bâÜ _twç Éy _ÉâÜwxá V{âÜv - Our Lady of Lourdes


bâÜ _twç Éy _ÉâÜwxá V{âÜv - Our Lady of Lourdes
bâÜ _twç Éy _ÉâÜwxá V{âÜv{
4640 N. Ashland Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60640
Rev. Michael Shanahan, Pastor
Rev. Dominic Vinh Ha, Associate
Rev. Dan Jankowski, Resident
Deacon Daniel Patiño
Deacon Leo Restrepo
Mrs. Maria Erazo, Relig. Ed. Coord.
Mrs. Teódula Mondragon, Rel. Ed. Coord.
Mr. James Masini, Business Manager
Ms. Johanna Ortegon, Music Director
Mrs. Elsa Aguirre, Secretary
Ms. Hilda Correa, Receptionist
Masses / Misas
English: Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. & 5:15 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.
Español: Sábado: 6:30 p.m.
Domingo: 9:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m.
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration - Grotto 24/7
Adoración Eucarística Perpetua - Gruta 24/7
New Parishioners / Nuevos Feligreses
Welcome! You may Register at the Rectory
or complete the form in the back of church
Bienvenidos! Deben Registrarse en la Rectoría
Penance / Penitencia
Eng: Sat. 4:30-5 p.m. or by Appointment
Span: Sab. 6-6:30 p.m. o por Cita.
Baptism / Bautizo
English – 3rd Saturday, 10 a.m.
Class - Wed. prior, 7:00 P.M.
Español – 2 y 4 Sábado, 10 a.m.
Clase - Jueves antes, 7:00 p.m.
Matrimony / Matrimonio
Meeting with Priest/Deacon at least 4 months
prior to Wedding.
Reunión con el Sacerdote / Diácono por lo
menos 4 meses antes de la ceremonia.
Llamen a la rectoría mínimo 6 meses antes de
la Celebración y dejen su teléfono. El Diácono
Leo Restrepo les dará una cita.
No se hacen ceremonias los domingos
Rectory: 773-561-2141; Fax: 773-561-9853
Religious Ed. Office: 773-275-2497
Website: www.ololchicago.org
E-mail:[email protected]
Rectory Hours: Mon.-Fri./Lun.-Vie. 9 a.m.-8p.m.;
Sat./ Sab. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.; Sun.-Dom. 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Office Closed: Mon.—Fri. from 12:30 p.m.– 1 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
(P) Nazarenos
10:30 p.m. (L) Oración y Vida Meeting
12:30 p.m.
(L) Guitar choir
Religious Education Office will open in August
Oficina de Educación Religiosa vuelve en Agosto
6:00 p.m. (P) Spanish Choir
3-8 p.m. (H) Soup Kitchen
6-8 p.m. (C) English Choir
4:00 p.m. (O) Counseling
6:30 p.m. (P) Comité Hispano Agenda
6:30 p.m. (H) Peregrinos de Maria
7:00 p.m. (C) Carismáticos
7:00 p.m. (P) Charismatics
9 am– 5 pm
(H) Bible Camp
4:00 p.m. (L) Youth Choir
7:00 p.m. (P) Alcoholic Anonymous
Envelopes/Sobres: 153
2nd Collection
For the Church summer
Saturday, July 23
Summer Celebration—Hall
& Parking Lot—All day
Thursday, July 28
Peregrinos de Maria– Span.
School Hall 6:30 pm—9 pm
Saturday, July 30
Bible Camp—School Hall
9 am—5 pm
Saturday, Aug. 6
Calendar Meeting
Patio 11 am—1 pm
All Groups leaders should
Stewardship of Treasure / Mayordomos del Tesoro
July 17, 2016
Since July 1, 2016
Stewardship / Mayordomía
If we accept the challenge of putting God first
in our time and treasure, our attitudes, priorities
and spiritual lives will definitely change.
Si aceptamos el reto de poner a Dios primero
en nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro, nuestras actitudes, prioridades y vida espiritual cambiarán.
Thank you for your generous support
Gracias por su generoso apoyo.
Psychotherapist Elsa Chinchilla comes from Catholic
Charities to Lourdes Parish on Thursdays from 4 to 7
p.m. Please call 312-655-7725 to make an appointment.
La Psicoterapista Elsa Chinchilla de Caridades Católicas viene a la parroquia de Lourdes los jueves de 4 a 7
pm. Para hacer una cita llamen al 312-655-7725.
Your first time in the parish? Welcome!
Have you moved recently?
¿Es tu primera vez en nuestra parroquia?
¡Bienvenidos! ¿Se mudaron recientemente?
May God bless you in your new home!
¡Que Dios los bendiga en su nuevo hogar!
To register or make changes in your registration
please call the rectory, 773-561-2141; complete a
registration card located on the radiators in the
church and drop it in the collection basket or go
online at:
Regístrense o cambien sus datos llamando a la rectoría, 773-561-2141, o llenen la tarjeta de registración encima de los radiadores de la Iglesia y
póngalo en la canasta de la colecta, o visítennos
online en:
* If you move, please let us know so we can cancel the envelopes.
* Si se mudan, favor de avisarnos para cancelar los sobres.
Page Three
From Fr. Michael Shanahan, our pastor
Del Padre Michael Shanahan, nuestro párroco
“Lord, teach us to pray”. This request in today’s Gospel
is perhaps the most sublime of all prayers. Essentially, the
request is that the Lord show them how to position
themselves with God to enable fruitful, mutual communication. When we pray, we are not asking God to
change in any way. Rather, we ourselves are changed by
the prayer.
It takes profound humility to even make the request
to be taught. With humility, we recognize we do not
have everything in control, as much as we may pretend
or want to be. Some people know they are not in charge
of life and life’s circumstances. Those who recognize their
own weakness and vulnerability are the ones who pray the
most. They are often the outcast and the wounded, the overlooked and disdained. They are light in the darkness of destructive pride and arrogance.
Our culture thrives on rugged individualism, personal
accomplishment and notoriety. We fiercely compete in order to be the brightest and best among them all. Today’s
Gospel offers a different way of positioning ourselves in life.
When we pray, we admit we are not the directors in life.
God is. In the Mediterranean world of Jesus, 90% of the people were peasants. The poor instinctively know they are not
in charge of anything. This condition enables a true spirit of
humble prayer. The poverty actually becomes a gift in that it
leads one to God. It is good to recognize whatever is poor in
ourselves. Lord, teach us to pray.
Our Stewards in Action committee begins every meeting with a prayer. One of our recent prayers was “Lord, allow us to hear one another more clearly”. We have been
gathering in preparation for our annual Summer Celebration,
which took place this weekend on Saturday, July 23. It is a
tremendous honor to witness the dedication and generosity
of the committee and many who have contributed to the success of our Summer Celebration and many other events
throughout the year. I will share the financial results as they
are available. In the meantime, we have already been blessed
by the kindness of hundreds of parishioners and friends of
the parish. God bless you.
I view the parish as a birthplace for virtue and goodness. One of the greatest gifts of being a priest is to witness
the special goodness of many people. This is especially
poignant in the hundreds of ministers and volunteers who
contribute every day here. God bless each of you. I also
want to mention a special honor given to one of our parishioners: Precious Deang. She has been a faithful Eucharistic
minister both in church and the hospitals. She has given hundreds of hours with the Stewards in Action committee in
planning our many fundraisers. She has also been a dedicated member of our Financial Council for years. Precious
recently received the Alumna Exemplar Award from the
College of the Holy Spirit North America Foundation. This
award goes to alumnae of that university for “making a difference in the lives of others. That is what we are all about.
Congratulations Precious and God bless.
Father Mike
“Señor, enséñanos a rezar”. Esta solicitud en el Evangelio
de hoy es quizá la más sublime de todas las peticiones. Esencialmente, la solicitud es que Dios les enseñe como posicionarse ante Dios para tener una comunicación mutua y fructífera. Cuando rezamos, no pedimos que Dios cambie en
ninguna manera. Mas bien, somos nosotros los que cambiamos con la oración.
Requiere profunda humildad para que aún esta solicitud sea
enseñada. Con la humildad reconocemos que no tenemos
todo bajo control, por más que pretendamos o queramos
que sea así. Alguna gente sabe que no están a cargo de la
vida o de las circunstancias de la vida. Hay aquellos que reconocen sus propias debilidades y vulnerabilidad y son los que
más rezan. A menudo ellos son los rechazados y los heridos, los
olvidados y desdeñados. Ellos son la luz en la oscuridad del
orgullo destructivo y la arrogancia.
Nuestra cultura se nutre de individualismo, la realización
personal y la notoriedad. Nosotros competimos ferozmente con
el fin de ser el más brillante y mejor entre todos. El Evangelio
de hoy ofrece una forma diferente de posicionarnos en la vida.
Cuando oramos, admitimos que no somos los directores de la
vida. Dios es. En el mundo mediterráneo de Jesús, el 90% de la
población era campesina. Los pobres saben por instinto que no
están a cargo de nada. Esta condición permite un verdadero
espíritu de la humilde oración. La pobreza en realidad se convierte entonces en un regalo que nos lleva a Dios. Es bueno
reconocer lo que está mal en nosotros mismos. Señor, enséñanos a orar.
Nuestros Mayordomos en Acción comienzan cada reunión
con una oración. Uno de nuestras recientes oraciones fue
"Señor, permítenos escuchar los unos a los otros con mayor
claridad". Nos hemos estado reuniendo en preparación para
nuestra Celebración anual de Verano, que se llevó a cabo este
fin de semana, el sábado, 23 de Julio Es un gran honor ser testigo de la dedicación y generosidad del comité y de los muchos
que han contribuído al éxito de nuestra Celebración de Verano
y de muchos otros eventos durante todo el año. Voy a compartir
los resultados financieros cuando estén disponibles. Mientras
tanto, ya fuimos bendecidos por la bondad de cientos de feligreses y amigos de la parroquia. Dios los bendiga.
Considero a la parroquia como el lugar de nacimiento de la
virtud y la bondad. Uno de los regalos más grandes de ser
sacerdote es ser testigo de la bondad especial de muchas personas. Esto es especialmente conmovedor en los cientos de ministros y voluntarios que contribuyen todos los días aquí. Dios
bendiga a cada uno de ustedes. También quiero mencionar un
honor especial dado a uno de nuestros feligreses: Precious
Deang. Ella ha sido un fiel ministro de la Eucaristía, tanto en la
iglesia y en los hospitales. Ella ha dado cientos de horas en el
Comité de los Mayordomos en Acción, en la planificación de
nuestros muchos eventos para recaudar fondos. También ha
sido dedicada miembro de nuestro Consejo Financiero durante
muchos años. Precious recientemente recibió el Premio de
Alumna Ejemplar de la Fundación del Colegio del Santo
Espíritu de Norte América. Este premio es para ex-alumnas de
la universidad que "hacer una diferencia en las vidas de los
demás. Esto es todo lo que se trata. Felicidades Precious y que
Dios te bendiga.
Padre Mike
Page Four
Theology on Tap is a free 4-week
speaker and conversation series for
young adults in their 20s and 30s, married and single. All sessions: 7 pm at
Mrs. Murphy & Sons Bistro, 3905 N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago.
Free appetizers and full bar and menu available! Sponsored by St. Benedict, St. Andrew, Queen of Angels, Our
Lady of Lourdes, St. Matthias & the Ravenswood Catholic Young Adult (RCYA) Softball League.
Questions? [email protected]
July 27—Kelley and David Dawson: “I came as a
guest and You received me” : The Christian Practice of
As part of his Rule for monastic life, St. Benedict ordered
that all guests should be received like Christ (Rule 53).
While our home is not a Benedictine monastery, we believe that welcoming guests into our home is one of the
most beautiful ways to share the Gospel, be led into
deeper conversion ourselves, and live out our call to service as a married couple. We will discuss how St. Benedict’s words can inform the way we approach and share
our living space in all states of life (married, single, etc).
Bio: Kelley and David have been married since 2011.
Kelley is from Phoenix and David is from Los Angeles.
They both went to Gonzaga University until moving to
CA where David studied Urban Planning at UCLA and
Kelley worked as the Director of Campus Ministry at an
all girls’ Catholic College preparatory. When Kelley began graduate school at Notre Dame in the Master of Divinity program, they made their way to the great Midwest. They love the Art Institute, Bang Bang Pie Shop in
Logan Square, and Italian ice in the summer. They are
expecting their first child in September.
Young Women and the World
Wednesday, July 27 at 8 pm
St. Scholastica Monastery
7430 N. Ridge Blvd, Chicago
Join women, ages 18-50, for an evening of
scripture, prayer, and refreshments. Explore the bible through Lectio Divina, a Benedictine prayer tradition, and discover God's guidance for your life!
Group led by Sister Belinda, a Benedictine Sister
and Archaeologist. Near public transportation. Free
RSVP by emailing Sister Belinda at
[email protected] or by calling at
773.338.7063. We look forward to seeing you there!
Page Five
Attention Eucharistic Ministers!!!
Sunday, July 31st is the fifth Sunday of the Month and we will meet at 12:30 p.m. in the
Pine Room. Please bring your calendars so we can prepare our next schedule of service.
Precious Deang, Coordinator
Religious Education 2016– 2017 Registrations
At Our Lady of Lourdes
Registro para la Educación Religiosa 2016-2017
En Our Lady of Lourdes
We will have registrations for First Communions
and Confirmations during August. Please bring birth
and baptism certificates and the health records.
Tomaremos registros para la Primera Comunión y
la Confirmación en Agosto. Favor de traer las Actas
de nacimiento, bautizos y los records de las vacunas.
The office is located at 4641 N. Ashland, 1st Floor.
Office hours: Tuesdays-Thursdays 5:30pm-8:00 pm
and Saturdays 8am– 12 noon. Offices will be open
again in August
La oficina está en 4641 N. Ashland, 1er piso. Las
horas de oficina son de Martes a Jueves 5:30 pm8:00 pm y Sábados 8 am—12 mediodía. La oficina
abrirá otra vez en Agosto
Classes will start on September 10, 2016 from 9:00 to
10:30 a.m. If you have questions please call 773-2752497 during office hours.
Las clases comienzan el 10 de Septiembre de 9 a 10:30
a.m. Si tienen preguntas llamen al 773-275-2497 durante
horas de oficina
Saturday, August 6, 2016 11 am—1 pm
Sábado 6 de Agosto, 2016 11 am—1 pm
Don’t forget!! The meeting is at 11 am on the
rectory patio. Please send two members of your
group and bring with you an updated list of your
members including emails. We will review the
events for the year, share news and enjoy delicious
food and friendship. Fr. Mike will be at the meeting. Call the rectory to let us know what are you planning to
bring (we will be in charge of cutlery, dishes and water).
Please call Elsa or Hilda for any question before the meeting
and enjoy the summer!.
¡No se olviden!! La junta es a las 11 am en el Patio
de la rectoría. Manden dos miembros de su grupo y
traigan con uds. la lista actualizada de sus miembros
incluyendo correo electrónico. Revisaremos los eventos del año, noticias y compartiremos deliciosa comida
y amistad. El Padre Mike estará presente. Déjennos
saber que plato van a traer. (Nosotros nos encargamos de
platos, cubiertos y agua). Favor de llamar a Elsa o Hilda por
preguntas antes de la reunión y continuen disfrutando del
lindo verano!
Page Six
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 24, 2016
17mo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
Julio 24, 2016
You were buried with him in baptism,
in which you were also raised with Him,
through faith in the power of God
Por el bautizo ustedes fueron sepultados con
Cristo y también resucitaron con El
mediante la fe en el poder de Dios.
- Colossians 2:12
- Colosenses 2:12
First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the
city (Genesis 18:20-32)
Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you
answered me (Psalm 138)
Second Reading— Buried with Christ in baptism, we
were also raised with him, all our transgressions are
forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14))
Gospel—Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those
who pray (Luke 11:1-13)
July 25
8:00 am † Mary C. Beery
5:15 pm † Ester Centeno
July 26
8:00 am † Margarita de Garcia
5:15 pm Poor Souls
July 27
8:00 am
5:15 pm † Ester Centeno
July 28
8:00 am
5:15 pm † Vito & Mike Garofalo
July 29
8:00 am
5:15 pm † Rosita Correa
July 30
8:00 am † Mary C. Beery
5:00 pm Cirus Cataluna Intention
6:30 pm † Pedro Barajas
Por las almas en el purgatorio
Por la salud de Maria del Rosario Alvarez
July 31
8:00 am † Lloyd Clark
9:30 am † Efren Garcia
† Auxilio Alcala
† Jorge Montes
11:30am † Antonio Sumalinog
1:30am † Odon Luna
† Pastor Garcia
† Jesus y Guadalupe Bautista
1ra Lectura— Por el bien de los diez no destruiré la
ciudad (Génesis 18:20-22)
Salmo — Cuando te invoqué Señor, Tú me escuchaste!
(Salmo 138)
2da Lectura — Enterrados con Cristo en el bautismo,
también resucitamos con El, todas nuestras transgresiones
son perdonadas (Colosenses 2:12-14)
ngelio — Pídan y recibirán. El Señor escucha a aquellos
que se lo piden (Lucas 11:1-13)
July 30 & 31
Note: this is only a reminder. In case of discrepancy check your schedule.
5:00 pm
6:30 pm
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:30 am
1:30 pm
David Gorski, Steve Kerbovac
Maria Erazo, Reyna Tovar
Felipe Sanchez
Leonor Teran, Celia Perez
Socorro Manato, Marie Padilla
Celio Juanacio, Blanca Romero
5:00 pm Dely Trayvilla, Suzette Becker, Manuel Uy
6:30 pm Julio Rodriguez, Aurora Padilla, Sonia Salinas,
Mercedes Sandoval
8:00 am Elena Castrejon, Claude Francisco, Bernie Walsh
9:30 am L. Aguilar, E. Castrejon, Lupe Chavez, Nelflin
Juarez, Pascual Castillo, Omaira Mahe
11:30am G. Parayno, Carmen Ruiz, C. Recalde, C. Okolo
Aurora Olgado, Eris Buendia, Virgilia Uy
1:30 pm Idania Hernandez, Ombelina Merlos, Alicia
Bautista, Candy Muller
Bethany - Elena Castrejon
Brightview - Claude Francisco
OUR SICK: Matthew Shanahan, Sam Tacderas, Joseph Bukala, Berni Mikol, Walter Lazor, Carmen Orozco, Floro Ramirez, Danilo Cruz,
Michael Hanrahan, Norma & Sally Suyosa, Sean Gibbons, Bob Burman, Tomas Aguirre, Julieta Paredes, Carlota Rubio, Candida Salazar, Vinko
Barbaric, Antonio Estrada, Victoria Landa, Wistano Del Real and our parishioners who are ill or in nursing homes.
OUR DECEASED: Maria Navarrete
OUR YOUNG PEOPLE IN SERVICE: Daniel & Ashley Baker, Adrian Cruz, Jonathan Muñoz, Luis Daniel Vazquez
Page Seven