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Brooklyn, New York
St. Rosalia Church
6301 14th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Monsignor Ronald T. Marino, E.V.
We are a Catholic faith community
who believes in God
– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit –
and who follows Christ’s teaching
of love and service.
As a parish founded by immigrants,
we recognize that we continue to be
a multi-ethnic parish.
We welcome everyone
by ministering to their various needs
and provide all with the opportunity
to grow intellectually in Christ.
Through our sacramental life,
we are empowered to build up
the Body of Christ
and to become a more vibrant
and faith-filled community.
Email: [email protected]
Mass Schedule
St. Rosalia Church
Parochial Vicars
Father Juan Ruiz
Basilica of Regina Pacis
Email: [email protected]
Father Sijo M. George, C.M.I.
Email: [email protected]
Monday - Friday:
Monsignor Joseph Grimaldi, E.V.
Email: [email protected]
In Residence
9:00 am (Italian)
10:30 am (Chinese)
Mr. John Dolan
7:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
5:00 pm
7:30 pm (Spanish)
8:00 am
9:15 am (Spanish)
10:30 am
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
Holy Days
Faith Formation Directors
Mrs. Jackie Tepedino
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Valentin Canales
Email: [email protected]
Music Director
Mr. Jonathan Fields
Email: [email protected]
Facility Manager
Mr. Walter Astudillo
Phone: 347-645-5750
Please consult the bulletin.
Regina Gift Shop
Inside the Basilica
Conference Center
(enter through the Church lobby)
Phone: 718-234-0140
Fax: 347-492-0217
Website: www.reginagiftshop.net
Business Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Saturday:
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Basilica of Regina Pacis
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Regina Pacis Rectory
1230 65th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: 718-236-0909
Fax: 718-236-5357
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
For an appointment with a priest,
call the Rectory at any time.
Are You New to the Parish? WELCOME!
MAY 3, 2015
Please stop into the rectory office and register!
Confessions: Every weekday morning after Mass in the
Basilica. Saturdays from 4-4:45 p.m. in the Basilica.
Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal:
Mondays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Marriage: Couples must arrange their wedding ceremony at
least 6 months beforehand. Every couple must attend a
Pre-Cana meeting. Log on to: www.pre-cana.org for dates
and registration.
Novena in honor of St. Anthony: Tuesdays after the 8:30 a.m.
Sacrament of the Sick: If you know you are going to be
hospitalized, consider receiving the Sacrament of Anointing
beforehand at any weekday Mass. Ask the priest before Mass
in the sacristy.
Communion to the Homebound: Our Eucharistic Ministers
are happy to bring Holy Communion to the homebound. To
arrange this, please call the Rectory.
Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated in English on the third
Saturday of the month and in Spanish on the second
Saturday of the month at noon in the Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Parents are required to attend a pre-Baptism instruction session
before the Baptism of their child. These sessions are held in
English in the Conference Hall next to the Church on the second
Sunday of each month following the 10:30 A.M. Mass. The
Spanish instruction sessions are held on the Friday before the
Baptism. To register for Baptism please call or visit the rectory.
You may call the rectory for Chinese or Italian Baptisms.
We welcome the children who were
baptized into our Catholic faith
during the month of
April, 2015:
Leonel Cortes
Jacob Liam Cuvi Pina
Keyla Giselle Cuvi Pina
Faith Naomi Newman
Mikaela Zephyr Mendez
Mia Rose Morreale
Nolan Charles Tany
Allegra Bricen Ricciardelli
Anthony Joseph Scotto
In Jesus Name Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the
Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Divine Mercy Devotions: every Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. in the
Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Prayers for Peace to Our Lady Queen of Peace: Wednesdays
after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
The Legion of Mary: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the
Basilica Conference Center / Room 1.
Prayers for Vocations: Thursdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Prayers to St. Peregrine-Patron Saint of Cancer Patients:
Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in honor of the
Sacred Heart: First Fridays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
St. Padre Pio Prayer Group: First Saturdays 8:30 a.m. for
Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Please keep the
Faith Formation Students,
Candidates and their Families
in your prayers
during the
month of May
as they receive
the Sacraments of
First Holy
and Confirmation.
There is still plenty of time for you to make your
pledge in the Annual Catholic Appeal of the Bishop.
Pledge forms are in the Church and in the Rectory.
We ask every family to try their best to participate
in this important Campaign.
Your generosity will be rewarded.
MAY 3, 2015
From the Pastor's Desk.....
Next Sunday we celebrate Mothers' Day. It is a
beautiful celebration in which we can give some
much deserved honor to our Mothers, living or
deceased. We give them, first of all, the gift of our
prayers to thank God for the gift of life which He
gave to us through our mother and father. It is a
bond which continues even after they die. He chose
only ONE woman to be our mother. It was His
deliberate choice and He knew what He was doing,
even if at times we thought He might have made a
mistake ---especially when we were children not on
our best behavior!
He also gave us His own Mother as His special gift. It
is Mary's day also. In our beautiful Basilica, dedicated to her, we are always
surrounded by artworks and images of her role in the lives of all of us. To
me, it is comforting to know that Mary is always watching over me. She is the
perfect model of trusting in God and obeying His plan for us. Every mother,
young and older, can look to Mary for strength and comfort in difficult times.
In our beautiful Chapel of Mary Mother of the Unborn, you can see the
thousands of prayers written to her by mothers-to-be, asking for her
protection during pregnancy. We have over 75 books filled with the most
beautiful and heart-filled prayers to Mary. The hundreds of baby pictures
which fill our Chapel come of grateful mothers who trusted her maternal
help. That Chapel has also been a powerful instrument to save the lives of
many babies who were almost aborted by women who
had lost hope. She changed their minds and gave
them the happiness they had prayed for and hoped
for. The birth of a baby is a true miracle and the
concrete sign of God's hand in our lives.
We will pray for all our mothers on Mothers' Day and
we will offer special prayers of gratitude to the Mother
of us all.
Msgr. Ronald T. Marino
MAY 3, 2015
Confessiones: Los Domingos después de la Misa de la 9:15 de la mañana en la Basilica de Regina Pacis o con cita contactando Padre Juan Ruiz.
Matrimonios: Favor de contactar la rectoría por lo menos 6 meses antes del Matrimonio.
Bautismos: Se celebran el Segundo Sábado de cada mes. Favor de contactar la rectoría.
Instrucción Religiosa para los Niños: Los padres que quieren inscribir sus niños a las clases de catecismo, llamen a Valentin Canales a
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Los que necesitan recibir el Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación por favor de contactar Valentin
Canales a 347-560-6876.
Hora Santa Lectio Divina: Todos los Martes a las 7:30 de la noche en la Iglesia de Santa Rosalía - 6301 14th Avenue.
Clases de Iniciación Cristiana: Todos los Miercoles a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Clases de Teologia Biblica: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Grupo de Jóvenes -Jornada: Todos los Jueves a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
Centro Familiar: Todos los Viernes a las 7:30 de la noche en Centro de Basilica - 1201 65th Street.
En Sintonía
En la parábola de la vid, Jesús nos dice: "Vosotros sois la vid", sino: "Yo
soy la vid, vosotros los sarmientos". Y esto significa: "Así como los
sarmientos están unidos a la vid, de igual modo vosotros me
pertenecéis. Pero, perteneciendo a mí, pertenecéis también unos a
otros". La Iglesia es esa comunidad de vida con Él y de uno para con el
otro, que está fundada en el Bautismo y se profundiza cada vez más en
la Eucaristía. "Yo soy la verdadera vid", significa en realidad
propiamente: "Yo soy vosotros y vosotros sois yo"; una identificación
inaudita del Señor con nosotros, su Iglesia.
Cristo mismo se presentó a Saulo, el
perseguidor de la Iglesia, antes de llegar a Damasco: "¿Por qué me persigues?". De ese
modo, el Señor señala el destino común que se deriva de la íntima comunión de vida de su
Iglesia con Él, el Cristo resucitado. En este mundo, Él continúa viviendo en su Iglesia.
Parece increíble que el Señor, en el Evangelio, con tan pocas palabras y con tanta
sencillez, nos revele misterios tan profundos y tan sublimes. El misterio de nuestra
inserción a Él por la gracia.
"Yo soy la Vid y vosotros los sarmientos". Nuestro Señor
expuso esta alegoría a sus apóstoles la noche de la Ultima Cena, y con ella nos introduce a
todos los cristianos en el seno de su intimidad divina. Nos está diciendo que estamos
unidos a Él con un vínculo tan profundo y tan vital como los sarmientos están unidos a la
vid. El sarmiento es una parte de la vid, una especie de -emanación- de la misma. Y por
ambos corre la misma savia. Los sarmientos y la vid no son la misma e idéntica realidad como no lo son la raíz y el tallo, aunque forman un único árbol-; son, más bien, la
prolongación de la vid. De esta manera, nuestra unión con Cristo es un reflejo -pero muy
lejano- de la misma vida trinitaria. Dios nos ha amado tanto que quiso hacernos partícipes
de su naturaleza divina La unión del amor que nos une a nuestro Señor Jesucristo es
infinitamente, ha sido por mérito y benevolencia de Cristo hacia nosotros. Ha sido su amor
gratuito y misericordioso el que nos ha comprado y redimido, a través de su sangre
preciosa. Si queremos tener vida en nosotros y llevar frutos de vida eterna, necesariamente
tenemos que permanecer siempre unidos a Cristo: "Como el sarmiento no puede dar fruto
por sí, si no permanece en la vid, así tampoco vosotros, si no permanecéis en mí". Las
palabras de Cristo son profundas para nuestra vida spiritual.
Monday, May 4
7:30 am St. Padre Pio
8:30 am Linda Fotiou
Tuesday, May 5
7:30 am Carmine DeRubeis
8:30 am Stanislao LoMonaco
Wednesday, May 6
7:30 am Vincenzo DiMaggio
8:30 am Members of Regina Pacis Perpetual Mass Assoc.
Thursday, May 7
7:30 am Antonio & Paul Caramano
8:30 am Salvatore, Adele, Giovanni & Enza Petrone
Friday, May 8
7:30 am Rosario Scibilia
8:30 am Josephine & Accursio Licata
Saturday, May 9
8:30 am Paul Caramano (Memorial Mass)
5:00 pm For All Living and Deceased Mothers
7:30 pm For All Living and Deceased Mothers (Spanish)
Sunday, May 10-SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER-Mothers’ Day
8:00 am For All Living and Deceased Mothers
9:15 am For All Living and Deceased Mothers (Spanish)
10:30 am For All Living and Deceased Mothers
12:00 pm For All Living and Deceased Mothers
7:00 pm For All Living and Deceased Mothers
Sunday, May 10-SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER-Mothers’ Day
9:00 am For All Living and Deceased Mothers (Italian)
10:30 am For All Living and Deceased Mothers (Chinese)
MAY 3, 2015
The Holy Father
Dear brothers and
sisters, being the
Church, to be the
People of God, in
accordance with the Father’s great
design of love, means to be the leaven
of God in this humanity of ours. It
means to proclaim and to bring God’s
salvation to this world of ours, so often
led astray, in need of answers that give
courage, hope and new vigor for the
journey. May the Church be a place of
God’s mercy and hope, where all feel
welcomed, loved, forgiven and
encouraged to live according to the
good life of the Gospel. And to make
others feel welcomed, loved, forgiven
and encouraged, the Church must be
with doors wide open so that all may
enter. And we must go out through
these doors and proclaim the Gospel.
DAY, hosted by the Diocese of Brooklyn, will be
held on Wednesday, May 13 at 10 a.m. at the
Marriott in Downtown Brooklyn. FREE and
open to the public. Space is limited and
registration is required. For more information
and to register for the event visit
The Sick of the Parish
Amanda J., Vincent A. Aurigemma,
Baby John Paul Munoz, Carmela
Boccadifuoco, Ann Bosco, Mary
Cannuci, Frances Caridi, Regina Caridi, Vincent Castaldo,
Concetta Coda, Anna Codispoti, Judy Cragnolin, Joe
DeVito & Regina DePaolo & Family, Daniel DiMartino,
Angela Drossinos, James Essman, Mary Essman, Rose
Essman, Vera Fox, T. Guida, Vincent Giordano, Phyllis
Guadagno, A. Jencsik, John Kafkalas, Li Min Kang, Mary
Lamanna, Rose LoBello, Patricia Mayo, Jean Menna,
Catherine Mary Moncello, James Carlos Moncello, Vincent
Moncello, Vito Moncello, Baby Arthur William Norris, Ed
Pisano, Albert Romano, Jason Michael Rousell, Baby
Jayden Alfredo Tlatenchi, Tom Vilardo and William Zang
Please help us update the Prayer List for
The Sick of the Parish by calling the Rectory
to let us know if any of the names on the list
should remain or be deleted.
Thank you.
Andres Uguna
Andrew Arthur Passione
MAY 3, 2015
$25 discount per family
Register before July 1, 2015
Registration Fee is
One child $100, 2 children
$180, 3 children $220
Please bring the following documents:
for new registrations, Baptism Certificate of the
child; Birth Certificate (if not baptized);
if transferring from another Parish, transfer papers
and proof of attendance; Proof of First
Communion; and the Registration Fee.
Contact our Faith Formation Office at
[email protected]
or visit the Rectory Office to register.
Para la Inscripción anticipada hay un descuento de $25
por familia, se aplicará sise Matricula o vuelve a
Matricularse antes de el 30 de junio 2015.
Un hijo $100, dos hijos $180, tres hijos o más $220.
Para la primera Matrícula es necesario tener
Un Certificado de Bautismo. De lo contrario,
debe enviar la hoja de Inscripción de color azul adjunta
antes del 30 de Junio junto con un depósito para obtener
el descuento de familia y asegurar su Matrícula.
ONE LIFE, Youth Ministry
Most Reverend Guy Sansaricq will celebrate the
Sacrament of Confirmation on
Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7:00pm
in the Basilica of Regina Pacis.
Plan to arrive at church at 6:00 pm.
Confirmation Practice dates:
Candidates Only: Sunday, May 3rd at 1:00 to 3:00pm
Candidates Only: Sunday, May 17th at 1:00 to 3:00pm
Candidates and Sponsors: Wednesday, May 20th
7:00- 8:30pm
Rite of Sending Forth
Parents, Sponsors and Candidates
Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 12:00 pm Mass
• MAY 6-Birthday Celebration /
Service Projects 6:30-8:30 pm
• MAY 13-Rosary Night 6:30-8:30 pm
MAY 20-Confirmation Practice 6:30-8:30 pm
MAY 27-Movie Night (please arrive at 6:00 pm)
in the Basilica of Regina Pacis
Saturday, May 30, 2015 at 11:00 am
Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 10:30 am
First Communion Practices:
Thursday, May 14th at 4:00 pm
Tuesday, May 26th at 4:00 pm
Thursday, May 28th at 4:00 pm
Friday, May 22nd at 7:30 pm for
Spanish-speaking First Communion Students
Diocesan Pilgrimage
51st International
Eucharistic Congress
Cebu, Philippines
January 22, 2016—February 1, 2016
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio and
Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Chaplains
Sponsored by:
The Pilgrimage Office, Brooklyn
Filipino Apostolate
Diocese of Brooklyn and
Archdiocese of New York
MAY 3, 2015
already given back!
For every car, truck or van,
running or not, the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul will give back to
St. Rosalia-Regina Pacis
$50/$100 for each vehicle donated.
If you, a family member, friend or neighbor has an old
or neglected vehicle in their driveway that they would
like to dispose of, call the St. Vincent de Paul Society
at 718-491-2525. Thank you for your participation.
For brochure call Peters Way Travel @ 516-605-1551
Diocesan Pilgrimage
The Passion Play in Sordevolo, Italy
Rome, Assisi, Venice, Padua
& the Piamonte Region
September 3—13, 2015
Bishop Chappetto and Msgr. Aguggia
For a brochure call Nettie at Central Holidays
1-800-935-5000 x5244
[email protected]
Bishop Kearney High School
Summer Programs
2202 60th Street, Brooklyn
July 6-10, 9am-1pm Grades 5-8
Fee: $200
July 6-17, 9am-4pm Grades 7-11
Fee: $250 (discount for 7th graders)
July 13-16, 9am-1pm Grades 6-8
Fee: $175
SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 @ 3:00 PM
a wonderful production based on the
early ministry of the Apostles
and the early Church.
For further information please contact
Sts. Simon and Jude Rectory at
Monday—Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm
If you have any
questions, please
call the Rectory.
We look forward to
hearing from you.
July 23-Aug 13 HS Students—Co-Ed
Fee: $275 per Regent
Sept 15-Nov 3, Tuesdays, 4pm-6pm
8th Grade—Co-Ed
Fee: $250
For more information or applications call
718-236-6363 or go to
Restoration of the
Lower Basilica with