Manual Post Implementation Instructions for SAP Note 1980556
Manual Post Implementation Instructions for SAP Note 1980556
Manual Post Implementation Instructions for SAP Note 1980556 CRA: Paid Wage Types Report MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 CREATION OF TEXT ELEMENTS ................................................................................................... 3 2 CREATION OF SELECTION TEXTS ................................................................................................ 4 3 CHANGES OF HR REPORT CATEGORY ....................................................................................... 4 4 CREATION OF GUI TITLE................................................................................................................ 4 5 CREATION OF GUI STATUS ........................................................................................................... 5 6 CHANGES TO CONTENT OF TABLE VIEWS................................................................................. 6 7 CHANGES TO CONTENT OF TABLE VIEWS................................................................................. 7 8 CREATION OF TEXT ELEMENTS ................................................................................................... 7 9 CHANGE THE REPORT TITLE ........................................................................................................ 7 10 CREATE TRANSACTION ................................................................................................................. 7 11 ASSIGN AUTHORIZATION OBJECTS TO TRANSACTION ........................................................... 8 2 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS To perform the following changes, please, log on to the system in ES language. 1 CREATION OF TEXT ELEMENTS 1.1 In transaction SE38, change the Text Elements for the RPC_PAYES_CRA report. 1.2 On the Símbolos de texto tab page, enter the following data: Sím Texto B10 Criterios de selección B20 Datos de etiqueta ETI B30 Opciones L01 Empleados procesados con error/advertencia L02 Empleados procesados con éxito L03 Mensajes generales L04 Fichero TemSe/CRA L05 TemSe L06 Fichero L07 Log técnico L08 Texto expl. concepto retributivo L09 Importe ajustado L10 Seleccionando empleado S11 Periodo de liquidación S21 Identif. sint. mens. S22 Versión sint. mens S23 Identif. sint. proc. S24 Versión sint. proc. S25 Clave autorización S26 Nombre externo del fichero S27 Fecha presentación S28 Hora presentación 1.3 On the Textos de seleción tab page, check the option Referencia Dict for all fields. 1.4 Save your entries. 3 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 2 CREATION OF SELECTION TEXTS 2.1 In transaction SE38, change the Text Elements for the RPC_PAYES_CRA report. 2.2 On the Textos de selección tab page, enter the following data: Nombre Texto P_CLAVE Clave autoriz. RED P_DETAIL Log detallado P_FICNOM Nombre fichero P_MONTH Período de nómina para determi P_PREFEC Fecha presentación P_PREHOR Hora presentación P_SPLIT Desglose por CCC P_STMVER Versión del mensaje P_STPVER Versión del proceso P_STXMSG Identif. del mensaje P_STXPRO Identif. del proceso P_YEAR Año de nómina para determinar S_CCC CCC de la empresa 2.3 3 Save and activate. CHANGES OF HR REPORT CATEGORY 3.1 In transaction SE38, change the Attributes for the RPC_PAYES_CRA report. 3.2 Click on the Clase report HR button 3.3 Select the Datos mtro.(infotupos) radio button and select the __M00003 HR report category 3.4 Activate the report. 4 CREATION OF GUI TITLE 4.1 In transaction SE80, select program RPUTMSE0. 4.2 Right click on Títulos GUI and select Crear. 4.3 Fill the fields according to the table below. Código título Título C01 CRA: Conceptos Retributivos Abonados 4.4 Save and activate. 4 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 5 CREATION OF GUI STATUS 5.1 In transaction SE80, select program RPUTMSE0. 5.2 Right click on Status GUI and select Crear. 5.3 Fill the fields according to the table below. Status Texto breve Tipo de status CRA0 CRA Status diálogo 5.4 Fill the Barra de menus section as shown below. If asked, select the existing function. Lista Pasar a Tratar Utilidades Código Texto Código Texto Código Texto Código Texto PRI Imprimir PICK Seleccionar BACK Atrás DOWN Download %PC Grabar en fich.PC... %SC Buscar SOPM Soporte magnético ----------- %SC+ Continuar búsqueda Finalizar RW Cancelar %EX 5.5 Fill the Barra de pulsadores section as shown below. Is asked, create the new function accordingly or use an existing one. Posiciones 1 -7 PICK ETI DDE TRB CRE DOWN SOPM Texto función Seleccionar ETI DDE TRB CRE Download Soporte magnético Icono ICON_SELE CT_DETAIL ICON_EX PORT Acceso directo C D 5.6 S Fill the Teclas de función section as shown below. Barra de herramientas Icono Función BACK %EX RW PRI %SC 5 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS P-PP+ P++ Definición teclas función recomendada Teclas Función F2 PICK Teclas de función disponibles Teclas Función F5 ETI F6 DDE F7 TRB F8 CRE CTRL-F1 DOWN CTRL-F2 SOPM CTRL-F3 %PC CTRL-F4 %SC CTRL-F5 %SC+ 5.7 5.8 6 Save and activate. Make sure all Teclas de function is active. Otherwise go one by one checking the Function and clicking on “Código func”, setting it to Active. CHANGES TO CONTENT OF TABLE VIEWS 6.1 In transaction SM30, change the V_T52B4 table view. 6.2 Enter the following data: Atributo Valor Texto 6 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS TOA 6.3 7 CRA0E0 CRA TemSe Save your entries. CHANGES TO CONTENT OF TABLE VIEWS 7.1 In transaction SM30, change the T52B5 table view. 7.2 Enter the following data: Categ. Objeto Atributo Valor TMS1 RPUTMSE004 TOA CRA0E0 TMS2 CRA0E0 TOE RPUTMSE0 TMS2 CRA0E0 TOS RPUTMSE0 7.3 8 Save your entries. CREATION OF TEXT ELEMENTS 8.1 In transaction SE38, change the Text Elements for the RPUTMSE0 report. 8.2 On the Símbolos de texto tab page, enter the following data: Sím Texto R29 Tipo de registro DDE R30 Tipo de registro TRB R31 Tipo de registro CRE 8.3 9 Save your entries. CHANGE THE REPORT TITLE 9.1 In transaction SE38, change the Attributes fort he RPC_PAYES_CRA report. 9.2 Set the Título to “CRA: Conceptos Retributivos Abonados”. 9.3 Save and activate. 10 CREATE TRANSACTION 10.1 In transaction SE93, create the PC00_M04_CRA transaction. 10.2 In the Crear transacción window, enter the short text of the transaction: CRA: Conceptos Retributivos Abonados. In the Objeto inicio group box, choose Programa e imagen de seleción (transacción de report). Choose Enter. 7 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 10.3 In the Crear Transacción report screen, in the Programa field, enter the report technical name: RPC_PAYES_CRA. In the Imagen de selección field, enter 1000. In the Capacidad GUI group box, select all the checkboxes. 10.4 Save your entries in package PC04. 11 ASSIGN AUTHORIZATION OBJECTS TO TRANSACTION For releases 604 and 600, follow the steps below. 11.1 Enter transaction SU22. In the Tipo de aplicación field, choose Transacción. In the Código transacción field, enter PC00_M04_CRA. Choose Ejecutar (F8). 8 MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS 11.2 Choose the Visualizar <-> Modificar (Ctrl + F1) button to enter the edit mode. 11.3 The S_TCODE authorization object is automatically assigned. For this authorization object, change the Propuesta field to SÍ and choose Enter. Change the Propuesta field back to NO and choose Enter. The S_TCODE authorization object should have status green. 11.4 Choose the Añadir objeto de autorización button. In the Objeto de autorización field, enter P_ABAP and choose Enter. Change the Propuesta field to NO and choose Enter. In the Valores propuesta actualización (Para objetos autorización seleccionado box, choose the Tomar button. 11.5 Choose the Añadir objeto de autorización button. In the Objeto de autorización field, enter P_PCLX and choose Enter. Change the Propuesta field to NO and choose Enter. In the Valores propuesta actualización (Para objetos autorización seleccionado box, choose the Tomar button. 11.6 Choose the Añadir objeto de autorización button. In the Objeto de autorización field, enter S_GUI and choose Enter. Change the Propuesta field to SÍ and choose Enter. In the Valores propuesta actualización (Para objetos autorización seleccionado box, choose the Tomar button. 11.7 Save and check if the values look like on the following image: 9 © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. National product specifications may vary. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies (“SAP Group”) for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices.