ^ J. Ardizzoni, 1623. 1645. (3) De Ludovico XIV. Anagrammata Placentiae | J. Baptistae Apud Jo. Francorum Spadii | Ant Ardizzonum, 1645. 36 pp. in I2mo. copy in the Mazarine Library A 1654. Rege. Placentini. ALCALA Y ; ,the only one I HERRERA, ALONSO know. DE. Jardim anagrammatico de Divinas Flores Lusitanas, Hespanholas e Latinas contem seiscentos e oitenta & tres Anagrammas em prosa & verso & Hymnos Chronologicos dividese em seis opusculos nastres linguas Ao supremo conselho da Sancta General Inquisic^ao destes consagrase. seis Reynes & Senhorios de Portugal. Autor Alonso de Alcala y Herrera natural da Inclyta Cidade Lisboa. Lisboa, 1654, 4. 13 ff. prel. 274 pp. and 2 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY JOANNES EVANGELISTA A PANORMO. 1671. suavis animae desuaviatio, sacra Anagrammata P. D. Reverend! Prioris Casinensis, & S. T. Lectoris. sed auctum modo cui : Evangelistas Jo. | | mandatum pii | | admodum lusus 155 a Musarum Panormo | Opusculum alias Typis desacra anagrammata qusdam non | | j accessere. Panormi, Ticini Regii & iterum Mutinae ex Cassiani anno 1671. Superiorum Permissu. -f i err. in 8vo. ff. 4 prel. 178 pp. Typographia A. Vienna Plausus. 1684. Vienna pro | soluto Germano-Polonicis armis | Othomanico obsidio | | | Plausus. Miscellometrici | | Genuae MDCLXXXIV. In Platea Cicala. Typis Antonii Casamarae. 2 ff. -f- 103 pp. + i | Superiorum Permisi bl. p. in folio. SAN JUAN Y BERNEDO, FRANCISCO DE. celebratur V. Deiparae Mariae Virginis numeraha millia continentibus tria Anagrammata acrostichidibus ex ex ejus Litania, Antiphona Save deducta ex oratione Angelica, Et aliqua ex Alphabeti litens. Regina, et ex hymno Ave Maris Stella, utrum videat facilius ut sunt ad examen redacta, Conceptio Immaculata | | | | | | | le|ctor Ana|grammata pura sint necne. I & Hispano Francisco de Sancto Joanne Bernedp, Presbytero colitur S.S. B Ma ubi Paulina, Cappellano celeberrimae Capped Libenana S. Ma S. Luca depicta in S.S. Basilica a Virginis Imago A | | Majoris Romae. | Romae, MDCLXXXVI, 176 pp. in 8vo. 8. of which 1505 This book really contains 1801 numerical anagrams, St. Theresia. are on the Virgin, and 274 on BIBLIA CABALISTICA 156 1701. much Another author edition, collected works enlarged, was placed at the end of the 2 It occupies pp. (Romas, 1701, fol., vols.). of numerical and contains Vol. II., 597-654 3799 anagrams on the in of honour St. Ildephonsus, being a grand Virgin Mary, and 1599 total of 5398 cabalistical anagrams. are They generally short and neat. I have selected the Both editions are very rare. Scriptural ones only. s 1687. ALBRICIUS, NICOLAUS. Esdrae Lea de Silva|ad cujus concitationem rugitum et verba|vidit incendi totum corpus aquiloe Imperii Turcici. Opusculum consurgit ex D. Scripturis, paucis exceptis, et Esdrae 4, continens multa notabilia et I | | | curiosa | politicis, tarn utile tarn militantibus jucundum. omnibusque utriusque | Ordinis apprime | Auctore Nicolao Albricio Nob. Berg. Phil, et Med. D. Ven. Variorum passim cum suis dilucidationibus Hieroglyphicorum ex probatissimis Auctoribus accessere Icones, aptius in presens quam elapsa | | | | | tempora collimantium. Venetiis 12 ff. | MDCLXXXVII. prel. and 333 pp. Typis S. Curti. I2mo. in This curious book belongs to the same class as the Vaticinia sive Prophetic Abbatis Joachimi, which had a large circulation in Italy towards the end of the sixteenth century, as the many editions tend to show. It is, however, much more bulky and learned than were either the of or the numerous Joachim Prophecies Prophetic and Hieroglyphic There wheels which were published about the same period in Italy. is some likeness between these latter and the Zadkiel and Old Moore s Almanacs of the present day, and though originally in Latin, they were made popular by an appended Italian translation and explanation and the hieroglyphics, as with Zadkiel and the rest, were a great attraction. But though there are hieroglyphical figures throughout the work of Albricius, his is a very different style of culture from Old Moore and his followers. He was a patrician, a philosopher, and a man of medical which makes it all the more strange that he should write such science, ; BIBLIOGRAPHY 157 Its object is to contained in the 350 pages of his book. which should Silva Leo de the was show that the Emperor Leopold this he does and by Biblical utterly destroy the Ottoman power, occasional cabala, and similar an prophecies, by anagrams, chronograms, I have heard English lectures on things that are literary artifices. the illustrated to come walls) by hieroglyphics (on pass," shortly to from the Apocalypse and Daniel, but they were indeed puny attempts us in his remarkable book. to what Albricius rubbish as is " gives compared SIMON WOLFF BRANDES. 1701. Die geheime Offenbarung des Konigl. Propheten welcher in seinem 21 Psalm die Preussische Krohnung verkiindiget, entdecket von Simon Wolff Brandes Schutz-Juden in Berlin. Berlin, 1701-8. MAZZA 1710. DE CASTANEA, JOSEPH. Mazza: de Castanea nuncupati ex Cappuccinorum F. Josephi Familia Minorite sacra et arithmetico-|anagrammatica opuscula. MDCCX per Joannem Rosellium, typographum hujus j | | | j | Neapoli | fideliss. Civitatis. + 218 pp. Superiorum 8 pp. licentia. (ad fin.}. each This remarkable book, unique of its kind, contains three parts, with an engraved frontispiece Fastorum Immaculatae Puerperae elogialis heptas. 1 2. Columbs Gemitus, Heptas Dolorosa. rituale Jubilaeum per septem Heptades. 3. Fastorum of 2093 cabala, of it contains the enormous quantity Altogether or hexameters pentameters, which 371 were metrical, either on Bible texts only, and, as it happened, selection was confined to cabala so the extreme ingenuity c not one of these was a metrical one, : . cabalistic expositions quantity and quality, I holds the record. neither did I find it is not here in evidence. As a tour de force, both f< this book in the cabalistic department of literature, know of no copies in England beside my own, of in the catalogues of the great libraries Germany BIBLIA CABALISTICA 158 and The book Italy. classical, and the author commentaries, but his is of learned allusions, both theological and us he wished to add explanatory notes and of poverty as a Capucin prevented him. full tells vow RlEDERER, JOHANN FRIEDERICH. Catalogus derer Eintausend funffzig Paragrammatum Cabbalisticorum Trigonalium welche auf die Gottheit, himlische Corper, gecronte Haupter, Cardinale, Generalen, Grafen, Stands-Personen, Gelehrte, Kauffleute Handwercks, und Privat item auf verschiedene sonderbar-beruffene und sonst honnete Leute beederley Geschlechts, &c., &c. Darbey auch Stadte gantze Nationem, Sectirer, Verrather des Vatterlands, Schwarmer, Factwnem y Morder, und andere von solchem Calibre ohnvergessen sind. Durch aus geistlichen TLgalisirung Biblischer Texte, oder Strophen ihre sich auf Conduite die Personen, Eigenschafften, Vorhaben, Gesangen und nebst einer ersonnen Gewerbe und Kunst schicken, Profession, der Einrichtung der Paragrammatum, mit nach ohngefehrer Ordnung hiemit nur dem angehangten ^/>^r/-Register Nahmen und dem Stande nach publicirt werden von Johann Friederich ausfiihrlichen Riederer. Norimb. S. a. et Sign. is Vorrede von 1. 8vo. A H = 6 124 pp. Although the title-page has no u NOrnberg, 6 Martii Anno signed Printed by Hazell, Watson & date and place, 1719." Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. the preface PLEASE CARDS OR SLIPS UNIVERSITY BS 534 336 DO NOT REMOVE FROM THIS OF TORONTO POCKET LIBRARY Begley, Walter Biblia cabalistica