Bulletin 1-5-2014b
Bulletin 1-5-2014b
COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA de ST. GREGORY-OUR LADY OF FATIMA THE EPIPHAY OF THE LORD EPIFAÍA DEL SEÑOR January 5 de Enero 2014 MASS SCHEDULE ~ LA MISA Saturday Sunday Domingo 5:00 pm 9:30 am 11:30 am Shelby Hart Hart; Español RECOCILIATIO Saturday 4:00 pm By appointment Shelby (231) 873-2660 BAPTISM~ MARRIAGE~AOITIG Please call the Parish Office (231) 873-2660 BAUTISMOS~ MATRIMOIOS Por favor llame a la oficina OUROpen LADY OF FATIMA PARISH OFFICE ~ OFICIA PARROQUIAL: Tues-Fri 9:30-3:00 1372 S. Oceana Dr., Shelby, MI 316 S Peach Ave, Hart 49420 49455 231-873-2660 www.stgregoryathart.org Fr. Tom Bolster, Pastor/Párroco Anne Gurecki, Business Manager/egócios Ann Hoffman, Secretary Vickie Oomen, Bookkeeper [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HISPAIC MIISTRY ~ MIISTERIO HISPAO Sister Guadalupe Moreno 301-1899 [email protected] FAITH FORMATIO Andrea Bosse (Hart) Mary Lorenz (Shelby) 873-2578 861-2475 [email protected] [email protected] (231) 873-2660 BREAD OF LIFE FOOD PATRY Wednesdays 3-5:00; 11 Washington St., Hart LITURGY ~ LITÚRGIA January 6-12 de Enero 2014 Tuesday/Martes 9:00 am G Mass Wednesday/Miércoles 10:00 am Medical Care Facility Thursday/Jueves 5:15 pm G Mass Friday/Viernes 9:00 am F Mass Saturday/Sabado 5:00 pm F Parish Family Sunday/Domingo 9:30 am G Edward & Frances LaPorte 11:30 am G Familia Parroquiál MIISTRY SCHEDULE/MIISTERIOS de la MISA January 11-12 de Enero Ministers of the Word/Lectura 5:00 pm Kathy Carter 9:30 am Joe Merten Ministers of the Eucharist/Comunión 5:00 pm R Pochyla, P Poynter, R Setlak 9:30 am H Schouten, J Dennert, R Ulmstead Altar Servers/Acólitos 5:00 pm S Knapp, T Cederquist 9:30 am D Dold, E Smith Ministers of Hospitality/Bienvenida 9:30 am C Aerts, L VanZoeren Ushers/Colecta y Ofrendas 5:00 pm S Fell, D Lound, R Mather, B Mayo 9:30 am A Bosse, C Wiegand, C Aerts, D Schaner CALEDAR OF EVETS ~ CALEDARIO January 5-12, 2014 ~ 5-12 de Enero 2014 F G F F Sun/Domingo Mon/Lunes Wed/Miércoles Thurs/Jueves Sat/Sabado G G F F G F Youth Group “The Pope” 6-8:00 pm Prayer Group 8-9:00 am Quilt Club 10:00 am-3:00 pm Confirmation Class 6:30-8:00 pm Food Pantry/Dispensa de Comida 3-5:00 pm 1-5 Faith Formation 3:30-4:45 pm 6-7 Faith Formation 6-7:30 pm K-6 Religious Ed 6:15-7:45 pm New Bible Study 10:00 am New Bible Study 7:00 pm Monthly Potluck 6:00 pm EW BIBLE STUDY: Little Rock Scripture Study on Hebrews will be offered on Thursdays, beginning this week at 10:00 am at Our Lady of Fatima and 7:00 pm at St. Gregory. For more information call Sharon Hedinger 873-4253. MOTHLY POTLUCK: Saturday, Jan. 11, 6:00 pm at Our Lady of Fatima. This month’s theme is "soup & sandwich". Share your favorite soup recipe with friends. Get out of the cold and come warm up with friends, food, fun & fellowship! OLF EWS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Larry Winterhalter 1/5; Mary Ann Burmeister 1/6; Ben Michalko 1/7; Jacob Chase 1/8; Carolyn Ritter 1/11 CATHOLIC READIG MATERIALS: If you’d like to increase your knowledge of current events and enhance your spirituality, here are some suggestions of publications that you may enjoy: • U.S. Catholic: PO Box 408, Congers, NY 10920; 1-800-328-6515; www.uscatholic.org REMEMBER I PRAYER: Helen Lorenz, Carmen Garcia, David Adamczyk, Connie Navarro, Rachel Ybarra, Maria Lozano, • Liguorian: PO Box 292527, Dayton, OH 45429; 1-866-848-2492 Sharon VanderKooi, Melissa Galindo, Cathy Thocher Evans, www.liguorian.org Angie Setlak, Bernice Biggs, Heather Swiech, Ray Hanslits, Mara • Our Sunday Visitor: 200 Noll Plaza, Huntington, IN 46750; 1-800-348Barco, Michelle Stovall, Bill Baranski, Ken Farquhar, Jane 2440; www.osv.com Cooper, Alberto Contreras, Mero Davila, Oralia Davila, Alice • Catholic Digest: PO Box 291826, Kettering, OH 4542; 1-800-678-2836; Battice, Joe Merrill, Elba Ibarra, Mark Kesseler, Haley Gale, www.catholicdigest.com Marshall Jorissen, Barbara Foster, Julie Quinn, Gene Schaner, • Give Us This Day: PO Box 7500, Collegeville, MN 56321; 1-888-259Bernadette Eckerle, Allen Aerts, Ed Lathrop, Jim Johnson, Janet 8470; www.giveusthisday.org Jorissen, Frank Fila, Juanita McCann • St. Anthony Messenger: 28 W Liberty St, Cincinnati, OH 45202; 1-800488-0488; www.stanthonymessenger.org OFFERIGS ~ OFREDAS Christmas-La avidad St. Gregory Envelopes $731.00 Loose 337.00 $1,068.00 5% Tithe $53.40 December 28-29 de Diciembre St. Gregory Our Lady of Fatima Envelopes $2,427.00 Envelopes $908.00 Loose 413.00 Loose 127.00 $2,840.00 $1,035.00 5% Tithe $142.00 10% Tithe $103.50 Our Lady of Fatima Envelopes $635.00 Loose 217.00 $852.00 10% Tithe $85.20 2014 envelopes are available in the back of both churches. If you’d like a 2013 contribution statement for tax purposes, please contact the parish office at 873-2660 or stgregoryathart.org. THANKS for your support. Es muy importante que recojan sus sobres para el año 2014. Si usted necesita una carta de los donativos que ha dado a su parroquia durante 2013 llame a la oficina al teléfono 873-2000; o [email protected] MUCHAS GRACIAS por su contribución económica. PRISO/JAIL MIISTRY IFORMATIO SESSIOS: Jan. 14, 69:00pm at Cathedral Square; Jan. 15, 6-9:00 pm at St. Francis de Sales Church, Holland. For more info and registration, contact Jude Acheson at [email protected] or 616-475-1255. YOUTH OPPORTUITIES: CATHOLIC HEART WORK CAMP: A great opportunity for young people to grow in their faith, through serving others. June 8-14 in Chicago, IL. Info is available in the back of church, or conatact Char Vanderstelt at 873-0287 or Mary Lorenz at 861-2475 for details. YOUTH COFERECE; I#SPIRE(D) MAD#ESS: March 2, West Catholic High School, Grand Rapids. A unique opportunity to connect with hundreds of youth in our diocese, to connect with Christ, and to connect with the Church in West Michigan. A day of meeting new friends, growing in your faith, and having fun. Visit www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org to register. THANK YOU to all who thought of me at Christmas with cards and gifts, greetings and prayers. You are very much appreciated. Thank you, Fr. Tom Pope Francis has attracted terrific media coverage (Time Magazine Person of the Year, etc.) and one may wonder why. In terms of teaching and Catholic principles, indeed, nothing has changed. I believe what attracts attention and admiration to Pope Francis is how he lives out his faith. Detractor Rush Limbaugh recently said that the Pope’s criticisms of capitalism sound like “pure Marxism.” But both Popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II were said to be to the left of Nancy Pelosi on economic issues. Both called for the redistribution of wealth. In fact, all Popes since 1891, with the advent of the industrial revolution, have called for the redistribution of wealth and power on behalf of poor and working class peoples. The Early Christian Community “shared all things in common”. Pure Marxism. Yet except for a few megaphone types who want the Catholic Church to be the Republican Party at prayer, this Pope has overwhelming support. For example, recent polling shows that Tea Party sympathizers who are Catholic overwhelmingly like Pope Francis better than Pope Benedict, and strongly support him. Like Mother Theresa, I believe Pope Francis lives out his faith in ways that we all know should be normal, but that we all don’t normally live out. Although we’ve been taught to live out our faith this way since Vatican II and before (witness the deeds of the lives of the saints through the centuries), we’ve been characterized and accused by the media as being about dogma and doctrine rather than deeds. So through his deeds Pope Francis simply reminds everybody what’s normative for Catholicism. He breaks down the caricature that all we’re about is opposition to abortion, contraception and gay marriage. One reason we practicing Catholics often have been made a caricature and denigrated is due to a misunderstanding: The word “believe” comes from an old German word originally meaning “to commit to.” To believe in Jesus meant to commit to him and his teaching and way of life. In fact, in its early years Christianity was referred to as “the Way”—that is, a way of life, a way of seeing reality as Jesus saw it, of living as Jesus lived and taught. Instead, the media has labeled us as those who with certainty believe right doctrine. But for those of us attending weekend Mass and trying to live a Catholic Christian “way of life,” belief is about commitment and practice, the justice and mercy of Jesus; and not about a set of propositions. As for certainty about right doctrine, Pope Francis critiques such arrogance. For instance, he has called Catholics proselytizing churchgoing Protestants “silly.” Indeed, faith implies a continuing search together—a search as undertaken by the Magi we honor on this Feast of Epiphany. Pope Francis is a transformative leader because he has brought the focus back to what for decades has, in fact, been normal for us in parish life. Despite the previous decades of media labelling and stereotyping, we have always been about faith being more like craftwork than a process of reasoning; often repetitive, simple tasks done again and again. Pope Francis shines in manifesting such practices. Belief and faith to us, then, is about: kindness; friendliness; the attempt to be generous; the desire to enrich, ease, and aid the lives of others; the attempt to be forgiving and patient. That is normal to us. But it’s only beginning to break through to the media that, indeed, this is what we believe and practice; that faith is the accumulation of habits that are celebrated and reinforced through rituals at weekend Masses. I believe that this breakthrough is due to a Pope who Cardinal Timothy Dolan this week called “the world’s parish priest.” Francis is like a really good parish priest. Apparently it takes a Pope to practice what’s normally taught in parishes to get through. May we continue practicing, breaking through, and manifesting Christ among us, as well. Peace, Fr. Tom ESEÑAZA CATÓLICA SOCIAL Y MIGRACIÓ Antecedentes. Al abogar a favor de emigrantes, inmigrantes y refugiados, es importante entender que la posición Católica está basada en la enseñanza social, la cual se deriva de los Evangelios y palabras de Cristo, de las declaraciones y encíclicas de los Papas; de las declaraciones y cartas pastorales de los obispos de todo el mundo, incluyendo los obispos de E.U.A. Entender estas enseñanzas, las cuales apoyan la posición sobre la política pública de los obispos de E.U.A. en migración, ayudan a entender y defender dicha posición, especialmente dentro de las audiencias Católicas. Fundamentos Evangélicos. No hay que mirar más allá de la vida y palabra de Jesucristo para entender que las personas nómadas— como refugiados, emigrantes e inmigrantes—son especiales ante los ojos de Dios, El niños Jesús fue un refugiado, que junto con la Sagrada familia, huyó del terror de Herodes hacia Egipto. (Mt. 2:14-15) En Su ministerio público, Jesús era un viajero, moviéndose de lugar en lugar, “sin tener dónde recostar La Cabeza…” (Mt. 8:20) En el Evangelio de Mateo, Jesús nos instruye a recibir al extranjero: “Porque tuve hambre y ustedes me dieron de comer; tuve sed y me dieron de beber, fui forastero y ustedes me recibieron en su casa” (Mt. 25-35). El Mismo Jesús no fue bien recibido por Su propia gente: “Vino a su propia casa, y los suyos no lo recibieron”. (Jn. 1:11) A recibir al forastero entre nosotros, estamos recibiendo al Propio Jesucristo, que a través del rostro del emigrante, inmigrante y refugiado, debemos ver el rostro de Cristo. En el Evangelio de Lucas, esto se hace claro con la experiencia de los discípulos por el camino de Emaús (Lc24:13-15), al convertirse en testigos de la Verdad al recibir al forastero, que es Cristo. Doctrina Papal. En la primer encíclica social, Rerum #ovarum (En la Condición de la Labor), el Papa Leo XIII expresó que las personas tienen el derecho a trabajar para sobrevivir y mantener a sus familias. El Papa Pío XII, en la constitución apostólica Exsul Familia (en el Cuidado Espiritual del Inmigrante), reafirma que los emigrantes tienen derecho a una vida con dignidad, y por lo tanto el derecho a emigrar en búsqueda de este fin: “Por lo que, de acuerdo a las enseñanzas de Rerum #ovarum, se reconoce el derecho de la familia de tener una vida plena en dignidad humana. Cuando esto sucede, la migración consigue su alance natural…” En la encíclica, Pacem in Terris (Paz en la Tierra), el Papa Juan XXIII claramente expresa el derecho a inmigrar y el derecho a no inmigrar: “Cada ser humano tiene derecho de moverse libremente y de residir dentro de los confines de su país: y, cuando existen razones justas para ello, el derecho a emigrar y a residir en donde sea”. El Papa Juan Pablo II reafirmó esta enseñanza básica en la Ubicación del Nuevo Congreso Mundial sobre el Cuidado Pastoral de Inmigrantes en 1985: “Cada ser human tiene derecho de libertad de movimiento y de residencia, dentro de los confines de su propio estado. Cuando existen razones justas a favor de éste, le debe ser permitido emigrar hacia otros países y a residir ahí. El hecho de que sea ciudadano de un país en particular no lo priva de ser miembro de la familia humana, ni tampoco de ser ciudadano de la sociedad universal, la simple-comunidad mundial del hombre.” Declaraciones de los Obispos de E.U.A. Los obispos de E.U.A. han tomado ambas doctrinas, Evangélicas y Papales, y las han aplicado en la realidad de inmigración de los Estados Unidos. En Enero del 2003, los obispos de E.U.A. emitieron una carta pastoral, Juntos en el Camino de la Esperanza, Ya no Seremos Extranjeros. En ese documento, los obispos de E.U.A. expresaron los siguientes cinco principios que rigen cómo que la Iglesia responde a las propuestas de política pública relacionadas con inmigración. KIG FUERAL HOME FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED BRADLEY R. KING - FUNERAL DIRECTOR 2370 NORTH 72ND AVENUE, HART Phone: 231-873-3415 Fax: 231-873-2414 www.kingfuneralhome.net 267 N. Michigan Avenue • Shelby Wm. P. “Bill” Harris, Manager www.harrisfhome.com 231-861-2360 DA MORAT’S INSURANCE and FINANCIAL SERVICES CORER BAKERY “at the corner in downtown Hart” Jerry Dennert FULL LINE BAKERY EUROPEAN STYLE BREADS 201 S State Street, Hart 231-873-2271; fax 873-3889 [email protected] State St, Hart 231-873-0000 [email protected] www.jerrydennert.com JANE MORAT Est 1937 DAN MORAT SIMON SAYS DAYCARE HALLACK CONTRACTING since 2005 231-873-2954 4223 W Polk, Hart 231-873-5081 www.hallackcontracting.com 208 Washington St, Hart USDA Nutrition Program - DHS Accepted Convenient Location - Affordable! [email protected] Steve Rossiter Kathy Dillingham Phone 231231-873873-2665 Toll-Free 888-361-9722 Fax 231-873-1625 adamsheatingcooling.com Home of the "WORLD FAMOUS FRIDAY $ DAYS" 231-861-4211 Shelby www.oceanagolfclub.com 2790 Tyler Rd Hart, MI 49420 “La Probadita” GALE’S IGA Sales &Service Tienda Mexicana 710 S State 204 State Street, Hart 231-873-3562 Venta de todo tipo de Articulos Groceries, Restaurant & more LAUNDRY BASKET CHRISTMA AGECY 213 Lincoln St, Hart 19 South State Street 231-873-4214 231-873-4556 Hart, Michigan 49420 Phone: 231-873-4069 Fax: 231-873-0489 Independent Insurance Agent [email protected] West Shore OCEAA EYECARE Michael E. Jonassen, OD Pharmacy 44 State St, Hart 231-873-2575 18 S State St, Hart 231-873-3609 “Advanced Eyecare For Your Entire Family” Assoc Degree in Early Childhood Ed Oceana, Newaygo, & S. Mason 231-873-0111 Licensed/USDA Nutritional Program/DHS Accepted JARVIS SAWMILL INC. 231-861-2078; 800-290-9510 We Purchase Standing Timber Husqvarna Dealer Since 1978 We service what we sell QUALITY aggregate, stone, top soil, etc. All your excavation needs! La Fiesta KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 2199 HANSEN FOODS Fresh Fruit & Asparagus Wholesale “Have you eaten your Daly fruit?” 109 Washington MEETINGS 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00 pm Grand Knight Financial Secretary 231-873-3445 231-233-5529 WIEGAND CONSTRUCTION 231-742-2218 Roger Wiegand, Builder Parishioner Pizza • Subs • Salads Wings • Stix 3505 S. Oceana Dr., New Era 231-861-2405 Complete Auto Repair Services Charlie Mero Ray’s Automotive Service 24 Hour Tire Service ON SITE REPAIRS 3053 S. Oceana Dr. 861-2136 231-894-9258 7558 Grant St., Rothbury Nicole VanderSys Kevin Fuglseth 12 S State St - Hart; 231-873-4345 www.lafiesta-restaurant.com 3585 W Jackson Rd, Hart 231-873-3894 231-861-2031; 231-861-5474 231-873-8800 [email protected] Carpet Cleaning DALY ORCHARD COMPANY 3581 Baker Rd - Shelby 2430 56th Suite A, Hart COUNTRY ACRES POOLS & SPAS 2359 N Comfort Dr, Hart 231-873-2349 BECKMA BROTHERS, IC OPEN HEARTH GRILLE & BAR authentic mexican restaurant & tortilla chip company family owned and operated since 1987 LIGHTHOUSE CAR CARE CENTER FOREVER YOUNG CHILDCARE Paula Schaner, Parishioner 1570 S. 112th Ave, Shelby Big Washers Atendido por sus Propietarios Serving The Area For Over 70 Years 231-873-1095 LICENSED CARING PROFESSIONAL Come play Oceana County's original 18-HOLE PUBLIC GOLF COURSE Hodges Depot Insurance Agency 873-5555 861-5390 WE DELIVER 179 # Michigan Ave • Shelby, MI 49455 MAGOOZ 175 N. Michigan Ave, Shelby 231-861-0405 FULL SERVICE FLOOR COVERI G Randy Leslie We Deliver 2327 N Comfort Dr, Hart Family Specials Under $20 Every Day Everyday Lunch Buffet 11:00-2:00 Brian L. Schaner Marivel Brandel Jeff & Fran Aerts Ralph & Ev Wenner Lee & VanZoeren Families Familias Davila y Herrera